2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
**[◄◄ Back to Wiki Index ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/index )**
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
**[Table of Contents ](https://i.imgur.com/KSQAUFG.png )** - For mobile users
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
# ► General Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Multi-Tool Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_multi_tool_sites )** - Sites with Multiple Tools
* **[MiXLab ](https://colab.research.google.com/github/shirooo39/MiXLab/blob/master/MiXLab.ipynb )** - Multi-Tool Google Colab
* **[Calculator Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_calculator_sites )** - Multi-Calculator Sites
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* **[Presentation Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_presentation_tools )** - Presentation Tools & Templates
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Versus ](https://versus.com/ )**, [rtings ](https://www.rtings.com/ ), [SocialCompare ](https://socialcompare.com/en ) or [Diffen ](https://www.diffen.com/ ) - Compare Anything
* **[Mind Mapping ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_mind_mapping )** - Organize Ideas & Projects
* **[RepairWiki ](https://repair.wiki/w/Repair_Wiki )** - Device Repair Articles
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* **[TurboTaxSucksAss ](http://turbotaxsucksass.net/ )** or [FreeTaxUSA ](https://www.freetaxusa.com/ ) - File Taxes for Free
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[BeMyEyes ](https://www.bemyeyes.com/ )** - Assist the Visually Impaired
* [RecoRank ](https://recorank.com/ ) or [NanoReview ](https://nanoreview.net/en ) - Tech Reviews / Comparisons
2022-07-31 02:17:00 -07:00
* [Reddit Favorites ](https://redditfavorites.com/ ), [ProductHunt ](https://producthunt.com/ ) or [Consumer Reports ](https://consumerreports.org/ ) - Product & Service Reviews
2022-08-14 20:45:51 -07:00
* [Car.com ](https://www.cars.com/research/compare/ ), [Vehicle Rankings ](https://cars.usnews.com/cars-trucks/rankings ), [Motor1 ](https://www.motor1.com/reviews/ ) or [Edmunds ](https://www.edmunds.com/car-reviews/ ) - Vehicle Reviews / Comparisons
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [GiftWhale ](https://giftwhale.com/ ) - Wishlist Creator
* [LibreOps ](https://libreops.cc/ ) or [Luigi Auriemma ](https://aluigi.altervista.org/ ) - Open Source Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Dashboard ](https://zzanehip.github.io/Dashboard/ ) - Mac-Style Dashboard Widget
* [Experiments with Google ](https://experiments.withgoogle.com/collection/ai ) - AI Experiments / Tools
* [Generative Tools ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N57oAF7j9SuHcy5zg2VZWhttLwR_uEldeMr-VKzlVIQ/ ) - Generative Tool Index
* [Barcode Reader ](https://online-barcode-reader.inliteresearch.com/ ) or [ZXing Decoder ](https://zxing.org/w/decode.jspx ) - Online Barcode Reader
2022-07-26 20:10:27 -07:00
* [Contract-Templates ](https://github.com/Oak-Harbor-Kits/Contract-Templates ) - Digital Contracts
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [The Measure Of Things ](https://www.bluebulbprojects.com/measureofthings/default.php ) - Comparative / Relative Quantity Measurements
* [Compare Sizes ](https://comparesizes.com/ ) - Size Comparison Tool
* [hikaku-sitatter ](https://hikaku-sitatter.com/en/ ) or [Mulmetric ](https://multmetric.com/ ) - Height Comparison Tool
* [Paper Sizes ](https://papersizes.io/ ) - Common Paper Sizes
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [NST ](https://time.gov/ ), [Qlock ](http://www.qlock.com/ ), [WorldTimeBuddy ](https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ ), [TheClockApp ](https://theclockapp.vercel.app/ ), [TimeAndDate ](https://www.timeanddate.com/ ) or [EveryTime Zone ](https://everytimezone.com/ ) - World Clock
2022-08-26 16:58:30 -07:00
* [FlipClockWeb ](https://flipclockweb.netlify.app/ ), [TheColourClock ](http://thecolourclock.com/ ) or [HexClock ](https://www.jacopocolo.com/hexclock/ ) - Fullscreen Clocks
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Epoch Converter ](https://www.epochconverter.com/ ) - Epoch & Unix Timestamp Conversion Tools
* [How Many Days Since ](http://howmanydayssince.net/ ), [CalcuDater ](https://calcudater.com/ ) or [How Many Days Until ](https://howmanydaysuntil.co/ ) - Calculate Days Since a Date
* [e.gg Timer ](https://e.ggtimer.com/ ) or [Juicy Timer ](https://juicytimer.com/ ) - Timer
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [StageTimer ](https://stagetimer.io/ ) - Event Timer
* [DripDrop ](https://www.dripdrop.live/ ) - Product Drop Countdown
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [SetAlarmClock ](https://setalarmclock.net/ ) - Online Alarm Clock
* [Time.is ](https://time.is/ ) - Check Accuracy of System Clock
* [Dashana ](https://dashana.com/ ), [DataWrapper ](https://www.datawrapper.de/ ), [RAWgraphs ](https://app.rawgraphs.io/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/rawgraphs/rawgraphs-app ) or [ParaView ](https://github.com/Kitware/ParaView ) - Data Visualization Tool
* [Grocy ](https://grocy.info/ ) - Grocery / Household Management Tool
* [Volmarg ](https://volmarg.github.io/ ) - Personal Management Tool
2022-08-05 22:29:24 -07:00
* [WhoBrings ](https://whobrings.com/ ) - Party Item Management Tool
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Collaboration Platforms ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_collaboration_platforms ) - Project Management Tools
* [GanttProject ](https://www.ganttproject.biz/ ) - Project Scheduling App
* [Calendars ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_calendars ) - Calendar & Scheduling Tools
* [wnr ](https://getwnr.com/ ) - Time Management App / [GitHub ](https://github.com/RoderickQiu/wnr )
* [To-Do Apps ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_note_taking_.2F_to_do_apps ) - To-Do List Apps
* [Creative Commons ](https://creativecommons.org/ ) - Creative Commons Licenses
* [ievaphone ](https://ievaphone.com/ ), [blacktel ](https://www.blacktel.io/ ), [Citrustel ](https://www.citrustel.com/ ) or [PopTox ](https://www.poptox.com/ ) - Make Free Phone Calls
* [Free-lookup ](https://www.free-lookup.net/ ) - Phone # Lookup
* [tuxi ](https://github.com/Bugswriter/tuxi ) - Question & Answer CLI
2022-08-05 22:29:24 -07:00
* [Carbon Independent ](https://www.carbonindependent.org/ ) - Carbon Footprint Calculator
* [Price Tracking ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/misc#wiki_.25BA_price_tracking ) - Price Tracking Sites / Apps
* [OpenTable ](https://www.opentable.com/ ) - Restaurant Reservation Search
* [SongKick ](https://www.songkick.com/ ) or [FindYourFest ](https://www.findyourfest.com/ ) - Concerts / Music Festival Search
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Sleepyti.me ](https://sleepyti.me/ ) or [Sleeptyme ](https://sleeptyme.ca/ ) - Bedtime Calculator
* [A Bra That Fits ](https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php ) - Bra Size Calculator
* [The Sustainabilitist ](https://sustainabilitist.com/ ) - Sustainability Resource Hub
2022-08-05 22:29:24 -07:00
* [ActivityWatch ](https://activitywatch.net/ ) - Automatically Track Device Activity / [Extensions ](https://github.com/ActivityWatch/aw-watcher-web )
2022-05-10 21:09:44 -07:00
* [Cold Turkey ](https://getcoldturkey.com/ ) - Site Blocker / Productivity Booster / [Premium Unlock ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_cold_turkey_premium )
* [Tempus ](https://tempus.keziahmoselle.fr/ ), [ManicTime ](https://www.manictime.com/ ), [Clockify ](https://clockify.me/ ), [Pro Modoro ](https://pro-modoro.xyz/ ) / [2 ](https://pomofocus.io/ ) or [Super-Productivity ](https://github.com/johannesjo/super-productivity ) - Productivity Managers
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [DogSheep ](https://dogsheep.github.io/ ) - Personal Analytics Tools
2022-08-05 22:29:24 -07:00
* [Stretchly ](https://hovancik.net/stretchly ), [WorkRave ](https://workrave.org/ ), [Take a Five ](http://www.takeafive.com/ ), [BreakMessage ](https://breakmessage.com/ ) or [Mindfulness at the Computer ](https://mindfulness-at-the-computer.gitlab.io/ ) - Break Reminders / Trackers
* [DoINeedAJacket ](https://doineedajacket.com/weather/ ), [Weather.com ](https://weather.com/ ), [DogeWeather ](http://dogeweather.com/ ), [National Weather Service ](https://www.weather.gov/ ), [ClearOutside ](https://clearoutside.com/ ), [ForcastAdvisor ](https://www.forecastadvisor.com/ ) or [wttr ](https://wttr.in/ ) - Weather Reports
2022-07-28 00:58:58 -07:00
* [IEMBot ](https://weather.im/iembot/ ) - Weather Bot Monitor
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [World Weather Online ](https://www.worldweatheronline.com/ ) - Historical Weather Reports
* [Cricket Convert ](https://www.weather.gov/epz/wxcalc_cricketconvert ) - Estimate Temperature via Cricket Chirps
* [Elevation ](https://tikolu.net/elevation/ ) - Find Current Elevation
* [BreezoMeter ](https://www.breezometer.com/ ) - Air Quality Reports
* [RTL-SDR ](https://gist.github.com/fasiha/c123a9c6b6c78df7597bb45e0fed808f ) - DIY FAA & EASA Satellite Feeds / Transponder
2022-05-25 22:19:10 -07:00
* [Cool Generator ](https://www.coolgenerator.com/ ), [Random-Ize ](https://random-ize.com/ ), [RANDOM ](https://www.random.org/ ), [BestRandoms ](https://www.bestrandoms.com/ ), [Randommer ](https://randommer.io/ ), [GeneratorFun ](https://generatorfun.com/ ) or [Random Lists ](https://www.randomlists.com/ ) - Random Generators
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Score Count ](https://scorecount.com/ ) - Online Sports Scoreboards
* [Wheel Decide ](https://wheeldecide.com/ ) or [Wheel of Names ](https://wheelofnames.com/ ) - Wheel Randomizer
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [Poll Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_poll_sites ) - Create Polls
2022-08-01 00:23:03 -07:00
* [Kukkee ](https://www.kukkee.com/ ) - Meeting Time Polls
2022-07-28 00:58:58 -07:00
* [Evote ](https://github.com/IBM/evote ), [SimpleVote ](https://github.com/dessalines/simple-vote ), [CryptoBallot ](https://cryptoballot.com/ ) or [BlockVotes ](https://github.com/yfgeek/BlockVotes ) - Online Voting Platform
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [Event Rally ](https://rallly.co/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/lukevella/Rallly ), [Mobilizon ](https://joinmobilizon.org/ ) or [Gancio ](https://gancio.org/ ) - Event Organizing
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Diff Checker ](https://www.diffchecker.com/ ) - Check Differences in Text, Images, PDFs or Files
* [Find Your Place ](https://where-is-this.com/ ) - Find Places from Pictures
2022-04-19 09:36:06 -07:00
* [IRuler ](https://iruler.net/ ) - Turn Device into Ruler
2022-07-31 02:17:00 -07:00
* [Chaotic Shiny ](http://chaoticshiny.com/ ) - Fantasy Writing Generator
* [MixedName ](https://mixedname.com/ ) - Find Bilingual Baby Names
2022-07-24 17:47:17 -07:00
* [GitKraken Timeline ](https://timelines.gitkraken.com/ ), [Timeline Cascade ](https://cascade.page/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/kochrt/cascade.page ), [Timeline JS ](https://timeline.knightlab.com/ ) or [Time.Graphics ](https://time.graphics/ ) - Create Timelines
* [Timeliner ](https://github.com/mholt/timeliner ) - Create Personal Digital Timeline
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [SwimLanes ](https://swimlanes.io/ ) or [Diagrams.net ](https://www.diagrams.net/ ) - Create Diagrams
* [WhatDog ](https://www.bing.com/visualsearch/Microsoft/WhatDog ) - Dog Breed Identification Tool
2022-08-24 01:20:34 -07:00
* [tusk ](https://tusk.page/ ) or [AnonReply ](https://anonreply.com/ ) - Give & Receive Anonymous Feedback
2022-07-26 01:23:50 -07:00
* [Familypedia ](https://familypedia.fandom.com/ ), [Gramps ](https://gramps-project.org/blog/ ) or [WikiTree ](https://wikitree.com/ ) - Family Trees
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [DreamForth ](http://www.dreamforth.com/ ) - Dream Interpretations
* [Delphi ](https://delphi.allenai.org/ ) - Morality Judgement A.I.
* [ThistoThat ](http://www.thistothat.com/ ) - How to Glue Anything to Anything
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* [My Car Makes Noise ](http://mycarmakesnoise.com/ ) - Diagnose Car Problems via Sounds
* [CarComplaints ](https://www.carcomplaints.com/ ) - Car Problems, Car Complaints, & Repair
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [PlateRecognizer ](http://platerecognizer.com/ ) - License Plate Recognition
* [Safe Substance ](https://safesubstance.com/ ) - Drug Combination Info / Harm Reduction
* [Stolen Camera Finder ](https://www.stolencamerafinder.com/ ) - Find Stolen Cameras
* [AFreeSMS ](https://www.afreesms.com/freesms/ ) - Send Free Texts
* [Parcelsapp ](https://parcelsapp.com/en/ ) or [17Track ](https://www.17track.net/en ) - International Package Tracking
* [Sweet Home 3D ](http://www.sweethome3d.com/ ) - Interior Design App
2022-05-25 22:19:10 -07:00
* [EasyEDA ](https://easyeda.com/editor ) - Electronic Circuit Design Tool
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [TemplateMaker ](https://www.templatemaker.nl/ ) - Package & Box Templates
* [WebQR ](https://www.webqr.com/ ) - QR Code Scanner
2022-08-10 21:33:02 -07:00
* [QR Code Generators ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_qr_code_generators ) - Generate QR Codes
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [findhelp.org ](https://www.findhelp.org/ ) - Find Assistive Programs
* [/r/Assistance ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/ ), [/r/borrow ](https://www.reddit.com/r/borrow/ ), [/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza/ ) or [/r/Homeless ](https://www.reddit.com/r/homeless/ ) - Assistance & Donation Subreddits
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [Homeless ](https://discord.gg/6RT7RBqUNX ) - Homeless Assistance / Support Community
* [Helpmap ](https://helpmap.io/ ) - Nonprofit Donation Map
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Text Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Text Editors ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_text_editors )** - Text Editing Tools
2022-08-10 21:33:02 -07:00
* **[Note Taking / Scheduling ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_note_taking_.2F_to_do_apps )** - Note Taking / To-Do Apps
* **[Calendars ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_calendars )** - Calendar / Scheduling Tools
* **[Pastebins ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_pastebins )** - Paste / Store Text Online
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Office Suites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_office_suites )** - Office Suite Software
2022-08-10 21:33:02 -07:00
* **[Translation Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_translation_sites )** - Online Translators
* **[Grammar / Spell Check ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_grammar_check )** - Grammar Checking Tools
* **[Multiple Text Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_multi_text_tool_sites )** - Sites with Multiple Text Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [MarkdownPastebin ](https://markdownpastebin.com/ ) - Markdown Pastebin
2022-08-05 01:39:26 -07:00
* [Scrivener ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_scrivener ) - Book Writing App
2022-08-02 00:27:29 -07:00
* [WriteURL ](https://www.writeurl.com/ ) - Collaborative Text Editor
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [GhostText ](https://ghosttext.fregante.com/ ) - Use Text Editor in Browser
* [ChecklistGenerator ](https://checklistgenerator.co/ ) - Checklist Generator
* [Wonder ](https://wonder-bot.com/ ) - Remember Things Easily
* [Scrapbox ](https://scrapbox.io/ ) - Write & link Notes, Docs & Pages
* [Manuskript ](https://www.theologeek.ch/manuskript/ ) - Writing Organizer & Planner
* [WorkFlowy ](https://workflowy.com/ ) - Work Organizer
* [KiloDoc ](https://www.kilodoc.com/ ) or [GroupDocs ](https://products.groupdocs.app/viewer/total ) - Online Document Editor
* [docz ](https://www.docz.site/ ) - Write and Publish Interactive Documentation
* [EncryptPad ](https://evpo.net/encryptpad/ ) - Encrypted Text Editor
* [Calculist ](https://calculist.io/ ) - Note Taking for Problem Solving
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [journaltxt ](https://journaltxt.github.io/ ), [Gekri ](https://gekri.com/ ), [App linked ](https://uselinked.com/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/lostdesign/linked ), [Gemlog ](https://gemlog.blue/ ), [jrnl.sh ](https://jrnl.sh/ ) or [journal-cli ](https://v1.journalcli.app/ ) - Journal App
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* [Here and Now ](https://here-and-now.glitch.me/ ) - Daily Reflections Journal
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Lyx ](https://www.lyx.org/ ) - LaTeX Editor / [Guide ](https://www.learnlatex.org/ )
* [Detexify ](http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html ) - Handwritten LaTeX Symbol Recognition
* [How To Use Excel ](https://www.how-use-excel.com/ ) - Excel Tutorial
2022-07-04 21:12:05 -07:00
* [Vertex42 ](https://www.vertex42.com/ ) - Excel Templates
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Plain Text Table ](https://plaintexttools.github.io/plain-text-table/ ) - Text Tables
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [EditCSVOnline ](https://www.editcsvonline.com/ ) - Online CSV Editor
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Read File Online ](http://www.readfileonline.com/ ) - Online Large Text File Viewer
* [Office Search ](http://www.enselsoftware.com/product/OfficeSearch.html ) - Multi-File Text Search
2022-07-31 02:17:00 -07:00
* [PDF Keywords Extractor ](https://github.com/bendersej/pdf-keywords-extractor ) - PDF File Text Search
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [ConvertText ](https://converttext.io/ ) - Text Converter
* [Text File Splitter ](https://textfilesplitter.com/ ) - Text File Splitter
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [Text Rephrashing Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_text_rephrashing ) - Rephrase / Paraphrase Text
* [Neble ](https://neble.app/summary ) - Sunmarize Text
2022-08-05 01:39:26 -07:00
* [Linguix ](https://linguix.com/ ), [HyperWrite ](https://hyperwriteai.com/ ) or [TextCleanr ](https://www.textcleanr.com/ ) - Writing Assistant
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Plagiarism Detection Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_plagiarism_detection ) - Detect Plagiarized Content
* [Cliche Finder ](http://cliche.theinfo.org/ ) - Detect Cliches
* [phraseup ](http://www.phraseup.com/ ) - Autocomplete Common Phrases
2022-05-10 21:09:44 -07:00
* [Transformer ](https://transformer.huggingface.co/ ), [SpeedWrite ](https://speedwrite.com/ ), [TurbineText ](https://www.turbinetext.com/en ), [TextSynth ](https://textsynth.com/playground.html ) or [Talk to Transformer ](https://app.inferkit.com/demo ) - Text Autocomplete
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [EleutherAI ](https://6b.eleuther.ai/ ) or [Essaytyper ](http://www.essaytyper.com/ ) - Text / Story Autocomplete
2022-08-13 20:39:48 -07:00
* [SongLyricsGenerator ](http://www.songlyricsgenerator.com/ ) or [song-lyrics-generator ](https://www.song-lyrics-generator.org.uk/ ) - Generate Fake Song Lyrics
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Twinery ](https://twinery.org/ ) - Interactive Non-Linear Story Creator
* [Idyll ](https://idyll-lang.org/editor ) - Create Interactive Essays / [GitHub ](https://github.com/idyll-lang/idyll )
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [FocusWriter ](https://gottcode.org/focuswriter/ ), [Writemonkey ](http://writemonkey.com/ ), [WriteNext ](https://www.writenext.io/ ) or [Writer ](https://www.gibney.org/writer ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/no-gravity/writer ) - Distraction-Free Writing Apps
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [NovelWriter ](https://novelwriter.io/ ) - Markdown Style Novel Editor
* [Papyrus Author ](https://www.papyrusauthor.com/ ) - Creative Writing Suite
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* [Seventh Sanctum ](https://www.seventhsanctum.com/ ) - Fantasy Writing Generators
* [Fantasy Name Generators ](https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/ ) - Fantasy Name Generators
2022-08-05 22:29:24 -07:00
* [Lorem Ipsum Generator ](https://apps.maximelafarie.com/lig/ ), [DevLorem ](https://github.com/Kovah/DevLorem ) or [Lorem Ipsum ](https://www.lipsum.com/ ) - Generate Placeholder Text
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [text-regenerator ](https://github.com/jddunn/text-regenerator ) - Replace Words with Synonyms
* [Typoer ](https://github.com/georgetian3/typoer ) - Types Text with Typos / Corrections
* [How to annotate literally everything ](https://beepb00p.xyz/annotating.html ) - Annotation Tools / Resources
* [Crow Translate ](https://github.com/crow-translate/crow-translate ) or [Argos ](https://github.com/argosopentech/argos-translate ) - Translation App
* [Translate Shell ](https://www.soimort.org/translate-shell/ ) - Translation CLI / [GitHub ](https://github.com/soimort/translate-shell )
2022-07-26 01:23:50 -07:00
* [OnlineDocTranslator ](https://www.onlinedoctranslator.com/en/ ) - Document Translator
* [LyricsTranslate ](https://lyricstranslate.com/ ) - Lyric Translator
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [LingoJam ](https://lingojam.com/ ) - Create Translator
* [Translator++ ](https://dreamsavior.net/translator-the-introduction/ ) - Automatic Translator / Editor
* [Poedit ](https://poedit.net/ ) - Translation Editor
* [OmegaT ](https://omegat.org/ ) - Translation Memory Tool
2022-08-12 12:56:24 -07:00
* [TranslateImages ](https://translateimages.site/ ) - Translate Image Text
2022-08-13 20:39:48 -07:00
* [Image to Text Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_image_to_text ) - Extract Text from Images
2022-08-05 22:29:24 -07:00
* [Lonliness Translate ](https://loneliness.one/translate ) - Re-translate Phrases
2022-08-13 20:39:48 -07:00
* [InternetSlangTranslator ](https://lingojam.com/InternetSlangTranslator2-0 ) - Translate Text to Slang
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [The Pirate Translator ](https://pirate.monkeyness.com/translate ) - Translate Text to Pirate
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [SoftMyList ](https://sortmylist.com/ ) or [The Alphabetizer ](https://alphabetizer.flap.tv/ ) - Organize / Format Text
* [Delim ](https://delim.co/ ) - Comma Separating Tool
2022-07-26 01:23:50 -07:00
* [Align Toolkit ](http://phraseotext.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/webAlignToolkit/index.php ) - Create Parallel Text Web
* [TextRepeater ](https://textrepeater.com/ ) - Repeat Text
2022-04-16 13:45:25 -07:00
* [Count Duplicates ](https://www.somacon.com/p568.php ) or [MyNikko ](http://www.mynikko.com/tools/tool_duplicateremover.html ) - Count / Remove Duplicates in a List
2022-04-20 23:09:39 -07:00
* [TextCompare ](https://www.textcompare.org/ ) - Compare Text
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [Count Wordsworth ](http://countwordsworth.com/ ) - Count Words in a List
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [OfficeDocs ](https://www.offidocs.com/ ) - Runs Desktop / Mobile Apps Online
* [Text / Code Collaboration ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_text_.2F_code_collaboration ) - Text / Code Collaboration Tools
* [Buffered.link ](https://buffered.link/ ) - Share Text Between Devices
2022-04-16 13:45:25 -07:00
* [Baserow ](https://gitlab.com/bramw/baserow ), [Framacalc ](https://accueil.framacalc.org/en/ ), [NocoDB ](https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb ) or [AirTable ](https://airtable.com/ ) - Collaborative Spreadsheet
2022-08-02 00:27:29 -07:00
* [TinySheet ](https://tinysheet.com/ ), [Gnumeric ](http://www.gnumeric.org/ ), [EtherCalc ](https://ethercalc.net/ ) or [LuckysheetDocs ](https://mengshukeji.github.io/LuckysheetDocs/ ) - Spreadsheets
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Jamovi ](https://www.jamovi.org/ ) - Statistical Spreadsheets
* [Diagram.codes ](https://www.diagram.codes/ ) - Convert Text to Diagrams
2022-07-28 00:58:58 -07:00
* [Watson ](https://speech-to-text-demo.ng.bluemix.net/ ), [Dictation ](https://dictation.io/speech ), [SpeechTexter ](https://www.speechtexter.com/ ), [ConvertSpeech ](https://www.convertspeech.com/ ), [SpeechNotes ](https://speechnotes.co/ ), [LilySpeech ](https://lilyspeech.com/ ), [VoiceToText ](https://voicetotext.org/ ), [TalkTyper ](https://talktyper.com/ ) or [VoiceNotebook ](https://voicenotebook.com/ ) - Speech to Text
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Text to Handwriting ](https://saurabhdaware.github.io/text-to-handwriting/ ) or [HandWrittner ](https://handwrittner.com/?lang=en ) - Text to Handwriting Converter
* [WindowTextExtractor ](https://github.com/AlexanderPro/WindowTextExtractor ) - Extract Text From Any Window
* [ExtractMailAddress ](https://extractemailaddress.com/ ) - Extract Email's, URLs & Numbers from Text
* [Scanner ](https://simon-knuth.github.io/scanner/index ) - Scanner App / [GitHub ](https://github.com/simon-knuth/scanner )
* [MakeSweet ](https://makesweet.com/ ) - Send 3D Messages
* [Cryptii ](https://cryptii.com/ ) - Modular Conversion, Encoding & Encryption
* [dCode ](https://www.dcode.fr/en ) - Message Decoders
* [StegCloak ](https://stegcloak.surge.sh/ ) - Hide Messages in Text
* [telescopictext ](https://www.telescopictext.org/ ) - Write Text Within Text
* [Universal Online Cyrillic Decoder ](https://2cyr.com/decode/?lang=en ) - Decode / Recover Scrambled Text into Cyrillic
* [AnagramAssistant ](https://keitharm.me/projects/anagramAssistant/ ) - Anagram Tool
* [Tone Analyzer ](https://tone-analyzer-demo.ng.bluemix.net/ ) - Text Tone Detection
* [Just Not Sorry ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/just-not-sorry-the-gmail/fmegmibednnlgojepmidhlhpjbppmlci ) - Undermining Word Detection
* [Character / Word Counters ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_character_.2F_word_counters ) - Character / Word Counters
* [Gramma ](https://caderek.github.io/gramma/ ) - Command Line Grammar Checker
* [R2bEEaton's Phonetic Reverser ](https://spea.cc/backwards/ ) or [TextReverse ](https://www.textreverse.com/ ) - Reverse Text
* [UpsideDown Text ](https://www.upsidedowntext.com/ ) - Generate Upside Down Text
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [I or l? ](https://iorl.info/ ) / [2 ](https://www.iorl.org/ ) - Is it an uppercase "i", or is it a lowercase "L"?
