Update EDUPiracyGuide.md
**Changes made:** - Updated http to https where possible - Removed random double spaces - Grouped together some stuff with the same description - Re-organized some sections for easier navigation - Removed [DavidReedSmith](http://www.davidreedsmith.com/Articles.htm), dead - Removed [Prongo](https://prongo.com/), tags are all over the place and the games aren't that good either - Removed [SheppardSoftware](https://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games_menu.htm), site is janky asf and games aren't really good either - Removed [TinyTap](https://www.tinytap.com/), requires sign up which is pretty overkill for a kids games site - Removed [Falstad](https://www.falstad.com/) from math section since it's already starred in the physics section and has more stuff for physics - Removed [ERS3D](http://www.ers3d.com/home/moduleInfo.do?moduleId=11&listId=92), non eng - Removed [OpenSong](http://www.opensong.org/), dead - Removed [Finger Style](https://finger-style.ru/category/lessons), russian - Removed [Speaking24](http://www.speaking24.com/), very small amount of people and can only contact via skype, no https - Removed [HeroGenerator](https://t.me/HeroGeneratorPure), inactive / dead - Removed [Answers Exchange](https://discord.gg/GFp9Rvr), server locked/dead - Removed [Political Simulator](http://filteries.com/politics), dead
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