2021-10-30 16:50:00 -07:00
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# ► Gaming Tools
* **[Game Libraries / Launchers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_game_libraries_.2F_launcher )** - *Manange & Launch Games*
* **[PCGamingWiki ](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/ )** or [AppleGamingWiki ](https://applegamingwiki.com/ ) - *Game Info, Bug Fixes & Improvements*
* **[SystemRequirmentslab ](https://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/ )** or [PCGameBenchmark ](https://www.pcgamebenchmark.com/ ) - *Game Requirements Test*
* [GameHUB Launcher ](https://www.deviantart.com/not-finch/art/GameHUB-launcher-2-for-Rainmeter-785369648 ) - *Rainmeter Game Launcher*
* [How-To Make Cracked Games Look Like Official Steam Games ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/pmim9t/tutorial_make_your_cracked_games_look_like/ )
* [Calypto’ s Latency Guide ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c2-lUJq74wuYK1WrA_bIvgb89dUN0sj8-hO3vqmrau4/edit?usp=sharing ), [cancerogenoslab ](https://sites.google.com/view/cancerogenoslab/ ) or [MikeMartin ](https://www.mikemartin.co/ ) - *FPS & Latency Guides*
* [Fraps ](https://fraps.com/ ), [Rivatuner Statistics Server ](https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/rtss-rivatuner-statistics-server-download.html ) or [Xbox Game Bar ](https://rentry.co/WindowsFPS ) - *FPS Benchmarking Utility*
* [MSI Afterburner ](https://www.msi.com/Landing/afterburner ) - *Graphics Card Overclocking Utility / FPS Benchmarking*
* [MSI Kombustor ](https://msikombustor.com/ ) - *GPU Benchmark Test*
* [Overclock ](https://www.overclock.net/ ) - *Overclocking Forum*
* [WindowedBorderlessGaming ](http://westechsolutions.net/sites/WindowedBorderlessGaming/ ) - *Borderless Windows for All Games*
* [DisplayMagician ](https://github.com/terrymacdonald/DisplayMagician ) - *Per-Game Display Profiles*
* [LinkRunner ](https://github.com/romjacket/rj_linkrunner ) - *Per-Game Settings Manager*
* [GameCopyWorld ](https://www.gamecopyworld.com/games/index.php ) - *Game Fixes and Patches*
* [GameBurnWorld ](http://www.gameburnworld.com/ ) - *No-CD/No-DVD Patches, Game Fixes, Trainers, Cheats*
* [Ludsavi ](https://github.com/mtkennerly/ludusavi ) or [GameSave Manager ](https://www.gamesave-manager.com/ ) - *Game Save Manger*
* [Save Game World ](http://www.savegameworld.com/ ) - *PC Game Save Downloads*
* [Save Editor Online ](https://www.saveeditonline.com/ ) - *Game Save Editor*
* [CyberCAT-SimpleGUI ](https://github.com/Deweh/CyberCAT-SimpleGUI ) - *Cyberpunk 2077 Save Editor*
* [Koalageddon ](https://github.com/acidicoala/Koalageddon/ ) - *DLC Unlocker for Steam, Epic, Origin, EA Desktop & Uplay / [Config Tool](https://github.com/g-yui/KoalaGeddon-Configurator)*
* [Gamepad-Tester ](https://gamepad-tester.com/ ) or [AresLuna ](https://aresluna.org/gamepad-tester/ ) - *Controller Connectivity Testers*
* [Aim Lab ](https://aimlab.gg/ ), [AimBooster ](http://www.aimbooster.com/ ), [3D Aim Trainer ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1600530/3D_Aim_Trainer/ ) or [AimTrainer ](https://aimtrainer.io/ ) - *Aim Training Tools & Games*
* [Skill Capped Downloader ](https://ufile.io/kuthw907 ) - *Skill Capped Video DL Script / [Guide](https://i.imgur.com/lZofxhL.png)*
* [MacroGamer ](https://www.itoady.com/ ) - *Game Macro Recorder*
* [Mon ](https://github.com/dbednar230/mon ) - *Command Line Pokedex*
* [Blitz ](https://blitz.gg/ ) - *Post Match Performance Analyzer / [Adblocker](https://github.com/lulzsun/blitz-app-adblock)*
* [Previously on Halo ](https://previouslyonhalo.com/ ) - *Halo Franchise History*
* [Map Genie ](https://mapgenie.io/ ) or [VGMaps ](http://www.vgmaps.com/ ) - *Game Maps*
* [noclip ](https://noclip.website/ ) - *Explore Game Maps*
* [bspview ](https://devanbuggay.com/bspview/ ) - *Explore Quake & GoldSRC Maps / [Github](https://github.com/sbuggay/bspview)*
* [NES Maps ](https://www.nesmaps.com/ ) - *NES Game Maps*
* [SNES Maps ](https://www.snesmaps.com/ ) - *SNES Game Maps*
* [Forgehub ](https://www.forgehub.com/ ) - *Halo Maps*
* [Zelda BotW Street View ](https://nassimsoftware.github.io/zeldabotwstreetview/ ) - *Breath of The Wild Map*
* [Hallownest ](https://www.hallownest.net/ ) - *Hollow Knight Map*
