Add Files

This commit is contained in:
hahaTT 2024-02-23 19:50:20 +08:00
parent 5d0198bd28
commit 8c29476b54
6 changed files with 0 additions and 330 deletions

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
type: parsed
protocol: SIRC15
address: D4 00 00 00
command: 15 00 00 00
name: Marshall
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 44 00 00 00
command: 1B 00 00 00

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: Xbox
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 80 D8 00 00
command: 2F D0 00 00
name: PS2_Slim
type: parsed
protocol: SIRC20
address: 5A 1B 00 00
command: 15 00 00 00

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: BenQ
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 60 30 00 00
command: 02 FD 00 00
name: Clinton
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 42 BF 00 00
command: 12 ED 00 00
name: Loncevon
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 00 00 00 00

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: Sony
type: parsed
protocol: SIRC
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 15 00 00 00
name: Bose1
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 1042 1461 540 1460 541 1460 541 1460 541 1459 542 1459 542 454 536 460 540 456 544 452 538 458 542 454 546 450 540 456 544 1457 544 1456 545 1448 542 50531 1041 1462 539 1462 539 1461 540 1461 540 1460 541 1460 541 455 545 451 539 457 543 480 510 459 541 481 519 451 539 457 543 1457 543 1457 544 1449 541 50515 1037 1467 544 1456 545 1456 545 1455 546 1455 535 1465 536 486 514 483 517 479 511 485 515 481 509 487 513 483 517 478 512 1462 539 1462 539 1454 536 50537 1035 1467 544 1457 544 1457 544 1456 545 1456 544 1456 545 477 513 483 517 479 511 486 514 481 519 477 513 484 516 479 511 1464 536 1463 538 1455 546
name: Bose2
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 1010 1491 509 1490 510 1488 512 487 513 487 513 1486 514 1485 515 484 516 1483 517 482 518 482 518 1481 509 1489 511 488 512 487 513 1486 514 484 516 50963 1011 1489 511 1488 512 1487 513 485 515 486 514 1485 515 1484 516 484 516 1483 517 482 518 482 518 1481 509 1489 511 489 511 489 511 1487 513 486 514 50986 1008 1492 518 1480 510 1488 512 487 513 487 513 1486 514 1484 516 484 516 1483 517 482 518 481 519 1480 510 1488 512 487 513 487 513 1486 514 484 516 50972 1012 1488 512 1486 514 1484 516 483 517 483 517 1482 518 1480 510 489 511 1487 513 486 514 486 514 1485 515 1483 517 483 517 483 517 1481 509 490 510 50976 1008 1491 509 1489 511 1487 513 485 515 485 515 1484 516 1481 509 491 509 1489 511 488 512 488 512 1487 513 1485 515 484 516 484 516 1483 517 481 509
name: Bose3
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 1011 1479 517 477 516 481 512 1480 516 1473 513 482 511 485 518 1473 513 482 511 1481 515 1474 512 482 511 485 518 1473 513 1477 509 486 517 1473 513 50728 1014 1475 511 484 509 487 516 1475 511 1479 517 477 516 480 513 1478 508 487 516 1475 511 1479 517 478 514 480 513 1479 517 1473 513 508 484 1479 517 50725 1016 1473 513 481 512 484 519 1473 513 1477 509 485 518 478 515 1476 510 485 518 1473 513 1477 509 486 517 478 515 1476 510 1480 516 479 514 1476 510 50735 1069 1421 513 481 512 484 509 1483 513 1477 509 486 517 479 514 1477 509 486 517 1474 512 1479 507 488 515 480 513 1479 507 1483 513 482 511 1479 517 50733 1011 1478 508 513 490 506 486 1478 508 1483 513 508 485 511 482 1482 514 508 485 1480 516 1473 513 508 485 511 482 1483 513 1477 509 512 491 1473 513 50735 1008 1480 516 479 514 508 485 1480 516 1474 512 509 484 486 517 1472 514 508 485 1480 516 1474 512 509 484 512 481 1482 514 1477 509 512 491 1472 514 50738 1006 1509 487 508 485 486 507 1509 487 1503 483 513 490 505 488 1502 484 512 491 1473 513 1503 483 512 491 505 488 1476 510 1507 489 506 487 1503 483
name: Aurora
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 45 00 00 00
name: JBL_1
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 86 FF 00 00
command: 1B E4 00 00
name: JBL_2
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 07 00 00 00
name: Logitech
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 02 A0 00 00
command: 80 7F 00 00
name: Samsung
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3309 1906 410 1178 411 1177 412 416 435 445 406 448 414 440 411 1150 439 415 436 1178 411 1177 412 442 409 444 407 1181 408 419 432 1182 407 420 442 1146 433 448 414 440 411 442 409 444 407 446 416 438 413 441 410 443 408 419 432 1182 407 446 405 422 440 414 437 416 435 445 406 1181 408 446 405 448 414 440 411 442 409 418 433 446 416 438 413 1175 414 413 438 1176 413 414 437 443 408 419 432 421 441 413 438 42493 3308 3343 355 43011 3309 3316 382 43009 3310 3314 384 43007 3303 3347 361
name: Sony
type: parsed
protocol: SIRC
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 15 00 00 00

