Demo of GPIO interrupt
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@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ Feel free to reach out to me at with any questions or l
### gpio-gpio-polling-demo
[tutorial](./gpio/gpio_polling_demo/ - This is a "hello world" demonstration of reading a GPIO pin using polling.
### gpio-gpio-interrupt-demo
[tutorial](./gpio/gpio_interrupt_demo/ - This is a "hello world" demonstration of triggering a callback when a GPIO pin transitions from VCC to GND.
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## Introduction
This is a basic demo of using GPIO interrupts.
## Installation Directions
This project is intended to be overlayed on top of an existing firmware repo.
- Clone, Build & Deploy an existing flipper zero firmware repo. See this [tutorial](/firmware/updating/ for updating firmware.
- Copy the "gpio_interrupt_demo" [folder](..) to the \applications\plugins\gpio_interrupt_demo folder in your firmware.
- Build & deploy the firmware. See this [tutorial](/firmware/updating/ for updating firmware.
- NOTE: You can also extract the gpio_interrupt_demo.FAP from resources.tar file and use qFlipper to copy the file to the SD Card/apps/Misc folder.
## Connecting the hardware
GPIO pin C3 is our interrupt pin (with internal pull-up resistor). I connect pin
to a 220 ohm resistor and then the other side of the resistor to one side of a
momentary switch. Other side of the switch connects to our GND pin.
GPIO A7, A6 and A4 connect to 220ohm resistors then the + or - pins of LED...
LED1: +A7 -A6
LED2: +A6 -A7
LED3: +A7 -A4
LED4: +A4 -A7
LED5: +A6 -A4
LED6: +A4 -A6
## Running the updated firmware
These directions assume you are starting at the flipper desktop. If not, please press the back button until you are at the desktop.
- Press the OK button on the flipper to pull up the main menu.
- Choose "Applications" from the menu.
- Choose "GPIO" from the sub-menu.
- Choose "GPIO Interrupt Demo"
- Message "GND pin C3 to stop." should display
- LEDs should blink in order.
- press switch (or connect wire/resistor between C3 and GND)
- LEDs should stop and display should say "Stopped on LED 4." (or whatever LED was lit.)
- Press DOWN button on Flipper Zero to start over.
- Press the BACK button to exit.
## How it works
- application.fam
- See [basic demo](../../plugins/basic/ for explanation.
- basic_demo.png
- See [basic demo](../../plugins/basic/ for explanation.
- basic_demo_app.c
- GPIO specific code:
- furi_hal_gpio_init(&gpio_ext_pc3, GpioModeInterruptFall, GpioPullUp, GpioSpeedVeryHigh);
- gpio_ext_pc3 is the GPIO pin we are using for interrupt input.
- GpioModeInterruptFall - means trigger callback on falling edge (VCC->GND)
- GpioModeInterruptRise - means trigger callback on rising edge (GND->VCC)
- GpioModeInterruptRiseFall - means trigger callback on either edge
- GpioPullUp - Means enable internal pull-up resistor between VCC and pin.
- GpioPullDown - Means enable internal pull-down resistor between GND and pin.
- GpioPullNo - Means do not enable internal pull-up/pull-down resistor.
- GpioSpeedVeryHigh - priority of input?
- furi_hal_gpio_add_int_callback(&gpio_ext_pc3, demo_gpio_fall_callback, NULL);
- gpio_ext_pc3 is the GPIO pin we are using for interrupt input.
- second parameter is callback with signature: "void fnName(void* ctx)"
- third parameter is object to pass into callback for context (or NULL if no object).
- once furi_hal_gpio_add_int_callback is invoked, the callback is enabled.
- demo_gpio_fall_callback(void* ctx)
- this method gets invoked by our callback (because of previous add_int_callback) wheneven pin C3 gets pulled to GND.
- interrupt callbacks should try to do mininal amount of processing.
- furi_hal_gpio_remove_int_callback(&gpio_ext_pc3);
- removes the callback, so method is no longer invoked on pin transistion.
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name="GPIO Interrupt Demo",
requires=["gui", "gpio"],
stack_size=2 * 1024,
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Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.8 KiB |
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This is a GPIO interrupt demo for the Flipper Zero. The goal of this project is
to show how interrupt GPIO input can be used in your own application.
