2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
**[◄◄ Back to Wiki Index](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/index)**
2021-09-19 11:44:21 -07:00
**[Table of Contents](https://i.imgur.com/fpyAYJU.png)** - *For mobile users*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
# ► Arabic
2021-08-12 03:49:40 -07:00
* [Wudooh](https://wudooh.app/) - *Make Arabic Text Clearer*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Downloading
* [akwam](https://old.akwam.co/) - *Video / Audio / Software*
* [Shahid4u](https://shahid4u.one/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [mycima](https://mycima.video/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [arabseed](https://arabseed.cam/) - *Movies / TV*
* [dotCima](https://s2.dotcima.com/) - *Movies / TV*
* [arblionz.org](https://www.arblionz.org/) - *Movies / TV*
* [EgyBest](https://egy.best/) - *Movies / TV*
* [cartoon3rbi](https://www.cartoon3rbi.net/) - *Cartoons / Anime*
* [Shazam Music](https://t.me/shazam_music_uz) - *Music / Telegram*
* [music_banktel](https://t.me/music_banktel) - *Music / Telegram*
2021-09-18 21:19:27 -07:00
* [WiFi4Games](https://www.wifi4games.com/) - *Games*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Torrenting
* [ArabP2P](https://www.arabp2p.com/) - *Video / Software / Games / Android*
## ▷ Streaming
* [Cima4U](https://cima4u.ws/) - *Movies / TV / Changes Domains Monthly*
* [Shahid4u](https://shahid4u.one/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [cimaclub](https://www.cimaclub.in/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [FaselHD](https://www.faselhd.life/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [mycima](https://mycima.video/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [Cima4Up](https://www.cinma4up.tv/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [arabseed](https://arabseed.cam/) - *Movies / TV*
* [EgyBest](https://egy.best/) - *Movies / TV*
* [dotCima](https://s2.dotcima.com/) - *Movies / TV*
* [LODYNET](https://ww.lodynet.cam/) - *Movies / TV*
* [arblionz.org](https://www.arblionz.org/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Fushaar](https://www.fushaar.com/) - *Movies / TV*
* [mycima](https://mycima.video/) - *Movies / TV*
* [animebdk](https://animebdk.blogspot.com/) - *Anime*
* [anime4up](https://www.anime4up.com/) - *Anime*
* [gateanime](https://www.gateanime.com/) - *Anime*
* [shahiid](https://www.shahiid-anime.net/) - *Anime*
* [branitube](https://www.branitube.net/) - *Anime*
* [anime4you](https://www.anime4you.one/) - *Anime*
* [movizland](https://www.movizland.com/) - *Anime*
* [animestarz](https://www.animestarz.com/) - *Anime*
* [egyanime](https://www.egyanime.com/) - *Anime*
* [anyanime](https://www.anyanime.com/) - *Anime*
2021-09-29 21:11:49 -07:00
* [xsAnime](https://ww.xsanime.com/) - *Anime*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [okanime](https://www.okanime.com/) - *Anime*
* [arabseed](https://www.arabseed.net/) - *Anime*
* [octanime](https://www.octanime.com/) - *Anime*
* [animelek](https://www.animelek.tv/) - *Anime*
* [animesilver](https://www.animesilver.com/) - *Anime*
* [animetv](https://www.animetv.ge/) - *Anime*
* [fomny](http://fomny.com/Home/index.php) - *Live TV*
2021-09-16 20:16:50 -07:00
* [livehd7](https://www.livehd7.top/) - *Live Football*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Reading
* [dopdfwn](https://www.dopdfwn.com/) - *PDF Search Engine*
* [books-library](https://books-library.online/) - *Books*
* [download-pdf-ebooks](https://download-pdf-ebooks.online/) - *Books*
* [kutub](https://www.kutub-pdf.net/) - *Books*
* [foulabook](https://foulabook.com/) - *Books*
* [Manga Plus](https://t.me/Manga_Plus_Ar) - *Manga*
# ► Bulgarian
## ▷ Downloading
* [videofen](https://www.videofen.com/) - *Warez list*
## ▷ Torrenting
* [Zamunda](https://zamunda.net/) - *Registration Required*
# ► Chinese
* [heji](https://heji.ltd/) or [bajins](https://www.bajins.com/) - *Chinese Site / Tool Index*
2021-08-21 21:18:53 -07:00
* [zimuku](http://zimuku.org/) or [SubHD](https://subhd.tv/) - *Subtitles*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [Dianying](https://dianying.fm/) - *Hash Search*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [EmbyCrack](https://github.com/ultranijia/EmbyCrack) - *Lift Emby Restrictions*
2021-09-30 02:22:32 -07:00
* [China Firewall Bypass Guide](https://github.com/vpncn/vpncn.github.io) or [OilAndFish](https://www.oilandfish.com/) - *Bypass Chinese Firewall*
2021-10-04 07:01:09 -07:00
* [Dict.Baidu](https://dict.baidu.com/) - *Chinese Word, Idiom & Poem Search*
* [ICIBA](http://www.iciba.com/) or [YouDao](https://fanyi.youdao.com/) - *Chinese Translator / [Client](http://cp.iciba.com/)*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Downloading
* [Ali213](https://ali213.net/) - *Games*
* [3dmgame](https://www.3dmgame.com/) - *Games / Geolocked / Baidu Required*
* [BD2020](https://www.bd2020.com/) - *Movies*
2021-08-21 21:18:53 -07:00
* [Zimuxia](https://www.zimuxia.cn/) - *TV*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [shinybbs](https://sub.shinybbs.vip/) - *TV*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Icourse163 Downloader](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/372684) - *Courses / [icourse163](https://www.icourse163.org/)*
* [91Flac](https://www.91flac.com/) - *Music*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [Hifini](https://www.hifini.com/) - *Music *
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Flac123](https://www.flac123.com/) - *Music*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [wsyymfxz](http://www.wsyymfxz.com/) - *Music*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [J-pop Music Download](https://jpop.xyz/) - *Music / FLAC / MP3*
* [tlanyan](https://tlanyan.me/) - *Linux / Software*
2021-08-17 18:50:23 -07:00
* [Icourse163 Downloader](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/372684) - *Courses / [icourse163](https://www.icourse163.org/)*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Torrenting
* [Csze BT](https://bt.orzx.im/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books*
* [acgnx](https://www.acgnx.se/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Books / NSFW*
* [Share.dmhy](http://share.dmhy.org/) - *Anime / Manga / Games / Music*
2021-08-21 10:47:57 -07:00
* [XiaZai001](https://www.xiazai001.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [dytt8](https://dytt8.net/), [dy2018](https://dy2018.com/), [ygdy8](https://ygdy8.com/index.html) or [dydytt](https://www.dydytt.net) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-08-21 21:18:53 -07:00
* [88btbtt](https://www.88btbtt.com/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [ygdy8](https://www.ygdy8.net/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [piaohua](https://www.piaohua.com/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [Dytt8](https://dytt8.net/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-08-20 14:08:15 -07:00
* [高清电台](https://gaoqing.fm/) - *Movies / TV / Anime / Use VPN or Google Translate to Access*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [RARBT](http://www.rarbt.cc/) - *Movies*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [dygang](https://www.dygang.cc/) - *Movies*
2021-08-21 21:18:53 -07:00
* [Dy2018](https://www.dy2018.com/) - *Movies*
* [Zimuxia](https://www.zimuxia.cn/) - *TV*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [shinybbs](https://sub.shinybbs.vip/) - *TV*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [ACG.rip](https://acg.rip/) - *Anime / Music*
* [Snow-Raws](https://snow-raws.com/) - *Anime / [Official Tracker](https://www.skyey2.com/)*
* [Ali213](https://ali213.net/) - *Games*
2021-09-18 21:19:27 -07:00
* [AnimeTrackerList](https://github.com/DeSireFire/animeTrackerList) - *Anime Tracker List*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Streaming
* [Chinese Drama Site Index](https://www.reddit.com/r/CDrama/wiki/streaming)
* [beyondHD ](https://t.me/beyondHD) - *Movies / Subs*
* [Watch HK Movies Online](https://vinspirezhk.blogspot.com/) - *Rare Chinese Movies / English Subs*
* [PangzITV](https://pangzitv.com/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [ifsp](https://www.ifsp.tv/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [tangrenjie](https://www.tangrenjie.tv/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-08-21 10:47:57 -07:00
* [75yu](https://www.75yu.com/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [v.qq](https://v.qq.com/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-08-17 18:50:23 -07:00
