2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
**[◄◄ Back to Wiki Index ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/index )**
2023-05-01 22:29:45 +05:30
**[Table of Contents ](https://i.ibb.co/r3fLSCY/20bd0d349137.png )** - For mobile users
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2023-08-04 23:58:59 -07:00
# ► Adblocking
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2023-06-27 22:28:20 +02:00
* ⭐ ** [Can You Block It? ](https://canyoublockit.com/ )**, [AdBlock Tester ](https://adblock-tester.com/ ), [AdBlocker Test ](https://d3ward.github.io/toolz/adblock.html ) or [AmIUnique ](https://amiunique.org/ ) - Adblocking Tests
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Spotify Adblockers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_spotify_tools )** - Block Spotify Ads
2022-11-14 03:06:04 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [YouTube Frontends ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_youtube_frontends )** - Ad-Free YouTube Frontends / Desktop Clients
* [YouT-ube ](https://www.yout-ube.com/ ) - Ad-Free YouTube Web Player
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Simple Opt Out ](https://simpleoptout.com/ ) - Turn off Targeted Ads
2022-11-04 06:46:13 -07:00
* [Privaxy ](https://github.com/Barre/privaxy ) - Adblocking App
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2021-08-09 00:13:36 -07:00
## ▷ Adblocking Extensions
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [uBlock Origin ](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock#installation )** - Adblocker / [Guide ](https://addons.mozilla.org/blog/ublock-origin-everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-ad-blocker/ ) / [Lite ](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/releases?q=uBOLite )
* ⭐ ** [Adblock Defenders ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_adblock_defenders )** - Prevent Sites from Detecting Adblockers / [Test Defenders ](https://blockads.fivefilters.org/ ), [2 ](https://www.detectadblock.com/ )
* ⭐ ** [Twitch Adblockers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_twitch_adblockers )** - Block Twitch Ads
* ⭐ ** [Redirect Skippers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_skip_redirect )** - Bypass Redirects / [Skip Timers ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/372673 ) / [Additional Bypass ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/443888 )
2023-06-23 04:03:01 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [SponsorBlock ](https://sponsor.ajay.app/ )** or [Butter ](https://butter.sonnet.io/ ) - Skip Sponsored YouTube Ads / [Chromecast ](https://github.com/nichobi/sponsorblockcast ) / [Script ](https://github.com/mchangrh/sb.js ), [2 ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/453320 )
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Popup Blockers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_popup_blocker_links )** - Block Malicious Popups / Tabs
* ⭐ ** [BehindTheOverlay ](https://github.com/NicolaeNMV/BehindTheOverlay )**, [Demodal ](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/demodal ), [f ck overlays ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fck-overlays/ppedokobpbdajgiejhnjfbdjlgobcpkp/related ) or [Behind The Overlay Revival ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/behind-the-overlay-revival/ ) - Hide Website Overlays
* ⭐ ** [OpenVideo ](https://openvideofs.github.io )** or [Stream-Bypass ](https://github.com/ByteDream/stream-bypass ) - Play Videos in Ad-Free Player
2023-07-31 16:30:28 -07:00
* [Adblock Filters ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_ublock_filters ) - Filters for Adblockers / [Test Filters ](http://raymondhill.net/ublock/adbox.html ) / [Merge Filters ](https://realityripple.com/Tools/AdBlock++/ )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Adguard ](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdguardBrowserExtension#installation ) - Adblocker / [Guide ](https://rentry.co/adblock ) / [Unblock Search Ads ](https://filters.adtidy.org/extension/chromium/filters/10.txt )
2022-07-31 02:15:37 -07:00
* [AdNauseam ](https://adnauseam.io/ ) - Adblocker / Fakes Clicks to Confuse Tracking
2023-02-04 04:54:56 -08:00
* [TBlock ](https://tblock.me/ ) - Adblocker / [Filters ](https://codeberg.org/tblock/filters )
2022-12-01 22:29:49 -08:00
* [Ka-Block! ](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ka-block/id1037173557 ), [BlockBear ](https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/blockbear/id1023924541 ) or [Adblock Plus for iOS ](https://gitlab.com/eyeo/adblockplus/adblock-plus-for-safari ) - Safari Adblockers