GPIO pin C3 is our interrupt pin (with internal pull-up resistor). I connect pin
to a 220 ohm resistor and then the other side of the resistor to one side of a
momentary switch. Other side of the switch connects to our GND pin.
GPIO A7, A6 and A4 connect to 220ohm resistors then the + or - pins of LED...
LED1: +A7 -A6
LED2: +A6 -A7
LED3: +A7 -A4
LED4: +A4 -A7
LED5: +A6 -A4
LED6: +A4 -A6
LEDs blink in order. When switch is pressed, pin C3 transitions from VCC to GND and the
interrupt callback method gets invoked. This copies the current LED number into the
selected LED (which stops LEDs from blinking). Pressing down button clears selected LED,
so LEDs start again.
#include <furi.h>
#include <furi_hal.h>
#include <furi_hal_gpio.h>
#include <furi_hal_resources.h>
#include <gui/gui.h>
#include <locale/locale.h>
#define TAG "gpio_interrupt_demo_app"
typedef enum {
// You can add additional events here.
} DemoEventType;
typedef struct {
DemoEventType type; // The reason for this event.
InputEvent input; // This data is specific to keypress data.
// You can add additional data that is helpful for your events.
} DemoEvent;
typedef struct {
FuriString* buffer;
// You can add additional state here.
} DemoData;
typedef struct {
FuriMessageQueue* queue; // Message queue (DemoEvent items to process).
FuriMutex* mutex; // Used to provide thread safe access to data.
DemoData* data; // Data accessed by multiple threads (acquire the mutex before accessing!)
} DemoContext;
static uint8_t currentLed; // The current LED to light (1-6)
static uint8_t selectedLed; // The LED at the time of GPIO interrupt (or 0 if none).
// Invoked when input (button press) is detected.
// We queue a message and then return to the caller.
// @input_event the button that triggered the callback.
// @queue our message queue.
static void demo_input_callback(InputEvent* input_event, FuriMessageQueue* queue) {
DemoEvent event = {.type = DemoEventTypeKey, .input = *input_event};
furi_message_queue_put(queue, &event, FuriWaitForever);
// Invoked from our timer. We queue a message and then return to the caller.
// @ctx our message queue.
static void demo_tick(void* ctx) {
FuriMessageQueue* queue = ctx;
DemoEvent event = {.type = DemoEventTypeTick};
furi_message_queue_put(queue, &event, 0);
// Invoked when our GPIO pin transitions from VCC to GND.
// @ctx unused for this method.
static void demo_gpio_fall_callback(void* ctx) {
selectedLed = currentLed;
// Invoked by the draw callback to render the screen.
// We render our UI on the callback thread.
// @canvas the surface to render our UI
// @ctx a pointer to a DemoContext object.
static void demo_render_callback(Canvas* canvas, void* ctx) {
// Attempt to aquire context, so we can read the data.
DemoContext* demo_context = ctx;
if(furi_mutex_acquire(demo_context->mutex, 200) != FuriStatusOk) {
DemoData* data = demo_context->data;
if(selectedLed) {
furi_string_printf(data->buffer, "Stopped on LED %d.", selectedLed);
} else {
furi_string_printf(data->buffer, "GND pin C3 to stop.");
canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary);
canvas, 10, 20, AlignLeft, AlignTop, furi_string_get_cstr(data->buffer));
// Release the context, so other threads can update the data.
// Turns on one of the LEDs.
// @pin the LED to turn on (value of 1-6)
void update_led(uint8_t led) {
if(led == 1 || led == 3) {
// Pin A7 is 3.3 volts for LED 1 & 3.
furi_hal_gpio_init(&gpio_ext_pa7, GpioModeOutputPushPull, GpioPullNo, GpioSpeedLow);
furi_hal_gpio_write(&gpio_ext_pa7, true);
} else {
furi_hal_gpio_init(&gpio_ext_pa7, GpioModeOutputOpenDrain, GpioPullNo, GpioSpeedLow);
// Pin A7 is GND (false) for LED 2 & 4.
furi_hal_gpio_write(&gpio_ext_pa7, !(led == 2 || led == 4));
if(led == 2 || led == 5) {
// Pin A6 is 3.3 volts for LED 2 & 5.
furi_hal_gpio_init(&gpio_ext_pa6, GpioModeOutputPushPull, GpioPullNo, GpioSpeedLow);
furi_hal_gpio_write(&gpio_ext_pa6, true);
} else {
furi_hal_gpio_init(&gpio_ext_pa6, GpioModeOutputOpenDrain, GpioPullNo, GpioSpeedLow);
// Pin A6 is GND (false) for LED 1 & 6.