* [Library of Codexes ](http://libraryofcodexes.com/ ) - *Game Codex Library*
* [Media Posters / Covers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_covers_.2F_posters ) - *Covers for Games*
* [Open Game Art ](https://opengameart.org/ ) - *Game Assets / Images*
* [The Models Resource ](https://www.models-resource.com/ ) - *Game Models*
* [The Textures Resource ](https://www.textures-resource.com/ ) - *Game Textures*
* [The Sounds Resource ](https://www.sounds-resource.com/ ) - *Game Sounds*
* [The Halo Archive ](https://discord.gg/feB7RgAHBh ) or [405th ](https://www.405th.com/ ) - *Halo Assets Archive*
* [The Spriters Resource ](https://www.spriters-resource.com/ ) - *Video Game Sprites*
* [MOGG ](http://img.mogg.fr/HIRES/ ) - *Magic The Gathering Card Scans*
* [Random Dice ](http://www.dicesimulator.com/ ) - *Dice Simulator*
* [Buzz In ](https://buzzin.live/ ) - *Online Buzzer System*
* [Score7 ](https://score7.io/ ) - *Tournament Creator / Manager*
* [5ETools ](https://5e.tools/ ) - *Dungeons & Dragons Tools*
* [Roll20 ](https://roll20.net/ ), [Rolisteam ](https://rolisteam.org/ ) or [Astral ](https://www.astraltabletop.com/ ) - *Tabletop RPG Streaming*
* [Tabletopy ](https://tabletopy.com/ ) - *Tabletop RPG Soundboard*
* [FrontierNav ](https://frontiernav.net/ ) - *JRPG Databases & Interative Maps*
* [Fantasy Map Generator ](https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/ ), [HexHTML ](https://hextml.playest.net/ ), [Nat Geo Map Maker ](https://mapmaker.nationalgeographic.org/ ) or [MapTool ](https://www.rptools.net/?page=maptool ) - *Map Making Tools*
* [Dungeon Map Doodler ](https://dungeonmapdoodler.com/ ) or [donjon ](http://donjon.bin.sh/ ) - *Draw and Build Dungeons*
* [Ethereal Games ](https://wiki.etherealgames.com/ ) - *JRPG Wiki*
* [Adventurer's Codex ](https://adventurerscodex.com ) - *Online D&D 5e Campaign Manager / System*
* [DS4Windows ](http://ds4windows.com/ ) or [InputMapper ](https://inputmapper.com/ ) - *DS4 Tool*
* [ViGEmBus ](https://github.com/ViGEm/ViGEmBus ) - *DS4 / 360 Controller Emulator*
* [Xbox for Python ](https://github.com/r4dian/Xbox-Controller-for-Python ) - *Xbox Controller Xinput Module*
* [DsHidMini ](https://github.com/ViGEm/DsHidMini ) - *Use PS3 Controllers on Windows [Guide](https://vigem.org/projects/DsHidMini/How-to-Install/)*
* [JoyToKey ](https://joytokey.net/ ) - *Controller Emulator*
* [Lowkey ](https://lowkey.gg/ ) - *Record / Screenshot Gameplay*
* [FalseKeystrokes V1 ](https://mega.nz/file/9bwzlSjA#k7mNScRcOXoRIIIihZMzG385n4eR8s8aixf8PHx04fc ) / [V2 ](https://mega.nz/file/ZPxE3AbL#RRFR5JuG-HXJimcE78Ncnapzw0aYbw5b5Cx43-EAX3s ) - *Keystrokes Overlay / [Video](https://youtu.be/ZHgcqIYxEgs)*
* [Pokemon Typechart ](https://pokemondb.net/type ) - *Pokemon Type Chart / [Image](https://img.pokemondb.net/images/typechart.png)*
* [Playground ](https://www.playground.ru/ ) - *Mods, Artbooks, Soundtracks, Cheats & more*
* [GameGuides ](https://www.gamerguides.com/ ), [Retro Game Strategy Guides ](https://archive.org/details/Tekken3PrimasOfficialStrategyGuide1998 ), [Game8 ](https://game8.co/ ), [StrategyWiki ](https://strategywiki.org/ ), [GamePressure ](https://www.gamepressure.com/ ) or [Samurai Gamers ](https://samurai-gamers.com/ ) - *Strategy Guides & Walkthroughs*
* [Before I Play ](http://www.beforeiplay.com/ ) - *Tips for any Game*
* [Use Gaming Tweaks ](https://github.com/PrincessAkira/Use-Gaming-Tweaks ) - *System Gaming Tweak Guide*
* [ProSettings ](https://prosettings.net/ ) - *In-Game Settings Optimization Guides*
* [RagnoTech Optimization Catalog ](https://ragnos1997.com/optimization-catalog/ ) - *Game Optimization Guides*
* [Low Specs Experience ](https://ragnotechpowered.com/ ) - *Game Optimization Program*
* [Magpie ](https://github.com/Blinue/Magpie ) - *Enable AMD FSR on Any Game / [Tutorial](https://youtu.be/gac7llDa18k)*
* [Moonlight Stream ](https://moonlight-stream.org/ ) or [Rainway ](https://rainway.com/gaming ) - *PC Remote Play Client / [GitHub](https://github.com/moonlight-stream)*
* [Medal ](https://medal.tv/ ) - *Nvidia Shadowplay for non Nicosia cards*
* [dlss-swap ](https://github.com/beeradmoore/dlss-swapper ) - *Download, Manage & Swap DLSS*