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [uBO-YouTube ](https://github.com/x0a/uBO-YouTube ) - YouTube Channel Whitelist
2022-07-26 01:21:45 -07:00
* [JustRead ](https://justread.link/ ) - Ad-Free Article Viewer
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [WhoTargetsMe ](https://whotargets.me/ ) - Political Ad Tracker
2023-04-13 07:03:00 -07:00
* [Cat Block ](https://getcatblock.com/ ) - Replace Ads with Cats / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/HKCNztF )
2021-11-28 05:09:15 -08:00
## ▷ DNS Adblocking
2023-01-17 17:33:01 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [DNS Providers ](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers/ )** - DNS Provider Index
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [DNS Filters ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_dns_filters )** - DNS Host File Blocking
2023-02-17 17:06:06 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [AdGuard Home ](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/wiki/Docker )** - DNS Adblocking / Self-Hosted / [Setup ](https://github.com/klutchell/balena-adguard ) / [Filters ](https://github.com/hl2guide/AdGuard-Home-Whitelist )
2023-06-04 19:47:40 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [ahadns ](https://ahadns.com/ )** - DNS Adblocking / [Guide ](https://champagne.pages.dev/before-you-begin/important-tools/#free-system-wide-adblocking-for-ios-mac-android--windows )
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Mullvad DNS ](https://mullvad.net/en/help/dns-over-https-and-dns-over-tls/ )** - DNS Adblocking
* ⭐ ** [YogaDNS ](https://yogadns.com/ )** - DNS Adblocking
2023-04-29 04:14:01 +05:30
* ⭐ ** [ControlD ](https://controld.com/ )**, [DNS Jumper ](https://www.sordum.org/7952/dns-jumper-v2-2/ ), [ChrisPC DNS Switch ](https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/chrispc_dns_switch.html ) or [Hetzner ](https://www.hetzner.com/dns-console?country=us ) - DNS Managers / Switchers
2023-03-19 21:49:04 -05:00
* ⭐ ** [serverless-dns ](https://github.com/serverless-dns/serverless-dns )** - Serverless DNS
2022-07-20 20:19:31 -07:00
* [Adguard DNS ](https://adguard-dns.io/ ) - DNS Adblocking
2023-04-17 02:26:33 -07:00
* [Pi-Hole ](https://pi-hole.net/ ) - DNS Adblocking / Self-Hosted
2023-04-19 15:03:26 +05:30
* Pi-Hole Tools - [Install Script ](https://github.com/DesktopECHO/Pi-Hole-for-WSL1 ) / [Filter ](https://firebog.net/ ) / [Firefox ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/alanine/ ) / [Chrome ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/alanine/lohlpbknpcngpjifmofkidennikljlfi ) / [Docker ](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/kulda22/alanine ) / [Antitelemetry ](https://github.com/MoralCode/pihole-antitelemetry )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Blah DNS ](https://blahdns.com/ ) - DNS Adblocking
* [Rethink ](https://rethinkdns.com/ ) - DNS Adblocking
* [AlternateDNS ](https://alternate-dns.com/index.php ) - DNS Adblocking
* [LibreDNS ](https://libredns.gr/ ) - DNS Adblocking
* [Diversion ](https://diversion.ch/ ) - DNS Adblocking
2022-11-07 04:45:13 -08:00
* [dog ](https://dns.lookup.dog/ ) - DNS CLI
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Quad9 ](https://quad9.net/ ) - Malware, Phishing, Spyware & Botnet DNS Protection
* [Stubby ](https://github.com/getdnsapi/stubby ) - DNS Stub Resolver
2023-07-16 14:26:55 -07:00
* [NextDNS ](https://nextdns.io ) - DNS Adblocking / [Leak Warning ](https://redd.it/jt28e8 ) / [Guide ](https://github.com/yokoffing/NextDNS-Config )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [DuckDNS ](https://www.duckdns.org/ ), [FreeDNS ](https://freedns.afraid.org/ ), [NoIP ](https://www.noip.com/ ), [FreeMyIP ](https://freemyip.com/ ) or [Desec ](https://desec.io/ ) - Dynamic DNS Service
* [Phishing Army ](https://phishing.army/ ) - DNS Phishing Blocklist
* [BIND ](https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/bind9 ) - Portable DNS Protocol
* [Maza ](https://maza-ad-blocking.andros.dev/ ) - Local DNS Adblocking
* [DNS Party ](https://encrypted-dns.party/ ) - DNS Config Profiles for Apple Devices Encrypted
2022-10-06 19:40:39 -07:00
* [Samsung Smart TV Adblock ](https://redd.it/gn7fw5 ) - Block Smart TV Ads
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [ZoneWatcher ](https://zonewatcher.com/ ) - DNS Backup Tool
2022-07-31 16:02:16 -07:00
* [DNS Redirector ](http://dnsredirector.com/ ) - DNS Redirector
