[![Netlify Status](https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/badges/81dd219c-51cb-4418-a18c-42c8b104c689/deploy-status)](https://app.netlify.com/sites/bubo-rss-demo/deploys) # 🦉 Bubo Reader Bubo Reader is a hyper-minimalist feed reader (RSS, Atom, JSON) you can deploy on your own server, [Netlify](https://netlify.com) in a few steps or [Glitch](https://glitch.com) in even fewer steps! The goal of the project is to generate a webpage that shows a list of links from a collection of feeds organized by category and website. That's it. It is named after this [silly robot owl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYSeCfo9-NI) from Clash of the Titans (1981). You can read more about this project on my blog: - [Introducing Bubo RSS: An Absurdly Minimalist RSS Feed Reader](https://george.mand.is/2019/11/introducing-bubo-rss-an-absurdly-minimalist-rss-feed-reader/). - [Publishing Bubos RSS to Netlify with GitHub Actions](https://george.mand.is/2020/02/publishing-bubos-rss-to-netlify-with-github-actions/) ## Get Started - Clone or fork the repo and run `npm install` to install the dependencies. - Update `feeds.json` to include categories and links to feeds you would like to see. - Run `npm run build:bubo` That's it! You should now have a static page with links to the latest content from your feeds in the `public` folder, ready to serve.
Anatomy of Bubo Reader The static pieces: - `conf/feeds.json` - a JSON file containing your feed URLS separated into categories. - `config/template.html` - a [Nunjucks](https://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/) template that lets you change how the feeds are displayed. This can be changed to anything else you like— see below. - `public/style.css` - a CSS file to stylize your feed output. - `public/index.html` - The HTML file that gets automatically generated when Bubo is run. The engine: - `src/index.ts` - The primary script you run when you want to build a new version of Bubo. It will automatically fetch the latest content from your feeds and build a new static file at `public/index.html`. - `src/renderer.ts` — The renderer that loads Nunjucks, the template and understands how to process the incoming feed data. Prefer something else? This is the place to change it! - `src/utilities.ts` — A variety of parsing and normalization utilities for Bubo, hidden away to try and keep things clean.
Throttling In the main `index.ts` file you will find two values that allow you to batch and throttle your feed requests: - `MAX_CONNECTIONS` dictates the maximum number of requests a batch can have going at once. - `DELAY_MS` dictates the amount of delay time between each batch. The default configuration is **no batching or throttling** because `MAX_CONNECTIONS` is set to `Infinity`. If you wanted to change Bubo to only fetch one feed at a time every second you could set these values to: ```javascript const MAX_CONNECTIONS = 1; const DELAY_MS = 1000; ``` If you wanted to limit things to 10 simultaneous requests every 2.5 seconds you could set it like so: ```javascript const MAX_CONNECTIONS = 10; const DELAY_MS = 2500; ``` In practice, I've never _really_ run into an issue leaving `MAX_CONNECTIONS` set to `Infinity` but this feels like a sensible safeguard to design.
Getting Started - [Deploying to Glitch](#glitch) - [Deploying to Netlify](#netlify) - [Keeping feeds updated](#updated) ## Deploying to Glitch The quickest way is to remix the project on Glitch: [https://glitch.com/edit/#!/bubo-rss](https://glitch.com/edit/#!/bubo-rss) There is also a `glitch` branch on this repo if you'd prefer to start there. Just change some feeds in `./config/feeds.json` file and you're set! If you'd like to modify the style or the template you can changed `./public/style.css` file or the `./config/template.html` file respectively. ## Deploying to Netlify - [Fork the repository](https://github.com/georgemandis/bubo-rss/fork) - From your forked repository edit `config/feeds.json` to manage your feeds and categories - [Create a new site](https://app.netlify.com/start) on Netlify from GitHub The deploy settings should automatically import from the `netlify.toml` file. All you'll need to do is confirm and you're ready to go! ### Keeping Feeds Updated #### Using Netlify Webhooks To keep your feeds up to date you'll want to [setup a Build Hook](https://www.netlify.com/docs/webhooks/#incoming-webhooks) for your Netlify site and use another service to ping it every so often to trigger a rebuild. I'd suggest looking into: - [IFTTT](https://ifttt.com/) - [Zapier](https://zapier.com/) - [EasyCron](https://www.easycron.com/) #### Rolling Your Own If you already have a server running Linux and some command-line experience it might be simpler to setup a [cron job](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron).
## Demos You can view live demos here: - [https://bubo-rss-demo.netlify.com/](https://bubo-rss-demo.netlify.com/) - [http://bubo-rss.glitch.me/](http://bubo-rss.glitch.me/) ## Support If you found this useful please consider [sponsoring me or this project](https://github.com/sponsors/georgemandis). If you'd rather run this on your own server please consider using one of these affiliate links to setup a micro instance on [Linode](https://www.linode.com/?r=8729957ab02b50a695dcea12a5ca55570979d8b9), [Digital Ocean](https://m.do.co/c/31f58d367777) or [Vultr](https://www.vultr.com/?ref=8403978). ## Showcase Here are some websites using Bubo Reader: - [Kevin Fiol](https://kevinfiol.com/reader/) ([repo](https://github.com/kevinfiol/reader)) Please share if you would like to be featured!