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# ► Download Games
* 🌐 ** [/r/PiratedGames Mega ](https://rentry.org/pgames )** / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/dZWwhUy ) - Game Piracy Megathread
* 🌐 ** [CS.RIN Mega ](https://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=95461 )** - Game Piracy Megathread
* 🌐 ** [privateersclub ](https://megathread.pages.dev/ )** - Game Piracy Megathread / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/jz8dUnnD6Q )
* ↪️ ** [Scene Release Trackers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_scene_release_trackers )**
* ⭐ ** [GamesDrive ](https://gamesdrive.net/ )** - Download / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/wXdNEhf73x ) / [Divolt ](https://gamesdrive.divolt.xyz/ ) / [Telegram ](https://t.me/+qkrAOiq7k7ozNzRk )
* ⭐ ** [CS.RIN.RU ](https://cs.rin.ru/forum )** - Download / Forum / [Status ](https://csrinstaff.writeas.com/ ) / [Enhancement Mod ](https://github.com/SubZeroPL/cs-rin-ru-enhanced-mod ) / [Steam Buttons ](https://github.com/Altansar69/CS.RIN.RU-Enhanced-external ) / [Onion ](http://csrinrutkb3tshptdctl5lyei4et35itl22qvk5ktdcat6aeavy6nhid.onion/forum )
* ⭐ ** [SteamRIP ](https://steamrip.com/ )** - Download / Torrent / Pre-Installs / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/ycDt32VpPH ) / pw: 1234 or steamrip.com
* ⭐ ** [Torrminatorr ](https://forum.torrminatorr.com/ )** - Download
* ⭐ ** [GOG Games ](https://gog-games.to/ )** - Download / [.onion ](http://goggamespyi7b6ybpnpnlwhb4md6owgbijfsuj6z5hesqt3yfyz42rad.onion/ )
* ⭐ ** [Game Bounty ](https://gamebounty.world/ )** - Download / [Discord ](https://dsc.gg/gamebounty )
* ⭐ ** [Online Fix ](https://online-fix.me/ )** - Download / Torrent / Multiplayer / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/yExgFYncMD )
* ⭐ ** [Ova Games ](https://www.ovagames.com/ )** - Download / Use Adblocker
* ⭐ ** [SteamGG ](https://steamgg.net/ )** - Download / Pre-Installs / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/3A9gpx8XeJ )
* ⭐ ** [FreeToGame ](https://www.freetogame.com/games )**, [Acid Play ](https://acid-play.com/ ) or [/v/ Recs ](https://vsrecommendedgames.fandom.com/wiki/Freeware_Games ) - F2P Games / [Trackers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/misc#wiki_.25BA_free_stuff )
* ⭐ ** [VRPirates ](https://t.me/vrpirates )** / [Wiki ](https://wiki.vrpirates.club/ ), [VRCarena ](https://www.vrcarena.com/ ), [ARMGDDN ](https://t.me/ARMGDDNGames ) / [Guide ](https://streamable.com/7fvn4t ) / [Install ](https://github.com/KaladinDMP/AGBrowser/raw/main/AGBrowserInstall.bat ) or [SidequestVR ](https://sidequestvr.com/ ) - VR Games / [Guide ](https://redd.it/jcvfzo )
* ⭐ ** [Game Download CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:cbjowp5sdqg )**, [Game Torrent CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:pobnsujblyx ), [Rezi Search ](https://rezi.one/ ), [Rave Search ](https://idleendeavor.github.io/gamesearch/ ) / [2 ](https://ravegamesearch.pages.dev/ ) or [/r/PiratedGames CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=20c2a3e5f702049aa ) - Multi-Site Search Engines
* [g4u ](https://g4u.to/ ) - Download / pw: 404
* [appnetica ](https://appnetica.com/ ) - Download / Torrent / Pre-Installs
* [AtopGames ](https://atopgames.com/ ) - Download / Pre-Installs / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/KSG9Tg2s7b )
* [Reloaded Steam ](https://reloadedsteam.com/ ) - Download / Pre-Installs / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/XqMpBdVWvK )
* [GLoad ](https://gload.to/ ) - Download
* [Leeching Hell ](http://www.leechinghell.pw/ ) - Download
* [GamePCFull ](https://gamepcfull.com/ ) - Download
* [AWTDG ](https://awtdg.site/ ) - Download / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/kApRXRjJ7A )
* [IRC Games ](https://redd.it/x804wg ) - Download Games via IRC
* [itch.io ](https://itch.io/games/new-and-popular/featured/free ), [Gamdie ](https://gamdie.com/ ), [DigiPen ](https://games.digipen.edu/ ) or [Game Jolt ](https://gamejolt.com/games?price=free ) - Indie Games
* itch.io Tools - [Downloader ](https://github.com/Emersont1/itchio ) / [Desktop ](https://github.com/itchio/itch ) / [Auto-Claim ](https://github.com/Smart123s/ItchClaim )
* [Alpha Beta Gamer ](https://alphabetagamer.com/ ) - Play Games in Alpha / Beta Testing
* [RPG Maker Games ](https://rpgmaker.net/games/?name_filter=&engine=&status=&rating=&commercial=exclude&sort=&portal=None ) - Games made via RPG Maker
* [Locomalito ](https://locomalito.com/ ) - Classic Game Remakes
* [Necromanthus ](https://necromanthus.com/ ) - 3D Shockwave Games
* [VGPErson ](https://vgperson.com/games/ ) - Simple Japanese Games
* [DoujinStyle ](https://discord.com/invite/z2QDFdA ) - Doujin Games
* [MoriyaShrine ](https://moriyashrine.org/ ) - Touhou Games
* [GrimReaper's Scene ISO Collection ](https://archive.org/details/@waffess ) - ISO Collection
* [Redump Forum ](http://forum.redump.org/ ) - Disc Preservation Project
* [/r/CrackSupport ](https://reddit.com/r/CrackSupport ) - Cracking Discussion / [Matrix ](https://matrix.to/#/!MFNtxvVWElrFNHWWRm:nitro.chat?via=nitro.chat&via=envs.net&via=matrix.org ) / [Guilded ](https://guilded.gg/crackwatch ) / [FAQ ](https://rentry.co/cracksupport )
## ▷ Game Repacks
* **Note** - Repacks are compressed versions of games that exchange smaller downloads for longer installation times. Good if you have low bandwidth or data limits.
