- Added descriptions to download managers, file archivers and file converters - Removed https://github.com/Vinylwalk3r/JDownloader-2-Dark-Theme/, last update 3 years ago and project is abandoned - Removed [download](https://github.com/kevva/download) / [CLI](https://github.com/kevva/download-cli), last update 4 years ago, no longer maintained, doesn't seem worth keeping - Removed [Krinkels](https://krinkels.org/), non eng - Removed [SuperCompression](https://supercompression.ru/), non eng - Removed [UltraARC](https://www.fileforums.com/showpost.php?p=476660&postcount=1135), last update 6 years ago - Removed [p7zip-zstd](https://github.com/jinfeihan57/p7zip), last update 2 years ago, just a fork of 7zip and doesn't seem that useful - Removed [RazorX 2](https://fileforums.com/showthread.php?t=103577&highlight=Razorx), last update 2 years ago, doesn't seem that good - Removed [Bear File Converter](https://www.ofoct.com/), doesn't seem to work - Removed [Format Factory](http://www.pcfreetime.com/formatfactory/index.php?language=en), http and doesnt seem very useful - Removed [xConvert](https://www.xconvert.com/), broken
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