title: Monthly Updates [June]
description: June 2024 updates
date: 2024-06-01
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# Wiki Updates

- Added [Switch](https://fmhy.net/gaming-tools#switch-homebrew), [WiiU / Wii](https://fmhy.net/gaming-tools#wii-u-wii-homebrew), [3DS / DS](https://fmhy.net/gaming-tools#_3ds-ds-homebrew) and [Playstation](https://fmhy.net/gaming-tools#playstation-homebrew) sections to Homebrew. 
- Added [Virtual Reality](https://fmhy.net/gamingpiracyguide#virtual-reality) and [Game Save](https://fmhy.net/gaming-tools#game-saves) sections to Gaming.

- Added [Dev Communities](https://fmhy.net/devtools#dev-communities) and [Reverse Engineering](https://fmhy.net/devtools#reverse-engineering) sections to Dev Tools.

- Added [Linux Communities](https://fmhy.net/linuxguide#linux-communities) section to Linux.

- Added [Flights](https://fmhy.net/miscguide#flights) section to Travel.

- Organized the Maps section, and added multiple [new subsections](https://fmhy.net/miscguide#maps) to it. 

- Debloated [Indexes](https://fmhy.net/miscguide#indexes), [Multi-Tool](https://fmhy.net/miscguide#multi-tool-sites), [File Scanners](https://fmhy.net/adblockvpnguide#file-scanners), [Archiving](https://fmhy.net/internet-tools#archiving) and [Sheet Music](https://fmhy.net/storage#music-sheet-collections) sections. 

- Re-added our [Unsafe Sites Filter](https://github.com/WindowsAurora/FMHYFilterlist/). This can be added to uBlock to stop anything in [unsafe sites](https://fmhy.net/unsafesites) from loading in your browser. 

- We compared FMHY to the badware filter list to make sure we didn't have anything on it, [and we didn't](https://ibb.co/9TQ6Nnv).

- Added optional [alternative logo](https://pastebin.com/MDnQPKP3) to our website.


# Stars Added ⭐

- Starred both squid.wtf and MP3 Daddy in [Audio Ripping](https://fmhy.net/audiopiracyguide#audio-ripping-sites). Deezer ripping sites both capable of getting FLAC files.

- Starred [Morphic](https://fmhy.net/ai#online-chatbots) in Online Chatbots. GPT4o powered search w/ no limits.

- Starred [ROM Heaven](https://fmhy.net/gamingpiracyguide#rom-sites) in ROM sites. Badass new ROM site with single click DDL and a high quality UI.

- Starred [All Things Linux](https://fmhy.net/linuxguide#linux-communities) in Linux Communities. Linux Discord server focused on helping others and learning.

- Starred [Eaglercraft](https://fmhy.net/gaming-tools#minecraft-tools) in Minecraft as it's started getting updates again. 

- Starred [CompactGUI](https://fmhy.net/file-tools#file-archivers) in File Archivers. Very [useful](https://ibb.co/xm23Xbh) archiver with nice UI.

- Starred [Spicetify](https://fmhy.net/audiopiracyguide#spotify-adblockers) in Spotify Adblockers. This has adblock plugins that work just as well as SpotX.

- Starred [UI Revert Script](https://fmhy.net/social-media-tools#reddit-tools) in Reddit Tools. Restores Reddits 2023 UI.

- Starred [Snaptick](https://fmhy.net/storage#to-do-apps) in Android To-Do Apps. Very feature-rich to-do app.

- Starred [PurpleAdblock](https://fmhy.net/social-media-tools#twitch-adblockers) in Twitch Adblockers. Got a update recently and seems to be working again.

- Starred [ImageGlass](https://fmhy.net/img-tools#image-viewers) in Image Viewers. Popular lightweight image viewer with a nice UI.

- Starred [Neal.fun](https://fmhy.net/storage#fun-indexes) in Fun Indexes. OG site with lots of fun games / experiments.

- Starred [Pi-hole](https://fmhy.net/adblockvpnguide#dns-adblocking) in DNS Adblockers as their lists are more updated than NextDNS.

- Starred [ChatGPT](https://fmhy.net/ai#online-chatbots) in Online Chatbots as they're adding GPT4o to [free tier](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7102672-how-can-i-access-gpt-4-gpt-4-turbo-and-gpt-4o).

# Things Removed

- Removed both moo and media drives as neither work anymore.

- Removed The Movie Archive as its shutdown.

- Removed Subscene as they've [closed](https://ibb.co/SVX41NW).

- Removed neofetch as its been archived.

- Unstarred Bloxstrap as [dev doesn't have time](https://github.com/pizzaboxer/bloxstrap/wiki/Addressing-usability-problems-with-Bloxstrap-v2.5.4) currently to keep it updated.

- Unstarred NextDNS as their filter lists include negligent ones (like energized) which cause a bunch of issues, including fmhy.net getting blocked.
