Merge pull request #23 from UberGuidoZ/main

AuraLED & Duraflame Heater
This commit is contained in:
UberGuidoZ 2022-05-20 22:31:28 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 5982e656ac
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 178 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
# Duraflame Heater
name: On
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 1277 410 1281 407 438 1249 1277 409 1282 405 440 1248 433 1254 437 1250 441 1247 434 1253 438 1250 1276 7162 1285 402 1279 409 436 1250 1277 411 1280 406 439 1248 433 1255 436 1251 440 1246 435 1253 438 1249 1278 7160 1287 401 1280 407 438 1249 1278 409 1282 405 440 1247 434 1254 437 1250 441 1246 435 1253 438 1249 1277 7161 1285 401 1280 407 438 1249 1277 409 1282 405 440 1247 434 1253 438 1249 442 1246 435 1252 439 1248 1278 7159 1277 409 1282 405 440 1246 1280 407 1284 402 433 1254 437 1250 441 1245 436 1251 440 1247 434 1253 1284 7153 1284 403 1278 409 436 1251 1286 401 1280 407 438 1248 443 1244 437 1249 442 1245 436 1252 439 1247 1279 7157 1279 407 1284 403 442 1245 1282 431 1260 427 408 1252 439 1248 443 1244 437 1250 441 1246 435 1252 1285
name: Fire_Up
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 1278 410 1281 406 439 1248 1278 409 1282 405 440 1247 434 1254 1283 404 441 1246 435 1253 438 1249 442 7997 1285 401 1280 407 438 1249 1277 409 1282 404 441 1246 435 1253 1284 403 432 1255 436 1250 441 1246 435 8002 1280 407 1284 403 442 1244 1282 405 1276 411 434 1252 439 1248 1279 409 436 1250 441 1246 435 1251 440 7997 1285 402 1279 408 437 1249 1278 409 1282 405 440 1247 434 1253 1284 403 442 1244 437 1251 440 1246 435 8002 1280 406 1285 402 433 1254 1283 404 1277 410 435 1252 439 1248 1278 408 437 1250 441 1245 436 1251 440 7997 1285 401 1280 407 438 1249 1278 409 1282 405 440 1246 435 1253 1284 402 433 1254 437 1250 441 1246 435 8002 1280 407 1284 402 433 1254 1283 404 1277 410 435 1252 439 1247 1279 408 437 1249 442 1245 436 1251 440 7996 1286 401 1280 407 438 1248 1278 409 1282 404 441 1246 435 1252 1285 402 433 1254 437 1250 441 1245 436
name: Fire_Down
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 1280 407 1284 403 442 1245 1282 405 1276 411 434 1252 439 1248 433 1254 1283 404 441 1246 435 1253 438 7999 1284 403 1278 410 435 1251 1276 411 1280 407 438 1249 432 1255 436 1251 1286 401 434 1254 437 1250 441 7996 1276 411 1280 407 438 1248 1279 409 1282 404 441 1246 435 1252 439 1248 1279 409 436 1250 441 1246 435 8004 1278 408 1283 404 441 1246 1281 406 1285 401 434 1253 438 1249 432 1255 1282 406 439 1247 434 1253 438 8000 1283 404 1277 410 435 1252 1285 402 1279 408 437 1249 432 1255 436 1251 1276 411 434 1252 439 1248 433 8004 1278 409 1282 405 440 1246 1281 407 1284 402 433 1254 437 1250 441 1246 1281 406 439 1247 434 1253 438 7998 1285 402 1279 408 437 1249 1278 410 1281 405 440 1246 435 1253 438 1248 1278 409 436 1250 441 1246 435 8002 1280 406 1285 402 433 1254 1283 403 1278 409 436 1250 441 1246 435 1252 1285 402 433 1254 437 1250 441 7995 1277 409 1282 405 440 1246 1281 407 1284 402 433 1254 437 1250 441 1245 1282 405 440 1247 434 1252 439 7998 1284 402 1279 408 437 1250 1277 410 1281 405 440 1246 435 1252 439 1248 1279 408 437 1250 441 1245 436 8001 1281 405 1276 411 434 1253 1284 403 1278 408 437 1250 441 1245 436 1251 1276 411 434 1253 438 1249 432
name: Heater
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 1285 401 1280 408 437 1249 1277 410 1281 405 440 1246 435 1252 439 1248 433 1254 1283 404 441 1245 436 8000 1282 405 1276 411 434 1253 1284 402 1279 408 437 1250 441 1246 435 1252 439 1248 1278 408 437 1249 442 7993 1278 409 1282 404 441 1246 1280 406 1285 401 434 1253 438 1249 432 1255 436 1250 1276 410 435 1251 440 7995 1277 410 1281 406 439 1247 1279 407 1284 403 432 1254 437 1250 441 1245 436 1251 1276 411 434 1252 439 7997 1285 401 1280 407 438 1248 1278 408 1283 404 441 1245 436 1251 440 1247 434 1253 1284 403 432 1254 437 7998 1284 403 1278 408 437 1249 1277 409 1282 405 440 1246 435 1252 439 1248 433 1254 1283 404 441 1245 436 8000 1282 404 1277 410 435 1251 1276 411 1280 407 438 1248 433 1254 437 1250 441 1245 1282 405 440 1246 435 8000 1282 405 1276 410 435 1252 1285 401 1280 407 438 1248 433 1254 437 1249 432 1255 1282 405 440 1246 435 8001 1281 406 1285 401 434 1253 1284 403 1278 408 437 1249 442 1245 436 1251 440 1246 1280 406 439 1248 433 8001 1281 406 1285 401 434 1253 1284 403 1278 408 437 1249 442 1245 436 1251 440 1246 1280 407 438 1248 433 8003 1279 407 1284 403 432 1254 1283 404 1277 409 436 1251 440 1247 434 1253 438 1248 1278 408 437 1249 442 7994 1278 408 1283 404 441 1245 1281 405 1276 410 446 1241 440 1247 434 1253 438 1249 1277 409 447 1239 442 7995 1276 409 1282 404 441 1246 1281 406 1285 401 434 1252 439 1248 433 1254 437 1249 1277 409 436 1250 441 7994 1278 409 1282 404 441 1245 1281 405 1276 411 434 1252 439 1248 433 1254 437 1249 1277 409 436 1250 441