* [MoMoVOD](https://momovod.tv/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [uvod.tv](https://www.uvod.tv/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-09-16 20:16:50 -07:00
* [imaple.co](https://imaple.co/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [2Tucc](http://www.2tu.cc/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [IcDrama](http://icdrama.video/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [cmdy365](https://www.cmdy365.cc/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Meiju](https://www.meiju11.com/) or [iMeiju](https://www.imeiju.net/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Nunu Cinema](https://www.nunuyy.com/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [Fun.tv](http://www.fun.tv/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-09-16 20:16:50 -07:00
* [Segoideas](https://segoideas.com/) - *Taiwanese Dramas*
2021-08-21 10:47:57 -07:00
* [qiqi8](http://qiqi8.net/) - *Anime*
* [AGE動漫](https://agefans.tw/) - *Anime*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [music.163](https://music.163.com/) - *Music*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [MuXiv](https://muxiv.net/) - *Music*
* [Guqiankun](http://www.guqiankun.com/tools/music/) - *Music*
* [Hifini](https://www.hifini.com/) - *Music *
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [jsososo](http://y.jsososo.com/), [2](http://music.jsososo.com/) - *Music*
2021-09-14 10:59:38 -07:00
* [數學老師張旭](https://space.bilibili.com/521685904) - *Math Lessons*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Reading
* [Jiumo](https://www.jiumodiary.com/) - *eBook Search Engine*
* [ting89](http://www.ting89.com/) - *Books / Audiobooks*
* [BooksThatMakeYouThink](https://t.me/BooksThatMakeYouThink) - *Nonfiction*
* [kgbook](https://kgbook.com/) - *Books*
* [shuge](https://new.shuge.org/) - *Books / Audiobooks / Legal*
* [pdfzj](http://pdfzj.cn/) - *Books*
* [your-ebook](https://your-ebook.xyz/) - *Books / [GitHub](https://github.com/kska32/ebooks)*
* [haodoo](http://haodoo.net/) - *Books*
* [ysxs8](http://www.ysxs8.com/) - *Audiobooks*
2021-10-05 17:43:36 -07:00
* [AC.QQ](https://ac.qq.com/) - *Manga*
* [BiliBili](https://manga.bilibili.com/) - *Manga*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [rzlib](https://www.rzlib.net/) - *Light-Novels*
* [booktxt](https://m.booktxt.net/) - *Light-Novels*
* [ishare.iask](https://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/) - *Documents*
* [guoxue](http://www.guoxue.com/) - *History / Journals*
# ► Czech
## ▷ Downloading
* [War-Forum](http://war-forum.net/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Magazines / Comics / NSFW*
* [WarezCenter](https://warcenter.cz/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Android / NSFW*
* [GigaWarez](https://giga-warez.forumczech.com/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software*
## ▷ Torrenting
* [GigaWarez](https://giga-warez.forumczech.com/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software*
* [hd-cztorrent](http://www.hd-cztorrent.cz/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / NSFW*
* [freecztorrent ](http://www.freecztorrent.eu/) - *Movies / TV*
## ▷ Streaming
* [FilmPlanet](https://www1.filmplanet.to/) - *Movies / TV*
# ► Danish
## ▷ Streaming
* [FilmCentralen](https://filmcentralen.dk/) - *Movies*
* [Free TV Stream](http://www.freetvstream.in/) - *TV / Sports / Live*
* [DR.DK](https://www.dr.dk/) - *Movies / TV / Live*
# ► Filipino
## ▷ Streaming
* [Pinoy Movies Hub](https://pinoymovieshub.de/), [2](https://pinoymovieshub.su/) - *Stream / Movies*
* [PinoyMovies](https://pinoymovies.ch/), [2](https://pinoymovies.es/) - *Stream / Movies*
2021-08-24 22:01:09 -07:00
* [Pinoymoviepedia](https://pinoymoviepedia.ru/) - *Movies*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
# ► Finnish
* [finna.fi](https://www.finna.fi/) - *Media Archive / Library Card Required*
## ▷ Streaming
* [Elonet](https://elonet.finna.fi/) - *Movies*
* [Areena](https://areena.yle.fi/) - *Movies / TV*
# ► French
2021-10-04 07:01:09 -07:00
* [P2PFR](https://forum.p2pfr.com/) - *Piracy Discussion*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [SubSynchro](https://www.subsynchro.com/), [Sous-Titres](https://www.sous-titres.eu/) or [SubFactory](https://subfactory.fr/) - *French Subtitles*
## ▷ Downloading
2021-08-16 09:54:51 -07:00
* **[Lamule](https://lamule.eu/)** - *Warez / List*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [NextWarez](http://nextwarez.com/) - *Warez Lists*
* [mega-p2p](https://www.mega-p2p.net/) - *Warez Lists*
2021-10-04 07:01:09 -07:00
* [Seekr](https://w1w.files-seekr.com/) - *Download Search Files*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [WawaCity](https://www.wawacity.video/), [2](https://www.wawacity.vip/) - *Video / Audio / Books / Magazines / Software / Android / Use AdBlocker*
* [Tirexo](https://www.tirexo.com/), [2](https://www2.tirexo.lol/) - *Video / Audio / Books / Roms / Software / Android*
* [Free-Telecharger](https://ww2.free-telecharger.org/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-10-04 07:01:09 -07:00
* [DBFree](http://dbfree.me/) - *Books*
* [FRDownMags](https://fr.downmagaz.net/) - *Magazines*
2021-09-18 21:19:27 -07:00
* [CYGames](https://cygames.fr/) - *Games / [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/h78Jte2UQq)*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Abandonware France](https://www.abandonware-france.org/index.php) - *Abandonware*
## ▷ Torrenting
2021-10-04 07:01:09 -07:00
* [Torrent9](https://www.torrent9.so/), [2](https://www.torrent9.gg/), [3](https://www.torrent9.site/), [4](https://www.torrent9.gg/), [5](https://www4.torrent9.to/), [6](https://ww2.torrentz9.fr/) or [OXTorrent](https://www.oxtorrent.nz/), [2](https://oxtorrents.co/) - *Video Audio / Software / Games / Roms / Books*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Streaming
* [WawaCity](https://www.wawacity.video/), [2](https://www.wawacity.vip/) - *Video / Audio / Books / Magazines / Software / Android / Use AdBlocker*
* [Stream-Serie](https://video.stream-serie.cc/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [VK Streaming](https://vkstreaming.one/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-09-11 11:36:07 -07:00
* [Stream pour vous](https://wvv.streampourvous.ws/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [FilmZen](https://filmzenstream.online/) - *Movies*
* [OtakuFR](https://otakufr.co/) - *Anime*
2021-10-04 07:01:09 -07:00
* [French-Stream](https://french-stream.re/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [JetAnime](https://www.jetanimes.co/) - *Anime*
* [DBAnimes](https://dbanimes.com/) - *Anime*
* [Anime-Ultime](http://www.anime-ultime.net/) - *Anime*
* [VoirAnime](https://voiranime.com/) - *Anime*
* [VostFree](https://vostfree.com/) - *Anime*
* [SokroStream](https://sokrostream.top/) - *Movies / TV*
* [HDSS](https://hdss.la/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [WikiSeries](https://voir.wikiseries.co/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Streamay](https://www.streamay.to/) - *Movies / TV*
* [PapyStreaming](https://wwv.papystreaming.is/) - *Movies*
* [VFStream](https://stream-vf.club/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-09-11 11:36:07 -07:00
* [WiFlix](https://wiflix.site/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-08-13 02:26:09 -07:00
* [IPTV Streaming](http://iptv-streaming.tk/) - *Live IPTV*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [dtvd](https://dtvd.net/) or [liveschauen](https://liveschauen.com/) - *Live TV*
## ▷ Reading
* [Telecharger](https://telecharge-magazines.com/) - *Books / Magazines / NSFW*
* [Mon-Ebook](https://fr.mon-ebook.com/) - *Books / Fictions / Nonfiction / NSFW*
* [french-bookys](https://french-bookys.org/) - *Books / Magazines / Fiction / Nonfiction*
* [1001ebooks](https://go.1001ebooks.com/accueil/) - *Books / Fiction / Nonfiction*
* [pdf-ebookys](https://www.pdf-ebookys.com/) - *Books / Magazines / Fiction / Nonfiction*
* [VK Serial Books & Magazines](https://vk.com/sebomag) - *Books / Magazines*
* [Planet-DB](https://planete-bd.org/) - *Comics / Manga*
* [Audiocite](https://www.audiocite.net/) - *Audiobooks*
* [zone-ebook.com](https://zone-ebook.com/) - *Magazines / Newspapers / Books / Audiobooks / Comics*
* [fourtoutici](http://www.fourtoutici.pro/) - *Document Search*
* [scantrad](https://scantrad.net/) - *Manga*
* [scan-fr](https://www.scan-fr.cc/) - *Manga*
# ► German
2021-08-16 09:54:51 -07:00
* **[Tarnkappe](https://forum.tarnkappe.info/)** - *Piracy Discussion + [Telegram](https://t.me/Tarnkappe_info)*
