Update Non-English.md
**Changes made:** - Added video quality and sub/dub tags to japanese and korean sites - Updated links, fixed descs, removed dupes and reorganized stuff where needed - Removed [Kitsunekko](https://kitsunekko.net/dirlist.php?dir=subtitles%2Fjapanese%2F), it's already mentioned in japanese subtitles at the very top, no need to list it seperately - Removed [DoujinStyle.com](https://doujinstyle.com/), dead - Removed [Music Fusion World](https://fusion-world-30.blogspot.com/), not that much stuff and last upload was in 2016 - Removed [Japan Media Blog](https://t.me/japanmusicfree), just has random shit, nothing to do with free music - Removed [AnimeLon](https://animelon.com/), it's already starred in japanese learning and fits there way better - Removed [kakijun](https://kakijun.jp/), [watanoc](https://watanoc.com/), [yourei](https://yourei.jp/) and [n-lab](http://www.n-lab.org/library/mondai/), should be in jpn learning section - Removed [aozorasearch](https://github.com/myokoym/aozorasearch), last update 3 yrs ago and overall very niche - Removed [Nihongo Monash](http://nihongo.monash.edu/onlinejdic.html), [jitenon](https://jitenon.jp/), [kotobank](https://kotobank.jp/), [Weblio](https://www.weblio.jp/), they're just general jpn dictionaries and they're already in jpn learning, feels redundant to keep them in the jpn section too - Removed [dictionary.goo](https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/idiom/), just a subdomain of goo and not that useful - Removed [Zokugo](http://zokugo-dict.com/), slang dictionary but the latest update was in 2017 and it's no longer maintained so it's outdated as shit and also no https - Removed [Nico Nico Pedia](https://dic.nicovideo.jp/), dead - Removed [accent.u-biq](https://accent.u-biq.org/), made for beginner japanese learners so should be moved to jpn learning section, native speakers really don't have any use for it - Removed [Moedict](https://www.moedict.tw/), [dict.cn](https://dict.cn/), [CantoDict](https://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/scripts/wordlist.htm) or [ZDic](https://www.zdic.net/), general chinese dictionaries, feels very redundant to keep them since they can be easily found by googling and aren't really that useful for native speakers - Removed [Speller](http://speller.cs.pusan.ac.kr/), no https and there's a better alternative already linked anyway - Removed [JPFILES](https://jpfiles.eu/), dead - Removed [WeDisk](https://www.wedisk.co.kr/), dead - Removed [J-pop Music Download](https://jpop.xyz/) from chinese and korean sites, it's japanese - Removed [VTH88](https://vth88.blogspot.com/), not korean - Removed [Devil Joo](https://devil-joo.blogspot.com/), last upload 2011 and seems to only have youtube vids - Removed [Dict.Naver](https://dict.naver.com/), just a naver subdomain for dictionaries, not that useful
This commit is contained in:
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
## ▷ Downloading
* [shinybbs](https://sysub.vip/) - Movies / TV / 1080p
* [Hifini](https://www.hifini.com/) or [J-pop Music Download](https://jpop.xyz/) - Music / FLAC / MP3
* [Hifini](https://www.hifini.com/) - Music / FLAC / MP3
* [icourse163](https://www.icourse163.org/) / [Icourse163 Downloader](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/372684) - Courses
## ▷ Torrenting
@ -243,7 +243,6 @@
* [CText](https://ctext.org/), [ChineseNotes](https://chinesenotes.com/texts.html) or [Kanripo](https://www.kanripo.org/) - Chinese Historic Text Archive
* [guoxue](http://www.guoxue.com/) - History / Journals
* [ebooks](https://github.com/XWHQSJ/ebooks), [Chinese Programming Books](https://github.com/justjavac/free-programming-books-zh_CN) or [awesome-wiki-books](https://github.com/awesome-wiki/awesome-wiki-books), [Banshujiang](http://www.banshujiang.cn/) - Programming Books
