2021-11-24 02:02:34 -08:00

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**[Table of Contents](** - *For mobile users*
# ► Learning / Cheat Sheets
* **[The Odin Project](** - *Web Dev Tutorials / Courses*
* **[O'Reilly](** - *Tech / Programming / Courses / Infinite trial by clearing cookies & making new account*
* **[freeCodeCamp](** - *Programming / Courses / Interactive*
* **[Programming Book Sites](** - *Read / Download Programming Books*
* [Oh My Git!](, [2]( - *Git Learning Game*
* [Developer.Mozilla]( - *Developer Resources*
* [DZone]( - *Developer Tutorials*
* [RedHat]( - *Development Tutorials*
* [Roadmap]( - *Developer Roadmaps / Guides*
* [Python Discord]( - *Python Learning Resources*
* [30 Days Of Python]( - *Python Guide*
* [CodingBat]( - *Python / Java Practice*
* [Java Beginners]( - *Java Tutorials*
* [Python4Everyone]( - *Python Lessons*
* [A Byte of Python]( - *Learn Python*
* [High Performance Python: The Code]( - *Python Lessons*
* [Real Python]( - *Python Tutorials*
* [A Practical Introduction to Python]( - *Python Course*
* [Tea Press]( - *Free Python Learning Books Green*
* []( - *VS Code Tutorials*
* [Aquent Gymnasium]( - *Courses*
* [SchoolOfHaskell]( - *Haskell Tutorials*
* [QuickRef.ME](, [Dark Hamster]( or [Devhints]( - *Developer Cheat Sheets*
* []( - *Command-Line Cheat Sheet*
* []( - *Match Command-Line Arguments to Help Text*
* [Programiz]( - *Programming / Coding Tutorials*
* [GeeksforGeeks]( - *Programming / Coding Tutorials*
* [A-to-Z-Resources-for-Students]( - *Coding Learning Resources*
* [30 Seconds of Code]( - *Coding Snippets / Guides*
* [RoboMind]( - *Code Learning Game*
* [Tuts 4 You]( - *Coding / Developer Tutorials*
* [PythonTutor]( - *Coding Tutorials*
* [VSCodeCanDoThat]( - *VSCode Tutorial*
* [Awesome Cheatsheets]( - *Cheat Sheets / Programming / Frameworks / Dev Tools*
* [Awesome Learn To Code]( - *Resources For Learning To Code*
* [EbookFoundation Interactive Programming Tuts]( - *Interactive Programming Tutorials*
* [Exercism]( - *Programming Lessons*
* [Nayuki]( - *Programming Tutorials*
* []( - *Programing Tutorials*
* [Phrozen]( - *Programming Guides*
* [Use My Notes]( - *Programming Tutorials*
* [build-your-own-x]( - *Programming Tutorials*
* [Ultimate Programming]( - *Programming Tutorials*
* [FCS]( - *Programing Tutorials*
* [w3schools]( - *Programing Tutorials*
* [Learn to Program]( - *Programming Courses*
* [HelloWorldCollection]( - *Hello World Programming Collection*
* [VisualGo]( - *Data Structures & Algorithm Animations*
* [HTMLDog]( - *HTML / CSS / JavaScript Tutorials*
* [Learn to Code HTML & CSS]( - *HTML & CSS Tutorials*
* [VIM Adventures]( - *VIM Learning Game*
* [Learn C]( - *C Tutorial*
* [HowIStart C++]( - *C++ Setup Guide*
* [The Algorithms - C++]( - *C++ Algorithm Collection*
* [Quick-R]( - *R Tutorials*
* [Advanced R]( - *R Guide / [Solutions](*
* [R Packages]( - *R Packages Guide*
* [R for Data Science]( - *R Data Science Guide*
* [ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis]( - *ggplot2 Guide*
* [Learn Crystal in a Day]( - *Crystal Programming Tutorial*
* [RubyMonk]( - *Ruby Tutorials*
* [Learn to Program]( - *Ruby Tutorials*
* []( - *Go Tutorial*
* [HowIStart Go]( - *Go Setup Guide*
* [The Rust Programming Language]( - *Rust Programming Guidebook*
* []( - *JavaScript Guide*
* [You Don't Know JS]( - *Javascript Learning Books*
* [EloquentJavascript]( or [Grasshopper]( - *Learn Javascript*
* [JavaScriptQuiz]( - *JavaScript Quiz*
* [Node.js Best Practices]( - *Node.js Guide / Tips*
