2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
**[◄◄ Back to Wiki Index ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/index )**
2021-09-17 18:50:15 -07:00
**[Table of Contents ](https://i.imgur.com/AxhAU0o.png )** - *For mobile users*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
# ► [VPN Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/adblock-vpn-privacy#wiki_.25BA_vpn)
# ► Torrent Clients
2021-12-29 19:45:25 -08:00
* **Note** - Make sure you [BIND ](https://www.ghacks.net/2016/03/23/qbittorrent-block-transfers-vpn-disconnect/ ) your VPN to your client to avoid ISP letters.
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* **[qBittorrent ](https://www.qbittorrent.org/ )** - *[Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/B9KBUXs.png)*
* **[qBittorrent Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_qbitorrent_tools )**
* **[Transmission ](https://transmissionbt.com/ )** - *[Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/IjdECzR.png)*
* **[Torrent to GDrive ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_torrent_to_gdrive )** - *Download Torrents to Google Drive*
2021-10-29 04:28:42 -07:00
* [from-torrent ](https://multiup.org/en/upload/from-torrent ) - *Torrent to DDL Sites / [Bypass 10GB Limit](https://i.imgur.com/ChMcdq8.png)*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Deluge ](https://www.deluge-torrent.org/ ) - *[Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/RbQUHpF.png)*
* Deluge Tools - [Plugins ](https://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/Plugins ) / [Auto-Remove ](https://github.com/omaralvarez/deluge-autoremoveplus ) / [Config ](https://github.com/ratanakvlun/deluge-ltconfig/releases ) / [Telegram Plugin ](https://github.com/noam09/deluge-telegramer )
* [Tixati ](https://tixati.com/ ) - *[Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/joYQzTw.png)*
* [Motrix ](https://motrix.app/ ) - *[Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/Zrw6l8q.png) / [GitHub](https://github.com/agalwood/Motrix)*
* [Picotorrent ](https://picotorrent.org/ ) - *[Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/46oF1iD.png)*
* [FrostWire ](https://www.frostwire.com/ ) - *[Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/3wJSJmg.png)*
* [BiglyBT ](https://www.biglybt.com/ ) - *[Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/Gopf4tZ.png)*
* [NeoLoader ](https://neoloader.com/ ) - *[Screenshot](https://neoloader.com/neo/image1.jpg)*
* [Tribler ](https://www.tribler.org/ ) - *Tor-inspired Client / [Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/IzmanCf.png) / [Github](https://github.com/Tribler/tribler)*
2022-01-24 21:38:38 -08:00
* [aria2 ](https://aria2.github.io/ ) - *Terminal Torrent Client / [Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/KV0pSjt.png) / [Github](https://github.com/aria2/aria2) / [Download Bot](https://github.com/gaowanliang/DownloadBot) / [GUI](https://github.com/persepolisdm/persepolis) / [Frontend](http://ariang.mayswind.net/)*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [mtorrent ](https://github.com/nektro/mtorrent ) - *Terminal Torrent Client*
2022-01-09 14:27:04 -08:00
* [RakaPublicLeech ](https://t.me/RakaPublicLeech ) - *Torrent to Telegram Bot*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [libtorrent ](https://www.libtorrent.org/ ) - *C++ BitTorrent Client*
2021-10-30 06:31:48 -07:00