* ⭐ ** [KaOsKrew ](https://www.kaoskrew.org/ )** - Download / Torrent / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/WF2pqPTFBs )
* ⭐ ** [FitGirl Repacks ](https://fitgirl-repacks.site/ )** - Download / Torrent / ROM Repacks / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/Up3YARe4RW )
* ⭐ ** [Gnarly Repacks ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#gnarly_repacks )** - Download
* ⭐ ** [M4CKD0GE Repacks ](https://m4ckd0ge-repacks.site/ )** - Download / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/693hNBdymb )
* [ScOOt3r Repacks ](https://discord.gg/xe3Fys8Upy ) - Download / Torrent
* [Elamigos ](https://elamigos.site/ ) - Download
* [Xatab Repacks ](https://byxatab.com/ ), [2 ](https://byxatab.org/ ) - Torrent
* [Tiny-Repacks ](https://www.tiny-repacks.win ) - Torrent
* [FreeGOGPCGames ](https://freegogpcgames.com/ ) - GOG Games Torrent Uploads / [Hash Note ](https://pastebin.com/pNMj3nay ), [2 ](https://i.ibb.co/XbF2dv1/image.png )
* [Magipack ](https://www.magipack.games ), [CollectionChamber ](https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/ ) or [ClassicPCGames ](https://archive.org/details/classicpcgames ) - Retro PC Games
* [~archive ](https://websites.umich.edu/~archive/ ) - Retro PC / Mac Games
## ▷ Abandonware
* ↪️ ** [DOS ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_dos_games )** / ** [MSX Games ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_msx_games )**
* ⭐ ** [My Abandonware ](https://www.myabandonware.com/ )** - Abandonware
* ⭐ ** [AbandonwareGames ](https://abandonwaregames.net/ )** - Abandonware
* [PCGameAbandonware ](https://www.pcgamesabandonware.com/ ) - Abandonware
* [Flashtro ](https://flashtro.com/ ) - Abandonware
* [Zombs-Lair ](https://www.zombs-lair.com/ ) - Abandonware
* [Old-Games.com ](https://www.old-games.com/ ) - Abandonware
* [VETUSWARE ](https://vetusware.com/category/Games/ ) - Abandonware
* [Japanese PC Compendium ](https://japanesepccompendium.blogspot.com/ ) - Retro Japanese PC Games
* [World of Spectrum ](https://worldofspectrum.org/ ) or [SpectrumComputing ](https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/ ) - Sinclair ZX Spectrum
* [GamesNostalgia ](https://gamesnostalgia.com/ ), [lemon64 ](https://www.lemon64.com/ ) or [C64.com ](https://www.c64.com/ ) - Commodore 64
* [whdload ](https://www.whdload.de/ ), [lemonamiga ](https://www.lemonamiga.com/ ), [exotica ](https://www.exotica.org.uk/ ) or [hol abime ](https://amiga.abime.net/ ) - Amiga
* [PC-98 Drive ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#pc-98 ) - PC-98
* [LegendsWorld ](https://www.legendsworld.net/ ) - Retro PC Adventures
* [Win7Games ](https://win7games.com/ ) - Classic Windows Games
## ▷ Open-Source Games
* 🌐 ** [OSGL ](https://trilarion.github.io/opensourcegames/ )**, [Awesome Open Source Games ](https://github.com/michelpereira/awesome-open-source-games ) or [LibreGameWiki ](https://libregamewiki.org/List_of_games ) - Open-Source Games
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Game Remakes ](https://github.com/radek-sprta/awesome-game-remakes )** or [Game Clones ](https://osgameclones.com/ ) - Open-Source Remakes
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Terminal Games ](https://ligurio.github.io/awesome-ttygames/ )** - ASCII Terminal Games
* ⭐ ** [OpenRCT2 ](https://openrct2.io/ )**, [2 ](https://openrct2.org/ ) - Open-Source RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
* [Minetest ](https://www.minetest.net/ ) or [Cassicube ](https://www.classicube.net/ ) - Open-Source Minecraft Alternatives
* [OpenFortress ](https://openfortress.fun/ ) - Team Fortress 2 Mod
* [TF2 Classic ](https://tf2classic.com/ ) - Team Fortress 2 Classic Mod
* [RisingHub ](https://risinghub.net/ ) - Battlefield Heroes Revival Project
* [OpenRA ](https://openra.net/ ) - Command & Conquer Recreation
* [DFWorkshop ](https://www.dfworkshop.net/ ) - Daggerfall Unity Engine Port
* [OpenMW ](https://openmw.org/en/ ) - Morrowind Remake / [GitHub ](https://github.com/OpenMW/openmw ) / [Multiplayer ](https://github.com/TES3MP/TES3MP )
* [ECWolf ](https://maniacsvault.net/ecwolf/ ) - Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny & Super 3D Noah's Ark Port
* [IOQuake3 ](https://ioquake3.org/ ) - Quake 3 Source Port / [GitHub ](https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3 )
* [YQuake2 ](https://www.yamagi.org/quake2/ ) - Quake 2 Source Port / [GitHub ](https://github.com/yquake2/yquake2 )
* [Xonotic ](https://xonotic.org/ ) - Open-source modified Quake engine FPS
* [Silent Hill 2: Enhanced Edition ](https://enhanced.townofsilenthill.com/SH2/ ) - Silent Hill 2 Mod Project
* [Aleph One ](https://alephone.lhowon.org/ ) - Open-Source Marathon Continuation
* [REDRIVER2 ](https://github.com/OpenDriver2/REDRIVER2 ) - Driver 2 PC Port
* [Streets of Rage Remake ](https://sorr.forumotion.net/t838-new-streets-of-rage-remake-v5-2-download-and-info ) - Streets of Rage Remake
* [OpenSA ](https://github.com/Dzierzan/OpenSA ) - Swarm Assault Recreation / [OpenRA Required ](https://www.moddb.com/mods/opensa ) / [Non OpenRA Version ](https://dzierzan.itch.io/opensa )
* [EDuke32 ](https://www.eduke32.com/ ) - Duke Nukem 3D Source Port
* [NBlood ](https://github.com/nukeykt/NBlood ) - Reverse-Engineered Duke Nukem Ports
* [SP Tarkov ](https://www.sp-tarkov.com/ ) - Escape From Tarkov Single Player Mod
* [Arx Libertatis ](https://arx-libertatis.org/ ) - Arx Fatalis PC Port
* [Mars 3D ](https://mars3d-game.wixsite.com/index ) - Mars 3D Translation & Remake
* [Unciv ](https://github.com/yairm210/Unciv ) - Civ V Remake
* [OpenTTD ](https://www.openttd.org/ ) - Transport Tycoon Remake
* [CannonBall ](https://github.com/djyt/cannonball ) - OutRun Remake / [Video ](https://youtu.be/t-93kDC8Vac )
* [EDOPro ](https://projectignis.github.io/ ) - Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Fangame / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/ygopro-percy )
* [OpenNox ](https://github.com/noxworld-dev/opennox ) - Nox Revival Project
* [Pixel Gun X ](https://discord.com/invite/8796Fs9tZm ) - Pixel Gun 3D Revival Project
* [Infinity Blade PC ](https://archive.org/details/infinity-blade-pc ) - Infinity Blade PC Port
* [Pac-Man ](https://github.com/masonicGIT/pacman ) - Pac-Man w/ Added Features
* [SpaceCadetPinball ](https://github.com/k4zmu2a/SpaceCadetPinball ) - Space Cadet Pinball / [Android ](https://github.com/fexed/Pinball-on-Android )
* [Visual Pinball ](https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball ) - Pinball Table Editor / Simulator / [Tables ](https://www.vpforums.org/ )
* [Clone Hero ](https://clonehero.net/ ) - Guitar Hero Clone / [Setlists ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#setlists ), [2 ](https://customsongscentral.com/ ), [3 ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#frif-drive ) / [Wii Controller Support ](https://github.com/Meowmaritus/WiitarThing ) / [Custom Client ](https://clonehero.scorespy.online )