* [You-Dont-Need-jQuery]( - *Javascript Query Style Events Guide*
* [Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide]( - *Airbnb JavaScript Guide*
* [Simple Regex]( - *Regex Tutorial*
* [ReGeX]( - *ReGeX Learning Game / Android*
* [ReFrF]( or []( - *Learn Regex*
* [FlexBoxFroggy]( - *CSS Learning Game*
* [Codecademy]( - *Coding Lessons*
* [CodinGame]( - *Games to Practice Coding / Programming*
* [Curated Programming Resources]( - *Programming Courses*
* [Stack Exchange]( - *Programming Q&A*
* [Learn X in Y minutes]( - *Programming Language Rundowns*
* []( - *Typing Practice for Programmers*
* [Karel The Robot]( - *Basic Programming Teaching Environment*
* [Katacoda]( - *Software Engineer Tutorials*
* [Interview University]( - *Software Engineer Study Guide Coding*
* [Hacksplaining]( - *Developer Security Lessons*
* [Publish Something Online]( - *Site Development Guides*
* [LandChad]( - *Site Development Guide*
* [Web Dev Courses]( - *Web Development Courses*
* [UI & Web Design using Adobe Illustrator C]( - *UI & Webdesign Course*
* [Web Skills]( - *Web Development Guides*
* [666GB Devil Collection]( - *Web App Development Courses*
* [WeCreators]( - *Site Development / Influencer Courses*
* [How-to Host Questionable Websites]( - *Guide / [PDF](*
* [Learn Git Branching]( - *Interactive Git Branching Guide*
* [Learn SQL]( or [Top Database Bundle]( - *SQL Lessons*
* [PostgreSQL Tutorial]( - *PostgreSQL Tutorial*
* [MySQL Tutorial]( - *MySQL Tutorial*
* [MongoDB Beginners Guide]( - *MongoDB Tutorials*
* [LearnCSSGrid]( - *CSS Grid Guide*
* [FlexBoxFroggy]( - *CSS Learning Game*
* Comic Lessons - [DNS]( / [DNSSEC]( / [HTTPS](
* [Discord.js Guide]( - *Discord.js Bot Guide*
* [vcokltfre]( - * Bot Guide*
# ► Developer Tools
* **[](** - *Programming / Development GitHub Lists*
* []( or []( - *Developer Tools*
* [WebdevHome](, [Free Dev stuff]( or [Tiny Tools]( - *Programming / Developer Tools*
* [ReverseEagle](, [2]( - *Privacy Focused Developer Software*
* [Open Source Alternatives]( - *Open Source Development Software*
* [Student Developer Pack]( - *Free Developer Tools for Students*
* [Libera Chat]( - *IRC Network for Project Collaboration*
* [CodeProject](, [DEV Community]( or [Blind]( - *Developer Forum*
* [The Devs Network]( - *Developer Chat*
* []( - *Replace New Tab Page with Developer Articles*
* [Laws of UX]( - *Maxims / Principles for UI Designers*
* [UI Coach]( - *UI Design Challenge Generator*
* [Responsively]( - *Responsive Dev Design Tool*
* [ReadMeTemplate]( - *README Template*
* [codex-readme]( - *Generate README with AI*
* [ChooseALicense]( - *List of Open Source License's & Help Choosing Them*
* [MKLicense]( - *License Generation CLI*
* [Console]( - *Subscribe to a List of Open Source Projects*
* [RapidAPI]( - *API Platform*
* [Pipedream]( - *Connect APIs / [Tutorial](*
* [Perspective API]( - *Toxicity Reduction API*
* []( - *Webhook Tool*
* [GetLorem]( - *Filler Text Generator*
* [Scoop]( - *Content Curation Tool*
* [WebSequenceDiagrams]( - *Draw Sequence Diagrams*
* [ASCII Flow]( - *Draw ASCII Diagrams*
* [MinIO]( - *Cloud Native Object Storage*
* [Thanos]( - *Open Source Prometheus Setup / [GitHub](*
* [Ainize]( - *Launchpad for open-source AI projects*
* [DBeaver]( - *Universal Database Tool*
* [Awesome Big Data]( - *Big Data Resource Index*
* [DoIt]( - *SQL Database*
* []( - *Package, Framework & Tool Search*
* []( - *Open-Source Package Search*
* [PackageCloud]( - *Package Manager / Deployment*