2023-07-31 16:43:39 -07:00
* [DNS Resolver Privacy-First ](http://doh.tiar.app/ ) - DNS Resolver
2022-03-18 12:30:59 -07:00
* [Free DNS Servers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_free_dns_servers )
2022-11-07 04:45:13 -08:00
* [Technitium ](https://technitium.com/dns ) or [Trust DNS ](https://github.com/bluejekyll/trust-dns ) - Self-Hosted DNS Server
2022-07-24 21:42:04 -07:00
* [DNS Perf ](https://dnsperf.com/dns-speed-benchmark ) or [NameBench ](https://code.google.com/archive/p/namebench/ ) - DNS Speed Tests
2021-11-28 05:09:15 -08:00
## ▷ [Linux Adblocking](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/linux#wiki_.25BA_linux_adblock_.2F_privacy)
## ▷ [Mac Adblocking](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/linux#wiki_.25BA_mac_adblock_.2F_privacy)
2023-07-13 12:44:08 -07:00
## ▷ [Android Adblocking](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/android#wiki_.25B7_android_adblocking)
2021-11-28 05:09:15 -08:00
2023-07-13 12:44:08 -07:00
## ▷ [iOS Adblocking](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/android#wiki_.25B7_ios_adblocking)
2021-11-28 05:09:15 -08:00
# ► Antivirus
2023-06-13 23:12:34 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Antivirus Programs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_antivirus )** - Virus Protection / Scanning
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Awesome Malware Analysis ](https://github.com/rshipp/awesome-malware-analysis )** - Malware Analysis Tools / Resources
* ⭐ ** [How to Avoid Malware ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/browsing_and_downloading_guide )** - Malware Avoidance Guide
* ⭐ ** [How to Remove Malware ](https://redd.it/33evdi )** - Malware Removal Guide
2023-02-24 05:37:59 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [Guide4VirusTotal ](https://rentry.org/Guide4VirusTotal )** - Virus Scan Results Guide / [Source ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/n62da6/comment/gx4whhz/ )
* ⭐ ** [VToncolab ](https://rentry.org/vtoncolab )** - Scan Files Without Downloading Them
* ⭐ ** [Virus File Scanners ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_scan_files )** - Individual File Scanners
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [AdwCleaner ](https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/ )** or [Ultra Adware Killer ](https://www.carifred.com/ultra_adware_killer/ ) - Anti-Adware
2023-02-24 05:37:59 -08:00
* [Site Legitimacy Check ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_site_legitimacy_check ) - URL Scanners
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [RevealQR ](https://revealqr.app/ ) - Scan QR Codes
2022-03-16 16:32:54 -07:00
* [Security / Antivirus Multireddit ](https://old.reddit.com/user/goretsky/m/security/ )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* MSRT - [x64 ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=9905 ) / [x86 ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=16 ) - Malicious Software Removal Tool
2023-01-19 16:43:25 -08:00
* [WFC ](https://www.binisoft.org/wfc.php ), [Win10 Firewall Control ](http://www.sphinx-soft.com/Vista/index.html ), [pfSense ](https://www.pfsense.org/ ) / [How-to ](https://youtu.be/am7xT-zU1Q0 ), [PeerBlock ](https://www.peerblock.com/ ), [Tinywall ](https://tinywall.pados.hu/ ) or [GlassWire ](https://www.glasswire.com/ ) - Firewall / Network Monitor
* [Multi Program Block ](https://sites.google.com/site/mytools4000/home/allow-block-multiple-programs-through-windows-7-firewall ) - Block Multiple Programs via Windows Firewall
2023-07-10 11:28:15 -07:00
* [Pi.Alert ](https://github.com/pucherot/Pi.Alert ), [Zeek ](https://zeek.org/ ), [Nmap ](https://nmap.org/ ) / [Results ](https://nmap.org/ndiff/ ), [Kismet ](https://www.kismetwireless.net/ ), [ntop ](http://www.ntop.org/ ), [Sniffnet ](https://www.sniffnet.net/ ) or [Rotty ](https://github.com/RoseSecurity/Rotty.py ) - Network Monitors
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Waircut ](https://sourceforge.net/projects/waircut/ ) - WPS Network Monitor
* [Hardentools ](https://github.com/securitywithoutborders/hardentools ) - Disables Risky Windows Features
* [Unchecky ](https://unchecky.com/ ) - Clears Software Installation Checkboxes
* [Emergency Kit ](https://www.emsisoft.com/en/home/emergencykit/ ) or [DrWeb ](https://free.drweb.com/ ) - No Install Required Antivirus
2022-09-30 20:10:28 -07:00
* [Should I Remove It? ](https://www.shouldiremoveit.com/ ) - Easily Find & Remove Adware, Spyware etc.