* [ChimeraOS ](https://chimeraos.org/ ) - *Gaming Focused OS/ [Discord](https://discord.gg/fKsUbrt)*
* [VibranceGUI ](https://vibrancegui.com/ ) - *Automate Digitial Vibrance Control*
* [ReShade ](https://reshade.me/ ) - *Generic Post-Processing Injector / [GitHub](https://github.com/crosire/reshade)*
* [dgVoodoo2 ](http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/ ) - *Glide & DirectX Graphics Wrapper / [GutHub](https://github.com/dege-diosg/dgVoodoo2)*
* [Achievement Watcher ](https://github.com/xan105/Achievement-Watcher ) - *Achievement File Parser, Notifications & Playtime Tracker*
* [AreWeAntiCheatYet? ](https://areweanticheatyet.com/ ) - *Check if Games is Anti-Cheat*
* [fuckigg ](https://github.com/Pheeeeenom/fuckigg ) - *Remove IGG DRM*
* [UE4 Console Unlocker ](https://framedsc.github.io/GeneralGuides/universal_ue4_consoleunlocker.htm ) - *Unreal Engine 4 Console Unlocker*
* [How To Reverse Engineer Denuvo V4 ](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CupcQMOyxbtNUGGSnq8xhIZIxhDzToFT/ )
* [AltCtrls ](https://altctrls.info/ ) - *Custom Controller Crafting Resources*
* [Gamesoft ](http://www.gamesoft.com/ ) - *Gaming News Feed Manager*
* [GmodContent ](https://gmodcontent.com/ ) - *Garry's Mod Content Packs*
* [Tarac ](https://sims.tarac.nl/the-sims-4/sims-4-download-update-repair-add-dlcs/ ) - *Sims 4 Update / Repair Tool*
* [Payday 2 Social Safe ](https://www.overkillsoftware.com/payday2-social-safe/ ) - *Free Payday 2 Offers*
* [WordPlays ](https://www.wordplays.com/ ) - *Cheat at Scrabble, Words with Friends & Crossword Puzzles*
* [Oculess ](https://github.com/basti564/Oculess ) - *Remove Oculus Quest Account Requirements & Telemetry*
* [ALVR ](https://github.com/alvr-org/ALVR ) - *Stream VR Games from PC to Headset*
## ▷ Multiplayer
* [find-PlayDate ](https://www.find-playdate.com/ ) - *Find People to Play Games With*
* [GameRanger ](https://www.gameranger.com/ ), [zerotier ](https://www.zerotier.com/ ), [wippien ](http://www.wippien.com/ ), [FreeLan ](https://www.freelan.org/ ), [Radmin ](https://www.radmin-vpn.com/ ), [Hamachi ](https://vpn.net/ ) or [softether ](https://www.softether.org/ ) - *Play Pirated Multiplayer Games*
* [SSTap ](https://github.com/FQrabbit/SSTap-Rule/releases/tag/SSTap常用版本及去广告 ) or [Netch ](https://github.com/netchx/Netch/ ) - *Online Game Acceleration Proxy*
* [Nemirtingas Galaxy Emu ](https://gitlab.com/Nemirtingas/nemirtingas_galaxy_emu ) - *GOG Galaxy Lan Emulator*
* [ElDewrito ](https://dewritohub.com/ ) - *Halo Online Mod Tool / [GitHub](https://github.com/ElDewrito) / [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/0TKY0SDEUHAWL4sG), [2](https://discord.com/invite/gtqM3s5)*
* [CnCNet ](https://cncnet.org/ ) - *Multiplayer Command & Conquer*
* [NV: Multiplayer ](https://nv-mp.com/ ) - *Fallout New Vegas Multiplayer Project / [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/mKVdhmEDrW)*
* [FiveM ](https://fivem.net/ ) - *Modded GTAV Servers*
* [FaceItFinder ](https://faceitfinder.com/ ) - *FaceIt Stats Search*
* [BF2142 Reclamation ](https://battlefield2142.co/ ) - *BF2142 Multiplayer Project / [Discord](https://discord.gg/MEwBW9U)*
* [BFStatus ](https://www.bfstatus.com/ ) - *Battlefield Game Server Statuses*
* [Mobalytics ](https://mobalytics.gg/ ) - *Game Performance & Stats Analyzer*
* [StatsVerse ](http://statsverse.com/ ) - *Battlefield Leaderboards*
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* [Sym.gg ](https://sym.gg/ ) - *Battlefield Info & Weapon Stats*
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* [Tracker.gg ](https://tracker.gg/ ) - *Game Leaderboards & Stats*
* [TrueGameData ](https://truegamedata.com/ ) - *COD Leaderboards*
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* [u.gg ](https://u.gg/ ), [MobaFire ](https://www.mobafire.com/ ), [ProBuilds ](https://www.probuilds.net/ ) or [LoLalytics ](https://lolalytics.com/ ) - *League of Legends Build Guides & Tiers*
* [LoL Math ](https://lolmath.net/ ) - *League of Legends Build Calculator*
* [League of Graphs ](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/ ) - *Champion Rankings*
* [Rewind.lol ](https://rewind.lol/ ) - *League of Legends Match History*
* [Teemo ](https://teemo.gg/ ) - *LoL, TeamFight & Wild Rift Models*