* **[Awesome German Piracy](https://github.com/SeppPenner/awesome-german-piracy)** - *German / Piracy Site Index*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [RR.Topliste](https://toplist.raidrush.ws/) - *Piracy Site List*
* [xrel](https://www.xrel.to/) - *Scene Release & P2P Tracker*
## ▷ Downloading
* [Crawli](https://crawli.net/) - *Download Search*
* [Bestoflinks](http://bestoflinks.synology.me/) - *Warez / List*
* [ArchivX](https://www.archivx.to/) - *Warez / List*
* [LinkR](https://www.linkr.top/index.php) - *Warez / List*
* [3DL.TV](https://3dl.tv/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Books / Android / NSFW*
* [Goldesel](https://goldesel.to/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Android / NSFW*
* [byte.to](https://byte.to/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Android / Books / NSFW*
* [ngb](https://ngb.to/) - *Video / Software / Audio / Books / Android*
* [warez.to](https://warez.to/) - *Movies / TV / Games / Software / NSFW*
* [hd-direct.net](https://hd-direct.net/) - *Movies / TV / Anime / Games*
* [hd-source](https://hd-source.to/) - *Movies / TV / NSFW*
* [movie-blog](https://movie-blog.tv/) - *Movies / TV*
* [MLCBoard](https://mlcboard.com/) - *Movies*
* [German Telegram Movie Downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_german_telegram_movie_downloads) - *Movies*
* [Boerse](https://myboerse.bz/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Android / NSFW*
* [Animes.so](https://www.animes.so/) - *Anime*
* [serienjunkies](https://serienjunkies.org/) - *TV*
* [uu.canna.to](http://uu.canna.to/) - *Music / Audiobooks*
* [ddl-albums](https://ddl-albums.net/) - *MP3*
* [CasualGamers](https://casualgamers.club/) - *Games*
* [GLOAD](https://gload.to/) - *Games*
2021-10-02 23:56:05 -07:00
* [German Book Repository](https://rvdm5wlb3t4qaqkljs4ya545x6mh77wegdhu7t6iz6emh3f47u3sydyd.onion/) - *Books*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Streaming
* [StartSeite](https://startseite.to/) - *Movies / TV / List*
* [streamkiste](https://streamkiste.tv/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Burning Series](https://www.burning-series.net/) - *Movies / TV / Anime / Needs VPN*
* [filmpalast](https://filmpalast.to/) - *Movies / TV*
* [anime4you](https://www.anime4you.one/) - *Anime*
* [movieking](https://movieking.cc/) - *Movies*
* [HD-Streams](https://hd-streams.org/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Serien](https://serien.life/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Film Palast](https://filmpalast.club/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-09-18 21:19:27 -07:00
* [Kinox](https://www2.kinox.to/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [MovieTown](https://movietown.org/) - *Movies / TV*
* [KinoZ](https://kinoz.to/) - *Movies / TV / Anime / NSFW*
* [S.TO](https://s.to/) - *TV / Anime*
* [SRF.CH](https://www.srf.ch/) - *TV / Sports / Live*
* [Anime-Loads](https://www.anime-loads.org/) - *Anime*
2021-10-02 23:56:05 -07:00
* [Anicloud](https://anicloud.io/) - *Anime*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Dokuhouse](https://www.dokuhouse.de/) - *Documentaries*
* [dokustreams](https://dokustreams.de/) - *Documentaries*
* [Doku-Streams](http://doku-streams.com/) - *Documentaries*
* [dctp.tv](https://www.dctp.tv/) - *Documentaries*
* [dokuh.de](https://www.dokuh.de/) - *Documentaries*
* [doku](http://doku.me/) - *Documentaries*
2021-09-16 20:16:50 -07:00
* [Stiftung imai](https://www.stiftung-imai.de/) - *Video Archive*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [24DETV](https://www.24detv.de/) - *Live TV*
* [dtvd](https://dtvd.net/) or [liveschauen](https://liveschauen.com/) - *Live TV*
* [2ix2](https://www.2ix2.com/) or [fernsehen-de](https://www.fernsehen-de.com/) - *Live TV*
2021-09-17 13:10:22 -07:00
* [tvpinto](https://www.tvpinto.com/) - *Live TV*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [hoerspielprojekt](https://www.hoerspielprojekt.de/) - *Radio Plays*
* [ProxerAndroid](https://github.com/proxer/ProxerAndroid) - *Android / Anime*
* [Teapod](https://f-droid.org/packages/org.mosad.teapod) - *Android / Anime*
## ▷ Reading
* [Dokumen](https://dokumen.pub/) - *Books
* [VK Serial Books & Magazines](https://vk.com/sebomag) - *Books / Magazines*
* [EBook Land](http://www.ebook-land.cc/index.php) - *Books / Magazines*
* [ebook-hell](https://ebook-hell.to/) - *Books / Magazines / NSFW / Use adblocker*
* [DownMagaz](https://de.downmagaz.net/) - *Magazines / NSFW*
* [Hoerbuch](https://hoerbuch.us/) - *Audiobooks*
# ► Georgian
## ▷ Downloading
* [Warez.Ge](http://warez.ge/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Android*
## ▷ Streaming
* [adjaranet](https://www.adjaranet.com/) - *Movies / TV*
# ► Greek
## ▷ Streaming
* [Tainies](https://fevgatotv-tainies.com/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Tainio-Mania](https://tainio-mania.online/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [ELTube](https://www.eltube.gr/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Greek-Movies](https://greek-movies.com/) - *Movies / TV / Live / Courses*
# ► Hebrew
* [AB-Maps](https://www.abmaps.com/) - *Map Tool*
## ▷ Streaming
* [sdarot.tv](https://sdarot.tv/) - *TV / Anime / [Mirrors](https://rentry.co/mnvfw)*
* [JFC](https://jfc.org.il/) - *Movies*
# ► Hindi
## ▷ Downloading
* [9xMovies](https://9xmovies.land/) - *Movies / TV*
* [480p TV Shows](https://www.480ptvshows.com/) - *Movies / TV*
* [TheMoviesTalk](https://themoviestalk.icu/) - *Movies / TV / NSFW / [Telegram](https://t.me/themoviestalk123)*
* [Movies Point](https://mkvmoviespoint.gen.in/) - *Movies*
* [BDmusic](https://bdmusic23.bid/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-08-23 20:22:49 -07:00
* [mkvCinemas](https://www.mkvcinemas.pm/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-10-04 07:01:09 -07:00
* [MKV Mad](https://www.mkvmad.pro/) - *Movies / TV *
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [KatMovieHD](https://katmoviehd.se/) - *Movies / TV*
* [MoviesVerse](https://t.me/MoviesHomeOFFICIALS) - *Movies / TV / Telegram*
* [BollywoodCineplex](https://t.me/BollywoodCineplex) - *Movies*
* [MoviezAddiction](https://moviezaddiction.me/) - *Movies / TV / Telegram*
* [Gophie](https://gophie.cam/) - *Movies / TV*
* [DesiRulez](https://www.desirulez.cc/) - *Video / Audio*
2021-08-29 08:40:55 -07:00
* [Tomato.to](https://saavn.tomato.to/) - *Music*
* [Pagalworld](https://www.pagalworld.pw/) - *Music*
* [Original iTunes](https://originalitunes.blogspot.com/) - *Music*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Torrenting
* [bolly4u](https://bolly4u.life/ ) - *Movies / TV*
* [1TamilMV](http://ww16.1tamilmv.xyz/) - *Movies / TV*
## ▷ Streaming
* [IndianCine](https://indiancine.ma/) - *62k Indian Films / Short Films*
* [CineVood](https://cinevood.cyou/) - *Movies / TV*
* [mxplayer](https://www.mxplayer.in) - *Movies*
2021-09-18 21:19:27 -07:00
* [Bolly2Tolly](https://www.bolly2tolly.net/), [2](https://www.bolly2tolly.com/) - *Movies*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [World4uFree](https://world4ufree.cyou/) - *Movies / TV*
* [9xMovies](https://9xmovies.land/) - *Movies / TV*
* [4MovieRulz](https://4movierulz.mn/) - *Movies*
2021-09-18 21:19:27 -07:00
* [HHDMovies](https://hhdmovies.org/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [HindiLover](https://hindilover.biz/) - *TV*
* [OkJatt](https://okjatt.work/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-09-05 01:53:02 -07:00
* [HindiLinks4u](https://www.hindilinks4u.to/), [2](https://hindilinks4u.pro/) or [3](https://hindilinks4u.io/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Movies4](https://www.movies4.com.pk/) - *Movies / TV*
* [OnlineMovies8](https://www.onlinemovies8.com.pk/) - *Movies*
* [PakBcn](http://www.pakbcn.live/) - *TV / Live*
* [Dead Toons India](https://deadtoonsindia.net/) - *Cartoons / Anime*
* [DesiRulez](https://www.desirulez.cc/) - *Video / Audio*
* [kukufm.com](https://kukufm.com/) - *Podcasts / Radio / Audiobooks*
* [gaana](https://gaana.com/) - *Music*
* [hungama](https://www.hungama.com/music/) - *Music*
* [jiosaavn](https://www.jiosaavn.com/) - *Music*
* [PikaShow](https://shinchan.pages.dev/) - *Android / Movies / TV*
## ▷ Reading
* [BDEBooks](https://bdebooks.com/) - *Books*
* [Hindiebooks](https://t.me/Hindiebooks), [2](https://t.me/EbookzStuff) - *Books*
* [requesthindibooks](https://t.me/requesthindibooks) - *Books / Request*
* [English_Hindi_Novels_Magazine](https://t.me/English_Hindi_Novels_Magazine) - *Books / Magazines*
* [ENewspaperEarly](https://t.me/EnewsPaperEarly) - *Newspapers*
2021-08-23 20:22:49 -07:00
* [Sanskrit Documents](https://sanskritdocuments.org) - *Sacred Texts*