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Rewind ](https://github.com/Neo23x0/Rewind ) - Immediate Virus Infection Counter Measures
2023-03-15 08:55:11 -07:00
* [Spybot ](https://www.safer-networking.org/products/spybot-free-edition/ ) or [SUPERAntiSpyware ](https://www.superantispyware.com/free-edition.html ) - Spyware Scanners
* [RK Hunter ](https://sourceforge.net/projects/rkhunter/ ) - Rootkit Scanner
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [VT4Browsers ](https://support.virustotal.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002700745-Browser-Extensions ) - Easily Scan Downloads
2023-01-09 13:11:02 -08:00
* [Safety Scanner ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/threat-protection/intelligence/safety-scanner-download ) or [Power Eraser ](https://support.norton.com/sp/static/external/tools/npe.html ) - Malware Remover
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Al-Khaser ](https://github.com/LordNoteworthy/al-khaser ) - Anti-Malware Stress Test
* [WireShark ](https://www.wireshark.org/ ) - Network Protocol Analyzer
* [PacketTotal ](https://packettotal.com/ ) - PCAP / Network Analysis
2022-08-23 02:28:02 -07:00
* [should-i-trust ](https://github.com/ericalexanderorg/should-i-trust ) - Evaluates OSINT Signals for a Domain
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [SecurityHeaders ](https://securityheaders.com/ ) - Security Header Scan
2022-08-23 02:28:02 -07:00
* [Penteract Disguised ](https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/penteract-disguisedkeyboard-detector-2/9P7FV5575G0C?hl=en-in&gl=IN ) - Prevent Automatic Keyboard Attacks
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Phish.ly ](https://phish.ly/ ) - Scan Suspicious Emails
* [testsafebrowsing ](https://testsafebrowsing.appspot.com/ ) - Safe Browsing Testing Links
* [Dangerzone ](https://dangerzone.rocks/ ) - Convert dangerous PDF to safe PDF
* [CVE Details ](https://www.cvedetails.com/ ) - CVE Details
2023-03-26 14:59:24 -07:00
* [Web Of Trust ](https://www.mywot.com/ ), [ZScaler ](https://zulu.zscaler.com/ ), [Talos ](https://talosintelligence.com/ ), [Trend Micro ](https://global.sitesafety.trendmicro.com/ ) or [ScamRate ](https://www.scamrate.com/ ) - Check Website Safety
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [ThreatLog ](https://www.threatlog.com/ ) - Malicious Domain Database
2023-04-19 15:03:26 +05:30
* [Toxic Repos ](https://github.com/toxic-repos/toxic-repos ) - Malicious Git Repos
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Scamalytics ](https://scamalytics.com/ip ), [IPSpamList ](http://www.ipspamlist.com/ ) or [IP Address Lookup ](https://www.ipqualityscore.com/free-ip-lookup-proxy-vpn-test/ ) - IP Address Check
* Vulners - [Chrome ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/vulners-web-scanner/dgdelbjijbkahooafjfnonijppnffhmd ) / [Firefox ](https://addons.mozilla.org/es/firefox/addon/vulners-web-scanner/ ) - Live Website Scanner
2022-08-04 01:06:18 -07:00
* [SpyOffers ](https://www.spyoffers.com/ ) - Affiliate Link Checker
2022-09-15 02:50:13 -07:00
* [BitcoinWhosWho ](https://www.bitcoinwhoswho.com/ ) - Bitcoin Address Scanner
2023-04-08 12:49:32 -07:00
* [Virus Checker ](https://add0n.com/virus-checker.html ) or [Integrity Downloader ](https://www.wintools.info/index.php/integrity-downloader ) - Virus Check for Downloads
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Bad Websites ](https://github.com/elbkr/bad-websites ) - Phishing Site Index for Bots
* [No More Ransom ](https://www.nomoreransom.org/en/decryption-tools.html ) - Bypass Ransomware Attacks
* [Ransomwhere ](https://ransomwhe.re/ ) - Ransomware Tracker
* [ID Ransomware ](https://id-ransomware.malwarehunterteam.com/ ) - Ransomware Identification Tool
2023-07-31 16:43:39 -07:00
* [SigThief ](https://github.com/secretsquirrel/SigThief ) - Signature Test
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [YARA ](https://virustotal.github.io/yara/ ) - Malware Identification Tool
* [Winitor ](https://www.winitor.com/ ) - EXE Malware Assessment