* [TrayTorrent ](https://traytorrent.ru/ ) - *Torrent Tray Client*
2021-09-04 06:12:24 -07:00
* [exatorrent ](https://github.com/varbhat/exatorrent ) - *Self-Hosted Client*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Rats Search ](https://github.com/DEgITx/rats-search ) - *Torrent Search Client / [Screenshot](https://github.com/DEgITx/rats-search#screenshots)*
* [Download Torrents Through I2P ](https://decentnet.github.io/blog/20200329-download-torrents-through-i2p.html )
* [Loadbt ](https://www.loadbt.com/ ) - *Torrent / Stream to Cloud*
* [SpreadsheetUI ](https://github.com/JohnDoee/spreadsheetui ) - *Speadsheet Torrent webUI*
2021-12-04 15:15:11 -08:00
* [flood ](https://flood.js.org/ ) - *rTorrent, Transmission & qBittorrent WebUI / [GitHub](https://github.com/jfurrow/flood)*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Remote Torrent Adder ](https://github.com/bogenpirat/remote-torrent-adder ) - *Easily Send Torrents to Client*
* [Demagnetize ](http://demagnetize.link/ ) - *Turn Magnets into Direct Downloads / 200mb or less only*
## ▷ WebTorrent Clients
2022-01-09 14:27:04 -08:00
* **[Seedr ](https://www.seedr.cc/ )** - *[Telegram Bot](https://t.me/TorrentSeedrBot) / [API Wrapper](https://github.com/theabbie/seedr-api), [2](https://github.com/AnjanaMadu/SeedrAPI)*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* **[webtor ](https://webtor.io/ )**
* [WebOasis Client ](https://weboas.is/torrent/ )
* [Instant.io ](https://instant.io/ )
* [BTorrent ](https://btorrent.xyz/ )
* [Bitport ](https://bitport.io/welcome )
* [TorrentSafe ](https://www.torrentsafe.com/ )
2021-12-29 06:18:52 -08:00
* [TorrentCheap ](https://my.torrentcheap.com/ )
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [FileStream ](https://filestream.me/ )
* [ZBIGZ ](https://zbigz.com/ )
2021-10-17 04:34:07 -07:00
* [PeerSM ](https://www.peersm.com/ )
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Magnet Player ](https://ferrolho.github.io/magnet-player/ ) - *Stream Torrents in Browser*
* [JSTorrent ](https://www.jstorrent.com/ ) - *Chrome*
* [BitFord ](https://github.com/astro/bitford ) - *Chrome*
## ▷ [Android Clients](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/android#wiki_.25BA_android_torrenting)
# ► Torrent Sites
2021-09-18 21:21:26 -07:00
* **Note** - It's best to avoid sites that allow anyone to upload without consequence (like thepiratebay) when getting both software and games.
2021-08-17 03:34:11 -07:00
2021-09-17 18:50:15 -07:00
* **[Torrent CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:0led5tukccj )** / [CSE 2 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:kh3piqxus6n ) - *Multi Site Search*
2021-08-24 01:22:30 -07:00
* **[1337x ](https://1337x.to/ )** - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / NSFW*
2021-12-14 02:23:04 -08:00
* **1337x Tools** - [Mirrors ](https://1337x.to/about ) / [Discord Bot ](https://github.com/brandongallagher1999/1337x-Bot ) / [Telegram Bot ](https://t.me/search_content_bot ), [2 ](https://github.com/xbIm/1337x-torrent-telegram-bot ) / [IMDb Ratings ](https://github.com/kotylo/1337imdb )
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* **[RarBG ](https://rarbg.to )** - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / NSFW*
2021-09-18 21:21:26 -07:00