* [aryasamajjamnagar.org](https://www.aryasamajjamnagar.org/homepage.htm) - *Hinduism*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
# ► Hungarian
## ▷ Streaming
* [videa](https://videa.hu/) - *Search*
* [mozicsillag](https://mozicsillag.me/) - *Movies / TV*
* [onlinefilmekingyen](https://www.onlinefilmekingyen.com/) - *Movies*
* [sorozatbarat](https://www.sorozatbarat.online/) - *Movies / TV*
* [filmezz](https://filmezz.co/) - *Movies / TV*
# ► Indonesian
2021-09-19 11:44:21 -07:00
* [bebasid](https://github.com/bebasid/bebasid) - *Indonesian Site Unblock Proxy / [DNS](https://github.com/bebasid/bebasdns)*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Downloading
* [AnimeBatchs](https://animebatchs.net/) - *Anime*
## ▷ Streaming
* [Bioskopkeren](https://bioskopkeren.black/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Fl1x](https://fl1x.com/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-10-02 23:56:05 -07:00
* [Filmapik]( - *Movies / TV*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Ligaxxi](http://ligaxxi.xyz/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Neonime](https://neonime.site/) - *Anime*
2021-09-20 14:37:19 -07:00
* [Animasu](https://animasu.tv/) - *Anime*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
# ► Italian
## ▷ Downloading
* [euroStreaming](https://eurostreaming.vision/) - *Use deltabit / Movies / TV / Anime / Use AdBlocker*
2021-10-05 17:43:36 -07:00
* [GamesReplay](https://www.gamesreplay.net/) - *Retro Roms*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Streaming
* [Italian Streaming Sites List](https://rentry.co/t29tz)
* [euroStreaming](https://eurostreaming.vision/) - *Use deltabit / Movies / TV / Anime / Use AdBlocker*
* [Altaefinizione](https://altadefinizione.sh/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [guardaserie01](https://www.guardaserie01.uno/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Arcoiris TV](https://www.arcoiris.tv/) - *TV*
* [AnimeSaturn](https://www.animesaturn.it/) - *Anime*
* [AnimeWorld](https://www.animeworld.tv/) - *Anime*
## ▷ Reading
* [Solu](https://solu.zone/) - *Textbook Solutions*
# ► Japanese
* [lit.link](https://lit.link/) - *Link All Your Sites on One Page*
* [jpsubbers.xyz](http://jpsubbers.xyz/Japanese-Subtitles/) - *Japanese Subtitles for J-Dramas*
## ▷ Downloading
* [Akiba-Online](https://www.akiba-online.com/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Comics / NSFW*
* [Asia Media Blog](https://asiamediablog.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Magazines*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [Japan Media Blog](https://jpmdblog.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / [Telegram](https://t.me/japanmusicfree)*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [JPFILES](https://jpfiles.eu/) - *Video / Audio / Books / NSFW*
* [jpddl](https://jpddl.com/) - *Manga / Anime / Music / Drama*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [JPLearner](http://www.jplearner.to/) - *Video / Manga / Magazines*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [剧集](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OuJJg_zr4pG3EW2SYFyV4CaBxlyypZAQ) - *Anime / Drive*
2021-08-24 02:48:15 -07:00
* [Anime Raws Masterlist](https://sites.google.com/view/animerawsmasterlist/home) - *Anime*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [AnimeTime](https://www.animetime.pw/) - *Anime*
* [arearaw](http://arearaw.com/) - *Anime / Use Tor*
* [MinimumMusic](https://minimummusic.com/) - *Music / MP3 / FLAC*
* [Sukidesuost](https://sukidesuost.info/) - *Music / MP3 / FLAC*
* [Hikarinoakariost](https://hikarinoakari.com/) - *Music / MP3*
* [jpop80ss](https://jpop80ss2.blogspot.com/)- *Music / MP3*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [JPopSingles](https://www.jpopsingles.eu/) - *Music / MP3 / FLAC*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [9tensu](http://www.9tensu.com/) - *Music / MP3*
* [DoujinStyle.com](https://doujinstyle.com/) - *Music / MP3*
* [Music Fusion World](https://fusion-world-30.blogspot.com/) - *Music / MP3*
* [J-pop Music Download](https://jpop.xyz/) - *Music / MP3 / FLAC*
* [フリーソフトウェアの倉庫](http://nekomimi.la.coocan.jp/freesoft/index.htm) - *Software*
2021-09-18 21:19:27 -07:00
* [Qoo-App](https://www.qoo-app.com/en) - *Android Games*
2021-09-09 16:00:55 -07:00
* [Perfect Dark](http://kasumi.moe/pd/) - *P2P App*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2021-08-24 06:50:14 -07:00
## ▷ Torrenting
* [Beatrice](https://beatrice-raws.org/) - *Anime*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Streaming
* [Drama Sites](https://saidit.net/s/freemediaheckyeah/wiki/storage#wiki_asian_drama_sites)
* [muryoueigadrama](https://muryoueigadrama.com/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [mhometheater](http://mhometheater.com/) - *Movies / Anime*
* [muryoueiga](https://muryoueiga.site/) - *Movies*
* [momotheater](https://momotheater.com/) - *Movies / Anime*
* [yume551](https://yume551.com/) - *Movies / Anime / NSFW*
* [fmmiithuketa](https://fmmiithuketa.blog.fc2.com/) - *Movies / Anime*
* [JP-Films](https://jp-films.com/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Abema](https://abema.tv/) - *Live TV*
* [webcinema](https://webcinema.wwww.jp/) - *Anime / [Drive](https://siritai.folder.jp/)*
* [AnimeTime](https://www.animetime.pw/) - *Anime*
* [b9good](http://b9good.com/) - *Anime*
* [AnimeLon](https://animelon.com/) - *Anime / Learn Japanese*
* [Japanese Animated Film Classics](https://animation.filmarchives.jp/index.html) - *Japanese Animated Film Archive*
* [National Film Archive of Japan](https://meiji.filmarchives.jp/) - *Japanese Film Archive*
* [AQ Stream](https://aqstream.com/) - *Live TV*
* [kuukunen](https://touhou.kuukunen.net/) - *Music*
* [Live Japanese M3u](https://ufile.io/vh9e2j6h) - *M3u File for VLC*
## ▷ Reading
* [senmanga](https://raw.senmanga.com/) - *Manga / Novels / NSFW*
* [manga1000](https://manga1000.com/) or [manga1001](https://manga1001.com/) - *Manga / NSWF*
* [rawdevart](https://rawdevart.com/) - *Manga*
* [mangaraid](https://mangaraid.com/) - *Manga / NSFW*
* [MangaBox](https://www.mangabox.me/) - *Manga*
* [DLRaw](https://dlraw.net/) - *Manga*
2021-09-16 20:16:50 -07:00
* [MangasRaw](https://mangas-raw.com/) - *Manga*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [13DL](http://13dl.net/) - *Manga / Novels / NSFW*
* [dl-raw](https://dl-raw.net/) - *Manga / Novels / NSFW*
* [jpraw](https://jpraw.net/) - *Manga / NSFW*
* [Honto](https://honto.jp/cp/ebook/recent/free.html) - *Manga / NSFW*
* [manga-zip](https://manga-zip.net/), [2](https://manga-zip.info/) - *Manga / NSFW*
* [dl-zip](http://dl-zip.com/) - *Manga / NSFW*
* [CMOA](https://www.cmoa.jp/) - *Manga*
* [shobonnexus](https://shobonnexus.com/) - *Novels / Magazines*
* [watanoc](http://watanoc.com/) - *Articles / Learn Japanese*
# ► Korean
* [ZoaLink](https://zoalink.com/) - *Korean Sites Index*
2021-10-04 07:01:09 -07:00
* [dic.daum](https://dic.daum.net/) or [Speller](http://speller.cs.pusan.ac.kr/) - *Korean Translator, Spellchecker & more*
* [TakakTadak](https://tadaktadak.co.kr/) - *Korean Practice & English Learning*
2021-10-02 23:56:05 -07:00
* [EBS](https://www.ebs.co.kr/) - *Korean Courses the Visually / Hearing Impaired*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Downloading
* [Torrentrank](https://torrentrank.net/) - *Warez list*
* [bobaelink](https://www.bobaelink.net/) - *Warez list*
* [JPFILES](https://jpfiles.eu/) - *Video / Audio / Books / NSFW*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [PDPop](https://www.pdpop.com/) - *Video / Games / Books / NSFW*
* [WeDisk](https://www.wedisk.co.kr/) - *Movies / TV*
* [CinEast](https://cineaste.co.kr/) - *Movies*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Jpapas](https://jpapas.tistory.com/) - *Modded APKs*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [J-pop Music Download](https://jpop.xyz/) - *Music*
* [4Sashi](https://4sashi.com/) - *Music*
* [KPopExplorer](https://kpopexplorer.net/) - *Music*
* [k2nblog](https://k2nblog.com/) or [HulkPop](http://hulkpop.top/) - *Music*
* [ilKPOP](https://ilkpop.com/) - *Music*
* [KPopSea](https://kpopsea.com/) - *Soundtracks*
* [VTH88](http://vth88.blogspot.com/) - *Music Videos*
* [Devil Joo](https://devil-joo.blogspot.com/) - *Music Videos*
## ▷ Torrenting
* [TorrentHaja](https://torrenthaja.com/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Books*
2021-09-04 06:10:39 -07:00
* [Torrentube](https://torrentube.net/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Streaming
* [Drama Sites](https://saidit.net/s/freemediaheckyeah/wiki/storage#wiki_asian_drama_sites)
* [HindiLover](https://hindilover.biz/) - *TV*
