2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
**[◄◄ Back to Wiki Index ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/index )**
**[Table of Contents ](https://imgur.com/a/8jGn0ca )** - *For mobile users*
# ► Learning / Cheat Sheets
* **[The Odin Project ](https://www.theodinproject.com/ )** - *Web Dev Tutorials / Courses*
* **[O'Reilly ](https://www.oreilly.com/ )** - *Tech / Programming / Courses / Infinite trial by clearing cookies & making new account*
* **[freeCodeCamp ](https://www.freecodecamp.org/ )** - *Programming / Courses / Interactive*
* **[Programming Book Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/reading#wiki_.25B7_programming_sites )** - *Read / Download programming books*
* [Developer.Mozilla ](https://developer.mozilla.org/ ) - *Developer Resources*
* [Python Discord ](https://pythondiscord.com/resources/ ) - *Python Learning Resources*
* [30 Days Of Python ](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-Python ) - *Python Guide*
* [CodingBat ](https://codingbat.com/ ) - *Python / Java Practice*
* [Python4Everyone ](https://py4e.com/ ) - *Python Lessons*
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* [Real Python ](https://realpython.com/ ) - *Python Tutorials*
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* [Tea Press ](https://greenteapress.com/wp ) - *Free Python Learning Books Green*
* [Roadmap ](https://roadmap.sh/ ) - *Developer Roadmaps / Guides*
* [Aquent Gymnasium ](https://thegymnasium.com/ ) - *Courses*
* [SchoolOfHaskell ](https://www.schoolofhaskell.com/ ) - *Haskell Tutorials*
* [QuickRef.ME ](https://quickref.me/ ) or [Devhints ](https://devhints.io/ ) - *Developer Cheat Sheets*
* [Cheat.sh ](https://cheat.sh/ ) - *Command-Line Cheat Sheet*
* [explainshell.com ](https://explainshell.com/ ) - *Match Command-Line Arguments to Help Text*
* [Programiz ](https://www.programiz.com/ ) - *Programming / Coding Tutorials*
* [GeeksforGeeks ](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/ ) - *Programming / Coding Tutorials*
* [30 Seconds of Code ](https://www.30secondsofcode.org/ ) - *Coding Snippets / Guides*
* [Awesome Cheatsheets ](https://lecoupa.github.io/awesome-cheatsheets/ ) - *Cheat Sheets / Programming / Frameworks / Dev Tools*
* [Awesome Learn To Code ](https://github.com/mike-north/awesome-learn-to-code ) - *Resources For Learning To Code*
* [EbookFoundation Interactive Programming Tuts ](https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/blob/master/more/free-programming-interactive-tutorials-en.md ) - *Interactive Programming Tutorials*
* [Nayuki ](https://www.nayuki.io/ ) - *Programming Tutorials*
* [HTMLDog ](https://htmldog.com/ ) - *HTML / CSS / JavaScript Tutorials*
* [Learn to Code HTML & CSS ](https://learn.shayhowe.com/ ) - *HTML & CSS Tutorials*
* [VIM Adventures ](https://vim-adventures.com/ ) - *VIM Learning Game*
* [Learn C ](https://www.learn-c.org/ ) - *C Tutorial*
* [Quick-R ](https://www.statmethods.net/index.html ) - *R Tutorials*
* [Advanced R ](https://adv-r.hadley.nz/ ) - *R Guide / [Solutions](https://advanced-r-solutions.rbind.io/)*
* [R Packages ](https://r-pkgs.org/ ) - *R Packages Guide*
* [R for Data Science ](https://r4ds.had.co.nz/ ) - *R Data Science Guide*
* [ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis ](https://ggplot2-book.org/index.html ) - *ggplot2 Guide*
* [RubyMonk ](https://rubymonk.com/ ) - *Ruby Tutorials*
* [JavaScript.info ](https://javascript.info/ ) - *JavaScript Guide*
* [You Don't Know JS ](https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS ) - *Javascript Learning Books*
* [Node.js Best Practices ](https://github.com/goldbergyoni/nodebestpractices ) - *Node.js Guide / Tips*
* [You-Dont-Need-jQuery ](https://github.com/nefe/You-Dont-Need-jQuery ) - *Javascript Query Style Events Guide*
* [Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide ](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript ) - *Airbnb JavaScript Guide*
* [Simple Regex ](https://simple-regex.com/ ) - *Regex Tutorial*
* [Codecademy ](https://www.codecademy.com/ ) - *Coding Lessons*
* [CodinGame ](https://www.codingame.com/ ) - *Games to Practice Coding / Programming*
* [Hackr.io ](https://hackr.io/ ) - *Programing Tutorials*
* [Use My Notes ](https://usemynotes.com/ ) - *Programming Tutorials*
* [FCS ](https://freecoursesite.com/ ) - *Programing Tutorials*
* [w3schools ](https://www.w3schools.com/ ) - *Programing Tutorials*
* [Curated Programming Resources ](https://github.com/Michael0x2a/curated-programming-resources ) - *Programming Courses*