* **RarBG Tools** - [Python Interface ](https://github.com/verybada/rarbgapi ) / [Advanced Filters ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/29661-rarbg-advanced-filters ) / [Add Links ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/23493-rarbg-torrent-and-magnet-links ) / [Thumbnails ](https://github.com/keyboardslayer/rarbg-thumbnails )
2021-11-17 13:06:38 -08:00
* **[RuTracker ](http://rutracker.org )**, [2 ](https://rutracker.nl/ ), [3 ](https://rutracker.net/ ) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Android / Comics / Magazines*
* **RuTracker Tools** - [Addon ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/rutracker_torrent_search/ ) / [Onion ](http://rutrackerripnext.onion/ ) / [Search API ](https://github.com/nikityy/rutracker-api )
2021-12-17 01:51:30 -08:00
* **[TorrentGalaxy ](https://torrentgalaxy.to/ )** - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / NSFW / [Mirrors](https://proxygalaxy.pw/), [2](https://torrentgalaxy.org/) / [.onion](http://galaxy2gchufcb3z.onion/)*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Demonoid ](https://www.demonoid.is/ ) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Comics*
* [Pirateiro ](http://pirateiro.com ) - *Video / Audio / Games / Roms / Software / Android / Books / Comics / NSFW*
* [ETTV ](https://www.ettvcentral.com/ ) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Books / NSFW/ [Proxies](https://ettvproxies.com/)*
* [GloTorrents ](https://glodls.to ) - *Video / Audio / Games / Books / Software / Android / NSFW*
2022-01-06 03:08:07 -08:00
* [MagnetDL ](https://www.magnetdl.com/ ), [2 ]( https://www.magnetdl.org/ ) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Books / [Onion](http://r5cena7erxpnxomyvoybuxh6fkgs55qqdg7bobf6yjx4j6vmywrqvlid.onion/)*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [YggTorrent ](https://ww3.yggtorrent.si/ ) - *Video / Audio / Roms / Software / Books / Android / Comics*
2021-12-25 18:45:39 -08:00
* [LimeTorrents ](https://limetorrents.pro/ ) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [YourBittorrent ](https://yourbittorrent.com/ ), [2 ](https://yourbittorrent2.com/ ) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / NSFW*
* [ProStyleX ](https://prostylex.org/ ) - *Video / Audio / Books / Games / Software / NSFW*
* [IsoHunt ](http://isohunt.ee/ ), [IsoHunts ](https://isohunts.to/ ) or [IsoHunt.nz ](https://isohunt.nz/ ) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Books*
2022-01-18 16:10:11 -08:00
* [ExT ](https://ext.to/ ), [2 ](https://site.extto.com/ ) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Books*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [rutor.info ](http://rutor.info ) or [rutor.is ](http://rutor.is/ ) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Books / Roms / Magazines*
2021-12-14 15:15:24 -08:00
* [NNM-Club ](https://nnmclub.to/ ) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / [Note](https://i.imgur.com/m42r0jU.png)*
2021-09-20 14:39:11 -07:00
* [Torrentz2k ](https://torrentz2k.xyz/ ) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / NSFW*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Legit Torrents ](http://www.legittorrents.info/ ) - *Video / Audio / Software / Books*
* [OTorrents ](https://otorrents.com/ ) - *Video / Games*
* [FOSSTorrents ](https://fosstorrents.com/ ) - *FOSS Software / Games*
* [BitLord Power Search ]( ) - *BitLord Browser Search*
* [Tigole ](https://infogalactic.com/info/Tigole#Getting_Tigole_torrents ) - *Torrent Index*
* [VSTorrent ](https://vstorrent.org/ ) - *Software*
