**Changes made:** - Added video quality and sub/dub tags to polish and portuguese sites - Updated links, fixed descs, removed dupes and reorganized stuff where needed - Removed [Dark Machine](https://darkmachine.pl/), dead - Removed [PolishSource](https://polishsource.cz/), priv tracker registration closed - Removed [OpenClip](http://openclip.info/), low quality, no https, most links either redirect to smth paid or are dead - Removed [filman.cc](https://filman.cc/), requires sign up even just to see the site - Removed [K1n013f0ur's Pastebin](https://github.com/nbats/FMHYedit/blob/main/base64.md#k1n013f0urs-pastebin), deleted, should be removed from b64 page asw - Removed [docer.pl](https://docer.pl/), all links seem to be dead - Removed [Legendas Zone](https://www.legendas-zone.org), requires log in just to see the site - Removed [MD.Saúde](https://www.mdsaude.com), [Tua Saúde](https://www.tuasaude.com), [Dieta Emagrece](https://dietaemagrece.com.br) and [Beleza e Saúde](https://belezaesaude.com) - Seems redundant to keep health news and blogs since no other section in non eng has those listed and theyre also easily googlable - Removed [NONIOBlocker](https://github.com/DevTiagoCruz/NONIOBlocker), last update 2020 and all it does can be accomplished with general adblockers - Removed [Plagiarisma](https://plagiarisma.net/pt/), unreliable - Removed [Gerador de Nomes de Fantasia](https://www.nomesdefantasia.com), niche asf and easily googleable - Removed [CatálogoApp](https://catalogoapp.mobi), paid media heck yeah catalogue - Removed [TopFlix](https://topflix.tv), doesn't seem to have any videos? - Removed [TV Aberta](https://apkpure.com/br/tv-aberta-lite/tv.aberta.lite), last update 2020
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