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# ► Free Stuff
* ⭐ ** [Give & Away ](https://discord.gg/j9fvrxedkX )** - Giveaway Discord Server
* ⭐ ** [OneHack ](https://onehack.us/ )** - Giveaway Community
* ⭐ ** [Free Packages ](https://steamdb.info/freepackages/ )** - Mass Activate All Free Steam Games / [Guide ](https://youtu.be/svbdw-pYNT8 )
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* ⭐ ** [IsThereAnyDeal ](https://isthereanydeal.com/giveaways/ )** - Games
* [Free Games Claimer ](https://github.com/vogler/free-games-claimer ) - Auto-Claim Free Epic, Amazon, and GOG Games
* [epicgames-freegames-node ](https://github.com/claabs/epicgames-freegames-node ) - Auto-Claim Free Epic Games
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* [IndieGala ](https://freebies.indiegala.com/ ) - Games
* [FreeGameCodes ](https://freegames.codes/ ) - Games / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/ZmUbRcp )
* [FreeToKeep ](https://freetokeep.gg/ ) - Games
* [/r/freegames ](https://www.reddit.com/r/freegames/ ) - Games
* [/r/RandomActsOfGaming ](https://www.reddit.com/r/RandomActsOfGaming/ ) - Games
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* [GamePower ](https://www.gamerpower.com/ ) - Games
* [ClaimFreeGames ](https://claimfreegames.com/ ) - Games
* [GrabFreeGames ](https://grabfreegames.com/ ) - Games
* [Epic Games Free ](https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/free-games ), [egsnotifier_bot ](https://t.me/egsnotifier_bot ) or [Epic Free Games ](https://t.me/epicfreegames ) - Games
* [EpicFreeGamesList ](https://josephmate.github.io/EpicFreeGamesList/ ) - Epic Free Games List
* [Steam Mods ](https://store.steampowered.com/search/?maxprice=free&category1=997 ) - Steam Mods
* [Freetchio ](https://shaigrorb.github.io/freetchio/ ) - itch.io Games
* [/r/googleplaydeals ](https://reddit.com/r/googleplaydeals ) - Free / Cheap APKs
* [App Sales ](https://www.app-sales.net/ ) - Free / Cheap APKs
* [Play-Deals ](https://github.com/psuzn/Play-Deals ) - Free / Cheap APKs
* [/r/AppHookup ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AppHookup/ ) - Free / Cheap Software & APKs
* [NobsGames ](https://nobsgames.stavros.io/android/?name=&genre=&rating__gt=&price=free ) - Game APKs
* [InstlApp ](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/instlapp/id1502777382 ) - iOS Apps
* [AppSumo Freebies ](https://appsumo.com/tools/freebies/ ) - iOS Apps
* [FreeCycle ](https://www.freecycle.org/ ) - People Giving Away Free Stuff
* [BAEN ](https://www.baen.com/catalog/category/view/s/free-library/id/2012 ) - Books
* [Dolly Parton’ s Imagination Library ](https://imaginationlibrary.com/ ) - Book Gifting Program (For Children)
* [FreeSteamOffers_Bot ](https://t.me/FreeSteamOffers_Bot/ ) - Telegram
* [/r/FREE ](https://reddit.com/r/FREE/ )
* [/r/eFreebies ](https://reddit.com/r/eFreebies )
* [/r/FreeGameFindings ](https://reddit.com/r/FreeGameFindings )
* [/r/udemyfreebies ](https://reddit.com/r/udemyfreebies )
* [/r/FreeEBOOKS ](https://reddit.com/r/FreeEBOOKS )
* [/r/Freegamestuff ](https://reddit.com/r/Freegamestuff )
# ► Food
* 🌐 ** [/m/food ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Siryonkee/m/food/ )** - Food Multireddit
* 🌐 ** [MapOfTheBest ](https://mapofthebest.com/ )** - Top Restaurant List
* ↪️ ** [Food Storage Tips ](https://i.redd.it/qmcas4yuc2w81.png )** / [2 ](https://i.ibb.co/SKq3GT7/ca6f633c898b.png )
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* ⭐ ** [Tandoor Recipes ](https://docs.tandoor.dev/ )**, [Cooked ](https://cooked.wiki/ ) or [Pestle ](https://pestlechef.app/ ) - Recipe Managers
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* ⭐ ** [Just the Recipe ](https://www.justtherecipe.com/ )**, [WheresTheDish ](https://www.wheresthedish.com/ ), [Copy Me That ](https://www.copymethat.com/ ) or [PlainOldRecipe ](https://www.plainoldrecipe.com/ ) - Extract Recipes from Sites / [Firefox ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/recipe-filter/ ) / [Chrome ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ahlcdjbkdaegmljnnncfnhiioiadakae )
* ⭐ ** [SuperCook ](https://www.supercook.com/ )** - Recipe Search
* ⭐ ** [Baking Calculators ](https://bakingcalculators.com/ )** - Measurement System Conversion Calculators
* ⭐ ** [Grocy ](https://grocy.info/ )** / [Android ](https://patrickzedler.com/grocy/ ), [Listonic ](https://new.app.listonic.com/en ) or [Kitchen Owl ](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.tombursch.kitchenowl/ ) - Grocery Managers
* ⭐ ** [Sporked ](https://sporked.com/ )** - Packaged Food Reviews
* ⭐ ** [Still Tasty ](https://www.stilltasty.com/ )** or [EatByDate ](https://www.eatbydate.com/ ) - Shelf Life Guides
* ⭐ ** [OpenTable ](https://www.opentable.com/ )** - Restaurant Reservation Search
* [KitchenConfidentials ](https://kitchenconfidentials.com/ ) - Anonymous Food & Restaurant Reviews / [Subreddit ](https://www.reddit.com/r/KitchenConfidential/ )
* [FoodExpirationDates ](https://github.com/lorenzovngl/FoodExpirationDates ) - Food Expiration Tracker
* [cookEbooks ](https://cookebooks.info/ ) - Cookbooks
* [PunchFork ](https://www.punchfork.com/ ) - Recipes
* [Search-22 ](https://search-22.com/recipe-search-tools ) - Multi-Site Recipe Search
* [Wikibook Recipes ](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Category:Cookbook ) - Recipe Wiki
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* [Taste Bud ](https://taste-bud.io/ ) - Recipe Search AI / Pinboard
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* [Epicurious ](https://www.epicurious.com/ ) - Recipe Search
* [Recipe Search ](https://recipe-search.typesense.org/ ) - Recipe Search
* [RecipeRadar ](https://www.reciperadar.com/ ) - Recipe Search
* [Yummly ](https://www.yummly.com/ ) - Recipe Search
* [Recipe Site List ](https://pastebin.com/f1wAjWEB ) - List of Recipe Sites
* [Recipeeper ](https://www.recipeeper.com/ ) - Dietary-Based Recipes
* [TasteAtlas ](https://www.tasteatlas.com/ ) - Recipe Map
* [CookingForEngineers ](https://www.cookingforengineers.com/ ) - Recipes / Cooking Tests
* [Dish Dragon AI ](https://www.dishdragon.ai/ ) - Find Ingredients That Go Well Together
* [Cheese.com ](https://cheese.com/ ) - Cheese Resources
* [AmazingRibs ](https://amazingribs.com/ ) - Rib Recipes
* [The Bread Code Manifesto ](https://github.com/hendricius/the-sourdough-framework ) - Bread Baking Recipes
* [Tea Guide ](https://pastebin.com/raw/80GeeXJV ) - Tea Guide Masterlist
* [Coffee Guide ](https://pastebin.com/raw/UEzwuyLz ) - Coffee Guide Masterlist
* [Coffee or Bust! ](https://www.coffeeorbust.com/ ) - Coffee-Making Guides
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* [Cofi ](https://github.com/rozPierog/Cofi ) - Coffee Brew Timer / [Note ](https://pastebin.com/qTSJek6f )
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* [NahBucks ](https://nahbucks.com/ ) - Find Local Non-Starbucks Coffee Shops
* [Coffee Flavor Wheel ](https://notbadcoffee.com/flavor-wheel-en/ ) - Interactive Coffee Flavor Wheel
* [DrinNnation ](https://www.drinknation.com/bar ) or [MyBar ](https://makemeacocktail.com/mybar/ ) - Cocktail Builders
* [Drinkable ](https://github.com/MOIMOB/drinkable ) - Create Cocktails from Home Ingredients
* [Historical Recipes ](https://l-lists.com/en/lists/55cbww.html ) - Historical Recipes
* [Parsnip ](https://www.parsnip.ai/ ) - Cooking Lessons / Skill Tracking App
* [/r/Cooking ](https://reddit.com/r/Cooking ) - Cooking Discussion / Tips
* [/r/GifRecipes ](https://reddit.com/r/GifRecipes ) - Recipes in GIF Format
* [/r/recipes ](https://reddit.com/r/recipes ) - Share Recipes
* [/r/AskCulinary ](https://reddit.com/r/AskCulinary ) - Get Cooking Advice
* [FermenThings ](https://wiki.fermenthings.be/ ) - Fermentation Wiki
# ► Gardening
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Agriculture ](https://github.com/brycejohnston/awesome-agriculture )** - Agriculture Resources
* 🌐 ** [Agriculture / Gardening Subreddits ](https://rentry.co/TouchGrasss )**
* 🌐 ** [Cannabis Growing Subreddits ](https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/wiki/entreddits_social#wiki_growing )**
* ⭐ ** [EarthEasy ](https://learn.eartheasy.com/ )**, [How To Garden ](https://www.bhg.com/gardening/how-to-garden/ ), [HappySprout ](https://www.happysprout.com ), [Growing Guide ](https://blog.planter.garden/ ), [Openfarm ](https://openfarm.cc/ ), [GrowStuff ](https://www.growstuff.org/ ) or [GrowVeg ](https://www.growveg.com/ ) - Gardening Guides
* ⭐ ** [/r/Gardening ](https://reddit.com/r/gardening )** - Gardening Community
* ⭐ ** [/r/Whatsthisplant ](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisplant/ )** - Plant Identification Communities
* [PictureThis ](https://www.picturethisai.com/ ) / [Premium ](https://forum.mobilism.org/search.php?keywords=picturethis&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=titleonly&sr=topics&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search ) or [Pl@ntNet ](https://identify.plantnet.org/ ) - Plant Identification Tools / [Android ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cn.danatech.xingseus ) / [iOS ](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/picturethis-plant-identifier/id1252497129 )
* [WildFlowerSearch ](https://wildflowersearch.org/ ) - Flower Identifier
* [How Many Plants ](https://howmanyplants.com/ ) - House Plant Information
* [Florae ](https://github.com/aeri/Florae ) - Plant Care Reminders
* [WorldOfSucculents ](https://worldofsucculents.com/ ) or [SucculentGuide ](https://www.succulentguide.com/ ) - Succulent Database
* [MyGarden ](https://gitlab.com/m9712/mygarden ) - Garden Management App
* [Gardenia ](https://www.gardenia.net/ ) or [Garden Design ](https://www.gardendesign.com/ ) - Garden Design Resources
* [/r/UrbanGardening ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UrbanGardening/ ) - Urban Gardening Community
* [/r/Farming ](https://reddit.com/r/farming/ ) - Farming Community
* [Composting ](https://learn.eartheasy.com/guides/composting/ ) - Composting Guides
* [Modern Farmer ](https://modernfarmer.com/ ) - Agricultural News
* [Chip Drop ](https://getchipdrop.com/ ) - Free Mulch
* [Hardiness Zones ](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a7/World_Hardiness_Zones.png ) or [Plant Maps ](https://www.plantmaps.com/ ) - Global Map of Hardiness Zones
* [/r/Microgrowery ](https://reddit.com/r/microgrowery/ ) - Cannabis Growing Community
# ► Travel
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* ⭐ ** [Atlas Obscura ](https://www.atlasobscura.com/ )**, [Turas ](https://turas.app/ ), [CountryReports ](https://www.countryreports.org/ ), [Wikivoyage ](https://www.wikivoyage.org ), [WikiTravel ](https://wikitravel.org/ ) or [Wanderlog ](https://wanderlog.com/guides ) - Travel Guides
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* ⭐ ** [JourneyPlan ](https://journeyplan.co )**, [RoamAround ](https://www.roamaround.io/ ), [TravelPlan ](https://www.travelplan-ai.com/#get-trip ) or [Eddy ](https://chat.eddytravels.com/ ) - Trip Planning AIs
* ⭐ ** [twkids ](https://www.twkids.app/ )** - Find Theme Parks, Water Parks, Zoo's etc.