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [ripgrep ](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep ) - Recursive Search Tool
* [CopyChar ](https://copychar.cc/ ), [Unicode Table ](https://unicode-table.com/en/ ), [Copy Paste Dump ](https://c.r74n.com/ ), [Unicode Explorer ](https://unicode-explorer.com/ ), [CopyPasteCharacter ](https://copypastecharacter.com/ ), [Unilist ](https://unilist.raphaelbastide.com/ ) or [Cool Symbol ](https://coolsymbol.com/ ) - Copy & Paste Unicode Characters
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [Copy-Paste-Space ](https://copy-paste-space.com/ ) or [BlankText ](https://blanktext.net/ ) - Copy / Paste Blank Spaces
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Donger List ](http://dongerlist.com/ ) - 600+ Unicode Emoticons
* [Japanese emoji copy and paste ](https://japaneseemojicopyandpaste.com/ ) - Lenny Face / Japanese Emoticons
* [taag ](http://patorjk.com/software/taag/ ) - ASCII Text Generator
* [Text Smileys ](https://lenny-face-generator.textsmilies.com/ ) - Create ASCII Face
* [ASCII Art Creator ](https://github.com/CherryPill/ASCII-art-creator ) or [ASCII Today ](https://ascii.today/ ) - ASCII Art Generator
* [randSeq ](http://www.dave-reed.com/Nifty/randSeq.html ) - Random Letter Sequence Generator
* [quipqiup ](https://www.quipqiup.com/ ) - Cryptogram Solver
* [Age Online ](https://age-online.com/ ) - Text Encryption Tool
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [JMESPath ](https://jmespath.org/ ) - Query Language for JSON / [Tutorial ](https://jmespath.org/tutorial.html )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [xeuledoc ](https://github.com/Malfrats/xeuledoc ) - Fetch Information about Public Google Documents
* [Useless-Translator ](https://vcjhwebdev.github.io/useless-translator/ ) - Morse Code / Binary Translator
* [Infinite Story ](https://infinite-story.com/ ) or [WriteAlong ](https://www.writealong.io/ ) - Collaborative Story Writing
* [Podpis ](https://podpis-online.ru/ ) - Signature Generator
2022-08-06 23:57:31 -07:00
* [Signaturely ](https://signaturely.com/ ) or [SignFree ](https://signfree.io/ ) - Get Documents Digitally Signed
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Polona Typo ](http://typo.polona.pl/en/ ) - Create Text out of Book, Poster & Map Letters
* [The Death Generator ](https://deathgenerator.com/ ) - Video Game Text Generator
* [Pixel Speech Bubble ](https://pixelspeechbubble.com/ ) - Create Pixel Speech Bubbles
* [Acme Caption ](https://acme.com/caption/ ) - Caption Creator
* [SimpleWriter ](https://xkcd.com/simplewriter/ ) - Simple Words Writing Tool
* [Text Paint ](https://textpaint.net/ ) - Text Paint Program
* [uwu ]( https://github.com/Daniel-Liu-c0deb0t/uwu ) - Text uwuifier
* [SVGBob Editor ](https://ivanceras.github.io/svgbob-editor/ ) - Convert ASCII Diagrams to SVG Images
* [E5 Rclone Actions ](https://github.com/ChirmyRam/E5-Rclone-Actions-Repo ) - Keep OneDrive Office E5 Active
* [Image to Braille ](https://505e06b2.github.io/Image-to-Braille/ ) - Convert Images to Braille
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2021-08-25 03:49:34 -07:00
## ▷ [Image Tools](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/img-tools)
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Video Tools
2022-04-23 03:22:45 -07:00
* **[Awesome Video ](https://github.com/krzemienski/awesome-video )** - Video Tool Index
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Video Players ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_video_players )** - Video Players & Tools
* **[Media Servers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_media_servers )** - Servers to Host / Play Media
* **[Video Stream Sync ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_video_stream_sync )** - Video Streaming Sync / Watch Parties
* **[Video Editors ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_video_editors )** - Video Editing Software & Sites
* **[Graphic Design Software ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/download#wiki_.25B7_gfx_design_software )** - Download GFX Design Software
* **[Stock Videos ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_stock_video_sites )** - Free Stock Video Footage
* **[Video Hosting Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_video_hosting_sites )** - Upload / Stream Videos
* **[VideoHelp ](https://www.videohelp.com/software )** - Video Software Archive
* **[Video File Converters ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_video_converters )** - Video Converters / Encoders
* **[Video Encoding Guides ](https://sometimes-archives-things.github.io/archived-things/ )**, [2 ](https://encoding-guide.neocities.org/ ) - Learn how to Encode Videos
2022-05-08 10:39:05 -07:00
* **[Basics to the Art of Remuxing ](https://rentry.co/Remuxing )** - Learn how to Remux Videos
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Screen Recorders ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_screen_recorders )** - Record your Screen
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* **[Multi-Site Video Downloaders ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_multi_site_video_downloaders )**
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* **[YouTube Video Downloaders ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_youtube_video_downloaders )**
* **[OBS ](https://obsproject.com/ )**, [Streamlabs-OBS ](https://github.com/stream-labs/streamlabs-obs ), [SteamLabs ](https://streamlabs.com/ ), [Restream ](https://restream.io/ ), [Twitch Studio ](https://www.twitch.tv/broadcast/studio ) or [TwitchChat ](https://twitchat.fr/ ) - Live Stream Managers
* **OBS Tools** - [Virtual Cam ](https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/obs-virtualcam.949/ ) / [Tweaks ](http://discord.gg/CTT ) / [Effects ](https://github.com/Xaymar/obs-StreamFX )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [VideoTuts ](http://videotuts.ru/ ) - Video Design Tutorials / [Translator ](https://github.com/FilipePS/Traduzir-paginas-web )
* [Team V.R releases ](https://codec.kiev.ua/releases.html ) - Professional Video, Audio & Adobe Software / Plugins
2022-08-05 22:29:24 -07:00
* [VFX Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_vfx_sites ) - Download Video Effects
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Free-Codecs ](https://www.free-codecs.com/ ) - Codec Packs & Multimedia Tools
2022-08-04 06:14:47 -07:00
* [VideoSmaller ](https://www.videosmaller.com/ ), [Compress Video Online ](https://compress-video-online.com/ ), [8mb.video ](https://8mb.video/ ) or [MP4Compress ](https://www.mp4compress.com/ ) - Video Compressors
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [youtube-cld ](https://github.com/anatolykopyl/youtube-cdl ) - Bulk YouTube Channel Downloader
* [SaveVK ](https://savevk.com/ ) - Download VK videos
* [DMVideo ](https://dmvideo.download/ ) - DailyMotion Video Downloader
2022-05-06 17:58:43 -07:00
* [Pincase ](https://pincase.xyz/ ) - Pinterest Video Downloader
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [VLive Downloads ](https://home.soshistagram.com/naver_v/ ) - VLive Video Downloader
* [kmttg ](https://www.videohelp.com/software/kmttg ) - TivoToGo Download Manager
* [TikTok Video Downloaders ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_tiktok_video_downloaders ) - Download TikTok Videos
* [myfaveTT ](https://myfavett.com/ ) - Download Your Liked TikTok Videos
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [How-to Rip Videos from Amazon ](https://web.archive.org/web/20210102125108/https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/kmodia/improved_text_video_tutorial_on_how_to_rip_from/ ), [2 ](https://web.archive.org/web/20210112204744/https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/km1pkl/how_to_rip_from_amazon_loselessly/ )
* [How to Rip Videos from Disney+ ](https://redd.it/ncyxzx ), [2 ](https://web.archive.org/web/20210516014412/https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/ncyxzx/tutorial_how_to_rip_moviesshows_from_disney_plus/ )
* [Chat-Downloader ](https://github.com/xenova/chat-downloader ) - Retrieve Chat Messages from Livestreams
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [PlayPhrase ](https://playphrase.me/ ), [Filmot ](https://filmot.com/ ) or [Yarn ](https://yarn.co/ ), [2 ](https://getyarn.io/ ) - Clip Quote Search Engine
2022-08-05 23:33:35 -07:00
* [FFmpeg ](https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg ) - Video / Audio Recorder, Converter & Streaming
2022-08-26 16:58:30 -07:00
* FFmpeg Tools - [Frontend ](https://github.com/llamaret/MystiQ ) / [GUI ](https://axiomui.github.io/ ), [2 ](https://github.com/MattMcManis/Axiom ) / [M3u8 Download ](https://gist.github.com/tzmartin/fb1f4a8e95ef5fb79596bd4719671b5d ) / [Builds ](https://github.com/BtbN/FFmpeg-Builds ) / [Autobuild ](https://github.com/m-ab-s/media-autobuild_suite ) / [Guide ](https://github.com/leandromoreira/ffmpeg-libav-tutorial ) / [Cheat Sheet ](https://gist.github.com/steven2358/ba153c642fe2bb1e47485962df07c730 ) / [Script ](https://codeberg.org/Denshi/Scripts/src/branch/master/cvrt )
2022-08-28 18:37:33 -07:00
* [VideoProc ](https://www.videoproc.com/ ) or [Libav ](https://www.libav.org/ ) - Video Processing Software
2022-07-28 00:58:58 -07:00
* [DJV ](https://darbyjohnston.github.io/DJV/ ) - Professional Video Review Player
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Swivel ](https://www.newgrounds.com/wiki/creator-resources/flash-resources/swivel ) - SWF to Video Converter
* [MotionFactory ](https://www.motionfactory.io/ ) - Video Editing Workflow Manager
2022-08-20 22:10:00 -07:00
* [ppInk ](https://github.com/PubPub-zz/ppInk/ ), [glnk ](https://github.com/geovens/gInk ), [Annotate Screen ](https://annotatescreen.com/ ), [Live Draw ](https://github.com/antfu/live-draw ) or [Pensela ](https://github.com/weiameili/Pensela ) - Screen Annotation
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [VidGrid ](https://vidgrid.tk.gg/ ) - View Multiple Streams Simultaneously
* [Awesome Streaming Tools ](https://github.com/juancarlospaco/awesome-streaming-tools ) or [OBS Ninja ](https://obs.ninja/ ) - Streaming Tools Indexes
* [dart_vlc ](https://github.com/alexmercerind/dart_vlc ) - Video Recording / Streaming
* [VegasScripts ](https://github.com/otomad/VegasScripts ) - MAGIX Vegas Scripts
* [VDO.Ninja ](https://vdo.ninja/ ) - Remote Camera Video Production
* [Stream Elements ](https://streamelements.com/ ) - Streaming Service Manager
* [LiveRecord ](https://github.com/lovezzzxxx/liverecord ) - Automatic Stream Recorder
* [LiveMonitor ](https://github.com/lovezzzxxx/livemonitor ) - Live Stream Detection
* [real-url ](https://github.com/wbt5/real-url ) - Copy Live Stream URLs
2022-07-04 21:12:05 -07:00
* [Owncast ](https://owncast.online/ ) or [OpenStreamingPlatform ](https://openstreamingplatform.com/ ) - Self-Hosted Live Streaming
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [WatchVideoByLink ](https://github.com/MohamedBakoush/WatchVideoByLink ) - Watch, download and Organize public video URLs
* [WDFlat ](https://www.wdflat.com/ ) - Stream Elements
* [Streamon ](https://getstreamon.com/ ) - Stream to Instagram from PC / [GitHub ](https://github.com/haxzie/instagram-live-streamer )
2022-07-24 17:47:17 -07:00
* [VTuber References ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15UpI8GEqv22T45AD3L1EgcPB4l2Tvr64aDgLq7xZfMA/htmlview ), [Vignette ](https://vignetteapp.org/ ) or [Vtube Studio ](https://denchisoft.com/ ) - VTuber Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Kalidoface 3D ](https://3d.kalidoface.com/ ), [Animaze ](https://www.animaze.us/ ) or [Gazo Tuber ](https://ai-risun.itch.io/gazo-tuber ) - VTuber Characters
* [avatarify-python ](https://github.com/alievk/avatarify-python ) or [veadotube ](https://olmewe.itch.io/veadotube-mini ) - Video Call Avatars
* [screengif ](https://github.com/dergachev/screengif ), [gifcap ](https://gifcap.dev/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/joaomoreno/gifcap ) or [licecap ](https://www.cockos.com/licecap/ ) - Turn Screencasts into GIFs
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [Stream Recorder ](https://www.hlsloader.com/ ) - Streaming Video Recorder
* [tldv ](https://tldv.io/ ) - Record Google Meets & Zoom
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [GifW00t ](https://github.com/yaronn/GifW00t ) - Javascript Web Recorder
* [Jupitrr ](https://jupitrr.com/ ) - Create Videos from Voice Recordings
* [PseudoTV ](https://github.com/DEFENDORe/pseudotv ) - Create TV Channels using Plex Library
* [Greety ](https://greety.co/ ) - Send Video Christmas Cards
2022-08-28 18:37:33 -07:00
* [Avidemux ](http://fixounet.free.fr/avidemux/ ) - Cut / Filter / Encode
* [Dovi Tool ](https://github.com/quietvoid/dovi_tool ) - Dolby Vision Tool
* [DDVT ](https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=183479 ) - Dolby Vision RPU Demuxing / Injecting / Editing
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [vidcutter ](https://github.com/ozmartian/vidcutter ) - Cut Videos
* [ShortApp ](https://shortsapp.com/ ) - Cut Video / Audio into Shorts
2022-07-26 01:23:50 -07:00
* [Crop Video ](https://crop-video.com/ ) - Crop Videos
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [WeGreyScale ](https://www.wegrayscale.com/ ) - Greyscale Videos / Images
* [Gyroflow ](https://gyroflow.xyz/ ) - Video Stabilization / [GitHub ](https://github.com/gyroflow/gyroflow )
* [Croosfade ](https://crossfade.io/ ) - Video and Audio Crossfading
* [MKV Muxing Batch GUI ](https://github.com/yaser01/mkv-muxing-batch-gui ) - Mux Videos
* [blur ](https://github.com/f0e/blur ) - Add Motion Blur to Videos / [Tutorial ](https://youtu.be/16-KU4r3BcA )
* [Webm Generator ](https://github.com/dfaker/WebmGenerator ) - Webm Editor
2022-08-26 16:58:30 -07:00
* [MergeMP4 ](https://maple3142.github.io/mergemp4/ ) - Merge MP4 Video & Audio
* [VidLouder ](https://www.videolouder.com/ ) - Increase Video Volume
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Video Cleaner ](https://videocleaner.com/ ) or [Video Enhance AI ](https://www.topazlabs.com/video-enhance-ai ) - Video Enhancement Tool
* [Flowframes ](https://nmkd.itch.io/flowframes ) or [SVP ](https://www.svp-team.com/ ) - Video Interpolation
* [Creator Resources ](https://www.newgrounds.com/wiki/creator-resources/ ) - Art & Animation Resource Index
* [OpenToonz ](https://opentoonz.github.io/e/ ), [Wick Editor ](https://www.wickeditor.com/editor/ ), [Clipnote Studio ](https://calcium-chan.itch.io/clipnote ) or [Pencil2D ](https://www.pencil2d.org/ ) - Animation Tools
* [Animaker ](https://www.animaker.com/ ) - Animated Video Creator
2022-08-02 00:27:29 -07:00
* [Reaktr ](https://reaktr.vercel.app/ ) - Music Video Creator
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [AMV101 ](https://www.amv101.com/ ) - Animated Music Video Making Guides
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [Blaine's Movie Maker Blog ](https://movies.blainesville.com/p/wmm-60-on-windows-7.html ) - Windows Movie Maker Tutorials
2022-08-28 18:37:33 -07:00
* [MoonRay ](https://openmoonray.org/ ), [Unreal Engine ](https://www.unrealengine.com/ ), [SketchUp ](https://www.sketchup.com/ ) or [Twinmotion ](https://www.twinmotion.com/en-US ) - 3D Creation Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Mixer ](https://quixel.com/mixer ) - 3D Texture Creation Tool
* [PlanetSide ](https://planetside.co.uk/ ) - CG Environment Generator
* [AnimeEffects ](http://animeeffects.org/en/ ), [nve ](https://maurycyliebner.github.io/ ), [Expressive ](https://www.expressivesuite.com/ ) or [Synfig ](https://www.synfig.org/ ) - 2D Animation Tool
* [Storyboarder ](https://wonderunit.com/storyboarder/ ) - Quickly Visualize & Test Animations / [GitHub ](https://github.com/wonderunit/storyboarder )
* [Mandelbulber ](https://mandelbulber.com/ ) or [FragM ](https://github.com/3Dickulus/FragM ) - Fractal Rendering Software / [3D ](https://mb3d.overwhale.com/ )
* [JWildfire ](https://jwildfire.overwhale.com/ ), [IFSRenderer ](https://github.com/bezo97/IFSRenderer ) or [Fractorium ](http://fractorium.com/ ) - Flame Fractal Rendering Software
* [LibreSprite ](https://libresprite.github.io/ ), [Pixel Compresor ](https://makham.itch.io/pixel-composer ), [JPixel ](https://emad.itch.io/jpixel ) or [SpookyGhost ](https://encelo.itch.io/spookyghost ) - Pixel Art Animation Tools
2022-07-23 13:02:29 +03:00
* [BestSnip ](https://bestsnip.com/animation/ ), [Plask ](https://plask.ai/ ), [Rive ](https://rive.app/ ) or [Toonator ](https://toonator.com ) - Online Animation Tool
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Mixamo ](https://www.mixamo.com/ ) - 3D Character Animation Tool
* [MMHuman3D ](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmhuman3d ) - 3D Human Model Creator
* [Vinci ](https://vinci.surreal-ai.com/home/free-talking-avatar ) - Create Talking AI
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* [Video Ascii Art ](http://www.kickjs.org/example/video_ascii_art/Video_Ascii_Art.html ) - Video to Ascii Art
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [NATRON ](https://natrongithub.github.io/ ) - Compositing Software
* [Blender Open Movies ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLav47HAVZMjnTFVZL-aImCQIC0uLZtNCz ) - CGI Assets
2022-08-17 15:58:49 -07:00
* [Lumen5 ](https://lumen5.com/ ) or [VideoCreek ](https://videocreek.com/ ) - Video Template Editor
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Beatflyer ](https://beatflyer.com/ ) - Video Flyer Generator
* [MKVToolNix ](https://www.matroska.org/downloads/mkvtoolnix.html ) - MKV Editing Tools
* [MKVCleaver ](https://blogs.sapib.ca/apps/mkvcleaver/ ) - MKVExtract GUI
* [MKV-Optimizer ](https://www.videohelp.com/software/MKV-Optimizer ) - Remove Audio Tracks from MKV Files
* [MakeMKV ](https://www.makemkv.com/ ) - Create MKV From Blu-Ray / DVD
* [ImgBurn ](https://www.imgburn.com/ ), [DeepBurner ](http://www.deepburner.com/ ) or [Alcohol Soft ](https://www.alcohol-soft.com/ ) - CD / DVD Burning
2022-05-20 22:56:11 -07:00
* [VidCoder ](https://vidcoder.net/ ) or [DVDDecrypter ](http://dvddecrypter.org.uk/ ) - DVD / Blu-Ray Ripping
2022-04-20 23:09:39 -07:00
* [BatchGuy ](https://github.com/yaboy58/BatchGuy ) - Blu-Ray Ripping
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [DVDFab ](https://www.dvdfab.cn/free.htm ) - Free DVD Related Programs
* [h265ize ](https://github.com/FallingSnow/h265ize ) - HEVC Encoder / [Enhanced ](https://github.com/alextrv/enhanced-h264ify )
2022-08-02 00:27:29 -07:00
* [hdr10plus_tool ](https://github.com/quietvoid/hdr10plus_tool ) - HDR10+ CLI Utility
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Monzoom ](https://www.monzoom.com/ ) - Video Assets
* [MovieTools ](https://movietools.info/ ) - Video Backgrounds
* [Unscreen ](https://www.unscreen.com/ ), [Remove Video Background ](https://socialbook.io/remove-video-background ) or [Remove Video BG ](https://bgrem.deelvin.com/remove_video_bg/ ) - Remove Video Background
* [Source Filmmaker ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1840/Source_Filmmaker/ ) - Steam Movie-Making Tool
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [HTML5 video player enhanced script ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/381682-html5 )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Plyr ](https://plyr.io/ ) - Online HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo Player / [GitHub ](https://github.com/sampotts/plyr )
* [zeroTube ]( ) - Decentralized Video Platform on ZeroNet using WebTorrent + [GitHub ](https://github.com/rllola/zeroTube/ )
* [HoraHora ](https://github.com/horahoradev/horahora ) - Self-Hosted Video Host
2022-08-13 20:39:48 -07:00
* [Marauder ](https://github.com/Makeshift/Marauder ) - GDrive Video Player
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [MotionMonkey ](https://omega.gg/MotionMonkey/ ) - Stream Online Videos in Player
* [StreamLink ](https://streamlink.github.io/ ) - Extract Videos from Sites to Players
* [Hohoema ](https://github.com/tor4kichi/Hohoema ) - Nico Nico Video Player
* [polsy.org.uk ](http://polsy.org.uk/ ) - Alt Players for Video Sites
2022-08-06 23:57:31 -07:00
* [Tyle ](https://tyle.io/ ) or [Phideo ](https://www.phideo.co.uk/ ) - Photo Slideshow Video Maker
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Rollideo ](https://rollideo.com/ ) - Text to Speech / Subtitles
* [video2x ](https://github.com/k4yt3x/video2x ) - Video Upscaler
* [Anime4K ](https://github.com/bloc97/Anime4K ) - Anime Video Upscaler
* [Video Vault ](https://www.bravenewtech.org/ ) or [mmhmm ](https://www.mmhmm.app/ ) - Video Preservation Tool
* [videoduplicatefinder ](https://github.com/0x90d/videoduplicatefinder ) - Duplicate Video Finder
* [WebcamTests ](https://webcamtests.com/ ) - Test your Webcam
* [Snap Camera ](https://snapcamera.snapchat.com/ ) - Webcam Chat Lenses
* [VideoMail ](https://www.videomail.io/ ) - Webcam to Email Tool
* [VCam ](https://www.xsplit.com/vcam ) - Remove Webcam Background
* [DeepFaceLive ](https://github.com/iperov/DeepFaceLive ) - Webcam Face Swap Tool
* [NVIDIA BROADCAST ](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/broadcasting/broadcast-app/ ) or [Webcamoid ](https://webcamoid.github.io/ ) - Webcam Manager
* [SimSwap ](https://github.com/neuralchen/SimSwap ) - Video Face Swap Tool
* [DeepFaceLab ](https://github.com/iperov/DeepFaceLab ) - Deepfake Video Creator
* [deepware ](https://scanner.deepware.ai/ ) - Detect Deepfake Videos
* [Air Pi Play ](https://github.com/rahul-thakoor/air-pi-play ) - Rasberry Pi Screen Sharing
* [4K Media ](https://4kmedia.org/ ) - Free 4K Video Demos
* [L3-WEB-DL-Script ](https://github.com/parnexcodes/widevine-L3-WEB-DL-Script ) or [uwuwvdl ](https://github.com/Ori5000/uwuwvdl ) - Widevine L3 DL Script
* [Video Decrypter ](https://github.com/CrackerCat/video_decrypter ) - Widevine DRM Decrypter
2022-07-04 21:12:05 -07:00
* [WV-AMZN-4K-RIPPER ](https://github.com/docgonzo2015/widevinedump-1 ) - Amazon 4k SDR HDR 1080 Download Tool
2022-05-12 16:21:28 -07:00
* [GetWVKeys ](http://getwvkeys.cc/ ) - Send Widevine Requests
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Custom NVIDIA Shield TV ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShieldAndroidTV/comments/o6o5dz/new_guide_use_a_custom_launcher_shield_tv_with/ ) - Custom NVIDIA Shield TV Launcher
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Audio Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Awesome Music ](https://github.com/ciconia/awesome-music )** - Music Resource Index
* **[Awesome Music Production ](https://github.com/ad-si/awesome-music-production )** - Music Production Index
* **[Hitsquad ](http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/ )** - Audio Tools / Software Index
* **[Audio Players / Libraries ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_music_libraries_.2F_players )** - Organize & Play Audio Files
* **[Audio Servers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_audio_servers )** - Host & Play Audio Files via Server
* **[Tune My Music ](https://www.tunemymusic.com/ )** - Transfer Music Library Between Services
* **[Audio Software ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/download#wiki_.25B7_audio_software )** - Audio Software Downloads
* **[Audio Editors / Recorders ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_audio_editors )** - Edit, Record & Create Audio
* **[Online Audio Editors ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_online_audio_editors )** - Edit Audio / Create Music Online
* **[Audio Download Apps ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/audio#wiki_.25B7_download_apps )** - Download Audio from Various Sites
2022-05-21 06:00:22 -07:00
* **[Spotify Tools / Downloaders ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_spotify_downloaders )** - Tools & Downloaders for Spotify
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[YouTube Audio Downloaders ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_youtube_to_mp3 )** - Download from YouTube
* **[Equalizer APO ](https://equalizerapo.com/ )** - Audio Equalizer / [Noise Suppression ](https://github.com/werman/noise-suppression-for-voice )
* **[AutoEq ](https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq )** - Auto Headphone Equalizer
* **[Awesome Audio Visualization ](https://github.com/willianjusten/awesome-audio-visualization )** - Audio Visualization Resource Index
2022-04-19 09:36:06 -07:00
* **[Determine Audio File Quality ](https://redd.it/3l0yxp )**, [Lossless Audio Checker ](https://losslessaudiochecker.com/ ), [Spek ](http://spek.cc/ ), [FakinTheFunk ](https://rentry.co/FakinTheFunk ) or [Spectro ](http://spectro.enpts.com/ ) - Determine Quality of Audio Files
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Comparison of Audio Compression ](https://nigelcoldwell.co.uk/audio/ )** - Audio Compression Examples
* [Scarbir ](https://www.scarbir.com/ ) or [Crinacle ](https://crinacle.com/ ) - Headset & Earphone Comparisons
* [AccurateRip ](http://www.accuraterip.com/ ) - Verify Ripped Tracks are Error Free
* [Team V.R releases ](https://codec.kiev.ua/releases.html ) - Professional Video, Audio & Adobe Software / Plugins
* [Free-Codecs ](https://www.free-codecs.com/ ) - Codec Packs & Multimedia Tools
2022-05-21 17:08:49 -07:00
* [Audio Plugins ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_audio_plugins ) or [LoopTorrent ](https://looptorrent.net/ ) - VST Plugins
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Free Sound Effects ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_sfx_.2F_loops ) - SFX & Loops
2022-07-23 01:02:57 -07:00
* [SNES Soundfonts ](https://www.williamkage.com/snes_soundfonts/ ) - SNES Soundfonts
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Songwhip ](https://songwhip.com/ ) - Find / Share Your Music on All Platforms
* [rFXGen ](https://raylibtech.itch.io/rfxgen ), [Bfxr ](https://iznaut.itch.io/bfxr ), [ChipTone ](https://sfbgames.itch.io/chiptone ) or [SFXR ](https://sfxr.me/ ) - Sounds Effects Creator
2022-08-17 15:58:49 -07:00
* [Fresh Stuff For You ](https://freshstuff4you.com/ ) - DAWs / Samples / Presets
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Plugin Clouds Archive ](https://t.me/plugincloudsarchive ) - DAW Plugins
2022-08-13 20:39:48 -07:00
* [FlsAudio ](https://flsaudio.com/en/gb/ ) - FLStudio Samples / Presets / Plugins
* [/r/findthepreset ](https://www.reddit.com/r/findthepreset ) - Find Presets from Songs
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [MilkyTracker ](https://milkytracker.org/ ) - .MOD & .XM Module Creator
2022-08-27 02:28:55 -07:00
* [/r/samplesforall ](https://www.reddit.com/r/samplesforall/ ), [GoAudio ](https://www.goaudio.cc/ ) / [2 ](https://goaudio.me/ ), [Baomay01 ](https://baomay01.info/ ), [RKHive ](https://rkhive.com/ ), [Sounds MP3 ](https://allsoundsaround.com/ ) or [SamplesTorrent ](https://samplestorrent.com/ ) - Audio Samples
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [AirWindows ](http://www.airwindows.com/ ) - Reverbs / Equalizers / Plugins
* [Music Learning Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/edu#wiki_.25BA_music_learning ) - Learn How to Play Music
2022-08-28 18:37:33 -07:00
* [Jukebox ](https://jukebox.today/ ), [Mu Sync ](https://www.mu-sync.com/ ) or [jqbx ](http://jqbx.fm/ ) - Music Sync / Listening Parties
2022-08-01 00:23:03 -07:00
* [Versefy ](https://versefy.app/ ) or [Lyrics-In-Terminal ](https://github.com/Jugran/lyrics-in-terminal ) - Lyrics Finder for Spotify, Tidal & VLC
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Whyp ](https://whyp.it/ ) - Audio Host
* [Aux ](https://aux.app/ ) - Audio Project Host
* [Audiocheck ](https://www.audiocheck.net/ ) - Audio Tests
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [Online Mic Test ](https://onlinemictest.com/ ), [Mic Tests ](https://mictests.com/ ) or [Check Mic ](https://webcammictest.com/check-mic.html ) - Mic Test
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Sound Meter ](https://mybrowseraddon.com/sound-meter.html ) - Measure Surrounding Sound Level
* [Audio-Router ](https://github.com/audiorouterdev/audio-router ) - Route Audio from Programs to Devices
2022-05-10 21:09:44 -07:00
* [SoundSwitch ](https://soundswitch.aaflalo.me/ ) - Switch Playback or Recording Device with Hotkey / [GitHub ](https://github.com/Belphemur/SoundSwitch )
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [Ultimate Realtek HD Audio Driver Mod ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_ultimate_realtek_hd_audio_driver_mod ) or [Realtek-UAD-generic ](https://github.com/pal1000/Realtek-UAD-generic ) - Realtek Audio Driver
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [ASIO4ALL ](https://www.asio4all.org/ ) - ASIO Audio Driver
* [FXSound ](https://www.fxsound.com/ ) - Sound Booster & Equalizer
* [HeSuVi ](https://sourceforge.net/projects/hesuvi/ ) - Headphone Surround Virtualizations
* [REAL ](https://github.com/miniant-git/REAL ) - Reduce Win 10 Audio Latency
* [LatencyMon ](https://www.resplendence.com/latencymon ) - Analyze Audio Latency of System
* [easyeffects ](https://github.com/wwmm/easyeffects ) - Audio Manipulation for PipeWire
2022-08-26 16:58:30 -07:00
* [DigitalFeed ](https://abx.digitalfeed.net/ ) - Lossless Audio Sound System Test
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [SoundSync ](https://soundsync.app/ ) - Sound System Sync
* [VCV Rack ](https://vcvrack.com/ ) - Eurorack Simulator
* [Cable ](https://vb-audio.com/Cable/ ) - Virtual Audio Cable
* [Album Artwork ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_covers_.2F_posters ) - Download Album Art
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [Apple Music Animated Artwork Fetcher ](https://github.com/bunnykek/Apple-Music-Animated-Artwork-Fetcher ) - Download Animated Apple Music Art
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Song Identification Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_song_identification ) - Identify Playing Songs
* [EXP Soundboard ](https://sourceforge.net/projects/expsoundboard/ ), [Soundux ](https://soundux.rocks/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/Soundux/Soundux ) or [Resanance ](https://resanance.com/ ) - Soundboard Program
* [MyInstants ](https://www.myinstants.com/index/us/ ), [InternetsFun ](https://instantsfun.es/ ) or [Soundboard.com ](https://www.soundboard.com/ ) - Online Soundboard
* [Soundpad ](https://www.leppsoft.com/soundpad/ ) - Voicechat Soundboard
* [AudioRelay ](https://audiorelay.net/ ) - Stream PC Audio to Phone
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [TimeStetch ](https://29a.ch/timestretch/ ) - Web Music Player
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [iPod.js ](https://tannerv.com/ipod/ ) - iPod Themed Web Music Player
* [Gelli ](https://github.com/dkanada/gelli ) - Jellyfin Music Player
* [Sonixd ](https://github.com/jeffvli/sonixd ) - Subsonic/Jellyfin Compatible Desktop Music Player
2022-07-29 01:30:50 -07:00
* [HZP ](https://hzplayer.com/ ) - Solfeggio Frequency Player
2022-08-10 21:33:02 -07:00
* [OpusPlayer ](https://www.opusplayer.net/ ) - WhatsApp File Player
2022-08-02 00:27:29 -07:00
* [Butterchurn Visualizer ](https://butterchurnviz.com/ ), [Sonic Visualizer ](https://www.sonicvisualiser.org/ ), [MusicVid ](https://musicvid.org/ ), [Project M ](https://github.com/projectM-visualizer/projectm ), [Vizzy ](https://vizzy.io/ ), [CatNip ](https://github.com/noriah/catnip ) or [Specterr ](https://specterr.com/ ) - Audio Visualizers
2022-04-15 03:57:01 -07:00
* [PartyEngine ](https://aggrocrab.itch.io/partyengine ) - Audio Party Visualizer
2022-04-28 14:07:23 -07:00
* [brahms ](https://github.com/Wulfheart/brahms ) - MIDI Audio Visualizer
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [yt2pod ](https://github.com/frou/yt2pod ) - Create Podcasts from YouTube Channels
* [Deemixrr ](https://github.com/TheUltimateC0der/Deemixrr ) - Automated Music Manager
* [FFmpeg ](https://ffmpeg.org/ ) - Video / Audio Recorder, Converter & Streaming
2022-01-18 16:14:30 -08:00
* FFmpeg Tools - [Frontend ](https://github.com/llamaret/MystiQ ) / [GUI ](https://axiomui.github.io/ ), [2 ](https://github.com/MattMcManis/Axiom ), [3 ](https://jeanslack.github.io/Videomass/ ) / [M3u8 Download ](https://gist.github.com/tzmartin/fb1f4a8e95ef5fb79596bd4719671b5d ) / [Autobuild ](https://github.com/m-ab-s/media-autobuild_suite )
2022-04-20 23:09:39 -07:00
* [Arduino Audio Tools ](https://github.com/pschatzmann/arduino-audio-tools ) - Audio Recorder
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [SonoBus ](https://sonobus.net/ ) - Audio Server for Streaming
* [Audio Converters ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_audio_converters ) - Audio Conversion Sites & Programs
* [Faasoft FLAC Converter ](https://www.faasoft.com/articles/flac-converter-mac-and-windows.html ) - FLAC Converter
* [CUETools ](http://cue.tools/wiki/CUETools ) - Lossless Audio / CUE Sheet Converter
* [FLAC Frontend ](http://flacfrontend.sourceforge.net/ ) - FLAC Tools
* [FLStudio Skins ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_flstudio_skins ) - Skins for FLStudio
* [Ambientbg ](https://www.ambientbg.xyz/ ) - Create Ambient Background in FL Studio
* [Webamp ](https://webamp.org/ ) - Winamp in Browser
* [Winamp Skin Museum ](https://skins.webamp.org/ ) - Skins for Winamp / Webamp
* [WACUP ](https://getwacup.com/ ) - Winamp update project
* [Mod Archive ](https://modarchive.org/ ) - Audio Modules
* [Mixxx ](https://mixxx.org/ ), [rekordbox ](https://rekordbox.com/en/ ) or [Serato ](https://serato.com/ ) - DJ Software
2022-07-31 02:17:00 -07:00
* [Repetito ](http://www.repetito.com/ ) - Multichannel Looper
2022-08-26 16:58:30 -07:00
* [MP3Louder ](https://mp3louder.com/ ) - Increase MP3 Volume
2022-07-31 02:17:00 -07:00
* [Chrome Song Maker ](https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/ ), [Bosca Ceoil ](https://terrycavanagh.itch.io/bosca-ceoil ), [AdventureMachine ](https://madeon.fr/adventuremachine/ ) or [Strofe ](https://www.strofe.com/ ) - Simple Audio Creators
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Cycle Plus One ](https://cycle-plus-one.sourceforge.io/ ) - Audio Pattern Generator
* [Moises ](https://moises.ai/ ) - Live Music Mixer
* [WD-1 ](https://www.worteldrie.com/WD5/ ), [Citizen DJ ](https://citizen-dj.labs.loc.gov/loc-variety-stage/remix/ ), [YOU.DJ ](https://you.dj/ ) or [Until AM ](http://mix.until.am/ ) - Online DJ / Beat Creator
* [RaveDJ ](https://rave.dj/ ) - Easily Mix Songs Together
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [EZStems ](https://www.ezstems.com/ ) - Create Audio STEMS
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [WebAssembly Music Experiment ](https://petersalomonsen.com/webassemblymusic/livecodev2/ ) - Create Songs with Code
2022-07-28 00:58:58 -07:00
* [WebSynths ](http://www.websynths.com/ ) or [Roland50 ](https://roland50.studio/ ) - Browser-Based Instruments
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [JummBox ](https://jummbus.bitbucket.io/ ), [Pata Tracker ](https://pixwlk.itch.io/pata-tracker ), [JummBus ](https://jummbus.bitbucket.io/ ) or [Klystrack ](https://github.com/kometbomb/klystrack ) - Chiptune Music Creator
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Audovia Music ](https://songbase.github.io/ ) - Classical Music Creator
* [Melody Generator ](https://dopeloop.ai/melody-generator ), [Rosegarden ](https://rosegardenmusic.com/ ) or [Ariamaestosa ](https://ariamaestosa.github.io/ariamaestosa/docs/index.html ) - MIDI Editor
2022-08-10 21:33:02 -07:00
* [MIDI Recorder ](https://midi-recorder.web.app/ ) - MIDI Keyboard Recorder
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [BitMidi ](https://bitmidi.com/ ) or [VGMusic ](http://www.vgmusic.com/ )- MIDI Files
* [MidiKlavar ](https://midiklavar.sourceforge.io/ ) - MIDI File Converter
* [QueenMusicHall ](http://www.queenmusichall.cz/ ) - Queen MIDIs, Audio, Photos
* [AmazingMIDI ](http://www.pluto.dti.ne.jp/araki/amazingmidi/ ) - Transcribe WAV to MIDI / [Archive ](https://archive.org/details/tucows_327319_AmazingMIDI )
* [Orca ](https://hundredrabbits.itch.io/orca ) - Live Coding Audio
* [madeon ](https://adventuremachine.4thfloorcreative.co.uk/ ) - Create Music with Madeon Samples
* [danielx ](https://danielx.net/composer/ ) - Mario Paint Audio Editor
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [Thirty Dollar Website ](https://thirtydollar.website/ ) - Meme Sound Audio Editor / [Examples ](https://youtu.be/8SZZPxERK_8 )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [FamiTracker ](http://www.famitracker.com/ ) or [Famistudio ](https://bleubleu.itch.io/famistudio ) - NES / Famicon Audio Editor
* [LittleSoundDJ ](https://www.littlesounddj.com/lsd/index.php ) - Gameboy Audio Editor
* [Open Note Block Studio ](https://opennbs.org/ ) - Minecraft Note Block Song Editor
* [Acid Machine 2 ](http://errozero.co.uk/acid-machine/ ) - Acid Techno Machine
* [AGS ](https://audio-file.org/2020/11/25/ags-advanced-gtk-sequencer/ ) - Audio Sequencer
* [Roland 808303.studio ](https://808303.studio/ ) - Online Drum Machine / TB-303 Bass Synth
* [iO-808 ](https://io808.com/ ), [Sequencer64 ](https://www.sequencer64.com/ ) or [Hammmerhead ](http://www.threechords.com/hammerhead/ ) - Online Drum Machine
* [orDrumbox ](https://www.ordrumbox.com/ ) - Drum Machine
2022-07-26 01:23:50 -07:00
* [Dot Piano ](https://dotpiano.com/ ), [VirtualPiano ](https://virtualpiano.net/ ) or [Piano Online ](https://magicode.me/piano-online ) - Online Piano
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Petaporon ](https://pixwlk.itch.io/petaporon ) - Piano Sequencer / [Editor ](https://pixwlk.itch.io/petaporon-editor )
* [MK-1 ](https://ericrosenbaum.github.io/MK-1/ ) - Online Sampling Keyboard
* [Sampulator ](http://sampulator.com/ ) - Create Music via Keyboard
* [Theremin ](https://femurdesign.com/theremin/ ) - Online Synth / Theremin
* [Audio Synthesizers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_audio_synthesizers ) - Audio Synthesizer Sites & Apps
* [Vital ](https://vital.audio/ ) - Spectral Warping Wavetable Synth
* [Sample-Stitch ](http://samplestitch.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ ) - Pop Song Sample Mixer
* [Nightcore Maker ](https://nightcoremaker.com/ ) - Create Nightcore Versions of Songs
2022-07-31 02:17:00 -07:00
* [WubMachine ](https://the.wubmachine.com/ ) - Create DubstepVersions of Songs
2022-08-25 09:01:55 -07:00
* [Wolfram Tones ](https://tones.wolfram.com/ ) or [Jingle ](https://aidn.jp/jingle/ ) - Song Generators
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [CSound ](https://csound.com/ ) - Music Computing System
2022-04-20 23:09:39 -07:00
* [GoAudio ](https://github.com/DylanMeeus/GoAudio ) - Audio Processing Library
2022-04-28 14:07:23 -07:00
* [Helio ](https://helio.fm/ ) or [NoteHeads ](https://noteheads.net/ ) - Music Composition Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [AudioAlter ](https://audioalter.com/preset/8d-audio ) - Create '8D' Audio
* [Karaoke Maker ](https://www.edityouraudio.com/karaoke-maker ), [Musicara ](https://www.musicara.ml/ ) or [X-Minus ](https://x-minus.pro/ ) - Create Karaoke Songs
* [Clyp ](https://clyp.it/ ), [Audio Recording ](https://codepen.io/eddch/full/ZMOjPL ), [Vocaroo ](https://vocaroo.com/ ) or [Vocaroo ](https://www.vocaroo.com/ ), [VoiceSpice ](https://voicespice.com/ ) or [Reverb Record ](https://record.reverb.chat/ ) - Online Audio Recorder
* [MP3Smaller ](https://www.mp3smaller.com/ ) - MP3 Compressor
2022-08-26 16:58:30 -07:00
* [MP3Food ](https://mp3food.com/ ) or [AudioTrimmer ](https://audiotrimmer.com/ ) - Online Audio Cutters
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [The Trimmer Bot ](https://t.me/The_Trimmer_bot ) - Video Trimmer Telegram Bot
* [ShortApp ](https://shortsapp.com/ ) - Cut Video / Audio into Shorts
2022-08-02 00:27:29 -07:00
* [lalal.ai ](https://www.lalal.ai/ ), [MP3CutterPro ](https://mp3cutterpro.com/ ), [Flacon ](https://flacon.github.io/ ) or [SongDonkey ](https://songdonkey.ai/ ) - Audio Track Splitter
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [ISSE ](http://isse.sourceforge.net/ ) - Source Separation Editor
2022-07-31 02:17:00 -07:00
* [BeatMachine ](https://beatmachine.branchpanic.me/ ) - Tempo Editor
2022-08-10 04:11:29 -07:00
* [Get Song BPM ](https://getsongbpm.com/ ) or [MusicStax ](https://musicstax.com/ ) - Song Tempo Database
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [MusicSpeedChanger ](https://musicspeedchanger.com/ ) - Music Speed Changer
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [beets.io ](http://beets.io/ ) / [2 ](https://github.com/beetbox/beets ), [alto ](https://github.com/ItsLychee/alto ), [Zortam ](https://www.zortam.com/ ), [MP3Tag ](https://www.mp3tag.de/en/ ), [TagEditor ](https://github.com/Martchus/tageditor ), [MusicBee ](https://getmusicbee.com/ ) or [MusicBrainz ](https://picard.musicbrainz.org/ ) - Music Metadata Organizer
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Mooval ](https://www.mooval.de/ ) - Move Songs to or from Programs / Sites
* [Croosfade ](https://crossfade.io/ ) - Video and Audio Crossfading
* [ZzFXM ](https://keithclark.github.io/ZzFXM/ ) - JavaScript Music Renderer
* [YADG ](https://yadg.cc/ ) - Scrape / Render Music via Templates / [API ](https://yadg.cc/api/ )
* [Text to Speech ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_text_to_speech ) - Text to Speech Sites / Apps
* [Clash ](https://clash.me/ ) or [FakeYou ](https://fakeyou.com/ ) - Media Based Text to Speech
* [Audiogrep ](http://antiboredom.github.io/audiogrep/ ), [Tune Transcriber ](https://www.tunetranscriber.com/ ) or [mp4grep ](https://github.com/o-oconnell/mp4grep ) - Audio Transcribing / [GitHub ](https://github.com/antiboredom/audiogrep )
* [FastHub ](https://fasthub.net/ ) - Text to Speech Translation Tool
* [Praat ](https://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/praat/ ) - Analyze, Synthesize & Manipulate Speech / [GitHub ](https://github.com/praat/praat )
2022-08-20 22:10:00 -07:00
* [Splitter ](https://www.splitter.ai/ ), [splitmysong ](https://www.splitmysong.com/ ), [ezstems ](https://ezstems.com/ ) or [melody ml ](https://melody.ml/ ) - Separate Voice from Instrumentals
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [Remove Vocals ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_remove_vocals ) - Remove Vocal Tracks
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [Acapella-Extractor ](https://www.acapella-extractor.com/ ) - Remove Background Tracks from Songs
* [Krisp ](https://krisp.ai/ ) or [noise-suppression-for-voice ](https://github.com/werman/noise-suppression-for-voice ) / [CLI ](https://github.com/IniasP/rnnoise-cli ) - Noise Suppression Tools
2022-07-22 14:11:16 -07:00
* [Wave Link ](https://help.elgato.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044566172-Wave-Link-First-Time-Setup-for-Windows-10 )or [VoiceMeeter ](https://vb-audio.com/Voicemeeter/index.htm ) / [Banana ](https://vb-audio.com/Voicemeeter/banana.htm ) - Audio Mixer
2022-07-26 20:10:27 -07:00
* [NeuralSVB ](https://github.com/MoonInTheRiver/NeuralSVB ) - Singing Voice Enhancer
2022-05-06 17:58:43 -07:00
* [Voice Changer ](https://voicechanger.io/ ), [voice-changer ](https://www.voice-changer.org/ ), [VoiceChanger ](https://www.nchsoftware.com/voicechanger/index.html ), [MorphVOX ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_morphvox ), [Lyrebird ](https://github.com/lyrebird-voice-changer/lyrebird ), [MyVoiceMod ](https://myvoicemod.com/ ) or [ClownFish ](https://clownfish-translator.com/voicechanger/ ) - Voice Changer
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Voice Cloning App ](https://github.com/BenAAndrew/Voice-Cloning-App ) or [Real Time Voice Cloning ](https://github.com/CorentinJ/Real-Time-Voice-Cloning ) - Clone Voices
2022-07-26 20:10:27 -07:00
* [Sound Branch ](https://soundbran.ch/ ) - Create / Share / Podcasts / Voice Messages
* [blamscamp ](https://github.com/blackle/blamscamp ) - Bandcamp Style Player for Selling Albums on Itch.io
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Gibber ](https://gibber.cc/ ) - Audiovisual Code Composer
* [AAXtoMP3 ](https://github.com/KrumpetPirate/AAXtoMP3 ) - Convert AAX to MP3 / FLAC / M4A / OPUS
* [inAudible ](https://github.com/rmcrackan/inAudible ) - Audible to MP3 converter
2022-07-26 01:23:50 -07:00
* [Soundiiz ](https://soundiiz.com/ ) - Transfer Playlists Between Streaming Platforms
* [Suda ](https://github.com/yaronzz/Suda ) - Playlist Manager
2022-08-26 16:58:30 -07:00
* [Sharky's EAC Guide ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b1JJsuZj2TdiXs--XDvuKdhFUdKCdB_1qrmOMGkyveg ) - CD Audio Ripping Guide
2022-08-20 22:10:00 -07:00
* [RipGuide ](https://highquality.rip/ripguide/ ) - Video Game Audio Ripping Guide
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Exact Audio Copy ](https://www.exactaudiocopy.de/ ) or [Whipper ](https://github.com/whipper-team/whipper ) - CD / DVD Audio Ripper
2022-07-23 01:02:57 -07:00
* [Arpeggiator ](https://codepen.io/jakealbaugh/full/qNrZyw ) or [AutoChords ](https://autochords.com/ ) - Chord Progression Generators
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [HookTheory ](https://www.hooktheory.com/trends ) - Chord Progression Library
2022-07-23 01:02:57 -07:00
* [#fretflip ](https://fretflip.com/ ) - Create / Print Guitar Scales & Chord Charts
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [MusicKit ](https://musickit.jull.dev/ ) - Metronome, Tuner & Tone Generator
2022-05-06 17:58:43 -07:00
* [HyperSpeaker ](https://github.com/solvencino/hyperspeaker ) - Speaker Proxy
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [REW ](http://www.roomeqwizard.com/ ) - Room Acoustic, Loudspeaker and audio device measurement
* [Tuner Ninja ](https://tuner.ninja/ ) - Instrument Tuner
* [PIXELSYNTH ](https://ojack.xyz/PIXELSYNTH/ ) - Image to Sound Synthesizer
* [img-encode ](https://github.com/alexadam/img-encode ) - Image to Audio Converter
* [weird-converter ](https://github.com/AlbertSuarez/weird-converter ) - Image to Audio / Audio to Image Converter
* [FindSounds ](https://www.findsounds.com/ ) - Sound Search Engine
* [mathewvp ](http://midi.mathewvp.com/ ) - Edit / Create / Polyphonic ringtones
* [librosa ](https://librosa.org/ ) - Audio Analysis / Information Retrieval / [Github ](https://github.com/librosa/librosa )
* [Auphonic ](https://auphonic.com/ ) - Audio Leveler
* [LightHost ](https://github.com/rolandoislas/LightHost ) - VST / AU Host
2022-08-20 22:10:00 -07:00
