1351 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Update STORAGE.md 2023-09-14 13:07:31 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-09-13 05:04:50 -07:00
57a6023eff Update STORAGE.md 2023-09-13 09:02:52 +05:30
Update STORAGE.md 2023-09-12 10:27:21 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-09-11 11:28:49 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-09-10 05:42:57 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-09-08 10:21:58 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-09-07 11:11:13 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-09-07 04:55:29 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-09-06 02:46:09 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-09-04 12:32:44 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-09-04 04:53:36 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-09-04 03:56:28 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-09-04 03:24:29 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-09-04 02:50:10 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-09-02 00:17:34 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-31 00:33:56 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-30 20:17:27 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md
**Changes made in Multireddits:**

- Removed [Wholesome](https://reddit.com/user/absolxskitty/m/for_when_you_are_sad) - deleted/privated

- Removed [Weird YouTube](https://www.reddit.com/user/jarod47/m/wierdpartofyoutube/), has only 3 communities:
- r/weirdtube that has has only 3.5k members and mostly low effort/quality posts
- r/WPOYT that has only 170 members and is pretty much dead
- r/DeepIntoYouTube is the only active + good quality posts one, so at that point might as well just browse through it instead of using this custom feed

- Removed [Streaming 2](https://www.reddit.com/user/asmailes/m/fullmoviesandtv/), it doesn't have anything the first streaming custom feed doesn't already have

**Changes made in Presentation Tools:**

- Removed [Carnac](http://code52.org/carnac/), last updated 3 years ago and appears to have lots of bugs, overall doesn't seem very useful 

- Removed [Presen](https://presen-vid.com/), last updated a year ago and is no longer maintained, only has 2 stars on GH, overall doesn't seem very useful since it's really just a recording tool with no customizability

- Removed [mentimeter](https://www.mentimeter.com/), free tier doesn't offer much and is limited to 50 participants/mo. Unlimited participants, creating a team, importing slides, exporting results, co-editing etc. are all paid features

- Removed [beautiful.ai](https://www.beautiful.ai/), paid

- Removed [Deckdeckgo](https://deckdeckgo.com/), deprecated/discontinued

- Removed [Desk](https://www.animaker.com/deck), free tier isn't really worth it, features such as exporting to PDF, importing PPTs, collaboration, 2FA etc. are paid

- Removed [Slides](https://slides.com/), free tier is really limited and with ads

- Removed [ScreenRec](https://screenrec.com/), it's a recording/ss tool, not a presentation one

- Removed [Gif Convert](https://gifdeck.in/), last updated 3 years ago, seems to be broken

- Removed [Presentator](https://github.com/Paillat-dev/presentator), very basic ppts, can only be self hosted and most likely won't be updated anymore https://prnt.sc/TLo4jPT1yb25

- Removed [Chat-GPT-PPT](https://github.com/williamfzc/chat-gpt-ppt), seems to only be able to generate text presentations

- Removed [GPTForSlides](https://www.gptforslides.app/), free tier is limited to 3 presentations/mo with up to 10 slides only and 6000 characters limit per presentation. not really worth it, the presentations don't look that good either
2023-08-30 20:48:12 +02:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-30 00:24:13 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-30 00:04:40 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md
**Changes made in multiplayer fixes:**

- Removed [GameRanger](https://www.gameranger.com/), it was last updated 6 years ago and doesn't seem to be updated anymore. Closed source, got 3 hits on VT and generally seems sus

-Removed [FreeLan](https://www.freelan.org/) - last updated 3 years ago, doesn't really have any features Radmin and other stuff doesn't already cover

- Removed [wippien](http://www.wippien.com/) - last updated over a decade ago

- Removed [P2P Lan Server](https://github.com/kangol11/p2p-online-lan-play/wiki/p2p-lan-server---client-play-lan-games-online-with-anyone), only has beta release which seems pretty unstable, last updated a year ago and doesn't appear to be maintained anymore, only 3 stars on GH
2023-08-29 23:39:52 +02:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-29 07:08:22 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md
**Changes made in Discord Embed Generators:**

- Removed [Rauf's Embed Generator](https://embed.rauf.wtf) because it got shut down

- Removed [TitanEmbeds](https://titanembeds.com/) since it's no longer maintained https://prnt.sc/NMaCNw3H-Y4h

- Removed [0x71 Discord Embed API](https://em.0x71.cc/) because it has very little customizability options and openly admits to collecting IPs

- Starred [Discohook](https://discohook.org/), it's very easy to use, lots of embed customization options, exporting/importing as well as saving backups of embeds is available. Also added the link to discohook utils which help enhance the discohook experience, particularly the discohook utils bot which can restore a discohook embed edit/view link, so even if you forgot to make a backup you can still recover and edit the embed with the bot