* ⭐ ** [Passport Index ](https://www.passportindex.org/ )** - Passport Ratings
* ⭐ ** [Visa Guide ](https://visaguide.world/ )** or [VisaIndex ](https://visaindex.com/ ) - Worldwide Travel Visa Guides
* ⭐ ** [Borderless ](https://borderless.safetywing.com/ )** - Travel Restrictions Guide
* ⭐ ** [MapChecking ](https://www.mapchecking.com/ )** - Crowd Size Estimation
* ⭐ ** [Gas Price Map ](https://www.gasbuddy.com/gaspricemap )** - US Gas Prices
* ⭐ ** [Parkopedia ](https://www.parkopedia.com/ )** - Car Parking Locations and Prices
* ⭐ ** [Refuge Restrooms ](https://www.refugerestrooms.org/ )** - Find Public Restrooms
* [Packdensack ](https://packdensack.com/ ) - Travel Packing List Generator
* [Best Times to Visit ](https://www.thebesttimetovisit.com/ ) - Find Best Times to Visit Countries
* [Roadside America ](https://www.roadsideamerica.com/ ), [RoadTrippers ](https://roadtrippers.com/ ) or [MakeMyDriveFun ](https://makemydrivefun.com/ ) - Roadside Attraction Guides
* [TheSalmons ](https://www.thesalmons.org/lynn/whgmap.html ) - World Heritage Sites
* [SongKick ](https://www.songkick.com/ ) or [FindYourFest ](https://www.findyourfest.com/ ) - Find Concerts / Music Festivals
* [Cadenza ](http://www.cadenza.org/ ) - Find Classical / Contemporary Concerts
* [DemoParty ](https://www.demoparty.net/ ) - Find Demoscene Events
* [Retro Directory ](https://retro.directory/ ) - Find Arcades / Vintage Shops
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* [IOEA ](https://ioea.info/ ) - Find Otaku Expos
* [AnimeCons ](https://animecons.com/ ) - Find Anime Expos
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* [FreeCampSites ](https://freecampsites.net/ ) - Free Camp Sites
* [Traveler Map ](https://travelermap.net/ ) - National Park Maps
* [Bike Sharing ](https://bikesharingworldmap.com/ ) - Bike Rental Map
* [SkyDB ](https://www.skydb.net/ ) - Skyscraper Locations / Info
* [Seat61 ](https://www.seat61.com/ ) - Train Travel Guide
* [SitInShade ](https://sitinshade.com/ ) - Avoid the Sun While Traveling
* [eSIMDB ](https://esimdb.com/ ) - Compare eSIM Prices
* [Travel Safe ](https://www.travelsafe-abroad.com/ ) - Travel Destination Safety Ratings
* [Hate Map ](https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map ) - Hate Group Locations
* [LiveUAMap ](https://liveuamap.com/ ) - Ukraine Conflict Areas LiveFeed
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## ▷ Flights
* [Airline List ](https://airlinelist.com/ ) - Airline Comparisons
* [Google Flights ](https://www.google.com/travel/flights ) - Book Flights
* [AZair ](https://www.azair.eu/ ) - Flight Price Aggregator
* [plane-notify ](https://github.com/Jxck-S/plane-notify ) - Plane Takeoff Notifications
* [Misery Map ](https://flightaware.com/miserymap/ ) - Flight Delay Map
* [FlightConnections ](https://www.flightconnections.com/ ) - Interactive Flight Routes
* [SkyVector ](https://skyvector.com/ ) - Flight Planner
* [FlightRadar24 ](https://www.flightradar24.com/ ), [FlightStats ](https://www.flightstats.com/ ), [PlaneFinder ](https://planefinder.net/ ), [ADS-B Exchange ](https://globe.adsbexchange.com/ ), [Radarbox ](https://www.radarbox.com/ ) or [FlightAware ](https://www.flightaware.com/ ) - Live Flight Trackers
# ► Maps
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Maps ](https://github.com/simsieg/awesome-maps )** - Online Map Resources
* 🌐 ** [Historical Maps ](https://history-maps.com/ )**, [AP World History Notes Visual ](https://worldmap.maps.arcgis.com/home/index.html ), [Geacron ](http://geacron.com/ ), [Cronobook ](https://cronobook.com/ ), [EuraAtlas ](https://euratlas.com/ ), [Historical City Maps ]( https://redd.it/61fdp6 ), [GeoGarage ](https://rumsey.geogarage.com/index.html ), [DavidRumsey ](https://www.davidrumsey.com/ ), [Digital Collection ](https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/search/index?filters[physicalLocation_mtxt_s][]=Map+Division ), [Loc Maps ](https://www.loc.gov/collections/general-maps/ ), [OpenHistoricalMap ](https://www.openhistoricalmap.org/ ), [MapHistory ](https://www.maphistory.info/index.html ) - Historical Map Archives
* ↪️ ** [Satellite / Street View Maps ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_satellite_.26amp.3B_street_view_maps )**
* ⭐ ** [OpenStreetMap ](https://www.openstreetmap.org/ )** / [3D View ](https://streets.gl/ ) / [Search ](https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/ui/search.html ), [2 ](https://overpass-turbo.eu/ ), [KartaView ](https://kartaview.org/landing ), [Waze ](https://www.waze.com/ ) / [Editor ](https://www.waze.com/en-US/editor ), [Open Infrastructure Map ](https://openinframap.org/ ), [FacilMap ](https://facilmap.org/ ), [OutdoorMaps ](https://outdoormaps.eu/ ), [Abc-Map ](https://abc-map.fr/ ), [OSMapp ](https://osmapp.org/ ) or [Mapillary ](https://www.mapillary.com/ ) - Street Maps
* ⭐ ** [Routora ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/routora-google-maps-route/jdddfnfohdeaklgkpglonlofgapjgfbp )** - Google Maps Route Optimization
* ⭐ ** [CrisisWatch ](https://www.crisisgroup.org/crisiswatch )**, [ACLED ](https://acleddata.com/dashboard/ ) or [Global Conflict Tracker ](https://www.cfr.org/global-conflict-tracker ) - Global Conflicts Map
* [OldMapsOnline ](https://www.oldmapsonline.org/ ) - Historical Maps Tool
* [Historic Borders ](https://historicborders.app/ ) - Historic Borders Map
* [American Panorama ](https://dsl.richmond.edu/panorama/ ) - Interactive US Historical Maps
* [Ancestry Images ](https://www.ancestryimages.com/ ) or [Pastvu ](https://pastvu.com/ ) - Historical Photo & Map Archive
* [Imperium ](https://imperium.ahlfeldt.se/ ) - Roman Empire Map / Atlas
* [Ancient Earth ](https://dinosaurpictures.org/ancient-earth ) - Globe of Ancient Earth
* [The Cartographers' Guild ](https://www.cartographersguild.com/ ) - Cartography Forum
* [Color Brewer ](https://colorbrewer2.org/ ) - Cartography Color Advice
* [Beacon ](https://beacon.schneidercorp.com/ ) - Property Info / Map Search
* [FixPhrase ](https://fixphrase.com/ ) or [TextToMap ](https://www.textomap.com/ ) - Text Based Map Search
* [zoom.earth ](https://zoom.earth/ ) or [GoogleEarth ](https://earth.google.com/web/ ) - Earth Viewer
* [Copernix ](https://copernix.io/ ) - Explore a Map with Wikipedia
* [Snazzy Maps ](https://snazzymaps.com/ ) - Google Maps Themes
* [Sirens In UA ](https://sirens.in.ua/ ) - Ukraine Air Raid Siren Map
* [Native-Land.ca ](https://native-land.ca/ ) - Indigenous Territory Map
* [Midgard Map ](https://midgardmap.koboldpress.com/ ) - Midgard Map
* [Map Crunch ](https://www.mapcrunch.com/ ) or [RandomStreetView ](https://randomstreetview.com/ ) - Random Street View
* [1940's.nyc ](https://1940s.nyc/ ) - Explore 1940's New York
* [Snap Map ](https://map.snapchat.com/ ) - Snap Chat Map
* [Flickr Map ](https://www.flickr.com/map/ ) - Flickr Map
* [WhatIsHalfway ](https://www.whatshalfway.com/ ) - Find Closest Point Between Two Locations
* [Maps We Love ](https://livingatlas.arcgis.com/ ), [CoolMaps ](https://coolmaps.esri.com/#0 ) or [/r/MapPorn ](https://reddit.com/r/MapPorn ) - Multiple Maps
* [NearByWiki ](https://en.nearbywiki.org/ ) - Explore Interesting Places New You
* [WorldPopDen ](https://luminocity3d.org/WorldPopDen/ ) - Human Population Maps
* [aprs.fi ](https://aprs.fi/ ) - Google Maps APRS
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* [GFW ](https://www.globalforestwatch.org/map/ ) - Forest & Tree Cover Maps
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* [satellite-map.gosur ](https://satellite-map.gosur.com/ ) or [Ventusky ](https://www.ventusky.com/ ) - Weather Maps
* [Cyclocane ](https://www.cyclocane.com/ ) or [Tornado.live ](https://tornado.live/ ) - Severe Weather Maps
* [Windy ](https://www.windy.com/ ) - Wind Map
* [Jetstream ](https://www.netweather.tv/charts-and-data/global-jetstream ) - Global Jetstream Forcast Map
* [Tornado Archive ](https://tornadoarchive.com/ ) - Tornado Data Visualization
* [Find Your Tornado Shelter ](https://findyourtornadoshelter.com/ ) - Tornado Shelter Map
* [AQICN ](https://aqicn.org/map/world ) or [Breezometer ](https://www.breezometer.com/air-quality-map/ ) - Air Quality Maps
* [SaveEcoBot ](https://www.saveecobot.com/en/radiation-maps ) - Radioactivity / Air Quality Near Ukraine
* [Earth Observatory ](https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/global-maps ), [Earth Now ](https://climate.nasa.gov/earth-now/ ) or [ClimateCharts ](https://climatecharts.net/ ) - Climate Maps
* [Safe Airspace ](https://safeairspace.net/ ) - Aviation Risk Ratings
* [MacroStrat ](https://macrostrat.org/ ) - Geological Data Maps
* [Depth Map ](https://usa.fishermap.org/depth-map/ ) or [Bathymetry ](https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/maps/bathymetry/ ) - Water Depth Maps
* [River Runner ](https://river-runner.samlearner.com/ ) - River Map / [3D Map ](https://river-runner-global.samlearner.com/ )
* [Global Wetlands ](https://www2.cifor.org/global-wetlands/ ) - Wetlands Map
* [Mindat ](https://www.mindat.org/countrylist.php ) - Mineral Deposits Map
* [Terrain Party ](https://terrain.party/ ) - Terrain Height Map
* [PeakFinder ](https://www.peakfinder.org/ ) - Mountain Maps
* [topo maps ](https://onlinetopomaps.net/ ) - Topographic Maps
* [MetroOrbits ](https://mic-ro.com/metro/index.html ) - Subway Maps / Data
* [Mapnificent ](https://www.mapnificent.net/ ) - Transit Time Reachability Map
* [WikiRoutes ](https://wikiroutes.info/ ) - Public Transport Routes
* [MiniTokyo3D ](https://minitokyo3d.com/ ) - Tokyo Public Transport Map
* [OpenRailwayMap ](https://www.openrailwaymap.org/ ), [Trains.fyi ](https://trains.fyi/ ) or [AmtrakExplorer ](https://amtrakexplorer.com/ ) - Train Maps
* Country Train Maps - [Switzerland ](https://maps.vasile.ch/transit-sbb/ ) / [AUS / NZ ](https://anytrip.com.au/ ) / [Russia ](https://rasp.yandex.ru/map/trains/ ) / [Finland ](https://www.vr.fi/en/live-train-tracker-map ) / [Belgium ](https://trainmap.belgiantrain.be/ ) / [UK ](https://www.map.signalbox.io/ ) / [Hungary ](http://vonatinfo.mav-start.hu/ ) / [India ](https://railradar.railyatri.in/ ) / [Netherlands ](https://treinposities.nl/ )
* [ChronoTrains ](https://www.chronotrains.com/ ) - European Train Distances
* [AbandonedRails ](https://www.abandonedrails.com/ ) - Abandoned Railway Map
* [Earth ](https://earth.nullschool.net/ ) - Global Map of Wind, Weather, Ocean & Pollution Conditions
* [Blitzortung ](https://www.blitzortung.org/en/live_lightning_maps.php ) - Thunderstorm and Lightning Maps
* [Wikimapia ](https://wikimapia.org/ ) - Online Editable Map
* [MapSCII ](https://github.com/rastapasta/mapscii ) - Braille & ASCII World Map
* [MapChart ](https://mapchart.net/ ) or [Qgis ](https://qgis.org/ ) - Create Custom Maps
* [mapus ](https://github.com/alyssaxuu/mapus ) or [Scribble Maps ](https://www.scribblemaps.com/create/ ) - Custom Location Map
* [gpx.studio ](https://gpx.studio/ ) - GPX File Editor
* [Kepler ](https://kepler.gl/ ) - Geospatial Analysis Tool / [GitHub ](https://github.com/keplergl/kepler.gl )
* [OpenDroneMap ](https://www.opendronemap.org/ ) - Drone Mapping Software
* [Land Viewer ](https://eos.com/landviewer ) - Satellite Image Data Analyzer
* [City Roads ](https://anvaka.github.io/city-roads/ ) - Draw City Roads
* [Mobac ](https://mobac.sourceforge.io/ ) - Mobile Atlas Creator
* [Falling Fruit ](https://fallingfruit.org/ ) - Urban Harvesting Map
* [Infrapedia ](https://www.infrapedia.com/ ) - Network / Datacenter Map
* [CellMapper ](https://www.cellmapper.net/ ) - Cell Tower Map
* [Spectrum Ownership Map ](https://specmap.sequence-omega.net/ ) - Cell Carrier FCC Spectrum Map
* [Wigle ](https://wigle.net/ ) - Wireless Network Mapping
* [Broadband Map ](https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov/ ) - Fixed Broadband Deployment Map
* [KCG2 ](https://prop.kc2g.com/ ) - Ionospheric Conditions Map
* [Sentinel Playground ](https://apps.sentinel-hub.com/sentinel-playground/ ) - Vegetation and Moisture Map
* [Waqi.info ](https://waqi.info/ ) - Air Pollution Map
* [Light Pollution Map ](https://lightpollutionmap.info/ ) - Light Pollution Map
* [NightBlight ](https://www.cpre.org.uk/light-pollution-dark-skies-map/ ) - England Light Pollution Map
* [PowerOutage ](https://poweroutage.us/ ) - Power Outage Map
* [ElectricityMap ](https://app.electricitymap.org/ ) - Electricity CO₂ Emissions Map
* [Freedom House ](https://freedomhouse.org/explore-the-map ) or [Civicus Monitor ](https://monitor.civicus.org/ ) - Freedom Maps
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* [Israeli-Palestine Conflict ](https://israelpalestine.liveuamap.com/ ) - Israeli-Palestine Conflict Map
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* [HungerMap ](https://hungermap.wfp.org/ ) - Global Hunger Map
* [EventMap ](https://rsoe-edis.org/eventMap ) or [RiskMap ](https://www.riskmap.com ) - Emergency and Disaster Maps
* [NCEI ](https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/maps/hazards/ ) - Real Time Natural Hazard Map
* [FIRMS ](https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/map/ ) - Real Time Fires Map
* [VolcanoDiscovery ](https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/erupting_volcanoes.html ) - Volcano Activity Map
* [USGS Earthquake Map ](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/ ) - Earthquake Activity Map
* [GPlates ](https://www.gplates.org/ ) - Plate Tectonics Simulator
* [LightningMaps ](https://lightningmaps.org/ ) - Lightning Maps
* [Kakao ](https://map.kakao.com/ ) - Map of South Korea
* [MarineTraffic ](https://www.marinetraffic.com/ ), [BoatNerd ](https://ais.boatnerd.com/ ), [MarineVesselTraffic ](https://www.marinevesseltraffic.com/2013/04/marine-traffic.html ) or [VesselFinder ](https://www.vesselfinder.com/ ) - Live Ship Trackers
* [Fishing Watch ](https://globalfishingwatch.org/map ) - Fishing Activity Map
* [Ocearch ](https://www.ocearch.org/tracker/ ) - Shark Tracker
* [EuroBirdPortal ](https://www.eurobirdportal.org/ ) - European Bird Distribution Map
* [SubMarineCableMap ](https://www.submarinecablemap.com/ ) - Fiber Optic Cable Map
* [Cost of Living ](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/ ) or [MoveMap ](https://www.movemap.io/ ) - Cost of Living Map
* [scale-a-tron ](https://stamen.github.io/scale-a-tron/ ) - Compare True Sizes on Land
* [Aporee ](https://aporee.org/ ) - World Map of Sounds
* [Sounds of the Forest ](https://timberfestival.org.uk/soundsoftheforest-soundmap/ ) - Forest Sound Map
* [Notable People ](https://tjukanovt.github.io/notable-people ) or [People Map ](https://pudding.cool/2019/05/people-map/ ) - Notable People Maps
* [NUKEMAP ](https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/ ) or [MISSILEMAP ](https://nuclearsecrecy.com/missilemap/ ) - Interactive Damage Effect Maps
* [OpenMapTiles ](https://openmaptiles.org/ ) - Self-Hosted Maps / Satellite View
* [Wanderer ](https://github.com/Flomp/wanderer ) - Self-Hosted Trail Maps
* [CAD Mapper ](https://cadmapper.com/ ) - Free CAD Files
# ► News
* 🌐 ** [5000 Best News Sites ](http://5000best.com/websites/News/ )** - News Sites Index
* 🌐 ** [AllYouCanRead ](https://www.allyoucanread.com/ )**, [W3Newspapers.com ](https://www.w3newspapers.com/ ), [World-Newspapers ](https://world-newspapers.com/ ), [OnlineNewspapers ](https://www.onlinenewspapers.com ), [4IMN ](https://www.4imn.com/ ) or [newspapersglobal ](https://www.newspapersglobal.com/ ) - Worldwide News Sites Indexes
* 🌐 ** [Current Events Wiki ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Current_events )** or [Slower News ](https://www.slowernews.com/ ) - Breaking News
* ↪️ ** [Newspaper Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/reading#wiki_.25B7_newspapers )**
* ↪️ ** [Bypass Article Paywalls ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/internet-tools#wiki_.25B7_paywall_bypass )**
* ⭐ ** [/m/news ](https://www.reddit.com/user/nbatman/m/news/ )** - News Multireddit
* ⭐ ** [TorrentFreak ](https://torrentfreak.com/ )** / [Telegram ](https://t.me/torrentfreaks ) - Piracy News
* ⭐ ** [Good News Network ](https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/ )** or [Happy Daze ](https://happydaze.io/ ) - Uplifting News
* [JustRead ](https://justread.link/ ) or [Unclutter ](https://unclutter.it/ ) - Feed Managers / Readers
* [Pocket ](https://getpocket.com/ ) - Discover & Save Articles
* [News as Facts ](https://newsasfacts.com/ ) - Wiki Based News
* [Google Alerts ](https://www.google.com/alerts ) - News Alerts by Topics
* [Top Stories ](https://murmel.social/top ) - Top Fediverse News
* [CBM ](https://comicbookmovie.com/ ) - Comic / Movie / TV News
* [Anime News Network ](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/ ) - Anime News
* [Anime Corner ](https://animecorner.me/ ) - Anime / Manga News
* [Interactive News Map ](https://usa.liveuamap.com/ ) or [Atlas Politica ](https://www.atlaspolitica.com/ ) - Geolocated News Alerts / Headlines U.S.
