Update GamingPiracyGuide.md

This commit is contained in:
nbats 2022-08-19 02:29:54 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent bc11a78249
commit e7484ebb87
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
* [datcheck](https://github.com/pkos/datcheck) - Compare No-Intro / Redump .DAT Files to ROM or Disc Collection
* [NASOS](https://download.digiex.net/Consoles/GameCube/Apps/NASOSbeta1.rar) - Gamecube iso.dec to ISO Converter
* [WBFStoISO](http://www.wbfstoiso.com/) - WBFS to ISO Converter
* [Batch CIA 3DS Decryptor](https://gbatemp.net/threads/batch-cia-3ds-decryptor-a-simple-batch-file-to-decrypt-cia-3ds.512385/) - Decrypt 3DS Files
* [Cemu Guide](https://cemu.cfw.guide/) - Cemu & BOTW Optimization Guide
* [Motion Support Bypass](https://redd.it/gobcne) - Fix Cemu BOTW Motion Shrines / [DL](https://mega.nz/file/1Uo3BI6L#X5m-bPK27-X-IijzJH1o4MloivkUqP33zsUJE_kpOdc)
* [Yuzu Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/13mr48D9voqouyS-Dk4CnMpuQm4nN5y5h8uLmHmuULf4/edit) / [2](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1weVLWey3RePzn8LubFRFHRVkoczCbLkvSf8fNfp1yZ0/edit) / [3](https://github.com/PrincessAkira/road-to-yuzu-without-switch) - Yuzu Emulator Setup Guide
@ -283,6 +284,7 @@
* [File-Hunter](https://www.file-hunter.com/) - MSX / Amiga Browser Emulator
* [MSXGamesWorld](https://www.msxgamesworld.com/) - MSX Browser Emulator
* [C64Online](https://c64online.com/) - C64 Browser Emulator
* [Mega Man Games](https://www.megamangames.net/) - Mega Man Browser Emulator
* [OpenBOR](https://github.com/DCurrent/openbor) or [Mugen](https://web.archive.org/web/20150209191723/http://www.elecbyte.com/mugen) - 2D Fighting Game Emulator
* [Lain Game](https://laingame.net/) - Lain Game Browser Emulator
@ -356,7 +358,7 @@
* [Aleph One](https://alephone.lhowon.org/) - Open-Source Marathon Continuation
* [Powerslave EX](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_powerslave_ex) - Powerslave PC Port
* [REDRIVER2](https://github.com/OpenDriver2/REDRIVER2) - Driver 2 PC Port
* [Megaman 2.5D](http://petersjostrand.com/) - Multiplayer Megaman
* [Megaman 2.5D](http://petersjostrand.com/) - Multiplayer Mega Man
* [POP Unofficial Website](https://popuw.com/) - Prince of Persia ROMs / Mods
* [EDuke32](https://www.eduke32.com/) - Duke Nukem 3D Source Port
* [Arx Libertatis](https://arx-libertatis.org/) - Arx Fatalis PC Port
@ -486,6 +488,7 @@
* [Synesthesia in Space](http://synesthesiagame.com/) - Puzzle Platformer
* [Tales of Dorime](https://dorime.udany.net/) - 2D Platformer
* [3rd World Farmer](https://3rdworldfarmer.org/) - Farm Sim
* [Sim CB](https://benoitessiambre.com/macro.html) - Central Bank Sim
* [Operius](https://mors-games.itch.io/operius) - Space Shooter
* [Orbity](https://orbity.io/game.php) - Space Ship Launching Game
* [Clicking Bad](http://clickingbad.nullism.com/) - Clicker Game / Become Walter White
@ -520,7 +523,8 @@
* [Doodle Champion Island Games!](https://www.google.com/) - Olympics JRPG Game
* [Impossible Rush](http://tanksw.com/impossible-rush/) - Reflex Testing Game
* [MousePoint](https://creativetechguy.com/mousepoint) - Mouse Pointing Game
* [FindTwin](https://github.com/klimaleksus/FindTwin) - Find the Twins
* [FindTwin](https://github.com/klimaleksus/FindTwin) - Find the Twins
* [Spot the Differences](https://www.spotthedifference.com/) - Find the Differences
* [Find the Invisible Cow](http://www.findtheinvisiblecow.com/) - Find an Invisible Cow with Sound
* [Alternate History Simulator](http://abw.blue/) - Write Alternate History
* [NationStates](https://www.nationstates.net/) - Nation Simulation Game
@ -538,6 +542,7 @@
## ▷ Multiplayer
* **[EagleCraft](https://eaglercraft.us/)** - Multiplayer Browser Minecraft
* **[Krunker.io](https://krunker.io/)**, [2](https://browserfps.com/) - PvP FPS / [Market Ping](https://yee.how/market-ping/) / [Client](https://client.cuffuffles.dev/) / [Optimal Settings](https://rentry.co/krunkersettings)