* [WebInstall]( - *Easily Install Dev Packages*
* [Balena]( - *Build / Manage IoT Groups*
* [Awesome Bug Bounty]( - *Bug Bounty Resources*
* [Awesome CTF]( - *CTF Resources*
* [API List](, []( or [Public APIs]( / [2]( - *API index*
* [Awesome Microservices]( - *Microservice Architecture Resource Index*
* [LibreLogos]( - *Project Logos*
* []( - *Placeholder Images*
* [CFDocs]( - *CFML Documentation Reference*
* [CoreFTP]( - *FTP Client*
* [Cumcord]( - *Discord Developer Client Mod / [Discord](*
* [Discord Developer Portal]( - *Integrate Services with Discord*
* [CodeBlockLang]( - *Discord Code Blocks*
* [Discord4J]( or [Diskord]( / [GitHub]( - *Discord API Wrapper*
* [Discord-panel]( - *Discord Bot Server Manager*
* [Javacord]( - *Discord Bot Creation Library*
* [Pylon]( - *Discord Bot Builder*
* [Sleepy Discord]( - *C++ Library for Discord*
* [reddit-moderator-toolbox]( - *Toolbox for Reddit Extension Development*
* [XunLei]( - *Shared Computing / Blockchain*
* [PlacesToPostYourStartup]( - *Sites to Post Your Startup*
* [500+ Free Tools For Startups](
* [Wokwi]( - *Arduino / ESP32 Board Simulator*
## ▷ Site Development
* **[Free Webhosting Sites](**
* [Free DNS Servers](
* [Website Planet Tools]( - *Site Development Tools*
* [Uncensorable Publishing]( - *Create Hard to Censor Sites*
* [design-resources-for-developers](, [Freebies.ByPeople](, [HiddenTools](, [Graphic Design Elements](, [ImCreator](, [UIOnline](, [psddd]( or [Freebiesbug]( - *Web Design Resources*
* [webdev]( - *Web Developer Multireddit*
* [xWebTools]( - *Web Developer Tools*
* [CuratedSEOTools](, [BulkLink]( or [SEO Tools]( - *Search Engine Optimization Tools*
* [Charles 3]( - *Web Debugging Proxy App*
* [Tabler]( - *Site Admin Dashboard*
* [Geekflare Tools]( - *Site Testing Tools*
* [UXTweak]( - *Website Design Usability Improvement Tool*
* [Rest Test Test]( - *Test REST/CORS Services*
* [httpbin]( - *HTTP Request & Response Service*
* [RemoteMySQL]( - *Remote MySQL Database*
* [DB4Free]( - *MySQL Testing*
* [PooShock]( - *Apache 2 Test Page*
* [WebAuthn]( - *Data Security Authentication API*
* [Spiderfoot]( - *Automate OSINT*
* [Site Analytics]( - *Traffic Stats & Info*
* [ Tools](, [Webrate](, [Website.informer](, [IPV4Info](, [Network Tools]( or [WebsiteScoop]( - *Domain Info / IP Tools*
* [Namechk](, [NameCheckr](, [Username Checker](, [CheckUserNames](, [NameCheckup]( or [IUS]( - *Username Availability Check*
* [Pyfunceble](, [](, [](, [v3WhoIs](, [DomComp]( or [Domainr]( - *Domain Availability Check*
* [WorthBuck]( - *Domain Price Estimations*
* [UseMe]( - *Ping Website*
* [Measure]( - *Site Functionality Testing*
* [Responsivize]( - *Website Responsiveness Test*
* [PageSpeed]( - *Test Webpage Speed*
* [Shisho]( - *Infrastructure Code Security Patcher*
* [HTTPLeaks]( - *All the ways HTTP Sites can Leak*
* [Front-End Checklist]( - *Front-End Checklist*
* [Flounder]( - *Gemini Website Builder / [GitHub](*
* [GoHugo](, [Potion]( or [8b]( - *Website Creator*
* [ProjectVisBug]( - *Webpage Editor*
* [Plunker]( - *Prototype / Test Websites Ideas*
* [Temper]( - *Simple HTML Site Creator*
* [Bootstrap]( - *Mobile Site Creator / [Icons]( / [Snippets](*
* [Brython]( - *Python 3 Web Scripting Language*
* [Jamstack Generators]( - *Static Site Generators*
* [Sketch2Code]( - *Convert Hand-Drawn Designs into HTML*
* [Straw.Page]( - *Simple Site Creator*
* [TheDev]( - *Free Static Personal Sites*
* [LocalXpose]( - *Reverse Proxy*
* [BuiltWith]( - *Find Out What Sites are Built With*