* [MedicineNet ](https://www.medicinenet.com/ ), [MedPageToday ](https://www.medpagetoday.com/ ), [EverydayHealth ](https://www.everydayhealth.com/ ), [Medscape ](https://www.medscape.com/ ), [healthline ](https://www.healthline.com/ ) or [WebMD ](https://www.webmd.com/ ) - Health News
* [SciURLs ](https://sciurls.com/ ), [NewScientist ](https://www.newscientist.com/ ), [Nature ](https://www.nature.com/ ), [Science ](https://www.science.org/ ), [PopSci ](https://www.popsci.com/ ), [ScienceDaily ](https://www.sciencedaily.com/ ), [EurekAlert ](https://www.eurekalert.org/ ) or [LiveScience ](https://livescience.com/ ) - Science News
* [MathURLs ](https://mathurls.com/ ) - Math News
* [Dailynous ](https://dailynous.com/ ) - Philosophy News
* [The Base Rate Times ](https://www.baseratetimes.com/ ) - Market Prediction News
* [Medievalists ](https://www.medievalists.net/category/news/ ) - Medieval History News
* [FinURLs ](https://finurls.com/ ) or [WOC Street ](https://wocstreet.com/ai-news ) - Finance & Business News
* [Citizen ](https://citizen.com/explore ) - Real Time Local News (US Only)
* [PlaneCrashInfo ](https://www.planecrashinfo.com/ ) - Plane Crash Reports
* [USGS Earthquake Map ](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/ ) - Earthquake Activity Map
* [VolcanoDiscovery ](https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/erupting_volcanoes.html ) - Volcano Activity Map
* [Read Something Interesting ](https://readsomethinginteresting.com/ ), [Read Something Wonderful ](https://readsomethingwonderful.com/ ), [Read Something Great ](https://www.readsomethinggreat.com/ ), or [BoredReading ](https://boredreading.com/ ) - Random Articles / Blog Posts
* [Media Bias Fact Check ](https://drmikecrowe.github.io/mbfcext/ ), [ground.news ](https://ground.news/extension ) or [HonestyMeter ](https://www.honestymeter.com/ ) - Media Bias Checkers
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* [TrueByNow ](https://www.truebynow.com/leaderboard ) - News Outlet Prediction Leaderboard
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* [PressMob ](https://pressmob.ai/ ) - Journalist Search
## ▷ Aggregators
* ⭐ ** [BoringReport ](https://www.boringreport.org/ )**
* ⭐ ** [Upstract ](https://upstract.com/ )**
* ⭐ ** [QotNews ](https://news.t0.vc/ )** - Hacker News / Reddit / Lobsters / Tildes
* ⭐ ** [Anime Blog Tracker ](https://aniblogtracker.com/ )** - Anime News Blogs
* [NewsMinimalist ](https://www.newsminimalist.com/ ), [AllAINews ](https://allainews.com/ ) or [Brief ](https://www.brief.news/ ) - AI News Aggregators
* [RealClearPolitics ](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/ ), [Ground News ](https://ground.news/ ), [AllSides ](https://www.allsides.com/ ), [SPIDR ](https://spidr.today/ ) or [LegibleNews ](https://legiblenews.com/ ) - Political News / World Events
* [Fark ](https://www.fark.com/ ) - User-Curated News
* [AlDaily ](https://www.aldaily.com/ ) - Art / Philosophy / Literature News
* [Newsfeed ](https://newsfeed.one/ ) - Google / Reddit / Crypto News
* [NewsNow ](https://www.newsnow.co.uk/ )
* [Google News ](https://news.google.com/ ) / [HTML ](http://68k.news/ )
* [Readspike ](https://readspike.com/ )
* [sumi.news ](https://sumi.news/ )
* [NewsCord ](https://newscord.org/ )
* [AllTop ](https://alltop.com/ )
## ▷ Tech News
* ⭐ ** [KrebsOnSecurity ](https://krebsonsecurity.com/ )** - Security News
* ⭐ ** [Hacker News ](https://news.ycombinator.com/ )**, [2 ](https://www.hckrnws.com/ ) - Tech / Hacking News
* ⭐ **Hacker News Tools** - [Highlighter ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/39311 ) / [Search ](https://hn.algolia.com/ ), [2 ](https://hn-recommend.julienc.me/ ) / [Top Posts ](https://hn.lindylearn.io/ ) / [Web App ](https://hackerwebapp.com/ ) / [Mobile App ](https://github.com/Livinglist/Hacki ), [2 ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.simon.harmonichackernews ), [3 ](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hackers-for-hacker-news/id603503901 ), [4 ](https://github.com/Mosc/Glider ) / [Self-Host ](https://www.hn.plus/ )
* ⭐ ** [Lobsters ](https://lobste.rs/ )** / [Highlighter ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/40906 ), [TechURLs ](https://techurls.com/ ), [DevURLs ](https://devurls.com/ ), [Techmeme ](https://www.techmeme.com/m/ ), [The Brutalist Report ](https://brutalist.report/ ) or [jimmyr ](https://jimmyr.com/ ) - Tech / Programming News Aggregators
* [HackerNoon ](https://hackernoon.com/ ), [gHacks ](https://www.ghacks.net/ ), [NeoWin ](https://www.neowin.net/ ), [TweakTown ](https://www.tweaktown.com/ ) or [TechSpot ](https://www.techspot.com/ ) - Tech News
* [TuxURLs ](https://tuxurls.com/ ) - Linux News
* [Liliputing ](https://liliputing.com/ ) - Hardware / Linux Mobile News
* [Geeks3D ](https://www.geeks3d.com/ ), [Toms Hardware ](https://www.tomshardware.com/ ), [Overclock3D ](https://overclock3d.net/ ) or [anandtech ](https://www.anandtech.com/ ) - Hardware News / Reviews
* [EmergentMind ](https://www.emergentmind.com/ ), [Singularity Hub ](https://singularityhub.com/ ) or [Dupple ](https://www.dupple.com/techpresso-archives ) - AI News
* [xGamer ](https://xgamer.gg/ ) - Gaming News
* [Internet Society ](https://pulse.internetsociety.org/blog ) - Internet Infrastructure News
* [Talos Blog ](https://blog.talosintelligence.com/ ) or [IT Security Guru ](https://www.itsecurityguru.org/ ) - Security News / Information
* [RestorePrivacy ](https://restoreprivacy.com/category/news-reports/ ) or [Privacy International ](https://www.privacyinternational.org/ ) - Privacy / Security News
* [Darknet Live News ](http://darkzzx4avcsuofgfez5zq75cqc4mprjvfqywo45dfcaxrwqg6qrlfid.onion/ ), [Darknet Stats ](https://www.darknetstats.com/ ) or [Tape News ](http://tape6m4x7swc7lwx2n2wtyccu4lt2qyahgwinx563gqfzeedn5nb4gid.onion/ ) - Dark Web News
# ► Health
## ▷ Mental Health
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Mental Health ](https://dreamingechoes.github.io/awesome-mental-health )** or [mentalillnessmouse ](https://mentalillnessmouse.wordpress.com/helpfulresources/ ) - Mental Health Resources
* ⭐ ** [The Integral Guide to Well-Being ](https://integralguide.com/ )** - Mental Health Guide
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* [Health Assessment Tools ](https://www.nhs.uk/health-assessment-tools/ ) - General Health Tools
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* [Nomie ](https://v5.nomie.app/ ), [Koduko ](https://github.com/Mazahir26/koduko ) or [Respawn ](https://respawn.pro/ ) - Habit / Mood Trackers
* [You feel like shit. ](https://philome.la/jace_harr/you-feel-like-shit-an-interactive-self-care-guide/play/index.html ) - Interactive Self-Care Guide
* [deskspace ](https://npckc.itch.io/deskspace ) - Self-Care App
* [Mindfulness Coach ](https://mobile.va.gov/app/mindfulness-coach ) - Mindfulness / Stress Reduction Tips
* [Coping Skills Masterlist ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KI1kzj6Bjx_O3ggYXfgEuTtOsLiCW0V-JeWpTyX5OOU/ ) - Mental Health Coping Skills
* [Zen Habits ](https://zenhabits.net/ ) - Develop Zen Habits
* [Medito ](https://github.com/meditohq/medito-app ) or [Heartfulness ](https://www.heartfulnessapp.org/ ) - Meditation App
* [Balance ](https://balance.dvy.io/ ) - Challenge Anxious Thoughts with AI
* [Plees Tracker ](https://vmiklos.hu/plees-tracker/ ) - Sleep Tracker
## ▷ Physical Health
* 🌐 ** [Evidence Based Training Wiki ](https://www.reddit.com/r/EvidenceBasedTraining/wiki/index/ )** - Evidence-Based Training Resources
* ⭐ ** [Simple Science Fitness ](https://ss.fitness/calculators )** or [SwoleHalla ](https://www.swolehalla.com/ ) - Fitness Calculators
* ⭐ ** [/u/KNightNox Diagram ](https://i.ibb.co/xCGRdM0/c3b977fa36fc.jpg )** - Zoomable Exercise Diagram
* [epocrates ](https://online.epocrates.com/ ), [medlineplus ](https://medlineplus.gov/ ), [merckmanuals ](https://www.merckmanuals.com/ ), [mayoclinic ](https://www.mayoclinic.org/ ), [rxlist ](https://www.rxlist.com/ ), [nejm ](https://www.nejm.org/ ), [ncbi ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ ), [hhs ](https://www.hhs.gov/ ), [nih ](https://www.nih.gov/ ), [cdc ](https://www.cdc.gov/ ) - Government Health Resources
* [osh ](https://www.osh.net/ ) - Occupational Health and Safety Resources
* [CancerFactFinder ](https://cancerfactfinder.org/ ) - Cancer Fact Search
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* [INCIDecoder ](https://incidecoder.com/ ) or [Skin Signal ](https://skinsignal.com/ ) - Skincare Ingredient Lists
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* [AMMFitness ](https://www.ammfitness.co.uk/ ) - Fitness / Nutrition Info
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* [ACTIVE ](https://www.active.com/ ) - Find Local Races & Events
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* [The Fitness Wiki ](https://thefitness.wiki/ ) - Fitness Information Wiki
* [Google Fit ](https://www.google.com/fit/ ) - Activity Coach
* [Calistree ](https://calistree.app/ ) - Exercise Search
* [No Equipment Ab Exercises ](https://i.ibb.co/YdNy3K2/12df795c3938.jpg ) - Ab Exercise Diagram
* [fastnfitness ](https://github.com/brodeurlv/fastnfitness ) - Track Your Exercise Progress
* [ExRx.net ](https://exrx.net/ ) - Exercise Resources
* [wger ](https://wger.de/ ) - Self-Hosted Workout, Nutrition / Weight App / [GitHub ](https://github.com/wger-project/wger )
* [openScale ](https://f-droid.org/packages/com.health.openscale/ ) - Weight & Body Metrics Tracker
* [Effective Fitness ](https://www.e-fitness.org/ ) - Fitness Discussion / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/fitness )
* [SailRabbit ](https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/ ) - BMR / TDEE Calculator
* [/r/BodyweightFitness ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BodyweightFitness ) - Bodyweight Fitness Subreddit / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/bwf )
* [Start Bodyweight ](http://www.startbodyweight.com/ ) - Bodyweight Training
* [Bodyweight Fitness Progressions ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a8tlZ-zbF695HA3Lmm20OIYeYYxo1lmUOczUXKLoL4s/ )
* [/r/LoseIt ](https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/ ) - Weight Loss Subreddit
* [MOVE! Coach ](https://mobile.va.gov/app/move-coach ) - Weight Loss Program
* [Weight Loss Side Effects ](https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/ ) - Weight Loss Side Effect Mitigation
* [BodyVisualizer ](https://bodyvisualizer.com/ ) - Exercise Benefit Visualization
* [Muscleandstrength ](https://muscleandstrength.com/ ) or [Feeel ](https://gitlab.com/enjoyingfoss/feeel ) - Workout Plans & Tools
* [/r/GainIt ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gainit/ ) - Healthy Weight Gain Subreddit
* [/r/Fexibility ](https://www.reddit.com/r/flexibility/ ) - Flexibility Subreddit
* [My Pacer ](https://www.mypacer.com/ ) - Fitness App / Pedometer
* [MyFitnessPal ](https://www.myfitnesspal.com/ ) - Fitness / Health App
* [CalorieScope ](https://f-droid.org/packages/org.dynamicsoft.caloriescope/ ) or [PFCTE ](https://github.com/SecUSo/privacy-friendly-circuit-training-exercises ) - Exercise & Activity Tracker
* [FitoTrack ](https://codeberg.org/jannis/FitoTrack ) or [openScale ](https://github.com/oliexdev/openScale ) - Fitness Trackers
* [Liftosaur ](https://www.liftosaur.com/ ) or [StrongLifts ](https://stronglifts.com/ ) - Weightlifting Trackers
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* [MuscleWiki ](https://musclewiki.com/ ) or [The Casual Gym ](https://gym.naya.com.np/ ) - Muscle / Exercise Information Tool
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* [SPSS Tutorials ](https://www.spss-tutorials.com/ ) - SPSS Practice & Examples
* [Fitness Blender ](https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos?exclusive%5B%5D=0 ) - Workout Videos
* [Workout.lol ](https://workout.lol/ ) - Create Workout Plans
* [DAREBEE ](https://darebee.com/ ) - Fitness Plans / Workouts
* [Hevy ](https://www.hevyapp.com/ ), [Massive ](https://gitea.presley.nz/brandon.presley/Massive ), [GymRoutines ](https://codeberg.org/noahjutz/GymRoutines ), [Boostcamp ](https://www.boostcamp.app/ ) or [FitHero ](https://fithero.app/ ) - Workout Trackers
* [OpenTrack ](https://opentracksapp.com/ ) - Sports Tracking App
* [GoldenCheetah ](https://www.goldencheetah.org/ ), [AAT ](https://bailu.ch/aat/ ) - Cycling / Biking Trackers
* [AllTrails ](https://www.alltrails.com/ ) - Hiking Routes
* [MapMyWalk ](https://www.mapmywalk.com/ ) - Walking Tracker
* [RunnerUp ](https://github.com/jonasoreland/runnerup ) or [Strava ](https://www.strava.com/ ) - Run Trackers
* [Runlytics ](https://www.runlytics.app/ ) - Running Analytics
## ▷ Nutritional Health
* ⭐ ** [Nutritionix ](https://www.nutritionix.com/ )** - Nutrition Tracker App
* ⭐ ** [/r/Nutrition ](https://www.reddit.com/r/nutrition/ )** - Nutrition Subreddit
* ⭐ ** [Caffeine Calculator ](https://www.caffeineinformer.com/death-by-caffeine )** - Caffeine Intake Calculator
* ⭐ ** [Dehydration Chart ](https://i.ibb.co/b3YxZzr/921f6c843cf0.png )** - Dehydration Color Chart
* ⭐ ** [BMI Chart ](https://i.ibb.co/bL65m8F/995c00ec75ba.png )** - Healthy BMI Graph
* ⭐ ** [Standard BMI Calculator ](https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm )** - BMI Calculator
* ⭐ ** [OpenFoodFacts ](https://world.openfoodfacts.org/ )** / [Scanner ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.openfoodfacts.scanner )** - Food Database & Health Information
* [NutritionFacts.org ](https://nutritionfacts.org/ ) - Video Library for Latest Health-based Research
* [The Nutrition Source ](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/ ) - Harvard University Health Website
* [Liquid Drink ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xpp.drink ) - Liquid Intake Tracker
* [Daily Dozen ](https://github.com/nutritionfactsorg/daily-dozen-android ) - Daily Diet Recommendations / Android
* [EatThisMuch ](https://www.eatthismuch.com/ ), [FitMenCook ](https://fitmencook.com/ ) or [MealPrePro ](https://mealpreppro.com/ ) - Diet Tool / iOS / Android
* [Mealime ](https://www.mealime.com/ ) or [Calories In ](https://calories-in.com/ ) - Meal Planning
* [Nosh ](https://nosh.tech/ ) - Food Management App
* [Edamam ](https://developer.edamam.com/ ) - Food-Related APIs
* [Child Nutrition ](https://www.coursera.org/learn/childnutrition ) - Child Nutrition / Cooking Course
* [Examine.com ](https://examine.com/ ) - Supplement & Nutrition Analysis
* [Cronometer ](https://cronometer.com/ ), [Energize ](https://codeberg.org/epinez/Energize/ ) or [Waistline ](https://github.com/davidhealey/waistline ) - Track Nutrition & Calories
* [MyFoodData ](https://www.myfooddata.com ) - Food Nutrition Tools
* [FoodStruct ](https://foodstruct.com/ ) - Food Encyclopedia & Comparison
* [Tellspecopedia ](http://www.tellspecopedia.com/ ) - Find Healthy Food
* [Soosee ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.goodsnooze.soosee ) or [Yuka ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.yuka.android ) - Scan Ingredient Lists
* [Food-E App ](https://github.com/SuhasDissa/Food-E-App ) - Food Additives Database App
* [Kids Health ](https://www.kidshealth.org/ ) - Kids Health Information
* [What Dogs Can Eat ](https://www.pawmenow.com/what-dogs-can-eat/ ) - Search Safe Human Food for Dogs
## ▷ Sexual Health
* [babycenter ](https://www.babycenter.com/ ) - Pregnancy and Parenting Resources
* [Pregnancy Calculator ](https://americanpregnancy.org/resources/pregnancy-calculator/ ) - Due Date Calculator
* [DoItRight ](https://doitright.ph/ ) or [Scarleteen ](https://www.scarleteen.com/ ) - Sex Education Resources
* [Euki ](https://eukiapp.com/ ) - Sexual / Reproductive Health App
* [Abortion Resources ](https://redd.it/phrcrn ) / [2 ](https://redd.it/vm56bs ), [PlannedParenthood ](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/ ) or [Safe2Choose ](https://safe2choose.org/ ) - Abortion Resources
* [WomenOnWeb ](https://www.womenonweb.org/ ) - Free Abortion Pills
* [Tubal Sterilization ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Djia_WkrVO3S4jKn6odNwQk7pOcpcL4x00FMNekrb7Q/ ) - Tubal Sterilization Gynecologists
* [Erin's Informed Consent HRT Map ](https://redd.it/d6p05q ) - Informed Consent HRT Clinics
* [Drip ](https://bloodyhealth.gitlab.io ) - Open Source E2EE Period Tracking App
## ▷ Detoxing
* ⭐ ** [Safe Substance ](https://safesubstance.com/ )**, [Drugs.com ](https://www.drugs.com/ ) or [DrugBank ](https://go.drugbank.com/ ) - Drug Information / Side Effects
* ⭐ ** [/r/NoSurf ](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosurf/wiki/index )** - Digital Detox Community / [Discord ](https://discordapp.com/invite/QFhXt2F )
* [BreakFree ](https://breakfree-2c089.web.app/ ) - Break Smoking Habits
* [Sobriety ](https://github.com/KiARC/Sobriety ) - Sobriety Tracker
* [DrugFree ](https://drugfree.org/ ) - Drug Abuse Prevention & Recovery Help
## ▷ Porn Quitting
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Adult Content Filtering ](https://github.com/wesinator/awesome-Adult-Content-Filtering )** - Porn Quitting Tools Index
* ↪️ ** [Site Blocking ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/misc#wiki_.25B7_productivity_tools )**
* ⭐ ** [EasyPeasy ](https://easypeasymethod.org/ )**, [2 ](https://gitlab.com/snuggy/easypeasy ) - Painlessly Quit Pornography
* ⭐ ** [NoFap Forums ](https://forum.nofap.com/index.php )** - Forums
* [beta-censoring ](https://github.com/silveredgold/beta-censoring ), [beta-protection ](https://github.com/silveredgold/beta-protection ) or [Wingman ](https://github.com/wingman-jr-addon/wingman_jr ) - Porn Blocking Extensions
* [Plucky ](https://pluckyfilter.com/ ) - Content Filter
* [Brainbuddy ](https://www.brainbuddyapp.com/ ) - Porn Blocker / Android / iOS
