# JavaScript intro ## Introduction I created an introduction to JavaScript video at [https://youtu.be/33Xmn5rnisc](https://youtu.be/33Xmn5rnisc). In the video I walked thru the [a_js_intro.js](./a_js_intro.js) file. The `a_js_intro.js` script ends up covering a lot of topics! - submenu : `setHeader`, `addItem`, `show` - keyboard : `text` (first param is # of bytes to allocate, including null terminator) - storage : `exists` - usbdisk : `start`, `wasEjected`, `stop` - textbox : `setConfig`, `emptyText`, `addText`, `show`, `isOpen` - gpio : `init`, `read` - badusb : `setup`, `isConnected`, `press`, `println`, `quit` - subghz : `transmitFile` - `let`, `=` (assignment), `for` (loop) - `require`, `print`, `delay`, `parse_int`, `__dirpath` - Strings, numbers, booleans - Arrays, `.length` - `+` (adding), `i++` (increment by 1), `!` (not) - `if`, `else if`, `===` (compare equal), `!==` (compare not equal) - calling functions, defining functions, `return` At the end of the video I ran [widget.js](./widget.js) to summarize what we learned.