**Changes made:** - Updated links from http to https where possible (disappointingly small number of sites had this possibility) - Removed random double spaces - Removed [Creating Minds](http://creatingminds.org/tools/tools_ideation.htm), it's not really tools but rather just generic advices, doesn't seem updated anymore, lots of reading and no dark mode + no https - Removed [Cliche Info](http://cliche.theinfo.org/), just flags random words + no https - Removed [Chaotic Shiny](http://chaoticshiny.com/), likely wont be updated anymore and no https - Removed [Awkwords](http://akana.conlang.org/tools/awkwords/), generates random meaningless words and is very unintuitive to use + no https - Removed [IdeaGenerator](https://ideagenerator.creativitygames.net/), site is whacky af and only generates very basic words and images that have nothing to do with each other - Removed [Align Toolkit](http://phraseotext.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/webAlignToolkit/index.php), doesn't seem useful + no https - Removed a bunch of ASCII tools, we have a section in storage for them so they should be re-tested and moved there: [ascii-art-generator](https://www.ascii-art-generator.org/) [ascii-generator](https://ascii-generator.site/) [asciiart](https://asciiart.club/) [ascii-image-converter](https://github.com/TheZoraiz/ascii-image-converter) [ASCII-art-creator](https://github.com/CherryPill/ASCII-art-creator) [Love ASCII](http://loveascii.com/) [16colors](https://16colo.rs/) [ascii.co](https://ascii.co.uk/art) [RoySAC](http://www.roysac.com/sitemap.html) [ASCII Flow](https://asciiflow.com/) [Tree](https://tree.nathanfriend.io/) - Removed [Wakaru](http://wakaru.eyeyokotta.com/), last update 2018 + no https - Removed [Video Ascii Art](http://www.kickjs.org/example/video_ascii_art/Video_Ascii_Art.html), doesn't work - Removed [AmazingMIDI](http://www.pluto.dti.ne.jp/araki/amazingmidi/), last update 20 years ago - Removed [FamiTracker](http://www.famitracker.com/), site suspended - Removed [Nix Search](http://nixsearch.rf.gd/), why would anyone want http search engine - Removed [aaaaaa.....](http://aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.com/), just a shittier [loooo...ng](https://loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.ng/) with no https - Removed [Facedown](http://www.vincentcheung.ca/facedown/), taken down by FB, downloads unavailable and all redirect to a very lovely site - Removed [Windows Sizer](http://www.brianapps.net/sizer4/), last update 2020, no https and doesn't seem that useful anyway - Removed [KillDisk](http://killdisk.com/killdisk-home.htm), free tier is very limited + no https - Removed [HeavenTools](http://www.heaventools.net/), paid and only offers 30 day free trial - Removed [NFOReader](http://www.nforeader.com/), most likely wasnt updated for a decade, no https and we have better options for nfo readers anyway
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