* [SelfControlApp ](https://selfcontrolapp.com/ ) - Mac Site Blocker
* [CleanBrowsing ](https://cleanbrowsing.org/filters/ ) - Family DNS Filters
* [cringeMDb ](https://cringemdb.com/ ), [Age Rating JuJu ](https://www.ageratingjuju.com/ ), [CommonSenseMedia ](https://www.commonsensemedia.org/ ) or [unconsenting media ](https://www.unconsentingmedia.org ) - Find SFW Movies
* [Movie Parser ](https://raskie.com/post/practical-ai-autodetecting-nsfw ) - Detect NSFW Scenes in Movies / [GitHub ](https://github.com/dynamite-ready/movie-parser )
* [Puri.fy ](https://pury.fi/ ) or [NSFW-Filter ](https://nsfw-filter.com/ ) - Block NSFW Images
* [Fortify ](https://www.joinfortify.com/ ) - Porn Quitting Community
* [SAA Recovery ](https://saa-recovery.org/ ), [Cosa Recovery ](https://cosa-recovery.org/ ) or [Smart Recovery ](https://www.smartrecovery.org/ ) - Find Sex Addiction Meetings
# ► Career
* 🌐 ** [Common Q&As ](https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/interviewing/top-interview-questions-and-answers )** - Interview Questions Index
* ↪️ ** [Collaboration Platforms ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_collaboration_platforms )**
* ⭐ ** [5000 Best Job Sites ](http://5000best.com/websites/Jobs/ )** or [Indeed ](https://www.indeed.com/ ) - Job Search Sites
* ⭐ ** [4-day week ](https://4dayweek.io/ )** - Find Jobs with 4-Day Weeks
* ⭐ ** [Comparably ](https://www.comparably.com/ )** or [GoodFirms ](https://www.goodfirms.co/ ) - Compare Companies / Salaries
* ⭐ ** [Reverse Interview ](https://github.com/viraptor/reverse-interview )** or [job-interview-questions ](https://github.com/lkostrowski/job-interview-questions-to-ask-companies ) - Questions to Ask Potential Employers
* ⭐ ** [Kimai ](https://www.kimai.org/ )** or [Clockify ](https://clockify.me/ ) - Work Hour Trackers
* [OnSites ](https://www.onsites.fyi/ ) - View / Share Interview Experiences
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* [JobBoardSearch ](https://jobboardsearch.com/ ), [PromptYourJob ](https://promptyourjob.com/ ), [CyberCoders ](https://www.cybercoders.com/ ), [whoishiring ](https://whoishiring.io/ ), [Toby Tools ](https://rentry.co/qnu6x ), [The Muse ](https://www.themuse.com/search/ ) or [EuroJobs ](https://eurojobs.com/ ) - Job Search
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* [50WaysToGetAJob ](https://50waystogetajob.com/ ) - Interactive Job Search Guide
* [RolePad ](https://rolepad.com/ ) - Job Search Manager
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* [80,000 Hours ](https://80000hours.org/ ), [O*NET ](https://www.onetonline.org/ ) or [MyNextMove ](https://www.mynextmove.org/ ) - Explore Career Options
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* [/r/careerguidance ](https://www.reddit.com/r/careerguidance/ ) - Career Guidance Subreddit
* [UseThis ](https://usesthis.com/ ) - Career Interviews
* [Science Career General ](https://sciencecareergeneral.neocities.org/ ) - PhD / STEM Career Study Guides
* [JustLanded ](https://www.justlanded.com/ ) - Working & Living Abroad Guides
* [Space Crew ](https://spacecrew.com/ ) - Find Space Related Jobs
* [EconJobRumors ](https://www.econjobrumors.com/ ) - Economic Job Market Forum
* [SocJobRumors ](https://www.socjobrumors.com/ ) - Sociology Job Market Forum
* [Side Hustle Stack ](https://sidehustlestack.co/ ) - Find Platform-Based Side Work
* [The Dots ](https://the-dots.com/events/search ) - Online Workshops / Courses / Meetups
* [MedusaJS ](https://medusajs.com/ ) - Open Source Commerce Store
* [Contact Card ](https://contact-card.vercel.app/ ) - Contact Card Generator
* [MS Word Cover Page Templates ](https://www.mswordcoverpages.com/ ) - Cover Page Templates
* [PolyWork ](https://www.polywork.com/ ) - Turn LinkedIn Profile to Personal Website
* [Airtable ](https://www.airtable.com/ ) or [Teatable ](https://teable.io/ ) - Build Collaborative Apps
* [WhoPaysWriters ](http://whopayswriters.com/ ) - Freelance Writing Publications
* [Creator Monetization Platforms ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ii59-tKBwsol4jGwVehXy-oaJfVLKUciwXtB2tuKqQg/edit#gid=0 ) - Monetization Platforms Comparisons
* [Gerev ](https://github.com/GerevAI/gerev ) - Search within Workplace Apps
* [Gale Presents: Udemy ](https://www.gale.com/elearning/udemy ) - Business Courses / Library Card Required
* [Marketing Mega ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#marketing-courses ), [Pimp My Money ](https://pimpmymoney.net/ ) (torrent) or [HubSpot Academy ](https://academy.hubspot.com/ ) - Digital Marketing Courses
* [Statista ](https://statista.com/ ) - Market Statistic Search
* [Systeme ](https://systeme.io/ ) or [SendPulse ](https://sendpulse.com/ ) - Marketing Tools
* [Marmof ](https://marmof.com/ ) - Creator / Marketing AI
* [MMAGlobal ](https://www.mmaglobal.com/ ) - View Past Marketing Reports
* [SplitBee ](https://splitbee.io/ ) - Business Analytics Tool
* [Annual Reports ](https://www.annualreports.com/ ) - Annual Company Reports
* [LeanTime ](https://leantime.io/ ) - Project / Delivery Manager
* [Twain ](https://www.twain.ai/ ), [WriteCream ](https://www.writecream.com/ ) or [Textcortext ](https://textcortex.com/ ) - AI Communication Outreach Assistants
* [Cody ](https://meetcody.ai/ ) - Company Management AI
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* [PHPCRM ](https://www.phpcrm.com/ ) or [Monday ](https://monday.com/ ) or [Twenty ](https://github.com/twentyhq/twenty ) - Company Management Tools
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* [Invoicely ](https://invoiceto.me/ ), [InvoiceNinja ](https://invoiceninja.com/ ) or [Akaunting ](https://akaunting.com/ ) - Invoicing Tools
* [PatentsExpiringToday ](https://patentsexpiringtoday.com/ ) - Find Expired Patents
* [Candor ](https://candor.co/hiring-freezes/ ) - Hiring Freezes
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* [Layoffs.fyi ](https://layoffs.fyi/ ) - Recent Layoffs Tracker
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* [GoodJobsFirst ](https://goodjobsfirst.org/ ) - Subsidy Tracker
* [QR Menu Creator ](https://qrmenucreator.com/ ) - Convert Menu to QR Codes
* [CandidateChecker ](https://candidatechecker.io/ ) - User Backgrounds for Hiring
* [ScrapedIn ](https://github.com/dchrastil/ScrapedIn ) - Scrape LinkedIn
## ▷ Resume Makers
* ⭐ ** [RX Resume ](https://rxresu.me/ )** - Resume maker / [GitHub ](https://github.com/amruthpillai/reactive-resume )
* ⭐ ** [CareerCup ](https://www.careercup.com/resume )** - Resume / Cover Letter Guide
* ⭐ ** [KickResume ](https://www.kickresume.com/en/help-center/resume-samples/ )** or [ThisResumeDoesNotExist ](https://thisresumedoesnotexist.com/ ) - Resume Samples
* [ResumeMatcher ](https://www.resumematcher.fyi/ )
* [resumonk ](https://www.resumonk.com/ )
* [creddle ](http://creddle.io/ )
* [Resuminator ](https://www.resuminator.in/ )
* [flowcv ](https://flowcv.com/ )
* [cvservant ](https://cvservant.com/cv/ )
* [resume-nation ](https://resume-nation.github.io/ )
* [sajilocv ](https://sajilocv.com/ )
* [GotResumeBuilder ](https://www.gotresumebuilder.com/ )
* [Resume.com ](https://www.resume.com/ )
* [intelligentcv ](https://www.intelligentcv.app/ )
* [cakeresume ](https://www.cakeresume.com/ )
* [resumgo ](https://www.resumgo.com/ )
* [resumake ](https://latexresu.me/ )
* [Covered ](https://covered.works/ )
* [open-resume ](https://www.open-resume.com/ )
* [novoresume ](https://novoresume.com/ )
* [ResumeFromSpace ](https://resumefromspace.com/ )
## ▷ Remote Jobs
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Remote Jobs ](https://github.com/lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job )** - Remote Job Resources Index
* ⭐ ** [Real Work From Anywhere ](https://www.realworkfromanywhere.com/ )** - Global "Work-From-Anywhere" Job Board
* [Overemployed ](https://overemployed.com/ ) - Discuss Working 2+ Remote Jobs / [Subreddit ](https://www.reddit.com/r/overemployed ) / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/a8VGhbZyek )
* [WFH Companies India ](https://github.com/abhagsain/WFH-Companies-India ) - Work from Home Jobs in India
* [/r/WorkOnline ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkOnline/ ) - Online Working Subreddit
* [/r/freelance ](https://www.reddit.com/r/freelance/ ) - Freelance Subreddit
* [MTurk ](https://www.mturk.com/ ) - Online Task Work
* [NoCummute ](https://nocommute.substack.com/ ) - Remote Job Notifications
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* [WeNomad ](https://wenomad.so/ ) or [Nomad List ](https://nomadlist.com/ ) - Remote Work Ratings
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* [Jobspresso ](https://jobspresso.co/ ) - Remote Jobs
* [Remote Jobs ](https://remotejobs.com/ ) - Remote Jobs
* [himalayas ](https://himalayas.app/ ) - Remote Jobs
* [We Work Remotely ](https://weworkremotely.com/ ) - Remote Jobs
* [NoDesk ](https://nodesk.co/ ) - Remote Jobs
* [Remote OK ](https://remoteok.com/ ) - Remote Jobs
* [Dynamite Jobs ](https://dynamitejobs.com/ ) - Remote Jobs
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* [Remotists ](https://remotists.com/ ) - Remote Jobs
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* [Working Nomads ](https://www.workingnomads.com/jobs ) - Remote Jobs
* [Remotive ](https://remotive.com/ ) - Remote Jobs
* [DailyRemote ](https://dailyremote.com/ ) - Remote Jobs
* [HireBasis ](https://www.hirebasis.com/ ) - Remote Jobs
* [Remote Work Junkie ](https://jobs.remoteworkjunkie.com/ ) - Remote Jobs
* [Remotedom ](https://remotedom.com/ ) - Remote Jobs
## ▷ Tech Jobs
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Interview ](https://github.com/DopplerHQ/awesome-interview-questions )** or [30-sec ](https://30secondsofinterviews.org/ ) - Tech Interview Questions Indexes
* 🌐 ** [Summer 2024 Internships ](https://github.com/SimplifyJobs/Summer2024-Internships )** - Tech Internships List
* 🌐 ** [Free-Certifications ](https://github.com/cloudcommunity/Free-Certifications )** - Free Certifications / Courses Index
* 🌐 ** [TheRemoteFreelancer ](https://github.com/engineerapart/TheRemoteFreelancer )** - Remote Tech Jobs Index
* ↪️ ** [Learn Programming ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/dev-tools#wiki_.25BA_courses_.2F_tutorials )**
* ↪️ ** [Learn Computer Science ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/dev-tools#wiki_.25B7_computer_science )**
* [MoAiJobs ](https://www.moaijobs.com/ ) - Find jobs in AI companies
* [Arvrok ](https://www.arvrok.com/ ) - Find Immersive Tech Jobs
* [japandev ](https://japan-dev.com/ ) - Find Developer Jobs in Japan
* [key : values ](https://www.keyvalues.com/ ) - Find Companies that Match your Values
* [Authentic Jobs ](https://authenticjobs.com/ ) - Find Developer / Designer Jobs
* [/r/DesignJobs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DesignJobs/ ) - Designer Jobs Subreddit
* [Golang Jobs ](https://golangjob.xyz/ ) - Find Golang Jobs
* [JS Remotely ](https://jsremotely.com/ ) - Find Remote JavaScript Jobs
* [js chimp ](https://jschimp.com/ ) - Reverse Job Board / JavaScript
* [larajobs ](https://larajobs.com/ ) - Find Laravel Jobs
* [Laradir ](https://laradir.com/ ) - Reverse Job Board / Laravel
* [Python Job Board ](https://www.python.org/jobs/ ) - Find Python Jobs
* [RailsDevs ](https://railsdevs.com/ ) - Reverse Job Board / Rails
* [ReallyConfused ](https://reallyconfused.co/ ) - Tech Career Roadmaps
* [Levels.fyi ](https://www.levels.fyi/ ) - Tech Career Salaries
* [LeetFree ](https://doocs.github.io/leetcode/#/README_EN ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/doocs/leetcode/blob/main/README_EN.md ) - Leaked Google / Facebook / Amazon Interview Questions
* [Interviews.school ](https://interviews.school/ ) or [InterviewThis ](https://github.com/Twipped/InterviewThis ) - Interview Preparation Guides
* [yangshun ](https://github.com/yangshun/tech-interview-handbook ) - Interview Handbook
* [Interview Warmup ](https://grow.google/certificates/interview-warmup/ ) - Interview Practice
* [Cyberseek ](https://www.cyberseek.org/index.html ) - Cybersecurity US Job Market Info
* [NIST ](https://www.nist.gov/nice/apprenticeship-finder ) - Find NICE Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Programs
* [Data.gov Resources ](https://resources.data.gov/ ) - Data Management Tools / Training
* [AWS re/Start ](https://aws.amazon.com/training/restart/ ) or [AWS Training ](https://www.aws.training/ ) - Cloud Career Training
* [9Tut ](https://www.9tut.com/ ) - CCNA Certification Training
* [VCEGuide ](https://vceguide.com/ ) - Tech Certifications, Practice Tests
* [Comptia ](https://www.comptia.org/ ), [Cisco Training ](https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/training-events/training-certifications/certifications.html ) or [UI.com ](https://www.ui.com/training/ ) - Training / Certifications
* [web3.career ](https://web3.career/ ) or [FindWeb3 ](https://findweb3.com/ ) - Find Web3 Jobs
## ▷ Startup
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Startup ](https://github.com/Ibexoft/awesome-startup-tools-list )** or [Tools for Startups ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1s6-hGBh0_tqa-jd23fsdYuwbmS8UPmElPqaH-Rnoa_A/htmlview ) - Startup Resources Indexes
* 🌐 ** [moreThanFAANGM ](https://kaustubh-natuskar.github.io/moreThanFAANGM/ )** - Good Companies / Startups Index
* [BetaList ](https://betalist.com/ ) - Get Startup Ideas
* [TheGrowthList ](https://www.thegrowthlist.co/ ) - Startup Tips
* [Business Generator ](https://business-generator.vercel.app/ ) - Generate Business Ideas
* [Failory ](https://www.failory.com/graveyard ) - Learn Why Startups Failed
* [280+ Websites to Submit Your Startup ](https://airtable.com/shrwqaak73gy83w9A/tblu5RcUft9fYp9Ju/viwFHmIyMniXzlpK4?blocks=show ) or [PlacesToPostYourStartup ](https://www.placestopostyourstartup.com/ ) - Startup Submission Sites
* [WellFound ](https://wellfound.com/ ) - Find Employees for Startups
* [namify ](https://namify.tech/ ) - Domain / Business Name Suggestions
* [namelix ](https://namelix.com/ ) or [looka ](https://looka.com/business-name-generator ) - Business Name Generators
* [AcronymCreator ](https://acronymcreator.net/ ) - Business Acronym Generator
* [Business Card Generator ](https://business-card-generator.vercel.app/ ) - Business Card Generator
* [Recrooit ](https://app.recrooit.com/job-description-generator ) - Job Description Generator
* [AvaDocs ](https://www.avodocs.com/ ) - Generate Legal Documents for Startups
## ▷ Finance / Savings
* 🌐 ** [/r/PersonalFinance Wiki ](https://old.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/index )** or [UK Personal Finance ](https://ukpersonal.finance/ ) - Financial Advice / Resources
* 🌐 ** [KYCNOT.ME ](https://kycnot.me/ )** - Non-KYC Exchanges / Services
* ⭐ ** [TradingView ](https://www.tradingview.com/ )**, [Candle ](https://gitlab.com/cosmosapps/candle ), [finviz ](https://finviz.com/ ), [Markets.sh ](https://markets.sh/ ) or [Screener ](https://www.screener.in/ ) - Stock Market Trackers
* [Maybe ](https://hello.maybe.co/ ), [Ghostfolio ](https://ghostfol.io/ ), [HomeBank ](https://www.gethomebank.org/en/index.php ), [Firefly III ](https://firefly-iii.org/ ), [Money Manager EX ](https://moneymanagerex.org/ ), [Paisa ](https://github.com/RetroMusicPlayer/Paisa ) or [Actual ](https://github.com/actualbudget/actual ) - Finance Managers
* [Ivy Wallet ](https://github.com/Ivy-Apps/ivy-wallet ), [money-manager ](https://github.com/moneymanagerex/android-money-manager-ex ),[Buckwheat ](https://buckwheat.app/ ), [My Expenses ](https://www.myexpenses.mobi/ ), [Cashew ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.budget.tracker_app ) or [Sushi ](https://github.com/jerameel/sushi ) - Android Finance Managers
* [Denaro ](https://github.com/NickvisionApps/Denaro ) - Linux Finance Managers
* [Ledger ](https://ledger-cli.org/ ) - CLI Accounting System
* [financial_advice ](https://github.com/emilepetrone/financial_lessons )or [r/povertyfinance wiki ](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/index/ ) - Financial Tips / Resources
* [/r/BeerMoney ](https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/ ) - Online Money Making Community
* [Compound Interest Calculator ](https://www.investor.gov/financial-tools-calculators/calculators/compound-interest-calculator ) - Determine Compound Interest Money Growth
* [GamestonkTerminal ](https://github.com/OpenBB-finance/OpenBBTerminal ), [OpenBB Terminal ](https://openbb.co/ ) or [KoyFin ](https://www.koyfin.com/ ) - Investment Research Tools
* [YieldFinder ](https://yieldfinder.app/ ) - Rates for Savings Accounts, Market Funds, and Treasuries
* [Quiver Quantitative ](https://www.quiverquant.com/ ) - Stock Trading Research
* [neostox ](https://neostox.com/ ) - Practice Stock Trading
* [TradingView Webhook Bot ](https://github.com/fabston/TradingView-Webhook-Bot ) / [Index ](https://github.com/pAulseperformance/awesome-pinescript ) - Send TradingView Alerts to Various Apps
* [tickrs ](https://github.com/tarkah/tickrs ) - Ticker Data in Terminal
* [ETFDB ](https://etfdb.com/ ) - ETF Research / Analysis Platform
* [DeFi Derivative Landscape ](https://github.com/0xperp/defi-derivatives ) - DeFi Derivative Guide
* [Calculator ](https://goldratestoday.net/gold-calculator/ ) - Gold Investment Calculator
* [MortgageCalculator ](https://www.mortgagecalculator.site/ ) - Mortgage Calculator
* [Rotki ](https://rotki.com/ ) - Portfolio Manager
* [PortfolioVisualizer ](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/ ) - Visualize Portfolio
* [CoFolios ](https://cofolios.com/ ) - Portfolio Sharing
## ▷ Crypto / Bitcoin
* **Note** - Its recommended to store cryptocurrency offline in cold wallets such as Electrum, rather than exchanges like Binance or others. This increases security and gives you full control of your assets.
