title: Minecraft Server
description: Minecraft Server
date: 2024-02-11
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# Join at: `fmhy.net`


- You will be spawned at the hub.
- To go to vanilla, head to the end portal.
- To go to modded, head to the nether portal.
- Modded requires Minecraft 1.20.1 Forge.
- Vanilla requires Minecraft 1.20.4.


### Mod Downloads

**Attached is the mod pack for modded**: [RAR](https://buzzheavier.com/f/GIr%2FvkDOsAA=) + [Guide](https://rentry.org/fmhy-modded)
or you could use the .mrpack files and add it to Prism or other compatible launchers: 



[Optional Modpack with QOL mods added](https://buzzheavier.com/f/GIr+b3jOsAA=)


###  Things to Know

- If it times out when joining then just try rejoining again.
- If you get stuck in the lobby, use the command `/server modded` or`/server survival` to join.
- If you can't break blocks or it's glitching, you are probably too close to the spawn and need to go farther.
- (Modded) To set a skin, use the `/skin` command.
- To hide yourself from being shown in Dynmap, run this command `/dynmap hide`.
- For modded 6GB+ RAM is required, but 12GB+ is recommended.
- Simple Voice Chat mod is supported on Modded and (optional) Vanilla servers.

Have fun! ♥