Bubo is a somewhat irrationally minimalist <acronymtitle="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</acronym> and <acronymtitle="JavaScript Object Notation">JSON</acronym> feed reader you can deploy on [Netlify](https://netlify.com) in a few steps. The goal of the project is to generate a webpage that shows a list of links from a collection of feeds organized by category and website. That's it.
You can read more about how this project came about in my blog post '[Introducing Bubo RSS: An Absurdly Minimalist RSS Feed Reader](https://george.mand.is/2019/11/introducing-bubo-rss-an-absurdly-minimalist-rss-feed-reader/)'
To keep your feeds up to date you'll want to [setup a Build Hook](https://www.netlify.com/docs/webhooks/#incoming-webhooks) for your Netlify site and use another service to ping it every so often to trigger a rebuild. I'd suggeste looking into:
- [IFTTT](https://ifttt.com/)
- [Zapier](https://zapier.com/)
- [EasyCron](https://www.easycron.com/)
If you already have a server running Linux and some command-line experience it might be simpler to setup a [cron job](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron).
If you found this useful please consider sponsoring me or this project. If you'd rather run this on your own server please consider using one of these affiliate links to setup a micro instance on [Linode](https://www.linode.com/?r=8729957ab02b50a695dcea12a5ca55570979d8b9) or [Digital Ocean](https://m.do.co/c/31f58d367777).