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* 🌐 ** [ChainList ](https://chainlist.org/ )** - EVM RPC List
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* ⭐ ** [WalletScrutiny ](https://walletscrutiny.com/ )** - Verify Crypto Wallets are Open-Source / Secure
* [BTCPay ](https://btcpayserver.org/ ) - FOSS Bitcoin Payment Processor
* [Trocador ](https://trocador.app/en/ ) - Bitcoin Exchange App
* [BitcoinWhosWho ](https://www.bitcoinwhoswho.com/ ) - Bitcoin Address Scanner
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* [BlockChain ](https://www.blockchain.com/explorer ), [CoinWatch ](https://github.com/shorthouse/CoinWatch ), [Hivexplorer ](https://hivexplorer.com/ ), [BlockChair ](https://blockchair.com/ ), [L2BEAT ](https://l2beat.com/ ), [HiveblockExplorer ](https://hiveblockexplorer.com/ ) or [LiveCoinWatch ](https://www.livecoinwatch.com/ ) - Live Cryptocurrency Prices
* [DefiLlama ](https://defillama.com/ ) - TVL Aggregator
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* [WalletExplorer ](https://www.walletexplorer.com/ ) or [OXT ](https://oxt.me/ ) - Bitcoin Block Explorers
* [Cryptopedia ](https://www.gemini.com/cryptopedia ) or [Crypto Canon ](https://a16zcrypto.com/posts/article/crypto-readings-resources/ ) - Crypto Learning Resources
* [IQ.Wiki ](https://iq.wiki/ ) - Crypto Encyclopedia
* [protocol-reading-list ](https://github.com/b-chiang/protocol-reading-list ) - Crypto Protocols
* [Traders Video Library ](https://t.me/TradersVideo_Library ) - Crypto Trading Courses
* [HiveRSS ](https://www.hiverss.com/ ) - Create Hive RSS Feeds
# ► Shopping
* ⭐ ** [ThisIsWhyImBroke ](https://www.thisiswhyimbroke.com/ )** or ** [Didn't Know I Wanted That ](https://www.didntknowiwantedthat.com/ )** - Find Interesting Things to Buy
* ⭐ ** [DarkPatternsTipline ](https://darkpatternstipline.org/ )** - Deceptive Service Design Tipline
* [Kit.co ](https://kit.co/ ), [Looria ](https://www.looria.com/ ), [ProductHunt ](https://producthunt.com/ ) or [Consumer Reports ](https://consumerreports.org/ ) - Product / Service Reviews
* [GreenStash ](https://github.com/Pool-Of-Tears/GreenStash ) - Savings Tracking App
* [Pepper ](https://www.pepper.com/ ) - Shopping Community
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* [gedd.it ](https://gedd.it/ ) - Shop via Reddit
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* [Randomicle ](https://randomicle.com/ ) - Random Amazon Products
* [Amazon International Links ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/38639-amazon-international-links ) - International Amazon Products
* [Facebook Ad Library ](https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/ ) - Find Deals via Facebook Ad Search
* [AllCraigslistSearch ](https://allcraigslistsearch.com/ ) or [Craigs List Search ](https://craigs-list-search.com/ ) - Craigslist Search
* [PicFlick ](https://picclick.com/ ) - Ebay Quick Search
* [Type Hound ](https://typohound.com/ ) or [FatFingers ](https://fatfingers.com/ ) - Ebay Typo Search
* [BTOD ](https://www.btod.com/blog/category/buying-guides/ ) - Office Chair Buying Guides / Reviews
* [Mousepad Mastersheet ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RAnmZxDNduaGV8kB-GCvZ0MO6d9-0j9jmrU2f8dp0Ww/ ) - Mousepad Buying Guide / Reviews
* [Cars.com ](https://www.cars.com/research/compare/ ), [Vehicle Rankings ](https://cars.usnews.com/cars-trucks/rankings ), [Motor1 ](https://www.motor1.com/reviews/ ) or [Edmunds ](https://www.edmunds.com/car-reviews/ ) - Vehicle Reviews / Comparisons
* [carsized ](https://www.carsized.com/ ) - Vehicle Size Comparisons
* [CarVertical ](https://www.carvertical.com/ ) or [Car Owners ](https://carsowners.net/ ) - Vehicle History & VIN Search
* [NHTSA ](https://vpic.nhtsa.dot.gov/api/ ) - Vehicle Registration Database
* [PartSouq ](https://partsouq.com/ ) - Auto Parts Search
* [HiddenHousing ](https://www.hiddenhousing.org/ ) - House Pricing Map
* [Chipscribe ](https://chipscribe.com/ ) - Split Service Subscription Costs Anonymously
* [StockInformer ](https://www.stockinformer.com/ ) - Product Stock Notifications
* [GiftWhale ](https://giftwhale.com/ ) or [Wishlephant ](https://wishlephant.com/ ) - Wishlist Generators
* [Throne ](https://throne.com/ ) - Wishlists for Creators
* [Ooak Finder ](https://www.ooakfinder.com/ ) - Product Reverse Image Search
* [Desenmascara ](https://desenmascara.me/ ) - Spot Counterfeit Sites
* [/r/FashionReps ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FashionReps/ ) - Replica Clothing Community
* [WornOnTV ](https://wornontv.net/ ) - Find Outfits from TV Shows
* [Buycott ](https://www.buycott.com/campaign/browse ) - See how manufacturers match your principles
* [GoodOnYou ](https://directory.goodonyou.eco/ ) - Clothing Brand Sustainability Ratings
* [Fuck Nestlé ](https://www.fucknestle.art/ ) - Nestlé Brand Database
## ▷ Electronics
* ⭐ ** [PCPartPicker ](https://pcpartpicker.com/ )**, [Newegg PC Builder ](https://www.newegg.com/tools/custom-pc-builder ), [Build Redux ](https://buildredux.com/ ), [CGDirector ](https://www.cgdirector.com/pc-builder/ ) or [NZXTBld ](https://nzxt.com/category/gaming-pcs/build ) - PC Building Sites
* ⭐ ** [/r/PCMasterrace Wiki ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/wiki/builds/ )**, [/r/BuildaPC Wiki ](https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/wiki/index ), [PC Tiers ](https://pctiers.com/ ) or [Logical Increments ](https://www.logicalincrements.com/ ) - PC Building Guides / ** [Video ](https://youtu.be/BL4DCEp7blY )**
* ⭐ ** [NanoReview ](https://nanoreview.net/en )**, [Octoparts ](https://octopart.com/ ), [Technical City ](https://technical.city/ ), [TechPowerup ](https://www.techpowerup.com/ ) or [Techspecs ](https://techspecs.io/ ) - Hardware Comparisons
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* ⭐ ** [rtings ](https://www.rtings.com/ )** - Hardware Reviews
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* ⭐ ** [Open Benchmarking ](https://openbenchmarking.org/ )** - Hardware Benchmarks
* ⭐ ** [GSMArena ](https://www.gsmarena.com/ )**, [PhoneDB ](https://phonedb.net/ ), [GSMChoice ](https://www.gsmchoice.com/en/ ) or [Kimovil ](https://www.kimovil.com/en/ ) - Compare Phones / Prices
* ⭐ ** [CPUBenchmark ](https://www.cpubenchmark.net/ )** or [NoteBenchcheck ](https://www.notebookcheck.net/Benchmarks-Tech.123.0.html ) - GPU / CPU Benchmarks
* ⭐ ** [MechMap ](https://www.mechmap.tech/ )** / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/mechkeys ), ** [/r/MechanicalKeyboards Wiki ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/wiki/index )** or [Alexotos ](https://www.alexotos.com/keyboard-vendor-list/ ) / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/xMQArAaGRB ) - Mechanical Keyboard Recommendations
* ⭐ ** [Mousepad Mastersheet ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RAnmZxDNduaGV8kB-GCvZ0MO6d9-0j9jmrU2f8dp0Ww/ )** - Mousepad Comparison Chart
* [LabGopher ](https://www.labgopher.com/ ) - eBay Hardware Price Comparisons
* [/r/buildapc ](https://reddit.com/r/buildapc ) - PC Building Community / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/buildapc )
* [/r/BuildAPCForMe ](https://reddit.com/r/BuildAPCForMe ) - PC Building Community
* [/r/SuggestAPC ](https://reddit.com/r/SuggestAPC ) - PC Suggestion Community
* [NewMaxx's SSD Site ](https://borecraft.com/ ), [JohnnyLucky ](https://www.johnnylucky.org/index.html ) or [SSD Chart ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B27_j9NDPU3cNlj2HKcrfpJKHkOf-Oi1DbuuQva2gT4/ ) - SSD Buying Comparisons
* [Disk Prices ](https://diskprices.com/ ) - Disk Price Tracker
* [Shucks ](https://shucks.top/ ) - External Drive Price Tracker
* [/r/SuggestALaptop ](https://reddit.com/r/SuggestALaptop ), [Jarrod's Tech ](https://jarrods.tech/resources/ ) or [Noteb ](https://noteb.com/ ) - Laptop Suggestions / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/pes68JM )
* [Laptop Wiki ](https://laptopwiki.eu/ ) - Laptop Info Database
* [EveryMac ](https://everymac.com/ ) - Mac Info Database
* [EloShapes ](https://www.eloshapes.com/ ), [Sensor.fyi ](https://sensor.fyi/info/ ), [RocketJumpNinja ](https://www.rocketjumpninja.com/ ) or [/r/MouseReview ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/ ) / [Wiki ](https://discord.gg/mousereview ) - Mouse Buying Guides
* [Hackerboards ](https://hackerboards.com/ ) - Single-Board Computer Comparisons
* [Click Latencies ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-QI7-LY9Ul_DsVE4ZOqBQxqqqqrdJ04Ite8IY3AQMds/ ) - Mouse Click Latency Chart
* [AudioScienceReview ](https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php ) - Audio Equipment Discussion
* [Scarbir ](https://www.scarbir.com/ ) or [Crinacle ](https://crinacle.com/ ) - Headset & Earphone Comparisons
* [MechGroupBuys ](https://www.mechgroupbuys.com/ ) - Group Mechanical Keyboard Buying / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/mechgroupbuys ) / [Reddit ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MechGroupBuys/ )
* [PSU Tier List ](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/ ) - PSU Buying Guide
* [PC Monitors ](https://pcmonitors.info/ ), [Monitor Hunter ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1illeNLsUfZ4KuJ9cIWKwTDUEXUVpplhUYHAiom-FaDo/ ), [DisplaySpecifications ](https://www.displayspecifications.com/ ), [Monitor Spreadsheet ](https://pastebin.com/tkmakRNW ) or [DisplayNinja ](https://www.displayninja.com/ ) - Monitor Buying Guides
* [sven dpi ](https://www.sven.de/dpi/ ) or [Screensiz.es ](https://screensiz.es/ ) - Screen / Monitor Size Comparisons
* [Erin's Audio Corner ](https://www.erinsaudiocorner.com/ ), [Speakerzilla ](https://speakerzilla.com/ ) or [Equipboard ](https://equipboard.com/ ) - Audio Equipment Comparisons
* [InStockAlert_DataLover ](https://discord.gg/jd6KaBUHG4 ) or [Fixitfixitfixit ](https://discord.gg/gpu ) - GPU / Xbox / PS5 Drop Notifications / [Guide ](https://youtu.be/2cBRW9FeQ3A )
* [Don’ t kill my app! ](https://dontkillmyapp.com/ ) - Manufacturer Battery Life vs. App Functionality
* [PhoneSized ](https://phonesized.com/ ) - Phone Size Comparisons
* [DXOMARK ](https://www.dxomark.com/ ) - Smartphone Quality Testing
* [Dumbphone Finder ](https://dumbphones.pory.app/ ) - Dumbphone Comparisons
* [Camera Decision ](https://cameradecision.com/ ) or [Digicamfinder ](https://digicamfinder.com/ ) - Compare Cameras
* [DVDReleaseDates ](https://www.dvdsreleasedates.com/ ) - DVD Release Dates
## ▷ Games
* ⭐ ** [IsThereAnyDeal ](https://isthereanydeal.com/ )**
* ⭐ ** [SteamDB ](https://steamdb.info/sales/ )**
* [CheapShark ](https://www.cheapshark.com/ ) / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/cheapshark )
* [PSPrices ](https://psprices.com/ )
* [EpicGamesDC ](https://epicgamesdb.info/ ) - Epic Store Price Tracker
* [PriceCharting ](https://www.pricecharting.com/ ) - Game, Comic & Trading Card Price Tracker
* [DekuDeals ](https://www.dekudeals.com/ ) or [NTDeals ](https://ntdeals.net/ ) - Switch Game Price Trackers
* [PS Deals ](https://psdeals.net/ ) or [XB Deals ](https://xbdeals.net/ ) - Game Price Trackers
## ▷ Toys / Figures
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Lego ](https://github.com/ad-si/awesome-lego )** - Lego Resources
* [Dinosaur Toy Blog ](https://dinotoyblog.com/ ) or [Animal Toy Blog ](https://animaltoyforum.com/blog/ ) - Animal Toy Reviews
* [MyFigureCollection ](https://myfigurecollection.net/ ) - Japanese Pop-Culture Merch Database
* [Ty Collector ](https://tycollector.com/ ) or [Beaniepedia ](https://beaniepedia.com/ ) - Ty Collectibles Databases
* [BreyerHorseRef ](https://www.breyerhorseref.com/ ) - Breyer Horse Database
* [The Toy Pool ](https://thetoypool.com/ ) - Multi-Brand Toy & Doll Database
* [Brickset ](https://brickset.com/ ) - Lego Set Guide
* [FigureRealm ](https://www.figurerealm.com/ ) - Track Action Figure Collection
## ▷ Price Tracking
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* ⭐ ** [Dupe ](https://dupe.com/ )** - Dupe Product Search
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* ⭐ ** [Keepa ](https://keepa.com/ )**, [PriceHistory ](https://pricehistoryapp.com/ ) or [CamelCamelCamel ](https://camelcamelcamel.com/ ) - Amazon Price Trackers / [App ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.offertadelgiorno.offertadelgiorno )
* [Vetted ](https://vetted.ai/ ), [Real Price Tracker ](https://www.realpricetracker.com/ ) or [FlipsHope ](https://flipshope.com/ ) - Price Tracking Extensions
* [PriceSlash Bot ](https://t.me/PriceSlash_Bot ) - Price Tracking Telegram Bot
* [Search Ebay Sold ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/search-ebay-sold/mhlcjbhhieanjjafbcoeclghpnjhepif ) - Ebay Sold Item Search
* [/r/WhatsThisWorth ](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisworth/ ) - Online Appraisals
* [GasPrices ](https://gasprices.aaa.com/ ) - Gas Price Tracker
* [SlyToday ](https://slytoday.com/ ) - Price Comparison Search
* [Valuta EX ](https://valuta.exchange/ ) or [Currency World ](https://currency.world/ )- Currency Converters / [Firefox ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/?q=currency%20converter&sort=relevance&type=extension ) / [Chrome ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/search/currency%20converteren&_category=extensions )
# ► Useful Sites
* ↪️ ** [Multi-Tool Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_multi_tool_sites )**
* ↪️ ** [Manual Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/reading#wiki_.25B7_manuals )** - Repair Articles / Manuals
* ↪️ ** [Mind Mapping ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/text-tools#wiki_.25B7_mind_mapping )**
* ↪️ ** [Collaboration Platforms ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_collaboration_platforms )**
* ↪️ ** [Presentation Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_presentation_tools )**
* ↪️ ** [Data Visualization ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_data_visualization_tools )**
