**Changes made:** - Updated http to https where possible - Removed random double spaces - Removed [Prospector](https://www.prospector.cz/), stuff doesn't get added very often and there's nothing very useful anyway - Removed [Peelopaalu](https://peelopaalu.neocities.org/), completely random and mostly niche stuff - Removed [bajins](https://www.bajins.com/), chinese, should be moved to non eng - Removed [pomfcrawl](https://pomfcrawl.pythonanywhere.com/), last update a year ago and the site is overall very hard to navigate - Removed [Beej's Index](https://www.beej.us/), only 10 links and doesn't seem updated anymore - Removed [Nicelist](https://github.com/alamehan/nice-list), non eng and likely wont be updated anytime soon - Removed [Pointless Sites](https://www.pointlesssites.com/) - Pointless Site Index and [Websites From Hell](https://websitesfromhell.net/) - Shitty Website Index, self explanatory, really pointless to keep them but they may be suitable for the fun index category in storage - Removed [10kb Club](https://10kbclub.com/), [250kb Club](https://250kb.club/), [512kb Club](https://512kb.club/), [1MB Club](https://1mb.club/), pretty useless / niche - Removed [Recipe Puppy](http://www.recipepuppy.com/about/api/), dead - Removed [Sun / Moon Position Calculators](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_sun_.2F_moon_position)**, dead redirect - Removed [EveryMountain](http://everymountainintheworld.com/), bloated asf + no https - Removed [dgi](http://www.dgi.inpe.br/catalogo/), non eng - Removed [Mikavaa](http://mapmerizer.mikavaa.com/), dead - Removed [DisplayWars](http://www.displaywars.com/), has iphone 7 vs iphone 7 category, safe to say its outdated as shit - Removed [Madam Zena](http://www.madamzena.com/), probably last updated 2 decades ago, broken asf - Removed [SfwChan](http://boards.swfchan.net/), the sfw part is sarcastic - Removed [World Dream Bank](http://www.worlddreambank.org/), wet dreams generator - Removed [cachemonet](http://cachemonet.com/), dont think we need a seizure inducer - Removed [The Office Stare Machine](http://theofficestaremachine.com/), too niche and generally not very useful and/or fun - Removed [Vintage Ad Browser](http://www.vintageadbrowser.com/), taken down - Removed [ASCIIMATION](http://www.asciimation.co.nz/), last updated 2015 - Removed [Nightmare Machine](http://nightmare.mit.edu/), niche / useless and no https - Removed [Pixels Fighting](http://pixelsfighting.com/), the modern equivalent of watching paint dry, even has a link to buy this masterpiece for 25 dollars - Removed [Cake](http://www.redkid.net/generator/cake/), dead - Removed [Watching Grass Grow](https://www.watching-grass-grow.com/), touching grass >>> watching grass - Removed [CornHub](https://cornhub.website/), no sexy corn videos allowed - Removed [Checkboxes](http://www.jezzamon.com/checkboxes/index.html), the most useless shit ive had the pleasure of witnessing today - Removed [RandomColour](http://www.randomcolour.com/), just changes site bg to a random color, not really fun or useful
The Largest Collection of Free Stuff On The Internet!
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