DANGER: Connect external modules with large capacitive load only when Flipper Zero is powered off. Otherwise, data on the microSD card can be corrupted. This pin is 3.3 Volts output. NOTE: Some people recommend using the 5V pin (L1) and a 3.3 volt regulator with output having a parallel 10uF and 100nF capacitor; so that voltage is more stable. Max of 1200 mA (3.96 watt). Look at device datasheet. If 3.3 volts, connect to "VIN", "VCC", "3.3V/3V3" (if NO VIN) on the device. Devices: - NMEA GPS[USART] (VIN) - DHT11[GPIO] (VCC) - BME280[I²C] (VCC) - BME280[SPI-MODE] (VCC) - BMP280[SPI] (VIN) - BH1750[I²C] (VCC) - NRF24L01[SPI] (VCC) - NRF24L01[SPI] (VCC) - CC1101[SPI] (VCC)