* ↪️ ** [Polling Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_poll_sites )**
* ↪️ ** [Random Generators ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_random_generators )**
* ⭐ ** [Versus ](https://versus.com/ )**, [SocialCompare ](https://socialcompare.com/en ) or [Diffen ](https://www.diffen.com/ ) - Compare Anything
* ⭐ ** [endoflife.date ](https://endoflife.date/ )** - Tools & Technologies' End of life Index
* ⭐ ** [USPS Shipping Supplies ](https://store.usps.com/store/results/free-shipping-supplies/_/N-alnx4j )** - Free Shipping Supplies
* ⭐ ** [TurboTaxSucksAss ](https://turbotaxsucksass.org/ )**, [US Taxes ](https://ustaxes.org/ ) or [FreeTaxUSA ](https://www.freetaxusa.com/ ) - File Taxes for Free / [Get Pin ](https://youtu.be/iPw8I-cZ1eY ) / [Form Calc ](https://opentaxsolver.sourceforge.net/ )
* ⭐ ** [FindHelp ](https://www.findhelp.org/ )** - Find Assistive Programs
* ⭐ ** [BeMyEyes ](https://www.bemyeyes.com/ )** - Assist the Visually Impaired
* ⭐ ** [TinyKitten ](https://tinykittens.com/ )** - Kitten Rescue / Donation
* [Dashboard ](https://zzanehip.github.io/Dashboard/ ) - Mac-Style Dashboard Widget
* [The Measure Of Things ](https://www.themeasureofthings.com ) - Comparative / Relative Quantity Measurements
* [Compare Sizes ](https://comparesizes.com/ ) - Size Comparison Tool
* [Paper Sizes ](https://papersizes.io/ ) - Common Paper Sizes
* [OpenHab ](https://www.openhab.org/ ) / [Setup ](https://github.com/openhab/openhabian ) / [Mobile ](https://github.com/openhab/openhab-android ) or [Home Assistant ](https://www.home-assistant.io/ ) / [GUI ](https://github.com/LAB02-Research/HASS.Agent ) - Home Assistants
* [CasaOS ](https://casaos.io/ ) - Cloud Home System / [GitHub ](https://github.com/IceWhaleTech/CasaOS )
* [hOn ](https://github.com/Andre0512/hOn ) - Home Assistant Integration for Appliances
* [Grocy ](https://grocy.info/ ) - Grocery / Household Management Tool
* [WhoBrings ](https://whobrings.com/ ) - Party Item Management Tool
* [MyPhone ](https://github.com/BestOwl/MyPhone ) - Make Calls via Desktop
* [Free-lookup ](https://free-lookup.net/ ) - Phone # Lookup
* [BudgetDuo ](https://budgetduo.com/ ) - Split Household Expenses
* [KittySplit ](https://www.kittysplit.com/en/ ) or [Spliit ](https://spliit.app/ ) - Group Expense Splitting Calculators
* [StageTimer ](https://stagetimer.io/ ) - Event Timer
* [whena.re ](https://whena.re/ ) - Friend / Team Timezone Viewer
* [Countdowns ](https://www.countdowns.live/ ) - Create Custom Countdowns
* [A Bra That Fits ](https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php ) or [BraMetric ](https://brametric.com/ ) - Bra Size Calculators
* [AllBadges ](https://allbadges.net/en ) - Track Badge Collection
* [Wheel Decide ](https://wheeldecide.com/ ), [PickerWheel ](https://pickerwheel.com/ ), [HeySpinner ](https://heyspinner.com/ ) or [Wheel of Names ](https://wheelofnames.com/ ) - Wheel Randomizers
* [SurveyHeart ](https://surveyheart.com/ ) or [Pepperform ](https://pepperform.net/ ) - Survey Creators
* [Samay ](https://samay.app/ ) - Meeting Time Polls
* [Event Rally ](https://rallly.co/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/lukevella/Rallly ), [Cally ](https://cally.com/ ), [LettuceMeet ](https://lettucemeet.com ), [Mobilizon ](https://joinmobilizon.org/ ) or [Gancio ](https://gancio.org/ ) - Event Organizing
* [Label Studio ](https://labelstud.io/ ) or [Cvat ](https://www.cvat.ai/ ) - Data Organizing Tools
* [Diff Checker ](https://www.diffchecker.com/ ) - Check Differences in Text, Images, PDFs or Files
* [Find Your Place ](https://where-is-this.com/ ) - Find Places from Pictures
* [Acoustic Gender ](https://acousticgender.space/ ) - Measure Voice Pitch
* [Forebears ](https://forebears.io/ ) or [BehindTheName ](https://www.behindthename.com/ ) - Name Etymologies
* [Timeline Cascade ](https://markwhen.com/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/mark-when/markwhen ), [Timeline JS ](https://timeline.knightlab.com/ ) or [Time.Graphics ](https://time.graphics/ ) - Create Timelines
* [Timeliner ](https://timelinize.com/ ) - Create Personal Digital Timeline
* [Familypedia ](https://familypedia.fandom.com/ ), [Gramps ](https://gramps-project.org/blog/ ) or [WikiTree ](https://wikitree.com/ ) - Family Trees
* [Ravelry ](https://ravelry.com ) - Fiber Artist Tools
* [ThistoThat ](https://www.thistothat.com/ ) - How to Glue Anything to Anything
* [PEmbroider ](https://github.com/CreativeInquiry/PEmbroider ) - Embroidery Generator
* [Dog Breed AI ](https://www.whatbreedismydog.com ) - Dog Breed Detector
* [CarComplaints ](https://www.carcomplaints.com/ ) - Car Problems, Car Complaints and Repairs
* [PlateRecognizer ](https://platerecognizer.com/ ) - License Plate Recognition
* [Fragrantica ](https://www.fragrantica.com/ ), [Basenotes ](https://basenotes.com/ ) or [Parfumo ](https://www.parfumo.com/ ) - Perfume / Fragrance Databases
* [Stolen Drone ](https://stolendrone.info/ ) - Stolen Drone Info
* [CacheSleuth ](https://www.cachesleuth.com/ ) - Geocaching Tools
* [Morse Code ](https://morsecode.me/ ) or [Woozle ](https://vail.woozle.org/ ) - Create Morse Code Audio
* [Parcelsapp ](https://parcelsapp.com/en/ ), [Informed Delivery ](https://informeddelivery.usps.com/ ) or [17Track ](https://www.17track.net/en ) - Mail Package Tracking
* [Sweet Home 3D ](https://www.sweethome3d.com/ ) or [Homestyler ](https://www.homestyler.com/ ) - Interior Design Apps
* [BlockLayer ](https://www.blocklayer.com/ ) - Construction / Remodeling Calculators
* [TemplateMaker ](https://www.templatemaker.nl/ ) - Package / Box Templates
* [/r/Assistance ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/ ), [/r/borrow ](https://www.reddit.com/r/borrow/ ), [/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza/ ) or [/r/Homeless ](https://www.reddit.com/r/homeless/ ) - Assistance / Donation Subreddits
* [CharityNavigator ](https://www.charitynavigator.org/ ), [CharityWatch ](https://www.charitywatch.org/ ), [ProPublica ](https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/ ) or [GiveWell ](https://www.givewell.org ) - Charity Ratings and Donor Resources
## ▷ Productivity Tools
* 🌐 ** [ProductivePrivacy ](https://productiveprivacy.com/ )** - Privacy-Focused Productivity Apps
* ↪️ ** [To-Do Lists ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/text-tools#wiki_.25B7_to_do_lists )**
* ⭐ ** [Super-Productivity ](http://super-productivity.com )** - Time Tacker / Productivity App / To-Do List
* ⭐ ** [Habitica ](https://habitica.com/ )** - Achievement Style Productivity App
* ⭐ ** [Timeblocking ](https://timeblocking.atomiclife.app/ )** - Online Atomic Time Blocking
* [Freeter ](https://freeter.io ) - Work Organizer / [GitHub ](https://github.com/FreeterApp/Freeter )
* [VisualizeHabit ](https://visualizehabit.com/ ) - Habit Tracking
* [Cold Turkey ](https://getcoldturkey.com/ ) - Site Blocker / Productivity App / [Premium (use python) ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#cold-turkey-premium )
* [Tempus ](https://tempus.keziahmoselle.fr/ ) - Tray Break Reminders / Time Tracker
* [ActivityWatch ](https://activitywatch.net/ ) - Device / App Time Tracker / [Extensions ](https://github.com/ActivityWatch/aw-watcher-web )
* [ProcrastiTracker ](https://strlen.com/procrastitracker/ ) - Device / App Time Tracker
* [ManicTime ](https://www.manictime.com/ ) - Device / App Time Tracker
* [Bytetrack ](https://bytetrack-app.bytebeacon.com/ ) - Online Activity Tracker
* [Furtherance ](https://github.com/lakoliu/Furtherance ) - Time Tracker
* [Timer ](https://klaster1.github.io/timer-5 ) - Time Tracker
* [Pro Modoro ](https://pro-modoro.xyz/ ) - Time Tracker / Break Reminders
* [timebleed ](https://timebleed.com/ ) - Time Tracker / Break Reminders
* [wnr ](https://getwnr.com/ ) - Time Tracker / Break Reminders
* [Pomofocus ](https://pomofocus.io/ ) - Time Tracker / Break Reminders
* [Pomatez ](https://zidoro.github.io/pomatez/ ) - Time Tracker / Break Reminders
* [BreakTimer ](https://breaktimer.app/ ) - Break Reminders
* [Stretchly ](https://hovancik.net/stretchly ) - Break Reminders
* [WorkRave ](https://workrave.org/ ) - Break Reminders
* [skāl.es ](https://www.skal.es/ ) - Work Life Balance Tracking
* [BreakMessage ](https://breakmessage.com/ ) - Online Break Reminders
* [TabWave ](https://www.tabwave.app/ ) - Minimal / Productivity New Tab
* [Virtual Cottage ](https://dui.itch.io/virtual-cottage ) - Activity / Tasks Virtual Cottage
* [Plucky ](https://pluckyfilter.com/ ), [Block Site ](https://webextension.org/listing/block-site.html ), [LeechBlock ](https://www.proginosko.com/leechblock ), [uBlacklist ](https://iorate.github.io/ublacklist/docs ), [Forest ](https://pastebin.com/rYuAivA0 ), [Wiper ](https://github.com/davidahmed/wiper ) or [Tomato Clock ](https://github.com/samueljun/tomato-clock ) - Site Blocking Extensions
* [NudgeWare ](https://nudgeware.io/ ), [Minto ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/minto/hcgkjlalkeaekjkelpilagbjcengeebl ), [GoGo Productivity ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/gogo-productivity/mgefagaoblmbfcjoaiibbmobmkgoljia ), [UnDistracted ](https://www.undistracted.app/ ), [Focus-ToDo ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ngceodoilcgpmkijopinlkmohnfifjfb ) or [HabitLab ](https://habitlab.github.io/ ) - Chrome Productivity Managers
## ▷ Calendars / Scheduling
* ⭐ ** [Cal.com ](https://cal.com/ )** - [GitHub ](https://github.com/calcom/cal.com )
* [GanttProject ](https://www.ganttproject.biz/ ) - Project Scheduling App
* [Pick Time ](https://pick-time.io/ ) - Easily Schedule Times with Friends
* [Tweek ](https://tweek.so/ ) - Calendar
* [TinyMonth ](https://tinymonth.com/ ) - Calendar
* [TOAST UI Calendar ](http://ui.toast.com/tui-calendar ) - Calendar
* [CompassCalendar ](https://www.compasscalendar.com/ ) - Calendar
* [Gantt ](https://github.com/neuronetio/gantt-schedule-timeline-calendar ) - Calendar
* [Morgen ](https://www.morgen.so/ ) - Calendar
* [time.fyi ](https://time.fyi/ ) - Calendar / Time Tools
* [Office Holidays ](https://www.officeholidays.com/ ) or [Forekast ](https://forekast.com/ ) - World Event Calendars
# ► Fun Sites
## ▷ Chat / Forums
* 🌐 ** [/r/ListOfSubreddits ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ListOfSubreddits/wiki/listofsubreddits/ )** - List of Subreddits
* 🌐 ** [Piracy Subs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/megathread/related_subreddits )** - Piracy Subreddits
* ↪️ ** [Multireddit Index ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_multireddits )**
* ↪️ ** [AI Chatbots ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/ai#wiki_.25BA_ai_chatbots )**
* ⭐ ** [Knockout ](https://knockout.chat/ )** / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/wjWpapC ), [SheepishPatio ](https://sheepishpatio.net/ ) or [SomethingAwful ](https://forums.somethingawful.com/ ) - General Forums
* ⭐ ** [Our World of Text ](https://ourworldoftext.com/ )** or [Your World of Text ](https://www.yourworldoftext.com/ ) - Infinite Community Text Grid
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* ⭐ ** [SufficientVelocity ](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/ )**, [Myth Weavers ](https://www.myth-weavers.com/ ), [RolePlayer ](https://www.roleplayer.me/ ) or [SpaceBattles ](https://forums.spacebattles.com/ ) - Fanfiction / Roleplaying Communities
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* [Frantic Fanfic ](https://franticfanfic.com/ ) - Fanfiction Chat Game
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* [Pithee ](https://pithee.com/ ) - Rank Shitposting
* [Posting.Cool ](https://posting.cool/ ) - Random Topic Forum
* [Earth Reviews ](https://neal.fun/earth-reviews/ ) - Help Improve the Simulation
* [Virtual World List ](https://virtualworldslist.neocities.org/ ) - Virtual World List
* [Monkey ](https://www.monkey.app/ ) - Random Chat Rooms
* [Wireclub ](https://www.wireclub.com/ ) - Topic Chat Rooms
* [FandomPost ](https://fandompost.vbulletin.net/ ) - Fandom Discussions
* [AnimeSuki ](https://forums.animesuki.com/ ), [AnimeUKNews ](https://forums.animeuknews.net/ ) or [Fanverse ](https://www.fanverse.org/ ) - Anime Discussion
* [/r/Piracy ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/ ) - Piracy Discussion
* [Resetera ](https://www.resetera.com/ ) or [Neogaf ](https://www.neogaf.com/ ) - Game Discussion
* [NotAlwaysRight ](https://notalwaysright.com/ ) - Customer Service Stories
* [Marijuana Subs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/wiki/entreddits_social ) - Marijuana Subreddits
* [TheRPF ](https://www.therpf.com/forums/ ) - Movie Costume / Prop Forum
* [Websleuths ](https://www.websleuths.com/ ) - Crime Solving Forum
* [Translation Party ](https://www.translationparty.com/ ) - Translation Parties
* [Status.Cafe ](https://status.cafe/ ) - Share Current Status
* [TwoCansAndAString ](https://twocansandstring.com/ ) or [TellOnMe ](https://tellonym.me/ ) - Anonymous Q& A
* [IsItNormal ](https://isitnormal.com/ ) - Ask if Things are Normal
* [Earth 2050 ](https://2050.earth/ ) - Future Predictions
* [FutureMe ](https://www.futureme.org/ ) or [MessageToTheFuture ](https://messagetothefutu.re/ ) - Send Messages to Future Self
* [PostSecret ](https://postsecret.com/ ) - Share Secrets via Postcard
* [PenPal World ](https://www.penpalworld.com/ ) or [GlobalPenFriends ](https://www.globalpenfriends.com/ ) - Pen Pal Community
* [WriteAPrisoner ](https://writeaprisoner.com/ ) - Pen Pals for Inmates
* [Tinder for Bananas ](https://tinderforbananas.com/ ) - Tinder for Bananas
* [Magic Crystal Ball ](https://www.oproot.com/ball/ ) - Get Messages from Beyond
## ▷ Image / Video
* ↪️ ** [Random Images ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_random_generators )**
* ↪️ ** [GIF Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/img-tools#wiki_.25B7_gif_tools )**
* ↪️ ** [Meme Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/img-tools#wiki_.25B7__meme_tools )**
