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2024-03-30 20:45:39 -05:00
// Description: This script demonstrates the usage of the Flipper JavaScript API.
// For more information, please visit my Flipper Zero Wiki:
// https://www.github.com/jamisonderek/flipper-zero-tutorials/wiki/JavaScript
// Only the "let" keyword is supported for variable declarations.
// The "require" function is used to import modules. The list of available modules varies by firmware version.
let badusb = require("badusb");
let gpio = require("gpio");
let keyboard = require("keyboard");
let storage = require("storage");
let subghz = require("subghz");
let submenu = require("submenu");
let textbox = require("textbox");
let usbdisk = require("usbdisk");
// Sub-GHz radio setup
// initialize GPIO pins as Input pins with internal pull-up resisters.
let buttons = ["PB2", "PB3", "PA4", "PA6"];
for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
gpio.init(buttons[i], "input", "up");
// returns true if the button is pressed (e.g. pin is connected to ground).
function isPressed(button) {
return !gpio.read(buttons[button]);
// Types the given text using the BadUSB module.
function typeText(text) {
badusb.setup({ vid: 0x1234, pid: 0x5678, mfr_name: "Apple", prod_name: "Keyboard" });
// We need to wait for up to 10 seconds for the BadUSB to connect.
for (let retry = 10; retry > 0; retry--) {
if (badusb.isConnected()) {
break; // Exit the loop if the BadUSB is connected
delay(1000); // Wait for 1 second
if (badusb.isConnected()) {
badusb.press("GUI", "r"); // Win + R
delay(500); // Wait for the Run dialog to appear
badusb.println(text); // Type the text into the Run dialog and press Enter
} else {
print("BadUSB not connected", 1000); // Print an error message if the BadUSB is not connected and wait for 1 second
badusb.quit(); // Disconnect the BadUSB device
// Returns the list of button names.
function pinNames() {
let names = "";
for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
names += buttons[i] + " ";
return names;
// Use the FlipBoard module to bind GPIO buttons to actions.
function demoFlipBoard() {
// Set the configuration for the textbox
textbox.setConfig("end", "text"); // Focus (start / end), Font (text / hex)
textbox.addText("FlipBoard demo\nMonitoring button presses.\npins:" + pinNames() + "\nPress back to exit.");
textbox.show(); // non-blocking
while (textbox.isOpen()) { // User can close the textbox by pressing the back button
if (isPressed(0)) {
} else if (isPressed(1)) {
} else if (isPressed(2)) {
} else if (isPressed(3)) {
let result = subghz.transmitFile("/ext/subghz/Light_on.sub");
if (!result) {
print("Send failed");
// Parses an integer from the given text and counts the next four numbers.
function demoCount() {
keyboard.setHeader("Starting count");
let text = keyboard.text(100, "1337", false);
if (text === undefined) {
return; // User pressed the back button
print("Text:", text);
let count = parse_int(text);
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
print("Count:", count + i);
print("Counting done!\n");
// Creates a 4MB image file and mounts it as a USB Mass Storage device.
function demoMassStorage() {
// NOTE: The __dirpath variable (is the location of the current script) but it may not be defined in your firmware.
let path = __dirpath + "/4MB.img";
let size = 4 * 1024 * 1024; // 4MB
if (!storage.exists(path)) {
print("Creating image...");
usbdisk.createImage(path, size); // Create a 4MB image file
print("Starting UsbDisk...");
usbdisk.start(path); // Mount the image as a USB Mass Storage device
print("Started, waiting until ejected...");
while (!usbdisk.wasEjected()) { // Wait until the USB Mass Storage device is ejected from the host
print("Ejected, stopping UsbDisk...");
usbdisk.stop(); // Unmount the USB Mass Storage device
while (true) {
submenu.setHeader("Select awesome demo:");
submenu.addItem("Counting demo", 0);
submenu.addItem("FlipBoard GPIO demo", 1);
submenu.addItem("Mass Storage", 2);
let result = submenu.show();
if (result === undefined) { // User pressed the back button
if (result === 0) {
} else if (result === 1) {
} else if (result === 2) {
delay(4 * 1000); // Wait four seconds before showing the menu again