* [Stack Exchange ](https://stackexchange.com/ ) - *Programming Q&A*
* [Learn X in Y minutes ](https://learnxinyminutes.com/ ) - *Programming Language Rundowns*
* [Typing.io ](https://typing.io/ ) - *Typing Practice for Programmers*
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* [ReGeX ](https://github.com/phikal/ReGeX ) - *ReGeX Learning Game / Android*
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* [Karel The Robot ](https://github.com/fredoverflow/karel ) - *Basic Programming Teaching Environment*
* [Katacoda ](https://www.katacoda.com/ ) - *Software Engineer Tutorials*
* [Interview University ](https://github.com/jwasham/coding-interview-university ) - *Software Engineer Study Guide Coding*
* [Hacksplaining ](https://www.hacksplaining.com/ ) - *Developer Security Lessons*
* [Publish Something Online ](https://publishsomething.online/ ) - *Site Development Guides*
* [LandChad ](https://landchad.net/ ) - *Site Development Guide*
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* [Web Dev Courses ](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17nOoned_J-RzAlCXaHEcEvdQC3LDOCC0 ) - *Web Development Courses*
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* [WeCreators ](https://www.wecreators.co/creators-tools ) - *Site Development / Influencer Courses*
* [How-to Host Questionable Websites ](https://weboas.is/media/host.png ) - *Guide / [PDF](https://weboas.is/media/host.pdf)*
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* [Learn Git Branching ](https://learngitbranching.js.org/ ) - *Interactive Git Branching Guide*
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* [Learn SQL ](https://sqlbolt.com/ ) - *SQL Lessons*
* [LearnCSSGrid ](http://learncssgrid.com/ ) - *CSS Grid Guide*
* Comic Lessons - [DNS ](https://howdns.works/ ) / [DNSSEC ](https://howdnssec.works/ ) / [HTTPS ](https://howhttps.works/ )
* [Discord.js Guide ](https://discordjs.guide/ ) - *Discord.js Bot Guide*
* [vcokltfre ](https://vcokltfre.dev/ ) - *Discord.py Bot Guide*
# ► Developer Tools
* **[List.community ](https://list.community/ )** - *Programming / Development GitHub Lists*
* [free-for.dev ](https://free-for.dev/ ) - *Developer Tools*
* [WebdevHome ](https://webdevhome.github.io/ ), [Free Dev stuff ](https://freestuff.dev/ ) or [Tiny Tools ](https://tinytools.directory/ ) - *Programming / Developer Tools*
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* [ReverseEagle ](https://forge.tedomum.net/groups/ReverseEagle/-/archived ), [2 ](https://web.archive.org/web/20210116205638/https://developers.reverseeagle.org/ ) - *Privacy Focused Developer Software*
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* [Student Developer Pack ](https://education.github.com/pack ) - *Free Developer Tools for Students*
* [Libera Chat ](https://libera.chat/ ) - *IRC Network for Project Collaboration*
* [CodeProject ](https://www.codeproject.com/ ) - *Developer Forum / Q&A / Articles*
* [daily.dev ](https://daily.dev/ ) - *Replace New Tab Page with Developer Articles*
* [Laws of UX ](https://lawsofux.com/ ) - *Maxims / Principles for UI Designers*
* [UI Coach ](https://uicoach.io/ ) - *UI Design Challenge Generator*
* [Responsively ](https://responsively.app/ ) - *Responsive Dev Design Tool*
* [ReadMeTemplate ](https://github.com/roshanlam/ReadMeTemplate ) - *ReadMe Template*
* [ChooseALicense ](https://choosealicense.com/ ) - *List of Open Source License's & Help Choosing Them*
* [Console ](https://console.substack.com/ ) - *Subscribe to a List of Open Source Projects*
* [RapidAPI ](https://rapidapi.com/ ) - *API Platform*
* [Pipedream ](https://pipedream.com/ ) - *Connect APIs / [Tutorial](https://gist.github.com/ItsRauf/48f252c931ac394b1395312b61b8e35b)*
* [Webhook.site ](https://webhook.site/ ) - *Webhook Tool*
* [WebSequenceDiagrams ](https://www.websequencediagrams.com/ ) - *Draw Sequence Diagrams*
* [ASCII Flow ](https://asciiflow.com/ ) - *Draw ASCII Diagrams*
* [MinIO ](https://min.io/ ) - *Cloud Native Object Storage*
* [Thanos ](https://thanos.io/ ) - *Open Source Prometheus Setup / [GitHub](https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos)*
* [Ainize ](https://ainize.ai/ ) - *Launchpad for open-source AI projects*
* [DBeaver ](https://dbeaver.io/ ) - *Universal Database Tool*
* [DoIt ](https://github.com/dolthub/dolt ) - *SQL Database*
* [Deps.dev ](https://deps.dev/ ) - *Open-Source Package Search*
* [Balena ](https://www.balena.io/ ) - *Build / Manage IoT Groups*