* [Bootstrap]( or [TheMeWagon]( - *Website Templates & Themes*
* [Elements Envato]( or [PsdRepo]( - *Templates, Mockups, Logos, Video*
* [Uisual]( - *Landing Page Templates*
* [Canva]( or [PikBest]( - *Design Templates / [Premium Apk](*
* [Boilerplate]( - *Website Frontend Template HTML5*
* [Undraw]( or [free-css-templates]( - *Site Templates*
* [HTML5 Temp]( - *HTML5 Templates & Themes*
* [CSS Bed]( - *CSS Themes*
* [Typewolf]( - *Trending Website Fonts*
* [GalleryProject]( - *Manage / Host Photos on Website*
* [PublishThisEmail]( - *Email Based Website Builder*
* [Mobile-Friendly]( - *Mobile Friendly Page Test*
* [RealFaviconGenerator]( - *Website Favicon Generator*
* [hlsflow]( - *Host Video in HLS Stream*
* [WebDesigner](, [Theatre.js]( / [GitHub]( or [Animate.css]( - *Create Interactive Motion Graphics*
* [Vidlery]( - *Animated Webpage Background*
* [Box-Shadow]( - *Box Shadow Generator*
* [MapBox]( - *Live Maps, Location Search & More*
* [Kontactr](, [Tally](, [99Inbound](, []( or [Formsend]( - *Form Creator*
* [Plaid]( - *Financial Account API / [GitHub](*
* [Penetration-Testing]( *Penetration Testing Resources*
* [Can I Use?]( - *Browser Support Tables*
* [Archive / Scrape / Crawl Webpages]( - *Archive, Scrape & Crawl Sites*
* [Clone Zone]( - *Tweak / Clone Webpages*
* [Appwrite]( - *Open-Source Backend Server / [GitHub](*
* [squid]( - *Caching Proxy / [MSI Installer]( / [Site Blocking](*
* [RandomAPI]( - *Generate Fake Data for Populating Mockups*
* [Booster]( - *Website Performance / Speed Optimizer*
* [Awesome Cloudflare]( - *Cloudflare Resource Index*
* [Bypass Cloudflare]( - *Bypass Coudflare Bot Protection*
* [Check for Cloudflare]( - *Check Sites for Cloudflare*
* [LightTPD]( - *Web Server*
* [HTTP Server]( - *HTTP Server Apache*
* [HeidiSQL]( - *SQL Manager*
* [LibreCaptcha]( or [mCaptcha]( - *Captcha Systems*
* [ElasticSearch]( - *Search & Analytics Engine*
* [Algolia]( or [FusionBot]( - *Search API*
* [GetButton]( - *Get free 'Message Us' Button for your Site*
* [Error404]( - *Free 404 Pages*
* [HandShake]( - *Decentralized Certificate Authority & Naming*
* [Let's Encrypt]( - *Free TLS Certificates*
* [SSL for Free]( or [ZeroSSL]( - *Free SSL Certificates*
* [Amazon S3]( - *Cloud Object Storage Amazon Simple Service Storage*
* [QuickEmailVerification](, [Email Marker]( or [ZeroBounce]( - *Email Verification Service*
* []( - *Website Previews*
* [IP Intelligence]( - *Proxy / VPN / Bad IP Detection*
* [V2Ray]( - *Proxy Software / [Android](*
* []( - *IP Data API*
* [DnSpy]( - *.NET Debugger And Assembly Editor*
* [Certbot]( - *Enable HTTPS Automatically*
* [MachineID]( - *Hardware Identifier*
* [TrackMyBacklink]( - *Backlink Tracker*
* [Wappalyzer]( - *Identify Technologies on Websites*
* [Bubble](, [opensilver](, [Anvil]( or []( - *Create Web Apps*
* [PWABuilder]( - *Turn Site into Progressive Web App*
* [LightHouse]( - *Web App Performance Test*
* [Form To Chatbot]( - *Convert Google Form to Chatbot*
* [Termible]( - *Docker Powered Site Terminals*
* [Stackbit]( - *JamStack Tools*
* [the New Dynamic]( - *JamStack Directory*
* [Redux DevTools]( - *Add Redux Debugging to Browser*
* [Vuejs Dev Tools]( - *Add Vuejs Debugging to Browser*
* [Sight]( - *Syntax Highlighter for Chrome*
* [Inyo]( - *Customer Relation Tools*
* [Sprig]( - *Product Research Platform*
* [Website Grader]( - *Website Grading Tool*
* [ngrok]( - *Introspectable Tunnels to Localhost Tools*
* [NConfig]( - *[NGINX]( Server Config*
* [Visual CSS Editor]( - *WordPress Site Designer*