* [YARC-Official ](https://github.com/YARC-Official ) - Rock Band Clone / [Launcher ](https://github.com/YARC-Official/YARC-Launcher/releases )
* [ITGmania ](https://www.itgmania.com/ ) - DDR Clone
* [beatoraja ](https://mocha-repository.info/ ) - BMS Player as Alternative to IIDX / [beatoraja English Guide ](https://github.com/wcko87/beatoraja-english-guide/wiki )
* [Unnamed SDVX clone ](https://github.com/Drewol/unnamed-sdvx-clone ) - Sound Voltex Clone
* [OpenTaiko ](https://github.com/0auBSQ/OpenTaiko ) - Taiko no Tatsujin Clone / [Taiko Simulator Guide ](https://guide.tjadataba.se/ )
* [Etterna ](https://etternaonline.com/ ) or [Quaver ](https://quavergame.com/ ) - O2Jam Clones
* [osu! ](https://osu.ppy.sh/home ), [osu!droid ](https://osudroid.moe/ ) or [McOsu ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/607260/McOsu/ ) - Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan Clones
* [PPD ](https://projectdxxx.me/ ) - Project Diva Clone
* [Rhythia ](https://discord.gg/rhythia ) - Sound Space Clone
* [Cytoid ](https://cytoid.io/ ) - Cytus Clone
* [Sonolus ](https://sonolus.com/ ) - Project Sekai Clone / [GitHub ](https://github.com/Sonolus ) / [Guides ](https://wiki-en.purplepalette.net/home )
## ▷ [Linux Games](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/linux#wiki_.25B7_linux_gaming)
## ▷ [Mac Games](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/linux#wiki_.25B7_mac_gaming)
# ► Emulation / ROMs
## ▷ Emulators
* 🌐 ** [Emulation Wiki ](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/ )**, [Awesome Emulators ](https://github.com/DerekTurtleRoe/awesome-emulators ), [PlanetEmu ](https://www.planetemu.net/ ), [The Emulator Zone ](https://www.emulator-zone.com/ ) or [EmuCR ](https://www.emucr.com/ ) - Download Emulators
* 🌐 ** [Multi System Emulators ](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Multi-system_emulators )** / [Frontends ](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Frontends ) - Emulators with Multiple Consoles
* 🌐 ** [RedSquirrel Project List ](https://www.redsquirrel87.altervista.org/doku.php/projects-list )** - Emulator Tools
* 🌐 ** [Multiplayer Emulation ](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Netplay )** - Multiplayer Emulation Tools
* ↪️ ** [Android Emulators ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/android#wiki_.25BA_android_emulators )**
* ⭐ ** [Recommended Emulator Specs ](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Computer_specs )**
* ⭐ ** [Emulator BIOS Files ](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Emulator_files )**
* ⭐ ** [Skraper ](https://www.skraper.net/ )** - ROM Cover / Metadata Scraper
* ⭐ ** [Dolphin Guide ](https://github.com/shiiion/dolphin/wiki/Performance-Guide )** - Dolphin Setup Guide
* ⭐ ** [Cemu Guide ](https://cemu.cfw.guide/ )** or [/r/CemuPiracy Tutorial ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CemuPiracy/wiki/tutorial/ ) - WiiU / BOTW Setup Guides
* ⭐ ** [Switch Emu Guide ](https://github.com/Abd-007/Switch-Emulators-Guide )** / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/87bsZWwF3X ) or [Ryujinx Guide ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1prxOJaE4WhPeYNHW17W5UaWZxDgB8e5wNHxt2O4FKvs/ ) - Switch Emulator Setup Guides
* ⭐ ** [RAZE ](https://github.com/ZDoom/Raze )** or [BuildGDX ](https://m210.duke4.net/ ) - Oldschool Shooter Engine / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/zZw2eq3n7G )
* [TOSEC ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#tosec ) - The Old School Emulation Center
* [Xbox Emulation Hub ](https://discord.com/invite/7pcAbZzpXj ) - Xbox Emulation Discord
* [EmuDeck ](https://www.emudeck.com/ ) or [GameImage ](https://github.com/ruanformigoni/gameimage ) - Game/Emulator Setup for Steam Deck and Linux distros
* [Motion Support Bypass ](https://redd.it/gobcne ) - Fix Cemu BOTW Motion Shrines / [DL ](https://mega.nz/file/1Uo3BI6L#X5m-bPK27-X-IijzJH1o4MloivkUqP33zsUJE_kpOdc )
* [SwitchEmuModDownloader ](https://github.com/amakvana/SwitchEmuModDownloader ) - Download Switch Emulator Mods
* [Green Leaf ](https://discord.gg/m6z3ra8ssh ) - Switch Saves
* [TOTK Optimization ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#totk-optimization ) - TOTK Optimization / Fixes
* [UniversalDynamicInput ]( https://github.com/Venomalia/UniversalDynamicInput ) - Custom Dolphin Button Pack
* [RPCS3 Setup Guide ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gdjNab-CtVS97jH2diPPP5tCrpBeof9-qPIRRB9-BrU/edit ) - RPCS3 Emulator Setup Guide
* [PCSX-Redux ](https://pcsx-redux.consoledev.net ) - PSCX Development Emulator
* [Modernized PCSX2 Settings ](https://mega.nz/folder/WdNAlY5Z#K6PmrQFyDm2k7BEV8KoAmg ) - Premade PCSX2 Settings
* [PictoChat Online ](https://pict.chat/ ) - Browser DS PictoChat
* [Mudlet ](https://www.mudlet.org/ ) - Text Adventure Game Platform
* [webnofrendo ](https://zardam.github.io/webnofrendo/ ) - NES Numworks Emulator
* [RetroAchievements ](https://retroachievements.org/ ) - Achievements for Emulators
## ▷ ROM Sites
* 🌐 ** [ROM Sites Wiki ](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/ROM_%26_ISO_Sites )** - List of ROM Download Sites
* 🌐 ** [ROM Managers ](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/ROM_managers )** - List of ROM Managers
* ↪️ ** [Switch ROMs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_switch_roms )**
* ⭐ ** [Vimms Lair ](https://vimm.net/ )** - Emulators / ROMs
* ⭐ ** [Rom Center ](https://r-roms.github.io/ )**, [2 ](https://r-roms.gitlab.io/megathread/ ), [3 ](https://pastelink.net/24dhn ) - ROMs / [Pastebins ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#romcenter )
* ⭐ ** [Myrient ](https://myrient.erista.me/ )** - ROMs
* ⭐ ** [AlvRo ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#alvro )** - ROMs / pw: ByAlvRo
* ⭐ ** [No-Intro ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#no-intro )** - ROMs
* ⭐ ** [ROM Heaven ](https://romheaven.com/ )**, [2 ](https://romheaven.su ) - ROMs
* ⭐ ** [CrocDB ](https://crocdb.net/ )** - Emulators / ROMs
* ⭐ ** [CDRomance ](https://cdromance.org/ )** - ROMs / [Discord ](https://cdromance.org/discord )
* ⭐ ** [Gnarly Repacks ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#gnarly_repacks )** - ROMs / Emulator Repacks
* ⭐ ** [ROMhacking ](https://www.romhacking.net/ )** or [Reality Incorporated ](https://sites.google.com/view/bonmarioinc/rom-hacks/released-rom-hacks ) - ROM Fan Translations
* ⭐ ** [WiiUDownloader ](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/WiiUDownloader )**, [WiiUSBHelper ](https://github.com/FailedShack/USBHelperInstaller/releases ), [WiiU ROMs ](https://wiiuroms.net/ ) or [JNUSTool ](https://gbatemp.net/threads/jnustool-nusgrabber-and-cdecrypt-combined.413179/ ) - ROMs / Wii U
* [/r/ROMs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ROMs/ ) - Discussion Sub
* [ROM-Collections ](https://rentry.co/ROM-Collections ) - ROMs
* [WowROMs ](https://wowroms.com/en ) - ROMs
* [Edge Emulation ](https://edgeemu.net/ ) - ROMs
* [Zophar's Domain ](https://www.zophar.net/ ) - Emulators / ROM Hacks