* [Awesome Bug Bounty ](https://github.com/djadmin/awesome-bug-bounty ) - *Bug Bounty Resources*
* [Awesome CTF ](https://github.com/apsdehal/awesome-ctf ) - *CTF Resources*
* [API List ](https://apilist.fun/ ), [APIs.io ](https://www.apis.io/ ) or [Public APIs ](https://github.com/public-apis/public-apis ) - *API index*
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* [Discord Developer Portal ](https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/community-resources ) - *Integrate Services with Discord*
* [Discord.py Docs ](https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ ) - *Discord.py API Docs*
* [CodeBlockLang ](https://hastebin.com/usofubagoh.ts ) - *Discord Code Blocks*
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* [Hacking Tests / Games ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_hacking_tests_.2F_games ) - *Hacking Tests & Games*
* [XunLei ](https://www.xunlei.com/ ) - *Shared Computing / Blockchain*
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## ▷ Site Development
* **[Free Webhosting Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_free_webhosting_sites )** - *Host Sites for Free*
* [design-resources-for-developers ](https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers ), [Freebies.ByPeople ](http://freebies.bypeople.com/ ), [HiddenTools ](https://hiddentools.dev/ ), [psddd ](https://psddd.co/ ) or [Freebiesbug ](http://freebiesbug.com/ ) - *Web Design Resources*
* [webdev ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Romaixn/m/webdev/ ) - *Web Developer Multireddit*
* [SEO Tools ](https://99webtools.com/ ) - *Site Development Tools*
* [Geekflare Tools ](https://gf.dev/toolbox ) - *Site Testing Tools*
* [Alexa Site Info ](https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo ) - *Site Traffic Stats / Analysis*
* [Resolve.rs Tools ](https://resolve.rs/tools.html ) - *Site Domain / IP Tools*
* [Namechk ](https://namechk.com/ ), [Username Checker ](https://checkuser.org/ ), [CheckUserNames ](https://checkusernames.com/ ), [NameCheckup ](https://namecheckup.com/ ) or [IUS ](https://instantusername.com/ ) - *Check Username / Domain Availability*
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* [Pyfunceble ](https://pyfunceble.github.io/#/ ), [Whois.com ](https://www.whois.com/ ), [DomComp ](https://www.domcomp.com/ ) or [Domainr ](https://domainr.com/ ) - *Check IP / Domain Availability*
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* [Front-End Checklist ](https://github.com/thedaviddias/Front-End-Checklist ) - *Front-End Checklist*
* [Flounder ](https://flounder.online/ ) - *Gemini Website Builder / [GitHub](https://github.com/alexwennerberg/flounder)*
* [ProjectVisBug ](https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/ProjectVisBug ) - *Webpage Editor*
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* [Plunker ](https://plnkr.co/ ) - *Prototype / Test Websites Ideas*
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* [Temper ](https://temper.one/ ) - *Simple HTML Site Creator*
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* [Sketch2Code ](https://sketch2code.azurewebsites.net/ ) - *Convert Hand-Drawn Designs into HTML*
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* [Straw.Page ](https://straw.page/ ) - *Simple Site Creator*
* [LocalXpose ](https://localxpose.io/ ) - *Reverse Proxy*
* [Elements Envato ](https://qltien.com/elements/getcode/babiato.html ) - *Templates, Mockups, Logos, Video*
* [Uisual ](https://uisual.com/ ) - *Landing Page Templates*
* [Canva ](https://www.canva.com/ ) - *Design Templates*
* [Boilerplate ](https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate ) - *Website Frontend Template HTML5*
* [HTML5 Temp ](https://rentry.co/HTML5Temp ) - *HTML5 Templates & Themes*
* [GalleryProject ](http://galleryproject.org/ ) - *Manage / Host Photos on Website*
* [PublishThisEmail ](https://www.publishthis.email/ ) - *Email Based Website Builder*
* [Mobile-Friendly ](https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly ) - *Mobile Friendly Page Test*
* [RealFaviconGenerator ](https://realfavicongenerator.net/ ) - *Website Favicon Generator*
* [hlsflow ](https://github.com/hlsflow/hlsflow ) - *Host Video in HLS Stream*
* [WebDesigner ](https://webdesigner.withgoogle.com/ ) or [Animate.css ](https://animate.style/ ) - *Create Interactive Motion Graphics*
* [MapBox ](https://www.mapbox.com/ ) - *Live Maps, Location Search & More*
