**Changes made:** - Updated links from http to https where possible - Removed random double spaces - Removed [Bibliomania](http://www.bibliomania.com/bibliomania-static/index.html), no longer maintained, no https and site is overall pretty janky - Removed [LoudLit](http://loudlit.org/), very small collection of audiobooks, doesn't appear to be maintained anymore and no https - Removed [Authorama](http://www.authorama.com/), not that many books and all of the ones it has can easily be found elsewhere, no https and site doesn't look maintained - Removed [eBook Lobby](http://www.ebooklobby.com/), new stuff likely hasn't been added in over a decade and the stuff it does have doesn't seem worth keeping - Removed [FileStore](http://filestore.orgfree.com/), dead - Removed [Pdfgeni](http://www.pdfgeni.com/), last update 2011 - Removed [TopMystery](http://www.topmystery.com/onlinebooks), doesn't have anything readable/downloadable on the site itself and all download links are either dead or redirect to gutenberg - Removed [Children's Library](http://en.childrenslibrary.org/) and [MagicKeys](http://www.magickeys.com/books/), no https, doesn't seem to be updated anymore and we have higher quality sites for children's books anyway - Removed [Digitalbookindex](http://www.digitalbookindex.org), shows both free and paid books, no https, site is pretty hard to navigate and doesn't seem updated anymore - Removed [Veed](http://mqala.co.za/veed/), very small amount of books, not that useful, and no update since 2019 - Removed [ITE Book Share](http://www.itebookshare.com/), dead - Removed [Alex Catalogue](http://www.infomotions.com/alex/), last updated 2014, no https, links are broken - Removed [FindPDFDoc](http://www.findpdfdoc.com/), doesnt work - Removed [Manuals Online](http://office.manualsonline.com/), no https, pretty niche and all the newer posts get no answers - Removed [replacementdocs](http://www.replacementdocs.com/), no https, pretty bad UI and inactive. it's generally aimed at people with big skill issues but nowadays one can just google to find answers about any game theyre stuck on - Removed [Read Only](http://static.wiki/), no update for 2 years and still just a proof of concept, dev declared its not production ready - Removed [Focal](http://www.focal.ie/), irish, should be moved to non eng if useful - Removed [OtakuGallery](http://www.otakugallery.com/), last update 2014, no https and not much stuff - Removed [PDFLite](http://www.pdflite.com/), last update 2014
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