* ↪️ ** [Random Webcams ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_live_webcams )**
* ↪️ ** [4chan Archives ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/social-media#wiki_.25B7_4chan_archives )**
* ⭐ ** [SakugaBooru ](https://www.sakugabooru.com/ )** - Anime Animation Booru / [Enhancements ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/sakuga-extended/khmnmdaghmhkcbooicndamlhkcmpklmc )
* [DreamWidth ](https://www.dreamwidth.org/ ) - User-Made Images & Stories
* [MSPFA ](https://mspfa.com/ ) - MS Paint Fan Adventures
* [GigaMacro ](https://viewer.gigamacro.com/ ) or [Gigapan ](https://www.gigapan.com/ ) - Panoramic Photography
* [stringers.live ](https://stringers.live/ ) - Live Freelance Journalist Streams
* [Retro TV Simulator ](https://www.myretrotvs.com/ ) - Simulate Oldschool TV Channels
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* [TheOfficeStareMachine ](http://theofficestaremachine.com/ ) - The Office Video Emotion Search
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* [BumpWorthy ](https://www.bumpworthy.com/ ) - Adult Swim Bumps
* [Sudomemo ](https://www.sudomemo.net/ ) or [Kaeru Gallery ](https://gallery.kaeru.world/ ) - DS Flipnote Studio Galleries
* [Toonami Remastered ](https://www.toonamiremastered.com/ ) - Remastered Toonami Content
* [ThisXDoesNotExist ](https://thisxdoesnotexist.com/ ) - Realistic-Looking Fake Versions of Things
* [NotRealCats ](https://notrealcats.com/ ) - Cats That Don't Exist
* [Different Strokes ](https://swsteffes.itch.io/different-strokes ) - Online User-Made Art Gallery
* [Creative Uncut ](https://www.creativeuncut.com/ ) - Video Game Art
* [IndieGameBooru ](https://indiegame.booru.org/ ) - Indie Game Image Booru
* [Random Screenshot ](https://randomscreenshot.com/ ) or [Random Prnt.sc ](https://chrishannah.me/prntsc/ ) - Random Screenshots
* [Archillect ](https://archillect.com/archive ) - Image Posting Bot
* [ArtVote ](https://qcpages.qc.cuny.edu/~chanusa/artvote/ ) - Judge Art
* [Random Comic Generator 3.0 ](https://explosm.net/rcg ) - Explosm Random Comic Generator
* [Chris Shier ](https://www.csh.bz/ ) - Canvas Animations / GIFs
* [Three.js ](https://threejs.org/ ) - JavaScript 3D library
* [88x31 ](https://cyber.dabamos.de/88x31/index.html ), [THE 88× 31 ARCHIVE ](https://hellnet.work/8831/ ) or [Web Badges World ](https://web.badges.world/ ) - Oldschool Web Badges
* [/r/Place Atlas ](https://place-atlas.stefanocoding.me/ ) - /r/Place Info
* [LameBook ](https://www.lamebook.com/ ) - Funny Facebook Status'
* [Kittenwar! ](https://www.kittenwar.com/ ) - Rate Kittens
* [procatinator ](https://procatinator.com/ ) - Cat GIFs & Music
* [Open Puppies ](https://openpuppies.com/ ) - Random Dog GIFs
* [Triviart ](https://triviart.live/ ) - Infinite Painting Canvas with Trivia
* [paint.wtf ](https://paint.wtf/ ) - Have an AI Judge your Art
* [Chimera Painter ](https://storage.googleapis.com/chimera-painter/index.html ) - Chimera Generator
* [MakeCoatOfArms ](https://www.allfamilycrests.com/makecoatofarms.htm ) - Coat of Arms Generator
* [Web Neko ](https://webneko.net/ ) - Nekos on the Web
* [Uji ](https://doersino.github.io/uji/ ) or [Turtletoy ](https://turtletoy.net/ ) - Minimalist Art Generators
* [Paint with Music ](https://artsandculture.google.com/experiment/paint-with-music/YAGuJyDB-XbbWg ) - Paint with Sound
* [No Paint ](https://nopaint.art/ ) - Press "Paint" if you like what you see, "No" if you don't
* [Random Art ](https://www.random-art.org/ ) - Random Art Generator
* [Paper Quilling Art ](https://pissang.github.io/paper-quilling-art/ ) - Paper Quilling Art Generator
* [Periodicity ](https://williamhoza.com/periodicity/ ) - Harmonic Motion Patterns
* [Cubes.io ](https://cubes.io/ ) - Cellular Automata
* [Inspirograph ](https://nathanfriend.io/inspiral-web/ ) or [SpirographN ](http://seedcode.com/SpirographN/sgn.html ) - Spirograph Tool
* [Silk ](http://weavesilk.com/ ) - Create Geometric Silk Art
* [MandalaGaba ](https://www.mandalagaba.com/ ) / [Pro Version ](https://pro.mandalagaba.com/ ), [Mandala App ](https://mandala-app.com/ ) or [DigitalDoily ](https://codymoose.github.io/web-applications/DigitalDoily/index.html ) - Zen Geometry Tools
* [myMrLx ](https://codepen.io/davidpanik/full/myMrLx/ ) - Spiral Art Generators
* [Remoji ](https://remoji.com/ ) - Emoji Painting
* [EmojiMix ](https://tikolu.net/emojimix ), [Neomojimixer ](https://entenbru.st/neomojimixer/ ) or [Emoji Kitchen ](https://emojikitchen.dev/ ) - Combine Emojis
* [Emojination ](https://www.emojination.io/ ), [EmoteStud ](https://emotestud.io/ ), [Emoji Factory ](https://codepen.io/oliviale/full/qLYNbE ) or [Ccclaymoji ](https://fffuel.co/ccclaymoji/ ) - Emoji Creators
* [MyPokeCard ](https://www.mypokecard.com/en/ ) - Create Pokémon Cards
* [pokemon-colorscripts ](https://gitlab.com/phoneybadger/pokemon-colorscripts ) - Terminal Pokémon Sprites
* [Pokémon Fusion ](https://pokemon.alexonsager.net/ ) - Fuse Pokémon
* [Poke Palettes ](https://pokepalettes.com/ ) - Pokémon Color Palettes
* [Star Wars Intro Creator ](https://starwarsintrocreator.kassellabs.io/ ) - Create Star Wars Intros
* [Mirage Gallery ](https://www.miragegallery.ai/ ) - AI Art Gallery
* [Matchbox Dan ](https://matchbox-dan.com/ ) - Matchbox Car Picture Archive
* [Floor796 ](https://floor796.com/ ) - Ever-Expanding Animated Scene
* [Zoomquilt ](https://www.zoomquilt.org/ ) / [2 ](https://zoomquilt2.com/ ), [Infinite Zoom ](https://infinitezoom.net/ ) or [Arkadia ](https://arkadia.xyz/ ) - Infinite Zooming Paintings
* [Blue Ball Machine 2 ](https://blueballmachine2.ytmnd.com/ ) - Full Page Chain Reaction Image
* [Magnet Poetry ](https://goblin-heart.net/sadgrl/magnet-poetry/ ) - Magnet Poetry
* [Useless Certifications ](https://uselesscertifications.com/ ) - Useless Certifications
* [Anime Girls Holding Programming Books ](https://cat-milk.github.io/Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books/ )
* [webgbcam ](https://maple.pet/webgbcam/ ) - Game Boy Camera in Browser
* [Terminal Video Player ](https://github.com/TheRealOrange/terminalvideoplayer ) - Cursed Terminal Video Player
## ▷ Interactive
* 🌐 ** [David.li ](https://david.li/ )** - Physics Games
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Web Desktops ](https://github.com/syxanash/awesome-web-desktops )** - OS Emulators
* ↪️ ** [Fun Site Indexes ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_fun_indexes )**
* ↪️ ** [Browser Games ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/games#wiki_.25BA_browser_games )**
* ↪️ ** [Image Creation ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/img-tools#wiki_.25BA_image_creation )**
* ↪️ ** [ASCII Art ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/text-tools#wiki_.25B7_ascii_art )**
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* ⭐ ** [The Life Engine ](https://thelifeengine.net/ )** - Artificial Life Simulation / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/ZsrAAByEnr ) / [Video ](https://youtu.be/iSAKEnRfles )
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* ⭐ ** [sandspiel.club ](https://sandspiel.club/ )** - Falling Sand Physics Sandbox
* ⭐ ** [Genetic Cars 2 ](https://rednuht.org/genetic_cars_2/ )** - Random 2D Car Generator
* ⭐ ** [Human Benchmark ](https://humanbenchmark.com/ )** - Brain Games & Cognitive Tests
* ⭐ ** [Got Rhythm? ](https://www.concerthotels.com/got-rhythm )** - Rhythm / Tempo Test
* ⭐ ** [2020 Game ](https://2020game.io/ )** - Play through 2020
* [Little Alchemy ](https://littlealchemy.com/ ) or [Little Alchemy 2 ](https://littlealchemy2.com/ ) - Alchemy Game
* [JUST SCREAM! ](https://justscream.baby/ ) - Scream Into the Universe
* [VentScape ](https://www.ventscape.life/ ) or [PostSecretVoicemail ](https://www.postsecretvoicemail.com/ ) - Speak into a Void
* [AfterTheBeep ](https://afterthebeep.tel/ ) - Public Voicemail
* [Frequency2156 ](https://frequency2156.com/ ) - Listen to / Record Survival Messages
* [1000 Seconds ](https://mattround.com/usvsth3m/1000-seconds/ ) - Test of Patience
* [Just a Minute ](https://jinay.dev/just-a-minute/ ) - Estimate a Minute
* [Oracle ](https://roadtolarissa.com/oracle/ ) - Try to Trick an AI
* [Cookie Consent Speed.Run ](https://cookieconsentspeed.run/ ) - Cookie Disabling Game
* [Are You You? ](https://www.areyouyou.eu/ ) - Try to Fool Face Recognition Software
* [Word Blanks ](https://www.wordblanks.com/ ) or [Plot Generator ](https://www.plot-generator.org.uk/ ) - Online Mad Libs
* [MagicKeyboard ](http://magickeyboard.io/ ) - Try "feross", "hexbin", "rain", or "semi"
* [Just Type Stuff ](https://web.archive.org/web/20191229101209/https://justtypestuff.com/ ) - Type Things into Existence
* [deardiary ](https://deardiary.wtf/ ) - Machine Learning Diary / [Concept Video ](https://youtu.be/Zc3qayGmYZQ )
* [Virtual x86 ](https://copy.sh/v86/ ) - x86-compatible OS Emulators
* [PCjs Machines ](https://www.pcjs.org/ ) - Classic Computer Emulators
* [Quantum Playground ](https://www.quantumplayground.net/#/home ) - Quantum Computer Simulator
* [Kamogo ](https://www.kamogo.com/faq/ ) - Useless Web Apps
* [larsberg ](https://www.larsberg.net/#/ ), [substack ](https://substack.net/ ) or [mrdoob ](https://mrdoob.neocities.org/ ) - Trippy 3D Experiments
* [Google Doodles ](https://www.google.com/doodles?q=interactive ) - Interactive Google Doodles
* [Quick, Draw ](https://quickdraw.withgoogle.com/ ) - Doodle Game
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* [Doodle Dash ](https://xenova-doodle-dash.static.hf.space/index.html ) - Let AI Guess Doodles
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* [DriveMeInsane ](https://drivemeinsane.com/ ) - Control a Home Automation System
* [Genetic Walkers ](https://rednuht.org/genetic_walkers/ ) - Genetic Algorithm Walkers
* [A Better World ](https://abw.blue/index_en.php ) - Interactive History Changing Game
* [DrivingSimulator ](https://framesynthesis.com/drivingsimulator/maps/ ) - 3D Driving Simulator
* [OpenScope ](https://www.openscope.co/ ) - Air Traffic Control Simulator
* [Traffic Simulation ](https://traffic-simulation.de/ ) - Traffic Flow Simulation
* [cnnix-steership ](https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2021/03/cnnix-steership/ ) - Steer through the Suez Canal
* [Ballooning ](https://alexanderperrin.com.au/triangles/ballooning/ ) - Procedurally Generated Balloon Simulator
* [Tamajoji ](https://aericode.itch.io/tamajoji ) - Browser Tamagotchi
* [Koi Pond ](https://koipond.fish/ ) - Feed Koi
* [This Is Sand ](https://thisissand.com/ ) - Make Sand Art
* [Orb.Farm ](https://orb.farm/ ) - Virtual Aquatic Ecosystem
* [Generativeplanets ](https://zehfernandes.com/generativeplanets/builder ) or [Planet ](https://oskarstalberg.com/game/planet/planet.html ) - Planet Generators
* [Townscaper ](https://oskarstalberg.com/Townscaper/ ) - Town Building Sandbox
* [Gravity Points ](https://codepen.io/akm2/full/rHIsa ), [Hermann ](https://www.hermann.is/gravity/ ) or [dmilin1 ](https://dmilin1.github.io/PrincipiaJS/build/index.html ) - Gravity Simulators
* [Google Gravity ](https://mrdoob.com/projects/chromeexperiments/google-gravity/ ) - Falling Google
* [Origami Simulator ](https://origamisimulator.org/ ) - Origami Simulation
* [Fold & Cut ](https://www.onemotion.com/fold-cut-paper/ ) - Make Digital Paper Snowflakes
* [Iceberger ](https://joshdata.me/iceberger.html ) - Draw an Iceberg, See how it Floats
* [BubblesPop ](https://bubblespop.netlify.app/ ), [2 ](https://brainteaser.top/bubblespop.html ) - Pop Bubble Wrap
* [Checkbox Olympics ](https://checkbox.toys/ ) - Checkbox Game
* [Fidget Page ](https://www.fidgetpage.com/ ) - Play with Fidget Spinner
* [Keep calm and poke me. ](https://calm.ovh/ ) - Poke & Pull
* [Elastic Man ](https://www.adultswim.com/etcetera/elastic-man/ ) - Elastic Morty
* [Screentoys ](https://www.screentoys.com/ ) - Photo Morphing Toy
* [Smash The Walls ](https://smashthewalls.com/ ) - Smash Walls
* [Koalas to the Max ](https://www.koalastothemax.com/ ) - Make Smaller & Smaller Dots
* [Popcat ](https://popcat.click/ ) - Worldwide Popcat Clicking Competition
* [Spherical Trochoids ](https://claytonmain.github.io/spherical-trochoids/ ) - Experiment with Spherical Trochoids
* [DrawAurora ](https://www.drawaurora.com/ ) - Draw Auroras
* [Neonflames ](https://29a.ch/sandbox/2011/neonflames/ ) - Draw Nebulas
* [Leapy Grid ](https://codepen.io/Godje/full/mOzpEY/ ) - Play with Rainbow Grid
* [Pixactly ](https://pixact.ly/ ) - Pixel Size Drawing Challenge
* [Plink ](https://plink.in/ ) / [2 ](http://dinahmoelabs.com/plink/ ) - Multiplayer Music Maker
* [Typatone ](https://www.typatone.com/ ) - Play Music by Typing
* [Drawing Garden ](https://drawing.garden/ ) - Create Sounds via Mouse Movement
* [Fractal Sound Explorer ](https://codeparade.itch.io/fractal-sound-explorer ) - Create Sounds via Fractals
* [typedrummer ](http://typedrummer.com/ ) - Drum by Typing
* [Soundscape ](https://soundscape.world/ ) - Beat Builder / Visualizer
* [MikuTap ](https://aidn.jp/mikutap/ ) - Click to Make Sounds / Graphics
* [Patatap ](https://www.patatap.com/ ) - Type to Create Melodies / Moving Shapes
* [Touch Pianist ](http://touchpianist.com/ ) - Magical Piano App
* [A.I. DUET ](https://experiments.withgoogle.com/ai/ai-duet/view/ ) - AI Piano Duet
* [MultiplayerPiano ](https://multiplayerpiano.com/ ) - Multiplayer Piano
* [Incredibox ](https://www.incredibox.com/demo/ ) - Make Beatboxing Beats
* [bongo.cat ](https://bongo.cat/ ) - Become Bongo Cat
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* [ambient.garden ](https://ambient.garden/ ) - 3D Audio Landscape
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* [SND ](https://s-n-d.si/ ) - Strange Scrollable Story
* [Short Trip ](https://alexanderperrin.com.au/paper/shorttrip/ ) - Relaxing Cat Game
* [Draw a Stickman ](https://drawastickman.com/ ) - Stickman Adventure / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/DFvejdC )
* [Wonder of Wonder Art ](https://aidn.jp/wowa/ ) - Create a Dancing Character