* [Penetration-Testing ](https://github.com/wtsxDev/Penetration-Testing )- *Penetration Testing Resources*
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* [OpenBullet ](https://github.com/openbullet/openbullet ) - *Webtesting Suite*
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* [CanIUse? ](https://caniuse.com/ ) - *Browser Support Tables*
* [Archive / Scrape / Crawl Webpages ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_web_scraping_.2F_archiving_tools ) - *Archive, Scrape & Crawl Sites*
* [Clone Zone ](http://clonezone.link/ ) - *Tweak / Clone Webpages*
* [Appwrite ](https://appwrite.io/ ) - *Open-Source Backend Server / [GitHub](https://github.com/appwrite/appwrite)*
* [squid ](http://www.squid-cache.org/ ) - *Caching Proxy / [MSI Installer](http://squid.diladele.com/) / [Site Blocking](http://www.thedumbterminal.co.uk/posts/2005/10/blocking_access_to_sites_when_using_squid.html)*
* [RandomAPI ](https://randomapi.com/ ) - *Generate Fake Data for Populating Mockups*
* [Booster ](https://booster.js.org/ ) - *Website Performance / Speed Optimizer*
* [Bypass Cloudflare ](https://github.com/jychp/cloudflare-bypass ) - *Bypass Coudflare Bot Protection*
* [LibreCaptcha ](https://github.com/librecaptcha/lc-core ) - *Self-Hosted, Privacy Respecting CAPTCHAs*
* [QuickEmailVerification ](https://quickemailverification.com/ ), [Email Marker ](https://www.emailmarker.com/ ) or [ZeroBounce ](https://www.zerobounce.net/ ) - *Email Verification Service*
* [IP Intelligence ](http://getipintel.com/ ) - *Proxy / VPN / Bad IP Detection*
* [V2Ray ](https://www.v2ray.com/ ) - *Proxy Software / [Android](https://github.com/eycorsican/kitsunebi-android)*
* [ipinfo.io ](https://ipinfo.io/ ) - *IP Data API*
* [Certbot ](https://certbot.eff.org/ ) - *Enable HTTPS Automatically*
* [MachineID ](http://www.ionworx.com/machineid.html ) - *Hardware Identifier*
* [TrackMyBacklink ](https://trackmybacklink.com/ ) - *Backlink Tracker*
* [Wappalyzer ](https://www.wappalyzer.com/ ) - *Identify Technologies on Websites*
* [Bubble ](https://bubble.io/ ) - *Create Web Apps*
* [PWABuilder ](https://www.pwabuilder.com/ ) - *Turn Site into Progressive Web App*
* [LightHouse ](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse ) - *Web App Performance Test*
* [Form To Chatbot ](http://formtochatbot.com/ ) - *Convert Google Form to Chatbot*
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* [Termible ](https://termible.io/ ) - *Docker Powered Site Terminals*
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* [Stackbit ](https://www.stackbit.com/ ) - *JamStack Tools*
* [the New Dynamic ](https://www.tnd.dev/ ) - *JamStack Directory*
* [Redux DevTools ](http://extension.remotedev.io/ ) - *Add Redux Debugging to Browser*
* [Vuejs Dev Tools ](https://vuejs.org/ ) - *Add Vuejs Debugging to Browser*
* [Sight ](https://github.com/tsenart/sight ) - *Syntax Highlighter for Chrome*
* [Website Grader ](https://website.grader.com/ ) - *Website Grading Tool*
* [ngrok ](https://ngrok.com/ ) - *Introspectable Tunnels to Localhost Tools*
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* [gpldl ](https://gpldl.com/ ), [freegetdownloader ](https://www.freegetdownloader.com/ ) or [babiato ](https://babiato.co/ ) - *Wordpress Themes*
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## ▷ Software Development
* [Servo ](https://servo.org/ ) - *Experimental Browser Engine*
* [Gummy ](https://gummyjs.vercel.app/ ) - *Easily Build Javascript Programs*
* [GNUnet ](https://gnunet.org/en/ ) - *Software Framework*
* [Kuker ](https://github.com/krasimir/kuker ) - *Debug Applications*
* [Radare ](https://rada.re/r/ ) or [Cutter ](https://github.com/rizinorg/cutter ) - *Reverse Engineering Framework*
* [Read the Docs ](https://readthedocs.org/ ) - *Make Documentation for your Software*
* [Inno Setup ](https://jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php ) - *Windows Program Installer*
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* [Flatpak ](https://flatpak.org/ ) - *Create & Distribute Linux Applications*
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## ▷ App Development
* [XDA ](https://forum.xda-developers.com/ ) - *App Development Forum*
* [Docker ](https://www.docker.com/ ) - *Build, Manage & Run Apps in Containers / [Images](https://linuxserver.io/)*
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* [Plank ](https://launchpad.net/plank ) - *Simple Dock / [GitHub](https://github.com/ricotz/plank)*
