2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
**[◄◄ Back to Wiki Index ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/index )**
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**[Table of Contents ](https://i.imgur.com/jx8ypv8.png )** - *For mobile users*
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# ► Audio Streaming
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## ▷ Streaming Apps
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* **[Spotify Client ](https://www.spotify.com/us/download/ )**, [SpotifyD ](https://github.com/Spotifyd/spotifyd ), [ncspot ](https://github.com/hrkfdn/ncspot ) or [XpoMusic ](https://xpomusic.com/ ) - *Streaming*
* **[Spotify Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_spotify_tools )** - *Spotify Tools, Adblockers, Customization & More*
* [YouTube Music Players ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_youtube_music_players ) - *Streaming*
* [FunkWhale ](https://funkwhale.audio/ ) - *Streaming*
* [nuclear ](https://nuclear.js.org/ ) - *Streaming / [GitHub](https://github.com/nukeop/nuclear) / [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/JqPjKxE)*
* [MP3Jam ](https://www.mp3jam.org/ ) - *Streaming*
* [Muffon ](https://github.com/staniel359/muffon ) - *Streaming*
* [Deezer ](https://www.deezer.com/ ) - *Streaming*
* [MusicBucket ](https://musicbucket.net/ ) - *Track / Share Music / Telegram*
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* [Music Meal ](https://musicmeal.io/ ) - *Browser Music Extension*
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* [UnblockNeteaseMusic ](https://github.com/nondanee/UnblockNeteaseMusic ) - *Unlock Unavailable Netease Music*
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## ▷ Streaming Sites
* **[Spotify ](https://open.spotify.com/ )** or [Spotify One ](https://spotfy.one/ ) - *Browser Music*
* **Spotify Tools** - [Adblocker ](https://gist.github.com/Simonwep/24f8cdcd6d32d86e929004013bd660ae ) / [Mute Ads ](https://github.com/guihkx/spotishush ) / [Listen Together ](http://jqbx.fm/ ) / [Customize ](https://github.com/Darkempire78/Spotify-Customizer )
* **[YouTube Music ](https://music.youtube.com/ )** - *Browser Music / [Lag Fix](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/432304-youtube-music-fix-performance) / [Library Delete](https://github.com/apastel/ytmusic-deleter) / [Upload Delete](https://rentry.co/tv4uo)*
* **[Reddit Music Player ](https://reddit.musicplayer.io/ )** - *Subreddit Music Player*
* **[SoundCloud ](https://soundcloud.com/ )** - *User made songs*
* [ccMixter ](http://ccmixter.org/ ) or [dig ccMixter ](http://dig.ccmixter.org/dig ) - *Browser Music*
* [Audiomack ](https://audiomack.com/ ) - *Browser Music*
* [Slider ](https://slider.kz/ ) or [My Free MP3 ](https://myfreemp3juices.cc/ ) - *Browser Music*
* [xprm ](https://xprm.net/ ) - *Browser Music*
* [Pandora ](https://www.pandora.com/ ) - *Browser Music*
* [musify ](https://musify.club/ ) - *Browser Music*
* [Jamendo ](https://www.jamendo.com/ ) - *Browser Music*
* [Kainet ](https://kainet.rocks/ ) - *Browser Music*
* [Mp3Deer ](https://mp3deer.com/ ) - *Browser Music*
* [Last.fm ](https://www.last.fm/ ) - *Browser Music*
* [Just Hear It ](http://justhearit.com/hear/Iv ) - *Browser Music*
* [YesPlayMusic ](https://music.qier222.com/ ) - *Browser Music*
* [MP3Paw ](https://mp3paw.wiki/ ) - *Browser Music*
* [SoundClick ](https://www.soundclick.com/default.cfm ) - *Browser Music*
* [Tancpol ](https://tancpol.net/ ) - *Browser Music*
* [MP3 Quack ](https://mp3quack.lol/ ) - *Browser Music*
* [MP4Juice ](https://mp4juice.cc/ ) - *Browser Music*
* [Cliggo ](https://music.cliggo.com/ ) - *Browser Music*
* [Mixupload ](https://mixupload.com/ ) - *Browser Music*
* [Vapor Archive ](https://vaporarchive.neocities.org/ ) - *Vaporwave*
* [hypem ](https://hypem.com/popular ) - *Rising*
* [datpiff ](https://www.datpiff.com/ ) - *Mixtapes*
* [pumpyouup ](http://www.pumpyouup.com/ ) - *Indie Dubstep*
* [musopen ](https://musopen.org/music/ ) - *Classical*
* [Bandcamp ](https://bandcamp.com/tag/free-music?tab=all_releases ) - *Free Bandcamp Music*
* [Audius ](https://audius.co/ ) - *User Made Music Platform*
* [AudionautiX ](https://audionautix.com/ ) - *Mood based streaming*
* [Khinsider ](https://downloads.khinsider.com/ ), [Cirrus Retro ](https://cirrusretro.com/ ) or [Zophar's ](https://www.zophar.net/music ) - *Video Game Soundtracks*
* [NSF j ](http://nsf.nesbbs.com/ ) - *NES Game Music*
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* [Exotica ](https://www.exotica.org.uk/ ) - *Retro Gaming Music Wiki*