* [OPUS ](https://opus-codec.org/ ) - Audio Codec / [Bitrate Optimization ](https://github.com/master-of-zen/BOPUS )
* [AirPods Dirty Secret ](https://kenp.io/airpods-dirty-secret/ ) - AirPod Repair Directory
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2021-10-30 18:25:48 -07:00
## ▷ [Gaming Tools](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/game-tools)
2021-08-25 05:11:41 -07:00
## ▷ [Educational Tools](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/edu#wiki_.25BA_educational_tools)
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2021-09-29 03:10:33 -07:00
## ▷ Career Tools
2022-08-05 22:29:24 -07:00
* **[5000 Best Job Sites ](http://5000best.com/websites/Jobs/ )**, [4DayWeek ](https://4dayweek.io/ ) or [Indeed ](https://www.indeed.com/ ) - Job Search Sites
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Resume Makers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_resume_makers )** - Create Resumes for Free
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [GitHub Résumé ](https://github.com/resume/resume.github.com ) - Generate Resume from GitHub Activity
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [AskEdith ](https://www.askedith.ai/demo ) - Ask AI Job / Business Questions
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [LoopCV ](https://www.loopcv.pro/ ) - Automated Job Search Tool
2022-05-25 22:19:10 -07:00
* [Toby Tools ](https://rentry.co/qnu6x ) - Job Search Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [KickResume ](https://www.kickresume.com/en/help-center/resume-samples/ ) - Successful Resume Samples
2022-05-12 16:21:28 -07:00
* [Contact Card ](https://contact-card.vercel.app/ ) - Contact Card Generator
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [CoFolios ](https://cofolios.com/ ) - Portfolio Sharing
* [MS Word Cover Page Templates ](https://www.mswordcoverpages.com/ ) - Cover Page Templates
2022-04-24 02:02:38 -07:00
* [Common Interview Q&A ](https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/interviewing/top-interview-questions-and-answers ) or [Awesome Interview Questions ](https://github.com/DopplerHQ/awesome-interview-questions ) or [30-seconds-of-interviews ](https://30secondsofinterviews.org/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/30-seconds/30-seconds-of-interviews ) - Common Interview Questions & Answers
2022-08-17 15:58:49 -07:00
* [Reverse Interview ](https://github.com/viraptor/reverse-interview ) or [job-interview-questions-to-ask-companies ](https://github.com/lkostrowski/job-interview-questions-to-ask-companies ) - Questions to ask Potential Employers
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [LeetFree ](https://sksusha8853.github.io/leetcode/index.html ) - Leaked Google, Facebook & Amazon Interview Questions
* [Interviews.school ](https://interviews.school/ ) - Developer Interview Preparation Guide
2022-04-23 03:22:45 -07:00
* [yangshun ](https://github.com/yangshun/tech-interview-handbook ) - Tech Interview Handbook
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [JustLanded ](https://www.justlanded.com/ ) - Working & Living Abroad Guides
2022-08-05 22:29:24 -07:00
* [Nomad List ](https://nomadlist.com/ ) - Remote Job Listings
* [RemoteWide ](https://remotewide.co/ ) - Remote Job Notifications
2022-04-24 02:02:38 -07:00
* [awesome-remote-job ](https://github.com/lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job ) - Remote Job Resources
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [Side Hustle Stack ](https://sidehustlestack.co/ ) - Find Platform Based Side Work
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [web3.career ](https://web3.career/ ) or [FindWeb3 ](https://findweb3.com/ ) - Web3 Job Offers
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [moreThanFAANGM ](https://github.com/Kaustubh-Natuskar/moreThanFAANGM ) - Company / Startup Applications
2022-05-12 16:21:28 -07:00
* [Nerdy Grads ](https://nerdygrads.com/ ) - Grad School Research Job Search
2022-07-14 06:47:30 -07:00
* [MTurk ](https://www.mturk.com/ ) - Online Task Work
2022-07-26 20:10:27 -07:00
* [WFH Companies India ](https://github.com/abhagsain/WFH-Companies-India ) - Work from Home Job Offerings in India
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [/r/WorkOnline ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkOnline/ ) - Online Working Subreddit
* [/r/freelance ](https://www.reddit.com/r/freelance/ ) - Freelance Subreddit
* [/r/DesignJobs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DesignJobs/ ) - Design Job Subreddit
* [/r/careerguidance ](https://www.reddit.com/r/careerguidance/ ) - Career Guidance Subreddit
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* [ReallyConfused ](https://reallyconfused.co/ ) or [WTF should I do with my life? ](https://www.wtfshouldidowithmylife.com/ ) - Career Roadmaps
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [The Dots ](https://the-dots.com/events/search ) - Online Workshops, Courses & Meetups
* [Levels.fyi ](https://www.levels.fyi/ ) - Tech Career Salaries
* [Crypto Ecosystem 2021 ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RM7AoUKbXEqZ2qATTxGYLMexu3Jxrf3oYiwbsrXOXUQ ) - Beginner's Guide to Crypto Ecosystem
* [Cryptopedia ](https://www.gemini.com/cryptopedia ) or [Crypto Canon ](https://a16z.com/2018/02/10/crypto-readings-resources/ ) - Crypto Learning Resources
2022-04-28 14:07:23 -07:00
* [DeFi Derivative Landscape ](https://github.com/0xperp/defi-derivatives ) - DeFi Derivative Guide
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [TryHackMe ](https://tryhackme.com/ ), [AWS Training ](https://www.aws.training/ ), [Comptia ](https://www.comptia.org/ ), [Cisco Training ](https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/training-events/training-certifications/certifications.html ), [UI.com ](https://www.ui.com/training/ ), [CryptoHack ](https://cryptohack.org/ ) - IT Training & Courses
* [Free-Certifications ](https://github.com/cloudcommunity/Free-Certifications ) - IT Certification Courses
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* [Data.gov Resources ](https://resources.data.gov/ ) - Data Management Tools & Training
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [NIST ](https://www.nist.gov/nice/apprenticeship-finder ) - NICE Apprenticeship Program Finder
* [AWS re/Start ](https://aws.amazon.com/training/restart/ ) - Cloud Career Training
2022-03-14 16:19:51 -07:00
* [Lecture Links for Placement Preparation in Computer Science ](https://github.com/riti2409/Resources-for-preparation-Of-Placements )
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [awesome-startup-tools-list ](https://github.com/Ibexoft/awesome-startup-tools-list ), [StartupLibrary ](https://startuplibrary.co/ ) or [500+ Free Tools For Startups ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1s6-hGBh0_tqa-jd23fsdYuwbmS8UPmElPqaH-Rnoa_A/htmlview ) - Startup Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [BetaList ](https://betalist.com/ ) - Get Startup Ideas
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [HalfBakedIdeas ](https://halfbakedideas.vercel.app/feed ) - Share Startup Ideas
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Failory ](https://www.failory.com/graveyard ) - Learn Why Startups & Products Failed
* [AngelLIst ](https://angel.co/ ) - Startup Community
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* [280+ Websites to Submit Your Startup ](https://airtable.com/shrwqaak73gy83w9A/tblu5RcUft9fYp9Ju/viwFHmIyMniXzlpK4?blocks=show ) or [PlacesToPostYourStartup ](https://www.placestopostyourstartup.com/ ) - Startup Submission Sites
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [namelix ](https://namelix.com/ ) - Business Name Generator
2022-05-23 20:15:41 -07:00
* [Business Card Generator ](https://business-card-generator.vercel.app/ ) - Generate Business Cards
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [learn-to-cloud ](https://learntocloud.guide/ ) - Cloud Computing Fundamentals / [GitHub ](https://github.com/learntocloud/learn-to-cloud )
* [Cyberseek ](https://www.cyberseek.org/index.html ) - Cybersecurity Job Market Info
* [Candor ](https://candor.co/hiring-freezes/ ) - Hiring Freezes
* [GoodJobsFirst ](https://www.goodjobsfirst.org/ ) - Subsidy Tracker
* [Collaboration Platforms ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_collaboration_platforms ) - Project Management Tools
* [Airtable ](https://www.airtable.com/ ) - Build Collaborative Apps
* [PHPCRM ](https://www.phpcrm.com/ ) - Company Management Software
* [SplitBee ](https://splitbee.io/ ) - Business Analytics Tool
* [Invoicely ](https://invoiceto.me/ ) - Invoice Generator
* [Kimai ](https://www.kimai.org/ ) - Working Hours Tracker
* [Dataviz ](https://github.com/nalgeon/dataviz ) - Design Reports
* [Zeoob ](https://zeoob.com/ ) - Social Media Digital Marketing Post Simulator
* [MedusaJS ](https://www.medusajs.com/ ) - Open Source Commerce Store
* [ConvertMenu ](https://convertmenu.com/ ) or [QR Menu Creator ](https://qrmenucreator.com/ ) - Convert Menu to QR Codes
* [VCEGuide ](https://vceguide.com/ ) - Tech Certification Practice Tests
* [9Tut ](https://www.9tut.com/ ) - CCNA Certification Training
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [Statista ](https://statista.com/ ) - Market Statistic Search
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [GetFreeIMEBooks ](https://www.getfreeimebooks.com/ ) - Digital Marketing Resources
* [Systeme ](https://systeme.io/ ) - Marketing Tools
* [HLDMSIYS? ](http://howlongdoesmarijuanastayinyoursystem.net/ ) - Drug Effect Duration / Testing Information
* [HomeBank ](http://homebank.free.fr/ ), [Money Manager EX ](https://www.moneymanagerex.org/ ), [Ledger ](https://www.ledger-cli.org/ ) or [gnucash ](https://www.gnucash.org/ ) - Financial Accounting Software
2022-05-04 14:04:02 -07:00
* [financial_advice ](https://github.com/emilepetrone/financial_advice ) - Financial Lessons
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Stocksera ](https://stocksera.pythonanywhere.com/ ) or [Screener ](https://www.screener.in/ ) - Stock Tracker
* [neostox ](https://neostox.com/ ) - Practice Stock Trading
2022-07-31 02:17:00 -07:00
* [Quiver Quantitative ](https://www.quiverquant.com/ ) - Stock Trading Research
2022-08-10 04:11:29 -07:00
* [GamestonkTerminal ](https://github.com/GamestonkTerminal/GamestonkTerminal ) or [OpenBB Terminal ](https://openbb.co/ ) - Investment Research CLI
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Marketing / Trading ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_marketing_.2F_trading_courses ) - Marketing / Trading Courses
2022-07-28 00:58:58 -07:00
* [protocol-reading-list ](https://github.com/bryanhpchiang/protocol-reading-list ) - Crypto Protocols
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Wasabi ](https://wasabiwallet.io/ ) - FOSS Bitcoin Wallet
2021-09-29 03:10:33 -07:00
2021-08-25 05:11:41 -07:00
## ▷ [Developer Tools](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/dev-tools)
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
# ► Internet Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Internet Privacy Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/adblock-vpn-privacy#wiki_.25B7_browser_tools )** - Internet & Browser Privacy Tools
* **[Password Managers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_password_managers )** - Manage / Save Passwords
* **[Encrypted Email Services ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/adblock-vpn-privacy#wiki_.25B7_email_services )** - Email Sites with a Focus on Privacy
* **[Temp Emails ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_temp_email_sites )** - Create Temporary Email Addresses
* **[Site Development ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/dev-tools#wiki_.25B7_site_development )** - Site Development & Hosting Tools
2022-08-06 23:57:31 -07:00
* **[Emojipedia ](https://emojipedia.org/ )**, [EmojiBatch ](https://www.emojibatch.com/ ) or [GetEmoji ](https://getemoji.com/ ) - Emoji Index
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Yandex Disk ](https://disk.yandex.com/ ), [VK WorkSpace ](https://biz.mail.ru/ ) or [OpenDesktop ](https://www.opendesktop.org/ ) - Multiple Cloud Services
* [deploy-your-own-saas ](https://github.com/Atarity/deploy-your-own-saas ) - Self-Hosted Cloud Services
* [Nativefier ](https://github.com/nativefier/nativefier ) - Turn Sites into Desktop Apps
* [Internet Speed Tests ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_internet_speed_test ) - Test Internet Speed
* [NETworkManager ](https://github.com/BornToBeRoot/NETworkManager ) or [WLan10 ](https://github.com/afit/wlan10 ) - Network Manager
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [NetBlocks ](https://api.webprobe.org/ ) or [OpenNetMeter ](https://github.com/Ashfaaq18/OpenNetMeter ) - Internet Performance Monitor
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [OONI ](https://ooni.org/ ) - Test Site Blocking / Network Speed
* [OpenSSH ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/openssh/openssh_install_firstuse ) - OpenSSH Client / Server
* [TCP Optimizer ](https://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php/ ) - Network Optimizer
* [NetLimiter ](https://www.netlimiter.com/ ) or [Netbalancer ](https://netbalancer.com/ ) - Internet Traffic Control / Monitor
* [Natlas ](https://github.com/natlas/natlas ) or [Advanced IP Scanner ](https://www.advanced-ip-scanner.com/ ) - Network Scanner
* [WiFi Analyzer ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/wifi-analyzer/9nblggh33n0n ) - WiFi Analyzer
* [Arcai ](https://arcai.com/ ) - WiFi Speed Control
* [Nmap ](https://nmap.org/ ) - Network Security / Discovery Utility / [Compare Results ](https://nmap.org/ndiff/ )
* [Elmocut ](https://github.com/elmoiv/elmocut ) or [SelfishNetV3 ](https://github.com/nov0caina/SelfishNetV3 ) - ARP Spoofer / Kick Users from WiFi
* [AreWeDown? ](https://github.com/shukriadams/arewedown ) - HTTP Uptime Monitor
* [Broadband Map ](https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov/ ) - Fixed Broadband Deployment Map
* [WiFiCard ](https://wificard.io/ ) - WiFi Info QRCode Generator
* [Master Networks & Scanning ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_master_networks_.26amp.3B_scanning ) - Network & Network Scanning Tutorials
* [RustCat ](https://github.com/robiot/rustcat ) - Port Listener
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [SerialPortAssistant ](https://github.com/KangLin/SerialPortAssistant ) - Serial Port Assistant
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [.new ](https://whats.new/shortcuts ) - New Project Shortcuts
* [RSS Feed Readers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_rss_feed_readers ) - Follow RSS Feeds
* [CTRLQ ](https://ctrlq.org/rss/ ) or [RSS.app ](https://rss.app/ ) - RSS Feed Search
* [RSS Box ](https://rssbox.herokuapp.com/ ) or [FiveFilters ](https://createfeed.fivefilters.org/ ) - RSS Feed Creator
* [RSSMail ](https://git.panda-roux.dev/rssmail/about/ ) or [FeedButler ](https://feedbutler.app/en ) - RSS to Email
* [RSS Bridge ](https://github.com/RSS-Bridge/rss-bridge ) - RSS Feed for Sites Missing It
* [All about RSS ](https://github.com/AboutRSS/ALL-about-RSS ) or [RSS ](https://gist.github.com/thefranke/63853a6f8c499dc97bc17838f6cedcc2 ) - RSS Feeds & Tools
* [hacker-feeds-cli ](https://github.com/Mayandev/hacker-feeds-cli ) - GitHub, Reddit, Hacker News & other Feeds
* [sheet-posting ](https://www.sheet-posting.me/ ) - Convert Google Spreadsheets into Blogs & RSS Feeds
2022-05-08 21:44:03 -07:00
* [Kill the Newsletter ](https://kill-the-newsletter.com/ ) - Convert email newsletters into Atom Feeds
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Clovery ](https://webcatalog.io/clovery/ ) - Multi-Google App Program
* [PyPasser ](https://github.com/xHossein/PyPasser ) - Bypass ReCaptcha v3 & v2
* [Rescan ](https://rescan.io/ ) - Find Out Technologies Used to Build Any Site
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [Archive / Scrape / Crawl Webpages ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_web_scraping_.2F_archiving_tools ) - Archive, Scrape & Crawl Sites
* [OutWit ](https://www.outwit.com/ ) - Scrape / Organize Website Data
* [WebMailExtractor ](https://www.webemailextractor.com/#trynow ) - Extract Emails / Phone #s from Webpages
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [Awesome Website Change Monitoring ](https://github.com/edgi-govdata-archiving/awesome-website-change-monitoring ), [Sken.io ](https://www.sken.io/ ), [ChangeDetection.io ](https://github.com/dgtlmoon/changedetection.io ), [urlwatch ](https://thp.io/2008/urlwatch/ ), [Visualping ](https://visualping.io/ ) or [FollowThatPage ](https://followthatpage.com/ ) - Page Change Detection / Notification
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [CertAlert ](https://certalert.net/ ) - Alerts you when a TLS/SSL Certificate Expires
2022-08-19 16:14:38 -07:00
* [Public Gateway Checker ](https://ipfs.github.io/public-gateway-checker/ ) - Check which IPFS Gateways are Online
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [SocialBlade ](https://socialblade.com/ ) - Social Media Stats
* [LiveCounts ](https://livecounts.io/ ) - Live Social Media Stats
* [Post Generator ](https://postgenerator.online/ ) - Convert Article to Social Media Post
* [Cloaking Company ](https://www.cloakingcompany.com/ ) - Create Alogorith Pleasing Social Media Posts
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [Abogrow ](https://www.abogrow.com/compose ) - Preview Social Media Posts
2022-08-02 00:27:29 -07:00
* [Emotes Everywhere ](https://kellphy.com/projects/kee.html ), [GenieEmoji ](https://github.com/virejdasani/Geniemoji ), [winMoji ](https://www.winmoji.com/ ) or [Geniemoji ](https://virejdasani.github.io/Geniemoji/ ) - Emoji Manager
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [EmojiRequests ](https://emojirequest.com/ ) - Custom User-Made Emojis
* [Cult of the Party Parrot ](https://cultofthepartyparrot.com/ ) - Party Parrot Emojis
2022-08-19 16:14:38 -07:00
* [Pepe Server Archive ](https://github.com/Overimagine1/pepe-server-archive ) - Pepe Emojis
* [you-get ](https://github.com/soimort/you-get ) - Download Media Contents from Webpages
* [Got Your Back ](https://github.com/jay0lee/got-your-back ) - Backup Gmail Messages
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Login Reminder Remover ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/395497-login-reminder-popup-remover ) - Remove Login Popup from Sites
2022-08-19 16:14:38 -07:00
* [BugMeNot ](http://bugmenot.com/ ), [Parolja ](http://en.parolja.net/ ), [Login2.me ](https://login2.me/ ), [FreeAccount ](https://freeaccount.biz/ ) or [Password Login ](http://password-login.com/ ) - Access & Share Throwaway Accounts
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Eiverr ](https://www.eiverr.com/ ) - Premium Account Cookies
2022-08-19 16:14:38 -07:00
* [Voice Dictation ](https://dictation.io/ ) - Type with Voice
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Bookmark Managers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_bookmark_managers ) - Manage / Store Bookmarks
* [Instapaper ](https://www.instapaper.com/ ) - Bookmarking Tool
* [Pilgrim ](http://pilgrim.are.na/ ) - Tree Style Path Bookmarking
* [Bort ](https://bort.io/ ) - Bookmark Manager that Syncs with Dropbox
* [wallabag ](https://wallabag.org/ ) - Save and Classify Articles
* [Flash Player Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_flash_player_tools ) - Tools / Apps to Run Flash Programs
* [Nativefier ](https://github.com/nativefier/nativefier ), [WebCatalog ](https://webcatalog.io/webcatalog/ ) or [web2desk ](https://appmaker.xyz/web2desk/ ) - Turn Sites into Desktop Apps
2022-08-04 04:42:58 -07:00
* [Bear Blog ](https://bearblog.dev/ ), [Haven ](https://havenweb.org/ ), [Multiverse ](https://multiverse.plus/ ), [Letterpad ](https://letterpad.app/ ), [Mataroa ](https://mataroa.blog/ ), [Emanates Docs ](https://emanates.deepjyoti30.dev/ ), [write freely ](https://writefreely.org/ ) or [twtxt ](https://github.com/buckket/twtxt ) - Blogging Platform
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Telescope ](https://telescope.ac/ ) - Publishing Platform
* [Odie ](http://odie.us/ ) - Publish Google Docs to Web
2022-08-23 02:53:00 -07:00
* [Hamsket ](https://github.com/TheGoddessInari/hamsket ), [Ferdi ](https://getferdi.com/ ), [Pidgin ](https://www.pidgin.im/ ), [Beeper ](https://www.beeper.com/ ), [matterbride ](https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge ), [Rambox ](https://github.com/ramboxapp/download/releases ) or [Franz ](https://meetfranz.com/ ) - Combine Web Apps / Chats
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Slapdash ](https://slapdash.com/ ) - Connect Cloud Apps
* [Remote Communication ](https://libreplanet.org/wiki/Remote_Communication ) - Communication Software Index
2022-07-26 01:23:50 -07:00
* [Discord ](https://discordapp.com/ ), [Guilded ](https://www.guilded.gg/ ) / [Mod ](https://github.com/ReGuilded/ReGuilded/ ) or [Revolt ](https://revolt.chat/ ) / [Bots ]( https://rvlt.gg/discover/bots ) / [Resources ](https://github.com/insertish/awesome-revolt ) - Messaging Platforms
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Twist ](https://twist.com/ ) - Collaboration Chat Manager
* [Hack.chat ](https://hack.chat/ ), [Convene ](https://letsconvene.im/ ), [Stinto ](https://stin.to/en ) or [tik.io ](https://tlk.io/ ) - Minimal Account Free Chat
2022-05-04 14:04:02 -07:00
* [Cirlos ](https://www.cirlos.net/ ), [Miranda NG ](https://www.miranda-ng.org/en/ ) or [WeeChat ](https://weechat.org/ ) - Chat App
2022-07-23 01:02:57 -07:00
* [KiwiIRC ](https://kiwiirc.com/ ) or [TheLounge ](https://thelounge.chat/ ) - WebIRC Client
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [AdiIRC ](https://adiirc.com/ ), [Convos ](https://convos.chat/ ), [PeerLinks ](https://peerlinks.io/ ) or [Bitchx ](http://bitchx.sourceforge.net/ ) - IRC Client
* [irc2go ](https://en.irc2go.com/ ) - Browse IRC Chat Rooms
* [LAN Messenger ](https://lanmessenger.github.io/ ) - FOSS LAN Messenger / [GitHub ](https://github.com/lanmessenger/lanmessenger )
* [Cabal ](https://cabal.chat/ ) - P2P Chat / [GitHub ](https://github.com/cabal-club )
* [Slink ](https://slink.chat/ ) - Aim Inspired Chat Client
2022-07-26 01:23:50 -07:00
* [ARP Chat ](https://github.com/kognise/arpchat ) - ARP Chat Client
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Rocket Chat ](https://rocket.chat/ ) - Self-Hosted Chat Client
* [Delta Chat ](https://delta.chat/en/ ) - Email Based Messenger
2022-05-20 22:56:11 -07:00
* [PingMe ](https://github.com/kha7iq/pingme ) - Multi-App Notifications
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [SnapRecovery ](https://github.com/sdushantha/snaprecovery ) - Snapchat Recovery Tool
* [Snapchat Data Extractor ](https://gist.github.com/programminghoch10/fa37e0da8b2efc5cb8077e59d000771d ) - Extract Snapchat Photo / Video Details
* [Skype Exports for Humans ](https://becausecurious.me/skype_exports_for_humans ) - Export Skype Chat Data to Readable Text
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [TikTok Chat Reader ](https://tiktok-chat-reader.zerody.one/ ) - Live TikTok Chat Reader
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Video Chat Apps / Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_video_chat ) - Video Calls
* [Zoom Escaper ](https://zoomescaper.com/ ) - Self-Sabotage Video Calls to Escape Meetings
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [Pyrite ](https://github.com/garage44/pyrite ) - Self-Hosted Video Calls
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Live Curtain ](https://livecurtain.com/ ) - Countdown Curtain For Online Meeting
* [Jam ](https://jam.systems/ ), [TeaSpeak ](https://teaspeak.de/gb/ ), [TeamSpeak ](https://www.teamspeak.com/ ) / [Warning ](https://pastebin.com/479TbKq5 ), [Nertivia Chat ](https://nertivia.net/ ), [Mumble ](https://www.mumble.info/ ), [Zoiper ](https://www.zoiper.com/ ) or [DogeHouse ](https://dogehouse.tv/ ) / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/wCbKBZF9cV ) / [Github ](https://github.com/benawad/dogehouse ) - Voice Chat
2022-07-24 17:47:17 -07:00
* [IMumble ](https://www.imumble.nl/ ), [VoicePacket ](https://www.voicepacket.net/ ) or [Guildbit ](https://guildbit.com/ ) - Voice Chat Servers
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Gather ](https://gather.town/ ), [Vircadia ](https://vircadia.com/ ) or [OpenSimulator ](http://opensimulator.org/ ) - Virtual World Server
* [FireStorm Viewer ](https://www.firestormviewer.org/ ) - Virtual World Viewer
* [Email Services ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_email_sites ) - No Verification Required Email Sites
* [Email Clients ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_email_clients ) - Send & Receive Mail
2022-08-26 16:58:30 -07:00
* [Fedora Email ](https://fedora.email/ ) - Email Web Client
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Postsack ](https://github.com/terhechte/postsack ) - Email Visualizer
* [.edu Mail Guide ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IjxLeNuF58-lL-aHCAbpliap6qUuTR7UMEPAaYHaBHg/preview ), [Mail.mjj ](https://mail.mjj.edu.ge/ ), [10MinMail ](https://10minutesemail.net/ ) - EDU Email Address'
* [BeFree ](https://beefree.io/templates/free/ ) - Email Templates
* [FreeMail ](https://extrassl.actalis.it/portal/uapub/freemail?lang=en ) - Free Mail Certificate
* [Boomerang ](https://www.boomeranggmail.com/ ), [NudgeMail ](https://www.nudgemail.com/ ) or [FollowupThen ](https://www.followupthen.com/ ) - Scheduled Email Sending & Reminders
* [Email Tracker ](https://snov.io/email-tracker ), [GetNotify ](https://www.getnotify.com/ ) or [Mailtrack ](https://mailtrack.io/ ) - Email Engagement Tracker
* [Cleanfox ](https://www.cleanfox.io/ ) - Easily Clean Email Inbox
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [Unroll ](https://unroll.me/ ) or [UnsubScan ](https://github.com/LGUG2Z/unsubscan ) - Easily Unsubscribe from Emails
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Epieos ](https://tools.epieos.com/ ) - Retrieve Info Linked to Email Address
* [nBox ](https://nbox.notif.me/ ) - Sign Up Anywhere without Email
* [zMail ](http://zmail.sourceforge.net/ ) or [Emkei's Fake Mailer ](https://emkei.cz/ ) - Send Fake Emails
* [MailBait ](https://mailbait.info/ ) - Fill Inbox with Mail
* [Email Valid ](https://ivit.pro/services/email-valid/ ) or [Ychecker ](https://ychecker.com/ ) - Check Email Validity & Usage
* [Useplaintext ](https://useplaintext.email/ ) - How-To Use plaintext Email
* [Briskine ](https://www.briskine.com/ ) - Email Templates
2022-06-04 00:12:23 -07:00
* [Signature Maker ](https://signature-maker.net/ ) - Email Signature Creator
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Mail-in a Box ](https://mailinabox.email/ ) - Self Host a Mail Server / [GitHub ](https://github.com/mail-in-a-box/mailinabox )
* [Yandex Account Creator ](https://github.com/hendrikbgr/YandexMail-Account-Creator ) - Create Infinite Yandex Accounts
* [Gmail Dot Trick Generator ](https://thebot.net/api/gmail/ ) - Generate Unlimited Gmail Accounts via the Dot Trick
* [Delete Junk Email ](https://gist.github.com/viperadnan-git/fcb0ecda32de0b9a27ec03829a7c12e8 ) - Bulk Gmail Junk Deleter
* [Alive ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/418770-colab-alive ) - Bypass Google Colab Limit Colab
* [YakYak ](https://github.com/yakyak/yakyak ) - Google Hangouts Desktop Client
* [Indirect ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/indirect/9phw4kj8jvnz ) - Instagram Desktop Messenger
* [SentRanker ](https://sentranker.com/ ) - Social Media Sentiment Scanner
2022-04-28 14:07:23 -07:00
* [ExportComments ](https://exportcomments.com/ ) - Export Social Media Comments
* [divr.it ](https://dlvrit.com/ ) - Social Media Automation Tool
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* [EagleEye ](https://github.com/ThoughtfulDev/EagleEye ) - Find Social Media Profiles From Image
* [socid_extractor ](https://github.com/soxoj/socid_extractor ) - Extract Social Media User Info from Pages
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Hamachi ](https://vpn.net/ ) - VPN / LAN Emulator
* [WikiStalk ](https://github.com/altilunium/wistalk ) - Analyze Wikipedia User's Activity
* [InspectContent ](https://inspectcontent.com/ ) - Site Keyword Inspector
2022-08-04 04:42:58 -07:00
* [Personal Link Hompages ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_personal_link_homepages ) - Display Your Links / Sites
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Integrated Inbox ](https://integratedinbox.com/ ) - Gmail Google Web App Integration
* [EasyMailForGmail ](https://easymailforgmail.com/ ) - Gmail Desktop Client
2022-08-17 15:58:49 -07:00
* [Namechk ](https://namechk.com/ ), [CheckUserNames ](https://knowem.com/ ), [NameCheckr ](https://www.namecheckr.com/ ), [NameCheckup ](https://namecheckup.com/ ) or [IUS ](https://instantusername.com/ ) - Check Username Availability
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [HostsDock ](https://eshengsky.github.io/HostsDock/ ) - Manage & Switch Hosts
2022-05-06 17:58:43 -07:00
* [Multiple IP / Network Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_ip_.2F_network_tools )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [IP Checkers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_ip_checkers ) - Check Your IP Address
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [IP Location ](https://iplocation.net/ ) - IP Location Check
2022-08-01 00:23:03 -07:00
* [IP List ](http://magic-cookie.co.uk/iplist.html ) - Convert CIDR Notation to UP Range
2022-05-08 21:44:03 -07:00
* [IP Rotator ](https://github.com/Ge0rg3/requests-ip-rotator ) - Bypass IP-based Rate-Limits Requests
2022-05-06 17:58:43 -07:00
* [open-ports ](https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ ), [Networkappers ](https://networkappers.com/ ), [PortCheckTool ](https://www.portchecktool.com/ ), [PortChecker ](https://www.portchecker.co/ ), [PortCheckers ](https://www.portcheckers.com/ ) or [CanYouSeeMe ](https://canyouseeme.org/ ) - Open Port Checkers
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [DownloadTestr ](http://txti.es/downloadtestr ) - Download Test Files to Test Download Speed
* [NeverSSL ](http://neverssl.com/ ) - Fix Public WiFi Login Pages
* [WiFi-Password ](https://github.com/sdushantha/wifi-password ) - Fetch WiFi Password / Generate QR Code
* [IP2Proxy ](https://www.ip2proxy.com/ ) - Proxy / VPN IP Detector
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [Slideshow-Deslidefier ](http://deslide.clusterfake.net/ ) - View Slideshows All At Once
* [tumblr-utils ](https://github.com/bbolli/tumblr-utils ) - Tumblr Utilities
* [tumblr-crawler ](https://github.com/ZenulAbidin/tumblr-crawler ) - Download tumblr Photos / Videos
* [Tumgir ](https://www.tumgir.com/ ) - Tumblr Web Viewer
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Awesome ActivityPub ](https://github.com/BasixKOR/awesome-activitypub ) - List of ActivityPub based projects
* [Percollate ](https://github.com/danburzo/percollate ) - Format Pages for PDF / EPub / HTML
* [StartOS ](https://startos.app/ ) - 90's Themed Startpage / [Github ](https://github.com/Jaredk3nt/startos )
* [Gate2Home ](https://gate2home.com/ ) - Keyboard Emulator
* [PrintFriendly ](https://www.printfriendly.com/ ) or [PrintWhatYouLike ](https://www.printwhatyoulike.com/ ) - Printer / PDF Version of Webpages
* [Textise ](https://textise.net/ ) - Remove Everything from a Page Except Text
* [Toptal ](https://www.toptal.com/designers/colorfilter ) - Colorblind Web Page Filter
* [FaxZero ](https://faxzero.com/ ) - Free Internet Faxing
* [Misc-Download-Scripts ](https://github.com/simon987/Misc-Download-Scripts ) - Download Scripts for Multiple Sites
* [Hosts Files ghosts ](https://github.com/StevenBlack/ghosts ) - Evaluate, Compare & Format
* [byp4xx ](https://github.com/lobuhi/byp4xx ) - Bypass "403 Forbidden" Messages
* [PuTTY ](https://www.putty.org/ ), [2 ](https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ ) / [Fork ](https://www.9bis.net/kitty/#!index.md ), [GitHub ](https://github.com/cyd01/KiTTY/ ) - SSH & Telnet Client / [Keygen ](https://www.puttygen.com/ )
2022-05-03 18:05:21 -07:00
* [Server Hunter ](https://www.serverhunter.com/ ) - Search / Compare Servers
2022-04-28 14:07:23 -07:00
* [Dashy ](https://dashy.to/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/lissy93/dashy ) or [Homer ](https://github.com/bastienwirtz/homer ) - Home Server Homepage
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [FairGame ](https://github.com/Hari-Nagarajan/fairgame ) - Automatically Place Orders on Amazon
* [rickroll-blocker ](https://github.com/hitthemoney/rickroll-blocker/ ) - Rick Roll Blocker
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2021-08-20 06:35:05 -07:00
## ▷ Browsers
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Browsers ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_browsers )**, [2 ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_web_browsers ) - Normal Web Browsers
* **[Privacy Browsers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_privacy_based_browsers )** - Privacy Focused Browsers
* **[Lightweight Browsers ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_lightweight_web_browsers )** - Lightweight Web Browsers
2022-05-25 22:19:10 -07:00
* **[Browser Extensions ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/misc#wiki_.25BA_extensions ) / [UserScripts ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/misc#wiki_.25B7_userscripts )**
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Browser Startpages ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_browser_startpages )** - Custom Browser Homepages
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [Browser Automation Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_automation_tools ) - Automate Internet Tasks
2021-10-30 06:37:47 -07:00
* [Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts ](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/keyboard-shortcuts-perform-firefox-tasks-quickly )
* [Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts ](https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/157179?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [browserbench ](https://browserbench.org/ ) - Multiple Browser Benchmark Tests
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [WPT ](https://wpt.fyi/ ) - In-Depth Browser Tests
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [VsyncTester ](https://vsynctester.com/ ) - Browser VSYNC Test
2022-08-14 20:45:51 -07:00
* [NeverInstall ](https://neverinstall.com/ ) - Use Apps in Browser
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [QuteBrowser ](https://qutebrowser.org/ ) - Keyboard Focused Browser
* [Browsh ](https://www.brow.sh/ ) - Text Based Browser
* [Beaker ](https://beakerbrowser.com/ ) - P2P Web Browser
* [webbrowser.git ](https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ ) - Lightweight Browser
* [MinBrowser ](https://minbrowser.org/ ) or [Agregore Browser ](https://github.com/AgregoreWeb/agregore-browser ) - Minimalist Browser
* [Vieb ](https://vieb.dev/ ) - Vim Inspired Browser
* [Netbox ](https://netbox.global/ ) - Blockchain Backed Browser
* [Ghost Browser ](https://ghostbrowser.com/ ) - Multi-Session Browser
* [woob ](https://woob.tech/ ) - Use Sites Without a Browser
2022-05-25 22:19:10 -07:00
* [Gemini Clients ](https://gemini.circumlunar.space/clients.html ), [Lagrange ](https://github.com/skyjake/lagrange ) or [Amfora ](https://github.com/makeworld-the-better-one/amfora ) - Gemini Browsers
* [Gemini Software ](https://gemini.circumlunar.space/software/ ) - Tools & Software for Gemini
2022-07-22 14:11:16 -07:00
* [Gemini Portal ](https://portal.mozz.us/gemini/gemini.circumlunar.space/ ), [2 ](https://yesterweb.org/gemini.html ) - Gemini to https Web Proxy Service
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [StockBrowser ](https://stackbrowser.com/ ), [Rambox ](https://rambox.app/ ) or [Tangram ](https://github.com/sonnyp/Tangram ) - Web App Browser
* [Browserling ](https://www.browserling.com/ ) - Browser Emulators
2022-07-25 00:07:58 +03:00
* [n.eko ](https://neko.m1k1o.net ) / [Github ](https://github.com/m1k1o/neko ) - Self-Hosted Virtual Browser
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Ungoogled Chromium ](https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium ) - Chrome without Google
* [Chrome Theme Studio ](https://chrometheme.studio/ ) - Create Chrome Theme
* [Safari Windows ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_safari_windows ) - Safari for Windows
* [Firemin ](https://www.rizonesoft.com/downloads/firemin/ ) - Prevent Firefox Memory Leaks
2022-07-04 21:12:05 -07:00
* [Firefox Tweaker ](https://rejzor.wordpress.com/firefox-tweaker/ ) or [Hidden Settings ](https://gitlab.com/Madis0/hidden-settings/ ) - Firefox Hidden Settings
2022-08-13 20:39:48 -07:00
* [Firefox-UI-Fix ](https://github.com/black7375/Firefox-UI-Fix ) - Firefox UI Enhancements
2022-05-20 22:56:11 -07:00
* [Firefox Access ](https://www.accessfirefox.org/ ) - Firefox Accessibility Tools for the Visually Impaired
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [FirefoxCSS Store ](https://firefoxcss-store.github.io/ ) - Firefox Themes List
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [/r/FirefoxCSS ](https://reddit.com/r/FirefoxCSS ) - Firefox CSS Guides
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [NightFox ](https://github.com/snthcy/nightfox ) - Firefox Mac Theme
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [Firefox UWP Style ](https://github.com/Guerra24/Firefox-UWP-Style ) - Firefox UWP Theme
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [ThemeBeta ](https://www.themebeta.com/ ) - Change Chrome Theme
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [BrowserParrot ](https://www.browserparrot.com/ ) - Browser History Search Engine
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [EdgeDeflector ](https://github.com/da2x/EdgeDeflector ) or [MSEdgeRedirect ](https://github.com/rcmaehl/MSEdgeRedirect ) - Force Open Default Browser
* [xBrowserSync ](https://github.com/xbrowsersync/app ) - Sync Browser Data Browsers / Devices
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [Floccus ](https://floccus.org/ ) - Browser Bookmark Sync / [GitHub ](https://github.com/floccusaddon/floccus )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [HackBrowserData ](https://github.com/moonD4rk/HackBrowserData ) - Decrypt Browser Data
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [WhatIsMyBrowser ](https://developers.whatismybrowser.com/ ) - User Agent Archive
* [danmaku2ass ](https://github.com/m13253/danmaku2ass ) - Convert Niconico/AcFun/Bilibili Comments to ASS
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [Gopher Proxy ](https://gopherproxy.meulie.net/ ) - View Gopher Content in Browser
2021-08-20 06:35:05 -07:00
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Search Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Alternative Search Engines ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_alternative_search_engines )** or ** [Search-Engine ](https://start.me/p/wM7y15/search-engine )** - Search Engine Indexes
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* **[Privacy Based Search Engines ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/adblock-vpn-privacy#wiki_.25B7_search_engines )**
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* **[CSE Utopia ](https://start.me/p/EL84Km/cse-utopia )**, [Boolean Strings ](https://booleanstrings.com/all-the-40-forty-custom-search-engines/ ) or [awesome-custom-search-engines ](https://github.com/davzoku/awesome-custom-search-engines ) - Custom Search Engine Index
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [100 Search Engines ](https://www.100searchengines.com/ ) - Search With 100 Search Engines
2022-08-17 01:20:57 -07:00
* [pSearch ](https://github.com/SerjSX/pSearch/ ), [Search All ](https://www.searchall.net/ ) or [AIO Search ](https://www.aiosearch.com/ ) - Multi Site Search
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Streaming CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:cfdhwy9o57g#gsc.tab=0 ), [2 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:o0mf6t-ugea#gsc.tab=0 ), [3 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=98916addbaef8b4b6 ), [4 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=0199ade0b25835f2e ) - Search General Streaming Sites
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [Video Streaming CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:6v9mqdaai6q#gsc.tab=0 ) - Search YouTube-Like Video Sites
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Anime Streaming CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:vzcl7wcfhei ), [2 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:mrfarx7-dxu ) - Search Anime Streaming Sites
* [TV Streaming CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:hrhinud6efg ) - Search TV Streaming Sites
2022-07-09 06:57:50 -07:00
* [Download CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:1ugcdt3vo7z ), [2 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:reodoskmj7h ) - Search Download Sites
* [Video Download CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:wevn3lkn9rr ), [2 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=89f2dfcea452fc451 ), [3 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=aab218d0aa53e3578 ) - Search Video Download Sites
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Audio Download CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:ibmyuhh72io ), [2 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:ohobg3wvr_w ) - Search Audio Download Sites
* [Anime Download CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:osnah6w0yw8 ) - Search Anime Download Sites
2022-07-31 02:17:00 -07:00
* [Game Download CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:cbjowp5sdqg ), [Rave Search ](https://idleendeavor.github.io/gamesearch/ ) / [2 ](https://ravegamesearch.pages.dev/ ) - Search Game Download Sites
2022-07-29 01:30:50 -07:00
* [Torrent CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:0led5tukccj ), [2 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:kh3piqxus6n ) / [librex ](https://github.com/hnhx/librex ) - Search General Torrent Sites
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Video Torrent CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:gaoebxgop7j ) - Search Video Torrent Sites
* [Anime Torrent CSE ]( https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:lamzt6ls4iz ) - Search Anime Torrent Sites
* [Audio Torrent CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:v75cyb4ci55 ) - Search Audio Torrent Sites
* [Game Torrent CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:pobnsujblyx ), [Rave Search ](https://idleendeavor.github.io/gamesearch/ ) / [2 ](https://ravegamesearch.pages.dev/ ) - Search Game Torrent Sites
* [Reading CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:s9ddesylrm8 ), [2 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:rc855wetniu ), [3 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=e9657e69c76480cb8 ), [4 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=c46414ccb6a943e39 ) / [Rave Book Search ](https://ravebooksearch.com/ ) - Search Reading Sites
* [Audiobooks CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:cwbbza56vhd ) - Search Audiobook Sites
* [Comics CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:p4hgytyrohg ) - Search Comic Sites
* [Manga CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:4im0fkhej3z ), [2 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:a5mavctjnsc#gsc.tab=0 ) - Search Manga Sites
* [Android APK CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=e0d1769ccf74236e8 ), [2 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=73948689c2c206528 ), [3 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=a805854b6a196d6a6 ) - Search Android APK Sites
* [File Host Search ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=90a35b59cee2a42e1 ) - Search File Hosts
* [Pastebin CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=0cd79b819f26af9d0 ), [Pastebin.ga ](https://pastebin.ga/ ) or [Paste Skimmer ](https://sites.google.com/view/l33tech/tools/pasteskimmer ) - Search Pastebins
* [Software CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=57b3962509047447e ), [2 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=ec7d33ef358ae1b65 ) - Search Software Sites
* [Rom CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=f47f68e49301a07ac ), [2 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=744926a50bd7eb010 ) - Search Rom Sites
* [Fagan Finder ](https://www.faganfinder.com/ ), [DirectSearch.Net ](http://www.directsearch.net/ ) or [Search Engine Colossus ](https://www.searchenginecolossus.com/ ) - Search Engine Directory
* [DuckDuckBang ](https://mosermichael.github.io/duckduckbang/html/main.html ) - DuckDuckGo !bang Meta Serarch / [GitHub ](https://github.com/MoserMichael/duckduckbang )
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [Jumps ](https://jumps.io/ ) or [Yubnub ](https://yubnub.org/ ) - Site Quick Search
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Soovle ](https://soovle.com/ ), [Keyword.io ](http://www.keyword.io/ ), [SearchEngineReports ](https://searchenginereports.net/ ) or [Keyword Tool ](https://keywordtool.io/ ) - Popular Keyword Search
* [Esteroids ](https://esteroids.eth.limo/# ) - Decentralized Web Search Engine
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* [Social-Searcher ](https://www.social-searcher.com/ ), [HashFinder ](https://www.hashfinder.xyz/ ), [WeVerify ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006976128084956795641:ad1xj14zfap ), [Social Media CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=73dda67fd05b4405f#gsc.tab=1&gsc.sort= ) or [Social Mention ](http://socialmention.com/ ) - Social Media Search Engine
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [BoardReader ](https://boardreader.com/ ) or [FindAForum ](https://www.findaforum.net/Home/Search/ ) - Forum Search Engine
* [Blog Search Engine ](http://www.blogsearchengine.org/ ), [Blog-Search ](https://www.blog-search.com/ ), [BlogErnity ](http://www.bloggernity.com/ ), [BlogSurf ](https://blogsurf.io/ ), [Twoggle ](https://twoggle.com/ ) or [SearchBlogspot ](https://www.searchblogspot.com/ ) - Blog Search
* [4chanSearch ](https://4chansearch.com/ ) - 4chan Search
* [Git Search Engine ](https://zzollo.co/ ) - Search GitHub, GitLab ect.