* [Nulled Scripts]( - *Wordpress & Bulletin Board Scripts*
* [faustjs]( - *Wordpress Framework*
* [Wordpress Themes]( - *Themes for Wordpress*
* [Elementor Kit]( - *1400+ Elementor Premium Templates*
* [KokoAnalytics]( - *Wordpress Analytics*
* [vichan]( - *Imageboard Software Package*
* [UNIT3D Community Edition]( - *Self-Hosted Private Tracker*
* [UUID Tools]( - *UUID Generator*
## ▷ Software Development
* [Electron]( - *Desktop App Builder / [Notes]( / [App Store]( / [Debugger](*
* [Theos]( - *Program Build System / [GitHub]( / [Jailed Tweaks](*
* [Servo]( - *Experimental Browser Engine*
* [Gummy]( - *Easily Build Javascript Programs*
* [GNUnet]( - *Software Framework*
* [Kuker]( - *Debug Applications*
* [BugSnag]( - *Application Stability Monitor*
* [Radare](, [GHIDRA]( or [Cutter]( - *Reverse Engineering*
* [Read the Docs]( - *Make Documentation for your Software*
* [Inno Setup]( - *Windows Program Installer*
* [Flatpak]( - *Create & Distribute Linux Applications*
* [WTFPL]( or [GPL]( - *Free Software Licenses*
## ▷ App Development
* [XDA]( - *App Development Forum*
* [Docker]( - *Build, Manage & Run Apps in Containers / [Images](*
* [Blisk]( - *Cross-Device Testing*
* [Booster]( - *Mobile App Optimization*
* [Mobbin]( - *Mobile App Design Reference Library*
* [Plank]( - *Simple Dock / [GitHub](*
* [Portainer]( - *Build / Manage Docker Containers / [Templates]( / [GitHub](*
* [Compose Samples]( - *App Samples*
* [Tizen]( - *Android TV App Creator*
* [TV Samples]( - *Android TV App Samples*
* [PrivacyFlash-Pro]( - *Generate iOS Privacy Policies*
* [MDB GO]( - *Free App Hosting*
* [namae]( - *App Name Availability Check*
* [Lich]( - *Android Development Libraries*
* [androidx]( - *Android Development Environment for Jetpack Extensions*
* [Kodular](, [Flutter]( or [Android Studio]( - *Android App Creator*
* [Python to APK]( - *Convert Python Code to APK*
* [GoNative]( - *Convert Websites to Mobile Apps*
* [Shizuku]( - *Connect Apps to APIs*
* [MobileApp-Pentest-Cheatsheet]( - *Mobile App Penetration Test Index*
* [Uiautomator2]( - *Automated App Testing*
* [PM2]( - *Process Manager*
* [React95]( - *Windows 95 React Components*
* [Redex]( - *Android Bytecode Optimizer*
* [Previewed](, [Mokup Frames](, [Mockup World]( or [LS Graphics]( - *App & Site Mockups*
## ▷ Game Development
* [Game Dev Resources]( - *Game Development Resources*
* [Godot](, [Defold](, [OpenXRay]( or [ursina engine]( - *Game Engine*
* [Playerio]( - *Online Game Engine*
* [RPG Playground]( - *Simple RPG Creator*
* [Game-Editor]( or [BuildBox]( - *Game Creator*
* [Kaboomjs]( - *Quickly Make Games with Javascript*
* [GDevelop]( - *HTML5 Game Creator*
* [Phaser]( - *Mobile HTML5 Game Framework*
* [PlayCanvas]( - *Build HTML5 Visualizations / Games*
* [Curlie World Building]( - *World Building Resource Index*
* [UE Viewer]( - *Unreal Engine Model Viewer / [GitHub](*
* [Electronic Arts GitHub]( - *EA GitHub Repos*
* [Xelu's Controller Prompts]( - *Free Game Prompts / [Video](*
* [Bookshelf]( - *Minecraft Mod Code Support*
* [VEEDI]( - *Create Game Walkthrough Videos*
* [CraftPix](, [Kenney](, [/r/GameAssets](, [UnityAssets4Free]( or [GameDevAssets]( - *Game Development Assets*
## ▷ Markup Languages
* [HTMLDog]( - *HTML / CSS / JavaScript Tutorials*
* [HTML Meta Tags]( - *List of Common HTML Meta Tags Complete*
* [Minifier]( - *Minify HTML, CSS & JS Markup HTML Minifier / [Unminify](*
* [HTML-Minifier]( - *HTML Minifier*
* []( - *HTML Guide / Cheat Sheet*
* [HTML Reference]( - *HTML Guide*