* [TheRomDepot ](https://theromdepot.com/ ) - ROMs
* [Squid Proxy ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#squid-proxy ) - ROMs
* [BlueRoms ](https://www.blueroms.ws/ ) - Emulators / ROMs / Torrents
* [Rom GDrive ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#rom-gdrive ) - ROMs
* [Arquivista ROMs ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#arquivista ) - ROMs
* [FinalBurn Neo ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#finalburn-neo ) - ROMs / Zip
* [Retrostic ](https://www.retrostic.com/ ) - Emulators / ROMs
* [Romsever ](https://romsever.com ) - Emulators / ROMs
* [lategames ](https://www.lategames.net/ ) - Emulators / ROMs
* [ConsoleROMs ](https://www.consoleROMs.com/ ) - Emulators / ROMs
* [Emu-Land ](https://www.emu-land.net/en ) - Emulators / ROMs
* [HexRom ](https://hexrom.com/ ) - Emulators / ROMs
* [GameGinie ](https://gameginie.com/ ) - Emulators / ROMs
* [LateGames ](https://www.lategames.net/roms/ ) - Emulators / ROMs
* [Technosagar ](https://roms.technosagar.com/ ) - ROMs
* [80s ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#80s ) - Emulators / ROMs
* [The Old Computer ](https://www.theoldcomputer.com/ ) - Emulators / ROMs
* [Emulator Games ](https://www.emulatorgames.net/ ) or [FreeROMsDownload ](https://freeromsdownload.com/ ) - Emulators / ROMs
* [Emuparadise ](https://www.emuparadise.me/ ) - Emulators / ROMs / [Forum ](https://www.epforums.org/ ) / [Workaround Script ](https://web.archive.org/web/20230115181306/https://gist.github.com/byzantium225/484101c7846ce18e514b7b10bf4815c2 )
* [ROMsPURE ](https://ROMspure.cc/ ) - Emulators / ROMs
* [Romspedia ](https://www.romspedia.com/ ) - Emulators / ROMs
* [ROMs DL ](https://romsdl.com/ ) - Emulators / ROMs
* [HappyROMs ](https://happyroms.com/ ) - Emulators / ROMs
* [TechToROMs ](https://techtoroms.com/ ) - Emulators / ROMs
* [RPGOnly ](https://rpgonly.com ) - ROMs
* [GLoad ](https://gload.to/ ) - ROMs
* [AllMyROMs ](https://www.allmyroms.net/ ) - ROMs
* [ROMsFun ](https://ROMsfun.com/ ) - ROMs
* [FreeROMs ](https://www.freeROMs.com/ ) - ROMs
* [RetroZone ](https://retrozone.co/ ) - ROMs
* [DaROMs ](http://daROMs.com/ ) - ROMs
* [NGR ](https://www.nextgenroms.com/ ) - ROMs
* [FantasyAnime ](https://fantasyanime.com/ ) - ROMs
* [OldGamesDownload ](https://oldgamesdownload.com/ ) - ROMs
* [Ziperto ](https://ziperto.com/ ) - ROMs / Avoid [Fake ](https://ibb.co/wWJbkX6 ) Buttons
* [Rom Magnet Links ](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/ROM_%26_ISO_Sites#BitTorrent ) - ROMs / Torrent
* [ROM CSE ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=f47f68e49301a07ac ) / [CSE 2 ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=744926a50bd7eb010 ) - Multi-Site ROM Search
* [Wad Archive ](https://archive.org/details/wadarchive ) - 83k WAD Files
* [Cah4e3 ](https://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru/ ) - Unlicensed ROMs / Bootlegs
* [Muds ](https://muds.fandom.com/wiki/ ) - Text Adventure ROM Wiki
* [softcobra ](https://softcobra.com/ntdo/ntdo/ ) - ROMs / Switch / 3DS / WiiU / [Decoder ](https://nin10news.com/decode/ )
* [MarioCube ](https://mariocube.com/ ) - ROMs / Wii / Gamecube
* [64DD.org ](https://64dd.org/ ) - ROMs / 64DD
* [3DS ROMS ](https://3dsroms.org ), [taodung ](https://taodung.com/ ) or [hShop ](https://hshop.erista.me/ ) - ROMs / 3DS
* [NoPayStation ](https://nopaystation.com/ ) or [SafeROMs ](https://www.saferoms.com/ ) - ROMs / Playstation Consoles
* [SuperPSX ](https://www.superpsx.com/ ) - ROMs / PS3 / PS4
* [PKGPS4 ](https://www.pkgps4.click/ ) or [Hopmarks ](https://www.hopmarks.com/ ) (torrent) - ROMs / PS4
* [/r/PkgLinks1 ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PkgLinks1/ ) - PS1 / PS2 Games for Modded PS4
* [PSVitaVPK ](https://psvitavpk.com/ ), [2 ](https://psvitagamesdd.com/ ) - ROMs / PSP
* [xbarchive ](https://github.com/codemasterv/xbarchive ) - ROMs / Xbox Consoles
* [AtariMania ](https://www.atarimania.com/ ) - ROMs / Emulators / Atari Consoles
* [NesFiles ](https://www.nesfiles.com/ ) - ROMs / NES
* [/1CC/ ](https://1cc.kr.eu.org/1cc/index.html ) / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/e7xffWFf9p ), [ROMs For MAME ](https://www.romsformame.com/ ), [PleasureDome ](https://pleasuredome.github.io/pleasuredome/mame/ ), [MAME World ](https://mameworld.info/ ) or [Arcade Database ](http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/default.php?lang=en ) - Arcade MAME ROMs
* [Marios Alternative ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#hacked-super-mario ) - Hacked Super Mario ROMs
* [SMWCentral ](https://smwcentral.net/ ) - Hacked Super Mario World ROMs
* [Wario Land Hack Vault ](https://wario-land.github.io/HackVault/index.html ) - Hacked Wario Land ROMs
* [POP Unofficial Website ](https://popuw.com/ ) - Prince of Persia ROMs / Mods
* [Ship of Harkinian ](https://github.com/HarbourMasters/Shipwright ) - Ocarina of Time PC Port
* [Super Mario Bros Crossover ](https://archive.org/details/SuperMarioCrossoverOffline ) - Play SMB with Alternative Characters
* [perfect_dark ](https://github.com/fgsfdsfgs/perfect_dark ), [2 ](https://github.com/n64decomp/perfect_dark ) - Perfect Dark Decompilation
* [sm64 ](https://github.com/n64decomp/sm64 ) / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/DuYH3Fh ) - Super Mario 64 Decompilation
* [Dan's Palace ](https://discord.gg/RqQeZwrP8k ) - Android / PSVita PC Game Ports
* [wide-snes ](https://github.com/VitorVilela7/wide-snes ) - Widescreen Super Mario World
* [Dats.site ](https://dats.site/ ) or [No Intro ](https://no-intro.org/ ) - ROM .dat Files
* [Dat-O-Matic ](https://datomatic.no-intro.org/index.php ) - ROM Datasets
* [NSWDB ](https://www.nswdb.com ) - Switch Release Tracker
* [RomStation ](https://www.romstation.fr/ ) - ROM Downloader / Manager / Multiplayer / [Screenshot ](https://i.ibb.co/zSDH560/624adc3e44a8.png )
## ▷ Browser Emulators
* 🌐 ** [Browser Emulator Index ](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Emulators_on_browsers )** - List of Browser Emulators
* ↪️ ** [Multi-Console Browser Emulators ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_multi-console_browser_emulators )**
* ⭐ ** [Telemelt ](https://telemelt.com/ )** - Multiplayer Browser Emulator
* ⭐ ** [PSX Party ](https://psxparty.kosmi.io/ )** - Multiplayer Playstation Browser Emulator
* [EmulatorJS ](https://demo.emulatorjs.org/ ) - Multi-Console Browser Emulator / [Supported Systems ](https://emulatorjs.org/docs/systems )
* [PS1FUN ](https://www.ps1fun.com/ ) - PS1 Browser Emulator
* [LYR9C ](https://lyr9c.weebly.com/gba-games.html ) - GBA Browser Emulator
* [LetsPlayGB ](https://www.letsplaygb.com/ ) - Game Boy Browser Emulator
* [SNESFun ](https://www.snesfun.com/ ) - SNES Browser Emulator
* [8bbit ](https://www.8bbit.com/ ) or [Play NES ](https://www.playnesonline.com/ ) - NES Browser Emulators
* [SSega ](https://www.ssega.com/ ) - Sega Browser Emulator
* [Let's Play Sega ](https://www.letsplaysega.com/ ) - Sega Genesis Browser Emulator