* **[DelugeRPG](https://www.delugerpg.com/)** or [Pokemon Legends](https://www.pokemongods.com/) - Pokemon MMO
* **[Pokemon Showdown](https://pokemonshowdown.com/)** - Online Pokemon Battles
@ -678,12 +683,13 @@
* [skribbl](https://skribbl.io/), [Sketchful](https://sketchful.io/) or [Gartic](https://gartic.io/) - Drawing / Guessing Game / Multiplayer
* [GuessMe!](https://cer0zz.itch.io/guessme) - Guess Answers
* [GeoGuessr](https://www.geoguessr.com/), [City Guesser](https://virtualvacation.us/guess), [Quizzity](https://david-peter.de/quizzity/), [Where Am I?](https://whereami.io/) or [Geotastic](https://geotastic.de/) - Location Guessing Game / [Guide](https://somerandomstuff1.wordpress.com/2019/02/08/geoguessr-the-top-tips-tricks-and-techniques/) / [Twitch Chat Bot](https://chatguessr.com/)
* [GTA V GeoGuesser](https://gta-geoguesser.com/) - GTA V GeoGuessr
* [English Sandwhich](https://englishsandwich.github.io/) - Guess Where Dishes are From
* [WTM](https://whatthemovie.com/) - Movie Guessing Game
* [Heardle](https://www.heardle.app/) - Song Guessing Game
* [LanguageGuesser](https://languageguesser.com/) - Guess Music Video Languages
* [Emoji Dingbats](https://emoji-dingbats.herokuapp.com/) - Emoji Dingbat Game
* [The Higher Lower Game](http://www.higherlowergame.com/) - Guess What's Googled More
* [The Higher Lower Game](http://www.higherlowergame.com/) or [GoogleFued](https://googlefeud.com/) - Guess What's Googled More
* [Guess The Price](https://guesstheprice.net/) - Price Guessing Game
* [Approved, or Not Approved?](https://approvednotapproved.com/) - Approved Advertising Guessing Game
* [damn.dog](https://damn.dog/) - wikiHow Guessing Game
@ -701,6 +707,8 @@
* [Flash Games Collection](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_flash_games_collection) - Archive
* [ClassicGames.rar](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_classicgames.rar) - Archive / pw:paluch
* [Flash by Night](http://flashbynight.com/) - Browser Games
* [FlashGamesArchive](http://www.flashgamearchive.com/playable/) - Browser Games
* [Flash Arch](https://flasharch.com/en) - Browser Games
* [The Flash Emulation Repair Shop](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_the_flash_emulation_repair_shop) - Flash Games Under Repair
* [Arcade Prehacks](http://www.arcadeprehacks.com/), [SamsHackedGames](https://www.samshackedgames.com/) or [KongHack](https://konghack.com/) - Flash Game Hacks
* [How-to Play Flash Games](https://rentry.co/oc4wc) - Browser Flash Game Tutorial
@ -730,14 +738,16 @@
* [Backloggd](https://www.backloggd.com/) - Video Game Database
* [Games Database](https://www.gamesdatabase.org/) - Video Game Database
* [LaunchBox Games Database](https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/) - Video Game Database
* [IGDB](https://www.igdb.com/) - Video Game Database
* [IGDB](https://www.igdb.com/) - Video Game Database
* [We The Players](https://wetheplayers.com/) - Video Game Database
* [Rawg](https://rawg.io/) - Video Game Database
* [Moby Games](https://www.mobygames.com/) - Video Game Database
* [rate.house](https://rate.house/) - Video Game Database
* [Backloggery](https://backloggery.com/) - Video Game Database
* [listal](https://www.listal.com/) - Video Game Database
* [HOTU](http://www.homeoftheunderdogs.net/) - Rare Video Game Database
* [Co-Optimu](https://www.co-optimus.com/) - Co-Op Game Database
* [SvenEvils Playground](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/8485829/) - Local Multiplayer Game Database
* [HOTU](http://www.homeoftheunderdogs.net/) - Rare Game Database
* [GameClassification](https://gameclassification.com/) - Search Games by Classifications
* [MoreGamesLike](https://www.moregameslike.com/) or [Games Like Finder](https://gameslikefinder.com/) - Find Similar Games
* [Random Game Bookmark Script](https://pastebin.com/JtmBQZbL) - Find Random Games