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* [MusicDex ](https://musicdex.org/ ) or [OtakuPlay ](https://otakuplay.moe/ ) - *Anime Soundtracks / [Discord](https://discord.gg/yCXJkbdCHt)*
* [Musicmap ](https://musicmap.info/ ) - *Genealogy / History of Music Genres*
* [Random Song ](https://randomsong.net/ ) or [ListenToThis ](https://listentothis.nanoshinono.me/ ) - *Random Songs*
* [The Nostalgia Machine ](http://thenostalgiamachine.com/ ) or [bops.fm ](https://bops.fm/ ) - *Random Songs by Year*
* [Map of Metal ](http://mapofmetal.com/ ) - *Interactive Map of Metal History*
* [The Cultural Borders of Songs ](https://pudding.cool/2018/06/music-map/?date=202102 ) - *#1 Songs from 3,000 Countries*
* [LostMyspace ](http://lostmyspace.com/ ) - *Lost Myspace Songs*
* [Wacht ](https://wacht.tv/ ) - *Music Video Upvoting*
* [/r/Yedits ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yedits/ ) - *User-Made Remixes*
* [/r/PluggnB ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PluggnB/ ) - *User-Made PluggnB Songs*
* [BitMidi ](https://bitmidi.com/ ) - *Stream / Download MIDI Files*
* [RemixPacks ](http://remixpacks.ru/ ) or [BurntScarr ](http://www.burntscarr.com/burntscarr/STEMS/ ) - *STEMS*
* [KeyGenMusic ](http://www.keygenmusic.net/ ) or [keygenmusic.tk ](https://keygenmusic.tk/ ) - *Keygen Music*
* [Tabletop Audio ](https://tabletopaudio.com/ ) - *Ambient Audio for Tabletop Games*
* [DigLib ](https://diglib.library.vanderbilt.edu/ama-browse.pl ) - *East African Recordings*
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* [Free Music Archive ](https://www.freemusicarchive.org/ ), [freesoundtrackmusic ](https://www.freesoundtrackmusic.com/ ), [joshwoodward ](https://www.joshwoodward.com/ ), [wowsound ](https://wowsound.com/ ), [epidemicsound ](https://www.epidemicsound.com/ ), [Pixabay Music ](https://pixabay.com/music/ ), [audiomicro ](https://www.audiomicro.com/ ), [StreamBeats ](https://www.streambeats.com/ ), [ccHound ](https://cchound.com/ ) or [Fugue ](https://icons8.com/music ) - *Royalty Free Music*
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* [Battle of the Bits ](https://battleofthebits.org/ ) - *User-Made Music Competitions*
* [Openwhyd ](https://openwhyd.org/ ) - *Music Sharing Community / [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/openwhyd-%E2%9C%9A-track/foohaghobcolamikniehcnnijdjehfjk)*
* [Bandcamp New Tab ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bandcamp-new-tab/nbabnnemlofbllcflfjpjgkgmcdbeemc ) - *Random Bandcamp Songs on New Tabs*
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## ▷ Podcasts / Radio
* **[Android ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/android#wiki_.25B7_android_podcasts_.2F_radio ) / [iOS ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/android#wiki_.25B7_ios_podcasts_.2F_radio )** - *Podcasts & Radio*
* **[Spotify Podcasts ](https://open.spotify.com/browse/podcasts )** - *Podcasts / [RSS](https://github.com/timdorr/spotifeed)*
* [Radio Streaming Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_radio_streaming_sites ) - *Radio Sites*
* [Listen Notes ](https://www.listennotes.com/ ) - *Podcast Search Engine*
* [iHeartRadio ](https://www.iheart.com/ ) - *Podcasts / Radio*
* [Mixcloud ](https://www.mixcloud.com/ ) - *Podcasts / Radio*
* [myTuner ](https://mytuner-radio.com/ ) - *Podcasts / Radio*
* [TuneIn ](https://tunein.com/ ) - *Podcasts / Radio*
* [Zeno ](https://zeno.fm/ ) - *Podcasts / Radio*
* [Kukufm ](https://kukufm.com/ ) - *Podcasts / Radio*
* [PodParadise ](https://www.podparadise.com/ ) - *Podcasts*
* [Podbean ](https://www.podbean.com/ ) - *Podcasts*
* [Podbay ](https://podbay.fm/ ) - *Podcasts*
* [Google Podcasts ](https://podcasts.google.com/ ) - *Podcasts*
* [DigitalBook ](https://www.digitalbook.io/ ) - *Podcasts*
* [player.fm ](https://player.fm/ ) - *Podcasts*
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* [Awesome Podcasts ](https://github.com/rShetty/awesome-podcasts ) - *Podcasts for Software Engineers*
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* [CPod ](https://github.com/z-------------/CPod ) - *Podcast App*
* [WebOasis Radio ](http://streamwat.ch/radio/ ) - *Genre-Based Radio*
* [Chiru.no ](https://chiru.no/ ) - *Multiple Online Radio Sites*
* [Drive & Listen ](https://driveandlisten.herokuapp.com/ ) or [DrivenListen ](https://drivenlisten.com/ ) - *Radio Driving Simulator*
* [Archive.org ](https://archive.org/details/audio?&sort=-downloads&page=1 ) - *News / Classic Radio / Podcasts*
* [Dumb Old Time Radio ](http://www.dumb.com/oldtimeradio/ ) or [Old Time Radio ](https://oldtime.radio/ ) - *Classic Radio*
* [Old Time Radio Downloads ](https://www.oldtimeradiodownloads.com/ ) - *Classic Radio Downloads*
