chore: update homepage icons
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@ -26,19 +26,19 @@ hero:
- title: Movies / TV / Anime
- title: Movies / TV / Anime
icon: <svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><path fill="#31373D" d="M35 31s0 4-4 4H5c-4 0-4-4-4-4V12c0-4 4-4 4-4h26s4 0 4 4v19z"/><path fill="#31373D" d="M21.303 10.389a.999.999 0 1 1-1.414 1.414l-9.192-9.192a.999.999 0 1 1 1.414-1.414l9.192 9.192z"/><path fill="#31373D" d="M14.697 10.389a.999.999 0 1 0 1.414 1.414l9.192-9.192a.999.999 0 1 0-1.414-1.414l-9.192 9.192z"/><path fill="#55ACEE" d="M18 11c8 0 10 1 11 2s2 3 2 8s-1 7-2 8s-3 2-11 2s-10-1-11-2s-2-3-2-8s1-7 2-8s3-2 11-2z"/><circle cx="31.5" cy="31.5" r="1.5" fill="#66757F"/><circle cx="4.5" cy="31.5" r="1.5" fill="#66757F"/></svg>
icon: <svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g fill="none" stroke="#7aa2f7" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"><rect width="20" height="15" x="2" y="7" rx="2" ry="2"/><path d="m17 2l-5 5l-5-5"/></g></svg>
link: /videopiracyguide
link: /videopiracyguide
details: Download, stream, torrent and binge all your favourites movies or shows!
details: Download, stream, torrent and binge all your favourites movies or shows!
- title: Music / Podcasts / Radio
- title: Music / Podcasts / Radio
icon: <svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><path fill="#5DADEC" d="M14.182.168L7.818 1.469A1.07 1.07 0 0 0 7 2.471v15.857A6.226 6.226 0 0 0 5 18c-2.762 0-5 1.741-5 3.889c0 2.147 2.238 3.889 5 3.889c2.713 0 4.908-1.683 4.985-3.777H10V6.477l4.182-.855A1.07 1.07 0 0 0 15 4.62V.835c0-.459-.368-.76-.818-.667zm21 4l-6.363 1.301c-.451.092-.819.543-.819 1.002v15.857A6.198 6.198 0 0 0 26 22c-2.762 0-5 1.741-5 3.889c0 2.147 2.238 3.889 5 3.889c2.713 0 4.908-1.683 4.985-3.777H31V10.477l4.182-.855A1.07 1.07 0 0 0 36 8.62V4.835c0-.459-.368-.76-.818-.667z"/><path fill="#5DADEC" d="m23.182 10.167l-6.363 1.301c-.451.093-.819.544-.819 1.003v15.857A6.198 6.198 0 0 0 14 28c-2.762 0-5 1.741-5 3.889s2.238 3.889 5 3.889c2.713 0 4.908-1.683 4.985-3.777H19V16.477l4.182-.855A1.07 1.07 0 0 0 24 14.62v-3.785c0-.459-.368-.76-.818-.668z"/></svg>
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link: /audiopiracyguide
link: /audiopiracyguide
details: Stream, download and torrent songs, podcasts and more!
details: Stream, download and torrent songs, podcasts and more!
