2023-04-19 23:17:45 -04:00
# https://www.github.com/jamisonderek/flipper-zero-tutorials
2023-04-19 23:23:51 -04:00
# Pass short 'secret' messages using SSIDs!
# For example, burner phone number or YouTube link.
2023-04-19 23:17:45 -04:00
# Who you gonna call? "5552368" is: AL6fvOPr, BOI5O5Ag, CRU3Cjn7 or DUgPtAbN
2023-04-19 23:23:51 -04:00
# In PowerShell script, run the ./encode.ps1.
2023-04-19 23:17:45 -04:00
# - Enter the message to encode
# - It will display 8 different SSID values that you can use.
2023-04-19 23:23:51 -04:00
# On your Flipper Zero, start Marauder:
2023-04-19 23:17:45 -04:00
# - Clear List, SSID.
# - SSID, add name.
# - Enter the SSID name after the "ssid -a -n " prompt. (For example: AL6fvOPr)
# - do List, SSID. It should show you the SSID that you added.
# - Beacon Spam, SSID List.
2023-04-19 23:23:51 -04:00
# On the PC, Open a PowerShell window and run ./scan.ps1
2023-04-19 23:17:45 -04:00
# This is the list of allowed characters in the message.
$dict = "0123456789ABCDEF-"
# This is the list of allowed characters in the SSID.
$cypherLetters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789".ToCharArray()
Function Get-Encoded-SSID {
$letters = ($Prefix + $Message).ToCharArray()
$index = 0
$i = 1
$result = ""
foreach($letter in $letters) {
$ch = $dict.IndexOf($letter)
if ($ch -eq -1) {
Write-Host "Invalid character: $letter"
$index = $index + $ch
if ($index -ge $cypherLetters.Count) {
$index = $index - $cypherLetters.Count
$result = $result + $cypherLetters[$index]
$i = $i + 1
$index = $index + (([int][char]$cypherLetters[$index]) * $i)
$index = $index % $cypherLetters.Count
return $result
$message = Read-Host "Enter the message to encode"
$hex = [System.BitConverter]::ToString([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($message)).Replace("-", "")
if ($message -cmatch "[^0-9A-F-]") {
Write-Host "Using Hex: $hex"
$message = $hex
for ($i = 1; $i -le 8; $i++) {
$ssid = Get-Encoded-SSID -Message $message -Prefix $i
Write-Host ("SSID " + $i +": $ssid")