* [adblock radio ](https://www.adblockradio.com/en/ ) - *Ad Free Podcasts / Radio Player / [GitHub](https://github.com/adblockradio/adblockradio)*
* [radiobot ](https://t.me/radiobot ) - *Radio / Telegram*
* [Curseradio ](https://github.com/chronitis/curseradio ) - *Internet radio in the terminal*
* [Rekt FM ](https://rekt.network/ ) - *Chill / Space / Dark / Horror Synth / EBSM / EDM Radio*
* [Nightwave Plaza ](https://plaza.one/ ) or [vapor.fm ](https://vapor.fm/ ) - *Vaporwave Radio*
* [Retrowave ](https://retrowave.ru/ ) - *Synthwave / Retrowave Radio*
* [Nightride.fm ](https://nightride.fm/ ) - *Synthwave / Darksynth Radio*
* [Di.fm ](https://www.di.fm/ ) - *Electronic Radio*
* [0x40 ](https://0x40.mon.im/ ) - *Electronic Radio w/ Anime Pictures*
* [8bit.fm ](https://8bit.fm/ ) - *Chiptune Radio*
* [Poolside FM ](https://poolside.fm/ ) - *Summer Radio*
* [latestation ](http://radio.late.city/ ) - *Late-Night Radio*
* [LISTEN.moe ](https://listen.moe/ ) - *K-Pop Radio / [Client](https://github.com/LISTEN-moe/windows-app)*
* [Fountain of Dreams ](https://fountainofdreams.net/ ) - *Japanese 80's Radio*
* [BakaRadio ](https://www.bakaradio.net/app-bakaradio-player/ ) - *Anime Radio*
* [Rainwave ](https://rainwave.cc/ ), [Squid Radio ](https://www.squid-radio.net/ ), [RPGGamers Radio ](http://www.rpgamers.net/radio/ ), [VGMRadio ](https://vgmradio.com/ ) or [Sitting On Clouds Radio ](https://www.sittingonclouds.ru/ ) - *Video Game Music Radio*
* [Nectarine ](https://www.scenestream.net/demovibes/streams/ ) - *Demo Scene Music Radio*
* [Radio Garden ](https://radio.garden/ ) - *Worldwide Radio*
* [Radiooooo ](https://radiooooo.com/ ) - *Radio / Time Machine*
* [420.moe ](https://420.moe/ ) - *420 Radio*
* [Listen To The Clouds ](http://listentothe.cloud/ ) or [LiveATC ](https://www.liveatc.net/ ) - *Air Traffic Radio Chatter*
* [Broadcastify ](https://www.broadcastify.com/ ) - *Live Emergency, Aircraft & Rail Feeds*
* [morsecode.me ](http://morsecode.me/ ) - *Morse Code Radio / Communication*
* [Worldwide Radio ](http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=3039738 ) - *Radio Extension*
* [castero ](https://github.com/xgi/castero ) - *TUI Terminal Podcast Client*
* [Grover ](https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9NBLGGH6C4BC ) or [GPodder ](http://gpodder.org/ ) - *Podcast Client*
* [Spotify Podcast Downloaders ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_spotify_downloaders ) - *Download Podcasts from Spotify*
* [ListenLater ](https://www.listenlater.fm/ ) - *Turn Articles into Podcasts*
* [ListenBox ](https://listenbox.app/ ) - *Turn YouTube Video into Podcasts*
* [Anchor ](https://anchor.fm/ ) - *Podcast Creator*
* [Spotify Podcasters ](https://podcasters.spotify.com/ ) - *Podcaster Dashboard*
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## ▷ Ambient / Relaxation
* **[Chillhop ](https://chillhop.com/ )** - *Lo-fi Radio*
* **[Ambient Rain Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_ambient_rain_sounds )** - *Ambient Rain*
* **[Coding Cat ](https://hostrider.com/ )** - *Nyan Cat's Cousin / Lo-Fi Radio*
* **[HaloMe.nu ](https://halome.nu/ )** - *Halo Menu Screens*
* **[Android ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/android#wiki_.25B7_android_relaxation ) / [iOS ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/android#wiki_.25B7_ios_relaxation )** - *Ambient Mobile Apps*
* [lofi.cafe ](https://www.lofi.cafe/ ) - *Lo-Fi Radio*
* [Ambicular ](https://ambicular.com/ ) - *Lo-Fi Radio*
* [DevTunes FM ](https://radio.madza.dev/ ) - *Lo-Fi Radio*
* [Lofi Music ](https://lofimusic.app/ ) - *Lo-Fi Radio*
* [Viberoom ](https://viberoom.audio/ ) - *Lo-Fi Hip-Hop Radio*
* [lofi-player ](https://magenta.tensorflow.org/lofi-player ), [2 ](https://magenta.github.io/lofi-player/ ) - *Create Room / Lo-Fi Player*
* [Music For Programming ](http://musicforprogramming.net/ ) - *Music for Focus*
* [Noizio ](https://noiz.io/ ) - *Ambient*
* [Calmsound ](https://www.calmsound.com/ ) - *Ambient*
* [Relaxing World ](https://relaxing.world/ ) - *Ambient*
* [Moss Garden ](https://moss.garden/ ) - *Ambient*
* [CalmyLeon ](https://calmyleon.com/ ) - *Ambient*
* [Moodli ](https://www.moodil.com/ ) - *Ambient*
* [Audioscape ](https://audioscape.netlify.app/ ) - *Ambient*
* [Moszen ](https://www.moszen.com/ ) - *Ambient*
* [Soundscape ](https://soundescape.io/ ) - *Ambient*
* [Soundrown ](http://soundrown.com/ ) - *Ambient*
* [Relaxing Sounds ](https://unifycosmos.com/relaxing-sounds/ ) - *Ambient*
* [Whispr ](https://www.whispr.tech/ ) - *Ambient*
* [Noises Online ](https://noises.online/ ) - *Ambient*
* [A Soft Murmur ](https://asoftmurmur.com/ ) - *Ambient*