* [AQ Stream](https://aqstream.com/) - *Live TV*
## ▷ Reading
* [MangaViewAndroid](https://github.com/junheah/MangaViewAndroid) - *Manga / Android*
2021-10-02 23:56:05 -07:00
* [Dict.Naver](https://dict.naver.com/) - *Korean Dictionary*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
# ► Norwegian
## ▷ Streaming
* [NRK TV](https://tv.nrk.no/) - *Norwegian / Streaming / Movies / TV*
## ▷ Reading
* [Nasjonalbiblioteket](https://www.nb.no/english/the-digitizing-process) - *Books*
# ► Persian
2021-08-12 03:49:40 -07:00
* [Wudooh](https://wudooh.app/) - *Make Persian Text Clearer*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Awesome AI channels](https://github.com/AminTaheri23/Awesome-AI-telegram-gp-and-channel) - *Persian Telegram Bot Index*
* [iranzirnevis](https://iranzirnevis.com/) - *Subtitles*
* [Free VPN Telegram Channels](https://bin.disroot.org/?85b66e37980b245e#DRbHouuNMfXGRdqPs68y6nGLULhHdvdXzuPdDmBxsyi2) - *Free VPN / Telegram*
* [Targoman](http://targoman.ir/) - *Translator / [GitHub](https://github.com/targoman)*
## ▷ Downloading
* **[downloadha](https://www.downloadha.com/)** - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Android*
* **[ClubFilm](https://clubfilm4.xyz/)** - *Movies / TV*
* [TelFiles_Bot](https://t.me/TelFiles_Bot) - *Persian File to Direct Link Telegram Bot*
* [p30download](https://p30download.ir/) - *[Use Proxy](https://www.proxynova.com/proxy-server-list/country-ir)*
* [soft98](https://soft98.ir/) - *Software / Courses / eBooks*
* [Asian Drama Sites (Persian)](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_persian_asian_drama_download)
* [Persian Telegram Courses](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_persian_telegram_courses)
* [TeleLeecherbot](https://t.me/TeleLeecherbot), [Moviebleecherbot](https://t.me/Moviebleecherbot) or [kLeechBot](https://t.me/kLeechBot) - *Persian Movie Leech Telegram Bots*
* [FilmgramBot](https://t.me/FilmgramBot) or [FileMovieBot](https://t.me/FileMovieBot) - *Persian Movie Search Telegram Bots*
* [Download.ir](https://download.ir/) - *Software / Video / Android / Games / Roms*
* [Patoghu](https://patoghu.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Android / Games*
* [Doostihaa](https://www.doostihaa.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games*
* [FileNiko](https://fileniko.com/) - *Video / Software / Games*
* [nikidaily](https://www.nikidaily.info/) - *Video / Audio*
* [dl1.3rver](https://dl1.3rver.org/), [2](https://dl2.3rver.org/ ), [3](https://dl3.3rver.org/) - *Movies / TV*
* [dlfars](https://dlfars.pw/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [MelliMovies](https://mellimovies2.tk/) - *Movies / TV*
* [RooDL](https://roozdl.com/) - *Movies / TV / Anime / [Drive](http://dl.roozdl.com/)*
* [Movibox](https://movibox.in/) - *Movies / Geo Restricted*
* [mrmovie](https://mrmovie5.space/) - *Movies / TV*
* [PlayStop](https://playstop.ir/) - *Movies / TV*
* [SalamDL](https://salamdl.me/) - *Movies / TV*
* [ValaMovie](https://valamovie.club/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Tik-Film](https://tik-film.com/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-09-30 20:51:04 -07:00
* [parsmovies](http://dl3.parsmovies.net/Movie/) - *Movies*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [NamaDL](http://namadl.ir/) - *Movies / TV*
* [GeMovie](https://gemovie.ir/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [GanjDL](http://www.ganjdl.ir/) - *Movies / TV*
* [HyMuZ](https://hymvz.fun/) - *Movies / TV*
* [MoboMovies](http://mobomovies4.ir/) - *Movies / TV*
* [KaranMovie](https://karanmovie.org/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Par30Media](https://par30media.com/) - *Movies / TV*
* [HamrahMovies](https://hamrahmoviees.ir/) - *Movies / TV*
* [HarmonyDL](https://www.harmonydl.us/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Mankan](https://mankan.pw/) - *Movies / TV*
* [DigiMoviez](https://digimoviez.com/) - *Movies / TV*
* [HexDownload](https://hexdownload.co/) - *Movies / TV*
* [pishgammovie](https://pishgammovie.ir/) - *Movies / TV*
* [My-Film](https://my-film.pw/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [MahanMovie](https://mahanmovie.com/) - *Movies / TV*
* [LineMovie](http://linemovie.ml/) - *Movies / TV*
* [S1Movie](https://s1movie.fun/) - *Movies / TV*
* [CenterDL](https://centerdl.ir/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-09-29 03:02:10 -07:00
* [raygans](https://raygans.top/) - *Movies*
* [filmha](https://filmha.top/) - *Movies*
* [film2media](https://www.film2media.website/) - *Movies*
* [FastMovie](https://dl2.fastmovie.ir/Animation/) - *Animated Movies*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [A101](http://a101.ir/) - *Anime*
* [anidlencodes](https://anidlencodes.xyz/) - *Anime*
* [List20](https://www.anime-list20.site/) - *Anime*
* [otakutales](https://otakutales.site/) - *Anime*
* [anime-list16](https://anime-list16.site/) - *Anime*
* [animesubtitle](https://animesubtitle.ir/) - *Anime*
* [filmgozar](https://filmgozar.com/category/anime/) - *Anime*
* [pop-music](https://pop-music.ir/) - *MP3*
* [Just Music](https://just-music.ir/) - *MP3*
* [BikalamMusic](http://www.bikalammusic.com/) - *MP3*
* [MusicDagh](https://www.musicdagh.ir/) - *MP3*
* [MusicGeek](https://musicgeek.ir/) - *MP3 / FLAC*
* [SongSara](https://songsara.net/) - *MP3 / FLAC*
* [FLACColdSong](https://t.me/flacoldsong) - *FLAC*
* [Pixinema](https://www.pixinema.ir/) - *Soundtracks*
* [game4pc](https://game4pc.ir) - *Games*
* [gold-team](https://gold-team.ir/) - *Games / Cracked Online Tutorials*
* [dastras](https://t.me/dastras) - *Android / Telegram*
* [git_ir](https://t.me/git_ir) - *Programming Training*
* [Hide01](https://hide01.ir/) - *Security / Antivirus / Courses*
* [Irmo](http://irmo.site/) - *Download Dubbed Audio*
## ▷ Torrenting
* [TorPlayBot](https://t.me/TorPlaybot) - *Torrent Download Telegram Bot*
## ▷ Streaming
* **[ClubFilm](https://clubfilm4.xyz/)** - *Movies / TV*
* [dlfars](https://dlfars.pw/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [MelliMovies](https://mellimovies2.tk/) - *Movies / TV*
* [filmha](https://filmha.top/) - *Movies*
* [FarsiLand](https://farsiland.com/) - *Movies / TV*
* [LiveFarsi](https://www.livefarsi.com/live-tv.html) - *Movies / TV / Live*
* [Anten.ir](https://www.anten.ir/) - *Live / TV / Sports*
* [PersianTVLive](http://www.persiantvlive.com/) - *Live TV*
* [Sepehr](https://sepehr.irib.ir/) - *Live TV*
* [MusicGeek](https://musicgeek.ir/) - *Music*
* [VMusic](https://vmusic.ir/) - *Music*
## ▷ Reading
* [parsbook.com](https://www.parsbook.com/) - *Educational / Programming / Engineering*
* [iranpaper](https://iranpaper.ir/) - *Documents*
* [Motamem](https://motamem.org/) - *Courses / Iran ip required*
# ► Polish
2021-09-20 14:37:19 -07:00
* [StreamBase](https://thesb.eu/) - *Warez List / [GitHub](https://github.com/RugFlipper/streambase) / [Discord](https://discord.gg/3wQ3WQabEp) / [Request](https://www.wykop.pl/ludzie/RugFlipper/)*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Downloading
* [animezone](https://www.animezone.pl/) - *Anime*
## ▷ Torrenting
* [Nitro.to](https://nitro.to/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / NSFW*
* [BitNova](https://bitnova.info/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / NSFW*
* [darmowe](https://darmowe-torenty.pl/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / NSFW*
## ▷ Streaming
* [Zalukaj](https://zalukaj.cc/) - *Movies*
* [Repozytorium ](http://repozytorium.fn.org.pl/?q=pl) - *Movies*
* [cda-hd](https://cda-hd.cc/) - *Movies / TV*
* [filman.cc](https://filman.cc/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Anime Odcinki](https://anime-odcinki.pl/) - *Anime*
2021-09-18 21:19:27 -07:00
* [FilmPolski](https://filmpolski.pl/fp/index.php) - *Polish Video Archive*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Reading
* [wolnelektury](https://wolnelektury.pl/) - *Books / Fiction*
* [Audiobook PL](https://audiobookpl.tumblr.com/) - *Audiobooks*
* [K1n013f0ur's Pastebin](https://pastebin.com/u/k1n013f0ur) - *Audiobooks*
* [doci.pl](https://doci.pl/) - *Documents*
* [docer.pl](https://docer.pl/) - *Documents*
# ► Portuguese
2021-09-20 14:37:19 -07:00
* [LegendaOfficial](http://legendaoficial.net/), [LegendasDivx](https://www.legendasdivx.pt/, [Legendas.tv](http://legendas.tv/), [Legendas](https://legendas.co/), [Legendas.dev](https://legendas.dev/) or [Leganda-Zone](https://www.legendas-zone.org/) - *Subtitles*
2021-09-29 03:02:10 -07:00
* [Portuguese Browser Games](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_portuguese_browser_games)
* [Atari2600](http://www.atari2600.com.br/) - *Browser Emulator*