* [HTML Compressor](
* [HTML Notepad]( - *HTML Editor*
* [typeset]( - *HTML Typography Pre-Processor*
* [TryIt HTML](, [CodeTester](, [HTML-Online](, []( or [jsTester]( - *Online HTML Editors / Testers*
* [HTMLColorCodes]( - *HTML Color Codes*
* [Awesome HTML5]( - *HTML5 resources*
* [GDevelop]( - *HTML5 Game Creator*
* [Phaser]( - *Mobile HTML5 Game Framework*
* [PlayCanvas]( - *Build HTML5 Visualizations / Games*
* [pup]( - *HTML Processing CLI*
* [CSS Protips]( or [CSS Reference]( - *CSS Guide*
* [Awesome CSS]( - *CSS resources*
* [Cssgr]( - *CSS Grid Code Tool*
* [Water.css]( - *CSS Styles Collection*
* [Leon's CSS]( ) - *CSS Text Styles*
* [Hover.CSS]( - *CSS Hover Effects*
* [MagicPattern]( - *CSS Background Patterns*
* [Gradient Animator]( - *Animated CSS Gradient Generator*
* [Animista]( - *Tweak / Download CSS Animations*
* [css2scss]( - *CSS to SCSS Converter*
* [Bulma](, [Tailwind]( or [SimpleCSS]( - *CSS Framework*
* [TailBlocks]( - *Ready-to-use Tailwind CSS Blocks*
* [MarkdownGuide]( - *Guide for Markdown (.md)*
* [HedgeDoc](, [zettlr](, [Dillinger](, [Notable](, [vnote](, [StackEdit](, [Markdownify]( or [Mark Text]( - *Markdown Editor*
* [Markdown Editor for Firefox]( - *Markdown Editor Extension*
* [Table Magic]( - *CSV, HTML & Markdown Converter*
* [Markdown To HTML]( - *Markdown to HTML Converter*
* [Obsidian]( - *Markdown File Organizer*
* [MarkdownPastebin]( - *Markdown Pastebin*
## ▷ Git Tools
* **[GitHub Awesome](** - *List Index*
* [Git Explorer]( - *Git Command List*
* [GitHub Desktop]( - *GitHub Desktop App*
* [GitHub.Dev]( - *GitHub Web App*
* []( - *GitHub URL Shortener*
* [GitKraken]( or [Sourcetree]( - *Git GUI*
* [lazygit]( or [gitui]( - *Git Terminal UI*
* [Codeberg](, [Giters]( or [GitGud]( - *Git Hosting*
* [Git / Github Guide](
* [GitBook]( - *Document Collaboration*
* [Refined GitHub]( - *Simplifies GitHub Interface & Adds Features*
* [Octobox]( - *GitHub Notifications Manager*
* [github1s]( - *GitHub Code Viewer / GUI: do `gitk` in repo folder*
* [Tara]( - *Git Project Manager*
* [Railway]( - *Code Repository Manager*
* [git]( - *Version Control System*
* [MyPDNS]( or [/r/coolgitlabprojects]( - *GitLab Project Indexes*
* [git:logs](, [RepoHunt]( or [/r/coolgithubprojects]( - *Github Project Indexes*
* [Active Github Forks]( - *List of active github forks*
* [Lovely Forks]( - *View a Repositories Forks*
* [Git Extensions]( - *Git Repository Manager*
* [GitZip]( - *Download GitHub Repository Sub-Folders / Files*
* [useful-forks]( or [GitPop3]( - *GitHub Fork Search*
* []( - *Git Repository Index*
* [OctoLinker]( - *Make GitHub Code References Clickable*
* [Octotree]( - *GitHub Repository File Tree View*
* []( - *GitHub Sharable Nightly Links*
* [Sourcegraph]( - *GitHub Repository Sourcegraph Editor*
* [CodeWyng]( - *Browse GitHub like an IDE*
* [onefetch]( - *Git Information Terminal*
* [PR Monitor]( - *Pull Request Notifier*
* [Gidget]( - *Pull Request Notifier / Android*
* [Whats New GitHub]( - *Repository Change Feed*
* [ReadmeGallery]( - *GitHub Remdme Gallery Creator*
* []( - *Readme Markdown Editor*
* [GitHub Readme Stats]( - *Dynamically Generated GitHub Readme Stats*
* [GitHub Release Downloads]( - *GitHub Release Download Counter*
* []( - *Metadata badges for Github Readmes*
* [GitHub Snake]( - *Enable Snake Game on GitHub ReadMe*
* [Discord MD Badge]( - *Add Discord Badge to GitHub*
* []( or [gistflow]( - *Git Blog Platform*
* [OpenHub](, [diohub]( or [OctoDroid]( - *Android GitHub Client*