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [TikTok Quick Search ](https://www.osintcombine.com/tiktok-quick-search ) or [TikTok CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=c42f6b58703f83683 ) - TikTok Search
2022-08-10 15:13:18 -07:00
* [tumbex ](https://www.tumbex.com/ ) - Tumblr Search
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Mibbit ](https://search.mibbit.com/ ) - IRC Channel Search
* [dato.rss ](https://datorss.com/ ) - RSS Feeds Search Engine
* [AlsoAsked ](https://alsoasked.com/ ) - Related Search Tool
* [Wiby ](https://wiby.org/ ), [2 ](https://wiby.me/ ) - Search Engine for Lightweight Web Pages
* [Search My Site ](https://searchmysite.net/ ) - Search Engine for Independent and Personal websites / Open Source
* [algolia ](https://hn.algolia.com/ ) - Hacker News Search
* [Tor Search Engines ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_tor_search_engines ) - Search Tor
* [TorBot ](https://github.com/DedSecInside/TorBot ), [TorCrawl ](https://github.com/james04gr/TorCrawl.py ), [OnionIngestor ](https://github.com/danieleperera/OnionIngestor ), [OnionSearch ](https://github.com/megadose/OnionSearch ) or [VigilantOnion ](https://github.com/andreyglauzer/VigilantOnion ) - TOR Network Crawlers
* [Intelligence X ](https://intelx.io/tools ) or [Aware-Online ](https://www.aware-online.com/en/osint-tools/ ) - Multiple Search Tools
* [Marginalia Search ](https://search.marginalia.nu/ ) - Text Based Search Engine
* [TheOldNet ](http://theoldnet.com/ ) - Retro Search Engine
2022-04-30 01:52:06 -07:00
* [LumenDatabase ](https://lumendatabase.org/ ) - Search DMCA Takedown Requests
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Refseek ](https://www.refseek.com/ ) - Academic Search Engine
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* [GrayHatWarfare ](http://buckets.grayhatwarfare.com/ ) - Amazon s3 Buckets Search
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [UserSearch ](https://usersearch.org/ ) or [WhatsMyName ](https://whatsmyname.app/ ) - Username Search
2022-08-10 21:33:02 -07:00
* [FindAGrave ](https://findagrave.com/ ) - Gravestone Search
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Telegago ](https://cse.google.com/cse?&cx=006368593537057042503:efxu7xprihg#gsc.tab=0 ) or [TG CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006249643689853114236:a3iibfpwexa ) - Telegram CSE
* [ISearchFrom ](http://isearchfrom.com/ ) - Change Location / Device for Google Search
2021-09-19 11:49:33 -07:00
* [Google Search Operator Cheat Sheets ](https://moz.com/learn/seo/search-operators ), [2 ](https://moz.com/blog/mastering-google-search-operators-in-67-steps ), [3 ](https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/ ), [4 ](https://l-lists.com/en/lists/m1mdwx.html ), [5 ](https://github.com/BushidoUK/OSINT-SearchOperators )
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Google Search Guide ](https://moz.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-the-google-search-parameters ) + [Advanced ](https://coursebuilder.withgoogle.com/ )
2022-05-10 21:09:44 -07:00
* [sitedorks ](https://github.com/Zarcolio/sitedorks ), [Dorks-collections-list ](https://github.com/cipher387/Dorks-collections-list/ ), [Google Dork List ](https://www.boxpiper.com/posts/google-dork-list ) or [DorkSearch ](https://www.dorksearch.com/ ) - Google Search Dorks
2021-11-14 12:17:37 -08:00
* [Yandex Search Operator Cheat Sheets ](https://yandex.com/support/direct/keywords/symbols-and-operators.html ), [2 ](https://seosly.com/yandex-search-operators/ ), [3 ](https://seranking.ru/blog/seo/operatory-poiska-yandex/ )
2022-07-04 21:12:05 -07:00
* [Cyber ](https://cyber.page/ ) - Hash Search
* [rfc.fyi ](https://rfc.fyi/ ) - RFC Search
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [CrunchBase ](https://www.crunchbase.com/ ) - Company Info Search
* [Employees hunter ](https://hunter.io/ ) - Company Employee Email Search
* [judyrecords ](https://www.judyrecords.com/ ) - US Court Case Search
* [Is it big? ](https://isitbig.org/ ) - Brand Corporation Connection Search
* [Matrix ](https://matrix.itasoftware.com/ ) - Airfare Search
* [Hunter.io ](https://hunter.io/ ) - Business Email Address Search
* [ImportYeti ](https://www.importyeti.com/ ) - Search U.S. Customs Shipment Records
* [VK Watch ](https://vk.watch/ ) - VK Profile Search
* [Social-Analyzer ](https://github.com/qeeqbox/social-analyzer ) - Profile Search CLI
* [SearchAllJunk ](https://searchalljunk.com/ ) - Multi-Classifieds Search
* [carVertical ](https://www.carvertical.com/ ) - Vehicle History & VIN Search
* [NHTSA ](https://vpic.nhtsa.dot.gov/api/ ) - Vehicle Registration Database
* [PartSouq ](https://www.partsouq.com/ ) - Auto Parts Search
* [TMHunt ](http://www.tmhunt.com/ ) - Clothing Trademark Search
* [BrownBook ](https://www.brownbook.net/ ) - Business Listing Search
* [txtai ](https://neuml.github.io/txtai/ ) - Build Semantic Search Apps
* [useful-forks ](https://useful-forks.github.io/ ) or [GitPop3 ](https://andremiras.github.io/gitpop3/ ) - GitHub Fork Search
* [grep.app ](https://grep.app/ ) - Git Repository Search
* [MyCroftProject ](https://mycroftproject.com/ ) - Search Engine Plugins
* [Google Trends ](https://trends.google.com/trends/ ) - Google Search Trends
* [The Search Engine Map ](https://www.searchenginemap.com/ ) - View Search Engine Connections
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ URL Tools
2022-08-02 00:27:29 -07:00
* **[Encode / Decode URLs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_encode_.2F_decode_urls )** - URL Encoding / Decoding Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Flagfox ](https://flagfox.wordpress.com/ )** - Displays Country's Flag on Sites / [Adds Many URL Tools ](https://i.imgur.com/zDaLZxC.png )
2022-08-02 00:27:29 -07:00
* **[Check if Sites are Down ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_down_site_checkers )** - Site Availability Checkers
* **[URL Unshorteners ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_url_unshorteners )** - Unmask Shortened URLs
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Wiki Shortener ](https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:UrlShortener )** - Wiki URL Shortener
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* **[t.ly ](https://t.ly/ )** - `t.ly/qqH6`
* **[is.gd ](https://www.is.gd/ )** - `is.gd/9dkISG`
* [v.gd ](https://v.gd/ ) - `v.gd/Gj8oLR`
* [gg.gg ](http://gg.gg/ ) - `gg.gg/oggp7`
* [Teknik ](https://shorten.teknik.io/ ) - `tknk.io/GH5X`
2021-10-30 06:37:47 -07:00
* [Linkify ](https://creator.linkify.cz/ ) - `linkify.cz/1a0O`
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [bitly ](https://bitly.com/ ) - `bit.ly/3cmqPIu` / [Reveal URL ](https://i.imgur.com/4LvGFXe.png )
* [TinyUrl ](https://tinyurl.com/ ) - `tinyurl.com/twgf2ks` / [Reveal URL ](https://i.imgur.com/DklVFU7.png )
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [bit.do ](https://bit.do/ ) - `bit.do/fNj7S`
2021-08-25 02:02:56 -07:00
* [id ](https://home.s.id/ ) - `s.id/EQBsg`
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [v.ht ](https://v.ht/ ) - `v.ht/rM7Q`
2021-12-24 08:08:25 -08:00
* [3c5 ](https://3c5.com/ ) - `3c5.com/jWscV`
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Tiny.cc ](https://tiny.cc/ ) - `tiny.cc/akl1mz`
2022-02-19 19:35:30 -08:00
* [Paup ](http://paup.ml/ ) - `paup.ml/H9-R2`
2022-01-24 02:14:21 -08:00
* [Scur ](https://scur.link/ ) - `scur.link/pLyF`
2022-02-21 21:54:46 -08:00
* [1kb ](https://1kb.link/ ) - `1kb.link/acc0a`
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [x.gd ](https://x.gd/ ) `x.gd/rcg0Z`
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [shrtcode ](https://app.shrtco.de/ ) - `shrtco.de/lsoWP`
2022-02-28 05:56:04 -08:00
* [bom.so ](https://bom.so/ ) - `bom.so/VevMJv`
* [by.com.vn ](https://by.com.vn/ ) - `by.com.vn/tKYeSo`
2022-07-26 01:23:50 -07:00
* [Poda Me ](https://poda.me/ ) - `poda.me/e3129e`
2022-02-28 05:56:04 -08:00
* [sum.vn ](https://sum.vn/ ) - `sum.vn/DTrXk`
* [ref.vn ](https://ref.vn/ ) - `ref.vn/czuqfm`
* [jii.li ](https://jii.li/ ) - `jii.li/hNFXP`
* [bitlink.vn ](https://bitlink.vn/ ) - `bitlink.vn/1V61j`
* [bitby.me ](https://bitby.me/ ) - `bitby.me/IXxbR`
* [qrvn.cc ](http://qrvn.cc/ ) - `qrvn.cc/Zzue41i`
2022-03-11 17:57:44 -08:00
* [Shrinke.me ](https://shrinke.me/ ) - `shrinke.me/1OpB2`
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Rebrandly ](https://www.rebrandly.com/ ) - `rb.gy/4m25hq` / [Extension ](https://mybrowseraddon.com/g-url-shortener.html )
2022-05-19 06:11:07 -07:00
* [lnks.tools ](https://lnks.tools/ ) - `lnks.tools/wEASMD`
2022-04-15 03:57:01 -07:00
* [zws ](https://zws.im/ ) - `zws.im/ `
2021-09-18 21:27:11 -07:00
* [u.nu ](https://u.nu/ ) - `u.nu/5nhzi`
* [Kutt ](https://kutt.it/ ) - `kutt.it/sQnBLz`
2022-03-09 23:56:39 +07:00
* [wal.ee ](https://wal.ee/ ) - `wal.ee/zluqo`
2022-03-10 00:55:27 +07:00
* [n9.cl ](https://n9.cl/ ) - `n9.cl/6gjfj`
* [hoo.gl ](http://hoo.gl/ ) - `hoo.gl/p7YP`
* [xy2.eu ](http://xy2.eu/ ) - `xy2.eu/p7YP`
2022-03-09 10:04:29 -08:00
* [goo.su ](https://goo.su/ ) - `goo.su/7pNRjy7` / [Extension ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/free-link-shortener-goosu/clcoifeibkncgnegebeehkodandleohn )
2022-03-10 00:55:27 +07:00
* [tny.im ](http://tny.im ) - `tny.im/rw-`
* [ai6.net ](https://ai6.net/ ) - `ai6.net/nm3tyz`
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [offf.to ](https://offf.to/ ) - Short Links via Browser
2022-08-06 23:57:31 -07:00
* [ThisDay ](https://thisday.link/ ) - Temporary Short Links
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Anonymiz ](https://anonymiz.com/shorten-url ) - Anonymous URLs - `anonymiz.com/vwiq`
* [Anon.to ](https://anon.to/ ) - Anonymous URLs - `anon.to/7SWqpG`
* [Thinfi ](https://thinfi.com/ ) - Password protect a short URL - `thinfi.com/q8aw`
* [ShadyURL ](http://www.shadyurl.com/ ) - Make Suspicious Looking URLs - `5z8.info/warez_zozu`
* [ShortUrLinksbot ](https://t.me/ShortUrLinksbot ) or [ShortUrlBot ](https://t.me/ShortUrlBot ) - Telegram Link Shortener Bot
2022-04-15 03:57:01 -07:00
* [suri ](https://github.com/jstayton/suri ), [urlhum ](https://urlhum.com/ ) or [mpngin ](https://github.com/thewalkingtoast/mpngin ) - Self-Deployed Link Shortener
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [shrtcode ](https://shrtco.de/tools/ ) or [cuttly ](https://cutt.ly/ ) - Multiple URL Tools
* [Open Bulk URL ](https://openbulkurl.com/ ) or [OpenAllURLs ](https://www.openallurls.com/ ) - URL Bulk Opener
* [ListURLs ](https://listurls.com/ ) - URL List Generator
* [CheckServer ](https://check-host.net/ ), [UptimeRobot ](https://uptimerobot.com/ ) or [24x7 ](https://www.site24x7.com/tools.html ) - Site Monitoring Tools
* [CrowdTangle ](https://apps.crowdtangle.com/chrome-extension ) - Check Where Links Have Been Shared
* [Harpoon ](https://hakin9.org/harpoon-osint-cli-tool/ ), [MxToolbox ](https://mxtoolbox.com/DNSLookup.aspx ), [Whois Lookup ](https://whois.domaintools.com/ ) or [BillCipher ](https://github.com/84KaliPleXon3/BillCipher ) - Domain Info Lookup Tool
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [SpyOffers ](https://www.spyoffers.com/ ) - Affiliate Link Checker
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Dereferer ](https://dereferer.me/ ) - Derefer / Anonymize Links
* [Link-Lock ](https://rekulous.github.io/link-lock/ ) - Encrypt & Decrypt Links with Passwords
2022-07-04 21:12:05 -07:00
* [dcrypt.it ](http://dcrypt.it/ ) - Decrypt Link Containers
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Linkify Plus Plus ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/4255-linkify-plus-plus ) - [Core ](https://github.com/eight04/linkify-plus-plus-core ) / Turn Plain txt URL's into Links
* [Perma ](https://perma.cc/ ) - Permanent URLs
* [Temporary-Url ](https://www.temporary-url.com/ ) - Temporary URLs / QR Codes
* [scrt.link ](http://scrt.link/ ) - Single Use Links
2022-08-10 21:33:02 -07:00
* [noAMP ](https://noamp.link/ ) or [AmputatorBot ](https://www.amputatorbot.com/ ) - Remove AMP from URLs
2022-08-06 23:57:31 -07:00
* [QR Code Generator ](https://www.qr-code-generator.com/ ), [2qr ](https://2qr.info/ ) or [link-to-qr ](https://link-to-qr.com/ ) - QR Code Generator For URLs / Text
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [AnyImage ](https://anyimage.io/ ) - Create Social Card Links
* [urlportal ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gotbletu/shownotes/master/urlportal.sh ) - Custom URL Handler
* [Xenu-Link ](http://home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink.html ), [Lychee ](https://github.com/lycheeverse/lychee ), [Cyotek-Webcopy ](https://www.cyotek.com/cyotek-webcopy ), [Dead Link Checker ](https://www.deadlinkchecker.com/ ) or [Broken Link Checker ](https://brokenlinkcheck.com/broken-links.php ) - Broken Link Checker
* [W.A.R. Links Checker Premium ](http://usa.x10host.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=88 ) - Checks If File Links are Alive or Not
2022-08-14 20:45:51 -07:00
* [SafeLinking ](https://safelinking.net/ ), [bdwp ](https://imwcr.cn/api/bdwp/ ), [Gdrivez ](https://www.gdrivez.xyz/ ), [UpToLink ](https://uptolink1.com/ ), [TSU.one ](https://tsu.one/ ), [externallink ](https://externallink.xyz/ ), [linkspop ](https://linkspop.info/ ), [BrBushare ](https://brbushare.xyz/ ), [KeepLinks ](https://www.keeplinks.org/ ) or [ShortLinkto ](https://shortlinkto.top/ ) - Link Protectors
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [WhoIsRequest ](https://whoisrequest.com/ ) or [Securrity Whoiz ](http://www.securrity.ru/whoiz.html ) - Domain Information Lookup
* [Awesome Piracy Bot ](https://github.com/Igglybuff/awesome-piracy-bot ) - URL Scraping Tool
* [NSLookup ](https://www.nslookup.io/ ) or [dog ](https://github.com/ogham/dog ) - DNS Information Tool
* [Site Worth Traffic ](https://www.siteworthtraffic.com/ ) - Calculate Website Worth
* [XML-Sitemaps ](https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/ ) - Sitemap Creator
* [CarbonDates ](http://carbondate.cs.odu.edu/ ) - Check Site Creation Date
* [Hosting Checker ](https://hostingchecker.com/ ) - Site Host Check
* [AtSameIP ](https://atsameip.intercode.ca/ ) - Find All Sites Hosted by Same IP
* [SubDomainizer ](https://github.com/nsonaniya2010/SubDomainizer ), [Search Console ](https://search.google.com/search-console/ ), [subsurface ](https://github.com/CellEight/subsurface ) or [SubdomainFinder ](https://subdomainfinder.c99.nl/ ) - Find Hidden Subdomains
* [pyfuzz ](https://github.com/AyoobAli/pyfuzz ) - URL Fuzzing Tool
* [Backlink Tool ](https://backlinktool.io/ ) or [Index Kings ](http://www.indexkings.com/ ) - URL Indexer
* [Blocked ](https://www.blocked.org.uk/ ) - UK ISP Site Blocking Test
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Reddit Tools
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* **[Reddit Enhancement Suite ](https://redditenhancementsuite.com/ )**, [Reddit Fix ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/404497-reddit-fix ) or [RedditMod2 ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/29724-redditmod2 ) - Browser Extensions / Scripts
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[redditlist ](http://redditlist.com/ )**, [sayit ](https://anvaka.github.io/sayit/ ), [Vizit ](http://redditstuff.github.io/sna/vizit/ ), [Map of Reddit ](https://anvaka.github.io/map-of-reddit ), [Subbed ](https://www.subbed.org/ ), [RedditViz ](https://rhiever.github.io/redditviz/ ) or [subreddits ](http://subreddits.org/ ) - Subreddit Indexes
* [Subreddit Calculator ](https://trevor.shinyapps.io/subalgebra/ ) - Related Subreddit Calculator
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* /u/SaveVideo, [Viddit ](https://viddit.red/ ), [SaveMp4 ](https://savemp4.red/ ), [RedditSave ](https://www.redditsave.com/ ), [redv.co ](https://redv.co/ ), [lew.la ](https://lew.la/ ) or [Reddit.tube ](https://reddit.tube/ ) - Download Reddit Videos
2022-05-03 18:05:21 -07:00
* [saveddit ](https://github.com/p-ranav/saveddit ) or [SubredditMediaDownloader ](https://github.com/Psycoguana/SubredditMediaDownloader ) - Reddit Bulk Media Downloader
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Reddit Markdown Guide ](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/markdown )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Subreddit Directories ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_subreddit_discovery ) - Explore & Discover Subreddits
* [/r/multihub ](https://www.reddit.com/r/multihub/top/?sort=top&t=all ) - Explore Multireddits
* [FMHY Curated Multireddits ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_multireddits ) - Multireddits curated by FMHY members
2022-08-01 00:23:03 -07:00
* [Pushshift Reddit Search ](https://www.redditsearch.io/ ) / [2 ](https://redditsearch.io/ ), [Reddit CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=016649841759798530173:rk2ezolwnw0 ) / [2 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=007749065626525752968:qh5bqebwi30 ), [Redditle ](https://redditle.com/ ) or [Better Reddit Search ](https://betterredditsearch.web.app/ ) - Reddit Search Engines
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Busca ](https://github.com/afk-mcz/busca ) - Search Current Tab on Reddit
* [KarmaDecay ](http://karmadecay.com/ ) - Reddit Reverse Image Search
* [Reddit Alternatives ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_reddit_alternatives ) - Alternative Reddit Style Sites
2022-07-04 21:12:05 -07:00
* [Simpleddit ](http://www.simpleddit.com/ ), [Legere ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/legere-for-reddit/9phjrvcskvjz ), [JPF-Reddit ](https://jpf-reddit.netlify.app/ ), [Uforio ](http://web.uforio.com/ ) or [Nuxtit ](https://nuxtit.netlify.com/ ) - Alt Browsers / Web Clients
2022-03-17 17:21:31 -07:00
* [Reddit Frontends ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_reddit_frontends )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Unedit & Undelete for Reddit ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/407466-unedit-and-undelete-for-reddit ) - See Edited & Deleted Reddit Content
2022-05-23 20:15:41 -07:00
* [Unddit ](https://www.unddit.com/ ), [Reveddit ](https://www.reveddit.com/ ) or [politicbot ](http://politicbot.github.io/ ) - View Deleted Reddit Posts
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [ReSavr ](https://www.resavr.com/ ) or [Unreddit ](https://github.com/pauldraper/unreddit ) - View Deleted Reddit Comments
* [rareddit ](https://www.rareddit.com/ ), [Archive Reddit ](https://www.archivereddit.com/ ), [PushShift Reddit ](http://files.pushshift.io/reddit/ ) or [Reddit Archive ](http://www.redditarchive.com/ ) - Reddit Post Archive
* [Reddit (Au) Comment Highlights ](https://github.com/aesy/reddit-comment-highlights ) - Highlights New Comments
* [rComments ](https://github.com/iampueroo/rComments ) - Explore Comments & Replies without Clicking a Post
* [rAger ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/rager/fohlpjahcdbkpcckapphhpahbiajccmj ) - Display Account Age & Karma of Users
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [MassTagger ](https://www.masstagger.com/ ) - Reddit User Tagger
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Old Reddit Redirect ](https://github.com/tom-james-watson/old-reddit-redirect ) - Always Load Old Reddit Design
* [Reddit Preview ](https://redditpreview.com/ ) - Preview Reddit Posts
* [custom-top-sort-for-reddit ](https://github.com/arvidsandin/custom-top-sort-for-reddit ) - Scroll to Top of Reddit
* [Scroller ](https://scrolller.com/ ) - Reddit Image Auto-Scroller
* [Reddit Grid ](https://redditgrid.com/ ) - Reddit Image Grid
* [Redinfinite ](https://redinfinite.com/ ) or [Redditp ](https://www.redditp.com/ ) - Reddit Image / Video Slideshow
* [ScrollDrop ](https://www.scrolldrop.com/ ) - Reddit Media Crawler
* [ScrollDit ](http://www.scrolldit.com/ ) - Alt Reddit View
* [3D for Reddit ](https://3dforreddit.com/ ) - 3D Reddit Browser
* [MSOutlookit ](https://pcottle.github.io/MSOutlookit/ ) or [Routlookit ](https://routlookit.com/ ) - Outlook-Style Reddit Viewer
* [RDDDeck ](https://rdddeck.com/ ) - Twitter-Style Reddit Viewer
* [Reddium ](https://reddium.vercel.app/ ) - Medium-Style Reddit Viewer
* [Unim.Press ](https://unim.press/ ) - Newspapers-Style Reddit Viewer
* [Unreadit ](https://app.mailbrew.com/unreadit ) - Reddit Newsletters
* [reddit shell ](https://redditshell.com/ ) - Linux shell emulator for Reddit
2022-05-19 06:34:56 -07:00
* [Random Reddit ](https://old.reddit.com/random ) or [Random Reddit Post ](https://randomredditpost.netlify.app/ ) - Get Random Reddit Threads / Possibly NSFW
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Thredd ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/thredd-useful-advice-from/nofhlafikocbioemioehbpadpgjlpeco/related ) - Find Reddit Discussions on WebPage you are Browsing
2022-08-28 06:19:50 -07:00
* [FrontPageMetrics ](https://frontpagemetrics.com/ ) - Metrics For Reddit
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Subreddit Sentiment ](https://sentranker.com/subreddit-sentiment ) - Subreddit Sentiment Check
* [RedditMetis ](https://redditmetis.com/ ), [Reddit-User-Analyser ](https://reddit-user-analyser.netlify.app/ ), [Redective ](https://www.redective.com/ ) or [redditsfinder ](https://github.com/Fitzy1293/redditsfinder ) - Reddit Profile Information
* [Reddit Comment Visualizer ](https://roadtolarissa.com/javascript/reddit-comment-visualizer/ ) - Vizualize a Users Comments
* [Reddit Comment Search ](https://www.redditcommentsearch.com/ ) - Search Reddit Comments
* [Reddit Faster ](https://github.com/dimaba/redditfaster ) or [/r/ ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/r/cnccilamloafialmchgfgmbmojdfhmom ) - Open Subreddits Faster
* [Find on Reddit ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/find-on-reddit/jbcdpeekakanklckgooknpbonojhjncm ) - Find Discussions of current URL
* [RedditRepostSleuth ](https://github.com/barrycarey/RedditRepostSleuth ) - Repost Detection Bot
* [DelayForReddit ](https://www.delayforreddit.com/ ) - Reddit Post Scheduler
* [subreddit-scraper ](https://github.com/naftulikay/subreddit-scraper ) - Backup Entire Subreddits
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Reddit Desktop Apps ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_reddit_desktop_apps )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Reddit Media Downloader ](https://github.com/shadowmoose/RedditDownloader ) - Download Media from Reddit
* [Bulk Downloader for Reddit ](https://github.com/aliparlakci/bulk-downloader-for-reddit ) - Reddit Bulk Submission Downloader
2022-08-26 16:58:30 -07:00
* [Pushshift.io ](https://pushshift.io/ ) or [SocialGrep ](https://socialgrep.com/ ) - Reddit Statistics
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [TrendingWordsofReddit ](https://trendingwordsofreddit.herokuapp.com/ ) - Reddit Trending Words
* [TitleScraper ](https://titlescraper.herokuapp.com/ ) - See a Subreddits Most Upvoted Words
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Upvote Stats ](https://www.upvotestats.com/ ) - Upvote Stats
* [Social Amnesia ](https://github.com/Nick-Gottschlich/Social-Amnesia ) or [PowerDeleteSuite ](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite ) - Reddit Auto Post Delete
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [RedditRaffler ](https://www.redditraffler.com/ ) - Reddit Raffle System
2022-08-01 00:23:03 -07:00
* [Base64 Decoder ](https://openuserjs.org/scripts/DanielBlaze/Reddit_Base64_Decoder ) - Auto Decode Base64 Links in Reddit
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [Reddit Status ](https://www.redditstatus.com/ ) - Check Reddit Status
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [RedditOldRedesignedDark ](https://github.com/Jorengarenar/RedditOldRedesignedDark ) - Reddit Stylus Dark Theme
* [Reddit Poetry ](https://f-a-r-a-z.github.io/reddit-poetry/ ) - Reddit Title Poetry Generator
* [/m/subredditthemes ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Madbrad200/m/subredditthemes ) - Subreddit Themes
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [Reddit Spoiler Blur Remover ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/416091-reddit-spoiler-blur-remover ) - Remove Reddit Spoiler Blur
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Discord Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
**WARNING** - Misuse of Chat Archivers, Deleters, Mods & 3rd Party Clients is against Discords TOS, so use them at your own risk.