* [Mega Drive Emulator ](https://megadrive-emulator.com/ ) - Sega Megadrive Browser Emulator
* [Capcom Town ](https://captown.capcom.com/en/retro_games ) - Capcom Browser Emulator
* [DosGames ](https://dosgames.com/ ), [DOSDeck ](https://dosdeck.com/ ), [DOSZone ](https://dos.zone/ ), [MSDOSGames ](https://msdosgames.com/ ) or [PlayDOSGames ](https://www.playdosgames.com/ ) - DOS Browser Emulators
* [NeoGeoFun ](https://www.neogeofun.com/ ) - Neo Geo Browser Emulator
* [LCD Games ](http://bdrgames.nl/lcdgames/ ) - Retro LCD Game Emulator
* [File-Hunter ](https://www.file-hunter.com/ ) - MSX / Amiga Browser Emulator
* [QAOP ](https://torinak.com/qaop/games ) - ZX Spectrum
* [MSXGamesWorld ](https://www.msxgamesworld.com/ ) or [CheatMSX ](https://www.cheatmsx.com/ ) - MSX Browser Emulators
* [CommodoreGames ](https://www.commodoregames.net/ ) or [C64Online ](https://c64online.com/ ) - C64 Browser Emulators
* [Super Mario Bros ](https://supermariobros.io/ ), [SuperMarioBrosGames ](https://supermariobrosgames.com/ ) or [SMBGames ](https://smbgames.be/ ) - Super Mario Browser Emulators
* [SMWGames ](https://www.smwgames.com/ ) - Hacked Super Mario World Browser Emulators
* [Jelly Mario ](https://jellymar.io/ ) - Jelly Super Mario
* [Level Share Square ](https://levelsharesquare.com/ ) - Custom Maps for Mario Fangames
* [Mega Man Games ](https://www.megamangames.net/ ) - Mega Man Browser Emulator
* [Q1K3 ](https://js13kgames.com/games/q1k3/index.html ) - Quake Inspired Browser Game
* [Lain Game ](https://laingame.net/ ) - Lain Game Browser Emulator
* [OpenLara ](http://xproger.info/projects/OpenLara/ ) - Classic Tomb Raider in Browser / [GitHub ](https://github.com/XProger/OpenLara )
* [You Have Not Died Of Dysentery ](https://woe-industries.itch.io/you-have-not-died-of-dysentery ) - Oregon Tail with Alt Dysentery Mechanics
* [The World's Biggest Pac-Man ](https://worldsbiggestpacman.com/ ) - Giant Pac-Man
* [Tetris ](https://tetris.com/ ), [Tetr.js ](http://farter.cn/tetr.js/ ), [OpenTetris Classic ](https://sourceforge.net/projects/opentetrisclassic/ ) or [NullpoMino ](https://github.com/nullpomino/nullpomino ) - Play Tetris
* [TETR.IO ](https://tetr.io/ ) - Multiplayer Tetris / [Plus ](https://gitlab.com/UniQMG/tetrio-plus ) / [Skin Database ](https://you.have.fail/tetrioplus// ) / [Stats ](https://tetrio.team2xh.net/ )
* [Jstris ](https://jstris.jezevec10.com/ ) - Multiplayer Tetris / [Plus ](https://discord.gg/mtX8ek82xb ) / [Skin Database ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xO8DTORacMmSJAQicpJscob7WUkOVuaNH0wzkR_X194/htmlview# )
* [First-Person Tetris ](https://firstpersontetris.com/ ) - Play Tetris in First Person
* [Play Snake ](https://playsnake.org/ ) - Retro Snake
* [Google Maps Snake ](https://snake.googlemaps.com/ ) - Google Snake
* [Snake-Game ](https://www.onemotion.com/snake-game/ ) - 3D Snake
* [TENNIS! ](https://snek-vunderkind.vercel.app/games/tennis.html ) - JavaScript Pong
# ► Browser Games
* ↪️ ** [Interactive Text Adventures ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_text_adventures )**
* ⭐ ** [Flashpoint ](https://flashpointarchive.org/ )** / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/Z4gGtJvvn8 ) or [Flash Library ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#software-library-flash ) - Flash Game Archives
* ⭐ ** [Ninjakiwi ](https://ninjakiwi.com/archive )** - Flash Game Archives
* ⭐ ** [Allchemy ](https://allchemy.io/ )** or [Infinite Craft ](https://neal.fun/infinite-craft/ ) - Infinite Item Crafting Games
* [Tensor Trust ](https://tensortrust.ai/ ) - AI Prompting Multiplayer Skill Game
* [Rooms ](https://rooms.xyz/ ) - Room Design Game / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/rooms )
* [fsh.zone ](https://fsh.zone/ ) / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/FKEzJSf ) - Fishing Games
* [Haxball ](https://www.haxball.com/ ) - Physics-Based Soccer
* [Mexican Train ](https://mexicantrain.online/ ) - Domino Train Game
* [Minecraft Classic ](https://classic.minecraft.net/ ) - Play Minecraft Classic
* [racing-game ](https://racing.pmnd.rs/ ) - Driving Game / [GitHub ](https://github.com/pmndrs/racing-game ) / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/dQW7fDmaAG )
* [slow roads ](https://slowroads.io/ ) - Driving Game
* [The Multiverse ](https://across-multiverse.com/ ) - Universe Exploration Game Across
* [Neopets ](https://www.neopets.com/ ), [tamaNOTchi ](https://tamanotchi.world/ ) or [Marapets ](https://www.marapets.com ) - Virtual Pet Game
* [Gaia Online ](https://www.gaiaonline.com/ ) - Anime Virtual Pet
* [Edu-Games ](https://www.edu-games.org/ ) - Educational Games
## ▷ Multi-Game Sites
* 🌐 ** [Browser Games Rentry ](https://rentry.org/zn79z )** - Browser Game Site Index
* ⭐ ** [itch.io web games ](https://itch.io/games/free/platform-web )** - Browser Games
* ⭐ ** [Newgrounds ](https://www.newgrounds.com/games )** - Browser Games
* ⭐ ** [Armor Games ](https://armorgames.com/ )** - Browser Games
* [/r/WebGames ](https://reddit.com/r/WebGames ) - Browser Games Subreddit
* [Kongregate ](https://www.kongregate.com/ ) - Browser Games
* [Addicting Games ](https://www.addictinggames.com/ ) - Browser Games
* [Y8 ](https://www.y8.com/ ) - Browser Games
* [Crazy Games ](https://www.crazygames.com/ ) - Browser Games
* [GamezHero ](https://www.gamezhero.com/ ) - Browser Games
* [Nicky Case ](https://ncase.me/ ) - Browser Games
* [yell0wsuit ](https://yell0wsuit.page/games.html ) - Browser Games
* [N-Arcade ](https://n-arcade.io/ ) - Browser Games
* [watabou ](https://watabou.itch.io/ ) - Browser Games
* [DAN-BALL ](https://dan-ball.jp/en/ ) - Browser Games
* [Miniplay ](https://www.miniplay.com/ ) - Browser Games
* [Yandex Games ](https://yandex.com/games/ ) - Browser Games
* [Spatial ](https://www.spatial.io/ ) - 3D Browser Games
* [Unblock KISD ](https://sites.google.com/view/unblockkisd/ ) - Browser Games (unblocked at schools)
* [Tyrone's Unblocked ](https://sites.google.com/site/tyronesgamesez/ ) - Browser Games (unblocked at schools)
* [CoolMathGames ](https://www.coolmathgames.com/ ) - Browser Game Site (disguised as edu games)
* [FlashMuseum ](https://flashmuseum.org/ ), [Flash Arch ](https://flasharch.com/en ) or [AlbinoBlackSheep ](https://www.albinoblacksheep.com/games/ ) - Flash Games
* [Arcade Prehacks ](https://www.arcadeprehacks.com/ ), [SamsHackedGames ](https://www.samshackedgames.com/ ) or [KongHack ](https://konghack.com/ ) - Flash Game Hacks
* [HTML5 Games ](https://html5games.com/ ) / [Browser ](https://html5.thebestarcadescript.com/ ) - HTML5 Games
* [iogames.space ](https://iogames.space/ ), [itch.io ](https://graebor.itch.io/ ), [Kindanice ](https://kindanice.itch.io/ ), [Jezzamon ](https://jezzamon.itch.io/ ), [Modd.io ](https://www.modd.io/ ) or [Kevin Games ](https://kevin.games/ )- .io Games
## ▷ Party Games
* ⭐ ** [Codenames ](https://codenames.game/ )** - Party Card Games
* ⭐ ** [GarticPhone ](https://garticphone.com/ )** - Telephone Game