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* [Portainer ](https://portainer.io/ ) - *Build / Manage Docker Containers / [Templates](https://github.com/SelfhostedPro/selfhosted_templates) / [GitHub](https://github.com/portainer/portainer)*
* [MDB GO ](https://mdbgo.com/ ) - *Free App Hosting*
* [Kodular ](https://www.kodular.io/ ) or [Android Studio ](https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html ) - *Android App Creator*
* [GoNative ](https://gonative.io/ ) - *Convert Websites to Mobile Apps*
* [Debugtron ](https://www.electronjs.org/apps/debugtron ) - *Electron App Debugger*
* [MobileApp-Pentest-Cheatsheet ](https://github.com/fuzz-security/MobileApp-Pentest-Cheatsheet ) - *Mobile App Penetration Test Index*
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* [Uiautomator2 ](https://github.com/openatx/uiautomator2 ) - *Automated App Testing*
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* [PM2 ](https://pm2.keymetrics.io/ ) - *Process Manager*
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* [React95 ](https://react95.io/ ) - *Windows 95 React Components*
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## ▷ Game Development
* [Godot ](https://godotengine.org/ ) - *Game Engine / Open-Source / 2D / 3D*
* [RPG Playground ](https://rpgplayground.com/ ) - *Simple RPG Creator*
* [Game-Editor ](http://game-editor.com/Main_Page ) - *Game Creator*
* [Kaboomjs ](https://kaboomjs.com/ ) - *Quickly Make Games with Javascript*
* [GDevelop ](https://gdevelop-app.com/ ) - *HTML5 Game Creator*
* [Phaser ](https://phaser.io/ ) - *Mobile HTML5 Game Framework*
* [PlayCanvas ](https://playcanvas.com/ ) - *Build HTML5 Visualizations / Games*
* [Curlie World Building ](https://curlie.org/en/Games/Roleplaying/World_Building ) - *World Building Resource Index*
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* [UE Viewer ](https://www.gildor.org/en/projects/umodel ) - *Unreal Engine Model Viewer / [GitHub](https://github.com/gildor2/UEViewer)*
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* [Electronic Arts GitHub ](https://github.com/electronicarts ) - *EA GitHub Repos*
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## ▷ Markup Languages
* [HTMLDog ](https://htmldog.com/ ) - *HTML / CSS / JavaScript Tutorials*
* [HTML Meta Tags ](https://gist.github.com/lancejpollard/1978404 ) - *List of Common HTML Meta Tags Complete*
* [Minifier ](https://www.willpeavy.com/tools/minifier/ ) - *Minify HTML, CSS & JS Markup HTML Minifier*
* [HTML-Minifier ](https://kangax.github.io/html-minifier/ ) - *HTML Minifier*
* [HTML.com ](https://html.com/ ) - *HTML Guide / Cheat Sheet*
* [HTML Reference ](https://htmlreference.io/ ) - *HTML Guide*
* [HTML Compressor ](https://htmlcompressor.com/compressor/ )
* [HTML Notepad ](https://html-notepad.com/ ) - *HTML Editor*
* [TryIt HTML ](https://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_intro ), [CodeTester ](http://codetester.org/ ), [HTML-Online ](https://html-online.com/editor/ ), [html.cafe ](https://html.cafe/ ) or [jsTester ](https://www.cs.iupui.edu/~ajharris/webprog/jsTester.html ) - *Online HTML Editors / Testers*
* [Awesome HTML5 ](https://github.com/diegocard/awesome-html5 ) - *HTML5 resources*
* [GDevelop ](https://gdevelop-app.com/ ) - *HTML5 Game Creator*
* [Phaser ](https://phaser.io/ ) - *Mobile HTML5 Game Framework*
* [PlayCanvas ](https://playcanvas.com/ ) - *Build HTML5 Visualizations / Games*
* [CSS Protips ](https://github.com/AllThingsSmitty/css-protips ) or [CSS Reference ](https://cssreference.io/ ) - *CSS Guide*
* [Awesome CSS ](https://github.com/awesome-css-group/awesome-css ) - *CSS resources*
* [Cssgr ](https://cssgr.id/ ) - *CSS Grid Code Tool*
* [Water.css ](https://watercss.kognise.dev/ ) - *CSS Styles Collection*
* [Leon's CSS ](https://leonarnott.neocities.org/ ) - *CSS Text Styles*
* [Hover.CSS ](https://ianlunn.github.io/Hover/ ) - *CSS Hover Effects*
* [MagicPattern ](https://www.magicpattern.design/tools/css-backgrounds ) - *CSS Background Patterns*
* [Animista ](https://animista.net/ ) - *Tweak / Download CSS Animations*
* [css2scss ](https://sebastianpontow.de/css2compass/ ) - *CSS to SCSS Converter*
* [Bulma ](https://bulma.io/ ), [Tailwind ](https://tailwindcss.com/ ) or [SimpleCSS ](https://simplecss.org/ ) - *CSS Framework*
* [TailBlocks ](https://tailblocks.cc/ ) - *Ready-to-use Tailwind CSS Blocks*
* [MarkdownGuide ](https://www.markdownguide.org/ ) - *Guide for Markdown (.md)*