* [Nature Mixer ](https://naturemixer.com/ ) - *Ambient*
* [EcoSounds ](http://en.ecosounds.net/ ) - *Ambient*
* [CanvasCycle ](http://www.effectgames.com/demos/canvascycle/ ) - *Ambient*
* [MoodTurn ](http://moodturn.com/ ) - *Ambient*
* [Sounds of Maine ](https://soundsofmaine.life/ ) - *Ambient Maine Sounds*
* [lofi ](https://lofi.co/ ) - *Ambient / Lo-fi*
* [Ambient Mixer ](https://www.ambient-mixer.com/ ) - *Ambient / Lo-fi*
* [tree.fm ](https://www.tree.fm/ ) - *Ambient Forest Sounds*
* [VibeOcean ](https://defonic.com/vibeocean.html ) - *Ambient Ocean Sounds*
* [Calm ](https://app.www.calm.com/ ) - *Meditation / Sleep Music*
* [Tide.fm ](https://tide.fm/ ) or [Sounds4Sleep ](https://sounds4sleep.com/ ) - *Meditation / Sleep Sounds*
* [ChillOuts ](http://www.chillouts.com/ ) - *Meditation Aid*
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* [Fractal Panda ](http://fractalpanda.com/binaural-beats-generator/ ) - *Binaural Beats Generator*
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* [August Ambiance ](https://augustambience.com/ ) - *Ambient Summer Sounds / Relaxation*
* [VirtCcean ](https://virtocean.com/ ) - *Ambient Ocean Sounds*
* [ASMRion ](https://asmrion.com/ ), [2 ](https://defonic.com/vibeasmrion.html ) - *Ambient Noise Generator*
* [NoisyLoop ](https://noisyloop.com/ ) - *Ambient Urban Sounds*
* [Coffitivity ](https://coffitivity.com/ ) or [Hipstersound ](https://hipstersound.com/ ) - *Ambient Cafe Sounds / Relaxation*
* [Sound Of Colleagues ](https://soundofcolleagues.com/ ) - *Ambient Office Sounds*
* [I Miss My Bar ](http://imissmybar.com/ ) - *Ambient Bar Sounds*
* [HomeSick ](https://scoreascore.com/homesick ) - *Ambient Home Sounds*
* [You are Listening To LA ](http://youarelistening.to/ ) - *Ambient City Sounds & Live LAPD Police Radio*
* [myNoise ](https://mynoise.net/ ) - *Background Noises & Interactive Soundscapes*
* [Noisli ](https://www.noisli.com/ ) - *Background Sounds for Productivity & Focus*
* [Ambient-Mixer ](https://movies.ambient-mixer.com/ ) - *Ambient Media Inspired Sounds*
* [Listen to Wikipedia ](http://listen.hatnote.com/ ) - *Listen to the sound of Wikipedia's recent changes feed*
* [My Secret Garden ](https://insecretgarden.com/ ) - *Ambient Sound Garden*
* [Tabletop Audio ](https://tabletopaudio.com/ ) - *Ambient Audio for Tabletop Games*
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# ► Audio Downloading
## ▷ Download Apps
* **[Music Ripping Guide ](https://ori5000.github.io/musicripping.html )**
* **[GamesDrive / SlavDoge ](https://discord.com/invite/gwxRf6ySGK )** - *Deezer, Qobuz, TIDAL, and SoundCloud Download Bot / [Site](https://gamesdrive.net/) / [Upload Backup](https://s3.gamesdrive.net/)*
* **[Spotify Downloaders ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_spotify_downloaders )** - *Download from Spotify*
* **[YouTube Downloaders ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_youtube_to_mp3 )** - *Download from YouTube*
* **[Soulseek ](https://slsknet.org/ )** or [Nicotine+ ](https://nicotine-plus.github.io/nicotine-plus/ ) - *FLAC / MP3 / [Stats](https://github.com/mrusse/Slsk-Upload-Stats-Tracker) / [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.companyname.andriodapp1)*
* **[Telegram Audio Download ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_telegram_audio_download )** - *Telegram audio download channels*
* **[/r/FreeDeezerARL ](https://reddit.com/r/freedeezerarl )** - *Download from Deezer & Soundcloud / [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/nwdgnh3tVw)*
* [/r/xTrill ](https://reddit.com/r/xTrill ) - *MP3 / FLAC / [Discord Bot](https://discord.gg/xtrill) / [Backup](https://reddit.com/r/xTrillBackup)*
* [streamrip ](https://github.com/nathom/streamrip ) - *Deezer, TIDAL, Qobuz, YouTube, and SoundCloud Downloader / [Colab](https://github.com/taskylizard/uwustreamrip)*
* [DeezerToDrive ](https://t.me/deezertodrivebot ) - *Deezer, Qobuz, TIDAL, Napster & Spotify to GDrive Bot*
* [Orpheus ](https://github.com/yarrm80s/orpheusdl ) - *Music Ripper*
* [FreyrJS ](https://github.com/miraclx/freyr-js ) - *Spotify, Deezer and Apple Music Downloader*
* [d-fi ](https://notabug.org/sayem314/d-fi ) or [DL-Spt ](https://notabug.org/dlspt/dl-spt ) - *Download from Deezer*
* [OFFMP3 ](https://offmp3.com/ ) or [conversormp3 ](https://conversormp3.com.br/ ) - *Video Site to MP3 Converter*
* [SMLoadr ](https://t.me/SMLoadrNews ) - *FLAC / MP3 / [Desktop GUI](https://github.com/thelucifermorningstar/SMLoadr-AUX/releases)*
* [RedSea ](https://github.com/Dniel97/RedSea ) - *Tidal Music Downloader*
* [Telegram Deezer Bots ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_telegram_deezer_bots ) - *FLAC / MP3*
