2023-08-23 01:26:23 -05:00

106 lines
4.5 KiB

#include "./princeton.h"
#include "./tag.h"
#include <lib/subghz/transmitter.h>
#include <lib/subghz/devices/cc1101_int/cc1101_int_interconnect.h>
//#include <applications/drivers/subghz/cc1101_ext/cc1101_ext_interconnect.h>
#include <lib/subghz/protocols/protocol_items.h>
#include <lib/subghz/devices/devices.h>
static void
set_princeton(FlipperFormat* flipper_format, uint32_t key, uint32_t te, uint32_t repeat) {
uint32_t bits = 24;
uint8_t data[8] = {0};
data[5] = (uint8_t)((key >> 16) & 0xFFU);
data[6] = (uint8_t)((key >> 8) & 0xFFU);
data[7] = (uint8_t)(key & 0xFFU);
flipper_format_insert_or_update_string_cstr(flipper_format, "Protocol", "Princeton");
flipper_format_insert_or_update_uint32(flipper_format, "Bit", &bits, 1);
flipper_format_insert_or_update_hex(flipper_format, "Key", data, COUNT_OF(data));
flipper_format_insert_or_update_uint32(flipper_format, "TE", &te, 1);
flipper_format_insert_or_update_uint32(flipper_format, "Repeat", &repeat, 1);
void send_princeton(uint32_t key, uint32_t frequency) {
// 'TE' is the microsecond (us) duration of the smallest pulse (effectively a bit in the BIN_RAW signal).
// NOTE: If we wanted the Princeton signal to NOT be detected by FZ we could add +300+50, but receiver might still work (values from te_short+te_delta+50 from princeton.c)
uint32_t te = 390;
// 'repeat' is the number of times to repeat the signal.
uint32_t repeat = 5;
if(!furi_hal_region_is_frequency_allowed(frequency)) {
// TODO: Show friendly UI message if frequency is not allowed.
FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Frequency %lu is not allowed in this region.", frequency);
FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "Sending signal on frequency %lu", frequency);
// Populate the CC101 device list.
// Get the internal radio device.
const SubGhzDevice* device = subghz_devices_get_by_name(SUBGHZ_DEVICE_CC1101_INT_NAME);
// Get the Princeton SubGhzTransmitter (for decoding our file format).
SubGhzEnvironment* environment = subghz_environment_alloc();
subghz_environment_set_protocol_registry(environment, (void*)&subghz_protocol_registry);
SubGhzTransmitter* transmitter = subghz_transmitter_alloc_init(environment, "Princeton");
// Load the payload we want to send into flipper_format.
FlipperFormat* flipper_format = flipper_format_string_alloc();
set_princeton(flipper_format, key, te, repeat);
// Fill out the SubGhzProtocolDecoderPrinceton (which includes SubGhzBlockGeneric data) in our transmitter based on parsing flipper_format.
// initance->encoder.upload[] gets filled out with duration and level information (You can think of this as the RAW data).
SubGhzProtocolStatus status = subghz_transmitter_deserialize(transmitter, flipper_format);
furi_assert(status == SubGhzProtocolStatusOk);
// Currently unused for internal radio, but good idea to still invoke it.
// Initializes the CC1101 SPI bus
// Use one of the presets in subghz_device_cc1101_int_interconnect_load_preset. If the first argument is FuriHalSubGhzPresetCustom, then the second argument is
// a custom register table (Reg, value, reg, value, ...,0, 0, PATable [0..7] entries).
subghz_devices_load_preset(device, FuriHalSubGhzPresetOok650Async, NULL);
// Set the frequency, RF switch path (band), calibrates the oscillator on the CC1101.
frequency = subghz_devices_set_frequency(device, frequency);
// Stop charging the battery while transmitting.
// Start transmitting (keeps the DMA buffer filled with the encoder.upload[] data)
if(subghz_devices_start_async_tx(device, subghz_transmitter_yield, transmitter)) {
// Wait for the transmission to complete.
while(!(subghz_devices_is_async_complete_tx(device))) {
// Stop transmitting, debug log (tag="FuriHalSubGhz") the duty cycle information.
// clean up and shutdown cc1101
// also does a shutdown of cc1101
// remove the devices from the registry
// Allow the battery to charge again.
// Free resources we allocated.