* [Emotiguy ](https://testing.duckwithsunglasses.com/emotiweb/ ) - Edit Emotiguy
* [Cursor Car ](https://papercookies.itch.io/cursor-car ) - Play with Car Cursor
## ▷ Interesting
* 🌐 ** [404PageFound ](https://www.404pagefound.com/ )** - Old Websites
* 🌐 ** [Websites From Hell ](https://websitesfromhell.net/ )** - Shitty Websites
* ↪️ ** [Online Virtual Tours ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/edu#wiki_.25BA_virtual_tours )**
* ⭐ ** [Iceberg Charts ](https://icebergcharts.com/ )** - Explore Obscure Topics / [/r/IcebergCharts ](https://www.reddit.com/r/IcebergCharts/ )
* ⭐ ** [InfiniteConversation ](https://infiniteconversation.com/ )** - Never-Ending Werner Herzog / Slavoj Žižek Conversation
* ⭐ ** [TVTropes ](https://tvtropes.org/ )** - TV Tropes Wiki
* ⭐ ** [Ranker ](https://www.ranker.com/ )**, [Listography ](https://listography.com/ ), [hero ](https://hero.page/ ), [TheTopsTens ](https://www.thetoptens.com/ ), [CopyPasteList ](https://copypastelist.co/ ) or [ListVerse ](https://listverse.com/ ) - Create / Explore Lists
* ⭐ ** [The Lost Media Wiki ](https://lostmediawiki.com/ )** / [Forum ](https://forums.lostmediawiki.com/ ) / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/NFsM8YbBYH )
* [Internet Map ](https://internet-map.net/ ) - Map of the Internet
* [Google Earth ](https://www.google.com/earth/about/versions/ ) - Explore Earth
* [Land Lines ](https://lines.chromeexperiments.com/ ) - Explore Google Earth via Gestures
* [DamnInteresting ](https://www.damninteresting.com/ ) - Interesting Stories
* [Fucking Homepage ](https://fuckinghomepage.com/ ) - Daily Interesting Stuff Homepage
* [The Cutting Room Floor ](https://tcrf.net/The_Cutting_Room_Floor ) - Unused Video Game Content Research
* [SongMeanings ](https://songmeanings.com/ ) - Discover Song Meanings
* [ColorNames ](https://colornames.org/ ) - Help Name Colors
* [Colorword ](https://colorword.recu3125.com/ ) - Word Color Voting
* [House Creep ](https://www.housecreep.com/ ) - Homes With A Curious or Criminal History
* [UFO Casebook ](https://www.ufocasebook.com/ ), [UFO Discovery ](https://app.polymersearch.com/polymerexamples/UFO_Sightings ) or [UFO Sighting Chart ](https://i.redd.it/0l9ugv9kz4091.jpg ) - UFO Sighting Lists / Tracking
* [BFRO ](https://bfro.net/ ) - Bigfoot Research Site
* [TheShadowlands ](https://theshadowlands.net/ ) - Oldschool Paranormal Research Site
* [FutureTimeline ](https://www.futuretimeline.net/ ) - Timeline of Future Predictions
* [Letters of Note ](https://news.lettersofnote.com/ ) - Historical Letters
* [CommSpeeches ](https://commspeeches.softr.app/ ) - Famous Graduation Speeches
* [Roadside America ](https://www.roadsideamerica.com/ ) - Roadside Attractions
* [Roller Coaster Database ](https://rcdb.com/ ) - World Roller Coasters
* [FirstVersions ](https://www.firstversions.com/ ) - Find First Versions of Anything
* [Pushing Pixels ](https://www.pushing-pixels.org/fui/ ) or [Saji8k ](https://www.saji8k.com/kit-fui/ ) - Imaginary UI from Movies
* [Nestflix ](https://nestflix.fun/ ) - Fictional Media in Media Database
* [BrickLink Studio ](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/build/studio.page ) - Lego Building Software
* [Instructables ](https://www.instructables.com/ ) - Free Projects / Crafts
* [Toys from Trash ](https://www.arvindguptatoys.com/toys.html ) - Use Everyday Items to Make Toys
* [Fold N Fly ](https://www.foldnfly.com/ ) - Paper Airplane Guides
* [TwistyPuzzles ](https://twistypuzzles.com/ ) or [HyperCubing ](https://hypercubing.xyz/ ) - Twisty Puzzle Wikis
* [Game a-b-street ](https://a-b-street.github.io/docs/ ) - Traffic Simulation
* [Moral Machine ](https://www.moralmachine.net/ ) - Decision-Making AIs
* [Chirper ](https://chirper.ai/ ) - AI Generated Twitter
* [Judge My Music ](https://pudding.cool/2021/10/judge-my-music/ ) - Have an AI Judge Your Taste in Music
* [Common Voice ](https://www.saveriomorelli.com/commonvoice/ ) - Help Teach a Machine How to Talk
* [Michaelbach ](https://michaelbach.de/ot/ ) - Optical Illusions
* [Strobe Illusion ](https://strobe.cool/ ) - Hallucination Illusion
* [Notpron ](http://www.notpron.com/ ) - Worlds Hardest Internet Riddle
* [Fun Trivia ](https://www.funtrivia.com/ ) or [Sporcle ](https://www.sporcle.com/ ) - Trivia
* [ARealMe ](https://www.arealme.com/ ) - Quiz Collection
* [Bestiefy ](https://bestiefy.com/ ) - Friend Quizzes
* [theOtaku ](https://theotaku.com/quizzes ) - Anime Personality Quizzes
* [8dreams ](https://8dreams.github.io/ ) - Political Alignment Test
* [Goody2 ](https://www.goody2.ai/chat ) - Worlds Most Ethical AI
* [HowNormalAmI? ](https://www.hownormalami.eu/ ) - Face Judge AI
* [Face Shape AI ](https://www.detect-face-shape.com ) or [FaceShape ](https://www.faceshape.com/ ) - Face Shape Detectors
* [Face Age AI ](https://www.howolddoilook.io ) - AI Age Guessing
* [OnThisDay ](https://www.onthisday.com/ ) - What Happened on Specific Days
* [You're Getting Old ](https://you.regettingold.com/ ) - Age Perspective
* [Death Date Calculators ](https://pastebin.com/LDRycXk3 ) - Calculate Your Day of *DEATH* (how fun!)
* [HeyFromTheFuture ](https://heyfromthefuture.com/ ) - What People Wish they knew at your Age
* [MyGrandmothersLingo ](https://www.sbs.com.au/mygrandmotherslingo/ ) - Interactive Story
* [Emoji to Scale ](https://javier.xyz/emoji-to-scale/ ) - Emoji Size Scale
* [Cube Rule ](https://cuberule.com/ ) - The Cube Rule of Food
* [The GIF Pronunciation Page ](https://www.olsenhome.com/gif/ ) - How to Pronounce "GIF"
* [Where's George? ](https://www.wheresgeorge.com/ ) or [TrackDollar ](http://trackdollar.com/ ) - Dollar Tracking
* [WordCount ](https://www.vidarholen.net/contents/wordcount/ ) - Most Common Linux Kernel Source Code Words
* [DeletedCity ](http://deletedcity.net/ ) - Geocities Visualizer
* [Wiby ](https://www.wiby.me/ ) - Explore Old Sites
* [Museum of Failure ](https://collection.museumoffailure.com/ ), [KilledByGoogle ](https://killedbygoogle.com/ ), [KilledByMicrosoft ](https://killedbymicrosoft.info/ ) or [KilledByTech ](https://killedby.tech/ ) - Dead Projects
* [info.cern ](https://info.cern.ch/ ) - First Website on the Internet
## ▷ Random
* ↪️ ** [Random Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_random_generators )** - Random Site Generators
* ⭐ ** [Copypasta Text ](https://copypastatext.com/ )** or [CopyPastaDB ](https://copypastadb.com/ ) - Copypasta Databases
* ⭐ ** [CreepyPasta ](https://www.creepypasta.com/ )** - Creepypasta Database
* ⭐ ** [TheOnion ](https://theonion.com/ )** or [DailyWrong ](https://dailywrong.com/ ) - Fake News Articles
* ⭐ ** [Drinking Game Zone ](https://drinkinggamezone.com/ )** - Drinking Games Encyclopedia
* ⭐ ** [PokeSmash ](https://pokesmash.xyz/ )** - Pokémon Smash or Pass
* ⭐ ** [Library of Babel ](https://libraryofbabel.info/ )** - Every Book of Past, Present, and Future
* ⭐ ** [Bouncing DVD Logo ](https://www.bouncingdvdlogo.com/ )** - DVD Logo Screen
* [Things to Do ](https://randomthingstodo.com/ ) or [TheZen ](https://thezen.zone/ ) - Activity Suggestions
* [BoozeTube ](https://boozetube.netlify.app/ ) - Turn Videos in Drinking Games
* [rrrather ](https://rrrather.com/ ) - Would You Rather
* [Scattergories ](https://swellgarfo.com/scattergories ) - Scattergories List Generator
* [Gizoogle ](https://www.gizoogle.net/ ) - Google Shiznit
* [Mystery Search ](https://www.mysterysearch.lol/ ) - Google, but you get last person's search
* [Presence ](https://presence.mrarich.com/ ) - Unwrap Presents Remotely
* [Lots of Links ](https://annierau.com/LOL-lots-of-links ) - Random Funny Links
* [WindowSwap ](https://www.window-swap.com/Window ) or [VisualVacation ](https://virtualvacation.us/window ) - Open Random Windows
* [Judgey ](https://playjudgey.com/ ) - Judge A Book By Its Cover
* [MoodLight ](https://www.moodlight.org/ ) or [Defonic MoodLight ](https://defonic.com/moodlight.html ) - Turn Screen into Strobe / Mood Light
* [HYDRA ](https://hydra.ojack.xyz/ ) - Live Coding Networked Visuals / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/ZQjfHkNHXC )
* [see. hear. party. ](http://www.seehearparty.com/ ) - List Things You Want to See... Party
* [The Editing Room ](https://www.the-editing-room.com/ ) - Funny Abridged Movie Scripts
* [Gen-Z AI ](https://openai-quickstart-node-1.vercel.app/ ) - AI Generated Urban Dictionary Definitions
* [ShindanMaker ](https://en.shindanmaker.com/ ) - Diagnoses / Fortune AI
* [LMGTFY ](https://lmgtfy2.com/ ), [LetMeGoogleThat ](https://letmegooglethat.com/ ) or [GIYBF ](https://giybf.com/ ) - Remind People that Google Exists
* [AfterTheTone ](https://afterthetone.com/ ) - Random Answering Machine Messages
* [Talk Obama To Me ](http://talkobamato.me/ ) - Make Obama Say Stuff
* [Pink Trombone ](https://dood.al/pinktrombone/ ) - Human Pitch Generator
* [Purrli ](https://purrli.com/ ) - Cat Purr Generator
* [LongestPoemInTheWorld ](https://www.longestpoemintheworld.com/ ) - Form Rhymes from Tweets
* [The Nicest Place ](https://thenicestplace.net/ ) - Internet Hugs
* [InspiroBot ](https://inspirobot.me/ ) - Inspirational Quote Generator
* [Hypochondriapp ](http://hypochondriapp.io/ ) - Get a Terrible Diagnosis
* [HORG ](http://www.horg.com/horg/ ) - Holotypic Occlupanid Research Group
* [Waifu Labs ](https://waifulabs.com/ ) - Meet your Waifu
* [Satania ](https://satania.moe/ ) - Satania Waifu / [GitHub ](https://github.com/Pizzacus/satania.moe )
* [Skynet ](https://pierrepapierciseaux.net/.skynet/?lang=en ) - View Websites like they're from the 90's
* [CameronsWorld ](https://www.cameronsworld.net/ ) - 90's Themed Website
* [World's Highest Website ](https://worlds-highest-website.com/ ) - World's Longest Website
* [Classic GTA Sites ](https://classicgtasites.com/ ) - Original GTA Site
* [Space Jam 1996 ](https://www.spacejam.com/1996/ ) - Original Space Jam Site
* [Mario Mayhem ](https://www.mariomayhem.com/ ) - Mario Fansite
* [ILoveJarJarBinks ](https://ilovejarjarbinks.tripod.com/ ) - Jar Jar Binks Fansite
* [User Inyerface ](https://userinyerface.com/ ) - Worlds Most Annoying Website
* [Terminal 00 ](https://angusnicneven.com/ ), [angelangelangel ](https://angelangelangelangelangel.com/ ) or [SilverLadder ](http://www.silverladder.com/ ) - Cursed Sites
* [TheMostAmazingWebsiteOnTheInternet ](http://www.themostamazingwebsiteontheinternet.com/ ) - The Internets Best Website
* [Objection! ](https://objection.lol/ ) - Ace Attorney Objecting on Your Behalf
* [The Death Generator ](https://deathgenerator.com/ ) - Video Game Text Generator
* [UpJoke ](https://upjoke.com/ ) - Jokes for Any Topic
* [DadJokeCLI ](https://github.com/Anupya/dadjoke-cli ) - Get Dad Jokes in Command Line
* [CSS Puns ](https://saijogeorge.com/css-puns/ ) - CSS Puns
* [Peter Answers ](https://www.peteranswers.com/ ) - Create Fake Questions & Answers / [Tutorial ](https://peteranswers.info/peter-answers-hack )
* [The Santa Tracker ](https://www.thesantatracker.com/ ) - Track Santa during Christmas
* [April Fools Day On The Web ](https://aprilfoolsdayontheweb.com/ ) - Find April Fools' Pranks Played by Websites
* [PrankHotline ](https://prankhotline.com/ ) - Phone Pranks
* [GeekPrank ](https://geekprank.com/ ) - Windows Pranks
* [Update Faker ](https://updatefaker.com/ ) or [Fake Update ](https://fakeupdate.net/ ) - Fake System Update Pranks
* [DownloadHardware ](https://downloadhardware.com/ ) - Download Computer Hardware
* [DownloadMoreRam ](https://downloadmoreram.com/ ) - Download More RAM
* [The Restart Page ](http://www.therestartpage.com/ ) - Vintage Operating System Reboots
* [Windows XP Error Worm ](https://ybenbihi.github.io/windows-error-worm/ ) - Click & Drag Windows Errors
* [Hair on Screen ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/hair-on-screen/egkikapjpndmjflbjjoondbihalgdjco ) - Fake Hair on Screen Prank
* [Hacktyper ](https://hackertyper.net/ ), [Hoacks ](https://hoacks.com/ ) or [Geektyper ](https://geektyper.com/ ) - Fake Hacking Screen
* [VeryLegit ](https://verylegit.link/ ) or [Urlify ](http://urlify.io/ ) - Make links look shady
* [Busy Simulator ](https://busysimulator.com/ ) - Pretend You're Busy
* [PointerPointer ](https://pointerpointer.com/ ) - Get Your Pointer Pointed At
* [Splits ](https://mana.works/splits ) - Split or Fall
* [Moments of Happiness ](https://moments.epic.net/ ) - Animated WebGL Animals
* [Pablo The Flamingo ](https://pablotheflamingo.com/ ) - Party with Pablo
* [The Pug in the Rug ](https://puginarug.com/ ) - Watch the Pug be in the Rug
* [MTA ](http://mta.me/ ) - Create Sounds via NY Subway Movement
* [Robotics.ovh ](https://robotics.ovh/ ) - Robotics Dance
* [StaggeringBeauty ](http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/ ) - Party Worm (Warning: Contains Flashing Images)
* [Slap Kirk ](https://www.slapkirk.com/ ) - Slap Captain Kirk
* [Slap Chris ](https://slapchris.com/ ) - Slap Chris Rock
* [Eel Slap ](https://www.eelslap.com/ ) - Slap Guy with Eel
* [Slide Ventura ](https://slideventura.com/ ) - Ace Ventura Sliding Door Simulator
* [CAT BOUNCE! ](https://cat-bounce.com/ ) - Bounce Cats
* [Long Doge Challenge ](https://longdogechallenge.com/ ) - Worlds Longest Doge
* [Endless Horse ](http://endless.horse/ ) - Worlds Longest Horse
* [Money printer go BRRR ](https://brrr.money/ ) - Print it, baby!
* [You wouldn't steal a website ](https://youwouldntsteala.website/ ) - Steal a Website
* [Shell Color Scripts ](https://gitlab.com/dwt1/shell-color-scripts ) - Terminal Color Scripts
* [Bad Licenses ](https://github.com/ErikMcClure/bad-licenses ) - Funny Open Source Licenses Index
* [Vim Cubed ](https://github.com/oakes/vim_cubed ) - Generate Cube Vim Text Editor
* [Typewaiter ](https://oisinmoran.com/typewaiter ) - Endlessly Moving Typewriter
* [Fontbutts ](https://fontbutts.netlify.app/ ) - Create Butts with Different Fonts
* [Do not open the door ](http://mexicans.eu/ ) - Don't you dare...
* [Dial-Up Sound ](https://www.dialupsound.com/ ) - Dial-Up Sounds