* [Telegram Audio Download Bots ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_telegram_audio_download_bots )
* [MP3Jam ](https://www.mp3jam.org/ ) - *MP3*
* [Chimera ](https://yadi.sk/d/9H37O67t9XKsnA ) - *Music Download Tool*
* [BandCamp-DL ](https://github.com/iheanyi/bandcamp-dl ), [Download Bandcamp ](https://downloadmusicschool.com/bandcamp/ ), [bcdl ](https://github.com/daot/bcdl ) or [Bandcamp Downloader ](https://github.com/Otiel/BandcampDownloader ) - *Bandcamp Downloader*
* [Soundcloud Downloaders ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_soundcloud_downloaders ) - *Soundcloud Download Tools*
* [KeepTube ](https://jaymoulin.me/me/keeptune/ ) - *Soundcloud & Bandcamp Downloader*
* [GetFVid ](https://www.getfvid.com/ ) - *Facebook Video / Audio Downloader*
* [Musescore-downloader ](https://github.com/Xmader/musescore-downloader ) - *Musescore Downloader*
* [jiosaavn-downloader ](https://github.com/GrayGalaxy/jiosaavn-downloader ) / [2 ](https://github.com/kx3ez1/jiosaavn-downloader ) or [music-dl ](https://github.com/vishaltelangre/music-dl ) - *JioSaavn Downloaders*
* [gaana-downloader-extension) ](https://github.com/tuhinpal/gaana-downloader-extension ) - *Gaana Downloader*
* [you-get ](https://you-get.org/ ) or [irs ](https://github.com/cooperhammond/irs ) - *Audio Command Line Download Tool*
* [music-downloader ](https://github.com/Dayhawk007/music-downloader ) - *Python Music Download Script*
* [VK::MP3 ](https://metacpan.org/pod/VK::MP3 ) - *VK MP3 Search Tool*
* [fetch-audio-from-fm ](https://github.com/zhenze12345/fetch-audio-from-fm ) - *Download FM Site Audio*
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## ▷ Download Sites
* **[Audio Download CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:ibmyuhh72io )** / [CSE 2 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:ohobg3wvr_w ) - *Multi-Site Search*
* **[Download Piracy Guide ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/download )** - *ctrl+f and type "audio"*
* **[DoubleNegative ](https://doublenegative.io/ )** - *TIDAL & Deezer Downloader*
* **[Free MP3 Download ](https://free-mp3-download.net/ )** - *Search / MP3 / FLAC*
* **[/r/RIPREQUESTSNew ](https://www.reddit.com/r/riprequestsnew/ )** - *FLAC / [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/SH7DUfVz46)*
* **[Mudome ](https://mudome.org/ )** - *MP3 / FLAC*
* **[REKULOUS' Music Collection ](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18uv94liWaRYSu16XY6Njx0SLykmJmczJ?usp=sharing )** - *MP3 / FLAC / AAC / DSD / SACD / Etc.*
2022-01-30 17:20:29 -08:00
* **[Damon's Game Soundtracks ](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TJyPoYEgQjESnwwY-SjWclrPVeXLlV1x?usp=sharing )**, [Squid-Board ](https://www.squid-board.ru/ ) / [2 ](https://www.squid-board.org/ ), [Khinsider ](https://downloads.khinsider.com/ ) / [Downloader ](https://github.com/TheLastZombie/VGMLoader ) / [2 ](https://github.com/obskyr/khinsider ), [Duke4 SC-55 ](https://sc55.duke4.net/games.php ), [Project2612 ](https://project2612.org/index.php ), [GameOST ](https://gameost.net/ ), [VGMRips ](https://vgmrips.net/packs/ ) or [Zophar's ](https://www.zophar.net/music ) - *Video Game Soundtracks*
2022-01-24 02:09:08 -08:00
* [The Last Disaster ](https://thelastdisaster.vip/ ), [2 ](https://thelastdisaster.org/ ) - *MP3 / FLAC*
* [SongsLover ](https://songslover.vip/ ) - *MP3*
* [FreshRemix ](http://freshremix.ru/ ) - *MP3*
* [VKMusic ](https://denr01.com/vkm/ ) - *MP3 / User: anon / pass: 12345*
* [nodata ](https://nodata.tv/ ) - *MP3*
* [Black Organization ](https://blackorganizationmp3.wixsite.com/music ) - *MP3*
* [SoundClick ](https://www.soundclick.com/default.cfm ) - *MP3*
* [MP3 Quack ](https://mp3quack.lol/ ) - *MP3*
* [z1.fm ](https://z1.fm/ ) - *MP3*
* [PandaCD ](https://pandacd.io/ ) - *MP3*
* [Tancpol ](https://tancpol.net/ ) - *MP3*
* [ccMixter ](http://ccmixter.org/ ) or [dig ccMixter ](http://dig.ccmixter.org/dig ) - *DL / Stream / MP3*
* [MP3Juices ](https://www.mp3juices.cc/ ), [MP3Juice ](https://mp3juice.buzz/ ) or [MP3Skull ](https://mp3skulls.to/ ) - *DL / Stream / MP3*
* [Digital Meltd0wn ](http://digitalmeltd0wn.blogspot.com/ ) - *MP3*
* [Music Blogtrotter ](https://musicblogtrotter.blogspot.com/ ) - *MP3*
* [New Album Releases ](https://newalbumreleases.net/ ) - *MP3*
* [mp3db ](https://mp3db.pro/ ) - *MP3*
* [NetNaija ](https://www.thenetnaija.com/ ) - *MP3*
* [RockDownload ](https://www.rockdownload.org/ ) - *MP3*
* [DeadPulpit ](https://www.deadpulpit.com/ ) - *MP3*
* [24NaiJamMuzic ](https://www10.24naijamuzic.com/ ) - *MP3*
* [frkmusic ](https://www.frkmusic.site/ ) - *MP3*
* [MuzBeat ](https://muzbeat.org/ ) - *MP3*