## ▷ CLI Tools
* [HTTPie]( - *Command-Line HTTP Client*
* [cURL]( - *Transfer Data with URLs*
* [WNIX]( - *UNIX-like Windows Development Environment*
* [Sift]( - *grep Alternative*
* [Edbrowse]( - *Command Line Editor / Browser / Mail Client*
* [Cride]( - *Command Line Editor*
* [YQ]( - *Portable YAML Processor*
## ▷ Color Schemes
* [SpyColor]( - *Color Model Conversions*
* [Colorful]( - *Curated List of Color Scheme Resources*
* [Colormind](, [SchemeColor](, [MyColor](, [MaterialPalette](, [Adobe Colors](, [ColorHunt]( or [Coolors]( - *Color Palette Generator*
* [ColorsAndFonts]( - *Quickly Copy Colors & Typography Combinations*
* [ColorHexa]( - *Color Hex Encyclopedia*
* [Paletton]( - *Color Scheme Designer*
* [PaletteGenerator]( - *Color Palette Extractor*
* [ColorZilla]( - *Color Picker, Gradient Generator & more*
* [Colordot]( - *Color Picker*
* [Webgradients]( - *Gradients*
* [Colorpedia]( - *Lookup Colors & Palettes via Command-Line*
* [ShaderToy]( - *User-Made Shaders*
* [Contrast Checker]( - *Background / Text Contrast Checker*
# ► Programming / Coding
* **[](** - *Programming / Development GitHub Lists*
* [WebdevHome]( or [Tiny Tools]( / [2]( - *Programming / Developer Tools*
* [Awesome Web Scraping]( - *Web Scraping Tool Index*
* [Awesome-Discord-Communities]( - *Programming / Developer / Discord Communities*
* [iTabCode]( - *Programming / Computer Science Forum*
* [AwesomeTwitterAccounts]( - *Curated List of Programming Related Twitter Accounts*
* [Awesome Programming]( - *Programming Resources*
* [Awesome Software Quality]( - *Software Quality Testing Tools*
* [Node-RED]( - *Low-code programming for event-driven applications*
* [Sublime Text]( or [Atom]( - *Code / Text Editor / [Package Manager](*
* [RegExr]( - *Learn, Build & Test RegEx*
* [Regex101]( - *Regex Editor / Debugger*
* [Awesome Creative Coding]( - *Creative Coding Resource Index*
* [Algorithm Visualizer]( - *Visualize Code Algorithms*
* [SpaceVim](, [Onivun](, [vimrc](, [NeoVim](, [Vim](, [Emacs](, [Lite XL](, [Kakoune](, [Brackets](, [Micro Editor](, [Notepad2]( or [Light Table]( - *Code Editor*
* [Vim Latex]( - *Latex Style Vim Editor*
* [Telosys]( - *Code Generator*
* [Awesome Emacs]( or [Melpa]( - *Emacs Packages*
* [WebDen]( - *Code Playground*
* [I run code]( - *Evaluate Code Snippets via Discord*
* [Shell Cloud]( - *Google Cloud Shell Environment*
* Vim Tools - [Tree Explorer]( / [Instant RST Preview]( / [Config](
* [Vim Plug](, [Vim Pathogen](, [Vundle]( ), [Dein]( - *Vim Plugin Managers*
* [vim-markdown]( - *Vim Markdown Plugin*
* [VimAwesome]( - *Vim Plugins*
* [NeovimCraft]( - *Neovim Plugins*
* [Bootstrap Editor]( - *Vim / Neovim Config Generator Bootstrap Editor*
* [Goyo.vim]( - *Distraction-free writing in Vim*
* [nvim]( - *Neovim LSP Autocompletion coc.*
* [Markdown Preview]( - *NeoVim Markdown Preview*
* [YouCompleteMe]( - *Vim Code-completion engine*
* [Awesome Visual Studio Code Extensions]( - *Visual Studio Code Extensions*
* [Python Extension]( - *Visual Studio Code Python Language Extension / [Performant Language](*
* [Python Mini Projects]( - *Python Scripts*
* [Dodgy]( - *Find PWs & Diffs in Python Code*
* [JSPyBride]( - *Interoperate Node.js and Python*
* [python-adb]( - *Python ADB + Fastboot Implementation*
* [pipx]( - *Execute Python Binaries in Isolated Environments*
* [AutoCode]( - *Instant Endpoints*
* [Mega Linter]( - *Code Analyzer*
* [tabnine]( - *AI Assisted Code Completion*
* [overmind]( or [foreman]( - *Process Managers*
* []( - *Online C++ Compiler*