2022-01-21 18:56:59 -08:00
* [Prog-Top ](https://prog-top.net/ ) - *Software*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Fost.ws ](https://fost.ws/ ) - *Software / [Translator](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/traduzir-paginas-web/)*
* [AudioNews ](https://audionews.org/ ) - *Audio Software*
2021-10-08 01:23:13 -07:00
* [m0nkrus ](http://w14.monkrus.ws/ ) - *Adobe Software archive*
* [upawg ](https://upawg.ca ) - *Index of Audio Products*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Telegram Torrents ](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=site%3At.me+torrent&ia=web ) - *Telegram Torrent Channels*
* [ZeroTorrent ]( ) - *[ZeroNet Required](https://zeronet.io/) / Video / Audio / Software / Games*
* [4chan /t/ ](https://boards.4chan.org/t/ ) - *Torrents / Imageboard / Some NSFW*
* [8kun /t/ ](https://8kun.top/t/index.html ) - *Torrents / Imageboard [.onion](http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/t/)*
* [Torrent Site Rankings ](https://dirtywarez.org/cat/tracker ) - *Alexa Rankings*
2021-09-17 18:50:15 -07:00
## ▷ Aggregators
2021-09-22 01:07:52 -07:00
* **[Torrentz2 ](https://torrentz2eu.me/ )** - *[Beta](https://torrentzeu.org/beta/) / [Magnet Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_torrentz2_magnet_links)*
2021-09-17 18:50:15 -07:00
* **[FileListing ](https://filelisting.com )**
* **[snowfl ](https://snowfl.com/ )**
2021-11-22 14:13:13 -08:00
* **[Knaben ](https://knaben.eu/ )**
2021-09-17 18:50:15 -07:00
* [Zooqle ](https://zooqle.com/ )
* [iDope ](https://idope.se )
* [Bitsearch ](https://bitsearch.to/ )
* [Torrent Finder ](https://torrent-finder.com/ )
* [pwned.space ](https://pwned.space/ )
* [TorrentDownload ](https://www.torrentdownload.info/ )
* [Torrent Paradise ](https://torrent-paradise.ml/ )
2021-09-27 14:18:01 -07:00
* [2Torrentz ](https://2torrentz.net/torrentz/ )
2021-09-17 18:50:15 -07:00
* [Toros ](https://www.toros.co/ ) or [Toros2 ](https://www.toros2.com/ )
* [Dirty Torrents ](https://dirtytorrents.com/ )
* [TorrentQuest ](https://torrentquest.com/ )
* [TorrentHound ](http://torrenthound.ee/ )
* [Torrends ](https://torrends.to/ )
2021-09-18 21:21:26 -07:00
* [CloudTorrents ](https://cloudtorrents.com/ )
2021-09-17 18:50:15 -07:00
* [BTDB ](https://btdb.eu/ )
* [BTMET ](https://btmet.com/ )
* [BT4G ](https://bt4g.org/ )
2021-10-24 22:46:14 -07:00
* [ExtraTorrent ](https://extratorrent.unblockit.kim/ )
* [Torrent Download ](http://www.torentdownloads.narod.ru/ )
* [SkyTorrents ](http://www.skytorrents.me/ )
2021-09-17 18:50:15 -07:00
* [BITCQ ](https://bitcq.com/ )
2021-10-08 01:23:13 -07:00
* [TorrentMag ](https://www.torrentmag.net/ )
2021-09-17 18:50:15 -07:00
* [Torrent.nz ](https://torrent.nz/ )
* [TorrentProject2 ](https://torrentproject2.com/ )
* [ciligou0 ](http://ciligou0.com/ )
2021-11-05 03:48:10 -07:00
* [TorrentDB ](https://torrentdb.li/ )
2021-10-30 06:31:48 -07:00
* [0Mag ](https://www.0mag.net/ ), [2 ](https://9mag.net/ ), [3 ](https://3mag.net/ )
2021-09-17 18:50:15 -07:00
* [TorrentDownloads ](https://www.torrentdownloads.pro/ )
2021-12-08 18:48:22 -08:00
* [Torlock ](https://www.torlock.com/ ), [2 ](https://www.torlock2.com/ )
2021-09-17 18:50:15 -07:00
* [iBit.to ](https://ibit.to ) or [iBit.am ](https://ibit.am/ )
2021-10-08 01:23:13 -07:00
* [TorrentFunk ](https://www.torrentfunk.com/ ), [2 ](https://www.torrentfunk2.com/ )