2021-08-17 03:39:02 -07:00
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Aliucord ](https://github.com/Aliucord/Aliucord )** - Modded Discord Client
2022-05-04 14:04:02 -07:00
* **[BetterDiscord ](http://betterdiscord.app/ )** - Modifiable Discord Client / [GitHub ](https://github.com/BetterDiscord/BetterDiscord ) / [Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_betterdiscord_tools )
2022-08-26 16:58:30 -07:00
* **[Cumcord ](https://cumcord.com/ )** / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/kkmM5U7YAt ) or [Velocity ](https://velocity-discord.netlify.app/ ) - Discord Client Mod
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[GooseMod ](https://goosemod.com/ )** - Modifiable Discord Client / [Firefox ](https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/goosemod-for-web/ ) / [Chrome ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/goosemod-for-web/clgkdcccmbjmjdbdgcigpocfkkjeaeld )
* [Discord Servers & Bot Lists ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_discord_server_.2F_bot_lists ) - Discover Servers / Bots
* [DiscordTools ](https://discordtools.io/ ) or [awesome-discord ](https://github.com/jacc/awesome-discord ) - Discord Tools
* [Client-Modding-Guide ](https://github.com/saintwithataint/Client-Modding-Guide/blob/main/PimpMyClient.md ) - Modify Your Discord Client
* [ArmCord ](https://armcord.smartfridge.space/ ) - Lightweight Discord Client / [GitHub ](https://github.com/ArmCord/ArmCord )
2022-08-19 16:14:38 -07:00
* [Replugged ](https://replugged.dev/ ) - Lightweight Discord Client
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Dark-Discord ](https://github.com/snappercord/Dark-Discord ) - Dark Theme for BetterDiscord & Powercord
* [Powerconvert ](https://convert.creatable.cafe/ ) - Convert BetterDiscord themes to Powercord
* [bdCompat ](https://github.com/Juby210/bdCompat ) - Use BD Plugins in Powercord
2022-08-13 20:39:48 -07:00
* [Revert Rebrand ](https://betterdiscord.app/theme/Revert%20Rebrand ) - Revert Discord’ s Rebrand on BetterDiscord & Powercord / [GitHub ](https://github.com/Goose-Nest/GT-RevertRebrand )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Discord Portable ](https://portapps.io/app/discord-portable/ ) - Portable Discord Stable & [PTB PortApps ](https://portapps.io/app/discord-ptb-portable/ )
* [Unicord ](https://github.com/WamWooWam/Unicord ) - Open Source Discord Client / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/64g7M5Y )
* [Fosscord ](https://github.com/fosscord/fosscord ) - FOSS Discord Client
* [Quarrel ](https://github.com/UWPCommunity/Quarrel ) - Universal Windows Platform Discord Client
* [DiscordFlex ](https://github.com/ZenithRogue/DiscordFlex ) or [WebCord ](https://github.com/SpacingBat3/WebCord ) - Discord Web Client / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/Vm4CwZx )
* [discord-PWA ](https://github.com/NeverDecaf/discord-PWA ) - Discord PWA Client
2022-08-13 20:39:48 -07:00
* [Discord Tauri ](https://github.com/DiscordTauri/discord-tauri ) - Discord Wrapper
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [weechat-discord ](https://github.com/terminal-discord/weechat-discord ) - WeeChat Discord Plugin
* [Atlus ](https://github.com/amanharwara/altus ) - Whatsapp Client
* [litecord ](https://gitlab.com/litecord/litecord ) - Reimplementation of Discord's Backend / [Clients ](https://gitlab.com/litecord/litecord/-/blob/master/docs/clients.md )
* [Discord-Sandbox ](https://github.com/khlam/discord-sandboxed ) - Sandbox Discord Client
* [Overlayed ](https://overlayed.dev/ ) - Alternate Discord Overlay / [Github ](https://github.com/Hacksore/overlayed )
* [crocodile ](https://github.com/tbodt/crocodile ) - Discord Client for TempleOS
2022-08-06 23:57:31 -07:00
* [GTKCord4 ](https://github.com/diamondburned/gtkcord4 ) - GTK4 Discord Client
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [displunger ](https://gitlab.com/derpystuff/displunger ) - Run Old Versions of Discord
* [DevilNo ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hsSigFjyTaTnvB5XS6ot-msCZS5DR4VWtiD5g1ebH8c/edit?usp=sharing ) - Alternative DevilBro Plugins
2022-08-10 21:33:02 -07:00
* [Acrylic ](https://github.com/xirreal/Acrylic ) - Glass Theme
* [WinClassic(https://github.com/SlippingGitty/WinClassic) - Classic Windows Theme
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [NotQuiteNitro ](https://nqn.blue/ ) - Discord Nitro Alternative
* [DiscordFreeEmojis ](https://github.com/An00nymushun/DiscordFreeEmojis ) - Use Discord Emojis without Nitro
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [Slackmoji ](https://github.com/seanprashad/slackmoji ), [DiscordFreeEmojis ](https://github.com/An00nymushun/DiscordFreeEmojis ), [NitroEmoji ](https://github.com/D3JF/NitroEmoji ) or [emoji.gg ](https://emoji.gg/ ) - Discord Emojis
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Emote Manager ](https://github.com/EmoteBot/EmoteManager ) - Custom Discord Emoji Manager
* [Discord Emoji Downloader ](https://thatiemsz.github.io/Discord-Emoji-Downloader/ ) - Discord Emoji Downloader
* [Snowsgiving Icons & Emotes ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/689605845058715801/862281806820278292/Snow.zip ) - Snowsgiving Event Icons & Emojis
* [6gk Turtles ](https://github.com/6gk/turtles ) - Discord Turtle Emojis
* [Distok ](http://distok.top/stickers/ ), [DiscordFreeStickers ](https://github.com/An00nymushun/DiscordFreeStickers ) or [FreeCommunityStickers ](https://github.com/discord-stickers/FreeCommunityStickers ) - Free Discord Stickers
* [Discord Sticker Viewer ](https://sticker-view.vercel.app/ ) - View Discord Stickers
* [Discord Image Downloader Go ](https://github.com/Seklfreak/discord-image-downloader-go ) - Discord Image Downloader
2022-08-19 16:14:38 -07:00
* [Tiktok-Auto-Embed ](https://github.com/dumax315/Tiktok-Auto-Embed ) - Discord TikTok Embed Downloader
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [SimpleDiscordCrypt ](https://gitlab.com/An0/SimpleDiscordCrypt ) - Discord Message Encryption
* [LAN Party VPN ](https://github.com/gyf304/lpvpn ) - Run VPN on top of Discord
* [DiscordFS ](https://github.com/dhrumilp15/discordfs ) - Discord File Search
* [DeepL ](https://github.com/aisuzuki/dd-bot ) - Discord Chat Auto Translator
2022-05-23 20:15:41 -07:00
* [discord-twitter-bot ](https://github.com/NNTin/discord-twitter-bot ) - Fix Discord Twitter Embeds
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Get Discord Token ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/395741-get-discord-token ) - Retrieve Discord user token
* [PreMiD ](https://premid.app/ ) - Display internet activity in Discord status / [Github ](https://github.com/PreMiD/PreMiD ) / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/WvfVZ8T )
* [Alternatives to MEE6 ](https://alternativestomee6.com/ ) - [Discord ](https://discord.gg/WrbMdWHfNd )
* [Titan Embeds ](https://titanembeds.com/ ) - Create Discord Chat Embeds
* [Divider Generator ](https://jsfiddle.net/Davri/wf49xnob/159/ ) - Create Discord Role Dividers Discord Role
* [MonitoRSS ](https://monitorss.xyz/ ), [2 ](https://github.com/synzen/MonitoRSS-Clone ) - RSS Discord Bot
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [MovieNightBot ](https://github.com/Chopknee/MovieNightBot ) - Movie Night Voting Bot
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Discord Music Bot ](https://github.com/SudhanPlayz/Discord-MusicBot ), [discord-music-bot ](https://github.com/Androz2091/discord-music-bot ), [Music-bot ](https://github.com/ZerioDev/Music-bot ), [MusicBot ](https://github.com/jagrosh/MusicBot ), [evobot ](https://github.com/eritislami/evobot ) or [EarTensifier ](https://github.com/Tetracyl/EarTensifier ) - Music Bots
* [Discord-Music-System ](https://github.com/RemyK888/discord-music-system ) - Discord Music Module
2022-05-03 18:05:21 -07:00
* [FreeStuff Bot ](https://freestuffbot.xyz/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/FreeStuffBot/discord ), [game-deals-discord-bot ](https://github.com/lipowskm/game-deals-discord-bot ) or [AutomatiK ](https://github.com/Axyss/AutomatiK ) / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/psDtnwX ) - Free Games Alert Bot
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [DiscordChroma ](https://github.com/DELUUXE/DiscordChroma ) or [ChromaDiscordApp ](https://github.com/tgraupmann/ChromaDiscordApp ) - Discord System Lighting Control
* [Permissions Calculator ](https://discordapi.com/permissions.html ) - Generate Discord OAuth Invites
2022-07-26 01:23:50 -07:00
* [Red Discordbot ](https://github.com/Cog-Creators/Red-DiscordBot ) or [Loritta ](https://github.com/LorittaBot/Loritta ) - Discord Moderation Bots
2022-05-23 20:15:41 -07:00
* [Wickbot ](https://wickbot.com/ ) - Discord Security Bot
2022-05-04 14:04:02 -07:00
* [Modmail ](https://github.com/kyb3r/modmail ) - Discord Modmail Bot
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [CloneCord ](https://github.com/Rekulous/CloneCord-bot ) - GClone Cloud Storage File Manager in Discord
* [Custom Rich Discord Presence ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_custom_rich_discord_presence ) - Customize Discord Rich Presence
* [MultiRPC ](https://github.com/FluxpointDev/MultiRPC ) - Discord Rich Presence Manager
* [RPC PC Status ](https://github.com/Faelayis/RPC-Pc-Status ) - PC Status Rich Presence
* [FetchCord ](https://github.com/MrPotatoBobx/FetchCord ) - OS Discord Rich Presence
* [PlayStationDiscord ](https://tustin.dev/PlayStationDiscord/ ) - PlayStation Discord Rich Presence
* [Rich Presence U ](https://ninstars.itch.io/rpc ) - Nintendo Console Rich Presence
* [Adobe Discord RPC ](https://github.com/lolitee/adobe-discord-rpc ) - Adobe Rich Presence
* [iTunes-Discord-RP ](https://github.com/kkevinm/iTunes-Discord-RP ) - iTunes Rich Presence
* [Foo_Discord_Rich ](https://github.com/TheQwertiest/foo_discord_rich ) - FooBar2000 Rich Presence
* [MPV-DiscordRPC ](https://github.com/cniw/mpv-discordRPC ) - MPV Rich Presence
* [MPC-DiscordRPC ](https://github.com/angeloanan/MPC-DiscordRPC ) - MPC Rich Presence
* [qbittorrent-rp ](https://github.com/LockBlock-dev/qbittorrent-rp ) - qBittorrent Rich Presence
2022-05-12 16:21:28 -07:00
* [Discord RPC Client ](https://github.com/Metalloriff/discord-rpc-client ) or [DiscordRPCMaker ](https://drpcm.t1c.dev/ ) - Create Discord RPCs
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [discord-vscode ](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=icrawl.discord-vscode ) - VSCode Rich Presence / [GitHub ](https://github.com/iCrawl/discord-vscode )
2022-08-26 16:58:30 -07:00
* [SteamRPC ](https://github.com/Crementif/SteamRPC ) - Convert Steam Rich Presence to Discord Rich Presence
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [Discord-Linux ](https://discord-linux.com/ ) - Linux Container Bot
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Discord.io ](https://discord.io/ ) or [dsc.gg ](https://dsc.gg/ ) - Create Custom Discord Invites
* [1337x-Bot ](https://github.com/brandongallagher1999/1337x-Bot ) - 1337x Discord Bot
* [Chuu ](https://github.com/ishwi/Chuu ) or [FMcord ](https://discord.bots.gg/bots/521041865999515650 ) - Last.fm Discord Bot
* [fmbot ](https://fmbot.xyz/ ) - Discord Voice Chat Scrobbling
* [Craig ](https://craig.chat/ ) - Voice Channel Recorder / [Backup ](https://craig.chat/home/giarc )
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [Forms ](https://gitlab.com/rubellite/engineering/forms ) - Google Form Responses as Discord Embeds
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Discord Chat Exporter ](https://github.com/Tyrrrz/DiscordChatExporter ), [Discord History Tracker ](https://dht.chylex.com/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/chylex/Discord-History-Tracker ), [discord-archiver ](https://github.com/nektro/discord-archiver ) or [Discord-Channel-Scraper ](https://github.com/simon987/Discord-Channel-scraper ) - Archive / Export Discord Chats
* [anti-phishing-bot ](https://github.com/Benricheson101/anti-phishing-bot ) or [Phish Grabber ](https://phishgrabber.dis.tf/ ) - Discord Anti Phishing Bot
* [pullcord ](https://github.com/tsudoko/pullcord ) - Discord Archiver
* [discord2sheet-bot ](https://github.com/hugonun/discord2sheet-bot ) - Store Messages to Google Sheets
2022-04-16 13:45:25 -07:00
* [Undiscord ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/406540-undiscord-delete-all-messages-in-a-discord-channel-or-dm-bulk-deletion ), [discord-delete ](https://github.com/adversarialtools/discord-delete ) or [deleteDiscordMessages ](https://github.com/victornpb/deleteDiscordMessages ) - Delete Discord Messages / [Warning ](https://i.imgur.com/Kt8G430.png )
2022-04-28 14:07:23 -07:00
* [ansi-colors-discord.md ](https://gist.github.com/kkrypt0nn/a02506f3712ff2d1c8ca7c9e0aed7c06 ) - Discord Colored Messages
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Discord Style ](https://www.discord.style/ ) - Discord Server Templates
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Discord Webhooks Guide ](https://birdie0.github.io/discord-webhooks-guide/ )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Discord Embed Generators ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_discord_embed_generators ) - Generate Embeds via Webhooks
* [Discord-Webhook-Delete ](https://github.com/fknMega/Discord-Webhook-Delete ) - Webhook Remover
* [Embed Visualizer ](https://embed.discord.website/ ) - Embed Visualization Tool
* [Chimera ](https://github.com/CedArctic/Chimera ) - System Remote Control
2022-07-25 00:07:58 +03:00
* [The Cleaner ](https://cleanerbot.xyz/ ) - Remove Spam / Phishing Links
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Discord Reputation ](https://discordrep.com/ ) - Prevent Discord Fraud
2022-07-31 02:17:00 -07:00
* [Discord Base64 Decode ](https://extpose.com/ext/185137/en ) - Discord Base64 Decode Buttons
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Discord Auto Upload ](https://github.com/tardisx/discord-auto-upload ) - Auto Upload Screenshots
* [Discord Creation Date Check ](https://hugo.moe/discord/discord-id-creation-date.html ) - Check Creation Date of User / Channel / Server / [GitHub ](https://github.com/hugonun/discordid2date )
2022-04-17 22:12:16 -07:00
* [DSC.BIO ](https://discords.com/bio ) - Make Custom Discord Bios
2022-08-13 20:39:48 -07:00
* [DateTimeCord ](https://datetimecord.rauf.wtf/ ) - Discord Date & Time Formatting Tool
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Dank.tools ](https://dank.tools/ ) - Time Tag Generator
* [Discord Text to Emoji ](https://jtprince.com/discord/ ) - Emoji Discord Text
* [Automod Config ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pUGVAARMBadmNqQW6cPKhSaT-uYDgQlRBnlQ9TMDXTI/edit#gid=730346323 ) - Automod Bot Config
* [Dyno ](https://dyno.gg/ ) - Change Discord Discriminator w/o Nitro / [How-To ](https://i.imgur.com/lHRD42c.png )
* [Discord.ID ](https://discord.id/ ) - Lookup a Discord User or Bot ID
* [Discord Markdown Cheatsheet ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EhCUbVnWAAE5tHx?format=png&name=900x900 ), [2 ](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/210298617-Markdown-Text-101-Chat-Formatting-Bold-Italic-Underline- ), [3 ](https://c.r74n.com/discord/formatting ) - Discord Markdown Guide
* [Discord Avatar Maker ](https://discord-avatar-maker.app/ ) - Make Discord Avatars
* [usrbg ](https://github.com/Discord-Custom-Covers/usrbg ) or [Pfps.gg ](https://pfps.gg/ ) - Discord Custom Profile Backgrounds / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/2YcxDChxS5 )
2022-07-28 00:58:58 -07:00
* [Discord Icon ](https://icon.en-zo.dev/ ) - Create Custom Discord Role Icons
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Auto Creative ](https://auto.creavite.co/icons ) - Animated Icon & Banner Generator
* [DiscordBannerTester ](https://dav1312.github.io/BD/DiscordBannerTester/ ) - Test Discord Banners
* [BeautifulDiscord ](https://github.com/leovoel/BeautifulDiscord ) - Adds Custom CSS Support
* [Discord Status ](https://discordstatus.com/ ) - Check Discord Status
* [Status ](https://discord.gg/Nnttd7EZV4 ) - Followable Site Status Channels
* [LilyBot ](https://github.com/defensem3ch/LilyBot ) - Play / Render Music Snippets
* [Discord Testers ](https://discord.gg/discord-testers ) - Test Discord Features
* [Guild Counter ](https://rauf.wtf/guildcount ) - Check how many servers you're in
* [Preview for Discord ](https://dragory.github.io/role-preview-for-discord/ ) - Preview Role Colors Role
* [8mbvideo ](https://8mb.video/ ) or [@Snooober's Script ](https://redd.it/o7vqm4 ) - Encode videos to < 8MB
2022-07-22 14:11:16 -07:00
* [Discord Together ](https://github.com/RemyK888/discord-together ) - Video Stream Sync / Watch Parties
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [MangaCord ](https://top.gg/bot/751148743901970622?tab=overview ) - Read Manga on Discord [Disocrd ](https://discord.gg/UtTJcWzCRe )
* [DiskCord ](https://github.com/5ut/DiskCord ) - Host Files on External Sites to share via Discord
* [discordcompressor ](https://github.com/vladaad/discordcompressor ) - Video Compressor
* [Natron ](https://natron.fr/ ) or [Fusion ](https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/ca/products/fusion/ ) - Video Compositing
* [Discord Branding ](https://discord.com/branding ) - Discord Branding Information Page / [Archive ](https://web.archive.org/web/20210513004910/https://discord.com/branding )
* [Discord-Api ](https://discord.gg/discord-api ) - Discord API Chat
* [Displace ](https://discord.gg/6zEbZeg ) or [OwnersHub ](https://ownershub.xyz/ ) - Discord Community Management Chat
* [Discordia-Development Wiki ](https://github.com/Discordia-Development/wiki ) - Discord Moderation Wiki
* [Discord Moderator Academy ](https://discord.com/moderation ) - Discord Moderator Guide / [Exam ](https://discord.com/moderation/exam )
2022-08-05 01:39:26 -07:00
* [Hammertime ](https://hammertime.djdavid98.art/, [Discord Timestamps](https://r.3v.fi/discord-timestamps/ ) or [discordtimestampgenerator ](https://discordtimestampgenerator.netlify.app/ ) - Generate Timestamps
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [SnowStamp ](https://pixelatomy.com/snow-stamp/ ) - Convert Discord Snowflakes to Timestamps
* [ddpe ](https://ddpe.androz2091.fr/ ) - Discord Data Package Explorer / [GitHub ](https://github.com/Androz2091/discord-data-package-explorer )
* [Discord-Datamining ](https://github.com/Discord-Datamining/Discord-Datamining ) - Datamining Discord changes from the JS files
* [Discord Previews ](https://discord.gg/QMw7gQGMHj ) - New Discord Builds / Changes
2022-05-23 20:15:41 -07:00
* [Discord.sale ](https://discord.sale/ ) - Discord Client Build Info
2022-08-10 04:11:29 -07:00
* [discord-mutual-friends ](https://github.com/fr3fou/discord-mutual-friends ) - Visualize Mutual Discord Friends
2022-08-10 21:33:02 -07:00
* [TagMap ](https://tagmap.io/ ) - Meet People with Similar Interests
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [discasset ](https://github.com/Commandtechno/discasset ), [2 ](https://gitlab.com/derpystuff/discasset ) - Discord Asset Grabber
* [BetterDiscordPanel ](https://github.com/SanjaySunil/BetterDiscordPanel ) - Bot Messaging Panel
* [Figma ](https://www.figma.com/community/file/992144378612759941/Discord-Resources ) - Discord Resources / [Desktop ](https://www.figma.com/community/file/994323951589690341/Discord-Desktop-UI )
* [Mon2Cam ](https://github.com/ShayBox/Mon2Cam ) - Multi-Monitor Discord Screenshare Fix
2022-05-01 04:54:09 -07:00
* [OpenAsar ](https://openasar.dev/ ) - Improved app.asar / [GitHub ](https://github.com/GooseMod/OpenAsar )
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2021-11-29 03:40:49 -08:00
## ▷ Telegram Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Telegram File Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_telegram_file_tools )** - File Tools for Telegram
2022-07-04 21:12:05 -07:00
* [borodutch.eth ](https://borodutch.com/ ) - Telegram Tools
2022-08-28 18:37:33 -07:00
* [Telegram Channels ](https://telegramchannels.me/ ), [TG-ME ](https://www.tg-me.com/ ), [ComBot Groups ](https://combot.org/telegram/top/groups ) or [Telegramic ](https://telegramic.org/ ) - Telegram Channel Indexes
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Telegram Bots ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_telegram_bots ) - Telegram Bot Indexes
* [Lyzem ](https://lyzem.com/ ), [Telemetr ](https://telemetr.io/ ), [gramxly ](https://gramxly.com/ ), [Searchee Bot ](https://t.me/SearcheeBot ), [xTea ](https://xtea.io/ts_en.html ) or [TGStat ](https://tgstat.com/search ) - Telegram Channel / Bot Search
2022-07-22 14:15:54 -07:00
* [ShellBot ](https://github.com/MannyHackers/ShellBot ), [EvaMaria ](https://github.com/EvamariaTG/EvaMaria ) - Multi-Purpose Telegram Bot
2022-05-01 04:54:09 -07:00
* [VirusTotalAV_bot ](https://t.me/VirusTotalAV_bot ) - Telegram File Scanner
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Telegram Audio Download Bots ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_telegram_audio_download_bots ) - Audio Download Bots
* [GetMediaBot ](https://t.me/getmediabot ) - Media Download Bot
* [Telegram-Media-Downloader ](https://github.com/fattynoparents/Telegram-Media-Downloader ) - Media Download Extension
* [Bulk download from Telegram ](https://zebradil.me/post/2018-04-18-bulk-download-from-telegram/ ) - Telegram Media Download Method
* [Now Playing ](https://t.me/nowplaybot ) - Now Playing Audio Bot
* [Telesco.pe ](https://telesco.pe/ ) - Telegram Round Video Recorder
2022-05-04 14:04:02 -07:00
* [Video Stream ](https://github.com/lntechnical2/videostream ) - Telegram Video Player
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [YeetMeet ](https://github.com/1337w0rm/YeetMeet ) - Meeting Auto Join Bot
* [Unigram ](https://github.com/UnigramDev/Unigram ), [Tok ](https://invent.kde.org/network/tok ), [TDesktop ](https://github.com/Forkgram/tdesktop ) or [Kotatogram ](https://github.com/kotatogram/kotatogram-desktop ) - Telegram Desktop Client
* [Web.Telegram ](https://web.telegram.org/ ), [2 ](https://webk.telegram.org/ ), [3 ](https://webz.telegram.org/ ) - Telegram Web Client
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [tg ](https://github.com/paul-nameless/tg ) - Telegram Terminal Client
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Pyrogram ](https://docs.pyrogram.org/ ) - Telegram API Client
* [Telega.el ](https://github.com/zevlg/telega.el ) - Telegram Emacs Client
* [TeleWebGram ](https://telewebgram.com/ ) - Online Telegram Channel Viewer
* [Rose ](https://t.me/MissRose_bot ) - Telegram Group Manager
* [TGCF ](https://github.com/aahnik/tgcf ) - Telegram Message Forwarding
2022-08-20 22:10:00 -07:00
* [GoriThemes ](https://t.me/GoriThemes ) - Telegram Themes
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Callmebot ](https://www.callmebot.com/ ) - Trigger Voice Calls or Chats
* [Skeddy ](https://skeddy.me/ ) - Telegram Reminder Bot
* [clonebot ](https://github.com/m4mallu/clonebot ) - Clone Media from Chats
* [ChecklyBot ](https://t.me/checklybot ) - Checklist Telegram Bot
2022-07-26 01:23:50 -07:00
* [Reddit2Telegram ](https://github.com/Fillll/reddit2telegram ) - Reddit Post Bot
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Shieldy Bot ](https://t.me/shieldy_bot ) - Spam Protection Bot / [GitHub ](https://github.com/1inch/shieldy )
* [Telegram Scraper ](https://www.telegramscraper.com/ ) - Telegram Member / Group Export
2022-08-13 20:39:48 -07:00
* [Telegram Email ](https://t.me/etlgr_bot ) - Send / Receive Emails via Telegram
* [rss2tg_bot ](https://t.me/rss2tg_bot ) - RSS Feed Bot
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Telegago ](https://cse.google.com/cse?&cx=006368593537057042503:efxu7xprihg#gsc.tab=0 ) or [TG CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006249643689853114236:a3iibfpwexa ) - Telegram CSE
2022-07-26 01:23:50 -07:00
* [ShortUrLinksbot ](https://t.me/ShortUrLinksbot ) or [ShortUrlBot ](https://t.me/ShortUrlBot ) - Link Shortener Bot
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [TLG.NAME ](https://www.tlg.name/ ) - Telegram Link Creator
2022-07-26 01:23:50 -07:00
* [URL2IMGBot ](https://t.me/URL2IMGBot ) - Take URL Screenshots / Telegram
2022-08-28 18:37:33 -07:00
* [Stickers Cloud ](https://stickers.cloud/en ), [Combot Stickers ](https://combot.org/telegram/stickers ) or [moe_sticker_bot ](https://t.me/moe_sticker_bot ) - Sticker Packs
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [ProxyBot ](https://t.me/vamproxy_bot ), [proxytelebot ](https://t.me/proxytelebot ), [yadda_proxybot ](https://t.me/yadda_proxybot ), [tproxies_bot ](https://t.me/tproxies_bot ), [proxy_socks5_bot ](https://t.me/proxy_socks5_bot ), [socksy_bot ](https://t.me/socksy_bot ), [ShadowSocks_bot ](https://t.me/ShadowSocks_bot ) or [logicpleaseproxybot ](https://t.me/logicpleaseproxybot ) - Telegram Proxy Bots
* [TgVPNbot ](https://t.me/TgVPNbot ), [tgfreebot ](https://t.me/tgfreebot ) or [FCK_RKN_bot ](https://t.me/FCK_RKN_bot ) - Telegram VPN Bots
2021-11-29 03:40:49 -08:00
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ YouTube Tools
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* **[YouTube Advanced Search ](https://playlists.at/youtube/search/ )**
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[YouTube Video Downloaders ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_youtube_video_downloaders )** - Download Videos from YouTube
* **[YouTube Audio Downloaders ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_youtube_to_mp3 )** - Download Audio from YouTube
* **[ReturnYoutubeDislikes ](https://returnyoutubedislike.com/ )** or [yt dislikes viewer ](https://github.com/pgamerx/yt-dislikes-viewer ) - View YouTube Dislikes / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/mYnESY4Md5 )
* **[SponsorBlock ](https://sponsor.ajay.app/ )** - Skip Sponsored YouTube Ads / [Chromecast ](https://github.com/nichobi/sponsorblockcast )
2022-05-01 04:54:09 -07:00
* [Invidious ](https://invidious.io/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/iv-org/invidious ) or [PSTube ](https://github.com/prateekmedia/pstube ) - Ad Free YouTube Client
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [DL YouTube Videos without Extensions ](https://onehack.us/t/how-to-download-youtube-videos-without-external-tools-or-extensions/ )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [YouTube Spammer Purge ](https://github.com/ThioJoe/YouTube-Spammer-Purge ) - Delete All YouTube Spam Comments
* [YouTube Encoding Guide ](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1722171 ) - Recommended YouTube Encoding Settings
* [TubeSync ](https://github.com/meeb/tubesync ) - Sync YouTube Channels / Playlists to a Media Server
2022-03-16 16:34:11 -07:00
* [YouTube Frontends ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_youtube_frontends )
2022-08-04 14:24:08 +03:00
* [Enhancer for YouTube ](https://www.mrfdev.com/enhancer-for-youtube ), [ImprovedTube ](http://improvedtube.com/ ), [Iridium ](https://github.com/ParticleCore/Iridium ), [Improve YouTube! ](https://github.com/code-for-charity/YouTube-Extension ) or [Magic Actions for YouTube ](https://www.mycinema.pro/ ) - YouTube Enhancement Addons
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Focused YouTube ](https://github.com/makaroni4/focused_youtube ) - Minimalist YouTube
* [YouTube Redux ](https://github.com/omnidevZero/YouTubeRedux ) or [Classic YouTube Design ](https://github.com/Cicero-Interactive/Classic-YouTube-Design/ ) - Restore Classic YouTube Layout
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [YouTubeFluent ](https://github.com/LawOff/YouTubeFluent ) - YouTube Fluent Theme
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [YouTube Real Cinema Mode ](https://userstyles.org/styles/122032/youtube-real-cinema-mode ) - Improved YouTube Cinema Mode
2022-08-10 04:11:29 -07:00
* [NSFW Youtube ](https://www.nsfwyoutube.com ) or [Simple YouTube Age Restriction Bypass ](https://github.com/zerodytrash/Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass ) / [2 ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/423851-simple-youtube-age-restriction-bypass ) - Bypass YouTube Age Restrictions
* [YTUnblock ](https://ytunblock.weebly.com/ ) or [Unblocker ](http://www.unblocker.yt/ ) - Bypass YouTube Geo-Restrictions
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [YouTube RSS Finder ](https://github.com/teddy-gustiaux/youtube-rss-finder ) - Create YouTube RSS Feeds
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [Create YouTube RSS ](https://www.ghacks.net/2022/08/01/how-to-subscribe-to-youtube-rss-feeds-without-third-party-services/ ) - How-to Create YouTube Channel / Playlist RSS Feeds
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [PocketTube ](https://yousub.info/ ) - YouTube Subscription Manager / Organizer
* [FreshTube ](https://porjo.github.io/freshtube/ ) - Display Latest Video from Subscriptions
* [Youtube_Subs_Bot ](https://t.me/youtube_subs_bot ) - Sub to Channels Without Account
* [TubeBuddy ](https://www.tubebuddy.com/ ) - YouTube Channel Tools
* [vidIQ ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/vidiq-vision-for-youtube/pachckjkecffpdphbpmfolblodfkgbhl ) - YouTube Viewership Data
* [Channel Crawler ](https://channelcrawler.com/eng ) - YouTube Channel Search
* [Comment Viewer ](https://commentviewer.com/ ) - Search & Sort Youtube Comments
* [TubeArchivist ](https://www.tubearchivist.com/ ) - Archival Youtube Media Server / [GitHub ](https://github.com/bbilly1/tubearchivist )
* [Incognitube ](https://www.incognitube.com/ ) or [Petit tube ](http://www.petittube.com/ ) - YouTube Vids with -100 views
* [YouTube-Geofind ](https://mattw.io/youtube-geofind/location ) - Find Geotagged Videos
* [Default Filename ](https://default-filename-tv.neocities.org/ ) - Random Default Filename YouTube Videos
* [Tubeup ](https://github.com/bibanon/tubeup ) - Archive Youtube Videos and Playlists to Internet Archive
* [Unlisted Videos ](https://unlistedvideos.com/ ) - Watch / Submit Unlisted YouTube Videos
* [QuiteAPlaylist ](https://quiteaplaylist.com/ ) - Find Deleted YouTube Videos
* [Hobune ](https://hobune.stream/ ) - Deleted YouTube Video Archive
* [Recover My Video ](https://www.recovermy.video/ ) - Recover Titles of Deleted / Private YouTube Videos
* [youtubecrawl ](https://archive.org/details/youtubecrawl ) - YouTube Video Archive
* [TwitchTheater ](https://twitchtheater.tv/ ), [YouTube Multiplier ](http://www.youtubemultiplier.com/ ) or [ViewSync ](https://viewsync.net/ ) - Watch Multiple YouTube Videos
* [ElectronPlayer ](https://github.com/oscartbeaumont/ElectronPlayer ) - Video Web Player
* [HookTube ](https://hooktube.com/ ) - View YouTube Videos on Lightweight Page / [Redirect Script ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/24163-youtube-unblocker )
* [myTube ](https://github.com/keitharm/mytube ) - Bloat Free YouTube Client
2022-08-12 12:56:24 -07:00
* [Ytfzf ](https://github.com/pystardust/ytfzf ) or [YewTube ](https://github.com/iamtalhaasghar/yewtube ) - Terminal YouTube Players
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [SmartTubeNext ](https://smartyoutubetv.github.io/ ) - Ad Free Android TV YouTube Player / [GitHub ](https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTubeNext )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [YouTube_RSS ](https://github.com/SimonDaNinja/youtube_rss ) - YouTube RSS Client
* [SpeechChat ](https://speechchat.com/ ) - Twitch Text to Speech Client
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [GIFit ](https://github.com/Fauntleroy/GIFit ) or [gif-machine ](https://github.com/lelandbatey/gif-machine ) - YouTube to GIF
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [VideoGlancer ](https://videoglancer.com/ ) - YouTube to PDF
2022-06-04 19:30:29 -07:00
* [ytcropper ](https://ytcropper.com/ ) or [YTCutter.com ](https://ytcutter.com/ ) - YouTube Video Cropper
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Vid Repeat ](https://vidrepeat.com/ ) - Loop YouTube Videos
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [AnnotationsRestored ](https://github.com/isaackd/AnnotationsRestored ) or [YouTube Annotations ](https://archive.org/details/youtubeannotations ) - Restore YouTube Annotations
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [YouTube Notes ](https://instadeq.com/youtube-notes/ ) - YouTube Note Taking Tool
* [yt2pod ](https://github.com/frou/yt2pod ) - Create Podcasts from YouTube Channels
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [Hadzy ](https://hadzy.com/ ), [YCS ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ycs-youtube-comment-searc/pmfhcilikeembgbiadjiojgfgcfbcoaa?hl=en ) or [YCF ](https://ytcomment.kmcat.uk/ ) - YouTube Comment Search
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Reddit Comments for YouTube ](https://github.com/tayloroneill/Reddit-Comments-for-YouTube ), [Upvote Anywhere ](https://github.com/z0ccc/Upvote-Anywhere ) or [Karamel ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/karamel-view-reddit-comme/halllmdjninjohpckldgkaolbhgkfnpe?hl=en ) - Replace YouTube Comments with Reddit Comments
* [YouTube Search Fixer Suite ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-suite-search-fixer/ ) - Fix Youtube Search & Declutter Homepage
* [youtube-like-dislike-shortcut ](https://github.com/avi12/youtube-like-dislike-shortcut ) - Video Like / Dislike Hotkeys
* [YouTube Chronological Order ](https://github.com/SleekPanther/youtube-chronological-order ) - Watch YouTube Videos in Chronological Order
* [YouTube Upload Time ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/youtube-upload-time/nenoecmaibjcahoahnmeinahlapheblg ) - Check YouTube Upload Date
* [YTStamps ](https://ytstamps.netlify.app/ ) - Create Custom Start & End Times
* [Video Speed Controller ](https://github.com/codebicycle/videospeed ), [YouTube Speed Control ](https://github.com/avi12/youtube-speed-control ) or [TimerHooker ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/372673-%E8%AE%A1%E6%97%B6%E5%99%A8%E6%8E%8C%E6%8E%A7%E8%80%85-%E8%A7%86%E9%A2%91%E5%B9%BF%E5%91%8A%E8%B7%B3%E8%BF%87-%E8%A7%86%E9%A2%91%E5%B9%BF%E5%91%8A%E5%8A%A0%E9%80%9F%E5%99%A8/code ) - Control Speed of YouTube Videos
* [Watch Frame by Frame ](http://www.watchframebyframe.com/ ) - Watch Videos Frame by Frame
* [Anilyzer ](http://anilyzer.com/ ) - Watch YouTube Videos in Slow Motion & Frame by Frame
* [YouTube Playlist Search ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/14370-youtube-playlist-search ) - Quickly Search YouTube Playlists
* [Playlist Creator for YouTube ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/drag-drop-playlist-creato/aklnkkbopjjemjlkffhamaepagbmblbg ) or [Playlists at YouTube ](https://playlists.at/youtube/ ) - Easily Create Playlists
2022-04-24 02:02:38 -07:00
* [ytcc ](https://github.com/woefe/ytcc ) - Playlist Manager
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Bookmark It ](https://bookmark-it.happydevelopers.co/ ) - Bookmark YouTube Videos
* [Blocked ](https://watannetwork.com/tools/blocked/ ) or [YouTube Region Checker ](http://polsy.org.uk/stuff/ytrestrict.cgi ) - Youtube Region Restrictions Check
* [YouTube Qualities Size ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/404953-youtube-qualities-size ) - Shows YouTube File Sizes
* [Auto Quality for YouTube ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/auto-quality-for-youtube/iaddfgegjgjelgkanamleadckkpnjpjc?hl=en ) - Automatically Switch to desired Quality
* [h264ify ](https://github.com/erkserkserks/h264ify ) - Use H.264 on YouTube
* [YTAPI ](https://www.ytapi.com/ ) - Alt YouTube Player
2022-05-06 17:58:43 -07:00
* [YTCast ](https://github.com/MarcoLucidi01/ytcast ) - Cast YouTube Videos to Smart TV
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Disable 60fps ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/23329-disable-youtube-60-fps-force-30-fps ) - Force 30fps on YouTube
* [YouTube CPU Tamer ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/431573-youtube-cpu-tamer-by-animationframe ) - YouTube CPU Optimization
* [Ultrawidify ](https://github.com/tamius-han/ultrawidify ) - Fix YouTube Aspect Ratio
2022-08-06 23:57:31 -07:00
* [FREEZE ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/freeze/bejbbhcoefpmeejcnknjfepoocehopii ) - Control YouTube via Webcam
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [YoutubeNonStop ](https://github.com/lawfx/YoutubeNonStop ) - Removes the YouTube: "Video Paused, Continue Watching?"