* [Moedict](https://www.moedict.tw/), [dict.cn](https://dict.cn/), [CantoDict](https://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/scripts/wordlist.htm) or [ZDic](https://www.zdic.net/) - Chinese Dictionary
* [kangxizidian](https://kangxizidian.com/) - Chinese Kangxi Dictionary
* [Shufazidian](https://www.shufazidian.com/) - Chinese Calligraphy Dictionary
* [CCams](http://www.ccamc.co/) - Chinese Character Search
@ -252,7 +251,7 @@
* [21dzk](https://21dzk.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/SAT/index.html) - Chinese Buddhist Scriptures
* [Legado](https://github.com/gedoor/legado) - Android Ebook Reader
* [wenku](https://pypi.org/project/wenku/) - Baidu Wenku Downloader
* [Trtag](https://trtag.com/) - Movies / TV Encyclopaedia
* [Trtag](https://trtag.com/) - Movies / TV Encyclopedia
@ -656,46 +655,41 @@
* [Marshmallow](https://marshmallow-qa.com/) - Send / Receive Positive Messages
* [Annict](https://annict.com/) - Anime Tracker
* [Japanese Subtitles](https://gist.github.com/tatsumoto-ren/78ba4e5b7c53c7ed2c987015fa05cc2b) - Subtitles
* [Kitsunekko](https://kitsunekko.net/dirlist.php?dir=subtitles%2Fjapanese%2F) - Anime Subtitles
* [Japan Reference](https://jref.com/) - Japanese Culture Forum
* [fuseji](http://fuseji.net/) - Hidden Character Search
* [goo](https://www.goo.ne.jp/) - Search
## ▷ Downloading
* [Akiba-Online](https://www.akiba-online.com/) - Video / Audio / Comics / NSFW
* [Asia Media Blog](https://asiamediablog.com/) - Video / Audio / Magazines
* [Japan Media Blog](https://t.me/japanmusicfree) - Video / Audio
* [jpddl](https://jpddl.com/) - Manga / Anime / Music / Drama
* [JPLearner](http://www.jplearner.to/) - Video / Manga / Magazines
* [Akiba-Online](https://www.akiba-online.com/) - Video / Audio / Comics / NSFW / 1080p
* [Asia Media Blog](https://asiamediablog.com/) - Video / Audio / Magazines / NSFW / 1080p
* [jpddl](https://jpddl.com/) - Manga / Raw Anime / Music / Drama / 1080p
* [JPLearner](http://www.jplearner.to/) - Video / Manga / Raw Anime / Magazines / 1080p
* [Sukidesuost](https://sukidesuost.info/) - Music / MP3 / FLAC
* [Hikarinoakariost](https://hikarinoakari.com/) - Music / MP3
* [JPopSingles](https://www.jpopsingles.eu/) - Music / MP3 / FLAC
* [DoujinStyle.com](https://doujinstyle.com/) - Music / MP3
* [Doujin Cafe](https://discord.gg/doujincafe) - Music / MP3
* [Music Fusion World](https://fusion-world-30.blogspot.com/) - Music / MP3
* [HikariNoAkari](https://hikarinoakari.com/) - Music / MP3 / FLAC
* [JPop Singles](https://www.jpopsingles.eu/) - Music / MP3 / FLAC
* [Doujin Cafe](https://discord.gg/doujincafe) - Music / MP3 / FLAC
* [J-pop Music Download](https://jpop.xyz/) - Music / MP3 / FLAC
* [MinimumMusic](https://minimummusic.com/) - FLAC / MP3
* [MinimumMusic](https://minimummusic.com/) - FLAC / MP3 / FLAC
* [Perfect Dark](http://kasumi.moe/pd/) - P2P App
## ▷ Torrenting
* [share.dmhy](https://share.dmhy.org/) - Video / Audio / Game
* [share.dmhy](https://share.dmhy.org/) - Video / Audio / Games / NSFW
* [Beatrice](https://beatrice-raws.org/) - Anime
* [Anime-Torrent](https://www.anime-torrent.com/) - Anime
* [VCB-S](https://vcb-s.com/) - Anime
## ▷ Streaming
* [momotheater](https://momotheater.com/) - Movies / Anime
* [JP-Films](https://jp-films.com/) - Movies / TV
* [momotheater](https://momotheater.com/) - Movies / Anime / Sub / 720p
* [JP-Films](https://jp-films.com/) - Classic Japanese Movies / TV / 1080p
* [Abema](https://abema.tv/) - Live TV
* [AnimeLon](https://animelon.com/) - Anime / Learn Japanese
* [Japanese Animated Film Classics](https://animation.filmarchives.jp/index.html) - Japanese Animated Film Archive
* [National Film Archive of Japan](https://meiji.filmarchives.jp/) - Japanese Film Archive
* [AQ Stream](https://aqstream.com/) - Live TV