furi_hal_gpio_write(&gpio_ext_pa6, !(led == 1 || led == 6));
if(led == 4 || led == 6) {
// Pin A4 is 3.3 volts for LED 4 & 6.
furi_hal_gpio_init(&gpio_ext_pa4, GpioModeOutputPushPull, GpioPullNo, GpioSpeedLow);
furi_hal_gpio_write(&gpio_ext_pa4, true);
} else {
furi_hal_gpio_init(&gpio_ext_pa4, GpioModeOutputOpenDrain, GpioPullNo, GpioSpeedLow);
// Pin A4 is GND (false) for LED 3 & 5.
furi_hal_gpio_write(&gpio_ext_pa4, !(led == 3 || led == 5));
// Disconnects a GpioPin via OutputOpenDrive, PushPullNo, output true.
// @pin pointer to GpioPin to disconnect.
void disconnect_pin(const GpioPin* pin) {
furi_hal_gpio_init(pin, GpioModeOutputOpenDrain, GpioPullNo, GpioSpeedLow);
furi_hal_gpio_write(pin, true);
// Program entry point
int32_t gpio_interrupt_demo_app(void* p) {
// Configure our initial data.
DemoContext* demo_context = malloc(sizeof(DemoContext));
demo_context->mutex = furi_mutex_alloc(FuriMutexTypeNormal);
demo_context->data = malloc(sizeof(DemoData));
demo_context->data->buffer = furi_string_alloc();
// Queue for events (tick or input)
demo_context->queue = furi_message_queue_alloc(8, sizeof(DemoEvent));
// LEDs connected on GPIO output pins (A7, A6, A4) via 220 ohm resistors.
currentLed = 1;
selectedLed = 0;
// GPIO pin (C3) is pull-up to VCC. Add switch to ground for change in value.
// I use 220ohm resistor from switch to C3 (but optional if you are SURE
// the pin is in input/interrupt mode).
// GpioModeInterruptRiseFall means callback invoked when going from VCC (from our
// pull-up resistor) to GND.
// NOTE: You can use GpioModeInterruptRise for invoking on a GND->VCC and
// GpioModeInterruptRiseFall for invoking on both transitions.
furi_hal_gpio_init(&gpio_ext_pc3, GpioModeInterruptFall, GpioPullUp, GpioSpeedVeryHigh);
// NOTE: "add_int_callback" does "enable_int_callback" automatically.
// For the 3rd parameter, you can pass any object that you want to be passed
// to your callback method.
furi_hal_gpio_add_int_callback(&gpio_ext_pc3, demo_gpio_fall_callback, NULL);
// Timer triggers every 70ms (incrementing our current LED).
FuriTimer* timer = furi_timer_alloc(demo_tick, FuriTimerTypePeriodic, demo_context->queue);
furi_timer_start(timer, 70);
// Set ViewPort callbacks
ViewPort* view_port = view_port_alloc();
view_port_draw_callback_set(view_port, demo_render_callback, demo_context);
view_port_input_callback_set(view_port, demo_input_callback, demo_context->queue);
// Open GUI and register view_port
Gui* gui = furi_record_open(RECORD_GUI);
gui_add_view_port(gui, view_port, GuiLayerFullscreen);
// Main loop
DemoEvent event;
bool processing = true;
do {
if(furi_message_queue_get(demo_context->queue, &event, 1000) == FuriStatusOk) {
FURI_LOG_T(TAG, "Got event type: %d", event.type);
switch(event.type) {
case DemoEventTypeKey:
// Short press of back button exits the program.
if(event.input.type == InputTypeShort && event.input.key == InputKeyBack) {
FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "Short-Back pressed. Exiting program.");
processing = false;
} else if(event.input.type == InputTypeShort && event.input.key == InputKeyDown) {
// Clear our LED stop value.
selectedLed = 0;
case DemoEventTypeTick:
if(selectedLed == 0) {
if(++currentLed > 6) {
currentLed = 1;
// Send signal to update the screen (callback will get invoked at some point later.)
} while(processing);
// Free resources
// Pull all pins open.
view_port_enabled_set(view_port, false);
gui_remove_view_port(gui, view_port);
return 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user