import type { DefaultTheme } from 'vitepress'

export const meta = {
  name: 'freemediaheckyeah',
  description: 'The largest collection of free stuff on the internet!',
  hostname: '',
  keywords: ['stream', 'movies', 'gaming', 'reading', 'anime']

export const commitRef = process.env.CF_PAGES
  ? `<a href="${
    }">${process.env.CF_PAGES_COMMIT_SHA.slice(0, 8)}</a>`
  : 'dev'

export const feedback = `<a href="/feedback" class="feedback-footer">Made with ❤️</a>`

export const search: DefaultTheme.Config['search'] = {
  options: {
    miniSearch: {
      searchOptions: {
        combineWith: 'AND',
        fuzzy: false,
        // @ts-ignore
        boostDocument: (
          storedFields: Record<string, string | string[]>
        ) => {
          const titles = (storedFields?.titles as string[])
            .filter((t) => Boolean(t))
            .map((t) => t.toLowerCase())
          // Uprate if term appears in titles. Add bonus for higher levels (i.e. lower index)
          const titleIndex =
              .map((t, i) => (t?.includes(term) ? i : -1))
              .find((i) => i >= 0) ?? -1
          if (titleIndex >= 0) return 10000 - titleIndex

          return 1
    detailedView: true
  provider: 'local'

export const socialLinks: DefaultTheme.SocialLink[] = [
  { icon: 'github', link: '' },
  { icon: 'discord', link: '' },
    icon: 'reddit',
    link: ''

export const sidebar: DefaultTheme.Sidebar | DefaultTheme.NavItemWithLink[] = [
  { text: '📛 Adblocking / Privacy', link: '/adblockvpnguide' },
  { text: '🤖 Artificial Intelligence', link: '/ai' },
  { text: '📺 Movies / TV / Anime', link: '/videopiracyguide' },
  { text: '🎵 Music / Podcasts / Radio', link: '/audiopiracyguide' },
  { text: '🎮 Gaming / Emulation', link: '/gamingpiracyguide' },
  { text: '📗 Books / Comics / Manga', link: '/readingpiracyguide' },
  { text: '💾 Downloading', link: '/downloadpiracyguide' },
  { text: '🌀 Torrenting', link: '/torrentpiracyguide' },
  { text: '🧠 Educational', link: '/edupiracyguide' },
  { text: '📱 Android / iOS', link: '/android-iosguide' },
  { text: '🐧 Linux / MacOS', link: '/linuxguide' },
  { text: '🌍 Non-English', link: '/non-english' },
  { text: '📂 Miscellaneous', link: '/miscguide' },
    text: '🔧 Tools',
    collapsed: false,
    items: [
      { text: '💻 System Tools', link: '/system-tools' },
      { text: '🗃️ File Tools', link: '/file-tools' },
      { text: '🔗 Internet Tools', link: '/internet-tools' },
      { text: '💬 Social Media Tools', link: '/social-media-tools' },
      { text: '📝 Text Tools', link: '/text-tools' },
      { text: '👾 Gaming Tools', link: '/gamingpiracyguide#gaming-tools' },
      { text: '📷 Image Tools', link: '/img-tools' },
      { text: '📼 Video Tools', link: '/video-tools' },
      { text: '🔊 Audio Tools', link: '/audiopiracyguide#audio-tools' },
        text: '🍎 Educational Tools',
        link: '/edupiracyguide#educational-tools'
      { text: '👨‍💻 Developer Tools', link: '/devtools' }
    text: '➕️ More',
    collapsed: true,
    items: [
      { text: '🔞 NSFW', link: '/nsfwpiracy' },
      { text: '⚠️ Unsafe Sites', link: '/unsafesites' },
      { text: '📦 Storage', link: '/storage' }