* [Racha Cuca](https://rachacuca.com.br/) - *Puzzles & Trivia*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Downloading
* [Warez-Box](http://www.warez-box.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books*
* [GIGATUGA](https://gtuga.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / NSFW*
* [baixarseriesmp4](https://www.baixarseriesmp4.net/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [Os Reformados](http://osreformados.com/) - *Video / Audio / Magazines*
* [Tugakids](https://tugakids.biz/) - *Movies / TV / Dubbed / Registration Required*
* [Series Empire](https://seriesempire.com/) - *TV*
2021-09-29 03:02:10 -07:00
* [Jogatina](https://www.jogatina.com/) - *Android Games*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Torrenting
* [Onde Baixa](https://ondebaixa.com/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [SeriesFIlmesTorrent](https://seriesfilmestorrent.net/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
## ▷ Streaming
* [Mr. Piracy](https://mrpiracy.site/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-08-12 03:49:40 -07:00
* [TheFilmes](https://thefilmes.tv/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
2021-09-18 21:19:27 -07:00
* [Vizer.tv](https://vizer.tv/) - *Movies/ TV / Anime*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [GoFilmes](https://gofilmes.me/hd/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-09-29 03:02:10 -07:00
* [MaxSeries](https://maxseries.top/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [NetMovies](http://www.netmovies.com.br/) - *Movies / TV*
* [querofilmehd](https://querofilmehd.net/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [AnimeFire](https://animefire.net/) - *Anime*
2021-10-05 17:43:36 -07:00
* [AnimeLog](https://animeslog.com/) - *Anime*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [AnimeVision](https://animesvision.biz/) - *Anime*
2021-09-18 21:19:27 -07:00
* [Kultivi](https://app.kultivi.com/) - *Courses*
* [PrimeCursos](https://www.primecursos.com.br/) - *Courses*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Reading
* [Le Livros](https://lelivros.love/) - *Books*
* [Biblioteca Brasiliana](https://digital.bbm.usp.br/) - *Books*
* [Tudo De Bom em Audiolivros](https://tudodebomemaudiobooks.blogspot.com/) - *Audiobooks*
# ► Romanian
## ▷ Streaming
* [FSOline](http://www.filmeserialeonline.org/) - *Movies / TV*
* [HindiLover](https://hindilover.biz/) - *TV*
# ► Russian
2021-08-16 09:54:51 -07:00
* **[РосКомСвобода](https://t.me/roskomsvoboda_discuss)** - *Piracy Discussion Telegram*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [DXP](https://dxp.ru/) - *Torrent / Subtitles*
* [TLauncher Legacy](https://tlaun.ch/) - *Minecraft Client / Cracked Minecraft*
* [netwhood](https://netwhood.online/) - *Communication Network*
* [Proxy-Checker](https://proxy-checker.net/) - *Proxy Checker*
## ▷ Downloading
* [dchublist](https://dchublist.ru/hubs/) - *Warez / List*
* [rublacklist](https://reestr.rublacklist.net/?status=1&gov=4&paginate_by=50), [2](https://reestr.rublacklist.net/?status=1&gov=24&paginate_by=50) - *Warez list*
* [nemo-crack](https://nemo-crack.org/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Roms / Books*
* [cwer](http://cwer.ru/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Android*
* [rsload](https://rsload.net/) - *Software / Android / Games*
* [2BakSa](http://2baksa.ws/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Books*
2021-08-20 11:47:39 -07:00
* [Kinogo](https://kinogo.la/) - *Movies / TV / Anime / [Telegram](https://t.me/kinogoby)*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [allmults](https://allmults.org/) - *Movies*
* [COMSS.CLUB](https://www.comss.ru/) - *Software / Android*
* [DIAKOV](https://diakov.net/) - *Software*
* [LRepacks](https://lrepacks.ru/) - *Software*
2021-09-19 12:19:53 -07:00
* [AppsTorrent](https://appstorrent.ru/) - *Mac Software*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [muzlishko](http://www.muzlishko.ru/) - *MP3*
* [Tancpol](https://tancpol.net/) - *MP3*
* [kinosoundtrack](https://www.kinosoundtrack.com/) - *MP3*
2021-09-29 03:02:10 -07:00
* [MailboxDrive](http://www.mailboxdrive.com/) - *MP3*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Shazam Music](https://t.me/shazam_music_uz) - *MP3*
* [MetalArea](https://metalarea.org/) - *Metal / MP3*
* [MDCORE](https://vk.com/mdcore) - *Metal / MP3*
* [MDROCK](https://vk.com/mdrock) - *Rock / MP3*
* [KinoMuzic](https://kinomuzic.ucoz.ru/) - *Books / Soundtracks*
* [soundkino](https://www.soundkino.biz/) - *Soundtracks*
2021-09-16 20:16:50 -07:00
* [androeed](https://www.androeed.ru/) - *Android*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [4pda](https://4pda.ru/forum/) - *Android / iOS*
* [PDALIFE](https://pdalife.ru/) - *Android / iOS / PSP*
* [Course Hunter](https://coursehunter.net/) - *Programming / Courses*
* [prowebber](https://prowebber.ru/) - *Nulled Webmaster Scripts*
## ▷ Torrenting
2021-08-16 09:54:51 -07:00
* **[RuTracker](http://rutracker.org)** - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Android / Comics / Magazines + [Onion](http://rutrackerripnext.onion/)*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [UpTracker](https://www.uptracker.ru/) - *Torrent Tracker Index*
* [krasfs](https://krasfs.ru/) - *Torrent Search*
* [torrent.by](http://torrent.by/) - *Torrent Search*
* [rutracker.ru](http://rutracker.ru/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Books / Software / Android / NSFW*
* [rutor](http://rutor.info/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Books / Roms / Magazines*
* [NNTT](http://www.nntt.org/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Magazines / Android*
* [Dark-OS](https://dark-os.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Roms / Books / Magazines / Android / NSFW*
* [Rus-Media](http://rus-media.org/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Roms / Books / Magazines / Android / NSFW*
* [URALTRACK](http://uraltrack.net/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Roms / Books / Magazines*
* [PB.wtf](https://pb.wtf/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Comics / Magazines / Android / NSFW*
* [IvTracker](http://ivtracker.org/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Roms / Books / Magazines / Android / NSFW*
* [IV-Torrents](https://iv-torrents.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Roms / Books / Android / NSFW*
* [Riper.AM](http://riperam.org/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Magazines / Android / NSFW*
* [Tapochek](https://tapochek.net/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books*
* [Korsars](http://korsars.pro/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books*
* [nionDHT](http://uniondht.org/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / NSFW*
* [SeedOff](https://seedoff.zannn.top/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books*
* [rustorka](http://rustorka.com/forum/index.php) - *Games / Roms / Audio / Books / Magazines / Software / Android / Video*
* [Torrent24](https://torrent24.ru/) - *Video / Audio / Games*
* [HDReactor](https://hdreactor.club/) - *Movies / Games / NSFW*
* [DugTor](http://dugtor.ru/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games*
* [NNM-Club](https://nnmclub.to/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games*
* [ZLOTracker](http://zlotracker.org/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books*
* [GOLDtracker](http://goldtracker.org/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Books*
* [Spaider](http://spaider.net/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Roms*
* [DDGroupClub](http://ddgroupclub.win/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Roms / Books*
* [HDReactor](https://hdreactor.club/) - *Video / Audio / Games / NSFW*
* [GTorrent](http://gtorrent.pro/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games*
* [Utor.pp](http://utor.pp.ua/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Roms / Books*
* [Fast torrent](http://fast-torrent.ru/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [FireBit](http://firebit.org/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books*
* [BigFanGroup](https://bigfangroup.org/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [torrentss](https://torrentss.ru/) - *Movies / TV / Games / Music*
* [ByTorent](http://bytorent.ru/) - *Video / Audio / Software*
* [Animelayer](http://animelayer.ru/) - *Anime*
* [TFILMS](http://films-torrent.ru/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Torrent.Northnet](http://torrent.northnet.ru/) - *Movies / TV*
* [HDGALAKTIKA](http://hdgalaktik.com/) - *Movies*
* [kinozal](http://kinozal.tv/) - *Movies*