View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
# AuraLED ColorStrip LEDs
name: On
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 03 FC 00 00
name: Off
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9227 4492 622 521 603 542 623 522 632 512 632 513 631 514 630 514 630 515 629 1628 630 1629 629 1630 628 1633 604 545 630 1630 628 1631 627 1631 627 518 626 1632 626 519 625 520 624 520 624 521 623 521 603 542 623 1634 624 521 623 1634 624 1633 625 1633 625 1632 605 1652 626 1631 596
name: Bright
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9234 4488 626 519 625 520 634 510 634 511 633 512 632 513 631 515 629 516 628 1631 627 1633 635 1625 633 1628 630 518 636 1624 634 1627 631 1631 637 511 633 515 629 519 635 514 630 519 635 513 631 516 638 512 632 1627 631 1631 637 1624 634 1626 632 1628 630 1629 629 1633 625 1634 634 41137 9266 2204 631 96573 9235 2204 631
name: Dim
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9349 4519 636 519 635 521 633 522 632 523 611 544 641 514 640 517 606 549 605 1663 636 1631 637 1629 639 1627 631 522 632 1633 635 1629 629 1631 606 1653 625 520 624 521 633 512 632 513 631 514 630 516 628 516 628 518 626 1632 626 1633 625 1634 634 1625 633 1626 632 1626 632 1627 631 41160 9200 2214 631
name: Flash
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9203 4523 602 546 598 548 606 539 605 540 604 540 604 540 604 541 603 542 602 1654 604 1656 602 1657 601 1658 600 546 598 1660 598 1661 607 1651 607 1652 606 1654 604 543 601 1656 602 544 600 545 599 545 599 546 598 546 598 546 598 1659 599 546 598 1659 599 1659 599 1659 599 1660 598 41200 9184 2241 605
name: Strobe
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9218 4491 633 511 633 511 633 511 633 512 632 512 632 513 631 512 632 512 632 1626 632 1627 631 1627 631 1628 630 515 629 1630 628 1632 626 1633 635 1624 634 1624 634 1624 634 1625 633 513 631 514 630 515 629 515 629 516 628 516 628 517 627 518 626 1633 635 1623 635 1625 633 1625 633 41172 9198 2214 631
name: Fade
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 13 EC 00 00
name: Holiday
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 17 E8 00 00
name: Red
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 04 FB 00 00
name: Green
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 05 FA 00 00
name: Blue
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 06 F9 00 00
name: White
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9223 4493 632 512 632 512 632 512 632 513 631 513 631 513 631 514 630 514 630 1629 629 1629 629 1630 628 1631 627 518 626 1632 626 1633 625 1634 624 1635 633 1625 633 1626 632 513 631 513 631 513 631 512 632 512 632 512 632 512 632 512 622 1635 623 1634 624 1634 624 1633 625 1632 626 41178 9189 2219 627
name: NECe_F708
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 08 F7 00 00
name: NECe_F609
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 09 F6 00 00
name: NECe_F50A
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 0A F5 00 00
name: NECe_F30C
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 0C F3 00 00
name: NECe_F20D
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 0D F2 00 00
name: NECe_F10E
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 0E F1 00 00
name: NECe_EF10
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 10 EF 00 00
name: NECe_EE11
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 11 EE 00 00
name: NECe_ED12
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 12 ED 00 00
name: NECe_EB14
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 14 EB 00 00
name: NECe_EA15
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 15 EA 00 00
name: NECe_E916
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 EF 00 00
command: 16 E9 00 00