2022-08-06 23:57:31 -07:00
* [Video Resumer ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_video_resumer ) - Resume Videos Where You Left Off
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [ProgressBar Preserver ](https://greasyfork.org/scripts/394512 ) - Always Visible Progress Bar YouTube
* [Equalizer for YouTube ](https://mybrowseraddon.com/equalizer-for-youtube.html ) - Audio Equalizer
* [songs-to-youtube ](https://github.com/7x11x13/songs-to-youtube ) - Upload Audio to Youtube Automatically
* [Unhook ](https://unhook.app/ ), [Less Addictive Youtube ](https://github.com/AlexisDrain/Less-Addictive-YouTube ) or [YourTube ](https://github.com/gurrrung/YourTube ) - Distraction Free YouTube
* [YouTube Watch Time Counter ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/youtube-watch-time-counte/fpoooibdndpjcnoodfionoeakeojdjaj ) - Track Time Spent on YouTube
* [BlockTube ](https://github.com/amitbl/blocktube ) - YouTube Content Blocker
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [Hide YouTube Shorts ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_hide_youtube_shorts ) - Extensions / Scripts to Block YouTube Shorts
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Clickbait Remover ](https://github.com/pietervanheijningen/clickbait-remover-for-youtube ) - Remove YouTube Thumbnails / Title Capitalization
* [RegretsReporter ](https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/campaigns/regrets-reporter/ ) - Report Regrettable YouTube Recommendations
* [YT Not Interested Button on Hover ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/396936-yt-not-interested-in-one-click ) - Easily Display Not Interested Button
* [RapidTags ](https://www.rapidtags.io/ ) or [CommunityTags ](https://www.communitytags.app/ ) - YouTube Tag Generator
* [LiveTL ](https://kentonishi.github.io/LiveTL/ ) - YouTube Live Stream Translator
* [amara ](https://amara.org/en/ ) or [SubtitlesForYoutube ](https://github.com/yashagarwal1411/SubtitlesForYoutube ) - Add Subs to Youtube Videos / [Edge ](https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/subtitles-for-youtube/gfjcoflghpdkddjnpegonjhnbngeocfi ) / [Chrome ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/subtitles-for-youtube/oanhbddbfkjaphdibnebkklpplclomal )
* [YTSubConverter ](https://github.com/arcusmaximus/YTSubConverter ) - Styled YouTube Subtitles
* [Captionz ](https://pnlpal.dev/captionz ) - YouTube Captions Viewer / Player
* [Youtube Summarizer ](https://share.streamlit.io/iamknownstranger/ytsummary/main ) - YouTube Transcript Summarizer
* [YouTube Data Calc ](https://dlogic.lk/projects/youtubedatacalc.php ) - YouTube Data Usage Calculator
* [YouTube Data Tools ](https://tools.digitalmethods.net/netvizz/youtube/ ) or [ytwrk ](https://github.com/terorie/ytwrk ) - YouTube Data Extraction
* [Youtube DataViewer ](https://citizenevidence.amnestyusa.org/ ) or [YouTube-MA ](https://github.com/CorentinB/YouTube-MA ) - YouTube Video Data Viewer
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [Filmot Title Restorer ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/430202-filmot-title-restorer ) - Restore Deleted YouTube Video Titles in Playlists
2022-07-29 01:30:50 -07:00
* [YouTube Thumbnail Grabber ](https://boingboing.net/features/getthumbs ), [YouTube Screenshot ](https://www.youtubescreenshot.com/ ), [YTI ](https://youtubethumbnailimage.com/ ), [thumbnailsave ](https://thumbnailsave.com/ ), [thumbnail-download ](https://thumbnail-download.com/ ) or [Get YT Thumbnail ](http://www.get-youtube-thumbnail.com/ ) - Download YouTube Thumbnails
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [Screenshot YouTube ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screenshot-youtube/gjoijpfmdhbjkkgnmahganhoinjjpohk ), [YouTube Screenshot ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/youtube-screenshot/admjdaoijfccdllogfnddnllkghmkpfb?hl=en ) or [YouTube Screenshot Button ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/youtube-screenshot-button/ehehmcocpegbmagfhajbmeofolnpdfla?hl=en ) - YouTube Screenshot Extension
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [YouTube-Grab ](https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/youtube-grab ) or [YouTube Metadata ](https://mattw.io/youtube-metadata/ ) - YouTube Video Metadata
* [RadiTube ](https://extension.raditube.com/ ) - View MetaData & Transcripts of Deleted YouTube Videos
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [YouBit ](https://github.com/MeViMo/youbit ) - Use YouTube as File Host
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2021-08-11 22:49:56 -07:00
## ▷ Twitch Tools
2022-04-16 13:57:16 -07:00
* **[Twitch Adblockers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_twitch_adblockers )** - Block Ads on Twitch
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Twitch Databse ](https://twitchdatabase.com/ ) - Twitch Tools and Analytics
* [BetterTTV ](https://betterttv.com/ ) or [FrankerFacez ](https://www.frankerfacez.com/ ) - Twitch Enhancement Extension
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [Stream Scheme ](https://www.streamscheme.com/ ) - Livestreaming Guides / Resources
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Twitch Extensions ](https://dashboard.twitch.tv/extensions/categories/43f48606-8b91-4149-94e6-02def012c79f ) - Twitch Extension Index
2022-07-15 23:26:33 -07:00
* [Trovo ](https://trovo.live/ ), [dlive ](https://dlive.tv/ ), [Caffeine ](https://www.caffeine.tv/ ) or [Theta ](https://www.theta.tv/ ) - Twitch Alternatives
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [TwitchLeecher ](https://github.com/Franiac/TwitchLeecher ), [twitch-downloader ](https://github.com/jybp/twitch-downloader ), [twitch-dl ](https://github.com/ihabunek/twitch-dl ), [Windsya ](https://www.windsya.com/ ), [ClipsGameLab ](https://clipsgamelab.github.io/ ), [Clipr ](https://clipr.xyz/ ), [Twiclips ](https://twiclips.com/ ) or [Twitch clips downloader ](https://github.com/TorbenCapiau/Twitch-Clips-Downloader ) - Download Twitch Videos / Clips
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [TwitchRecover ](https://github.com/TwitchRecover/TwitchRecover ) - Recover, View & Download Twitch Videos
* [Twitch Lite ](https://thavixt.github.io/twitch-lite/ ) - Lightweight Twitch Webplayer
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [Twitchls ](https://twitchls.com/ ) - HTML5 Twitch Stream Player
* [Alternate Player for Twitch.tv ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_alternative_twitch_player ) - Alt Twitch Player
* [Orion ](https://alamminsalo.github.io/orion/ ) or [Tress ](https://gitlab.com/Ignamarte/tress ) - Twitch Desktop Client
* [S0undTV ](https://github.com/S0und/S0undTV ) - Android TV Twitch Player
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [Twitch Now ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/twitch-now_/ ) or [Gumbo ](https://github.com/seldszar/gumbo ) -
Twitch Stream Tracker
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [Unwanted Twitch ](https://github.com/kwaschny/unwanted-twitch ) - Hide Twitch Categories / Channels
* [Multi ](https://multi.raredrop.co/ ), [Twitchmultivod ](https://www.twitchmultivod.com/ ) or [TwitchTheater ](https://twitchtheater.tv/ ) - Watch Multiple Twitch Streams
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Tenami ](https://www.tenami.tv/ ) - Twitch Watch Parties
* [TwitchQuotes ](https://www.twitchquotes.com/ ) - Twitch Copypastas
* [Ultrawidify ](https://github.com/tamius-han/ultrawidify ) - Fix Twitch Aspect Ratio
* [Chatterino ](https://chatterino.com/ ), [Chatsen ](https://chatsen.app/ ), [Chatterino Homies ](https://chatterinohomies.com/ ) or [Chatty ](https://chatty.github.io/ ) - Twitch Chat Client
* [SpeechChat ](https://speechchat.com/ ) - Twitch Text to Speech Client
* [Transparent-Twitch-Chat ](https://github.com/chylex/Transparent-Twitch-Chat ) or [Transparent Twitch Chat Overlay ](https://github.com/baffler/Transparent-Twitch-Chat-Overlay ) - Transparent Twitch Chat
* [Twitch Screen Comment Scroller ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/376225-twitch-screen-comment-scroller ) - Auto Scroll Twitch Comments
* [Points Autoclicker ](https://github.com/xinitrc-dev/twitch-points-autoclicker ) - Auto Claim Twitch Points
* [Twitch Previews ](https://github.com/MarkM-dev/Twitch-Previews ) - Twitch Video Previews
* [Featured.chat ](https://featured.chat/ ) - Twitch Chat Manager
2022-08-02 00:27:29 -07:00
* [JChat ](https://www.giambaj.it/twitch/jchat/ ) - Show Twitch Chat on Screen
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [TwitchRSS ](https://twitchrss.appspot.com/ ) - Twitch RSS Generator
* [7TV ](https://7tv.app/ ) - Twitch Emotes Extension
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [Streamlink Twitch GUI ](https://github.com/streamlink/streamlink-twitch-gui ) - Twitch Browser for Streamlink
2022-04-19 09:36:06 -07:00
* [get stream ](https://pwn.sh/tools/getstream.html ) - Extract Twitch URLs
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [nobody.live ](https://nobody.live/ ) or [Twitch Roulette ](https://twitchroulette.net/ ) - Random Stream Roulette
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [Stream Clicker ](https://streamclicker.io/ ) - Random Twitch Streamers
2022-04-15 03:57:01 -07:00
* [SmartTwitchTV ](https://github.com/fgl27/SmartTwitchTV ) - Smart TV Twitch Client
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [Twitch-Chat-Downloader ](https://github.com/PetterKraabol/Twitch-Chat-Downloader ) - Download Twitch Chat Messages
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Twitch TV OBS Subtitles ](https://github.com/stephenlb/twitch-tv-obs-subtitles/ ) - Add Subtitles to Twitch Stream
* [StreamLadder ](https://streamladder.com/ ) - Social Media Templates for Twitch Clips
* [TwitchLeak ](https://twitchleak.netlify.app/ ) - Twitch Top Earners Table
2021-08-11 22:49:56 -07:00
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Twitter Tools
2022-04-16 13:56:24 -07:00
* **[NoFT ](https://noft.gg/ )** - Automatically Block all NFT Profile Pictures / [GitHub ](https://github.com/ottomated/noft )
2022-08-29 01:24:28 -07:00
* [TwopCharts ](https://twopcharts.com/ ) - Multiple Twitter Tools
2022-07-24 17:47:17 -07:00
* [Nitter ](https://nitter.net/ ) or [NitterDV ](https://nitter.usethetools.org/ ) - Twitter Frontend / [Manage Feeds ](https://github.com/pluja/Feetter )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [/r/Twitter ](https://reddit.com/r/Twitter ) - Twitter Subreddit
* [Awesome Twitter Bots ](https://github.com/amandeepmittal/awesome-twitter-bots ) - Twitter Bot Index
2022-07-22 14:11:16 -07:00
* [TumblThree ](https://github.com/TumblThreeApp/TumblThree ) - Twitter / Tumbl Backup Tool
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* [Minimal Twitter ](https://www.wang.sh/minimal-twitter ) - Minimal Twitter Themes
2022-08-28 02:27:27 -07:00
* [Tweak New Twitter ](https://github.com/insin/tweak-new-twitter ) or [twttr ](https://github.com/sreechar/twttr ) - Twitter Enhancement Extension
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Twitonomy ](https://www.twitonomy.com/ ) or [Affinitweet ](https://affinitweet.com/ ) - Twitter Dashboard / Analytics
* [TweetDeck ](https://tweetdeck.twitter.com/ ) / [Enhance ](https://better.tw/ ) or [Tweeten ](https://tweetenapp.com/ ) - Twitter Dashboard
* [TweetDuck ](https://github.com/chylex/TweetDuck ) - Twitter Desktop Client
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [BackTweets ](http://backtweets.com/ ), [twXplorer ](https://twxplorer.knightlab.com/ ) or [Advanced Search ](https://twitter.com/search-advanced?lang=en-gb ) - Search Twitter
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [Twishort ](https://twishort.com/ ) or [TwitLonger ](https://www.twitlonger.com/ ) - Make Longer Tweets
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [Screamer ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screamer-twitter-improvem/mpeifaboppaofofdbmhoaeolnibaljof ) - Tweet Only Twitter
* [Poet.so ](https://poet.so/ ), [Twimage ](https://twimage.vercel.app/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/drkPrince/tweet-to-image ), [Tweetlet ](https://tweetlet.net/ ), [Tweets Beauty ](https://api.tweets.beauty/docs ) or [Capture My Tweet ](https://capturemytweet.in/ ) - Create Twitter Post Images
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Tweetgen ](https://www.tweetgen.com/ ) or [FakeTweetMaker ](https://www.faketweetmaker.com/ ) - Create Fake Tweets
* [Chirr App ](https://getchirrapp.com/ ) - Turn Articles into Twitter Threads / [Firefox ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/chirr-app/ ) / [Chrome ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chirr-app/cmbconaimdngicdnbpjnjocbpkdpmfkg )
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [Thread Reader App ](https://threadreaderapp.com/ ) - Unroll Twitter Threads / Search
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [React Statis Tweets ](https://github.com/transitive-bullshit/react-static-tweets ) - Static Tweets Renderer
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [Treeverse ](https://treeverse.app/ ) - Twitter Conversation Visualizer
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Trends Map ](https://www.trendsmap.com/ ), [Twitter Trends ](https://twitter-trends.vercel.app/ ) or [MentionMap ](https://mentionmapp.com/ ) - Trending Twitter Hashtags / Topics
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [Tweeplers ](https://www.tweeplers.com/ ) - Trending Twitter Users
* [TweetMap ](https://www.omnisci.com/demos/tweetmap ) - Trending Tweet Map
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [Twitter Linker ](https://twitterlinker.vercel.app/ ) or [Twitter Images ](https://twitter-images.vercel.app/ ) - Generate Twitter Card for Your Links
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [OneMillionTweetMap ](https://onemilliontweetmap.com/ ) or [TwitterNano ](https://www.twitternano.com/ ) - Real-Time Tweet Map
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [Twitter Matrix ](https://konard.github.io/twittermatrix/messages.html ) - Matrix animation, but with live tweets
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [All My Tweets ](https://www.allmytweets.net/connect/ ) - View tweets, likes, followers or timeline on one page
* [TwikTwok ](https://twiktwok.github.io/ ) - Swipe through Twitter videos
* [Klear ](https://klear.com/free-tools/find-twitter-influencers ) - Find Influencers
* [Twiangulate ](http://twiangulate.com/search/ ) - Compare Twitter User Followers
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* [FollowerWonk ](https://followerwonk.com/ ) - Find, Analyze & Optimize Followers
* [Foller ](https://foller.me/ ) - Twitter Profile Analytics
2022-04-19 09:36:06 -07:00
* [audiense ](https://audiense.com/ ) - Identify Relevant Audiences
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [HashTagStack ](https://www.hashtagstack.com/ ) or [Hashtagify ](https://hashtagify.me/ ) - Hashtag Engagement Tracker
* [Hashait ](https://www.hashatit.com/ ) - Hashtag Search
* [Twitter 3D ](https://twitter.jeffprod.com/ ) - View Twitter Connections in 3D
* [Buhitter ](https://buhitter.com/ ) - Twitter Illustration Search
* [SaveTweetVid ](https://www.savetweetvid.com/ ), [GetVideoBot ](https://getvideobot.com/ ), [DownloadTwitterVideo ](https://www.downloadtwittervideo.com/ ), [DownloaderBot ](https://twitter.com/DownloaderBot ), [sssTwitter ](https://ssstwitter.com/ ) or [TWDown ](https://twdown.net/ ) - Download Twitter Videos
* [accountanalysis ](https://accountanalysis.app/ ), [Allegdly ](https://makeadverbsgreatagain.org/allegedly/ ) or [SocialBearing ](https://socialbearing.com/ ) - Analyze Twitter Accounts
* [RedBlock ](https://github.com/gaeulbyul/RedBlock ) - Block Multiple Users on Twitter
* [TweeterID ](https://tweeterid.com/ ) - Twitter User ID & Username Converter
* [Spoonbill ](https://spoonbill.io/ ) - Track Profile Changes of People you Follow
* [SocialRank ](https://socialrank.com/ ) - Find Your Most Valuable Followers
* [Twitual ](http://twitual.com/ ) or [DoesFollow ](https://doesfollow.com/ ) - Follower / Following Analysis
* [Twitter Intelligence ](https://github.com/batuhaniskr/twitter-intelligence ) - Python Twitter Tracking & Analysis Tool
* [TweetTopicExplorer ](http://tweettopicexplorer.neoformix.com/ ) - See a Users Most Common Words
2022-07-22 14:11:16 -07:00
* [Twayback Machine ](http://staringispolite.github.io/twayback-machine/ ) - View a Users Old Tweets
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Hoaxy ](https://hoaxy.osome.iu.edu/ ) - Twitter Info Spread Data
* [Tweets Analyzer ](https://github.com/x0rz/tweets_analyzer ) - Tweet Metadata Scraper
* [GeoSocial Footprint ](http://geosocialfootprint.com/ ) or [tinfoleak ](https://tinfoleak.com/ ) - View Your Geosocial Footprint
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [TwiMap ](https://twimap.com/ ) or [SmallWorld ](https://smallworld.kiwi/ ) - Find Twitter Users Near You
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Twitter Without Logging In ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/twitter-without-logging-in/ ) - Twitter Login Wall Bypass
* [Privacy Redirect ](https://github.com/SimonBrazell/privacy-redirect ) or [Invidition ](https://codeberg.org/Booteille/Invidition ) - Redirects Twitter to Frontend
* [Social Amnesia ](https://github.com/Nick-Gottschlich/Social-Amnesia ), [Semiphemeral ](https://semiphemeral.com/ ) - Twitter Auto Post Delete
* [MegaBlock ](https://megablock.xyz/ ) - Easily Block Twitter Users & Tweets
* [delete-likes-from-twitter ](https://gist.github.com/aymericbeaumet/d1d6799a1b765c3c8bc0b675b1a1547d ) - Delete Twitter Likes / Favorites
* [Unfavinator ](http://unfavinator.com/ ) - Delete Twitter Favorites
* [TweetDelete ](https://tweetdelete.net/ ) or [TweetEraser ](https://www.tweeteraser.com/ ) - Delete Twitter Posts in Bulk
* [Tokimeki Unfollow ](https://tokimeki-unfollow.glitch.me/ ), [Who.Unfollowed ](https://who.unfollowed.me/ ) or [Unfollow All ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/twitter-unfollow-all/mgehkbclkipppdjiemnhmnledicalkld ) - Twitter Unfollower
* [Unfollow Monkey ](https://unfollow-monkey.com/ ) - Unfollower Notifications
* [Fix Twitter Links ](https://openuserjs.org/scripts/lucio-martinez/Fix_Twitter_links ) - Unshorten Twitter Feed URLs
* [Twitter Detector ](https://github.com/stilliard/Twitter-detector ) - Detect Twitter Link on a Page
* [twitit ](https://twitit.gq/ ) - Scroll Twitter without Authentication
* [TwitterAudit ](https://www.twitteraudit.com/ ) - Check How Many of your Followers are Real
* [ReSync ](https://revsync.io/ ) - Sync Newletter Subs to Existing Tool
* [ListCopy ](http://projects.noahliebman.net/listcopy/connect.php ) - Copy Twitter Lists
* [Twlets ](http://twlets.com/ ) - Export Twitter Data
2022-08-01 00:23:03 -07:00
* [Twint ](https://github.com/twintproject/twint ) or [TwitterScraper ](https://github.com/taspinar/twitterscraper ) - Twitter Scraping / OSINT Tool
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [QuestionBox ](https://peing.net/en/ ) - Anonymous Twitter Question Tool
* [EmojiTracker ](http://emojitracker.com/ ) - Real-Time Twitter Emoji Use
* [Twitter Demetricator ](https://bengrosser.com/projects/twitter-demetricator/ ) - Remove All Twitter Metrics
* [Cheap Bots, Done Quick ](https://cheapbotsdonequick.com/ ) - Create Twitter Bots
* [Botometer ](https://botometer.osome.iu.edu/ ) or [BotSlayer ](https://osome.iu.edu/tools/botslayer ) - Twitter Bot Check
* [BlackMagic ](https://blackmagic.so/ ) - Twitter Growth Tool
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
## ▷ 4chan Tools
* [Lurka ](https://github.com/AdamSalma/Lurka ) - 4chan Desktop Client
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [SpookyX ](https://github.com/Fiddlekins/SpookyX ), [4chan X ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/7750-4chan-x ) / [Themes ](https://github.com/KevinParnell/OneeChan ) or [Dollchan ](https://dollchan.net/ ) - Adds Features to Imageboards
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [ChanThreadWatch ](https://github.com/SuperGouge/ChanThreadWatch ) - Imageboard Thread Watcher
* [4chanSearch ](https://4chansearch.com/ ) - 4chan Search
* [4stats ](https://4stats.io/ ) - 4chan Board & Thread Stats
* [4chan Captcha Solver ](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/4chan-captcha-solver/ ) - 4chan Captcha Solver
* [4chan Mass Reply ](https://github.com/HamletDuFromage/4chan-mass-reply ) - Mass Reply on 4chan
* [4Chan GhostPostMixer ](https://github.com/g-gundam/4chan-ghostpostmixer ) - Interleave Deleted Posts from Archives
* [Tripgen ](https://orph.link/tripgen ) - Imageboard Trip Code Generator
* [FlagHunter ](https://gitlab.com/flagtism/flaghunter ) - Find Rare Imageboard Flags
2022-08-24 01:20:34 -07:00
* [Bant Flags ](https://github.com/bantflags/bantflags ) - Add Extra Flags to Posts
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [ss21 ](https://github.com/saxamaphone69/ss21 ) - 4Chan Userstyle
2022-03-17 10:16:34 -07:00
## ▷ Facebook Tools
2022-03-17 16:19:15 +07:00
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Facebook CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=65eb7b6b8baf5a5cb ) - Search Facebook
* [FBPurity ](https://www.fbpurity.com/ ) or [Social Fixer ](https://socialfixer.com/ ) - Facebook Enhancement Extension
* [Facebook Demetricator ](https://bengrosser.com/projects/facebook-demetricator/ ) - Hide All Facebook Metrics
* [L.O.C ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/loc/eojdckfcadamkapabechhbnkleligand ) - Facebook Management Extension
* [Facebook Ad Filters ](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/wiki/solutions#wiki_facebook ) - Facebook Filters
* [Social Tools ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/facebook-block-read-recei/llbdoljkknpjgfcnbnoiehjcgancpjmd/related ) or [Unseen Message ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/unseen-message/oapcfkclledjbalilncpoimgjgcndhdo ) - Block "Sending" & "Seen" Facebook Chat Indicators
* [Messenger Dark Theme ](https://github.com/jerry1100/messenger-dark-theme ) or [Charcoal Dark Mode ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/charcoal-dark-mode-for-me/aaekanoannlhnajolbijaoflfhikcgng ) - Facebook Messenger Dark Mode
2022-08-01 00:23:03 -07:00
* [Ultimate-Facebook-Scraper ](https://github.com/harismuneer/Ultimate-Facebook-Scraper ) - Facebook Media Scraper
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Facedown ](http://www.vincentcheung.ca/facedown/ ) - Facebook Image Downloader
2022-05-23 20:15:41 -07:00
* [FDown ](https://fdown.net/ ), [GetFVid ](https://www.getfvid.com/ ) or [Facebook DL ](https://github.com/sdushantha/facebook-dl ) - Facebook Video Downloader
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Story Saver ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/story-saver/mafcolokinicfdmlidhaebadidhdehpk ) - Facebook Story Downloader
* [Caprine ](https://sindresorhus.com/caprine/ ) - Facebook Desktop Messenger / [GitHub ](https://github.com/sindresorhus/caprine )
* [ChatSilo ](https://chatsilo.com/ ) - Mini Facebook Messenger CRM
* [Facebook Matrix ](https://plessas.net/facebookmatrix ) - Facebook Search Formulas
* [Graph.tips ](https://graph.tips/beta/ ) - Advanced Facebook Search Tool
* [Color Themes ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/color-themes-for-facebook/oohbdcphbnpnoohnbddhcfplalanfbmm ), [Coloreatuface ](https://www.coloreatuface.com/ ), [FB.Zone ](https://fb.zone/ ) or [Color Changer ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/color-changer-for-faceboo/blfkmmfngackeejimehjkmendglnabnm ) - Color Themes for Facebook
* [Kill Fbclid ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kill-fbclid/jlmdkcaiejonohbmkgickmkgbpceokmn ) or [Remove FBclid ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/remove-fbclid-and-utm/ehkdoijaaigomfliimepliikhjkoipob ) Removes fbclid and utm_ query parameters in URLs
* [Greenface ](https://greenface.site/ ) or [Delete All Messages ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/delete-all-messages-on-fa/hdigpgnfpockednepfiinhdjebkmpicn ) - Remove All Messages
* [Delete My Posts ](https://www.deletemyposts.com/ ) - Bulk delete all your old Facebook posts, comments, photos, videos
* [Unfollow ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/unfollow-everyone-on-face/pijkodjelolnmbehifeokihlodnajela ) - Unfollow everyone on facebook
* [Facebook Hide Ads ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/404309-facebook-hide-ads-a-k-a-sponsored-posts ) - Remove Sponsored Posts from Facebook
* [News Feed Eradicator ](https://west.io/news-feed-eradicator/ ) - Hide Facebook News Feed
* [Album Downloader ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/album-downloader-for-face/oallcdoceahndjmaalbicbcgpfnajgae ) - Album Downloader for Facebook
* [Birthday Calendar Exporter ](https://github.com/zagushka/birthday-calendar-extractor ) - Birthday Calendar Extractor for Facebook
* [FriendFilter ](https://friendfilter.io/ ) - Friend Filter for Facebook
2022-03-17 16:19:15 +07:00
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
# ► System Tools
2022-03-26 22:05:38 -07:00
* **[Windows Piracy Guide ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/pirate-windows )**
2022-04-29 01:26:04 -07:00
* **[Windows ISO's ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_windows_iso )** - Download Windows
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Windows Activation Guides / Scripts ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_windows_activation )** - Active Windows
* **[Optimize-Guide ](https://rentry.co/mdl-optimize-guide )** - Optimize Windows / [Video ](https://youtu.be/pJTCwSX9Ym8 ) / [Script ](https://github.com/DrEmpiricism/Windows-10-batch-optimizer/blob/master/Win10optimizer.bat ), [2 ](https://github.com/Smozyy/Tweaks-for-Gaming.bat )
* **[Windows Keyboard Shortcuts ](https://i.imgur.com/HbgE3nd.png )**, [2 ](https://i.imgur.com/A36Yd7F.png ) / [Course ](https://keycombiner.com/ ), [HotkeyP ](https://sourceforge.net/projects/hotkeyp/ ) or [CheatKeys ](https://cheatkeys.com/CheatSheet ) - Keyboard Shortcuts
* [Espanso ](https://espanso.org/ ) - Typing Shortcuts / [GitHub ](https://github.com/federico-terzi/espanso )
2022-08-28 18:37:33 -07:00
* [TouchCursor ](https://sourceforge.net/projects/touchcursor/ ) - Use Home Keys as Cursor
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [You Don't Need GUI ](https://github.com/you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-GUI ) - CLI Commands Cheatsheet
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Windows 10 Debloaters ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_windows_10_debloater )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Operating System Emulators ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_os_emulators ) - Emulate Alternate OS
2022-07-31 02:17:00 -07:00
* [PowerToys ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys ), [CWCodes ](http://cwcodes.net/ ), [Progress Tools ](https://www.progress-tools.x10.mx/ ), [Guru3D ](https://www.guru3d.com/files-categories ), [JaxCore ](https://jax-core.github.io/ ) or [JoeWare ](https://www.joeware.net/freetools/index.htm ) - System Tools
2022-04-15 03:57:01 -07:00
* [PCPartPicker ](https://pcpartpicker.com/ ), [Newegg PC Builder ](https://www.newegg.com/tools/custom-pc-builder ), [/r/buildapc ](https://reddit.com/r/buildapc ) / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/TmNgXbwrqJ ), [Build Redux ](https://buildredux.com/ ), [CGDirector ](https://www.cgdirector.com/pc-builder/ ) or [NZXTBld ](https://www.letsbld.com/ ) - PC Building Sites / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/buildapc )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [/r/BuildAPCForMe ](https://reddit.com/r/BuildAPCForMe ) - PC Building Community
2022-04-15 03:57:01 -07:00
* [/r/SuggestAPC ](https://reddit.com/r/SuggestAPC ) - PC Suggestion Community
2022-08-02 00:27:29 -07:00
* [/r/PCMasterrace Wiki ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/wiki/builds/ ), [/r/BuildaPC Wiki ](https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/wiki/index ) or [Logical Increments ](https://www.logicalincrements.com/ ) - PC Building Guides / [Video ](https://youtu.be/BL4DCEp7blY )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [/r/SuggestALaptop ](https://reddit.com/r/SuggestALaptop ), [Laptop Deals ](https://laptopsdeals.net/our-gaming-laptops-guide-list/ ), [Jarrod's Tech ](https://jarrods.tech/resources/ ) or [Noteb ](https://noteb.com/ ) - Laptop Suggestions / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/pes68JM )
2022-08-05 22:29:24 -07:00
* [r/TechSupport ](https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/ ), [Windows 10 Forums ](https://www.windowsphoneinfo.com/ ), [MSFN ](https://msfn.org/board/ ), [Hardforum ](https://hardforum.com/ ), [VinaFix ](https://vinafix.com/ ), [TechSupportForum ](https://www.techsupportforum.com/ ) or [Notebook Reviews ](http://forum.notebookreview.com/ ) - Tech Support / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/2EDwzWa ) / [Wiki ](https://rtech.support/books/ )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [GetHuman ](http://gethuman.com/ ) or [ContactFound ](https://contactfound.com/ ) - Tech Support Numbers
* [Technical City ](https://technical.city/ ) - Hardware Comparisions
* [DeviceTests ](https://devicetests.com/ ) - Multiple Device Tests
* [Click Latencies ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-QI7-LY9Ul_DsVE4ZOqBQxqqqqrdJ04Ite8IY3AQMds/ ) - Mouse Click Latency Chart
* [Sensor.fyi ](https://sensor.fyi/info/ ) - Mouse Guide / Information
* [Office License Isn't Genuine ](https://web.archive.org/web/20211014003224/https://windowsaddict.ml/office-license-is-not-genuine ) - Fix Office Activation Issues
* [Awesome BSD ](https://github.com/DiscoverBSD/awesome-bsd ) - BSD Operating Systems
2022-07-04 21:12:05 -07:00
* [Medicat USB ](https://medicatusb.com/ ) - USB Toolkit
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Rufus ](https://rufus.ie/ ), [AIO Boot ](https://www.aioboot.com/ ), [UUP ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/uup-media-creator/9n1z0jxb224x ), [MediaCreationTool ](https://github.com/AveYo/MediaCreationTool.bat ) or [Ventoy ](https://www.ventoy.net/en/index.html ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/ventoy/Ventoy ) - Create Bootable USB Drives
2022-05-12 16:21:28 -07:00
* [SARDU ](https://www.sarducd.it/ ) - Create Recovery USB Flash Drive or Disk
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [rEFind ](http://www.rodsbooks.com/refind/ ) - Boot Manager
* [balenaEtcher ](https://balena.io/etcher ) - Flash OS Image SD / USB
* [InstallWindowsWithoutUSB ](https://github.com/iidanL/InstallWindowsWithoutUSB ) - Install Windows without USB
* [NTLite ](https://www.ntlite.com/ ), [WinReducer ](https://www.winreducer.net/ ) or [MSMG Toolkit ](https://msmgtoolkit.in/?i=1 ) - Custom ISO Creator
* [CloverBootloader ](https://github.com/CloverHackyColor/CloverBootloader/releases ) or [EasyBCD ](https://neosmart.net/EasyBCD/ ) - Bootloader / [Config ](https://mackie100projects.altervista.org/ )
2022-05-06 17:58:43 -07:00
* [zfsBootMenu ](https://github.com/zbm-dev/zfsbootmenu ) - ZFS Bootloader
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [Hiren’ s BootCD PE ](https://www.hirensbootcd.org/ ) - Preinstallation Environment
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Microsoft Downloads Dump ](https://www.heidoc.net/php/myvsdump.php ) - Verify ISO Legitimacy
* [CD Key Reader ](http://www.cathonian.com/software/cd-keyreader/ ) - Find Key used to Install Windows
* [WinXP Service Pack 4 ](https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/windows_xp_service_pack_4_unofficial.html ) - Windows XP Unofficial Service Pack 4 / [Drive ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_winxp_service_pack_4 )
* [ChangeWindows ](https://www.changewindows.org/timeline ) - Latest Windows Update Info
* [Simplix ](https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/simplix_updatepack.html ) or [Extended Win 7 Updates ](https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/bypass-windows-7-extended-security-updates-eligibility.80606 ) - Extended Windows 7 Updates
* [WSUOffline ](https://download.wsusoffline.net/ ) - Offline Windows Updates
* [WUReset ](https://wureset.com/ ) - Reset Windows Update Components
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [Wu10Man ](https://github.com/WereDev/Wu10Man ), [stopupdates10 ](https://greatis.com/stopupdates10/ ), [InControl ](https://www.grc.com/incontrol.htm ) or [windows-update-blocker ](https://www.sordum.org/9470/windows-update-blocker-v1-7/ ) - Enable / Disable Windows 10 Updates
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [OfflineInsiderEnroll ](https://github.com/abbodi1406/offlineinsiderenroll ) - Enable Windows Insider without Account
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [XTR Toolbox ](https://zeeex.github.io/XTR-Toolbox/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/Zeeex/XTR-Toolbox/ ), [MajorGeeks Windows Tweaks ](https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/majorgeeks_registry_tweaks.html ), [TweakUtility ](https://github.com/Craftplacer/TweakUtility ), [MagicX Toolbox ](https://github.com/Ahsan40/MagicX-Toolbox ), [Winaero ](https://winaero.com/ ) / [Apps ](https://winaero.com/winaero-apps/ ), [Sophia ](https://github.com/farag2/Windows-10-Sophia-Script/ ) or [Cairo ](https://cairoshell.com/ ) - Windows Tweaking Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Couleur Tweak Tips ](http://discord.gg/CTT ), [Redwan Tweaks ](https://discord.gg/4RhQurkFBZ ) or [TweakCentral ](https://tweakcentral.net/ ) - Windows Tweaks & Tips
* [Redwan's Guide to Guides ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hZeQkyDe-M9-zNy2eB-Koc3iOpN5-5KxkpvjQaNK60g/edit ) - Windows Tweaking Guides
* [Awesome Scripts ](https://github.com/codePerfectPlus/awesomeScripts ), [Batch-Script-Collection ](https://github.com/happy05dz/Batch-Script-Collection ), [BatUtil ](https://github.com/abbodi1406/BatUtil ) or [TechNet-Gallery ](https://github.com/MScholtes/TechNet-Gallery ) - Useful System Scripts
* [SmartWindows ](https://smartwindows.app/ ) - Create / Restore Windows Profiles
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [VirtualBox ](https://www.virtualbox.org/ ), [Looking Glass ](https://looking-glass.io/ ), [Qemu ](http://www.qemu-project.org/ ) or [VMware Workstation Player ](https://www.vmware.com/products/workstation-player/workstation-player-evaluation.html ) - Virtual Machine / [Preinstalled VMS ](https://www.osboxes.org/ )
2022-05-03 18:05:21 -07:00
* [Virt Machine ](https://virt-manager.org/ ) - Virtual Machine Manager
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Virtual PC ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=3243 ) - Windows XP Virtual Machine
* [windows95 ](https://github.com/felixrieseberg/windows95 ) - Windows 95 in Electron
* [Hackintosh-Installer-University ](https://github.com/huangyz0918/Hackintosh-Installer-University ) - MacOS Virtual Machine
* [Ryzen Hackintosh ](https://github.com/mikigal/ryzen-hackintosh ) - MacOS VM for Ryzen
* [XiaoMi NoteBook Pro Hackintosh ](https://github.com/daliansky/XiaoMi-Pro-Hackintosh ) - MacOS VM for XiaoMi NoteBooks
* [VMWare ](https://gist.github.com/rkennesson/2c4595bf062aaab387dccf1210accf98 ) - Hide Virtual Machine
* [QuickEmu ](https://github.com/wimpysworld/quickemu ) or [Dexpot ](https://www.dexpot.de/ ) - Virtual Machine Creator
* [vBoxSysInfoMod ](https://github.com/JayMontana36/vBoxSysInfoMod ) - Modify VM System Info
* [Windows Sandbox ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/threat-protection/windows-sandbox/windows-sandbox-overview ) or [Sandboxie Plus ](https://sandboxie-plus.com/ ) - Sandbox Environment
* [WebCatalog ](https://webcatalog.app/ ) - Turn Sites into Desktop Apps
* [Heimdall ](https://heimdall.site/ ) - Application Manager
* [GParted ](https://gparted.org/ ) or [AOMEI ](https://www.diskpart.com/ ) - Partition Manager
* [Easy-GPU-PV ](https://github.com/jamesstringerparsec/Easy-GPU-P ) - Easy GPU Paravirtualization
* [Gptgen ](https://github.com/xorangekiller/gptgen ) - MBR Partition Table to GPT Converter
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [WinCDEmu ](https://wincdemu.sysprogs.org/ ) - CD/DVD/BD Emulator
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [PC Optimization Hub ](https://github.com/BoringBoredom/PC-Optimization-Hub ) - PC Optimization Resource Index
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [SpeedyFox ](https://crystalidea.com/speedyfox ) - Optimize Program Performance
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [CCStopper ](https://github.com/E-Soda/CCStopper ) - Stop Background Adobe Apps
* [Adobe Debloater ](https://github.com/FlickyOs/Adobe-Debloater ) - Debloat Adobe Apps
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [AATU ](https://amdaputuningutility.com/ ) or [RyzenAdj ](https://github.com/FlyGoat/RyzenAdj ) - Ryzen Mobile Laptop Tuning Utility
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [NBFC ](https://github.com/hirschmann/nbfc ) - Laptop Fan Control
2022-07-23 01:02:57 -07:00
* [FanControl ](https://github.com/Rem0o/FanControl.Releases ) - Fan Control
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [GreenWithEnvy ](https://gitlab.com/leinardi/gwe ) - Manage & Control NVIDIA Cards
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [nvidiaProfileInspector ](https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector ) - Modify & View Hidden NVIDIA Settings / [Guide ](https://youtu.be/XncmeD8khKY )
2022-04-19 09:36:06 -07:00
* [NVIDIA Control Panel ](https://rentry.co/gaydia ) - NVIDIA Control Panel Without MS Store
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [NVCleanstall ](https://www.techpowerup.com/download/techpowerup-nvcleanstall/ ) or [NVSlimmer ](https://majorgeeks.com/files/details/nvslimmer.html ) - Customize NVIDIA Driver Packages
* [Nvidia-Patch ](https://github.com/keylase/nvidia-patch ) - NVENC & NvFBC Patches
2022-08-20 22:10:00 -07:00
* [NVIDIAOptimize ](https://rentry.co/NVIDIAOptimize ) - Debloat NVIDIA Drivers
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [AMDDebloat ](https://rentry.co/AMDDebloat ) or [RadeonSoftwareSlimmer ](https://github.com/GSDragoon/RadeonSoftwareSlimmer ) - Debloat AMD GPU Drivers
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Parted Magic ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_parted_magic ) - Disk Management Tool
* [Disk Usage Analyzers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_disk_usage_analyzers ) - View & Manage Files on Disk
* [CrystalDiskMark ](https://crystalmark.info/en/software/crystaldiskmark/ ) - Disk Benchmarking Tool
2022-08-10 21:33:02 -07:00
* [Scrutiny ](https://github.com/AnalogJ/scrutiny ) - Hard Drive Monitor
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Macrium Reflect ](https://www.macrium.com/reflectfree ) - System Benchmarking
2022-08-26 16:58:30 -07:00
* [poclmembench ](https://github.com/kruzer/poclmembench ) or [Testmem5 ](https://www.overclock.net/threads/memory-testing-with-testmem5-tm5-with-custom-configs.1751608/ ) - Memory Benchmarking
2022-05-03 18:05:21 -07:00
* [PresentMon ](https://github.com/GameTechDev/PresentMon ) - GPU Benchmarking
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [Netdata ](https://www.netdata.cloud/ ), [bottom ](https://github.com/ClementTsang/bottom ), [MangoHud ](https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud ), [OpenHardwareMonitor ](https://openhardwaremonitor.org/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/openhardwaremonitor/openhardwaremonitor ), [btop ](https://github.com/aristocratos/btop ), [Glances ](https://nicolargo.github.io/glances/ ) or [WinBar ](http://www.winbar.nl/ ) - System Monitor
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Sysinternals ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/ ) - Windows System Utilities / [Suite ](https://www.microsoft.com/EN-US/p/app/9P7KNL5RWT25 )
* [Process Explorer ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer ), [SystemExplorer ](http://systemexplorer.net/ ) or [Process Hacker ](https://processhacker.sourceforge.io/ ) - Process Monitor
2022-08-05 22:29:24 -07:00
* [KillProcess ](https://www.tgmdev.be/applications/killprocess/killprocess.php ) or [FKill ](https://github.com/sindresorhus/fkill-cli ) - Process Killer
2022-07-23 01:02:57 -07:00
* [SpeedFan ](http://www.almico.com/speedfan.php ) or [SidebarDiagnostics ](https://github.com/ArcadeRenegade/SidebarDiagnostics ) - Hardware Monitor
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [CoreTemp ](https://www.alcpu.com/CoreTemp/ ) - Processor Temperature Monitor
2022-07-26 01:23:50 -07:00
* [RunWithAffinity ](https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/runwithaffinity.html ) - Run Programs on Selected Core
* [NotCPUCores ](https://github.com/rcmaehl/NotCPUCores ), [QuickCPU ](https://coderbag.com/product/quickcpu ) or [Process Lasso ](https://bitsum.com/ ) - CPU Optimizer
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [ThrottleStop ](https://www.techpowerup.com/download/techpowerup-throttlestop/ ) - Laptop CPU Monitor / Optimizer
* [Project Hydra ](https://www.igorslab.de/en/project-hydra-oc-sandbox-for-zen3-cpus-freeware-download/3/ ) - ZEN3 CPU Optimization Sandbox
* [perf-book ](https://github.com/dendibakh/perf-book ) - CPU Performance Analysis and Tuning Book
* [MemTest ](https://www.memtest.org/ ) - Memory Diagnostic Tool
* [Magic Trace ](https://github.com/janestreet/magic-trace ) - Diagnose Performance Issues using Intel Processor Trace
* [Mem Reduct ](https://www.henrypp.org/product/memreduct ) - Windows System Memory Cleaner / [GitHub ](https://github.com/henrypp/memreduct )
* [CPUid ](https://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html ), [winfetch ](https://github.com/kiedtl/winfetch ) or [GPU-Z ](https://www.techpowerup.com/download/techpowerup-gpu-z/ ) - System Information Tool
* [HWiNFO ](https://www.hwinfo.com/ ) - Hardware Analysis, Monitoring and Reporting
* [phwmon ](https://gitlab.com/o9000/phwmon ) - System Tray Hardware Monitor
* [TrayDir ](https://github.com/SamuelSVD/TrayDir ) - System Tray File Manager
* [MinimizeToTray ](https://github.com/sandwichdoge/MinimizeToTray ) - Hide Any Windows to Tray
* [QDirStat ](https://github.com/shundhammer/qdirstat ) - Directory Statistics
* [GenSMBIOS ](https://github.com/corpnewt/GenSMBIOS ) - SMBIOS Generator
* [Intel BIOS Guide ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s43_3YGJIy3zs0ZIksoOmxgrDKnu4ZNhhnXW_NiJZ0I/edit ) - Intel BIOS Settings Explanation
2022-04-15 03:57:01 -07:00
* [BiOSBug ](https://www.biosbug.com/ ) - Remove / Reset BiOS Password / [Tutorial ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GolIjI2HS5w )
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [](https://www.win-raid.com/t9926f16-TOOL-Lenovo-H-Bios-Unlocker-and-Locker.html) - Lenovo (H20) Bios Unlocker / Locker
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [x64dbg ](https://github.com/x64dbg/x64dbg ) - Windows Debugging Tool
* [UptimeFaker ](https://github.com/CookiePLMonster/UptimeFaker ) - System Uptime Debugger
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [JitMagic ](https://github.com/mrexodia/JitMagic ) - Run Multiple Just-In-Time Debuggers
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [OllyDbg ](https://www.ollydbg.de/ ) - Binary Code Analysis Tool
* [WhoCrashed ](https://www.resplendence.com/whocrashed ) - Windows Crash Analyzer
2022-07-26 01:23:50 -07:00
* [PSU Calculator ](https://www.newegg.com/tools/power-supply-calculator/ ) or [Power Supply Calculator ](https://outervision.com/power-supply-calculator ) - Find Compatible Power Supplies
* [PowerPlanSwitcher ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/powerplanswitcher/9nblggh556l3 ) - Quickly Change Power Schemes
* [SMCAMDProcessor ](https://github.com/trulyspinach/SMCAMDProcessor ) - AMD Processor Power Management
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [WhatPulse ](https://whatpulse.org/ ) - Mouse / Keyboard Usage Analyzer
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [Keyboard Testers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_keyboard_testers ) - Test Keyboard Buttons
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* [Keytap2 ](https://keytap2.ggerganov.com/ ) - Acoustic Keyboard Eavesdropping
2022-07-26 07:00:28 -07:00
* [CustomKeyboardLayoutPersistence ](https://github.com/NtQuerySystemInformation/CustomKeyboardLayoutPersistence ) - Custom Keyboard Layout
2022-07-26 01:23:50 -07:00
* [Awesome Forensics ](https://github.com/cugu/awesome-forensics ) - System Forensic Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [BleachBit ](https://www.bleachbit.org/ ) or [GlarySoft ](https://www.glarysoft.com/ ) - Free Cache, Delete Cookies, Clear History, Shred Temp Files, ect.