- title: Games / Emulation
- title: Games / Emulation
icon: <svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><path fill="#31373D" d="m2.13 14.856l-.004-.002S.075 27.271.075 29.061c0 1.824 1.343 3.302 3 3.302c.68 0 1.3-.258 1.803-.678l10.166-8.938L2.13 14.856zm31.69 0l.004-.002s2.051 12.417 2.051 14.207c0 1.824-1.343 3.302-3 3.302c-.68 0-1.3-.258-1.803-.678l-10.166-8.938l12.914-7.891z"/><g fill="#14171A"><circle cx="25.975" cy="15.551" r="8.5"/><circle cx="9.975" cy="15.551" r="8.5"/><path d="M9.975 7.051h16v16.87h-16z"/></g><circle cx="13.075" cy="23.301" r="5" fill="#14171A"/><circle cx="22.875" cy="23.301" r="5" fill="#14171A"/><circle cx="22.875" cy="23.301" r="3" fill="#67757F"/><circle cx="13.075" cy="23.301" r="3" fill="#67757F"/><circle cx="25.735" cy="11.133" r="1.603" fill="#FFCC4D"/><circle cx="25.735" cy="17.607" r="1.603" fill="#77B255"/><circle cx="22.498" cy="14.37" r="1.603" fill="#50A5E6"/><circle cx="28.972" cy="14.37" r="1.603" fill="#DD2E44"/><path fill="#8899A6" d="M11.148 12.514v-2.168a.505.505 0 0 0-.505-.505H9.085a.505.505 0 0 0-.505.505v2.168l1.284 1.285l1.284-1.285zm-2.569 3.63v2.168c0 .279.226.505.505.505h1.558a.505.505 0 0 0 .505-.505v-2.168l-1.284-1.285l-1.284 1.285zm5.269-3.1H11.68l-1.285 1.285l1.285 1.285h2.168a.506.506 0 0 0 .505-.505V13.55a.506.506 0 0 0-.505-.506zm-5.799 0H5.88a.506.506 0 0 0-.505.505v1.558c0 .279.226.505.505.505h2.168l1.285-1.285l-1.284-1.283z"/></svg>
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link: /gamingpiracyguide
link: /gamingpiracyguide
details: Download and play all your favourite games or emulate some old but gold ones!
details: Download and play all your favourite games or emulate some old but gold ones!
- title: Book / Comics / Manga
- title: Book / Comics / Manga
icon: <svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><path fill="#553788" d="M15 31c0 2.209-.791 4-3 4H5c-4 0-4-14 0-14h7c2.209 0 3 1.791 3 4v6z"/><path fill="#9266CC" d="M34 33h-1V23h1a1 1 0 1 0 0-2H10c-4 0-4 14 0 14h24a1 1 0 1 0 0-2z"/><path fill="#CCD6DD" d="M34.172 33H11c-2 0-2-10 0-10h23.172c1.104 0 1.104 10 0 10z"/><path fill="#99AAB5" d="M11.5 25h23.35c-.135-1.175-.36-2-.678-2H11c-1.651 0-1.938 6.808-.863 9.188C9.745 29.229 10.199 25 11.5 25z"/><path fill="#269" d="M12 8a4 4 0 0 1-4 4H4C0 12 0 1 4 1h4a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v3z"/><path fill="#55ACEE" d="M31 10h-1V3h1a1 1 0 1 0 0-2H7C3 1 3 12 7 12h24a1 1 0 1 0 0-2z"/><path fill="#CCD6DD" d="M31.172 10H8c-2 0-2-7 0-7h23.172c1.104 0 1.104 7 0 7z"/><path fill="#99AAB5" d="M8 5h23.925c-.114-1.125-.364-2-.753-2H8C6.807 3 6.331 5.489 6.562 7.5C6.718 6.142 7.193 5 8 5z"/><path fill="#F4900C" d="M20 17a4 4 0 0 1-4 4H6c-4 0-4-9 0-9h10a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v1z"/><path fill="#FFAC33" d="M35 19h-1v-5h1a1 1 0 1 0 0-2H15c-4 0-4 9 0 9h20a1 1 0 1 0 0-2z"/><path fill="#CCD6DD" d="M35.172 19H16c-2 0-2-5 0-5h19.172c1.104 0 1.104 5 0 5z"/><path fill="#99AAB5" d="M16 16h19.984c-.065-1.062-.334-2-.812-2H16c-1.274 0-1.733 2.027-1.383 3.5c.198-.839.657-1.5 1.383-1.5z"/></svg>
icon: <svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g fill="none" stroke="#fcaf3e" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"><path d="M8 3H2v15h7c1.7 0 3 1.3 3 3V7c0-2.2-1.8-4-4-4m8 9l2 2l4-4"/><path d="M22 6V3h-6c-2.2 0-4 1.8-4 4v14c0-1.7 1.3-3 3-3h7v-2.3"/></g></svg>
link: /readingpiracyguide
link: /readingpiracyguide
details: Whether you're a bookworm, otaku or comic book fan, you'll be able to find your favourite pieces of literature here for free!
details: Whether you're a bookworm, otaku or comic book fan, you'll be able to find your favourite pieces of literature here for free!
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