**Changes made:** - Added video quality and sub/dub tags to arabic streaming and downloading sites - Updated some links and descs in the arabic section - Removed [Shazam Music](https://t.me/shazam_music_uz), not arabic - Removed [Fushaar](https://www.fushaar.com/), [2](https://fushaar.info/), both streaming and download links are blocked by ublock - Removed [animebdk](https://animebdk.blogspot.com/), most links are dead - Removed [eshiq](https://e3sk.com/), just redirects links to dailymotion on a very obnoxious way - Removed [AnimeFlick](https://animeflick.net/), not arabic - Removed [animetitans](https://animetitans.com/), is now a casino tourism site - Removed [gatecima](https://gatecima.com/), empty - Removed [Arabsama](https://arabsama.net/), dead - Removed [livehd7](https://livehd7.bio/), dead - Removed [YallAlive](https://yallalive.id/), everythings blocked by ublock and without it links just redirect to random shit
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