2022-08-05 01:39:26 -07:00
* [Autoruns ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autoruns ) or [Autostart ](https://github.com/snail007/autostart ) - Change Startup Programs
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Remove Hidden Startup Programs ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUXcMaP6wRQ ) - How-to Remove Secret Startup Apps
2022-08-20 22:10:00 -07:00
* [LaunchLater ](https://github.com/jeffcox111/LaunchLater ) or [Startup Delayer ](https://www.r2.com.au/page/products/show/startup-delayer/ ) - Delay Automatic App Startups
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [DefaultProgramsEditor ](https://defaultprogramseditor.com/ ) - File Association Editor
* [RegExp ](https://github.com/zodiacon/RegExp ) or [Registry-Finder ](https://registry-finder.com/ ) - Improved Registry Explorer
* [Awesome Regex ](https://github.com/aloisdg/awesome-regex ) - Regex Resource Index
2022-08-20 22:10:00 -07:00
* [Regex Hub ](https://projects.lukehaas.me/regexhub/ ) or [IHateRegex ](https://ihateregex.io/ ) - Useful Regex Patterns
* [Regex Generator++ ](http://regex.inginf.units.it/ ) or [Regex Generator ](https://regex-generator.olafneumann.org/ ) - Regex Generators
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Desktop Management ](https://github.com/DeveloperWOW64/deskmgr ) - Improved Computer Management
* [Open Shell ](https://open-shell.github.io/Open-Shell-Menu/ ), [2 ](https://github.com/Open-Shell/Open-Shell-Menu ), [ValliStart ](https://github.com/Jax-Core/ValliStart ) or [SystemTrayMenu ](http://hofknecht.eu/systemtraymenu ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/Hofknecht/SystemTrayMenu ) - Improved Start Menu
* [UltraCopier ](http://ultracopier.first-world.info/ ) - Improved File Copy Dialogs
* [Spencer ](https://www.the-sz.com/products/spencer/ ) or [Fluent-Metro ](https://github.com/bonzibudd/Fluent-Metro ) - Classic Start Menu
* [TilelConfier ](https://github.com/Jonno12345/TileIconifier ) - Start Menu Icon Tiles
* [Search Deflector ](https://github.com/spikespaz/search-deflector ) - Change Cortana Search Engine / Browser
* [Recoll ](https://www.lesbonscomptes.com/recoll/ ) or [AnyTXT ](https://anytxt.net/ ) - Improved Windows Search / [Site Indexer ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/recoll-we/ )
* [Run ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/run ) - Windows Spotlight Search
* [DLL-Hijack-Search-Order-BOF ](https://github.com/EspressoCake/DLL-Hijack-Search-Order-BOF ) - DLL File Search
2022-08-28 18:37:33 -07:00
* [Killer ](https://github.com/ntaraujo/killer ) or [TaskExplorer ](https://github.com/DavidXanatos/TaskExplorer ) - Task Managers / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/MKG6qgJ964 )
* [SmartSystemMenu ](https://github.com/AlexanderPro/SmartSystemMenu ) - System Menus
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Nsudo ](https://nsudo.m2team.org/en-us/ ) - System Admin Tools / [GitHub ](https://github.com/M2Team/NSudo )
* [MIUIShade ](https://www.deviantart.com/jaxoriginals/art/MIUI-Shade-v2-0-885183361 ) - Windows MIUI Dropdown Menu
* [All Tasks Toolbar ](https://winaero.com/create-all-tasks-god-mode-toolbar-windows-10/ ) - Create All Tasks God Mode Toolbar in Win 10
2022-08-28 18:37:33 -07:00
* [WindowsManager ](https://www.eusing.com/WindowManager/WindowManager.htm ), [AwesomeWM ](https://awesomewm.org/ ), [LCARS ](https://github.com/lcarsde/lcarswm ) or [Compiz Fusion ](http://www.compiz-fusion.org/ ) - Windows Managers
* [AltDrag ](https://stefansundin.github.io/altdrag/ ) - Windows Dragging
* [EverythingToolbar ](https://github.com/stnkl/EverythingToolbar ), [Hyper ](https://github.com/hyperts/Hyper ), [Awesome ](https://github.com/nodgear/Awesome ) or [Smart Taskbar ](https://github.com/ChanpleCai/SmartTaskbar ) - Taskbars
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Taskbar Groups ](https://github.com/tjackenpacken/taskbar-groups ) - Create Groups in Taskbar
* [uTaskManager ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/utaskmanager/9nhvdhfbxrsv ) - Alternative Taskbar
* [OGHub ](https://github.com/Wivon/OGHub ) - Free Up Space in your Taskbar
* [ButteryTaskbar ](https://github.com/CrypticButter/ButteryTaskbar/ ) - Hide Taskbar When Start Menu is Closed
* [Taskbar Hide ](https://www.eusing.com/hidewindows/bosskey.htm ) - Easily Hide / Show Taskbar
* [MediaFlyout ](https://github.com/krlvm/MediaFlyout ) - Media Control Taskbar
* [OneLaunch ](https://onelaunch.com/ ) - Customizable Windows Dock
* [CircleDock ](http://circledock.wikidot.com/ ) - Circular Dock
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [Wox ](http://www.wox.one/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/Wox-launcher/Wox ), [Launchy ](https://launchy.net/ ), [ChaseApp ](https://www.chaseapp.io/ ), [FlowLauncher ](https://www.flowlauncher.com/ ), [Keypirinha ](https://keypirinha.com/ ), [Ueli ](https://ueli.app/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/oliverschwendener/ueli ) - Keystroke Launcher
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [KeyViz ](https://github.com/mulaRahul/keyviz ) - Keystroke Visualizer
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Closemul ](https://www.lustark.com/closemul ) - Multi-Purpose Program Frontend
* [rofi ](https://github.com/davatorium/rofi ) - Window Switcher & App Launcher
* [Clipboard Managers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_clipboard_managers ) - Manage Copied Text
* [clip ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/clip ) - Redirects Command Output from Command Line to Clipboard
* [The Printliminator ](https://github.com/CSS-Tricks/The-Printliminator ) - Print Formatting Tool
* [Cronos ](https://crono.app/ ) - Desktop Mobile Notifications
* [BurntToast ](https://github.com/Windos/BurntToast ) - Create and display Toast Notifications
* [Almond ](https://almond.stanford.edu/ ) - Virtual Assistant
* [Rhasspy ](https://rhasspy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ ) - Voice Assistant
* [Jarvis ](https://acwtechnologies.co.uk/software/jarvis-lite ) - Voice Commands
* [Google Assistant Desktop Client ](https://github.com/Melvin-Abraham/Google-Assistant-Unofficial-Desktop-Client ), [Mycroft ](https://mycroft.ai/ ) or [Home Assistant ](https://www.home-assistant.io/ ) - Home Assistant Client
* [Cerebro App ](https://cerebroapp.com/ ) or [Zazu App ](http://zazuapp.org/ ) - System Productivity Booster
* [Econap ](https://www.econap.de/ ) - Prevent Sleep Mode
* [MoveMouse ](https://sites.google.com/a/windandkite.co.uk/movemouse/home ) - Simulate User Activity
* [The Fastest Mouse Clicker for Windows ](https://gitlab.com/mashanovedad/The-Fastest-Mouse-Clicker-for-Windows ), [Alpha Clicker ](https://github.com/robiot/AlphaClicker ) or [AutoClicker Bookmarklet ](https://autoclicker.glitch.me/ ) - Mouse Auto Clicker
* [StrokeIt ](https://www.tcbmi.com/strokeit/ ) or [StrokesPlus ](https://www.strokesplus.net/ ) - Mouse Gestures
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [VirtualMouse ](https://github.com/SY3141/VirtualMouse ) - Mouse Camera Gestures
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [EasyContextMenu ](https://www.sordum.org/7615/easy-context-menu-v1-6/ ) or [Context Menu Shell ](https://nilesoft.org/ ) - Improved Context Menu
* [OpenWith++ ](https://github.com/stax76/OpenWithPlusPlus ) or [Custom Context Menu ](https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9PC7BZZ28G0X ) - Customize Context Menu
* [X-Mouse Button Control ](https://www.highrez.co.uk/downloads/XMouseButtonControl.htm ) - Re-Map Mouse Buttons & Scroll Wheel
2022-08-10 21:33:02 -07:00
* [SharpKeys ](https://github.com/randyrants/sharpkeys/ ) - Re-Map Keyboard Buttons
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Mouseable ](https://github.com/wirekang/mouseable ) - Replace Mouse with Keyboard
* [Revertservice ](http://revertservice.com/ ) - Default configurations of Windows services
2022-07-24 17:47:17 -07:00
* [Win10 Widgets ](https://win10widgets.com/ ), [BeWidgets ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/bewidgets/9nq07fg50h2q ), [Eww ](https://github.com/elkowar/eww ) or [Gadgets Revived ](https://gadgetsrevived.com/ ) - Widgets for Windows
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Übersicht ](https://tracesof.net/uebersicht/ ) - System Command Widgets
* [Command Not Found ](https://command-not-found.com/ ) - Install Missing Commands
* [Windows-Hacks ](https://github.com/LazoCoder/Windows-Hacks ) - Windows API Tricks
* [Auto Night Mode ](https://github.com/AutoDarkMode/Windows-Auto-Night-Mode ) - Windows 10 Auto Dark Mode
* [f.lux ](https://justgetflux.com/ ), [LightBulb ](https://github.com/Tyrrrz/LightBulb ) or [SunsetScreen ](https://www.skytopia.com/software/sunsetscreen/index.htm ) - Adjust Display Color / Temperature
* [Twinkle Tray ](https://twinkletray.com/ ) - System Tray Brightness Slider
* [Dimmer ](https://www.nelsonpires.com/software/dimmer ) - Multi-Monitor Brightness Control
2022-07-23 01:02:57 -07:00
* [DisplayFusion ](https://www.displayfusion.com/ ) or [Dual Monitor Tool ](https://sourceforge.net/projects/dualmonitortool/ ) - Dual Monitor Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [ShowDesktopOneMonitor ](https://github.com/ruzrobert/ShowDesktopOneMonitor ) - Show Desktop For Only One Monitor
* [ActiveDesktopPlus ](https://github.com/torchgm/ActiveDesktopPlus ) - Desktop Program, Video & Webpage Pins / Program Wallpapers
* [Window Grid / Tiling Programs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_window_tiling_programs ) - Window Managers
* [WindowTop ](https://windowtop.info/ ) - Window Manager
* [Windows Sizer ](http://www.brianapps.net/sizer4/ ) - Resize & Reposition
* [DeskPins ](https://efotinis.neocities.org/deskpins/ ) - Always on Top Windows
* [WinThumbsPreloader ](https://github.com/bruhov/WinThumbsPreloader/ ) - Preload Thumbnails in Windows Explorer
* [Klotures ](https://gitlab.com/jkushmaul/klotures ) - Desktop Icon Organizer / [Demo ](https://gitlab.com/jkushmaul/klotures/raw/master/docs/KloturesDemo.webm )
2022-01-27 00:34:32 -08:00
* [Windows 10's icons dedicated .dll files location ](https://pastebin.com/tMiSV6WT )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [QuickLook ](https://github.com/QL-Win/QuickLook ) - macOS Quick Look for Windows
* [AutoHotkey ](https://www.autohotkey.com/ ), [MacroRecorder ](https://www.macrorecorder.com/ ) or [AutoIt ](https://www.autoitscript.com/ ) - Task Automation Scripts / [Script Gen ](https://www.ahkgen.com/ )
* [Scheduler ](https://www.splinterware.com/products/scheduler.html ) or [TaskRunner ](http://www.keyefficiency.com/ ) - System Task Scheduler
* [Nomad ](https://www.nomadproject.io/ ) - App Deployment Automation / [GitHub ](https://github.com/hashicorp/nomad )
* [cygwin ](http://cygwin.com/ ) - Linux Style Windows Tools
* [GWSL-Source ](https://github.com/Opticos/GWSL-Source ) - Run Linux Apps on Windows
* [Menu11 ](https://github.com/prateekmedia/Menu11 ) - Windows 11 Style Launcher
* [DreyMaR's ](https://dreymar.colemak.org/ ) - Keyboard Tips and Resources
* [Keyboard University ](https://keyboard.university/ ) or [KDB ](http://xahlee.info/kbd/keyboarding.html ) - Mechanical Keyboard Building Guides
* [MechMap ](https://www.mechmap.tech/ ) - Mechanical Keyboard Recommendations
* [NeatMouse ](https://neatdecisions.com/products/neatmouse/ ) - Mouse / Keyboard Emulator
2022-04-15 03:57:01 -07:00
* [Keyboard Simulator ](https://keyboardsimulator.xyz/ ) - Design & Test Virtual Keyboards
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [WinCompose ](http://wincompose.info/ ) - Windows Special Character Compose Key / [GitHub ](https://github.com/samhocevar/wincompose )
* [Plover ](https://www.openstenoproject.org/plover/ ) - Stenography Engine / [GitHub ](https://github.com/openstenoproject/plover ) / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/NAzMz7C3wq )
* [Deskreen ](http://deskreen.com/ ) - Turn Any Device into Secondary Screen / [GitHub ](https://github.com/pavlobu/deskreen )
* [Mouse Without Borders ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/garage/wall-of-fame/mouse-without-borders/ ) - Control Multiple PC's via One Mouse / Keyboard
* [JumpShare ](https://jumpshare.com/ ) - File, Screenshot & Video Sharing
* [Screego ](https://app.screego.net/ ) / [Github ](https://github.com/screego/server/ ), [Screensy ](https://screensy.marijn.it/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/screensy/screensy ) or [here.fm ](https://here.fm/ ) - Screen Sharing
* [Remote Desktop Clients ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_remote_desktop_clients ) - Control Desktop Remotely
* [InputDirector ](http://www.inputdirector.com/ ), [Synergy ](https://symless.com/synergy ), [Barrier ](https://github.com/debauchee/barrier ) or [ShareMouse ](https://www.sharemouse.com/ ) - Share Mouse & Keyboard w/ Multiple Computers
* [Nebula ](https://github.com/slackhq/nebula ) - Multi-Computer Networking Tool
* [TigerVNC ](https://tigervnc.org/ ) - VNC Client
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [Google VPS 25GB Ram ](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/16ORaesJ0C9bt6tTOgd90NuwEUDiquofz ) or [AppOnFly ](https://app.apponfly.com/trial ) - Free VPS
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [mRemoteNG ](https://mremoteng.org/ ) - Remote Connections Manager
* [Netmaker ](https://gravitl.com/netmaker ) - Create Virtual Network
* [NirLauncher ](https://launcher.nirsoft.net/ ) - All Nirsoft Utilities in One App
* [TopGrade ](https://github.com/r-darwish/topgrade ) - Package Manager Update Automation
* [Winget ](https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli ), [Scoop The Installer ](https://github.com/couleur-tweak-tips/the-installer ) or [bget ](https://github.com/jahwi/bget ) - Windows Package Manager / [Packages ](https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs ), [2 ](https://winget.run/ ) / [Tools ](https://github.com/jdhitsolutions/WingetTools )
* [pacaptr ](https://github.com/rami3l/pacaptr ) - Pac-Man Package Manager Wrapper
2022-04-15 03:57:01 -07:00
* [Chocolatey ](https://chocolatey.org/ ) / [GUI ](https://github.com/chocolatey/ChocolateyGUI ), [0Install ](https://0install.net/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/0install/0install ) or [Ninite ](https://ninite.com/ ) - Install / Update Multiple Programs at Once
* [CouleursToolbox ](https://github.com/couleurm/couleurstoolbox ) - Installs Multiple Programs / Tweaks
* [Spinel ](https://spinel.ovh/ ) - Multi-Program Install Script Generator
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Silent Install ](https://www.silentinstall.org/ ) - Build Multi-Program Installers
* [Revo Uninstaller ](https://www.revouninstaller.com/ ), [Soft Organizer ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_soft_organizer ), [Geek Uninstaller ](https://geekuninstaller.com/ ), [HiBit Uninstaller ](https://hibitsoft.ir/Uninstaller.html ) or [Bulk Crap Uninstaller ](https://www.bcuninstaller.com/ ) - Software Uninstallation Tool
* [O&O App Buster ](https://www.oo-software.com/en/ooappbuster ) - Remove Pre-Installed Microsoft Apps
* [Update Notifier ](http://cleansofts.org/view/update-notifier.html ) - Scan Computer for Software Updates
2022-07-23 01:02:57 -07:00
* [Nemesis ](https://forums.guru3d.com/threads/3rd-party-driver-amernime-zone-radeon-release-nemesis-22-6-1-whql-driverpack.436611/ ) - Custom Drivers for Discontinued GPUs
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [SnappyDrivers ](https://www.snappy-driver-installer.org/ ) - Update / Install Missing Drivers
2022-07-23 22:33:07 +03:00
* [Drivers Collection ](https://driverscollection.com/ ) - Device Drivers / [Translator ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/traduzir-paginas-web/ )
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [Display Driver Uninstaller ](https://www.wagnardsoft.com/display-driver-uninstaller-ddu- ), [2 ](https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/display-driver-uninstaller-download.html ) - Display Driver Removal Tool / [GitHub ](https://github.com/Wagnard/display-drivers-uninstaller )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [NotMyFault ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/notmyfault ) - Driver & Hardware Problem Identification Tool
2022-05-10 00:56:50 -07:00
* [Scoop ](https://scoop.sh/ ) - Command-Line Installer / [GitHub ](https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Scoop )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Process Hacker ](https://wj32.org/processhacker/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2407 ) - Run Processes' as Trusted Installers
* [Device Cleanup Tool ](https://m.majorgeeks.com/files/details/device_cleanup_tool.html ) - Remove Non-Present Devices
* [VCRedist ](https://github.com/abbodi1406/vcredist ) - AIO Repack for Microsoft Visual C++ Redists
* [UUP dump ](https://uupdump.net/ ) - Download Windows UUP files
2022-07-29 01:30:50 -07:00
* [DLL Downloader ](http://www.dlldownloader.com/ ), [dll-hub ](https://dll-hub.com/ ), [dlldump ](https://dlldump.com/ ), [dllfile ](https://dllfile.net/ ), [dll4free ](https://dll4free.com/ ), [dllme ](https://dllme.com/dll/files/steam_api32_dll.html ) or [DLL-Files ](https://www.dll-files.com/ ) - Windows DLL Files
2022-05-29 16:42:09 -07:00
* [OcxDump ](https://ocxdump.com/ ) - .ocx Files
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [sven dpi ](https://www.sven.de/dpi/ ) - DPI Calculator
* [Screen Sizes ](https://screensiz.es/ ) - Screen Size Database
* [Dead.Pixel ](https://lcdtech.info/en/tests/dead.pixel.htm ) - Dead Pixel Test
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [JScreenFix ](https://www.jscreenfix.com/ ) or [UDPixel ](http://udpix.free.fr/ ) - Repair Stuck Pixels
2022-08-26 16:58:30 -07:00
* [ICM ](https://rentry.co/ICM ) or [ICC Profiles ](https://tftcentral.co.uk/articles/icc_profiles ) - ICC Profiles and Monitor Calibration
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [EIZO ](https://www.eizo.be/monitor-test/ ) or [LCDTech ](https://lcdtech.info/en/tests/ ) - Display Performance Tests
* [TestUFO ](https://www.testufo.com/ ) - Monitor Framerate Test
* [All Black Screen ](https://allblackscreen.com/ ) - Make Screen Black
* [NVDA ](https://www.nvaccess.org/download/ ) - Screen Reader / [Github ](https://github.com/nvaccess/nvda )
* [Hosts File Editor ](https://hostsfileeditor.com/ ) - Windows Hosts File Editor
* [StreamPi ](https://stream-pi.com/ ) or [FreeDeck ](https://github.com/FreeYourStream/freedeck-hardware ) - ElGato Streamdeck Alternative
* [EarTrumpet ](https://eartrumpet.app/ ), [Volumey ](https://github.com/G-Stas/Volumey ) or [Volume2 ](https://github.com/irzyxa/Volume2 ) - Improved Volume Mixer
* [WinMute ](https://github.com/lx-s/WinMute/ ) - Automatically Mute PC
* [HideVolumeOSD ](https://github.com/UnlimitedStack/HideVolumeOSD ) - Hide Volume Bar
* [SuperF4 ](https://stefansundin.github.io/superf4/ ) - Kill programs instantly with Ctrl+Alt+F4
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [How-To Crack Windows Passwords ](https://samsclass.info/123/proj14/123p12winhash.htm )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Depix ](https://github.com/beurtschipper/Depix ) - Recover Passwords from Pixelized Screenshots
* [hashcat ](https://hashcat.net/hashcat/ ) or [BIOS-PW ](https://bios-pw.org/ ) - System Password Recovery Tools
* [JEnv For Windows ](https://github.com/FelixSelter/JEnv-for-Windows ) - Change Java Version
* [gter ](https://github.com/raoofha/gter ) - Embed a GUI app Inside a Terminal Window
* [terminals-are-sexy ](https://github.com/k4m4/terminals-are-sexy ) - Terminal Frameworks, Plugins & Resources
* [Windows Terminal ](https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9N0DX20HK701 ) / [2 ](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/ ), [kitty ](https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/ ), [Tess ](https://github.com/SquitchYT/Tess ), [Hyper ](https://hyper.is/ ), [Terminus ](https://eugeny.github.io/terminus/ ) or [MobaXterm ](https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/ ) - Alternative Terminal
* [Gradient Terminal ](https://github.com/aurora-0025/gradient-terminal ) - Display Terminal Output as Gradient
2022-08-13 20:39:48 -07:00
* [awesome-cli-apps ](https://github.com/agarrharr/awesome-cli-apps ) or [command-line-tools ](https://github.com/learn-anything/command-line-tools ) - Command Line Apps
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [ss64 ](https://ss64.com/ ) - Command Line Reference Index
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [Command Challenge ](https://cmdchallenge.com/ ) - Command Line Learning
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [ZimTools ](https://zimtools.xyz/ ) - Command Line Tool Configs
* [Terminal Icons ](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons ) - File and Folder Icons in Terminal
* [Alacritty ](https://github.com/alacritty/alacritty ), [yakuake ](https://apps.kde.org/yakuake/ ), [Fluent Terminal ](https://github.com/felixse/FluentTerminal ), [Tabby ](https://eugeny.github.io/tabby/ ) or [Terminus ](https://github.com/Eugeny/terminus ) - Terminal Emulator
* [XTerm ](https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ ) - X Window System Terminal Emulator
* [Mintty ](http://mintty.github.io/ ) - Cygwin Terminal Emulator
* [eDEX-UI ](https://github.com/GitSquared/edex-ui ) - Sci-Fi Terminal Emulator / System Monitor
* [termbin ](http://termbin.com/ ) - Terminal Output Pastebin
* [GetDNote ](https://www.getdnote.com/ ) - Command Line Notebook
2022-07-23 11:17:38 +03:00
* [cmder ](https://cmder.app ) / [Github ](https://github.com/cmderdev/cmder )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [PowerShell ](https://github.com/powershell/powershell ) - PC / Mac / Linux PowerShell
* [PowershellMenu ](https://github.com/Mike-Branham/PowershellMenu ), [Write-Menu ](https://github.com/QuietusPlus/Write-Menu ) or [ps-menu ](https://github.com/chrisseroka/ps-menu ) - PowerShell Console Menu
* [PowerShdll ](https://github.com/p3nt4/PowerShdll ) - Run PowerShell with rundll32
* [LeanandMean ](https://github.com/AveYo/LeanAndMean ) - Powershell Snippets / Use with Caution
* [PowerShell Scripts ](https://github.com/fleschutz/PowerShell ) - PowerShell Scripts
2022-08-05 22:29:24 -07:00
* [PSReadLine ](https://github.com/PowerShell/PSReadLine ) - PowerShell Readline Implementation
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [SystemNightware ](https://github.com/GossiTheDog/SystemNightmare ) - Instant System Command Prompt
* [Starship ](https://starship.rs/ ) - Cross-Shell Prompt
2022-08-26 16:58:30 -07:00
* [GNU Parallelel ](https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel/ ) - Execute Commands / Scripts in Parallel using Multiple Computers
* [Nushell ](https://www.nushell.sh/ ) - Alt Shell
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Resource Hacker ](http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/ ) - Resource Editor
* [grepWin ](https://github.com/stefankueng/grepWin ) - Regular expression search and replace
* [ngrep ](https://github.com/jpr5/ngrep ) - Specify Expressions to match against Data Payloads of Packets
* [Log Parser Lizard ](https://lizard-labs.com/log_parser_lizard.aspx ) or [LogDissect ](https://github.com/dogoncouch/logdissect/ ) - Log Analyzation Utility
* [DependecyWalker ](https://www.dependencywalker.com/ ) or [Dependencies ](https://github.com/lucasg/Dependencies ) - View Application Dependencies
2022-04-28 14:07:23 -07:00
* [FluentStore ](https://github.com/yoshiask/FluentStore ) - Microsoft Store Frontend
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [store.rg ](https://store.rg-adguard.net/ ) - Microsoft Store Link Generator
2022-06-08 20:15:18 -07:00
* [Add-MicrosoftStore ](https://github.com/kkkgo/LTSC-Add-MicrosoftStore ) or [Reinstall Preinstalled ](https://pastebin.com/5NnBEqnm ) / [Guide ](https://youtu.be/EQo53hvWy8Q ) - Add Microsoft Store to Windows
2022-04-23 03:22:45 -07:00
* [Vantage ](https://rentry.co/lenbian ) - Lenovo Vantage Without MS Store
2022-08-14 20:45:51 -07:00
* [LenovoLegionToolkit ](https://github.com/BartoszCichecki/LenovoLegionToolkit ) - Lightweight Lenovo Vantage
2022-06-08 20:17:08 -07:00
* [Edgeuninstaller ](https://rentry.org/uninstalledge ) or [Disable Edge ](https://ibb.co/dkJ4Tb4 ) - Remove Microsoft Edge
2022-04-19 09:36:06 -07:00
* [amogOS ](https://github.com/jostroOS/amogOS ) - Rasberry Pi OS
2022-08-05 01:39:26 -07:00
* [Pinn ](https://github.com/procount/pinn ) - Rasberry Pi OS Installer
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Raspberry Pi 4 Bootloader USB Mass Storage Boot Guide ](https://jamesachambers.com/new-raspberry-pi-4-bootloader-usb-network-boot-guide/ ) - How-to Boot Raspberry Pi from USB
2022-04-19 09:36:06 -07:00
* [Awesome Raspberry Pi ](https://rpi.thibmaek.com/ ) - Rasberry Pi Resources / [GitHub ](https://github.com/thibmaek/awesome-raspberry-pi )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [WhyNotWin11 ](https://github.com/rcmaehl/WhyNotWin11 ) - Identify why your PC isn't Windows 11 ready
* [Awesome Windows 11 ](https://github.com/awesome-windows11/windows11 ) - Windows 11 Resource Index
* [Windows 11 Fixer ](https://github.com/99natmar99/Windows-11-Fixer ) - Win 11 Improvement Tool
* [Bypass Win11 Requirements ](https://github.com/osx86-ijb/bypass-windows11-requirements ) - How-To Bypass Windows 11 System Requirements
2022-08-28 18:37:33 -07:00
* [Windows 11 Upgrade ](https://github.com/coofcookie/Windows11Upgrade ) - Windows 11 System Requirements Bypasser
* [Windows 11 Debloater ](https://github.com/teeotsa/windows-11-debloat ) - Windows 11 Debloater
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Win11DevBypass ](https://github.com/rushiranpise/win11devbypass ) - Bypass Win 11 Dev Channel Restrictions
* [ThisIsWin11 ](https://github.com/builtbybel/ThisIsWin11 ) - Windows 11 Powertoys
* [ElevenClock ](https://github.com/martinet101/ElevenClock ) - Windows 11 Secondary Monitor Clock
* [Windows11DragAndDropToTaskbarFix ](https://github.com/HerMajestyDrMona/Windows11DragAndDropToTaskbarFix ) - Windows 11 Drag & Drop Fix
* [TaskbarXI ](https://github.com/ChrisAnd1998/TaskbarXI ) - Modify Windows 11 Taskbar
* [RemoveEdgeWin11 ](https://rentry.co/RemoveEdgeWin11 ) - Remove Edge on Windows 11
* [Boot Failure Troubleshooting Chart ](https://i.imgur.com/QsxYtB4.jpg ) - Boot Failure Troubleshooting Guide
* [ProperTree ](https://github.com/corpnewt/ProperTree ) - GUI Plist Editor
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [PolicyPlus ](https://github.com/Fleex255/PolicyPlus ) - Local Group Policy Editor
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [MTKClient ](https://github.com/bkerler/mtkclient ) - MTK Reverse Engineering / Flash Tool
* [GetCID ](https://www.getcid.info/ ) - Obtain Windows Confirmation ID
* [Fliqlo ](https://fliqlo.com/screensaver/ ) or [Flipit ](https://github.com/phaselden/FlipIt ) - Clock Screensaver
2021-10-18 00:47:26 -07:00
* [How-To Make Microsoft Activation Server ](https://mananapr.github.io/microsoft_activation.html )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Technical Documentation ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/ ) - Microsoft Technical Documentations
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* [DIY Laptop ](https://www.olimex.com/Products/DIY-Laptop/ ) - Build a Laptop
2022-08-26 16:58:30 -07:00
* [OpenBoardData ](https://github.com/inflex/OpenBoardData ) - Board Repair Data
* [OpenBoardView ](https://github.com/OpenBoardView/OpenBoardView ) - View .brd Files
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [TeslaMotors ](https://github.com/teslamotors ) - Tesla System Repositories
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Customization
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Wallpaper Sites / Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_wallpapers )** - Download Wallpapers
* **[Rainmeter ](https://www.rainmeter.net/ )** - Desktop Customization / [Skins ](https://github.com/khanhas/MagickMeter ), [2 ](https://visualskins.com/ ) / [Utilities ](https://github.com/Jax-Core ), [2 ](https://www.deviantart.com/jaxoriginals )
2022-07-14 06:47:30 -07:00
* **[Dracula ](https://draculatheme.com/ )** / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/yDcFsrYuq9 ), [Aura Theme ](https://github.com/daltonmenezes/aura-theme ) or [theme.park ](https://theme-park.dev/ ) - Custom App Themes
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [PCDesktops ](http://pcdesktops.emuunlim.com/applinks.shtml ) - Windows Customization Apps
* [ScreenStyler ](https://screenstyler.com/ ) - Desktop Customization / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/u3thTMp9Cd )
* [XDesktopSoft ](https://www.xwidget.com/ ) - Desktop Customization
* [DesktopMagic ](https://github.com/Stone-Red-Code/DesktopMagic ) - Desktop Customization
* [winthemers ](https://discord.com/invite/8FFWAqdtc4 ) - Customization Community
* [WindowsCustomization ](https://windowscustomization.com/ ), [VirtualCustoms ](https://virtualcustoms.net/ ), [WinCustomize ](https://www.wincustomize.com/ ), [Win10 DeviantArt ](https://www.deviantart.com/tag/windows10 ), [WinClassic ](https://winclassic.boards.net/ ) or [7Themes ](https://7themes.su/ ) - Desktop Customization / Themes / Wallpapers ect.