**Changes made in Discord Server / Bot Lists:**

- Removed [Discord Labs](https://www.discordlabs.org/), seems broken since both discord bot labs and statcord link give 502 error

- Removed [DiscordList](https://discordlist.me/), appears to be dead

- Removed [Wonder Bot List](https://wonderbotlist.com/) since it's in French and mostly promotes french bots, it should be moved to the non-eng French section

- Removed [YABL](https://yabl.xyz/), very small amount of bots showcased and hasn't been updated in almost a year

**Changes made in Custom Rich Discord Presence (Which should be renamed to Discord Custom Rich Presence):**

- Removed [CustomDiscordRPC](https://github.com/hohltier/CustomDiscordRPC) since last update was 2 years ago and it doesn't have any features [CustomRP](https://www.customrp.xyz/) doesn't already have

- Removed [DiscordRPCMaker](https://drpcm.t1c.dev/) since it's been archived and will not be updated anymore

- Starred [CustomRP](https://www.customrp.xyz/), it's regularly updated, multilingual and very lightweight. Also has plenty of features and pretty much everything you could ask for in a custom RP
2023-08-29 15:58:14 +02:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-29 03:58:23 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md
First things first, added descriptions for a bunch of unique stuff. It's much better to actually leave descriptions whenever possible so if people are looking for, let's say, a terminal typing test, they can find it simply by searching and won't have to go through 10 links before they get to it.

Simply putting almost every link next to lessons is messy at best and misleading at worst since some of those links aren't typing lessons, they're exclusively typing tests or ways to practice typing.

Also, there were 2 instances of klavaro, the site link and the sourceforge link. You can get to the sourceforge download link from the site and it's much easier to navigate the site since it has translations for a bunch of languages, so I left the site link. I also divided klavaro, typefast, and typingstudy from regular typing lessons because those are the only ones that have multilingual options, and I think they're worth separating for the sake of people having an easier time finding a non-english exclusive typing lessons/tests.

Typelit.io is very unique in the sense that it's the only site where you can practice typing by retyping books. It doesn't really fit under lessons since there's no lessons, it's just an interesting way to practice.

Colemak is unique because while it is a pretty bare-bones typing test, it does offer alternative keyboard options (colemak, dvorak, tarmak, workman etc.) as well as a custom keyboard layout, so I think it's worth mentioning that in the description so folks who use non QWERTY based keyboards can have an easier time finding the typing test they need. It also really doesn't fit next to lessons since, again, it has no lessons.

Generally even just leaving monkeytype without a description implies it's a site for typing lessons, which it is not. It's a site for customizable typing tests, which can assist in improving typing skill, but it isn't an actual lesson or a tutorial by any means.

10fastfingers is pretty much the only site with active typing competitions, so it's worth separating from regular lesson sites. Again, makes it way easier for users to find what they need and saves them the time of clicking through shitton of links for a niche they need.

Now onto the removed stuff:

* [Typing Finger Positions](https://i.ibb.co/L8VY6xR/Finger-position-on-a-keyboard.png) - it's just an image. The exact same image you'd find on pretty much any typing lesson or even typing test site, except those also come with the additional features of actually being useful since you're doing something and they generally show you what keys you're pressing as well. I really doubt anybody would spare more than a few seconds looking at this image, let alone just have it left in a tab and looking back on it whenever they try to type to remind themselves of the finger positioning. For people who wanna learn typing, there's plenty of actually interactive lessons which beat just staring at an image. And even if someone needs this, it's one search away. It's on just about every typing related site. Just save this for the FreeImagesHeckYeah wiki.

* [Dance Mat Typing](https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr) - Nobody above the age of 8 has any real use for this. There's plenty of other lessons you can more easily navigate and that don't come with an obnoxious animation and music.

* [RapidTyping](https://rapidtyping.com/) - it was last updated 2 years ago, most likely a dead project, has nothing the other sites/apps don't already offer and is pretty bloat since it's 50MB. There's really no good explanation for why software this simplistic would be 50MB unless it's just badly coded or has a bunch of useless shit. The UI itself is not really pleasant either.

* [kbs](https://kbs.im/) - bare-bones typing test. The only kind of special thing about it is you can change keyboard colors. That's about it. But even that is pretty much useless since you're not going to be looking at the image of a keyboard during the typing test, you're going to be looking at the words which are above it. The project was also last updated almost 2 years ago, so it's really unlikely it'll have any new features.