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* [HedgeDoc ](https://hedgedoc.envs.net/ ), [zettlr ](https://www.zettlr.com/ ), [Dillinger ](https://dillinger.io/ ), [Notable ](https://notable.app/ ), [vnote ](https://github.com/vnotex/vnote ), [StackEdit ](https://stackedit.io/ ) or [Mark Text ](https://github.com/marktext/marktext ) - *Markdown Editor*
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* [Markdown Editor for Firefox ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/markdown-editor-premium/ ) - *Markdown Editor Extension*
* [Markdown To HTML ](https://markdowntohtml.com/ ) - *Markdown to HTML Converter*
* [Obsidian ](https://obsidian.md/ ) - *Markdown File Organizer*
## ▷ Git Tools
* **[GitHub Awesome ](https://app.polymersearch.com/discover/github-awesome )** - *List Index*
* [GitHubDesktop ](https://desktop.github.com/ ) - *GitHub Desktop App*
* [GitKraken ](https://www.gitkraken.com/ ) or [Sourcetree ](https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/ ) - *Git GUI*
* [Codeberg ](https://codeberg.org/ ), [Giters ](https://www.giters.com/ ) or [GitGud ](https://gitgud.io/ ) - *Git Hosting*
* [Git / Github Guide ](https://www.notion.so/Git-GitHub-61bc81766b2e4c7d9a346db3078ce833 )
* [Oh My Git! ](https://ohmygit.org/ ), [2 ](https://ohshitgit.com/ ) - *Git Learning Game*
* [Refined GitHub ](https://github.com/sindresorhus/refined-github ) - *Simplifies GitHub Interface & Adds Features*
* [github1s ](https://github1s.com/ ) - *GitHub Code Viewer / GUI: do `gitk` in repo folder*
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* [git ](https://git-scm.com/ ) - *Version Control System*
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* [/r/coolgithubprojects ](https://reddit.com/r/coolgithubprojects ) - *Cool Projects on Github*
* [/r/coolgitlabprojects ](https://reddit.com/r/coolgitlabprojects ) - *Cool Projects on Gitlab*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [git:logs ](https://www.gitlogs.com/ ) - *Trending GitHub Repos*
* [Active Github Forks ](https://techgaun.github.io/active-forks/ ) - *List of active github forks*
* [Lovely Forks ](https://github.com/musically-ut/lovely-forks ) - *View a Repositories Forks*
2021-08-16 00:16:02 +05:30
* [grep.app ](https://grep.app/ ) - *Git Repository Search*
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* [Git Extensions ](https://gitextensions.github.io/ ) - *Git Repository Manager*https://muxiv.net/
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* [GitZip ](https://gitzip.org/ ) - *Download GitHub Repository Sub-Folders / Files*
* [useful-forks ](https://useful-forks.github.io/ ) - *GitHub Fork Search*
* [OctoLinker ](https://octolinker.now.sh/ ) - *Make GitHub Code References Clickable*
* [Octotree ](https://www.octotree.io/ ) - *GitHub Repository File Tree View*
* [Nightly.link ](https://nightly.link/ ) - *GitHub Sharable Nightly Links*
* [Sourcegraph ](https://about.sourcegraph.com/ ) - *GitHub Repository Sourcegraph Editor*
* [CodeWyng ](https://codewyng.io/ ) - *Browse GitHub like an IDE*
2021-08-17 03:32:46 -07:00
* [PR Monitor ](https://github.com/fwouts/prmonitor ) - *Pull Request Notifier*
* [Gidget ](https://github.com/GDGVIT/gidget ) - *Pull Request Notifier / Android*
* [Whats New GitHub ](https://github.com/flawyte/whats-new-github ) - *Repository Change Feed*
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* [GitHub Readme Stats ](https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats ) - *Dynamically Generated GitHub Readme Stats*
* [Shields.io ](https://shields.io/ ) - *Metadata badges for Github Readmes*
* [GitHub Snake ](https://dev.to/mishmanners/how-to-enable-github-actions-on-your-profile-readme-for-a-contribution-graph-4l66 ) - *Enable Snake Game on GitHub ReadMe*
* [Discord MD Badge ](https://github.com/montylion/discord-md-badge ) - *Add Discord Badge to GitHub*
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* [OpenHub ](https://github.com/ThirtyDegreesRay/OpenHub ), [diohub ](https://github.com/NamanShergill/diohub ) or [OctoDroid ](https://github.com/slapperwan/gh4a ) - *Android GitHub Client*
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## ▷ CLI Tools
* [HTTPie ](https://httpie.io/ ) - *Command-Line HTTP Client*
* [cURL ](https://github.com/curl/curl ) - *Transfer Data with URLs*
* [WNIX ](https://gitlab.com/gokhanettin/wnix ) - *UNIX-like Windows Development Environment*
* [Sift ](https://sift-tool.org/ ) - *grep Alternative*
* [Edbrowse ](http://edbrowse.org/ ) - *Command Line Editor / Browser / Mail Client*
## ▷ Color Schemes
* [Colorful ](https://github.com/Siddharth11/Colorful ) - *Curated List of Color Scheme Resources*