* ⭐ ** [skribbl ](https://skribbl.io/ )**, [Sketchful ](https://sketchful.io/ ), [Drawize ](https://www.drawize.com/ ) or [Gartic ](https://gartic.io/ ) - Drawing / Guessing Game / Multiplayer
* [Gpop.io ](https://gpop.io/ ) - Rhythm Game
* [Bloob.io ](https://bloob.io/ )
* [Betrayal ](https://betrayal.io/ ) - Among Us Clone
* [Death by AI ](https://deathbyai.gg/ ) - Survival Plan Game
* [Smash Karts ](https://smashkarts.io/ ) - Kart Battles
* [Plink ](http://labs.dinahmoe.com/plink/ ) - Music Game
* [Make It Meme ](https://makeitmeme.com/ ) - Meme Party Game
* [PlayingCards ](https://playingcards.io/ )
* [JKLM.FUN ](https://jklm.fun/ )
* [Gidd.io ](https://gidd.io/ )
* [tix.tax ](https://tix.tax/ ) - Tic-Tac-Toe
## ▷ Shooter
* ⭐ ** [Play-CS ](https://play-cs.com/ )** - Browser Counter-Strike 1.6
* ⭐ ** [Krunker.io ](https://krunker.io/ )**, [2 ](https://browserfps.com/ ) - PvP FPS / [Market Ping ](https://yee.how/market-ping/ )
* [OpenArena Live ](https://kosmi.io/openarena ) - Quake 3 Arena Clone
* [Venge ](https://venge.io/ ) - PvP FPS
* [kour.io ](https://kour.io/ ) - PvP FPS
* [LolShot ](https://lolshot.io/ ) - PvP FPS
* [1v1.LOL ](https://1v1.lol/ ) - 1v1 Building / Battle Sim
* [ShellShock ](https://www.shellshock.io/ ) - PvP FPS
* [MiniRoyale ](https://miniroyale.io/ ) - Battle Royal Game
* [ZombsRoyale.io ](https://zombsroyale.io/ ) - Top-Down Battle Royale
* [Tanki ](https://tankionline.com/ ) - Online Team VS Team Tank Game
## ▷ Platformer
* ⭐ ** [Bonk ](https://bonk.io/ )** - Multiplayer Physics Game
* ⭐ ** [TotalJerkFace ](https://totaljerkface.com/ )** - Happy Wheels & Other Games
* ⭐ ** [Line Rider ](https://www.linerider.com/ )** - Draw Sled Tracks
* [LOLBeans ](https://lolbeans.io/ ) - Fall Guys Clone
* [Free Rider HD ](https://www.freeriderhd.com/ ) - Draw / Race Bike Tracks
* [Raptjs ](https://madebyevan.com/rapt/ ) or [Synesthesia in Space ](http://synesthesiagame.com/ ) - Puzzle Platformer
* [Tales of Dorime ](https://dorime.udany.net/ ) - 2D Platformer
* [PrinceJS ](https://princejs.com/ ) - Prince of Persia
## ▷ Arcade
* ⭐ ** [Powerline.io ](https://powerline.io/ )** - Multiplayer Snake / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/NckDSyb )
* ⭐ ** [QWOP ](https://www.foddy.net/Athletics.html )** - Ragdoll Running Game
* ⭐ ** [TagPro ](https://koalabeast.com/ )** - Multiplyer Capture the Flag / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/hhW3MDzrt3 )
* [Wings.io ](https://wings.io/ ) - Multiplyer Plane Battles / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/HQcTbuZByA )
* [Slither.io ](http://slither.io/ ) - Grow the Longest Worm
* [Hexar.io ](http://www.hexar.io/ ), [splix.io ](https://splix.io/ ) or [paper-io ](https://paper-io.com/ ) - Control the Map
* [agar.io ](https://agar.io/ ) - Become the Biggest Circle
* [Hole.io ](https://hole-io.com/ ) - Become the Biggest Hole / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/UA2HdpT )
* [SpaceCadetPinball ](https://alula.github.io/SpaceCadetPinball ) - Browser Space Cadet Pinball
* [The Circle ](https://the-circle.app/ ) - Dodge Circles
* [JoeDangerTheGame ](https://joedangerthegame.com/ ) - Trials Inspired Game
* [Polka Dot Game ](https://www.polkadotgame.com/ ) - Dodge & Eat Dots
* [Spinner ](https://hyperspace-wizard.itch.io/spinner ) - Spinner Timing Game
* [Ehmorris ](https://ehmorris.com/lander/ ) - Spaceship Landing Game
* [Dino Swords ](https://dinoswords.gg/ ) - Stay Alive by Jumping / Destroying Cacti
* [Bemuse ](https://bemuse.ninja/ ) - Rhythm Game
* [Pulsus ](https://www.pulsus.cc/play/ ) - 3x3 Tile Board Rhythm Game
* [Sans Fight ](https://jcw87.github.io/c2-sans-fight/ ) - Undertale Fight Simulator
* [Flappy Bird ](https://flappybird.io/ ) - HTML5 Flappy Bird
* [Operius ](https://mors-games.itch.io/operius ) - Space Shooter
* [Galaxies ](https://playcanv.as/p/Ikq6Uk6A/ ) - Space Combat Game
* [Marble Blast Gold Web ](https://marbleblast.vaniverse.io/ ) - Marble Blast Gold in Browser
## ▷ Simulation
* [FSHistory ](https://s-macke.github.io/FSHistory/ ) - Play Classic Flight Simulator
* [Hacker Wars ](https://hackerwars.io/ ) or [SlaveHack2 ](https://www.slavehack2.com/ ) - Hacking Simulators
* [Startup Simulator ](https://toggl.com/startup-simulator/ ) - Startup Simulation Game
* [Sim CB ](https://benoitessiambre.com/macro.html ) - Central Bank Sim
* [Orbity ](https://orbity.io/game.php ) - Spaceship Launching Game
* [Plane Food Simulator ](https://sheepandram.itch.io/pfs2021 ) - Plane Food Eating Game
* [Alternate History Simulator ](https://abw.blue/ ) - Write Alternate History
* [NationStates ](https://www.nationstates.net/ ) - Nation Simulation Game
* [GeoFS ](https://www.geo-fs.com/geofs.php ) - Plane Simulator
* [Money Simulator ](https://simulator.money ) - Money Simulator
* [BrantSteele ](https://brantsteele.net/ ) or [Simublast ](https://www.simublast.com/ ) - Game Show Simulators
## ▷ RPG
* [Fallen London ](https://www.fallenlondon.com/ ) - Text-Based RPG
* [Bit Heroes Arena ](https://bitheroesarena.io/ ) - 8-bit RPG
* [Yume Nikki Online Project ](https://ynoproject.net/ ) - Multiplayer Yume Nikki / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/fRG3AxUeKN )
* [Wanderers ](https://wanderers.io/ ) - Real-Time Strategy Game
* [Dynast ](https://dynast.io/ ) - Survival Browser Game
* [Kingdom of Loathing ](https://www.kingdomofloathing.com/ ) - Comedy RPG
* [Frasier Fantasy ](https://edward-la-barbera.itch.io/frasier-fantasy ) - Comedy RPG
* [Gridland ](https://gridland.doublespeakgames.com/ ) - Grid Matching RPG
* [Backpack Hero ](https://thejaspel.itch.io/backpack-hero ) - Turn-Based RPG
* [Miniconomy ](https://www.miniconomy.com/ ) - Economy Game
* [Forumwarz ](https://www.forumwarz.com/ ) - Browser RPG
* [Dungeon Crawl ](https://crawl.develz.org/ ) - Browser RPG
* [Isleward ](https://bigbadwaffle.itch.io/isleward ) - Browser RPG
## ▷ Board / Card / Dice
* 🌐 ** [Online Board Games ](https://i.ibb.co/4Yzk4nV/Zb-Q2ste-L-o.png )** / [2 ](https://imgbox.com/ZbQ2steL/ ), ** [Curlie Board Games ](https://curlie.org/en/Games/Video_Games/Recreation/Browser_Based/Board_Games )**, [Board Game Online ](https://www.boardgame-online.com/ ), [Board Game Arena ](https://en.boardgamearena.com/ ) or [FunNode ](https://www.funnode.com/ ) - Board Game Indexes
* 🌐 ** [Curlie Cards ](https://curlie.org/en/Games/Video_Games/Recreation/Browser_Based/Cards )** - Card Game Index
* 🌐 ** [Curlie Yahtzee ](https://curlie.org/en/Games/Video_Games/Recreation/Browser_Based/Dice/Yahtzee )** - Yahtzee Game Index
* ⭐ ** [WorldOfCardGames ](https://worldofcardgames.com/ )**, [CardGames.io ](https://cardgames.io/ ), [247Games ](https://www.247games.com/ ), [CardzMania ](https://www.cardzmania.com/ ) or [World of Solitaire ](https://worldofsolitaire.com/ ) - Multiplayer Card Games
* [FlyOrDie ](https://www.flyordie.com/ ) - Multiplayer Card Games
* [Playok ](https://www.playok.com/ ) - Multiplayer Card Games
* [Richup ](https://richup.io/ ) - Monopoly-Style Board Game
* [Rally The Troops ](https://www.rally-the-troops.com/ ) - Historical Board Games / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/CBrTh8k84A )