Last thing, I've renamed Typing Lessons to Typing Lessons / Tests since there's really both of those in this category and some sites don't have lessons at all, so I thought the category name just being Typing Lessons was kind of misleading. Typing games also generally fit more into the typing tests niche.
2023-08-29 12:37:46 +02:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-29 02:33:15 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-29 02:31:32 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-29 00:19:36 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-28 21:46:17 -07:00
Debloat STORAGE.md
Changes made:

- Unstarred [TypeLit.io](https://www.typelit.io/), it has a very limited amount of books and it's just classics. You need to pay to import your own books to practice with, and even then the feature seems to be pretty unreliable

- Starred [Monkey Type](https://monkeytype.com/) - open source, has a clean UI + many themes, lots of settings and is very customizable


- [TypingSoft](https://typingsoft.com/) - very star worthy site...20 years ago. Just one look at the UI is enough to tell this pure HTML monstruosity shall be left to rest in peace, away from the wiki. The most useful thing it does is link to a bunch of other resources, but most are either paid, dead, or just outdated

- [Typing Finger Positions](https://i.ibb.co/L8VY6xR/Finger-position-on-a-keyboard.png) - is just a PNG with pride keyboard. I really doubt staring at a picture would help anyone improve their typing skill

- [Dance Mat Typing](https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr) - the average age demographic that'd actually find this enjoyable is way lower than the FMHY demographic... hopefully.

- [TIPP10](https://www.tipp10.com/) - requires sign up, not really worth it

- [RapidTyping](https://rapidtyping.com/) - very basic "lessons", not much customizability, app itself is somehow 50MB

- [keybr](https://www.keybr.com/) - has the same features as monkeytype but less customizability

- [Ratatype](https://www.ratatype.com/) - requires sign up

- [JustType](http://www.greatis.com/utilities/justtype/) - not really useful

- [Rasyti](https://www.blueseal.eu/rasyti/) - software version was last updated in jan 2022, almost 2 years ago. the online version is very bare-bones and doesn't have anything special

- [SoloTyping](https://solo.nabiraem.ru/) - most of the site is in russian, all courses require sign up to view

- [TypeFast](https://typefast.io/) - typing speed test, barely any customizability and doesn't have any features monkeytype doesn't already have

- [TypingBolt](https://www.typingbolt.com/) - the result of trying to use AI for the most mundane of things. can only login with google+/facebook 💀, the site animations are pretty questionable as you get white screen if you just idle for a few seconds, and overall just doesn't seem worth keeping

- [Stamina](https://typingsoft.com/stamina.htm) - connected to typingsoft, worthy of removal. if in doubt just take a quick look at the UI

- [AmpheType](https://code.google.com/archive/p/amphetype/) - last updated in 2010 :')

- [goodtyping](https://www.goodtyping.com/) - just your average typing speed test, not worth keeping

- [Typing-Fingers](http://www.typing-fingers.com/) - the UI is heavily inspired by youtube kids videos...

- [TheTypingCat](https://thetypingcat.com/) - dead

- [Typing Arena](http://www.typingarena.com/) - requires sign up

- [onlinetyping](https://onlinetyping.org/) - same features as typemonkey, just less customizability and worse UI

- [TechTypingTutor](https://sourceforge.net/projects/tachtypingtutor/) - last updated 5 years ago

- [Thokr](https://github.com/jrnxf/thokr) - last updated a year ago, english only, pretty limited functionality

- [TermTyper](https://github.com/kraanzu/termtyper) - doesn't seem very useful

- [CodeType](https://code-type.vercel.app/) - perfect site for when you just wanna write some random code without actually coding anything lol. no customizability other than being able to switch between a few languages, pretty useless as you could just practice typing code by the old school method of well, coding

- [kbs](https://kbs.im/) - very barebones typing speed test, last updated 2 years ago

- [Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing](https://archive.org/details/msdos_Mavis_Beacon_Teaches_Typing_1987) - over 30 year old typing guide, very low resolution, arguably not the most optimal source to learn from in 2023

- [EduClub](https://www.edclub.com/) - Typing club link is broken

- [NitroType](https://www.nitrotype.com/) - prompted to sign up after every race, pretty annoying

- [ZType](https://zty.pe/) - broken site

- [TypingTest](https://www.typingtest.com/) - less features than other typing lesson apps
2023-08-28 23:58:52 +02:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-28 04:14:50 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-28 04:09:33 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-28 04:07:16 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-28 03:45:07 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-28 03:28:33 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-27 08:18:06 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-26 21:30:20 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-26 11:12:22 -05:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-26 06:47:57 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-24 22:28:15 -07:00
Update STORAGE.md 2023-08-24 22:14:34 -07:00
minor tweak 2023-08-24 16:14:32 -04:00
add note 2023-08-24 16:12:10 -04:00
reorder 2023-08-24 16:08:50 -04:00
remove "Other; or not available in adblock format" 2023-08-24 15:59:17 -04:00
organize 2023-08-24 15:56:31 -04:00
continue organziing 2023-08-24 15:23:45 -04:00
noTracking is now archived
2023-08-24 15:16:05 -04:00
temporary list out 2023-08-24 15:14:19 -04:00