- Wallpapers section debloat 3/5 done - Added some descriptions for easier navigation - Removed [Studio Ghibli Wallpapers](https://www.ghibli.jp/info/013772), non eng - Removed [linus](https://thanos.lol/linus/), super low quality and doesn't look updated anymore - Removed [HD wallpapers](https://www.hdwallpapers.net/), last upload 4 years ago - Removed [Wallpapers](https://wallpapers.net/), all wallpapers return error 500 when clicked - Removed [ThewWallpapers](https://thewallpapers.org/), mostly low quality or badly AI generated shit, or both - Removed [2](https://mega.nz/folder/QZwW1LLZ#WFjZoQNQm7LfyQzr_rUNIA/folder/MEZTVYDB), empty - Removed [sfwallpaper](https://sfwallpaper.com/), small amount of wallpapers - Removed [wallpaperforu](https://wallpaperforu.com/), no search - Removed [goldposter](https://wallpaper.goldposter.com/), broken search and not that many good wallpapers - Removed [hdwallsbox](https://hdwallsbox.com/), very small amount of stuff and not that good either - Removed [wallpaperbat](https://wallpaperbat.com/), downloads don't work with ublock on - Removed [wallhere](https://wallhere.com/), mostly fetish / barely sfw wallpapers, for the wellbeing of anyone still grinding NNN it should be removed - Removed [ilikewallpaper](https://www.ilikewallpaper.net/), only has stuff for iphone and not that much of it either - Removed [papers](https://papers.co/), doesn't look updated anymore and the wallpapers aren't that good either - Removed [suwalls](https://suwalls.com/), latest wallpaper uploaded in 2017, site isn't updated anymore - Removed [GDrive Collection](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipO7LmX8oM3ZAyUuPAtwIWzbO5TjAppRfQ880DSuFR6jjcEzFysj4pAWThXUzO_tiw?key=aURJRDlneERpMmJnRmphdHRFRmdTMHJmbmlxZTNR), can't search or sort by categories so pretty pointless - Removed [drawstructure](https://drawstructure.vercel.app/), last update 2021 and doesn't have much good stuff either - Removed [dwt1](https://gitlab.com/dwt1/wallpapers), just a personal collection and very hard to navigate since there's no descriptive image names and no way to search - Removed [SkinBase](https://skinbase.org/), downloads broken - Removed [SocWall](https://www.socwall.com/), last update 2012, site not maintained anymore, not that many wallpapers and they're basic af - Removed [WPGallery](https://www.wpgallery.com/), last upload 2020, not many wallpapers and they're basic af - Removed [Bing Wallpaper](https://bingwallpaper.anerg.com/), no search and pretty generic stuff anyway - Removed https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21AGFudU5q0LqPcSY&id=84D7E222958B8EFB%2118111&cid=84D7E222958B8EFB, main microsoft wallpapers site is enough and there's no need to login just for a wallpaper - Removed [pikist](https://www.pikist.com/), not that much stuff and very generic - Removed [wallpaper.dog](https://wallpaper.dog/), not much stuff and very generic - Removed [ps4wallpapers](https://www.ps4wallpapers.com/), site is janky af and has nsfw wallpaper on the front page - Removed [livelybg](https://livelybg.com/), last upload a year ago, very small amount of wallpapers and they don't look that good - Removed [AnimatedBackgrounds](https://animatedbackgrounds.me/), it's not really wallpapers but animated backgrounds (with code provided) most suitable for sites or presentations, should be moved elsewhere - Removed https://t.me/picsart_hd_background, no longer about wallpapers - Removed [wallpapersite](https://www.wallpapersite.com/), not a TG wallpaper channel and also not worth being listed under sites since its just a google search for wallpapers
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