**Changes made:** - Updated http links to https where possible - Removed [DarkAudacity](http://www.darkaudacity.com/), last updated 4 years ago, no https - Removed [DSOUND Software](http://dsoundsoft.com/), non eng - Removed [Nekogames](http://nekogames.jp/), japanese games, should be moved to non eng - Removed [OneMoreLevel](http://www.onemorelevel.com/), not updated anymore + no https - Removed [Not Doppler](http://www.notdoppler.com/), it's a mobile game company now, doesn't fit browser games section - Removed [2amGames](http://www.2amgames.com/), no https, no quality, the kind of shit you'd witness in a fever dream - Removed [Unity3DGames](http://www.unity3dgames.net/), redirects to random shit - Removed [Save For Later](http://saveforlater.com/), pretty much the same features every modern browser has and no https - Removed [Light Table](http://lighttable.com/), project is archived, likely wont be updated anymore - Removed [Instant Eyedropper](http://instant-eyedropper.com/), hasn't been updated for a year and seems to have a lot of issues + no https - Removed [Pixie](http://www.nattyware.com/pixie.php), no https, source code is paid and doesn't really have anything worth keeping - Removed [TUGZip](http://www.tugzip.com/), development suspended and last update was in 2008 - Removed [POSTER-MAN](http://www.poster-man.com/), mostly non eng - Removed [andydecarli](http://andydecarli.com/Video%20Games/Collection/), last updated 2013 and pretty small amount of covers - Removed [Xenu's Link Sleuth](http://home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink.html), last update 2010 - Removed [Zer0](http://kcsoftwares.com/index.php?zero), gonna be EOL by the end of today - Removed [Drunk Men Work Here](http://www.drunkmenworkhere.org/archive), last update 2015 and even the stuff it already has is far off from "fun" - Removed [DeltaCopy](http://www.aboutmyip.com/AboutMyXApp/DeltaCopy.jsp), last release 2009 - Removed [ZPaq](http://mattmahoney.net/dc/zpaq.html), last update 2014 - Removed [sendfile.su](http://sendfile.su/), russian site, no https, should be tested and moved to non-eng - Removed [filestore](http://filestore.to/), german, no https, should be tested and moved to non eng - Removed [batshare](http://batshare.net/), redirects to random blog site - Removed [ti1ca](https://ti1ca.com/), french, should be tested and moved to non eng - Removed [AllFreeFont](http://www.allfreefont.com/), dead - Removed [Game-Editor](http://game-editor.com/Main_Page), last updated 2013 - Removed [zhabotyn](http://www.bios.unc.edu/~zhabotyn/recipes/), last updated 2018 - Removed [Photoscape](http://www.photoscape.org/), last update 2014 - Removed [zasasa](http://www.zasasa.com/), no https, overall pretty janky site - Removed [Romanr](http://www.romanr.info/), random shit, mostly useless - Removed [Palined](http://palined.com/search/), just searches through google - Removed [FonetAsk](http://www.fonetask.com/), dead - Removed [PDFedit](http://pdfedit.cz/en/index.html), last update 2012 - Removed [http-proxy-list](https://github.com/mertguvencli/http-proxy-list), repo disabled - Removed [VSTHouse](http://vsthouse.ru/), russian, no https, should be tested and moved to non eng - Removed [rocm](http://www.rocm.org/scores/), last updated 2011 - Removed [114sim](http://www.114sim.com/), non eng - Removed [freevectors](http://www.freevectors.org/), redirects to something else - Removed [WinBar](http://www.winbar.nl/), last update 2013 - Removed [Addventure](http://addventure.com/addventure/), very very outdated - Removed [WinCompose](http://wincompose.info/), last update 2021 - Removed [Clover](http://en.ejie.me/) and [QTTabBar](http://qttabbar.wikidot.com/), last update 2020
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