GPIO 7-Segment Output
This is a GPIO push-pull output demo application for driving a 7-segment display on the Flipper Zero. The goal of this project is to show application developers how GPIO works for push-pull output. This project was derived from the \plugins\basic tutorial.
Installation Directions
This project is intended to be overlayed on top of an existing firmware repo.
- Clone, Build & Deploy an existing flipper zero firmware repo. See this tutorial for updating firmware.
- Copy the "gpio_7segment" folder to the \applications\plugins\gpio_7segment folder in your firmware.
- Build & deploy the firmware. See this tutorial for updating firmware.
- NOTE: You can also extract the gpio_output_demo.FAP from resources.tar file and use qFlipper to copy the file to the SD Card/apps/Misc folder.
Running the updated firmware
These directions assume you are starting at the flipper desktop. If not, please press the back button until you are at the desktop.
Press the OK button on the flipper to pull up the main menu.
Choose "Applications" from the menu.
Choose "Gpio" from the sub-menu.
Choose "GPIO 7-Segment Output"
The flipper should say "GPIO 7-Segment".
Click the "OK" button to display a random number from 1-6.
Press the BACK button to exit.
How it works
- specifies the settings for our application.
- adds "gpio" to requires.
- The icon for our application that shows up in the "Misc" folder.
- Similar to the plugin\basic tutorial.
- bool digits[70] is defined to store the segments to glow for different digits.
- each group of 7 booleans represents a number.
- note: in production code you could replace with a single byte [8-bits] to represent the segments to turn on/off. Like bit 0 is middle LED, bit 1 is bottom right, etc.
- gpio_7segment_render_callback(...) callback paints the canvas.
- Title of application
- two boxes (looks like a 7-segment display)
- index is set to the first index with our LED information
- for example to draw a 2 we index at 7*2 = 14 (which is the 15th bool, since it starts at a count of 0.)
- digits[index++] ? "A7" : "a7"
- digits[index] is the bool (true/false) from our digits table.
- if it is true we will use the text "A7" (CAPS to show on)
- if it is false we will use the text "a7" (lowercase)
- index++ will increment index to the next number.
- data->invert ? "GND" : "3.3v"
- if invert is set to true we show the text "GND" (pins will GND to glow.)
- if invert is set to false we show the text "3.3v" (pins will 3.3 to glow.)
- We show the number we are displaying on the 7-segment display.
- gpio_7segment_show(...) displays a number.
- index is set to the first index with our LED information
- for example to draw a 2 we index at 7*2 = 14 (which is the 15th bool, since it starts at a count of 0.)
- furi_hal_gpio_write(&gpio_ext_pa7, digits[index++] ^ invert);
- gpio_ext_pa7 is the pin (a7). You can see all pin names at \firmware\targets\f7\furi_hal\furi_hal_resources.c
- digits[index++] ^ invert
- digits[index] is the bool (true/false) from our digits table.
- if invert is false, (digits[index++] ^ false) == digits[index++] (so same as table.)
- if invert it true, (digits[index++] ^ true) == !digits[index++] (so inverted from table value. This is needed for common anode 7-segment LEDs.)
- index is set to the first index with our LED information
- gpio_7segment_disconnect_pin(...) disconnects a pin.
- GpioModeOutputOpenDrain means that when the value is false the pin will be GND, but when the value is true the pin will be disconnected.
- GpioPullNo means there is no pull-up resistor between 3.3v and pin & there is no pull-down resistor between GND and pin.
- we write a true, so pin is disconnected.
- Some people use Input with Push/Pull-No to disconnect pins while others use OutputOpenDrain. I'm not sure if the pins are really disconnected just because you aren't reading, so I think I would prefer to use OutputOpenDrain.
- gpio_7segment_app(...) is our entry point
- furi_hal_gpio_init_simple(&gpio_ext_pa7, GpioModeOutputPushPull);
- this sets the A7 pin to be OutputPushPull.
- PushPull means pin will either be GND or 3.3volts.
- (As opposed to OutputOpenDrain when pin is GND or disconnected.)
- We use "init_simple" instead of "init", because other params aren't needed.
- this sets the A7 pin to be OutputPushPull.
- context->data->digit = (furi_hal_random_get() % 6) + 1;
- when OK button is pressed we use furi_hal_random_get() to get a random number (I think from the secure random number generator).
- (x % 6) will return the remainder from dividing x by 6. Which should be a number between 0 and 5. We then add 1 to the value so we get a value between 1 and 6.
- gpio_7segment_disconnect_pin(&gpio_ext_pa7);
- when our app exits, we disconnect the pins. If we didn't the number would still show.
- furi_hal_gpio_init_simple(&gpio_ext_pa7, GpioModeOutputPushPull);