* [Surrenderat20 ](https://www.surrenderat20.net/ ) - *League of Legends News*
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* [OP.GG ](https://www.op.gg/ ) - *League of Legends Leaderboards & Stats*
* [Porofessor ](https://porofessor.gg/ ) - *Live League of Legends Game Stats*
* [Dota2ProTracker ](https://www.dota2protracker.com/ ) - *Dota 2 Stats Tracker*
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* [Project Era ](https://erafn.glitch.me/#downloads ) - *Play Old Fortnite Seasons*
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* [HaloDotAPI ](https://developers.halodotapi.com/ ) - *Halo Stats, MOTD & UGC API*
* [Online Fix ](https://online-fix.me/ ) - *Online Game Cracks / [Discord](https://discord.gg/yExgFYncMD)*
* [Slippi ](https://slippi.gg/ ) - *Super Smash Bros Melee Online*
* [Among Us Free Chat Unlocker ](https://github.com/Vili1/Among-us-Free-Chat-unlocker/releases/ ) - *Among Us Chat Unlocker*
* [Impostor ](https://impostor.github.io/Impostor/ ) - *Among Us Private Server*
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* [RoPro ](https://ropro.io/ ), [Roblox+ ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/roblox%20/jfbnmfgkohlfclfnplnlenbalpppohkm ), [BTRoblox ](https://twitter.com/AntiBoomz/status/1378597179556823040 ) or [RoGold ](https://discord.gg/XMHn9zV3UA )- *Enhance Roblox Website*
* [RobloxThemes ](https://github.com/christiankek/RobloxThemes ) - *Themes for Roblox*
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* [ROBLOX Low Ping Finder ](http://low-ping.dino.icu/ ) - *Find Low Ping Roblox Servers*
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## ▷ Steam Tools
* **[A Collection of Steam Tools ](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=451698754 )** or [SteamInternals ](https://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=65887 ) - *Steam Tools Index*
* [SteamDB ](https://steamdb.info/ ) - *Steam Insights Tool*
* [SteamCleaner ](https://github.com/Codeusa/SteamCleaner ) - *Remove Data Left Behind by Game Clients*
* [SmartSteamEmu ](https://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=62935 ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/MAXBURAOT/SmartSteamEmu ), [Goldberg ](https://gitlab.com/Mr_Goldberg/goldberg_emulator ) / [GUI ](https://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=111152&hilit=goldberg ), [GreenLuma ](https://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=103709 ) - *Steam Client Emulator*
* [ColdAPI ](https://github.com/Rat431/ColdAPI_Steam ) - *Offline Steam Emulator*
* [Steam Mover ](https://www.traynier.com/software/steammover ) - *Store Steam Games on Multiple Drives*
* [UWPHook ](https://briano.dev/UWPHook/ ) - *Add Windows Store Games to Steam*
* [Steam Rom Manager ](https://github.com/doZennn/steam-rom-manager/ ) - *Add Roms to Steam*
* [Steamless ](https://github.com/atom0s/Steamless ) - *DRM Remover*
* [Steam-Auto-Crack ](https://github.com/oureveryday/Steam-auto-crack ) - *Auto Apply Goldberg & Steamless*
* [CreamAPI ](https://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=70576 ) - *Steam DLC Unlocker / [Search](https://creamapidb.tech/) / [Auto-CreamAPI](https://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2013521)*
* [Koalageddon ](https://github.com/acidicoala/Koalageddon/ ) - *DLC Unlocker for Steam, Epic, Origin, EA Desktop & Uplay / [Config Tool](https://github.com/g-yui/KoalaGeddon-Configurator)*
* [Get DLC from SteamDB ](https://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=71837 )
* [Steam Workshop Downloader ](https://steamworkshopdownloader.io/ ) or [Steamworkshop.download ](http://steamworkshop.download/ ) - *Download files from the Steam workshop*
* [SteamDesktopAuthenticator ](https://github.com/Jessecar96/SteamDesktopAuthenticator ) - *Desktop Implementation of Steam's Mobile Authenticator*
* [Idle Master Extended ](https://github.com/JonasNilson/idle_master_extended ) or [IdleDaddy ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.steevsapps.idledaddy ) - *Steam Card Automation*
* [SteamAchievementManager ](https://github.com/gibbed/SteamAchievementManager ) - *Steam Achievement Manager*
* [SteamRep ](https://steamrep.com/ ), [SteamID ](https://steamid.io/ ) / [2 ](https://steamid.uk/ ) or [SteamFinder ](https://steamidfinder.com/ ) - *Steam ID Lookup*