* [musify ](https://musify.club/ ) - *MP3*
* [Funky Souls ](https://forum.funkysouls.org/ ), [2 ](https://funkysouls.org/ ) - *MP3*
* [Music for the masses ! ](https://redd.it/nt7fea ) - *MP3*
* [MP4Juice ](https://mp4juice.cc/ ) - *MP3*
* [Cliggo ](https://music.cliggo.com/ ) - *MP3*
* [RabbitMP3 ](https://www.rabbitmp3.com/ ) - *MP3*
* [Freemp3cloud ](https://freemp3cloud.com/en/ ) - *MP3*
* [Mp3Deer ](https://mp3deer.com/ ) - *MP3*
* [sixousixmusix ](https://www.sixousixmusix.org/ ) - *MP3*
* [Mixupload ](https://mixupload.com/ ) - *MP3*
* [Slider ](https://slider.kz/ ) - *MP3*
* [geedryve ](http://jacobsm.com/geedryve/records/mp3s/ ) - *MP3*
* [Music Library ](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qJ9CT36FzGd7_4048__LLS4ZicV1qYl7 ) - *MP3*
* [ ]( ) - *MP3*
* [ ]( ) - *MP3*
* [Rhapsody ]( ) - *MP3*
* [Tyler ]( ) - *MP3*
* [FLAC Attack ](https://flacattack.net/ ) - *FLAC*
* [Lossless-Music ](https://lossless-music.org/ ) or [Flaccat ](https://flaccat.com/ ) - *FLAC*
* [Losslessma ](https://losslessma.net/ ) - *FLAC*
* [SearchLossless ](https://searchlossless.com/ ) - *FLAC*
* [LosslessNews ](https://flac1.hd24bit.com/ ) - *FLAC*
* [FLAC World ](http://flac.world/ ) - *FLAC*
* [FlacMusic ](https://www.flacmusic.info/ ) - *FLAC*
* [Music HiRes ](https://music-hires.blogspot.com/ ) - *FLAC*
* [FLAC.xyz ](http://flac.xyz/ ) - *FLAC*
2022-01-30 11:29:10 -08:00
* [Sacd ](https://sacd.xyz/ ) - *FLAC*
2022-01-24 02:09:08 -08:00
* [Lossless-FLAC ](https://lossless-flac.com/ ) - *FLAC*
* [DiscogC ](https://www.discogc.com/ ) - *FLAC*
* [LosslessAlbums ](https://losslessalbums.club/ ) or [HDMusic ](https://hdmusic.cc/ ) - *FLAC*
* [Creamusic ](https://creamusic.net/ ) - *FLAC / Bypass Limit w/ VPN*
* [ubdn ](http://ubdn.me/ ) - *MP3 / FLAC*
* [IntMusic ](https://intmusic.net/ ) - *MP3 / FLAC*
* [Mp3Flac ](https://mp3flac.site/ ) - *MP3 / FLAC*
* [Gangster ](https://gangster.su/ ) - *MP3 / FLAC*
* [GetRockMusic ](https://getrockmusic.net/ ) - *MP3 / FLAC*
* [Core Radio ](https://coreradio.ru/ ) - *MP3 / FLAC*
* [AlterPortal ](https://alterportal.net/ ) - *MP3 / FLAC*
* [Moe:81 ](http://miya.nipah.moe:81/public/music/ ) - *MP3 / FLAC*
* [Plastinka ](http://plastinka.org/ ) - *MP3 / FLAC*
* [Exystence ](http://exystence.net/ ) - *MP3 / FLAC*
* [FindFlac ](http://findflac.com/ ) - *FLAC / MP3 / MP4*
* [iPlusFree ](http://www7.iplusfree.org/ ), [2 ](https://www.iplusfree.net/ ) - *iTunes M4A*
* [iTDMusic ](https://itdmusic.in/ ) - *iTunes M4A*
* [iTopMusicx ](https://itopmusicx.com/ ) - *iTunes M4A*
* [Plus Premieres ](http://www128.pluspremieres.biz/ ) - *iTunes M4A*
* [TvG ](https://tvg-blog.tumblr.com/ ) - *MP3 / Rare Music*
* [zippyshare DJs ](https://www.zippysharedjs.com/ ) - *Zippyshare File Search*
* [Archive.org ](https://archive.org/details/audio ) - *DL / Stream / MP3*
* [xprm ](https://xprm.net/ ) - *MP3 / DL / Stream / Requests*
* [Jimmy R ](http://www.jimmyr.com/mp3_search.php ) or [Musgle ](http://www.musgle.com/ ) - *Google Directory Search / MP3*
* [The Noise-Arch Archive ](https://archive.org/details/noise-arch ) - *Underground Cassette Tapes*
* [Unreleased Disco ](https://unreleased.me/ ) - *MP3 / Unreleased Singles / [Subreddit](https://reddit.com/r/UnreleasedDisco)*
* [Take Metal ](http://takemetal.org/ ) - *Metal / MP3*
* [GetMetal Club ](https://getmetal.club/ ) - *Metal / MP3 / FLAC*
* [Me-4U ](https://me-4u.com/index.php ) - *Metal / MP3*
* [Metalminos ](https://metalminos.net/ ) - *Metal / MP3*
* [HeavyMetalRarities ](https://heavymetalrarities.com/ ) - *Metal / MP3*
* [The Last Disaster ](https://thelastdisaster.org/ ) - *Metal / Hardcore / Rock / MP3 / FLAC*
* [Sophie's Floorboard ](https://sophiesfloorboard.blogspot.com/ ) - *Hardcore / MP3*
* [1Gabba ](https://1gabba.pw/ ) - *Electronic / MP3*
* [Gabber ](https://gabber.od.ua/ ) - *Electronic / MP3*
* [EDM Lake ](https://edmlake.com/ ) - *Electronic / MP3*
* [EDMBoost ](https://edmboost.org/ ) - *Electronic / MP3*
* [EDMWaves ](https://edmwaves.org/ ) - *Electronic / MP3*
* [MusicFans ](https://musicfans.space/ ) - *Electronic / MP3*
* [MyPromoSound ](https://mypromosound.com/ ) - *Electronic / MP3*
* [ElectronicFresh ](http://electronicfresh.com/ ) - *Electronic / MP3*
* [InEvil ](https://www.inevil.com/ ) - *Electronic / MP3*
* [DQQD ](https://dqqd.org/ ) - *Electronic / MP3 / FLAC*
* [1Trance ](https://1trance.org/ ) - *Trance / MP3*
* [1Techno ](https://1techno.org/ ) - *Techno / MP3*
* [Vaporwave Library Project ](https://vaporwave.ivan.moe/ ) - *Vaporwave*
* [loa2k ](https://loa2k.neocities.org/ ) - *Vaporwave*
* [nu guide ](https://nuvaporwave.neocities.org/mirrors.html ) - *Vaporwave*