* [toreents.club](http://toreents.club/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Underver](https://underver.se/) - *Movies / TV*
* [FileBase](http://www.filebase.ws/) - *Movies*
* [androidkino](https://androidkino.net/) - *Movies / TV*
* [bitru](https://bitru.org/) - *Movies*
* [DarkLibria](https://darklibria.it/) - *Anime*
* [RGFootball](http://rgfootball.net/) - *Sports*
* [туттоп](https://tuttop.com/) - *Games*
* [Small-Games](https://small-games.info/) - *Small Games*
* [hit-muzik](https://hit-muzik.ru/) - *Music / MP3*
* [vrocke](http://vrocke.info/) - *Music / MP3*
* [opamuzika](http://www.opamuzika.ru/) - *Music / MP3*
* [Flactor](https://flactor.ru/) - *Music / FLAC*
## ▷ Streaming
* [rezka](https://rezka.ag/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [baskino](http://baskino.me/) - *Movies*
2021-08-20 11:47:39 -07:00
* [Kinogo](https://kinogo.la/) - *Movies / TV / Anime / [Telegram](https://t.me/kinogoby)*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Kinotochka](https://kinotochka.co/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [filmix](https://filmix.co/) - *Movies*
* [kinokong](https://kinokong.org/) - *Movies / TV*
* [RussianFilmHub](https://russianfilmhub.com/) - *Movies / TV*
* [viho.live](https://viho.live/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [hdzo](https://hdzo.tv/) - *Movies / TV*
* [seasonvar](http://seasonvar.ru/) - *TV*
* [Kino-Dom](http://kino-dom.org/) - *TV*
* [otakustudio](http://www.otakustudio.tv/) - *Anime*
* [DarkLibria](https://darklibria.it/) - *Anime*
* [Soviet Movies Online](https://sovietmoviesonline.com/cartoons) - *Cartoons*
* [Dokonlin.ru](https://www.dokonlin.ru/) - *Documentaries*
* [VseDoramy](https://vsedoramy.net/) - *Asian Drama*
* [livetv](http://livetv.sx/) - *Live Sports*
* [myzuka](https://myzuka.club/) - *Music*
* [muzlishko](http://www.muzlishko.ru/) - *Music*
* [pesnigoo](https://pesnigoo.ru/) - *Music*
* [Tancpol](https://tancpol.net/) - *Music*
* [MDCORE](https://vk.com/mdcore) - *Metal Music*
2021-09-26 22:31:03 -07:00
* [HDVideoBox](https://forum.mobilism.org/viewtopic.php?f=429&t=4505325) - *Movies / TV / Anime / Android*
2021-08-21 17:34:05 -07:00
* [OpenEDU](https://openedu.ru/) - *Courses*
* [Teach.in](https://teach-in.ru/) - *Lectures*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Reading
2021-08-16 09:54:51 -07:00
* **[CyberLeninka](https://cyberleninka.ru/)** - *Articles / Educational / Scientific / Legal*
* **[Lib.ru](http://lib.ru/)** - *Books*
* **[Flibusta](https://flibusta.is/)** - *Books + [Onion](http://flibustahezeous3.onion/) / Requires account*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [VK Book DL Pages](https://redd.it/kne0ba)
* [LoveRead.ec](http://loveread.ec/) - *Books / NSFW*
2021-08-17 03:32:17 -07:00
* [Twirpx](https://www.twirpx.com/) - *Books / Educational*
* [studmed](https://www.studmed.ru/) - *Books / Educational*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [kodges](https://www.kodges.ru/) - *Books*
2021-08-17 03:32:17 -07:00
* [rusneb](https://rusneb.ru/) - *Books*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [royallib](https://royallib.com/) - *Books*
* [Filibusta](https://flibusta.site/) - *Books*
* [coollib](https://coollib.xyz/) - *Books*
* [rulit](https://www.rulit.me/) - *Books*
2021-08-12 06:08:01 -07:00
* [ibookscafe](https://bookscafe.net/) - *Books / NSFW*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [sblib](http://sblib3fk2gryb46d.onion/) - *Books / .onion*
* [KinoMuzic](https://kinomuzic.ucoz.ru/) - *Books / Soundtracks*
* [MirKnig.sur ](http://mirknig.su/) - *Books / Fiction / Nonfiction*
* [booktracker](https://booktracker.org/) - *Books / Audiobooks / Comics / Magazines / NSFW*
* [readmanga](https://readmanga.live/) - *Manga*
* [mmnt](https://www.mmnt.ru/) - *Document Search*
* [Samlib ](http://samlib.ru/) - *Document Search*
* [militera](http://militera.org/) - *Military History*
* [Arzamas](https://arzamas.academy/) - *Cultural History*
* [Playing Soviet](https://commons.princeton.edu/soviet/) - *Children's Books*
* [Baza Knig](https://baza-knig.ru/), [Аудиокниги Клуб](https://akniga.org/), [A-Book](https://a-book.info/), [Bibl](https://m.bibl.us/), [Knizhkin](https://knizhkin.net/), [Aknigi Online](https://aknigionline.ru/), [A Book Club](http://abook-club.ru/), [Bibl.us](https://bibl.us/) - *Audiobooks*
# ► Spanish
2021-09-20 14:37:19 -07:00
* [jogos10](http://www.jogos10.com/) or [Minijuegos](https://www.minijuegos.com/) - *Browser Games*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Catflix](https://www.championcat.cl/catflix/) - *Cats!*
## ▷ Downloading
* [identi](https://identi.io/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games*
* [Foro Warez](https://forowarez.net/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Comics*
* [ChileComparte](http://www.chilecomparte.cl/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Books / Magazines / Comics / Android*
* [CompucaliTV](https://www.compucalitv.com/) - *Video / Software / Games*
2021-09-16 20:16:50 -07:00
* [ZonaLeRoS](https://www.zona-leros.net/) - *Video / Games*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [GamesMega](https://gamesmega.net/) - *Games / Roms*
* [divxonline](https://www.divxonline.tv/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Filmoteca Hawkmenblues](https://hawkmenblues.net/) - *Movies*
* [SomosMovies](https://somosmovies.com/) - *Movies*
* [MiCineHD ](https://www.micinehd.com/) - *Movies / TV*
* [DescargasDD](https://descargasdd.net/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Movies, Series ... in Spanish](https://redd.it/ns0y6c) - *Movies / TV*
* [Peliculas 480p](https://t.me/cinema480p) - *Movies / Telegram*
* [dyndns](http://fina.dyndns.tv/) - *TV*
* [ddl.ice](https://ddl.ice-blue.workers.dev/0:/) - *Anime*
* [DownloadsMega](https://t.me/DownloadsMega) - *Video / Audio / Telegram*
* [Spanish Anime Telegram Channels](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_spanish_anime_telegram)
* [Tododescargas](https://tododescargas.net/) - *Software*
* [VictorRaulRR](https://victorraulrr.info/) - *Modded APKs*
## ▷ Torrenting
2021-09-18 21:19:27 -07:00
* [Mejor Torrent](https://www.mejortorrents.net/), [2](https://www.mejortorrento.net/), [3](https://mejortorrent.one/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [dontorrent](https://dontorrent.net/) - *Video / Audio / Games*
* [DivxTotal](https://www.divxtotal.one/) - *Movies / TV / Software*
* [Edvok](https://edvok.com/) - *Video / Games*
* [EliteTorrent](https://www.elitetorrent.com/) - *Movies / TV*
* [zonatorrent](https://zonatorrent.tv/) - *Movies / TV*
* [divxonline](https://www.divxonline.tv/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Grantorrent](https://grantorrent.nl/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-09-18 21:19:27 -07:00
* [EstrenosDTL](https://www.estrenosdtl.nz/) - *Movies*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [MoviesDVDR](https://www.moviesdvdr.co/) - *Movies*
* [Animextremist](http://animextremist.com/) - *Anime / Manga*
## ▷ Streaming
* [HDFull](https://hdfull.lv/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [Cuevana3](https://cuevana3.io/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Pelisplus](https://pelisplus.me/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Pelispedia](https://www.pelispedia.de/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Pelispedia 2](https://www.pelispedia2.vip/) - *Movies / TV*
* [PelisFlix](https://pelisflix.io/) - *Movies / TV*
* [G Nula](https://gnula.se/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [gnula.nu](http://gnula.nu/) - *Movies / TV*
* [Cliver](https://www.cliver.to/) - *Movies*
2021-09-19 11:44:21 -07:00
* [Repelis24](https://repelis24.co/) - *Movies / TV*
2021-09-29 03:02:10 -07:00
* [Pelis28](https://pelis28.site/) - *Movies*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [HomeCine](https://homecine.me/) - *Movies*
* [Zoowoman](https://zoowoman.website/) - *Movies*
* [Danimados](https://danimados.com) - *TV / Anime*
* [novelas360](https://novelas360.com/) - *TV*
* [HindiLover](https://hindilover.biz/) - *TV*
2021-09-18 21:19:27 -07:00
* [Vix](https://www.vix.com/tv/) - *TV*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [Dilo](https://www.dilo.nu/) - *TV / Anime*
* [JKAnime](https://jkanime.net/) - *Anime*
* [AnimeFénix](https://animefenix.com/) - *Anime*
* [TioAnime](https://tioanime.com/) - *Anime*
* [Animeflv](https://www3.animeflv.net/) - *Anime*
* [Anitube](https://www.anitube.site/) - *Anime*
* [animeblix](https://animeblix.com/) - *Anime*
* [Anime Online Sub](https://www.animeonlinesub.com/) - *Anime*