* [AugmentedSteam ](https://augmentedsteam.com/ ) - *Steam Web Enhancement Extension*
* [Steam Database ](https://steamdb.info/extension/ ) - *Adds Steam Database Link to Steam Community & Store*
* [Steam Web Filter Bypasser ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/steam-web-filter-bypasser/gohcmgakipmdlpacegcgolafdhdlgifl ) - *Bypass "You are leaving Steam" page*
* [Steam Account Manager ](https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/pc-software/117141-steam-account-manager.html ) - *Steam Account Switcher / Manager*
* [Backgrounds.Gallery ](https://backgrounds.gallery/ ) - *Steam Backgrounds*
* [Steam.Design ](https://steam.design/ ) - *Steam Background Cropper*
* [Center.Steam ](https://center.steam.design/ ) - *Center Steam Text*
* [Wishlist Removals ](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1746978201 ) - *Remove Hidden Items from Steam Wishlist*
## ▷ Epic Tools
* [LEGENDARY ](https://github.com/derrod/legendary ) or [Rare ](https://github.com/Dummerle/Rare ) - *Open-Source Epic Games Launcher*
* [EpicAuth-Loader ](https://gitlab.com/TheTank3753/EpicAuth-Loader ) - *Cracked Epic Games Launcher*
* [Nemirtingas Epic Emulator ](https://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=105551 ) - *Epic Online Service Emulator*
* [ScreamAPI ](https://github.com/acidicoala/ScreamAPI ) - *Epic DLC Unlocker*
* [Koalageddon ](https://github.com/acidicoala/Koalageddon/ ) - *DLC Unlocker for Steam, Epic, Origin, EA Desktop & Uplay / [Config Tool](https://github.com/g-yui/KoalaGeddon-Configurator)*
* [Epic Account Creator ](https://github.com/juzjus10/Epic-Account-Creator ) - *Create Infinite Epic Games Accounts*
## ▷ Minecraft Tools
* **[Modded Minecraft Launchers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_modded_minecraft_launchers )**
* [Awesome Minecraft ](https://github.com/bs-community/awesome-minecraft ) - *Minecraft Resource Index*
* [Minecraft Mods ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_minecraft_mods ) - *Minecraft Mod Collections*
* [Minecraft Optimization Mods ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_minecraft_optimization_mods ) - *Improve Minecrafts Performance*
* [Charm ](https://svenhjol.github.io/Charm/ ), [Vanillatweaks ](https://www.vanillatweaks.net/ ) or [Quark ](https://quarkmod.net/ ) - *Mincraft Quality of Life Mod*
* [Minecraft QOL Mods ](https://rentry.co/mc-qol ) or [sk1er.club ](https://sk1er.club/ ) - *Minecraft Quality of Life Mod List*
* [Couleur Tweak Tips ](http://discord.gg/CTT ) - *Minecraft Tweaks & Tips*
* [LambdAurora ](https://gist.github.com/LambdAurora/1f6a4a99af374ce500f250c6b42e8754 ) - *Minecraft OptiFine Alternatives for Fabric*
* [Aristois ](https://aristois.net/ ) or [Meteor Client ](https://meteorclient.com/ ) - *Minecraft Utility Mod*
* [Cubical ](https://www.cubical.xyz/ ) - *Minecraft Schematic Tool*
* [Villager Trading Cheatsheet ](https://i.imgur.com/vCpAxmD.png )
* [Free Minecraft Servers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_minecraft_servers ) - *Host Free Minecraft Servers*
* [GeyserMC ](https://geysermc.org/ ) - *Join Minecraft Java Servers with Bedrock Client / [Consoles](https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser/wiki/Using-Geyser-with-Consoles)*
* [CraftyControl ](https://craftycontrol.com/ ) or [Fork ](https://www.fork.gg/ ) - *Minecraft Server Manager*
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* [Minecraft Server Scanner ](https://github.com/Footsiefat/Minecraft-Server-Scanner ) or [The Ether Project ](http://theetherproject.me/ ) - *Minecraft Server Info*
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* [Server Optimization Guide ](https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/guide-server-optimization:zap:.283181/ ) - *Paper / Spigot Server Optimization Guide / Use Paper*
* [mcsrvstat ](https://mcsrvstat.us/ ) - *Server Status Updates*
* [Salwyrr Launcher ](https://www.salwyrr.com/ ) or [MultiMC5-Cracked ](https://github.com/AfoninZ/MultiMC5-Cracked ) - *Free Premium Minecraft Launchers*
* [Forge ](https://files.minecraftforge.net/ ), [Quilt ](https://quiltmc.org/ ) or [Fabric ](https://fabricmc.net/ ) - *Minecraft Modding API*