* [David W. Niven Collection ](https://archive.org/details/davidwnivenjazz ) - *Jazz / MP3 / [Article](https://www.electronicbeats.net/the-feed/download-650-gigabytes-jazz-free/)*
* [JazznBlues ](https://jazznblues.club/ ) - *Jazz / MP3*
* [BOXSET ](https://boxset.ru/ ) - *Classical / FLAC*
* [Classical Music Download ](https://classical-music-download.com/ ) - *Classical / FLAC*
* [chucrute com quiabo ](https://rabanetecomquiabo.blogspot.com/ ) - *Classical / MP3*
* [MeetingInMusic ](https://meetinginmusic.blogspot.com/ ) - *Classical / MP3*
2022-01-28 02:34:43 -08:00
* [Kiddie Records ](http://www.kiddierecords.com/ ) - *Classic Children's Records*
2022-01-24 02:09:08 -08:00
* [HQ Hip Hop ](http://94hiphop.com/ ) - *Hip Hop / MP3 / FLAC*
* [RnBXclusive ](https://rnbxclusive1.org/ ) - *Hip-Hop / MP3 / FLAC*
* [Rapload ](https://rapload.org/ ) - *Hip Hop / MP3*
* [HipHopa ](https://hiphopa.net/ ) - *Hip Hop / MP3*
* [JPFlac ](https://jpflac.com/ ) - *Japanese / Korean / MP3 / FLAC*
* [Kpop Stan ](https://kpopstan.com/ ) - *KPop / MP3*
* [MikuDB ](http://mikudb.moe/ ) - *Vocaloid / MP3*
2022-01-30 17:20:29 -08:00
* [В с е Саундтреки ](http://xn--80adhccsnv2afbpk.xn--p1ai/ ), [DS Soundtrack ](https://dsoundtrack.com/ ), [Soundkino ](https://soundkino.biz/ ), [Download-Soundtracks ](http://download-soundtracks.com/ ), [Audio-Track ](https://www.audio-track.com/en ), [3ost ](https://3ost.ru/ ) or [tanikal ](https://www.tanikal.com/ ) - *Soundtracks*
2022-01-24 02:09:08 -08:00
* [SittingOnClouds ](https://www.sittingonclouds.net/ ) / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/x23SFbE ) - *Anime / Game Soundtracks*
* [AniPlaylist ](https://aniplaylist.com/ ), [OSAnime ](https://osanime.com/ ) or [Anime Sharing ](http://koe.anime-sharing.com/Packlist/ ) - *Anime Soundtracks*
* [OtakuOst ](https://otakuost.net/ ) - *Anime Soundtracks & Japanese Music*
* [DramaOST ](https://dramaost.com/ ) or [KDramaOST ](https://kdramaost.com/en ) - *Asian Drama Soundtracks*
2022-01-28 02:34:43 -08:00
* [Doujin Cafe ](https://discord.com/invite/doujincafe ) or [lolicore ](http://lolicore.org/ ) - *Doujin Music*
* [Keygen Music ](http://www.keygenmusic.org/ ) - *Keygen Music Archive*
2022-01-24 02:09:08 -08:00
* [BitMidi ](https://bitmidi.com/ ) or [VGMusic ](http://www.vgmusic.com/ )- *MIDI Files*
* [QueenMusicHall ](http://www.queenmusichall.cz/ ) - *Queen MIDIs, Audio, Photos*
* [Tabletop Audio ](https://tabletopaudio.com/ ) - *Ambient Audio for Tabletop Games*
* [Free Music Archive ](https://www.freemusicarchive.org/ ), [Unminus ](https://www.unminus.com/ ), [BenSound ](https://www.bensound.com/ ), [Incompetech ](https://incompetech.com/ ), [HookSounds ](https://www.hooksounds.com/ ), [UppBeat ](https://uppbeat.io/ ), [Soundimage ](https://soundimage.org/ ), [free stock music ](https://www.free-stock-music.com/ ) or [Fugue ](https://icons8.com/music ) - *Royalty Free Music*
2022-01-28 02:34:43 -08:00
* [MP3Scene ](https://www.mp3scene.info/ ) - *MP3 Piracy Scene History*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2022-01-24 02:09:08 -08:00
# ► Audio Torrenting
2022-01-24 02:07:26 -08:00
2022-01-24 02:09:08 -08:00
* **[VPN Guide ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/adblock-vpn-privacy#wiki_.25BA_vpn )** - *Get a VPN before torrenting*
* **[Audio Torrent CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:v75cyb4ci55 )** - *Multi-Site Search*
* **[Torrent Piracy Guide ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/torrent )** - *ctrl+f and type "audio"*
* **[Redacted ](https://interviewfor.red/ )** - *MP3 / FLAC*
* **[Orpheus ](https://orpheus.network/ )** - *MP3 / FLAC / [Interviews](https://interview.orpheus.network/)*
* **[Redtopia ](https://git.fuwafuwa.moe/cairn/Redtopia )** - *Redtopia Repository / FLAC*
2022-01-24 21:39:13 -08:00
* **[Solid Torrents ](https://solidtorrents.net/ )** - *MP3 / FLAC*
2022-01-24 02:09:08 -08:00
* **[Lidarr ](https://github.com/Lidarr/Lidarr )** - *Autodownload Music Torrents*
* [Flactor ](https://flactor.ru/ ) - *FLAC*
* [Metal Tracker ](https://en.metal-tracker.com/ ) - *Metal / MP3*
* [RockBox ](https://rawkbawx.rocks/ ) - *Metal / MP3*
* [the /kpg/ torrent ](https://kpg.neocities.org/ ) - *800gb+ K-Pop Torrent File*
* [MixtapeTorrent ](http://www.mixtapetorrent.com/ ) - *Mixtapes / MP3*
* [SXSW Torrents ](http://www.sxswtorrent.com/ ) - *SXSW Music Archive*
* [ZOMB Torrents ](http://zombtracker.the-zomb.com/ ) - *Music sharing community / forum*
* [bt.etree ](http://bt.etree.org/ )- *Live Concert Recordings*
* [NFO db ](https://nfodb.ru/ ) - *MP3 NFO Database*
# ► [Android Audio](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/android#wiki_.25BA_android_audio)
2022-01-24 02:07:26 -08:00
