**Changes made:** - Updated links from http to https where possible - Removed random double spaces - Removed [icdrama](http://www1.hkdrama.to/), dead - Removed [WorldCupFootball](http://hd.worldcupfootball.me/), dead - Removed http://popcorn-time.ga/ since it just redirects to random shit, left the GH link of popcorntime instead - Removed [What the Hell Should I Watch on Netflix?](http://whatthehellshouldiwatchonnetflix.com/), site suspended - Removed [Chronology of Animation](http://www.animated-divots.net/chronst.html), it just shows the history of animation from 1900 to 2013, no longer updated and too niche to keep + no https - Removed [British-Film-Locations](http://www.british-film-locations.com/), dead - Removed [MovieSubtitles](http://www.moviesubtitles.net/), hasn't been updated in over a decade + no https
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