#► Site Hunting Guide * **[Test Sites / Apps](https://rentry.co/4dqmi)** - *Sites / Apps that need to be tested* * **[Browse Lists](https://rentry.co/oghty)** - *Lists that need to be gone through* * [More Lists](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/misc#wiki_.25BA_indexes) + [Freeware](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/download#wiki_.25B7_freeware_sites) - *We've gone through most of these, but they still may have some good stuff we missed* *** ##▷ Fun Sites / Tools * /r/InternetIsBeautiful - *Great for tools and fun sites* * [View Removed /r/InternetIsBeautiful Posts](https://www.reveddit.com/v/internetisbeautiful/) * [WebOasis Forum](https://weboas.is/forum/index.php) - *Gets updated every once in awhile, good for tools, sites ect.* * [Pointless Sites](https://www.pointlesssites.com/) + [AreYou14](http://www.areyou14.com/) - *New pointless / fun sites everyday* * [OneHack](https://onehack.us/ ) - *Good for finding new lists and guides* * [StumblingOn](https://stumblingon.com/), [Stumbled](https://stumbled.cc/), [BoredButton](https://www.boredbutton.com/), [Sharkle!](https://sharkle.com/), [The Useless Web](https://theuselessweb.com/), [OpenBulk Random](https://openbulkurl.com/random/), [JumpStick](https://jumpstick.app/), or [random](https://random.new/) - *Takes you to a random site, not always the best but sometimes you can get lucky* * [Just For Fun](https://justforfun.io/) - *Coding project showcase, lots of stuff that may be worth adding here* *** ##▷ Piracy * /r/opendirectories - *Great for finding new open directories for movies, books, music ect.* * [/r/Piracy Index](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/index) - *Gets updates frequently so it's worth checking* * [PirateList](https://thepiratelist.com/) - *Huge list of piracy sites, updated periodically* * [TheMegaDrive](https://discord.gg/h2P5zsNMxZ) - *Discord Download Directory* * [Awesome Piracy](https://github.com/Igglybuff/awesome-piracy) - *Likely lots of stuff we're still missing* * [Anime piracy index](https://piracy.moe/) - *Worth checking for new anime sites* * [/u/fullnumberofcharacte](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/comments/g37lwb/megapiracywiki/g1lnle5/) - *A comment that he updates periodically, very useful stuff gets posted by him sometimes so this is worth checking on* * /r/MovieStreamingSites - *Mostly spam but worth a look for new streaming sites every once in awhile* * [Piracy Multireddit](https://www.reddit.com/user/nbatman/m/piracy/)- *Might be worth checking every once in awhile* * [freesoff](https://freesoff.com/) - *Lots of course drives get posted here* *** ##▷ Games * /r/WebGames - *Good for finding Browser Games* * [jayisgames](https://jayisgames.com/) - *Browser Games* * [Pirated Games Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/i2uun1/rpiratedgames_mega_thread/) - *Worth checking for new sites every once in awhile* * [Crackwatch wiki](https://redd.it/kpqrsv) - *Adds new sites somtimes* * [GameTechWiki ISO Sites](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/ROM_%26_ISO_Sites#Downloads) - *Worth checking for new rom sites*