* [National Film Archive of Japan](https://meiji.filmarchives.jp/) - Japanese Movie Archive
* [Japanese Animated Film Classics](https://animation.filmarchives.jp/index.html) - Japanese Animated Movie Archive
* [kuukunen](https://touhou.kuukunen.net/) - Music
* [SimulRadio](https://simulradio.info/) - Listen to Radio Stations at Once
* [SimulRadio](https://simulradio.info/) - Radio
## ▷ Reading
@ -724,18 +718,12 @@
* [mangaraw](https://mangaraw.io/) - Manga
* [shobonnexus](https://shobonnexus.com/) - Novels / Magazines
* [ErogameScape](https://erogamescape.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/) - Visual Novel Database
* [watanoc](https://watanoc.com/), [yourei](https://yourei.jp/) or [n-lab](http://www.n-lab.org/library/mondai/) - Learn / Practice Japanese
* [kakijun](https://kakijun.jp/) - Learn Japanese Writing
* [Nihongo Monash](http://nihongo.monash.edu/onlinejdic.html), [jitenon](https://jitenon.jp/), [kotobank](https://kotobank.jp/), [aozorasearch](https://github.com/myokoym/aozorasearch) or [Weblio](https://www.weblio.jp/) - Dictionaries
* [dictionary.goo](https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/idiom/) - Japanese Idiom Dictionary
* [Zokugo](http://zokugo-dict.com/) or [Nico Nico Pedia](https://dic.nicovideo.jp/) - Slang Dictionaries
* [accent.u-biq](https://accent.u-biq.org/) - Accent Dictionary
# ► Korean
* [dic.daum](https://dic.daum.net/) or [Speller](http://speller.cs.pusan.ac.kr/) - Korean Translator / Spellchecker
* [dic.daum](https://dic.daum.net/) - Korean Translator / Spellchecker
* [TakakTadak](https://tadaktadak.co.kr/) - Korean Practice / English Learning
* [EBS](https://www.ebs.co.kr/) - Korean Courses for the Visually / Hearing Impaired
* [Awesome Cafe](https://github.com/utilForever/awesome-cafe) - Korean Cafe List
@ -745,33 +733,27 @@
## ▷ Downloading
* [JPFILES](https://jpfiles.eu/) - Video / Audio / Books / NSFW
* [PDPop](https://www.pdpop.com/) - Video / Books / NSFW
* [WeDisk](https://www.wedisk.co.kr/) - Movies / TV
* [CinEast](https://cineaste.co.kr/) - Movies
* [J-pop Music Download](https://jpop.xyz/) - Music
* [4Sashi](https://4sashi.com/) - Music
* [KPopExplorer](https://kpopexplorer.net/) - Music
* [ilKPOP](https://ilkpop.com/) - Music
* [KPopSea](https://kpopjams.com/) - Soundtracks
* [VTH88](https://vth88.blogspot.com/) - Music Videos
* [Devil Joo](https://devil-joo.blogspot.com/) - Music Videos
* [PDPop](https://www.pdpop.com/) - Video / Books / NSFW / Sub / 1080p
* [CinEast](https://cineaste.co.kr/) - Movies / TV / Sub / 1080p
* [4Sashi](https://4sashi.com/) - Music / MP3 / FLAC
* [KPopExplorer](https://kpopexplorer.net/) - Music / MP3 / FLAC
* [KPopSea](https://kpopjams.com/) - Music / MP3 / FLAC
* [ilKPOP](https://ilkpop.com/) - Music / MP3
## ▷ Torrenting
* [TorrentHaja](https://torrenthaja.com/) - Video / Audio/ Books
* [TorrentHaja](https://torrenthaja.com/) - Video / Audio / Books
## ▷ Streaming
* [OnDemandKorean](https://www.ondemandkorea.com/) - TV / Movies
* [Kokoa](https://kokoatv.net/) - TV / Movies
* [Kokoa](https://kokoatv.net/) - Movies / TV / Sub / 1080p
* [OnDemandKorean](https://www.ondemandkorea.com/) - Korean Movies / TV / 720p
* [AQ Stream](https://aqstream.com/) - Live TV
## ▷ Reading
* [kakao](https://page.kakao.com/) - Manga
* [MangaViewAndroid](https://github.com/junheah/MangaViewAndroid) - Manga
* [Dict.Naver](https://dict.naver.com/) - Korean Dictionary
* [Namu Wiki](https://namu.wiki/) - Korean Wiki
@ -782,11 +764,11 @@
## ▷ Downloading
* [Malayalam Film Songs](https://t.me/cc_NewMalayalamMp3) - Audio / Telegram
* [Malayalam Film Songs](https://t.me/cc_NewMalayalamMp3) - Audio
## ▷ Reading
* [komikindo](https://komikindo.info/) - Manga
* [Komikindo](https://komikindo.info/) - Manga / NSFW
Reference in New Issue
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