Feel free to reach out to me at CodeAllNight@outlook.com with any questions or leave them in the [issues section](https://github.com/jamisonderek/flipper-zero-tutorials/issues) for this project.
[tutorial](./firmware/updating/README.md) - The Flipper Zero makes updating the firmware simple and fairly safe. It is easy to build your own firmware as well using the fbt command.
[tutorial](./subghz/plugins/subghz_demo/README.md) - This is a demonstration of sending & receiving radio signals using the subghz_tx_rx worker library.
This is a two player game that uses the subghz_tx_rx worker library for communication. Two Flipper Zeros running this game can play Rock, Paper, Scissors against each other!
[project](./subghz/protocols/x10/README.md) - This is a protocol decoder for the Flipper Zero to decode the x10 series of devices when doing a read from the Sub-GHz menu.