* [PVPRP ](https://pvprp.com/ ) - *Minecraft Texture Packs*
* [Nova Skin ](https://minecraft.novaskin.me/ ), [NeedCoolShoes ](https://www.needcoolshoes.com/ ) or [Blockbench ](https://www.blockbench.net/ )- *Minecraft Skin Editor*
* [Amidst ](https://github.com/toolbox4minecraft/amidst ) - *Minecraft World Overview Display Tool*
* [The Minecraft Archive Project ](http://map.crummy.com/ ) - *Minecraft World Archive*
* [Amulet ](https://www.amuletmc.com/ ) - *Minecraft Map Editor / Viewer*
* [MineAtlas ](http://mineatlas.com/ ) - *Minecraft Seed Map*
* [Terra ](https://github.com/PolyhedralDev/Terra ) - *Minecraft World Generator*
* [TerraForged ](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/terraforged ) - *Improved Biomes Mod*
* [Biomes-O-Plenty ](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/biomes-o-plenty ) - *Extra Biomes Mod*
* [Water-Physics-Overhaul ](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/water-physics-overhaul ) - *Realistic Minecraft Water Physics*
* [Outvoted ](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/outvoted ) - *Outvoted Minecraft Live Mobs*
* [Classic Minecraft ](https://classic.minecraft.net/ ) - *Play Classic Minecraft*
* [PojavLauncher ](https://github.com/PojavLauncherTeam/PojavLauncher_iOS ) - *Minecraft Java Edition Launcher / Android / iOS*
* [Minetest ](https://www.minetest.net/ ) - *F2P Minecraft Alternative*
* [Baritone ](https://github.com/cabaletta/baritone ) - *Minecraft Pathfinding System*
## ▷ Terraria Tools
* [TerraLauncher ](https://github.com/trigger-segfault/TerraLauncher ) - *Terraria Launcher*
* [TConvert ](https://github.com/trigger-segfault/TConvert ) - *Terraria Content Manager*
* [Terranion ](https://yal.cc/r/terranion/ ) - *Terraria Wiki*
* [tModLoader ](https://www.tmodloader.net/ ) - *Create / Play Terraria Mods / [64bit](https://github.com/Dradonhunter11/tModLoader64bit), [2](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2127290869)*
* [tiberiumfusion ](https://www.tiberiumfusion.com/product/tt2/ ) - *Terraria Tweaker*
* [N-Terraria ](https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/n-terraria-mod-rpg-races-classes-quests-and-other-things.542/ ) - *Terraria Mod*
* [TEdit ](http://binaryconstruct.com/games/tedit ), [terramap ](https://terramap.github.io/ ), [binaryconstruct ](https://www.binaryconstruct.com/tedit/ ), [MoreTerra ](https://github.com/mike-mo/MoreTerra/releases ), [TerraFirma ](https://github.com/mrkite/TerraFirma/releases/tag/3.1.5 ) or [terraria-map-editor ](https://www.terraria-map-editor.com/ ) - *Map Viewers / Editors*
* [Terrasavr ](https://yal.cc/r/terrasavr/ ) - *Terraria Character Editor*
* [ArmorHelper ](https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/armorhelper-sprite-armor-sets-30x-times-faster.68744/ ) - *Terraria Armor Customization Tool*
* [TerrColab ](https://github.com/AndreVuillemot160/TerrColab ) - *Host Collab based Terraria Server / [.ipynb](https://colab.research.google.com/github/AndreVuillemot160/TerrColab/blob/main/TerrColab.ipynb)*
* [TerrariaDepot ](https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/terrariadepotdownloader-downgrade-to-any-version.107519/ ) - *Terraria Downgrader*
* [SimpleTerrariaBackup ](https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/simpleterrariabackup-saves-etc-backup-tool-for-windows-users.66805/ ) - *Terraria Backup Tools*
* [Quick Wave Bank ](https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/quick-wave-bank-an-easy-no-hassle-wave-bank-creator.61813/ ) - *Terraria Wave Bank Creator*
* [Textract ](https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/textract-extract-terrarias-images-sound-effects-and-music.937/ ) - *Terraria Image & Audio Extractor*
* [terrariaxnb2png ](https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/terrariaxnb2png-simple-terraria-texture-xnb-to-png-converter.21822/ ) - *Terraria Texture to PNG Conveter*
* [TerrariaImageStitcher ](https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/terrariaimagestitcher-image-stitcher-for-terrarias-image-packer.104761/ ) - *Terraria Image Stitcher*
* [TerrariaSoundBar ](https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/v0-2-terrariasoundbar-worlds-first-guitar-studio-macro-tool.93551/ ) - *Terraria In-Game Guitar*