* [AllBad.Cards ](https://bad.cards/ ) - Cards Against Humanity Online
* [Wikidata Card Game Generator ](https://cardgame.blinry.org/ ) - Generate "Top Trumps" Cards with Wikidata
* [Solitaired ](https://solitaired.com/ ), [Solitr ](https://www.solitr.com/ ) or [Solitaire Owl ](https://solitaireowl.com/ ) - Solitaire
* [Mah-Jongg ](https://www.mahjongfun.com/ ), [Mahjong4Friends ](https://mahjong4friends.com/ ) or [Classic Mahjong ](https://classic-mahjong.com/ ) - Mahjong Games
* [lishogi ](https://lishogi.org/ ) - Shogi
* [Online GO ](https://online-go.com/ ) - Multiplayer GO
* [Blackjack Break ](https://blackjackbreak.com/ ) or [HTML5 Blackjack ](https://www.html5blackjack.net/ ) - Browser Blackjack
* [Poker Now ](https://www.pokernow.club/ ) or [247 Free Poker ](https://www.247freepoker.com/ ) - Multiplayer Poker
* [KDice ](https://www.kdice.com/ ) - Multiplayer Dice War
* [Colonist ](https://colonist.io/ ) - Multiplayer "Settlers of Catan"
* [Hexxagon ](https://hexxagon.com/ ) - Hexagonal Board Game
* [The Bafflement Fires ](https://www.dpoetry.com/fires/ ) - 1950's Freemasonic Board Game
* [Scorecard.gg ](https://scorecard.gg/ ) - Board Game Scorecards
## ▷ Strategy
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Chess ](https://github.com/hkirat/awesome-chess )** or [Chess Resources ](https://redd.it/u43nrc ) - Chess Resources
* 🌐 ** [/m/Chess ](https://www.reddit.com/user/korfor/m/chess/ )** or [/r/Chess ](https://reddit.com/r/chess ) - Chess Subreddits
* 🌐 ** [/r/Chess Books ](https://reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/books )** - Recommended Chess Books
* ⭐ ** [lichess ](https://lichess.org/ )**, [GameKnot Chess ](https://gameknot.com/ ), [SparkChess ](https://www.sparkchess.com/ ) or [Chess.com ](https://www.chess.com/ ) - Chess Platforms / [Customize ](https://prettierlichess.github.io/ )
* ⭐ ** [Super Auto Pets ](https://teamwood.itch.io/super-auto-pets )** - Pet Battle Game
* ⭐ ** [Scid vs. PC ](https://scidvspc.sourceforge.net/ )**, [TheChessWebsite ](https://www.thechesswebsite.com/ ), [Chess Tempo ](https://chesstempo.com/ ), [Chessercise ](https://www.chessercise.xyz/ ), [ChessLab ](https://chesslab.me/ ) / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/AA5G5f9wKC ), [Lucas Chess ](https://lucaschess.pythonanywhere.com/ ) or [List Study ](https://listudy.org/en ) - Learn / Practice Chess
* [Warzone ](https://www.warzone.com/ ) - RISK Clone
* [Neptune's Pride ](https://np4.ironhelmet.com/ ) - Space Strategy game
* [Chesses ](https://pippinbarr.com/chesses/ ) or [Omnichess ](https://omnichess.club/ ) - Multiple Styles of Chess
* [The Kilobyte’ s Gambit ](https://vole.wtf/kilobytes-gambit/ ) - 1k Chess Game
* [Kung Fu Chess ](https://www.kfchess.com/ ) - Real-Time Chess without Turns
* [PokemonChess ](https://pokemonchess.com/ ) - Pokémon Style Chess / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/fp5bcCqg8q )
* [Laser ](https://playlaser.xyz/ ) - Alt Style Chess
* [lichess4545 ](https://www.lichess4545.com/ ) - Lichess Leagues
* [Chess Monitor ](https://www.chessmonitor.com/ ) - Track Chess Analytics
* [2700chess ](https://2700chess.com/ ) - Live Chess Player Ratings
* [OpeningTree ](https://www.openingtree.com/ ) - Download / Visualize Chess Games
* [Game Report ](https://chess.wintrcat.uk/ ), [Decode Chess ](https://app.decodechess.com/ ), [En Croissant ](https://encroissant.org/ ) or [Chess Vision ](https://chessvision.ai/ ) - Chess Game / Move Analysis
* [Bill Wall's Chess Page ](http://billwall.phpwebhosting.com/ ) or [365Chess ](https://www.365chess.com/ ) - Chess History / Lessons
* [Chessable ](https://www.chessable.com/ ) or [Chess Factor ](https://www.chessfactor.com/ ) - Chess Courses
* [Chess Base ](https://chessbase.in/ ) / [2 ](https://en.chessbase.com/ ) - Indian Chess News
* [Lidraughts ](https://lidraughts.org/ ) - Multiplayer Checkers
## ▷ Puzzle Games
* ⭐ ** [BestCrosswords ](https://www.bestcrosswords.com/ )**, [USAToday ](https://games.usatoday.com/category/word ), [TheWordSearch ](https://thewordsearch.com/ ) or [Regex-Crossword ](https://jimbly.github.io/regex-crossword/ ) - Crossword Puzzles / [Creator ](https://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com/ ), [2 ](https://www.xwords-generator.de/en ) / [Solver ](https://www.wordplays.com/ ), [2 ](https://www.dictionary.com/e/crosswordsolver/ ), [3 ](https://crossword-solver.io/ )
* ⭐ ** [KillerCrossword ](https://killercrossword.com/ )** - No Clue Crosswords
* ⭐ ** [MoreWords ](https://www.morewords.com/ )** , [PlayScrabble ](https://playscrabble.com/ )or [WordHub ](https://wordhub.com/ ) - Scrabble
* ⭐ ** [Rubik’ s Cube Explorer ](https://iamthecu.be/ )**, [pCubes ](https://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=27054 ) or [The Cube ](https://bsehovac.github.io/the-cube/ ) - Rubix Cubes / [Solver ](https://rubiksolve.com/ ), [2 ](https://rubiks-cube-solver.com/ )
* ⭐ ** [jiggie ](https://jiggie.fun/ )** - Custom Puzzles + Multiplayer
* [PROXX ](https://proxx.app/ ) - Minesweeper
* [Puzzle Party ](https://artsandculture.google.com/experiment/puzzle-party/EwGBPZlIzv0KRw ) - Multiplayer Jigsaws
* [PuzzlePrime ](https://www.puzzleprime.com/ ) - Problems / Puzzles
* [HoverCats ](https://hovercats.gg/ ) - Multiplayer Crosswords
* [Regex Cross word ](https://regexcrossword.com/ ) - Regex Cross words
* [Web Paint-by-Number ](https://webpbn.com/ ) or [Nonograms ](https://www.nonograms.org/ ) - Graphic Crosswords
* [Connections ](https://connections.swellgarfo.com/ ) - Custom Word Puzzles
* [eWordChallenge ](https://www.ewordchallenge.net/ ) - Boggle Online
* [Game for the Brain ](https://www.gamesforthebrain.com/ ) - Puzzles / Quizzes
* [MasasGames ](https://masasgames.com/ ) - Virtual Escape Rooms
* [Sokoban Online ](https://www.sokobanonline.com/ ) - Sokoban Puzzles
* [Sokoban ](https://suppilulemur.neocities.org/ ) - Zelda-Themed Sokoban Puzzles
* [All The 2048 ](https://true65536.github.io/allthe2048/ ), [DuckDuckgo 2048 ](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=play+2048&ia=answer ) or [2048 ](https://play2048.co/ ) - 2048 Puzzles
* [JetHolt ](https://jetholt.com/hacking/ ), [RebelWithoutACause ](https://rebelwithoutarootcause.com/demos/terminal/ ) or [Aramor ](http://aramor.epizy.com/fallout-terminal/main ) - Fallout Terminal Hacking Game
* [Minesweeper Twist ](https://polyreplay.com/minesweepertwist ) - Irregular Grid Minesweeper
* [PROXX ](https://proxx.app/ ) - Space Minesweeper
* [Rockbasher ](https://www.rockbasher.com/ ) - Retro Style Puzzle Game
* [Treksit ](https://treksit.com/ ), [Game about Squares ](http://gameaboutsquares.com/ ) or [Orion ](https://orion.lukasbach.com/ ) - Puzzle Game
* [Euclidea ](https://www.euclidea.xyz/ ) - Geometric Puzzles
* [Pixel Puzzler ](https://pixel-puzzler.playcurious.games/ ) - Block Puzzle
* [Sudoku XV ](https://keeri.place/sudoku-xv ) - Sudoku
* [picture dots ](https://www.picturedots.com/ ) - Make & Play Dot Puzzles