* [Colormind ](http://colormind.io/ ), [SchemeColor ](https://www.schemecolor.com/ ) or [Coolors ](https://coolors.co/ ) - *Color Palette Generator*
* [ColorsAndFonts ](https://www.colorsandfonts.com/ ) - *Quickly Copy Colors & Typography Combinations*
* [ColorHexa ](https://www.colorhexa.com/ ) - *Color Hex Encycolopedia*
* [Paletton ](https://paletton.com/ ) - *Color Scheme Designer*
* [PaletteGenerator ](https://palettegenerator.com/ ) - *Color Palette Extractor*
* [Colorpedia ](https://github.com/joowani/colorpediahttps://coolors.co/ ) - *Lookup Colors & Palettes via Command-Line*
* [ShaderToy ](https://www.shadertoy.com/browse ) - *User-Made Shaders*
* [Contrast Checker ](https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/ ) - *Background / Text Contrast Checker*
# ► Programming / Coding
* **[List.community ](https://list.community/ )** - *Programming / Development GitHub Lists*
* [WebdevHome ](https://webdevhome.github.io/ ) or [Tiny Tools ](https://tinytools.directory/ ) - *Programming / Developer Tools*
* [Awesome Web Scraping ](https://github.com/lorien/awesome-web-scraping ) - *Web Scraping Tool Index*
* [Awesome-Discord-Communities ](https://github.com/mhxion/awesome-discord-communities ) - *Programming / Developer / Discord Communities*
* [AwesomeTwitterAccounts ](https://github.com/yask123/AwesomeTwitterAccounts ) - *Curated List of Programming Related Twitter Accounts*
* [Awesome Programming ](https://github.com/hardikvasa/awesome-programming ) - *Programming resources*
* [build-your-own-x ](https://github.com/danistefanovic/build-your-own-x ) - *Programming Tutorials*
* [Awesome Software Quality ](https://github.com/ligurio/awesome-software-quality/wiki ) - *Software Quality Testing Tools*
* [Node-RED ](https://nodered.org/ ) - *Low-code programming for event-driven applications*
* [Sublime Text ](https://www.sublimetext.com/ ) or [Atom ](https://atom.io/ ) - *Code / Text Editor*
* [RegExr ](https://regexr.com/ ) - *Learn, Build & Test RegEx*
* [Regex101 ](https://regex101.com/ ) - *Regex Editor / Debugger*
* [Awesome Creative Coding ](https://github.com/terkelg/awesome-creative-coding ) - *Creative Coding Resource Index*
* [Algorithm Visualizer ](https://algorithm-visualizer.org/ ) - *Visualize Code Algorithms*
* [SpaceVim ](https://spacevim.org/ ), [Onivun ](https://onivim.io/ ), [NeoVim ](https://neovim.io/ ), [Vim ](https://www.vim.org/ ), [Brackets ](http://brackets.io/ ), [Notepad2 ](https://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html ) or [Light Table ](http://lighttable.com/ ) - *Code Editor*
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* Vim Tools - [Tree Explorer ](https://github.com/preservim/nerdtree ) / [Instant RST Preview ](https://github.com/gu-fan/InstantRst ) / [Config ](https://github.com/ChristianChiarulli/LunarVim )
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* [Vim Plug ](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug ), [Vim Pathogen ](https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen ), [Vundle ](https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim ), [Dein ](https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim ) - *Vim Plugin Managers*
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* [VimAwesome ](https://vimawesome.com/ ) - *Vim Plugin Search*
* [YouCompleteMe ](https://github.com/ycm-core/YouCompleteMe ) - *Vim Code-completion engine*
* [Awesome Visual Studio Code Extensions ](https://hl2guide.github.io/Awesome-Visual-Studio-Code-Extensions/ ) - *Visual Studio Code Extensions*
* [Mega Linter ](https://github.com/nvuillam/mega-linter ) - *Code Analyzer*
* [Awesome Machine Learning Art ](https://github.com/vibertthio/awesome-machine-learning-art ) - *Machine Learning Art Resource Index*
* [Sourcegraph ](https://sourcegraph.com/ ) - *Universal Code Search*
* [searchcode ](http://searchcode.com/ ) or [PublicWWW ](http://publicwww.com/ ) - *Source Code Search*
* [ShareScript ](https://sharescript.net/ ) - *Script / Code Index*
* [Google Code Archive ](https://code.google.com/archive/ ) - *Google Code Project Archive*
* [Reverse Engineering Resources ](https://github.com/wtsxDev/reverse-engineering ) - *Reverse Engineering Resource Index*
* [challenges.re ](https://challenges.re/ ) - *Reverse Engineer Code*
* [thefuck ](https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck ) - *Corrects Previous Console Command*
* [DelphiTools ](https://www.delphitools.info/ ) - *Code Profiler / Delphi Tools*