* [Increased FOV ](https://gamebanana.com/tuts/14022 ) - *Increase Terraria FOV for 21:9 Monitors*
* [Content Creation Guide ](https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/the-ultimate-guide-to-content-creation-and-use-for-the-terraria-workshop.100652/ ) - *Terraria Content Creation Guide Ultimate*
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# ► Homebrew
* [Homebrew Guides ](https://rentry.co/Guides ) - *Homebrew Guides & Setups*
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* [Homebrew General ](https://www.homebrewgeneral.net/ ) or [Gamebrew ](https://www.gamebrew.org/ ) - *Homebrew News & Guides*
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* [LetterBomb ](https://please.hackmii.com/ ) or [str2hax ](https://gbatemp.net/threads/a-channel-less-sd-less-entry-point-str2hax.523210/ ) - *Wii Homebrew Installer / [Find MAC](https://www.nintendo.com/consumer/systems/wii/en_na/includes/rvl-ht-int-find-mac-address.jsp)*
* [WiiU Exploit ](https://wiiuexploit.xyz/ ) - *WiiU Homebrew Installer*
* [Switch Homebrew Discord Servers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_switch_homebrew_discord_servers )
* [Homebrew Gang ](https://thehbg.shop/main.html ) - *Switch Homebrew Community*
* [/r/SwitchPirates ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SwitchPirates/ ) - *Switch Homebrew Subreddit*
* [Switch Guide ](https://nh-server.github.io/switch-guide/ ) or [SWITCHWAY ](https://switchway.xyz/ ) - *Switch Homebrew Guide*
* [EeveeSaves ](https://discord.io/eeveesaves ) - *Switch Saves*
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* [Kaeru Team ](https://kaeru.world/ ) - *Nintendo Replacement Servers*
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* [Nintendo Homebrew ](https://discord.com/invite/C29hYvh ) - *3DS / Switch Homebrew Community*
* [SDSetup ](https://github.com/noahc3/SDSetup ) - *Nintendo Switch SD Setup*
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* [WiiBrew ](https://wiibrew.org/ ) or [Wii Guide ](https://wii.guide/ ) - *Wii Homebrew Guides*
* [Open Shop Channel ](https://oscwii.org/ ) - *Wii Homebrew App Library*
* [RiiConnect24 ](https://rc24.xyz/ ) - *WiiConnect24 Replacement*
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* [PSX Hax ](https://www.psxhax.com/ ) - *Playstation Modding Forum*
* [Chiaki ](https://git.sr.ht/~thestr4ng3r/chiaki ) - *PS4 / PS5 Remote Play Client*
* [Exploit Host ](https://github.com/Al-Azif/ps4-exploit-host ) - *PS4 Exploit Hosting PS4*
* [PlayStationDiscord-Games ](https://github.com/Tustin/PlayStationDiscord-Games ) - *PS4 Remote Play*
* [DarkSoftware ](https://www.darksoftware.xyz/ ) - *PS4 / PS3 Firmware*
* [/r/ps3homebrew ](https://reddit.com/r/ps3homebrew ) - *PS3 Homebrew Subreddit*
* [PCSX-Redux ](https://github.com/grumpycoders/pcsx-redux ) - *PSCX Development Emulator*
* [Tinfoil ](https://tinfoil.io/ ) - *Switch Title Manager / File Browser*
* [LAN Play Status ](http://lan-play.com/ ) or [Switch-LAN-Play ](https://github.com/spacemeowx2/switch-lan-play ) - *Multiplayer Switch Servers*
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* [CTGP Revolution ](https://www.chadsoft.co.uk/ ) or [Wiiki Tockdom ](http://wiki.tockdom.com/ ) - *Mario Kart Wii Mod*
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* [TTs Online ](https://redd.it/ie6gi7 ) - *MKW Online Time Trials Mod*
* [Wiimmfi ](https://wiimmfi.de/ ) - *Wii / DS Multiplayer Revival*
* [3DS Hack Guide ](https://3ds.hacks.guide/ ) - *Custom Firmware*
* [Theme Plaza ](https://themeplaza.art/themes ) - *3DS Themes*
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* [DSI Guide ](https://dsi.cfw.guide/ ) - *DSI Modding Guide*
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* [GameBoy Tech Page ](https://web.archive.org/web/19990209041732/http://home.hiwaay.net/%7Ejfrohwei/gameboy/home.html ) - *Gameboy Tools*
* [GameBoy Book Reader ](https://www.mqp.com/fun/ ) - *Gameboy Book Reader*
* [C-Xbox Tool ](https://gbatemp.net/download/c-xbox-tool.7615/ ) - *.XBE to ISO File Converter*
* [hakchi2 CE ](https://github.com/TeamShinkansen/Hakchi2-CE ) - *Add More Roms to NES/SNES Classic Mini*
* [emuiibo ](https://github.com/XorTroll/emuiibo ) - *Amiibo Emulator*
* [All Amiibo Bin Files ](https://redd.it/mlvfak ) - *Amiibo Bin Files*
