mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 08:26:29 +00:00
Merge pull request #26 from deltatwenty/main
Merge pull request #96 from UberGuidoZ/main
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: POWER
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5396 53113 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2225 563 95052
name: Vol_Up
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5472 53216 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: Vol_Dn
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5472 53344 8899 4424 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2225 563 95052
name: Mute
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 53523 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: LD
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 55977 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: VIDEO
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5421 55722 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 38358 8899 2225 563 95052
name: CD
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 54801 8899 4424 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: AUX
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 55364 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: TAPE-1
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 55057 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: TAPE-2
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 55236 8899 4424 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: AM
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 56515 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: FM
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 56387 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2225 563 95052
name: Tuner_Dn
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 57256 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: Tuner_Up
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5472 57461 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: POWER
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5396 53113 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2225 563 95052
name: Vol_Up
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5472 53216 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: Vol_Dn
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5472 53344 8899 4424 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2225 563 95052
name: Mute
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 53523 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: LD
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 55977 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: VIDEO
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5421 55722 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 38358 8899 2225 563 95052
name: CD
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 54801 8899 4424 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: AUX
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 55364 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: TAPE-1
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 55057 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: TAPE-2
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 55236 8899 4424 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: AM
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 56515 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: FM
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 56387 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 38358 8899 2225 563 95052
name: Tuner_Dn
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5498 57256 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
name: Tuner_Up
type: raw
frequency: 39105
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 5472 57461 8899 4450 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 1662 563 563 563 1662 563 563 563 563 563 38358 8899 2199 563 95052
@ -1,170 +1,170 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: Off
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 1F E0 00 00
name: On
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 1E E1 00 00
name: Brighter
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 1C E3 00 00
name: Dimmer
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 1D E2 00 00
name: Red
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 00 FF 00 00
name: Green
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 01 FE 00 00
name: Blue
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 02 FD 00 00
name: White
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 03 FC 00 00
name: Light_red
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 04 FB 00 00
name: Orange
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 08 F7 00 00
name: Light_yellow
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 0C F3 00 00
name: Yellow
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 10 EF 00 00
name: Light_green
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 05 FA 00 00
name: Light_blue
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 09 F6 00 00
name: Aqua
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 0D F2 00 00
name: Turquoise
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 11 EE 00 00
name: Mid_blue
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 06 F9 00 00
name: Dark_purple
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 0A F5 00 00
name: Purple
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 0E F1 00 00
name: Light_purple
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 12 ED 00 00
name: Fade
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 07 F8 00 00
name: Jump
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 0B F4 00 00
name: Asyn_fade
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 0F F0 00 00
name: Asyn_jump
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 13 EC 00 00
name: Speed
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 17 E8 00 00
name: 6h
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 14 EB 00 00
name: 12h
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 15 EA 00 00
name: Timer_off
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 16 E9 00 00
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: Off
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 1F E0 00 00
name: On
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 1E E1 00 00
name: Brighter
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 1C E3 00 00
name: Dimmer
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 1D E2 00 00
name: Red
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 00 FF 00 00
name: Green
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 01 FE 00 00
name: Blue
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 02 FD 00 00
name: White
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 03 FC 00 00
name: Light_red
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 04 FB 00 00
name: Orange
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 08 F7 00 00
name: Light_yellow
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 0C F3 00 00
name: Yellow
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 10 EF 00 00
name: Light_green
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 05 FA 00 00
name: Light_blue
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 09 F6 00 00
name: Aqua
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 0D F2 00 00
name: Turquoise
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 11 EE 00 00
name: Mid_blue
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 06 F9 00 00
name: Dark_purple
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 0A F5 00 00
name: Purple
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 0E F1 00 00
name: Light_purple
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 12 ED 00 00
name: Fade
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 07 F8 00 00
name: Jump
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 0B F4 00 00
name: Asyn_fade
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 0F F0 00 00
name: Asyn_jump
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 13 EC 00 00
name: Speed
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 17 E8 00 00
name: 6h
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 14 EB 00 00
name: 12h
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 15 EA 00 00
name: Timer_off
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 16 E9 00 00
@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
# Roku
name: Power
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 17 E8 00 00
name: Home
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 03 FC 00 00