* [Monoschinos](https://monoschinos2.com/) - *Anime*
* [danimados](https://danimados.com/) - *Cartoons*
* [serieslan](https://serieslan.com/) - *Cartoons*
* [Blog De Plis](https://www.blogdepelis.tv/) - *Spanish Disney+*
* [NoireStyle](https://noirestyle.com/) - *Film Noir*
* [Edutin Academy](https://edutin.com/) - *Courses*
2021-09-11 11:36:07 -07:00
* [UKIKU](https://ukiku.ga/) - *Anime APK*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Reading
* [epublibre](https://www.epublibre.org/) - *Books*
* []( - *Books*
* [ebiblioteca](https://ebiblioteca.org/) - *Books*
* [Libros Gratis](https://descargalibrosxd.com/) - *Books*
* [Libros Gratis XYZ](https://zonadelibrosxyz.com/) - *Books*
* [Ebookelo](https://www.ebookelo.com/) - *Books*
* [bajaebooksgratis](https://bajaebooksgratis.com/) - *Books*
* [pirateca](https://pirateca.com/) - *Books*
* [lelibros](https://lelibros.online/) - *Books*
* [ePub Gratis](https://wvw.epubgratis.org/) - *Books*
* [cvillavicencio](https://www.cvillavicencio.com/archivos/?dir=ebooks) - *Books*
* [albalearning](https://albalearning.com/) - *Audiobooks*
* [leomanga](https://leomanga.me/) - *Manga*
* [mangadoor](http://mangadoor.com/) - *Manga*
* [Ninemanga](https://ninemanga.net/) - *Manga*
* [TuMangaOnline ](https://lectortmo.com/) - *Manga*
* [Manga en Español](https://t.me/manga_es) - *Manga*
* [HeavenManga](http://heavenmanga.com/) - *Manga*
* [SubManga](https://submanga.io/) - *Manga*
* [InManga](https://inmanga.com/) - *Manga*
* [MangasEnPdf](https://t.me/MangasEnPdf) - *Manga / Telegram*
* [tupropiaaventura_bot](https://t.me/tupropiaaventura_bot) - *Books / Telegram*
2021-09-29 03:02:10 -07:00
* [Recetas Vegetarianas](https://recetasvegetarianas.netlify.app/) - * Vegan Recipes*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
# ► Tamil
## ▷ Streaming
* [TamilCrow](https://www.1tamilcrow.com/) - *Movies / TV*
* [TamilYogi](http://tamilyogi.cool/), [2](http://tamilyogi.best/) - *Movies*
* [tamilgun.tw](https://tamilgun.tw/) - *Movies / TV*
# ► Thai
## ▷ Downloading
* [anime-sugoi](https://anime-sugoi.com/) - *Anime / [Proxy](http://free-proxy.cz/en/proxylist/country/TH/all/ping/all)*
## ▷ Streaming
* [movie222hd](https://movie222hd.com/) - *Movies / TV*
* [doomovie-hd](https://www.doomovie-hd.com/) - *Movies / TV*
* [037hdmovie](https://www.037hdmovie.com/) - *Movies*
* [movie11](https://movie11.com/) - *Movies*
* [anime-sugoi](https://anime-sugoi.com/) - *Anime / [Proxy](http://free-proxy.cz/en/proxylist/country/TH/all/ping/all)*
## ▷ Reading
* [niceoppai](https://www.niceoppai.net/) - *Manga*
* [kingsmanga](https://www.kingsmanga.net/) - *Manga*
# ► Turkish
2021-08-20 06:28:03 -07:00
* [TurkceAltyazi](https://turkcealtyazi.org/index.php) - *Turkish Subtitles*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Downloading
* [Mayonez](http://www.mayonez.net/) - *Video / Books / Magazines / Games / Android / GFX Software*
* [Fullhdfilmizlesene](https://www.fullhdfilmizlesene.com/) - *Movies / Choose Voltran & press "скачать" for DL's*
* [MP3 Indir](https://www.mp3indirdur.mobi/) - *Music*
## ▷ Streaming
* [Fullhdfilmizlesene](https://www.fullhdfilmizlesene.com/) - *Movies / Choose Voltran & press "скачать" for DL's*
* [JetFilmizle](https://jetfilmizle.live/) - *Movies / TV*
* [hdfilmcehennemi](https://www.hdfilmcehennemi.net/) - *Movies / TV*
* [turkish123](https://turkish123.com/) - *TV*
* [HindiLover](https://hindilover.biz/) - *TV*
* [TurkAnime](https://www.turkanime.net/) - *Anime*
## ▷ Reading
* [eskikitaplarim](https://www.eskikitaplarim.com/) - *Books / Comics / Magazines*
* [Kuflu](https://www.kuflu.com/forums/e-kitap.58/) - *Books / Magazines*
2021-08-24 22:01:09 -07:00
* [Hattusa](https://hattusa.live/) - *Books*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [cizgidiyari](http://www.cizgidiyari.com/forum/) - *Comics*
2021-08-24 22:01:09 -07:00
* [turkcecizgiroman](https://turkcecizgiroman.blogspot.com/) - *Comics*
* [Manga-TR](https://manga-tr.com/) - *Manga*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
# ► Vietnamese
## ▷ Downloading
* [HDVietnam](http://www.hdvietnam.com/forums/) - *Video / Audio / Software*
2021-09-09 16:00:55 -07:00
* [Taiwebs](https://taiwebs.com/) - *Software / Android*
2021-09-18 21:19:27 -07:00
* [SoftBuzz](https://softbuzz.net/) - *Software / Games*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [freehd](https://freehd.me/) - *Movies / TV / Anime*
* [chiasenhac](https://chiasenhac.vn/) - *Music*
2021-09-18 21:19:27 -07:00
* [anonytrick](https://anonytrick.com/) - *Software*
* [chiasecongnghe](https://chiasecongnghe.net/) - *Software*
* [taomaytinh](https://taomaytinh.com/) - *Software*
* [fullcrack](http://fullcrack.vn/) - *Software*
* [iphanmem](https://iphanmem.net/) - *Software*
* [khophanmem24h](https://khophanmem24h.com/) - *Software*
* [gofazone](https://gofazone.com/) - *Software*
* [msdnvietnam](https://msdnvietnam.net/) - *Software*
* [taivacaidat](https://taivacaidat.com/) - *Software*
* [kysuthietke](https://kysuthietke.com/) - *Engineering Software*
## ▷ Streaming
* [Phimplay](https://phimplay.com/) - *Movies*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
## ▷ Reading
* [ShareScript](https://sharescript.net/) - *Script / Code Index*
2021-08-22 07:19:57 -07:00
* [Trang chủ](https://ln.hako.re/) - *Light Novels*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
# ► Multi Indian Languages
2021-09-19 12:19:53 -07:00
* [Indian Piracy Index](https://github.com/anymeofu/Indian-Piracy-Index) - *Piracy Site / Tool Index*
2021-09-18 21:19:27 -07:00
* [0GoMovies](https://0gomovies.io/), [2](https://www.0gomovies.com/) - *Streaming / Movies / TV*
2021-09-20 14:37:19 -07:00
* [khatrimazafull](https://khatrimazafull.show/) - *Streaming / Download / Movies*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [JioRockers](http://www.jiorockers.uk/) - *Streaming / Movies*
* [v100v.net](https://www.v100v.net/) - *Streaming / Movies*
2021-09-17 13:10:22 -07:00
* [7MovieRulz](https://7movierulz.im/) - *Streaming / Movies*
2021-09-19 11:44:21 -07:00
* [1jalshamoviez](https://www.1jalshamoviez.info/) - *Download / Movies*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [4MovieRulz](https://4movierulz.gg/) - *Download / Movies*
* [Indian Flac Songs](https://t.me/indianflacsongs) - *Download / Music*
2021-09-16 20:16:50 -07:00
* [TamilBlasters](https://tamilblasters.art/) - *Torrent / Movies*
* [TamilMV](https://www.1tamilmv.sbs/) - *Torrent / Movies*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [indianebooks](https://t.me/indianebooks) - *Books*
2021-08-31 08:26:16 -07:00
* [Digital Library of India](https://dli.sanskritdictionary.com) - *Books*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [OnlineFMRadio](https://www.onlinefmradio.in/) - *Radio*
2021-10-02 23:56:05 -07:00
* [BotAllen](https://botallen.com/) - *Kodi Repo*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
# ► Other Languages
* [Non-English Ebook & Audiobook Sites](https://redd.it/gehkl0)
* [Zoro.to](https://zoro.to/) - *Multiple Language Subtitles / Anime*
* [Asian Drama Sites](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_asian_drama_sites)
* [Einthusan](https://einthusan.tv/intro/) - *South Asian Films Archive*
2021-08-23 20:22:49 -07:00
* [Jainism Library of Jain Literature](http://www.atmadharma.com/index.html) - *Sacred Texts / Religion / Multi Language*
2021-08-22 13:09:54 -07:00
* [BalkanDownload](https://balkandownload.org/) - *Croatian / Download / Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Comics*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [wlext](https://wlext.is/) - *Turkish / Filipino / Thai / Streaming / Movies*
* [KlikFilm](https://klikfilm.org/) - *Serbian / Streaming / Movies / TV*
* [GeezLibrary](https://t.me/GeezLibrary) - *Amharic / Books*
* [filma24](https://www.filma24.ai/) - *Albanian / Streaming / Movies / TV*
2021-09-16 20:16:50 -07:00
* [Segoideas](https://segoideas.com/) - *Taiwanese / Streaming / TV*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
* [lupiteam](https://lupiteam.net/) - *Corsican / Manga*
* [RÚV](https://www.ruv.is/ruv) - *Icelandic / Live TV*
* [KannadaCine](https://www.kannadacine.com/) - *Kannada / Streaming / Movies*
* [Filmarkivet](https://www.filmarkivet.se/) - *Swedish / Short Films*
* [Malayalam Film Songs](https://t.me/cc_NewMalayalamMp3) - *Malaysian / Audio / Telegram*
* [PDFlibrary](https://t.me/PDFlibrary) - *Malayalam / Books / Telegram*
* [9jaflaver](https://9jaflaver.com/) - *Nigerian / MP3*
2021-08-08 17:59:54 -07:00
* [Steamcito](https://emilianog94.github.io/Steamcito-Precios-Steam-Argentina-Impuestos-Incluidos/landing/index.html) - *Converts Steam Prices to Argentine Pesos*