* [Easy Guide to Making Amiibo ](https://redd.it/5ywlol ) - *How-to Make Your Own Amiibo*
# ► Game Mods
* **[ModDB ](https://moddb.com/ )**, [Nexus Mods ](https://www.nexusmods.com/ ), [ZagruzkaMods ](https://zagruzkamods.com/ ), [NextGenUpdate ](https://www.nextgenupdate.com/ ), [ModWorkshop ](https://modworkshop.net/ ), [Video Game Mods ](https://videogamemods.com/ ) or [CurseForge ](https://www.curseforge.com/ ) - *Game Mods*
* [FlingTrainer ](https://flingtrainer.com/ ) - *Game Mods / Trainers*
* [MegaGames ](https://megagames.com/ ) - *Fixes / Trainers / News*
* [ChronoCrash ](http://www.chronocrash.com/forum/ ) - *Game Modding Forum*
* [Playground ](https://www.playground.ru/ ) - *Mods, Artbooks, Soundtracks, Cheats & more*
* [Cheat Table Archive ](https://framedsc.github.io/cheattablearchive.htm ) - *Cheat Engine Table for Singple Player Games*
* [Otis_Inf Camera Mods ](https://redd.it/hvttbd ) - *Game Camera Mods*
* [injectSMAA ](http://mrhaandi.blogspot.com/p/injectsmaa.html ) - *SMAA Injection Tool*
* [OpenVR FSR ](https://github.com/fholger/openvr_fsr ) - *Steam VR FidelityFX Super Resolution Mod*
* [GTA5 FSR ](https://github.com/NarutoUA/gta5_fsr ) - *GTA5 FidelityFX Super Resolution Mod*
* [Essential Menu ](https://github.com/anonik9900/Essential-Menu ) - *GTA5 Mod Menu*
* [re3 ](https://github.com/td512/re3 ) - *GTA III & Vice City Mods*
* [TS4 Rebels ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TcbNsTFQD0YhqRDJMJr8c2Cna-JuevazErvlo6mXivY/edit#gid=0 ) - *Sims 4 Mods*
* [Genshin Impact FPS Unlocker ](https://github.com/34736384/genshin-fps-unlock ) - *Unlock Genshin Impact FPS Cap*
* [RBXFPSUnlocker ](https://github.com/axstin/rbxfpsunlocker ) - *Unlock Roblox FPS Cap*
* [Rekt ](http://getrektby.us/ ) - *Black Ops 1 Mod Project / [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/HqjQFCp)*
* [Plutonium ](https://plutonium.pw/ ) - *Black Ops 2 & MW3 Mod Project / [Discord](https://discord.gg/d95y8ah)*
* [IW4x / IW6x ](https://xlabs.dev/ ) - *COD MW2 Mod Project*
* [Cod4X ](https://cod4x.me/ ) - *CoD4 Enhancement Mod*
* [Project Reality ](https://www.realitymod.com/about ) - *BF2 & ARMA 2 Realism Mod*
* [VeniceUnleashed ](https://veniceunleashed.net/ ) (BF3) and [Warsaw-Revamped ](https://warsaw-revamped.com/ ) (BF4) - *Battlefield Mod Projects*
* [Open Carnage ](https://opencarnage.net/ ) / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/2pf3Yjb ), [Reclaimers ](https://reclaimers.net/ ) / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/reclaimers ) or [Halo Mods ](https://discord.com/invite/WuurKwr ) - *Halo Modding Community*
* [Chimps at Sea ](https://chimpsatsea.com/ ) - *Halo Modding Tool*
* [Halo 3 ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1695791/Halo_3_Mod_Tools__MCC/ ), [Halo 2 ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1613450/Halo_2_Mod_Tools__MCC/ ), [Halo CE ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1532190/Halo_CE_Mod_Tools__MCC/ ) - *Halo Modding Tools*
* [XboxChaos ](https://www.xboxchaos.com/ ) - *Halo Modding Forum*
* [Flatout 2 Fan Patch ](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2414295888 ) - *Patch for Flatout 2*
* [Synergy2k ](https://synergy2k.net/ ) - *NBA 2K MyCareer Mod Tool*
* [Paydaymods ](http://paydaymods.com/ ) - *Payday 2 Mods*
* [Superblt ](https://superblt.znix.xyz/ ) - *Payday 2 Modding Tool*
* [Payday 2 FPS Boost ](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1933473710 ) - *Payday 2 FPS Boost Mod List*
* [NFSMods ](https://nfsmods.xyz/home ) - *Need for Speed Mods*
* [NFS Most Wanted AI ](https://github.com/LupascuAndrei/nfs_most_wanted ) - *Need for Speed: Most Wanted AI / [Video](https://youtu.be/UkYxKu2pllw)*
* [CT3Tweaks ](https://ct3tweaks.stashy.dev/ ) - *Crazy Taxi 3 Tweak Tool / [GitHub](https://github.com/stashymane/ct3tweaks)*
* [Titanfall2HudToggle ](https://www.mediafire.com/file/q3tld2cm31znu2z/Titanfall2HudToggle.rar/file ) - *Toggle Titanfall 2 Hud*
* [FtG UI Mod ](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/73 ) - *Make Dragon Age Text Readable*
* [Peter Jackson's King Kong Signature Edition Fix ](https://github.com/WIFIDarthMaul/Peter-Jackson-s-King-Kong-Signature-Edition-Fix ) - *Peter Jackson's King Kong Signature Edition Patcher*