name: Back
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 66 99 00 00
name: Vol_up
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 0F F0 00 00
name: Vol_down
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 10 EF 00 00
name: Mute
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 20 DF 00 00
name: Up
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 19 E6 00 00
name: Down
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 33 CC 00 00
name: Left
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 1E E1 00 00
name: Right
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 2D D2 00 00
name: Ok
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 2A D5 00 00
name: Return
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 78 87 00 00
name: Star
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 61 9E 00 00
name: Rewind
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 34 CB 00 00
name: Pause
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 4C B3 00 00
name: Fastforward
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
# Roku
name: Power
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 17 E8 00 00
name: Home
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 03 FC 00 00
name: Back
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 66 99 00 00
name: Vol_up
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 0F F0 00 00
name: Vol_down
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 10 EF 00 00
name: Mute
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 20 DF 00 00
name: Up
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 19 E6 00 00
name: Down
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 33 CC 00 00
name: Left
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 1E E1 00 00
name: Right
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 2D D2 00 00
name: Ok
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 2A D5 00 00
name: Return
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: EA C7 00 00
command: 78 87 00 00
name: Star
type: parsed
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Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
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protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 7C 00 00 00
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 7C 00 00 00
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: 0
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 00 00 00 00
name: TUNER/CD_0
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 00 00 00 00
name: 1
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 01 00 00 00
name: TUNER/CD_1
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 01 00 00 00
name: 2
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 02 00 00 00
name: TUNER/CD_2
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 02 00 00 00
name: 3
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 03 00 00 00
name: TUNER/CD_3
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 03 00 00 00
name: 4
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 04 00 00 00
name: TUNER/CD_4
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 04 00 00 00
name: 5
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 05 00 00 00
name: TUNER/CD_5
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 05 00 00 00
name: 6
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 06 00 00 00
name: TUNER/CD_6
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 06 00 00 00
name: 7
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 07 00 00 00
name: TUNER/CD_7
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 07 00 00 00
name: 8
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 08 00 00 00
name: TUNER/CD_8
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 08 00 00 00
name: 9
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address: 11 00 00 00
command: 09 00 00 00
name: TUNER/CD_9
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protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 09 00 00 00
name: PRESET_+
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 20 00 00 00
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 20 00 00 00
name: PRESET_-
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 21 00 00 00
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 21 00 00 00
name: MODE
type: parsed
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command: 25 00 00 00
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type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 3F 00 00 00
name: INFO_2
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 11 00 00 00
command: 3F 00 00 00
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
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address: 14 00 00 00
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protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 03 00 00 00
name: CD_4
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 04 00 00 00
name: CD_5
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
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name: CD_6
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protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
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address: 14 00 00 00
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address: 14 00 00 00
command: 08 00 00 00
name: CD_9
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 09 00 00 00
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 1D 00 00 00
name: SKIP/SEARCH_>>
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 20 00 00 00
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 20 00 00 00
name: SKIP/SEARCH_<<
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 21 00 00 00
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 21 00 00 00
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 29 00 00 00
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 2D 00 00 00
name: CD_EJECT
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 2D 00 00 00
name: PAUSE
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 30 00 00 00
name: CD_PAUSE
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 30 00 00 00
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 32 00 00 00
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 34 00 00 00
name: PLAY
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 35 00 00 00
name: CD_PLAY
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 35 00 00 00
name: STOP
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 36 00 00 00
name: CD_STOP
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 36 00 00 00
name: CD_CLEAR
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 14 00 00 00
command: 3A 00 00 00
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 00 00 00 00
@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: SAT_A
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 00 00 00 00
name: SAT_B
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 00 00 00 00
name: TUNER_A
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 03 00 00 00
name: TUNER_B
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 03 00 00 00
name: DVD_A
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 04 00 00 00
name: DVD_B
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 04 00 00 00
name: TAPE_A
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 05 00 00 00
name: TAPE_B
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 05 00 00 00
name: VCR_A
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 06 00 00 00
name: VCR_B
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 06 00 00 00
name: CD_A
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 07 00 00 00
name: CD_B
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 07 00 00 00
name: AUX_A
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 08 00 00 00
name: AUX_B
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 08 00 00 00
name: POWER_A
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 0C 00 00 00
name: POWER_B
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 0C 00 00 00
name: MUTE_A
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 0D 00 00 00
name: MUTE_B
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 0D 00 00 00
name: VOLUME_+_A
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 10 00 00 00
name: VOLUME_+_B
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 10 00 00 00
name: VOLUME_-_A
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 11 00 00 00
name: VOLUME_-_B
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 10 00 00 00
command: 11 00 00 00
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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