2022-01-24 02:09:08 -08:00
# ► [iOS Audio](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/android#wiki_.25BA_ios_audio)
2022-01-24 02:07:26 -08:00
2022-01-24 02:09:08 -08:00
# ► Tracking / Discovery
2022-02-01 03:13:14 -08:00
* **[Last.fm ](https://www.last.fm/home )**, [Music Board ](https://musicboard.app/ ) or [Libre ](https://libre.fm/ ) - *Track Music you Listen to*
* **Last.fm Tools** - [Manual Scrobble ](https://openscrobbler.com/ ) / [Web Scrobble ](https://web-scrobbler.com/ ) / [Album Collages ](https://www.nsfcd.com/lastfm/ ) / [Tag Cloud ](https://tagcloud.joshuarainbow.co.uk/ ) / [Now Playing Display ](https://descent.live/now )
2022-01-24 02:09:08 -08:00
* **[Has it leaked ](https://hasitleaked.com/ )** or [LEAKED ](https://leaked.cx/ ) - *Album Leak Tracker*
* **[Muspy ](https://muspy.com/ )** - *Get Album Release Updates*
* **[RateYourMusic ](https://rateyourmusic.com/ )**, ** [Sputnik ](https://www.sputnikmusic.com/ )**, [Discogs ](https://www.discogs.com/ ), [listnd ](https://listnd.com/ ) or [Musicbranz ](https://musicbrainz.org/ ) - *Ratings / Reviews*
* [RYM Ultimate Box Set ](https://rateyourmusic.com/list/TheScientist/rym-ultimate-box-set/ ) - *Artist Recommendations by Genre*
* [45Cat ](http://www.45cat.com/ ) - *Vinyl Ratings / Reviews*
* [World Spotify ](https://www.worldspotify.com/ ) - *Daily Most Streamed Tracks by Country*
* [TapeFear ](https://www.tapefear.com/ ) - *Spotify Song Discovery*
* [Spotalike ](https://spotalike.com/ ), [MagicPlaylist ](https://magicplaylist.co/ ) or [RadioNewify ](https://radionewify.com/ ) - *Spotify Playlist Generator*
* [DailyPlaylists ](https://www.dailyplaylists.com/ ) or [TuneMunk ](https://www.tunemunk.com/ ) - *Spotify Playlist Sharing*
* [MusitcTo ](https://www.musicto.com/ ) - *Musician Curated Playlists*
* [Obscurify ](https://obscurifymusic.com/ ) - *Compare Music Taste to Others*
* [Chosic ](https://www.chosic.com/ ) - *Song Discovery Tools*
* [UnknownMusicBot ](https://t.me/UnknownMusicBot ) - *Play a Random Rare Song from YouTube*
2022-01-24 21:39:13 -08:00
* [Random Album Bookmark Script ](https://pastebin.com/rR4qrvnX ) - *Find Random Albums*
2022-01-24 02:09:08 -08:00
* [Music-Map ](https://www.music-map.com/ ) or [Musicroamer ](https://www.musicroamer.com/ ) - *Similar Artist Discovery*
* [BoilTheFrog ](http://boilthefrog.playlistmachinery.com/ ) - *Create Playlists From 2 Artists*
* [WeirdSpot ](https://www.weirdspot.fyi/ ) - *Generate Playlists from Sentences*
* [Gnoosic ](https://www.gnoosic.com/ ), [GNOD ](https://www.gnod.com/ ) or [What The Fuck Should I Listen To Right Now? ](https://www.whatthefuckshouldilistentorightnow.com/ ) - *Artist Discovery Tool*
* [1001 Albums Generator ](https://1001albumsgenerator.com/ ) - *Generates Random Album Each Weekday*
* [DigitalDreamDoor ](https://digitaldreamdoor.com/ ) - *Greatest 100 Lists*
* [Acclaimed Music ](http://www.acclaimedmusic.net/ ) - *Discover Acclaimed Music of the Times*
* [Best Ever Albums ](https://www.besteveralbums.com/index.php ) - *Discover Albums*
* [Tunefind ](https://www.tunefind.com/ ) - *Find Music from Movies / TV*
* [MusicGenreTree ](https://www.musicgenretree.org/chart.html ) - *Discover New Music by Genre*
* [VGMdb ](https://vgmdb.net/ ) - *Video Game Music Database*
* [generasia ](https://www.generasia.com/ ) - *Asian Music Wiki*
* [dbkpop ](https://dbkpop.com/ ) - *K-Pop Database*
* [Stage48 ](http://stage48.net/wiki/index.php ) - *Stage48 Idol Group Database*
* [Music.ishkur ](http://music.ishkur.com/ ) - *Electronic Music Guide*
* [Every Noise at Once ](http://everynoise.com/ ) - *Music Genre Samples*
* [Listening Together ](https://listeningtogether.atspotify.com/ ) - *Tracks Each Time Two People Play the Same Song*
* [rate.house ](https://rate.house/ ) - *Media Tracker*
* [libib ](https://www.libib.com/ ) - *Desktop Media Catalog*
* [Podcatalysts ](https://podcatalysts.substack.com/ ) - *Podcast Recommendation Newsletter*
2022-01-24 02:07:26 -08:00
2022-01-24 02:09:08 -08:00
# ► Request Music
2022-01-24 02:07:26 -08:00
2022-01-24 02:09:08 -08:00
* **[DirtyWarez ](https://forum.dirtywarez.com/categories/download-requests.113/ )**
* **[TheMegaDrive ](https://discord.gg/h2P5zsNMxZ )** - *Megadrive Discord*
* [WorldSrc ](https://t.me/WorldsrcOfficial )
* [TehParadox ](https://www.tehparadox.net/requests/ )
* [Sanet.st ](https://sanet.st/community/t/requests )
* [xprm ](https://xprm.net/ )
* [pirates-forum ](https://pirates-forum.org/Forum-Requests )
2022-01-24 02:07:26 -08:00
2022-01-24 02:09:08 -08:00
# ► [Audio Tools](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/tools-misc#wiki_.25B7_audio_tools)