* [MakeAWordSearch ](http://www.makeawordsearch.net/ ) - Word Search Creator
* [RobinWords ](https://www.robinwords.com/ ) - Word Ladder Game
* [Sqword ](https://www.sqword.com/ ) - Word Game
* [Oh, My Dots! ](https://www.ohmydots.com/ ) - Connect the Dots Game
* [Kuku Kube ](https://kuku-kube.com/ ) - Find the Different Squares
* [MazeGenerator ](https://www.mazegenerator.net/ ) or [Maze ](https://www.epgsoft.com/maze/ ) - Maze Generators
## ▷ Incremental / Idle
* 🌐 ** [/r/Incremental_Games ](https://www.reddit.com/r/incremental_games/wiki/list_of_incremental_games )**, [Galaxy Click ](https://galaxy.click/ ), [Incremental Game Plaza ](https://plaza.dsolver.ca/ ), [IncrementalDB ](https://www.incrementaldb.com/ ) or [Almost Idle ](https://almostidle.com/ ) - Incremental Games Indexes
* ⭐ ** [Cookie Clicker ](https://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/ ) / [2 ](https://orteil.dashnet.org/experiments/cookie/ )** - Incremental Cookie Game
* ⭐ **Cookie Clicker Tools** - [Multiple Tools ](https://github.com/CookieMonsterTeam/CookieMonster ) / [Calculator ](https://coderpatsy.bitbucket.io/cookies/cookies.html ) / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/cookie )
* [The Thorp of Woodstock ](https://cheerfulghost.github.io/civ-clicker/index.html ) - Build a Civilization
* [Universal paperclips ](https://www.decisionproblem.com/paperclips/index2.html ) - A Paperclip Creation Simulator
* [MousePoint ](https://creativetechguy.com/mousepoint ) - Incremental Mouse Movement Game
* [BitBurner ](https://bitburner-official.github.io/ ) - Incremental RPG
* [CandyBox ](https://candybox2.github.io/ ) - Candy Eating Game
* [Particle Clicker ](https://particle-clicker.web.cern.ch/ ) - Incremental Particle Physics Games
* [KittensGame ](https://kittensgame.com/web/ ) - Incremental Kitten Maker
* [A Dark Room ](https://adarkroom.doublespeakgames.com/ ) - Dark Room Survival Game
* [The Fed ](https://thefed.app/ ) - Incremental Banking Game
* [WarClicks ](https://warclicks.com/ ) - Incremental War Game
* [Goblin Bet ](https://goblin.bet/ ) - Bet on 1v1 Monster Fights
* [The First Alkahistorian ](https://nagshell.github.io/elemental-inception-incremental/ ) - Incremental Elemental Game
* [FactoryIdle ](https://factoryidle.com/ ) - Factory Idle Sim
* [Idlescape ](https://www.play.idlescape.com/ ) - Idle MMORPG
* [ProgressQuest ](http://progressquest.com/ ) - Idle RPG
* [Anti Matter Dimesions ](https://ivark.github.io/ ) - Anti Matter Idle Game
* [Theory of Magic ](https://mathiashjelm.gitlab.io/arcanum/ ) - Magic Idle Game
* [Succubox ](https://www.glaielgames.com/succubox/ ) - Loot Box Idle Game
* [Swarm Simulator ](https://www.swarmsim.com/ ) - Idle Bug Swarm Game
## ▷ Trivia Games
* ⭐ ** [GuessTheGame ](https://guessthe.game/ )** - Game Guessing Game
* ⭐ ** [Globle ](https://globle-game.com/ )**, [OpenGuessr ](https://openguessr.netlify.app/ ), [City Guesser ](https://virtualvacation.us/guess ), [Quizzity ](https://david-peter.de/quizzity/ ), [Where Am I? ](https://whereami.io/ ) or [Geotastic ](https://geotastic.de/ ) - Location Guessing Games
* [GeoTips ](https://geotips.net/ ) / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/svhWzU7FMa ) or [Top Tricks ](https://somerandomstuff1.wordpress.com/2019/02/08/geoguessr-the-top-tips-tricks-and-techniques/ ) - GeoGuessr Guides
* ⭐ ** [Free Rice ](https://freerice.com/ )** - Earn Rice for the World Food Programme
* [Huedle ](https://huedle.com/ )
* [BoxOfficeGA ](https://boxofficega.me/ )
* [Akinator ](https://en.akinator.com/ ) - 20 Questions
* [LostGamer ](https://lostgamer.io/ ) - Video Game GeoGuessr
* [GTA V GeoGuesser ](https://gta-geoguesser.com/ ) - GTA V GeoGuessr
* [GeoArtwork ](https://artsandculture.google.com/experiment/geo-artwork/wgEPVBAUiRVlEQ ) - Guess Origins of Cultural Artifacts
* [TimeGuessr ](https://timeguessr.com/ ) - Historical GeoGuessr
* [travle ](https://travle.earth/ ) - Guess Countries Between Two Locations
* [English Sandwhich ](https://englishsandwich.github.io/ ) - Guess Where Dishes are From
* [FlightGuesser ](https://flightguesser.com/ ) - Flight Path Guessing Game
* [WTM ](https://whatthemovie.com/ ), [Kino.wtf ](https://www.kino.wtf/ ), [RT Daily ](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/daily/ ) or [Framed ](https://framed.wtf/ ) - Movie Guessing Games
* [Cinenerdle2 ](https://www.cinenerdle2.app/ ) - Movie Puzzle
* [GuessAnimeQuiz ](https://guessanimequiz.com/ ) - Anime Guessing
* [ConnectTheStars ](https://connectthestars.xyz/ ) or [Movie To Movie ](https://movietomovie.com/ ) - Connect Stars through Movies
* [The Wiki Game ](https://www.thewikigame.com/ ), [Six Degrees of Wikipedia ](https://www.sixdegreesofwikipedia.com/ ) or [WikiRacer ](https://wikiracer.io/ ) - Wiki Exploration Games / [Automation Tool ](https://gitlab.com/johanbluecreek/wikiracer )
* [MusicNerd ](https://musicnerd.io/ ) - Music Guessing Game
* [DanceMusic ](http://dancemusic.wtf/ ) - Electronic Music Genre Guessing Game
* [Guess My Rank ](https://guessmyrank.com/ ) - Guess Player Game Ranks
* [Poeltl ](https://poeltl.dunk.town/ ) - NBA Guessing Game
* [The Higher Lower Game ](https://www.higherlowergame.com/ ) or [GoogleFued ](https://googlefeud.com/ ) - Guess What's Googled More
* [Guess The Price ](https://guesstheprice.net/ ) - Price Guessing Game
* [Apparle ](https://www.apparle.com/ ) - Apparel Price Guessing Game
* [Metazooa ](https://metazooa.com/ ) - Animal Guessing Game
* [Guess The Year ](https://guess-the-year.davjhan.com/ ) or [ChronoPhoto ](https://www.chronophoto.app/ ) - Year Guessing Game
* [Approved, or Not Approved? ](https://approvednotapproved.com/ ) - Approved Advertising Guessing Game
* [Wikitrivia ](https://wikitrivia.tomjwatson.com/ ) - Guess Which Event Came First
* [LoLdle ](https://loldle.net/ ) - League of Legends Wordle
* [Minecraftle ](https://minecraftle.zachmanson.com/ ) - Minecraft Crafting Style Wordle
* [Squirdle ](https://squirdle.fireblend.com/ ) - Pokémon Style Wordle
* [AI Bingo ](https://ai-bingo.lipsumar.io/ ) - AI Art Guessing Games
## ▷ Word Games
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Wordle ](https://github.com/prakhar897/awesome-wordle )** - Wordle Game Index
* ⭐ ** [Wordle ](https://www.nytimes.com/games/wordle/index.html )** - Original Wordle
* ⭐ ** [Wordles of the World ](https://rwmpelstilzchen.gitlab.io/wordles/ )** - [Analyzer ](https://wordle-analyzer.com/ )
* [Wordle Unlimited ](https://wordleunlimited.org/ )
* [Alphabeticle ](https://alphabeticle.xyz/ )
* [WordMaze ](https://wordmaze.click/ )
* [WordleGame ](https://wordlegame.org/ )
* [Squaredle ](https://squaredle.app/ )
* [Wordlevs ](https://wordlevs.com/ )
* [Octordle ](https://www.britannica.com/games/octordle/ )
* [Nerdle ](https://nerdlegame.com/ ) - Number Guessing Game
* [Factle ](https://factle.app/ ) - Fact Style Wordle
* [Countle ](https://www.countle.org/ ) - Math Style Wordle
* [Ridella ](https://ridella.xyz/ ) - Riddle Style Wordle
# ► [Gaming Tools](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/game-tools)