({ title: "SubGHz Sender", primaryAction: function (buttonNumber) { // Do an action based on the button number. if (buttonNumber === 1) { this.api.speaker.start(540, 1.00); this.api.subghz.transmitFile("/ext/subghz/Light_on.sub"); this.api.speaker.stop(); } else if (buttonNumber === 2) { this.api.speaker.start(640, 1.00); this.api.subghz.transmitFile("/ext/subghz/Light_off.sub"); this.api.speaker.stop(); } }, init: function (api) { this.api = api; // Initialize access to the Flipper Zero speaker this.api.initSpeaker(); // Initialize access to the SubGHz module this.api.initSubghz(); this.initTextbox(); }, initTextbox: function () { this.api.textbox.addText(this.title + "\n"); this.api.textbox.addText("Button 1 = Light on.\n"); this.api.textbox.addText("Button 2 = Light off.\n"); this.api.textbox.show(); }, buttonPressed: function (buttonNumber, pressedArray) { // We only use the first two buttons. if (buttonNumber !== 1 && buttonNumber !== 2) { return; } // Perform the primary action. this.primaryAction(buttonNumber); } })