let widget = require("widget"); let demo_seconds = 30; print("Loading file", __filepath); print("From directory", __dirpath); // addText supports "Primary" and "Secondary" font sizes. widget.addText(10, 10, "Primary", "Example JS widget"); widget.addText(10, 20, "Secondary", "Example widget from JS!"); // load a Xbm file from the same directory as this script. widget.addText(0, 30, "Secondary", __filepath); // add a line (x1, y1, x2, y2) widget.addLine(10, 35, 120, 35); // add a circle/disc (x, y, radius) widget.addCircle(12, 52, 10); let disc = widget.addDisc(12, 52, 5); // add a frame/box (x, y, width, height) widget.addFrame(30, 45, 10, 10); widget.addBox(32, 47, 6, 6); // add a rounded frame/box (x, y, width, height, radius) widget.addRframe(50, 45, 15, 15, 3); widget.addRbox(53, 48, 6, 6, 2); // add a dot (x, y) widget.addDot(100, 45); widget.addDot(102, 44); widget.addDot(104, 43); // add an icon (x, y, icon) //widget.addIcon(100, 50, "ButtonUp_7x4"); //widget.addIcon(100, 55, "ButtonDown_7x4"); // add a glyph (x, y, glyph) widget.addGlyph(115, 50, "#".charCodeAt(0)); // Show the widget (drawing the layers in the orderer they were added) widget.show(); let i = 1; while (widget.isOpen() && i <= demo_seconds) { // Print statements will only show up once the widget is closed. print("count is at", i++); // You can call remove on any added item, it does not impact the other ids. if (disc) { widget.remove(disc); disc = undefined; } // All of the addXXX functions return an id that can be used to remove the item. else { disc = widget.addDisc(12, 52, 5); } delay(1000); } // If user did not press the back button, close the widget. if (widget.isOpen()) { widget.close(); } let vgm = require("vgm"); print ("pitch: " + to_string(vgm.getPitch())); print ("roll: " + to_string(vgm.getRoll())); print ("yaw: " + to_string(vgm.getYaw())); print ("Waiting up to 5 seconds for 15 degree rotation..."); let amount_yaw = vgm.deltaYaw(15, 5000); if (amount_yaw === 0) { print ("Timed out!"); } else if (amount_yaw > 0) { print ("Rotated clockwise " + to_string(amount_yaw) + " degrees!"); } else { print ("Rotated counter-clockwise " + to_string(0 - amount_yaw) + " degrees!"); }