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: HisenseRK
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 86 05 00 00
command: 0F F0 00 00
name: OnnRK
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 17 E8 00 00
name: Samsung
type: parsed
protocol: Samsung32
address: 07 00 00 00
command: 02 00 00 00
name: AndroidTV
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 01 00 00 00
command: 40 00 00 00
name: Bose
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: BA A0 00 00
command: 4C B3 00 00
name: Emerson
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 84 E0 00 00
command: 20 DF 00 00
name: LG4K
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 04 00 00 00
command: 08 00 00 00
name: Phillips
type: parsed
protocol: RC6
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 0C 00 00 00
name: RCA
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 182 7827 172 2332 177 2328 181 2323 176 2330 179 1309 175 1331 174 2331 178 1328 177 2328 181 1307 177 2327 182 1325 180 1326 179 1309 176 1331 174 1332 173 2333 176 2310 178 1328 177 2328 181 1325 180 2306 182 1325 180 2325 174 8340 183 7825 175 2330 179 2326 173 2333 176 2310 178 1328 177 1329 176 2329 180 1308 176 2329 180 1326 179 2326 173 1334 182 1306 179 1328 177 1329 176 1312 183 2322 177 2329 180 1326 179 2325 174 1315 180 2326 173 1333 183 2323 176 8339 183 7824 175 2330 179 2307 181 2324 175 2331 178 1328 177 1330 175 2311 177 1329 176 2329 180 1326 179 2327 182 1305 179 1328 177 1328 177 1311 173 1334 182 2323 176 2330 179 1326 571 1916 180 1327 178 2325 587 920 575 1930 579
name: Sony
type: parsed
protocol: SIRC
address: 01 00 00 00
command: 15 00 00 00
name: Toshiba
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 40 00 00 00
command: 12 00 00 00
name: ToshibaFS
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 02 7D 00 00
command: 46 B9 00 00
name: Vizio
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 04 00 00 00
command: 08 00 00 00
name: Medion
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 19 00 00 00
command: 18 00 00 00
name: Telefunken
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 01 00 00 00
command: 0C 00 00 00

View File

@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: POWER
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 17 E8 00 00
name: Back
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 66 99 00 00
name: Home
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 03 FC 00 00
name: Volume Up
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 0F F0 00 00
name: Volume Down
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 10 EF 00 00
name: MUTE
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 20 DF 00 00
name: Up
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 19 E6 00 00
name: Down
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 33 CC 00 00
name: Left
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 1E E1 00 00
name: Right
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 2D D2 00 00
name: Ok
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 2A D5 00 00
name: Again
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 78 87 00 00
name: Sleep
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 62 9D 00 00
name: Star
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 61 9E 00 00
name: Rewind
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 34 CB 00 00
name: Play/Pause
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 4C B3 00 00
name: Fast Forward
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 55 AA 00 00
name: Netflix
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 52 AD 00 00
name: Disney
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 0C F3 00 00
name: Hulu
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 4D B2 00 00
name: Vudu
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 08 F7 00 00