* [OhMyPosh ](https://ohmyposh.dev/ ) - *Terminal Theme Engine*
* [Dracula ](https://draculatheme.com/ ) - *Dark Theme for Code Editors / Terminal Emulators*
* [Zero Dark Matrix ](https://github.com/mauricecruz/chrome-devtools-zerodarkmatrix-theme ) - *Chrome Devtools Dark Theme*
* [OhMyZSH ](https://ohmyz.sh/ ) - *ZSH Customization*
* [PowerLevel10k ](https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k ) - *ZSH Theme*
* [RunKit ](https://runkit.com/ ) - *Browser Javascript Sandbox*
* [JS.ORG ](https://js.org/ ) - *Free subdomain for Javascript Developers*
* [1loc ](https://1loc.dev/ ) - *217 Single Line JavaScript Codes*
* [Gummy ](https://gummyjs.vercel.app/ ) - *Easily Build Javascript Programs*
* [Kaboomjs ](https://kaboomjs.com/ ) - *Quickly Make Games with Javascript*
* [Awesome Python ](https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python ) - *Python Resource Index*
* [py-modindex ](https://docs.python.org/3/py-modindex.html ) - *Python Modules List / Tutorials*
* [JSONView ](https://jsonview.com/ ) - *JSON Viewer*
* [JSON Formatter ](https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/ ) or [json-formatter ](https://github.com/callumlocke/json-formatter ) - *JSON Formatter*
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* [Jayson ](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/jayson/id1447750768 ) - *JSON Viewer & Editor*
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* [glogg ](https://glogg.bonnefon.org/ ) - *Log File Explorer*
* [Carbon ](https://carbon.now.sh/ ) - *Source Code Screenshots*
* [Code::Stats ](https://codestats.net/ ) - *Programmer Stat Tracking*
* [Tables Generator ](https://www.tablesgenerator.com/ ) - *Generates Tables in Various Languages*
## ▷ Cloud IDEs / Collab
* **[goormIDE ](https://ide.goorm.io/ )**, [Codeanywhere ](https://codeanywhere.com/ ), [CodeTasty ](https://codetasty.com/ ), [Repl.it ](https://repl.it/ ), [Anyfiddle ](https://www.anyfiddle.com/ ) or [Glitch ](https://glitch.com/ ) - *Cloud IDE / [Extensions](https://hl2guide.github.io/Awesome-Visual-Studio-Code-Extensions/) / [Themes](https://oslo-vsc.netlify.app/)*
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* [Text / Code Collaboration ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_text_.2F_code_collaboration ) - *Text / Code Collaboration Tools*
* [Jetbrains Ultimate IDEs ](https://rentry.org/52oyb ) - *Jetbrains Ultimate IDEs Trial Reset Guide*
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* [cloud ](https://gist.github.com/imba-tjd/d73258f0817255dbe77d64d40d985e76#file-cloud-md ) - *Cloud Platform Index*
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* [CodeSandbox ](https://codesandbox.io/ ), [VSCodium ](https://vscodium.com/ ), [StackBlitz ](https://stackblitz.com/ ) or [GitPod ](https://www.gitpod.io/ ) - *Cloud IDE / VS Code*
* [Open VSX Registry ](https://open-vsx.org/ ) - *VS Code Editor Extensions*
2021-08-17 03:32:46 -07:00
* [VSCodeThemes ](https://vscodethemes.com/ ) - *VS Code Themes*
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* [Openshift ](https://che.openshift.io/ ) - *Cloud IDE / Eclipse Che*
* [replit ](https://replit.com/ ) - *Browser Based IDE*
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* [KDevelop ](https://www.kdevelop.org/ ) - *Cross Platform IDE*
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* [JDFiddle ](https://jsfiddle.net/ ), [W3Schools ](https://www.w3schools.com/tryit/trycompiler.asp?filename=demo_python ), [CollabEdit ](http://collabedit.com/ ), [Portacode ](https://portacode.com/ ), [IDE One ](https://www.ideone.com/ ), [SoloLearn ](https://www.sololearn.com/ ) / [Playground ](https://code.sololearn.com/ ), [JSFiddle ](https://jsfiddle.net/ ) or [PlayCode ](https://playcode.io/ ) - *Online Code Editor*
* [glot.io ](https://glot.io/ ) - *Pastebin with Runnable Snippets, API & Compiler*
* [Mystb.in ](https://mystb.in/ ) - *Code Pastebin*
* [myCompiler ](https://www.mycompiler.io/ ), [IDE One ](https://www.ideone.com/ ) or [Wandbox ](https://wandbox.org/ ) - *Online Compiler*
* [Notebooks.azure ](https://notebooks.azure.com/ ) - *Access Jupyter notebooks*
* [CoCalc ](https://cocalc.com/ ) - *Virtual online workspace*
* [CodePen ](https://codepen.io/ ) - *Code Sandbox*
* [tio.run ](https://tio.run/ ) - *Programming Language Interpreters*
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* [Online Python Compiler ](https://www.onlinegdb.com/online_python_compiler ) - *Online Python Editor & Tester*