* [msstyleEditor ](https://github.com/nptr/msstyleEditor ) - Windows Visual Style Editor
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [DynaWin ](https://github.com/Apollo199999999/DynaWin ) or [WinDynamicDesktop ](https://github.com/t1m0thyj/WinDynamicDesktop ) - Dynamic Desktop Themes
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [SecuredUxTheme ](https://github.com/namazso/SecureUxTheme ) or [UltraUXThemePatcher ](https://mhoefs.eu/software_uxtheme.php?ref=syssel&lang=en ) - Ux Theme Patcher
* [7TSP GUI ](https://www.deviantart.com/devillnside/art/7TSP-GUI-2019-Edition-804769422 ) - Theme Source Patcher
* [Ricing Guide ](http://www.ricing.chloechantelle.com/ ) - Windows Ricing Guide
* [Awesome Ricing ](https://github.com/fosslife/awesome-ricing ) or [Windows-Ricing ](https://github.com/winthemers/windows-ricing ) - Windows Ricing Tools
* [LineStep ](http://litestep.net/ ) - Customize Desktop Interface
* [Windows10PowerShellReimaging ](https://github.com/aesser11/windows-reimage-script ) - Windows Auto Personalization / Debloating Script
* [OpenRGB ](https://openrgb.org/ ), [SignalRGB ](https://www.whirlwindfx.com/pages/signalrgb ), [LiquidCTL ](https://github.com/liquidctl/liquidctl ) or [Aurora ](https://github.com/antonpup/Aurora ) - System Lighting Control / [GitLab ](https://gitlab.com/CalcProgrammer1/OpenRGB )
* [DiscordChroma ](https://github.com/DELUUXE/DiscordChroma ) or [ChromaDiscordApp ](https://github.com/tgraupmann/ChromaDiscordApp ) - Discord System Lighting Control
* [KeyboardVisualizer ](https://gitlab.com/CalcProgrammer1/KeyboardVisualizer ) - Audio Visualizer / FX Engine for Keyboards, Mice & Accessories
* [Mechvibes ](https://mechvibes.com/ ) or [MechaKeys ](https://mechakeys.robolab.io/ ) - Keyboard Soundpacks
* [Darker ](https://github.com/angelwzr/darker ) - Dark / Light Mode Theme Switcher
2022-05-06 17:58:43 -07:00
* [ExcelDarkThemeFix ](https://github.com/matafokka/ExcelDarkThemeFix ) - Fix Excel on Themed Windows
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Accent Applicator ](https://github.com/mcdenis/AccentApplicator ) - Applies Win 10 Accent Color to OS
2022-07-22 14:11:16 -07:00
* [ModernWinver ](https://github.com/torchgm/NewModernWinver ) - Modernize the About Windows Screen
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [pyWinContext ](https://github.com/VodBox/pyWinContext ) or [WindowsContextMenuCustomizations ](https://github.com/AmrEldib/WindowsContextMenuCustomizations ) - Custom Context Menu Manager
* [Modern Flyouts ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/p/modernflyouts-preview/9mt60qv066rp?activetab=pivot:overviewtab ) - Modern & Fluent Flyouts for Windows / [GitHub ](https://github.com/ModernFlyouts-Community/ModernFlyouts )
* [WindowFX ](https://www.stardock.com/products/windowfx/ ) - System Animation Effects / [Premium ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_windowfx_premium )
* [BeautySearch ](https://github.com/krlvm/BeautySearch ) - Windows 10 Search Appearance Tweaker
* [Windows 11 for Windows 10 ](https://www.deviantart.com/niivu/art/Windows-11-for-Windows-10-882819383 ) - Windows 11 Theme / [Icons ](https://www.deviantart.com/niivu/art/Windows-11-Icon-Themes-874289797 )
* [Taskbar Tweaker ](https://tweaker.rammichael.com/ ), [NiceTaskbar ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/nicetaskbar/9pkl2s93xwb5 ) or [Valaut ](http://www.valaut.phpnet.us/ ) - Taskbar Customization Tools
* [TranslucentTB ](https://github.com/TranslucentTB/TranslucentTB ) - Translucent Windows Taskbar
* [RoundedTB ](https://github.com/torchgm/RoundedTB ) - Rounded Taskbar Corners
* [TaskbarX ](https://chrisandriessen.nl/taskbarx/ ) - Change Taskbar Icon Positions
* [WinCenterTile ](https://github.com/valinet/WinCenterTitle ) - Center Windows Titlebar Text
* [RetroBar ](https://github.com/dremin/RetroBar ) - Retro Classic Taskbars
* [SimpleClassicTheme ](https://github.com/WinClassic/SimpleClassicTheme ) or [ClassicServ ](https://discord.com/invite/GqFJs2cXDQ ) - Classic Windows Theme
* [Jabba The Hud ](https://codeberg.org/elberro/jabba-the-hud ) - Windows HUD Tweak
* [Blackbox 4 Windows ](http://blackbox4windows.com/ ) - Custom Windows Shells / Widgets
* [Alternative Windows Shells Wiki ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_alternative_shells_for_Windows ) - Alt Windows Shells
* [ValliStart ](https://www.deviantart.com/jaxoriginals/art/ValliStart-Start-menu-replacement-893506095 ) - Windows Start Menu Skin
* [FolderMarker ](https://foldermarker.com/ ) or [CustomFolder ](https://www.gdzsoft.com/ ) - Custom Folders & Markers
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [Emoji.ico ](https://github.com/davzoku/emoji.ico ) - Emoji Folder Icons
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Win98Icons ](https://win98icons.alexmeub.com/ ) - Classic Win98 Icons
2022-05-01 04:54:09 -07:00
* [Cursors 4U ](https://www.cursors-4u.com/ ) or [rw-designer ](http://rw-designer.com/cursor-library ) - Cursors
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Windows Sounds ](https://winsounds.com/ ) or [Win11 Sounds ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/base64#wiki_win11_sounds ) - Windows Sound Schemes
* [macOS-cursors-for-Windows ](https://github.com/antiden/macOS-cursors-for-Windows ) - MacOS Cursors for Windows
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [Win7BootUpdater ](https://mega.nz/file/T5ZDmIaK#jdiomK79q1CYzwFcbzkzJ1ceLsWlnAHLvofsjHIq39g ) - Customize Windows 7 Boot Animation / [Guide ](https://youtu.be/IdwcWIKuVG8 )
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [After Dark CSS ](https://www.bryanbraun.com/after-dark-css/ ) - Browser Screensavers
2022-08-10 21:33:02 -07:00
* [terminal.sexy ](https://terminal.sexy/ ), [TerminalSplash ](https://terminalsplash.com/ ), [Solarized ](https://ethanschoonover.com/solarized ) or [WindowsTerminalThemes ](https://windowsterminalthemes.dev/ ) - Terminal Themes
* [Tabby ](https://tabby.sh/ ) - Modern Terminal Theme
* [linux-like-windows-terminal ](https://github.com/Kyza/linux-like-windows-terminal ) - Linux Terminal Theme
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [cool-retro-term ](https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-term ) - Retro Cathode Terminal Theme
* [Pokemon Terminal ](https://github.com/LazoCoder/Pokemon-Terminal ) - Pokemon Terminal Themes
2021-08-24 01:27:18 -07:00
* [Hide File Explorer Dark Mode White Line ](https://i.imgur.com/ZZsvyyM.png )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [MyDockFinder ](https://www.mydockfinder.com/ ) - MacOS Theme for Windows 10
* [Taskbar11 ](https://github.com/jetspiking/Taskbar11 ) - Change Windows 11 Taskbar Position & Size
* [MicaForEveryone ](https://github.com/minusium/MicaForEveryone ) - Enable Titlebar Backdrop Effect on Windows 11
* [Win11DisableRoundedCorners ](https://github.com/valinet/Win11DisableRoundedCorners ) - Disable Win11 Rounder Corners
* [Macdows11 ](https://redd.it/pd5ha6 ) - Windows 11 Mac Theme Guide
* [StartAllBack ](https://www.startallback.com/ ) - Restore Classic Start Menu in Windows 11
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ File Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[File Hosting / Cloud Storage ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_file_sharing_tools )** - Share, Store & Sync Files
* **[Multi-Site Cloud Storage Managers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_multi_site_cloud_storage_managers )** - Manage Cloud Files on Multiple Sites
* **[File Download Managers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_file_download_managers )**, ** [2 ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_download_managers )** - Programs to Help Manage Downloads
* **[Windows File Explorers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_windows_file_explorers )** - Improved Windows File Explorers
2022-07-28 00:58:58 -07:00
* **[File Conversion Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_file_conversion_tools )** - Tools to Convert Files
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* **[Unzip / Compress Files ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_compression_programs )** - File Unzippers / Compression Programs
* **[OneClickRun ](https://colab.research.google.com/github/biplobsd/OneClickRun/blob/master/OneClickRun.ipynb )** or [MiXLab ](https://colab.research.google.com/github/shirooo39/MiXLab/blob/master/MiXLab.ipynb ) - Google Drive Tools Colab / [GitHub ](https://github.com/biplobsd/OneClickRun ) / [Features ](https://i.imgur.com/hEHM7Vy.png )
* **[Mega-to-Google-Drive ](https://github.com/cheems/Mega-to-Google-Drive )** - Transfer Files from Mega to GDrive
* **[OpenWith ](https://www.openwith.org/ )** or [File.org ](https://file.org/ ) - Programs to Open any File Extension
* **[Cyberduck ](https://cyberduck.io/ )** - Libre Server / Cloud Storage Browser
2022-07-28 00:58:58 -07:00
* **[TeamDrive Generators ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_teamdrive_generators )** - Create Google TeamDrives
* **[Onedrive Generators ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_onedrive_generators )** - Generate Microsoft 1tb OneDrives / Free Office 365
* **[UDS ](https://github.com/stewartmcgown/uds )** - Unlimited Google Drive Storage
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* **[PDF Editors / Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_pdf_editors_.2F_toolkits )**
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [downloader ](https://downloader.la/ ) or [Hitomi ](https://github.com/KurtBestor/Hitomi-Downloader ) - Multi-Site Downloaders
2022-04-15 03:57:01 -07:00
* [Awesome Storage ](https://github.com/okhosting/awesome-storage ) - File Storage Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Telegram File Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_telegram_file_tools ) - File Tools for Telegram
2022-07-24 14:10:46 -07:00
* [FreeOnlineEditor ](https://freeonlineeditor.com/ ), [FileConverto ](https://fileconverto.com/ ), [AiseeSoft ](https://aiseesoft.com/ ) or [TinyWow ](https://tinywow.com/ ) - Multiple File Tools
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [horsicq ](https://horsicq.github.io/ ) - Multiple File Programs / [GitHub ](https://github.com/horsicq/ )
2022-05-29 16:42:09 -07:00
* [Pandoc ](https://pandoc.org/ ) or [CometDocs ](https://www.cometdocs.com/ ) - Document Converter
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Interior Generator ](https://powerkdp.com/interior-generator/ ) / [2 ](https://designer.bookbolt.io/interior-generator.php ) - Document Interior Generator
* [ConvertCSV ](https://www.convertcsv.com/ ) - CSV Data Conversion
* [Encoding Converter ](https://encoding-converter.netlify.app/ ) - File Encoding Converter
* [UUPMediaCreator ](https://github.com/gus33000/UUPMediaCreator ) - Convert Update Platform Files to Windows Media Files
2022-05-29 16:42:09 -07:00
* [Awesome DataHoarding ](https://github.com/simon987/awesome-datahoarding ) - DataHoarding Tools Index
2022-07-31 02:17:00 -07:00
* [FileInfo ](https://fileinfo.com/ ), [File-Extensions.info ](https://file-extensions.info/ ) or [File-Extensions ](https://www.file-extensions.org/ ) - File Extension Library
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [download ](https://github.com/kevva/download ) - File Download Tool / Extractor / [CLI ](https://github.com/kevva/download-cli )
* [XBackBone ](https://xbackbone.app/ ) - File Manager / [GitHub ](https://github.com/SergiX44/XBackBone )
2022-08-23 02:32:07 -07:00
* [DropIt ](http://www.dropitproject.com/ ), [THE-ORGANIZER ](https://github.com/mishrabiswajit/THE-ORGANIZER/ ) or [Organize ](https://github.com/tfeldmann/organize ) - Automated File Manager
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [What ](https://github.com/bee-san/pyWhat ) - Text & File Analyzer
* [WhoLeaked ](https://github.com/utkusen/wholeaked ) - File Leak Tracker
2022-05-29 16:42:09 -07:00
* [DownloadTimeCalculator ](https://downloadtimecalculator.com/ ) - Calculate Time to Download Files
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Download Proxy ](https://download-proxy.zhaofengying.com/ ) - File Proxy Server Downloader
* [Files 2 Folder ](https://www.dcmembers.com/skwire/download/files-2-folder/ ) - Create / Copy to Folders Created by File Name
* [File-Examples ](https://file-examples.com/ ) - File Examples
* [MyPhoneExplorer ](https://www.fjsoft.at/ ) - Manage / Sync Your Phone with PC
* [RollMyFile ](https://rollmyfile.com/ ) - Open Files Online
2022-07-28 00:58:58 -07:00
* [AList ](https://github.com/Xhofe/alist ) - File Listing Program
2022-08-12 10:21:31 -07:00
* [Tmp.Ninja ](https://tmp.ninja/ ) or [leteckaposta ](http://leteckaposta.cz/ ) - Temp File Hosts
2022-07-23 01:02:57 -07:00
* [ProtectedZip ](https://protectedzip.com/ ) - Encrypt Zip Files
2022-07-29 01:30:50 -07:00
* [1fichier-DL ](https://github.com/manuGMG/1fichier-dl ) - 1Fichier Download Manager
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [ozzillate ](https://www.ozzillate.com/ ) - Transfer Files via Sound
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* [Air Live Drive ](https://www.airlivedrive.com/en/ ) - Mount Cloud Drives as Local Disks
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Cloud Storage Archiving Guide ](https://pastebin.com/kLhLHsXg ) - How-to Safely Archive Files on Cloud Storage Sites
* [TCPDF ](https://tcpdf.org/ ) / [Git ](https://github.com/tecnickcom/tcpdf ) or [CrownPDF ](https://www.crownpdf.com/ ) - PDF Creator
* [PDF Host ](https://pdfhost.io/ ) - Upload, Store and Share PDF Files
* [PDFx ](https://www.metachris.com/pdfx/ ) or [Tabula ](https://tabula.technology/ ) - Extract Info / URLs from PDF
* [online2pdf ](https://online2pdf.com/ ), [ToPDF ](https://topdf.org/ ) or [2PDFConverter ](https://www.2pdfconverter.com/ ) - Convert Files to PDF
* [PDFConverter ](https://www.pdfconverter.com/ ) or [PDFconvert ](https://docupub.com/pdfconvert/ ) - PDF File Convters
* [Adobe Compress PDF ](https://www.adobe.com/acrobat/online/compress-pdf.html ) - PDF Compressor
* [PDF Mergy ](https://pdfmerge.w69b.com/ ) - Merge PDF Files
* [Adobe Word Converter ](https://www.adobe.com/acrobat/online/word-to-pdf.html ) - Word to PDF Converter
2022-07-31 02:17:00 -07:00
* [PDFLayoutTextStripper ](https://github.com/JonathanLink/PDFLayoutTextStripper ) - PDF to Text Converter
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [VancedPDF ](https://vancepdf.com/ ) or [PDFtoWordConverter ](https://www.pdftowordconverter.org/ ) - PDF to Word Converter
* [Scanned PDF to Doc ](https://www.scannedpdftoword.com/ ) - Scanned PDF to Doc Converter
* [Adobe Excel to PDF ](https://www.adobe.com/acrobat/online/excel-to-pdf.html ) - Convert Excel Files to PDF
* [JPG-to-PDF ](https://github.com/praneetk2704/JPG-to-PDF ) [Images to PDF ](https://github.com/Swati4star/Images-to-PDF ), [JPG2PDFBot ](https://t.me/JPG2PDFBot ), [Adobe Converter ](https://www.adobe.com/acrobat/online/jpg-to-pdf.html ) or [img2pdf ](https://pypi.org/project/img2pdf/ ) - Image to PDF Converter
2022-08-06 23:57:31 -07:00
* [PDFCrowd ](https://pdfcrowd.com/ ), [HTMLaPDF ](https://www.htmlapdf.com/ ), [TailWindPDF ](https://tailwindpdf.com/ ) or [wkhtmltopdf ](https://wkhtmltopdf.org/ ) - HTML to PDF / Image Converter
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [PSTOEdit ](http://pstoedit.net/ ) - Convert PDF to other Vector Formats
* [Issuu ](https://issuu.com/ ) - Convert PDF Files to Webpages, Flipbooks, Brochures & More / [Downloader ](https://docdownloader.com/ ), [2 ](https://vebuka.com/ ), [3 ](https://docdownload.net/ )
* [WebToPDF ](https://webtopdf.com/ ) or [PDFmyURL ](https://pdfmyurl.com/ ) - Webpage to PDF Converter
* [PPT To PDF ](https://www.adobe.com/acrobat/online/ppt-to-pdf.html ) - Convert PowerPoint to PDF Adobe
* [Protect PDF ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/protect-pdf-by-pdfliteco/ehiinfpgjdeejgicaecceplicndinpgb ) - PDF Watermarks
* [watermark-remover ](https://github.com/cpappen/watermark-remover ), [pdf-remove-watermarks ](https://github.com/matthiasbock/pdf-remove-watermarks ), [Aspose ](https://products.aspose.app/pdf/annotation ) or [pdf-unstamper ](https://github.com/hwding/pdf-unstamper ) - PDF Watermark Remover
* [Scan Your PDF ](https://www.scanyourpdf.com/ ) - Make a PDF look like it was Scanned
* [PDF Fixer ](https://pdffixer.com/ ) - Repair Damaged PDFs
* [FalsiScan ](https://gitlab.com/edouardklein/falsisign ) - PDF Hand Signature Generator
* [Google Drive PDF Downloader ](https://github.com/zeltox/Google-Drive-PDF-Downloader ) - Download Protected GDrive PDFs
* [PDFCoffee ](https://pdfcoffee.com/ ) - Upload PDF, Word or PowerPoint Files
* [Adobe Sign ](https://www.adobe.com/acrobat/online/sign-pdf.html ) - Fill & sign a PDF
2022-08-21 14:11:37 -07:00
* [megabasterd ](https://github.com/tonikelope/megabasterd ) - MEGA Quota Bypass / [Proxies ](https://github.com/tonikelope/megabasterd/blob/proxy_list/proxy.txt ), [2 ](https://rentry.co/megaproxies )
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [Mega-Import-Bypass ](https://github.com/Cyberavater/Mega-Import-Bypass ) or [MEGA Ultimately Import ](https://katb.in/atoyuxomuba ) - Mega Import Limit Bypass Scripts
2022-07-29 01:30:50 -07:00
* [megatools ](https://megatools.megous.com/ ) - Mega CLI
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Mega-Downloader ](https://github.com/ZonD80/mega-downloader ) - Mega Download Script
* [Mega.nz-Rclone-Index-Heroku ](https://github.com/developeranaz/Mega.nz-Rclone-Index-Heroku ) - Mega to HTTP
* [Keep Mega Alive ](https://github.com/3ncod3/keep-mega-alive ) - Mega Account Auto-Login
* [MegaKeep ](https://github.com/xCryptic/MegaKeep ) - Login to Multiple Mega Accounts
* [mega-account-generator ](https://github.com/crackhub-dev/mega-account-generator ) - Mega Account Generator
* [Mega Checker ](https://github.com/Titoot/mega-checker ) - Mega Link Checker
* [Unlimited Mega Storage ](https://redd.it/ffrkf3 ) - Unlimited Mega Storage Guide
* [GetMega ](http://getmega.net/ ) - Direct Mega Links
2022-07-29 01:30:50 -07:00
* [Mega-index-heroku ](https://github.com/developeranaz/Mega-index-heroku ) - Serve Mega to HTTP via Heroku
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [GDrive Guides ](https://t.me/gdriveguides ) - GDrive Guides / Discussion / [Support ](https://t.me/CloneSupport )
2022-08-19 02:33:57 -07:00
* [Any File to GDrive ](https://github.com/cheems/Any-file-to-Google-Drive ), [Direct-Link-to-Google-Drive ](https://github.com/TheCaduceus/Direct-Link-to-Google-Drive ) or [Bhadoo Cloud Drive ](https://github.com/adarsha2003/Bhadoo-Cloud-Drive ) - DDL to GDrive Tool
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [GDriveCLI ](https://github.com/prasmussen/gdrive ) - GDrive CLI
* [gogdl-ng ](https://github.com/gogdl-ng/gogdl-ng ) - Google Drive Bulk Downloader
* [gdrivedl ](https://github.com/matthuisman/gdrivedl ) - Google Drive Python Download Script
2022-07-29 01:30:50 -07:00
* [Recursive GoIndex Downloader ](https://github.com/atlonxp/recursive-goIndex-downloader ) or [GoIndex-Downloader ](https://github.com/piyush2947/ ) - GoIndex to GDrive Downloader
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [GDriveSearcherBot ](https://github.com/TheHamkerCat/GdriveSearcherBot ) - GDrive Search Bot
2022-08-20 22:10:00 -07:00
* [gd-utils ](https://github.com/roshanconnor123/gd-utils ) / [2 ](https://nenokkadine.github.io/GD-Utils/ ) or [Bypass-GDrive ](https://yuudrive.me/tools/bypass-gdrive ) - Google Drive Limit Bypass
2022-08-21 03:32:13 -07:00
* [Google Service Accounts ](https://github.com/TheCaduceus/CloneBot_V2#-service-accounts ), [2 ](https://teletype.in/@blooem/sa ) - How-to Create Google Service Accounts
2022-08-27 02:28:55 -07:00
* [Generate-Service-Accounts ](https://github.com/Telestosatt/Generate-Service-Accounts ) - Google Service Account Generator
2022-07-28 00:58:58 -07:00
* [G-Index ](https://github.com/LeeluPradhan/G-Index ), [Zyndex ](https://zyndex.tk/ ), [goindex ](https://github.com/alx-xlx/goindex ) / [Extended ](https://github.com/cheems/goindex-extended ) / [Themes ](https://install.kenci.workers.dev/ ), [GDI ](https://github.com/anymeofu/GDI ), [GDIndex ](https://github.com/maple3142/GDIndex ), [libDrive ](https://github.com/libDrive/heroku ) or [gdrive-index ](https://github.com/alx-xlx/gdrive-index ) - Google Drive Index
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Decrypt.Hashhackers ](https://decrypt.hashhackers.com/ ) - Encrypt / Decrypt GDrive
2022-08-02 00:27:29 -07:00
* [Extract_Zip ](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1L74g3bsV0YEMbDSUj4Kxrwi26mgjxVpp?usp=sharing ) - Extract Zip Files in GDrive
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [GDLeech ](https://github.com/AdithyanNellickal/GDLeech ), [Direct.GDrive ](https://direct.gdrive.vip/en/ ), [Maulvi ](https://maulvi.github.io/ ), [Google Drive Direct Links ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10052 ) or [Sharer ](https://sharer.pw/ ) - Host Direct Links on GDrive
2022-07-28 00:58:58 -07:00
* [CloneBot ](https://github.com/MsGsuite/CloneBot_Heroku ) - Copy GDrive to TeamDrive
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Copy Google Drives ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_copy_google_drives ) - Make GDrive Copies
* [gd-efc ](https://anadius.github.io/gd-efc/ ) - Copy Encrypted Google Drive
* [GD-EFC Link Encryptor ](https://rekulous.github.io/gd-efc-encryptor/ ) - Google Drive Link Encryptor for GD-EFC
* [goodls ](https://github.com/tanaikech/goodls ) - Google Drive Downloader
2022-08-28 18:37:33 -07:00
* [GDirect ](https://www.gdirect.link/ ), [gdurl ](https://gdurl.com/ ), [publiclinks ](https://publiclinks.hashhackers.com/ ) or [google-drive-direct-link-generator/ ](https://www.wonderplugin.com/online-tools/google-drive-direct-link-generator/ ) - Direct GDrive Link Generators
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Folder.GDrive ](https://folder.gdrive.vip/ ) - GDrive Folder Link Generator
2022-07-20 20:20:42 -07:00
* [GDToT ](https://gdtot.eu/ ), [2 ](https://new1.gdtot.sbs/ ) - GDrive Manager
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Backup System ](https://github.com/danielpy108/BackUpMySystem ) - Backup Google Drive
2022-07-28 00:58:58 -07:00
* [OneDriveFly ](https://github.com/Tai7sy/OneDriveFly ) - OneDrive Index
* [onedrive-vercel-index ](https://github.com/spencerwooo/onedrive-vercel-index ) - Self-Hosted Directory
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Fix-OneDrive-Zip ](https://github.com/pmqs/Fix-OneDrive-Zip ) - Fix OneDrive Zip Files >4gb
* [mf-dl ](https://gitgud.io/Pyxia/mf-dl/ ) - Mediafire Bulk File Downloader
* [Baidu Bypass ](https://baidu.crackhub.site/ ) - Bypass Baidu Links / [Guide ](https://baidu.crackhub.site/help )
* [InfiniDrive ](https://github.com/nicomda/InfiniDrive ) - Unlimited Cloud Drive using Amazon Prime Photos
* [Nextcloud ](https://nextcloud.com/ ) - Safe data storage / [Unofficial Providers ](https://nextcloud.com/signup/ )
* [Shared Drives Creator Website ](https://github.com/MsGsuite/Shared-Drives-Creator-Website ) - Create & host a Shared Drive Generator Website
* [File Recovery Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_file_recovery_tools ) - Data Recovery Tools
2022-05-04 14:04:02 -07:00
* [Metadata Editor ](https://metaeditor.services.picvario.com/ ), [EXIFTool ](https://exiftool.org/ ), [ExtractMetadata ](https://www.extractmetadata.com/ ), [Metadata2Go ](https://www.metadata2go.com/ ) or [Metashield ](https://metashieldclean-up.elevenpaths.com/ ) - Metadata Viewer / Editor
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [SKTimeStamp ](https://tools.stefankueng.com/SKTimeStamp.html ) - Change File Created / Modified Time
* [lessmsi ](https://lessmsi.activescott.com/ ) - .msi Content Extractor / [GitHub ](https://github.com/activescott/lessmsi )
* [IPFS ](https://ipfs.io/ ) - P2P Hypermedia Protocol / [Extension ](https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-companion )
* [Awesome-IPFS ](https://github.com/ipfs/awesome-ipfs ) - IPFS Resource Index
* [IPFS Desktop ](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-desktop ) or [Orion ](https://orion.qm64.tech/ ) - IPFS Desktop Client
* [IPFS Cluster ](https://cluster.ipfs.io/ ) - Automated data availability and redundancy on IPFS
2022-05-23 20:15:41 -07:00
* [AutoRclone ](https://github.com/Rekulous/AutoRClone-Colab ), [2 ](https://colab.research.google.com/github/Rekulous/AutoRClone-Colab/blob/main/AutoRClone.ipynb ) - Create Google Service Accounts for RClone / [GitHub ](https://github.com/xyou365/AutoRclone )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [RcloneBrowser-Portable ](https://github.com/MinorMole/RcloneBrowser-Portable ) - Portable Rclone Browser
* [EasyClone ](https://github.com/xd003/easyclone ) - Improved RClone Operations Script
* [HTTPDirfs ](https://github.com/fangfufu/httpdirfs ) - HTTP File System
* [FolderClone ](http://www.folderclone.com/ ) - Clone / Backup Folders
* [File Backup Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_file_backup_tools ) - File / Data Backup Tools
2022-08-05 22:29:24 -07:00
* [ShadowExplorer ](https://www.shadowexplorer.com/ ) or [ShadowCopyView ](https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/shadow_copy_view.html/ ) - Shadow Copy Explorers
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [WebFileBrowser ](http://cgdave.github.io/webfilebrowser/ ) or [filebrowser ](https://github.com/filebrowser/filebrowser/ ) - Web File Browser
2022-08-02 00:27:29 -07:00
* [DocDroid ](https://www.docdroid.net/ ), [DLScrib ](https://dlscrib.com/ ), [iStockFile ](http://istockfile.com/ ) or [Securedrop ](https://securedrop.org/ ) - Document File Sharing
2022-08-06 23:57:31 -07:00
* [OpenPaper ](https://openpaper.work/en/ ), [Paperless-ngx ](https://github.com/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx ) or [DataShare ](https://datashare.icij.org/ ) - Document Manager
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [Browsemonkey ](https://github.com/shukriadams/browsemonkey ) - Take Snapshots of File Systems
2022-07-22 14:11:16 -07:00
* [Gdrive Guide-Noob Friendly ](https://telegra.ph/Gdrive-Guide-Noob-Friendly-04-10 ) - GDrive Guide
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [gDrive-DirectLink ](https://github.com/jagrit007/gDrive-DirectLink ) or [google-drive-direct-link-generator ](https://www.wonderplugin.com/online-tools/google-drive-direct-link-generator/ ) - GDrive File Direct Link Generator
* [Google Drivac ](https://github.com/Data-Horde/gdrivac ) - Associate Gdrive Account with URL List
* [Attribute Changer ](https://www.petges.lu/ ) - Edit File & Folder Properties
* [TagSpaces ](https://www.tagspaces.org/ ) - Add Tags to File and Folders
* [Duplicate File Finder ](https://www.auslogics.com/en/software/duplicate-file-finder/ ), [Fast-Duplicate-File-Finder ](https://www.mindgems.com/products/Fast-Duplicate-File-Finder/Fast-Duplicate-File-Finder-About.htm ), [ashisoft ](https://www.ashisoft.com/ ), [dupscout ](https://www.dupscout.com/dupscout_search_duplicate_files.html ), [wisecleaner ](https://www.wisecleaner.com/wise-duplicate-finder.html ), [clonespy ](https://www.clonespy.com/ ), [AllDup ](http://www.alldup.info/ ) or [dupeGuru ](https://dupeguru.voltaicideas.net/ ) - Duplicate File Finder
* [TMSU ](https://github.com/oniony/TMSU ), [Tagging for Windows ](https://tagging.connectpaste.com/ ) or [SuperTag ](https://github.com/amoffat/supertag ) - Tag-Based Filesystem
* [Bulk File Renamers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_bulk_file_renamers ) - Easily Rename Multiple Files
* [MediaMonkey ](https://www.mediamonkey.com/ ), [tinyMediaManager ](https://www.tinymediamanager.org/ ), [Bruji ](https://www.bruji.com/ ) or [MediaInfo ](https://mediaarea.net/en/MediaInfo ) - Get Media Info for Video & Audio Files / [Web App ](https://overbits.herokuapp.com/mediainfo/ )
* [File Juggler ](https://www.filejuggler.com/ ) - Organize Files Automatically
* [Shoko ](https://github.com/shokoanime ) - Anime Catalog Automation
* [Phockup ](https://github.com/ivandokov/phockup ) - Organize Photo / Video Files by Date
2022-07-24 14:10:46 -07:00
* [WeCompress ](https://www.wecompress.com/ ), [Compress2Go ](https://www.compress2go.com/ ), [Compress.com ](https://www.compresss.com/ ), [Cloudpresso ](https://cloudpresso.com/ ) or [YouCompress ](https://www.youcompress.com/ ) - Online File Compressor
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [czkawka ](https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka ) - Remove Unnecessary Files
* [DBAN ](https://dban.org/ ) or [KillDisk ](http://killdisk.com/killdisk-home.htm ) - Data Removal Tool
* [UnLock IT ](https://emcosoftware.com/unlock-it/download ), [Lock Hunter ](https://lockhunter.com/ ) or [FileExile ](https://sourceforge.net/projects/filexile/ ) - File Unlocker / Deleter
2022-04-28 14:07:23 -07:00
* [Turbo Delete ](https://github.com/XtremeDevX/turbo-delete ) - Delete Files Faster
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [rm_empty_subdir ](https://gist.github.com/simon987/f5c2cd7602898615ac9bc8c762d9fe1d ) - Remove Empty Sub Directories
* [BZSHUT ](https://github.com/arunkumartdr/BZSHUT ) - Temp File Deletion Script
* [WinMerge ](https://winmerge.org/ ) - Compare / Merge Files & Folders
* [FilesMerge ](https://www.filesmerge.com/ ) - Online File Merger
2022-08-22 00:46:38 -07:00
* [Apaxy ](https://oupala.github.io/apaxy/ ) - Apache Directory Theme
* [Nginxy ](https://github.com/lfelipe1501/Nginxy ) - Nginx Directory Theme
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Windows compact ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/compact ) - Displays or alters the compression of files or directories on NTFS partitions + [GUI 1 ](https://github.com/ImminentFate/CompactGUI ) or [GUI 2 ](https://github.com/Freaky/Compactor )
* [Snap2HTML ](https://rlvision.com/snap2html/about.php ) - Take HTML Snapshots of Folder / File Structures
* [Corrupt My File ](http://www.corruptmyfile.com/ ) or [Corrupt-A-File ](https://corrupt-a-file.net/ ) - Intentionally Corrupt your Files
* [Minissign ](https://jedisct1.github.io/minisign/ ) - Sign and Verify Signatures
* [HashCheck ](https://github.com/idrassi/HashCheck ) or [OpenHashTab ](https://github.com/namazso/OpenHashTab ) - Calculate / Check File Hashes
* [QuickSFV ](https://quicksfv.org/ ), [RapidCRC ](http://rapidcrc.sourceforge.net/ ) or [QuickDash ](https://github.com/AndreVuillemot160/QuickDash/ ) / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/ZuxmMXdGpm ) - File Hashing / Verification Tools
* [Hashes ](https://hashes.com/ ) - Decrypt Hashes
* [MD5 Hash Changer ](https://github.com/ewwink/MD5-Hash-Changer ) - Change a Files MD5 Hash
2022-08-04 01:07:39 -07:00
* [Hasher ](https://www.igorware.com/hasher ) - Hash Generator
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [SQLite Viewer ](https://inloop.github.io/sqlite-viewer/ ) - View SQLite Files Online
* [MediaInfoOnline ](https://mediaarea.net/MediaInfoOnline ) - Media File Info
* [Xartifex ](http://xartifex.com/ ) - Word & Excel File Unlocker
* [CalameoDownload ](https://calameodownload.com/ ) - Download Calameo Docs PDF or Image files
* [DFD ](https://dfd.inf.tu-dresden.de/ ) - Duplicate Document Forensics Test
* [filetree ](https://github.com/roboyoshi/datacurator-filetree ) - Data Filetree
* [Fucking weeb ](https://github.com/cosarara/fucking-weeb ) - Anime / TV File Library Manager
* [Random Executor ](https://sneakysnail.net/random-executor/ ) - Random File Executor
2022-08-01 00:23:03 -07:00
* [HeavenTools ](http://www.heaventools.net/ ) or [XPEViewer ](https://horsicq.github.iohttps://github.com/horsicq/XPEViewer ) - PE File Editor
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [AXEL ](https://github.com/axel-download-accelerator/axel ) - Lightweight CLI Download Accelerator
* [HxD ](https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/ ), [Hex Works ](https://hex-works.com/eng ) or [Hexinator ](https://hexinator.com/ ) - Hex Editor
* [webhex.net ](https://en.webhex.net/ ) - Online Hex Viewer
* [HexEd.it ](https://hexed.it/ ) or [Online Hex Editor ](https://www.onlinehexeditor.com/ ) - Online Hex Editor
* [infekt ](https://infekt.ws/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/syndicodefront/infekt ), [nfoview ](https://otsaloma.io/nfoview/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/otsaloma/nfoview ) or [NFOmation ](https://nfomation.net/ ) - NFO File Viewer
* [text2img ](https://master.ayra.ch/text2img/ ) - NFO Files to Image Converter
2022-04-28 14:07:23 -07:00
* [TrueNAS ](https://www.truenas.com/ ) - Storage System
2022-08-28 02:27:27 -07:00
* [Linx Server ](https://github.com/andreimarcu/linx-server ) or [FileStash ](http://www.filestash.app/ ) - Self-Hosted Cloud Storage / [Fork ](https://github.com/ZizzyDizzyMC/linx-server/ )
2022-04-13 01:41:17 -07:00
* [Linux Reader ](https://www.diskinternals.com/linux-reader/ ) - Access Linux Files on Windows
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2021-10-20 03:17:18 -07:00
## ▷ [Linux Tools](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/linux#wiki_.25BA_linux_tools_.2F_apps)
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2021-10-20 03:17:18 -07:00
## ▷ [Mac Tools](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/linux#wiki_.25BA_mac_tools_.2F_apps)
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ [Android Tools](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/android#wiki_.25BA_android_tools)
## ▷ [iOS Tools](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/android#wiki_.25BA_ios_tools)