2021-09-17 18:50:15 -07:00
* [7Torrent ](https://www.7torrents.cc/ )
* [concen ](https://www.concen.org/torrents )
* [BTSearch ](https://www.btsearch.ml/ )
* [Solid Torrents ](https://solidtorrents.net/ ) - *[/r/SolidTorrents](https://reddit.com/r/SolidTorrents)*
* [TorrentSeeker ](https://torrentseeker.com )
* [Torrentzeta ](https://www.torrentzeta.com/ )
* [Toorgle ](http://www.toorgle.com/ )
* [Veoble ](http://veoble.com/torrent/ )
2022-01-09 14:27:04 -08:00
* [TorrentSearchRobot ](https://t.me/TorrentSearchRoBot ) - *Telegram Torrent Search*
2021-09-04 06:12:24 -07:00
* [Torrents.csv ](https://torrents-csv.ml/#/ ) - *Torrent CSV Search*
2021-10-02 23:59:16 -07:00
* [BTDigg ](https://btdig.com/index.htm ) - *Torrent DHT Search Engine / [.onion](http://btdigggink2pdqzqrik3blmqemsbntpzwxottujilcdjfz56jumzfsyd.onion/)*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Magnetissimo ](https://github.com/sergiotapia/magnetissimo ) - *Magnet Web App Search*
2021-09-04 06:12:24 -07:00
* [magnetico ](https://github.com/boramalper/magnetico ) or [Torrentinim ](https://github.com/sergiotapia/torrentinim ) - *Self-Hosted Torrent Search Engine*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [torrentsearcher_bot ](https://t.me/torrentsearcher_bot ), [torrenthuntbot ](https://t.me/torrenthuntbot ) or [FDTorrentSearchBot ](https://t.me/FDTorrentSearchBot ) - *Telegram Torrent Search Bot*
## ▷ [Video Sites](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/video#wiki_.25BA_torrent_sites)
## ▷ [Anime Sites](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/video#wiki_.25B7_anime_torrenting)
## ▷ [Educational Sites](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/video#wiki_.25B7_educational_torrenting)
## ▷ [Game Sites](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/games#wiki_.25BA_torrent_games)
## ▷ [Audio Sites](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/audio#wiki_.25BA_audio_torrenting)
# ► Tracker Invites
* **[Private Trackers Guide ](https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Private_trackers )**
2021-08-22 23:19:28 -07:00
* [Private Tracker Flowchart ](https://weboas.is/media/tracker_flow_chart.png )
* [TrackerStatus ](https://trackerstatus.info/ ) - *Tracker Status Updates*
2021-10-16 04:33:47 -07:00
* [Scene Related ](https://opentrackers.org/links/warez-scene/#scenerelated ) - *Warez / Scene Site Index*
2021-08-13 15:42:52 +05:30
* [/r/OpenSignups ](https://reddit.com/r/OpenSignups )
* [/r/Invites ](https://reddit.com/r/Invites )
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [MyAnonaMouse ](https://www.myanonamouse.net/ ) - *Open Applications*
* [CinemaZ ](https://cinemaz.to/auth/register ) - *Movies / TV / Open Registrations*
* [AvistaZ ](https://avistaz.to/auth/register ) - *Asian Movies / TV / Open Registrations*
* [TheShow ](http://theshow.click/ ) - *Open Registrations*
* [XtremeWrestlingTorrents ](http://xtremewrestlingtorrents.net/ ) - *Wrestling Private Tracker / Open Registrations*
* [Torrent Invites ](http://torrentinvites.org/f37/ ) - *Open Tracker Invites / Forum*
* [TorrentInvites ](https://torrentinvites.net/ ) - *Open Tracker Invites / Forum*
* [InviteHawk ](https://www.invitehawk.com/forum/44-open-signup-tracker-updates/ ) - *Open Tracker Invites / Forum*
* [Open for Signup ](https://t.me/opensignup ) - *Open Signups Private Trackers / Telegram*