* [asdf]( - *Multi-Runtime Management CLI*
* [Awesome Machine Learning Art]( - *Machine Learning Art Resource Index*
* [Sourcegraph]( - *Universal Code Search*
* [searchcode]( or [PublicWWW]( - *Source Code Search*
* [Sourcecodester](, [Code Projects](, [Codastro]( or [ItSourceCode]( - *Source Code Projects*
* [CodeGrepper]( - *Code Search Extension*
* [ShareScript](, [Google Code Archive](, [CodeList]( or [bl.ocks]( - *Script / Code Indexes*
* [Carbon]( - *Source Code Screenshot Tool*
* [Reverse Engineering Resources]( - *Reverse Engineering Resource Index*
* []( - *Reverse Engineer Code*
* [thefuck]( - *Corrects Previous Console Command*
* [DelphiTools]( - *Code Profiler / Delphi Tools*
* [OhMyPosh]( - *Terminal Theme Engine*
* [Dracula]( - *Dark Theme for Code Editors / Terminal Emulators*
* [Zero Dark Matrix]( - *Chrome Devtools Dark Theme*
* [OhMyZSH]( - *ZSH Customization*
* [PowerLevel10k]( - *ZSH Theme*
* [RunKit]( - *Browser Javascript Sandbox*
* [JS.ORG]( - *Free subdomain for Javascript Developers*
* [1loc]( - *217 Single Line JavaScript Codes*
* [Gummy]( - *Easily Build Javascript Programs*
* [Kaboomjs]( - *Quickly Make Games with Javascript*
* [randomcolor]( - *Random Javascript Color Generator*
* [Awesome Python]( - *Python Resource Index*
* [py-modindex]( - *Python Modules List / Tutorials*
* [JSONView]( - *JSON Viewer*
* [JSON Formatter]( or [json-formatter]( - *JSON Formatter*
* [Jayson]( - *JSON Viewer & Editor*
* [glogg]( - *Log File Explorer*
* [Carbon]( - *Source Code Screenshots*
* [Code::Stats]( - *Programmer Stat Tracking*
* [oq]( - *Programming Language Processor*
* [Tables Generator]( - *Generates Tables in Various Languages*
* [pueue]( - *Shell Command Manager*
* [Emojicode]( - *Emoji Based Programming Language*
* [CrystalShards]( - *Crystal Programming Shards*
* [Crystalline]( - *Crystal Language Server*
* [scry]( - *Crystal Code Analysis Server*
* [CP Editor]( - *Competitive Programming Code Editor*
* [Winddown]( or [Sandman]( - *Coding Break Reminders*
* [ThemesElection]( - *Programming UI Themes*
## ▷ Cloud IDEs / Collab
* **[goormIDE](**, [Codeanywhere](, [CodeTasty](, [](, [Anyfiddle]( or [Glitch]( - *Cloud IDE / [Extensions]( / [Themes](*
* [Text / Code Collaboration]( - *Text / Code Collaboration Tools*
* [Jetbrains Ultimate IDEs]( - *Jetbrains Ultimate IDEs Trial Reset Guide*
* [cloud]( - *Cloud Platform Index*
* [CodeSandbox](, [VSCodium](, [StackBlitz]( or [GitPod]( - *Cloud IDE / VSCode*
* []( - *VSCode in Browser*
* [Open VSX Registry]( - *VSCode Editor Extensions*
* [VSCodeThemes]( - *VSCode Themes*
* [Bracket Pair Colorizer 2]( - *Colorize VSCode Brackets*
* [Discord-Tools]( - *VSCode Discord Extension*
* [Twitch Hightlighter]( - *Integrate Twitch Chat in VSCode*
* [Openshift]( - *Cloud IDE / Eclipse Che*
* [TerraForm]( - *Cloud IDE*
* [m3o]( - *Cloud IDE / [GitHub](*
* [Arduino]( - *Cloud IDE*
* [replit]( - *Browser Based IDE*
* [KDevelop]( - *Cross Platform IDE*
* [bloop]( - *IDE AI Suggestion Extension*
* [JDFiddle]( ), [W3Schools](, [CollabEdit](, [Portacode](, [IDE One](, [SoloLearn]( / [Playground](, [JSFiddle]( or [PlayCode]( - *Online Code Editor*
* []( - *Pastebin with Runnable Snippets, API & Compiler*
* []( - *Code Pastebin*
* [myCompiler](, [IDE One]( or [Wandbox]( - *Online Compiler*
* []( - *Access Jupyter notebooks*
* [CoCalc]( - *Virtual online workspace*
* [CodePen]( - *Code Sandbox*
* []( - *Programming Language Interpreters*
* [Online Python Compiler]( - *Online Python Editor & Tester*