* [Bemaniso ](https://bemaniso.ws/ ) - *Torrent Tracker / [Auto Transcode / Upload](https://github.com/doggo404/sowsbetter)*
# ► Helpful Sites / Apps
2022-01-18 16:10:11 -08:00
* **[PreDB ](https://predb.ovh/ )** / [2 ](https://predb.me/ ) / [3 ](https://predb.de/ ) / [4 ](https://www.predb.pw/ ), [PreDB Live ](https://predb.live/ ), [M2V ](https://m2v.ru/ ), [srrDB ](https://www.srrdb.com/ ) or [pre.c-burns ](http://pre.c-burns.co.uk/pre.php ) - *Scene Release Tracker*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* **[Tracker Lists ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_tracker_lists )** - *Updated lists of BitTorrent trackers*
2021-10-29 04:28:42 -07:00
* **[T2M ](https://nutbread.github.io/t2m/ )** / [2 ](https://github.com/nutbread/t2m ) or [Torrent Kitty ](https://www.torrentkitty.tv/ ) / [2 ](https://www.torrentkitty.com ) / [3 ](https://www.torrentkitty.net/ ) / [4 ](https://www.torrentkitty.lol/ ) - *Torrent To Magnet Link Conversion*
2021-08-13 15:58:22 +05:30
* **[Auto Torrent Tools List ](https://redd.it/hbwnb2 )**, [FlexGet ](https://flexget.com/ ) or [/r/softwarr ](https://reddit.com/r/softwarr ) - *Autodownload tools*
2021-12-25 16:36:07 -08:00
* [Torrent Legality ](https://i.imgur.com/eNdboCs.png ) - *Torrenting Laws by Country*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Requestrr ](https://github.com/darkalfx/requestrr ) - *Chatbot for Torrent Autodownload Apps*
* [WarezBot ](https://github.com/enzobes/WarezBot ) - *Discord Scene Release Tracker*
* [btcache ](https://btcache.me/ ), [iTorrents ](https://itorrents.org ) or [Torrage ](https://torrage.info/ ) - *Torrent Storage Cache*
* [WebTorrent Checker ](https://checker.openwebtorrent.com/ ) - *Check Health of a Torrent*
* [mgnet ](http://mgnet.me/ ) - *Magnet Link Shortener*
* [MagnetLinkCatcher ](https://github.com/pedrolemoz/MagicMagnet ) - *Magnet Link Catcher / App*
2021-09-17 18:50:15 -07:00
* [RSSFeedz ](https://t.me/rssfeedz ) - *Torrent RSS Feed*
2021-10-17 04:34:07 -07:00
* [OpenWebTorrent ](https://openwebtorrent.com/ ) - *Free Webtorrent Tracker*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [AutoDL-Irssi ](https://autodl-community.github.io/autodl-irssi/ ) - *IRC Channel Monitor / Autodownload / [Slack Notifications](https://gist.github.com/Igglybuff/00d5e91274a562ac724d358bbbc8bc7b)*
* [PrivTracker ](https://privtracker.tk/ ) - *Private BitTorrent Tracker Generator / [GitHub](https://github.com/meehow/privtracker)*
* [AnonSeed ](https://www.anonseed.com/ ) - *Anonymous Torrent Sharing*
2021-10-17 04:34:07 -07:00
* [Torrent-Creator ](https://github.com/Kimbatt/torrent-creator ) - *Browser Torrent Creator*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Torrent Editor ](http://torrenteditor.com/ ) or [Torrent Parts ](https://torrent.parts/ ) - *Edit Torrents Files*
2021-10-17 04:34:07 -07:00
* [TorrentOpener ](http://www.torrentopener.com/ ) - *Torrent Metadata Viewer*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [bittorrent-tracker-editor ](https://github.com/GerryFerdinandus/bittorrent-tracker-editor ) - *Add or Remove Trackers from Torrent Files*
2021-09-20 14:39:11 -07:00
* [mktorrent ](https://github.com/pobrn/mktorrent ) - *Metainfo File Creation CLI*
2021-08-13 15:42:52 +05:30
* [/r/torrents ](https://reddit.com/r/torrents ) - *Torrenting discussion sub*
2021-08-22 00:37:05 +05:30
* [r/VPNTorrents ](https://reddit.com/r/vpntorrents ) - *For Discussion of Torrenting over VPNs*