2023-07-13 12:44:08 -07:00
* [Any Run ](https://app.any.run/ ) - Malware Analysis Sandbox
2022-05-25 22:19:32 -07:00
* [WhatsApp Media Decrypt ](https://github.com/ddz/whatsapp-media-decrypt ) - Decrypt WhatsApp Media Files
2023-04-30 09:33:49 -07:00
* [Package Analysis ](https://github.com/ossf/package-analysis ) - Open Source Package Analysis
2022-07-20 20:19:31 -07:00
* [Manalyzer ](https://manalyzer.org/ ) - PE File Scanner
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [PyWhat ](https://github.com/bee-san/pyWhat ) - .pcap File Scanner
* [Awesome Penetration Testing ](https://github.com/enaqx/awesome-pentest ) - Penetration Testing Index
2022-09-22 16:22:33 -07:00
* [Defender Control ](https://www.sordum.org/9480/defender-control-v2-1/ ) or [KillDefender ](https://github.com/pwn1sher/KillDefender ) - Enable / Disable Windows Defender
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [ConfigureDefender ](https://github.com/AndyFul/ConfigureDefender ) - Configure Windows Defender Settings
2022-09-16 13:23:39 -07:00
* [DefenderUI ](https://www.defenderui.com/ ) - Improved Windows Defender UI
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [wideredist ](https://gitlab.com/urbanware-org/wideredist ) - Update Windows Defender Definitions Locally
* [Antivirus Removal Tool ](https://antivirus-removal-tool.com/ ) - Antivirus Software Removal Tool
* [Malware Search+++ ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/malware-search-plusplusplus/ ) - Malware Search Extension
* [JShelter ](https://jshelter.org/ ) - Anti-Malware Extension
2022-05-01 04:52:52 -07:00
* [VirusTotalAV_bot ](https://t.me/VirusTotalAV_bot ) - Telegram File Scanner
2021-11-28 05:09:15 -08:00
* [Malware Analysis Search ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=011750002002865445766%3Apc60zx1rliu )
# ► Privacy
## ▷ Privacy Tools
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Privacy Tools / Services ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_privacy_tools )** - Indexes of Privacy Tools / Services
2023-04-26 13:36:01 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Secure Messaging Apps ](https://www.securemessagingapps.com/ )** - Privacy Based Messaging App Comparisons
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Encrypted Messangers ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-UlA4-tslROBDS9IqHalWVztqZo7uxlCeKPQ-8uoFOU )**, [2 ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_encrypted_messengers ) - Encrypted Messaging Apps
* ⭐ ** [SMS Verification Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_sms_verification_sites )** - Anonymous Text Verification
2022-10-21 13:58:18 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Password Data Breach Detection ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_password_data_breach_check )**
2023-05-02 10:18:11 +05:30
* ⭐ ** [Password Strength Chart ](https://i.ibb.co/vZdqMvm/6728c7ef02e9.png )**
2023-02-07 19:54:46 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [File Encryption ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_file_encryption_tools )** - File Encryption Apps / Tools
2022-10-21 09:43:31 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Cryptomator ](https://cryptomator.org/ )**, [Boxcryptor ](https://www.boxcryptor.com/en/ ) or [Tahoe-LAFS ](https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs ) - Cloud File Encryption
2023-08-04 23:05:16 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Drive Formatting / File Deletion ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_drive_formatting_.2F_file_deletion )** - Wipe / Overwrite Hard Drive Data
2023-01-07 12:24:24 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [Decentralized Social Networks ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_decentralized_social_networks )** - Twitter / Facebook Alternatives
2023-05-29 16:58:21 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [GameIndustry ](https://gameindustry.eu/en/ )** - Block Trackers in Desktop / Mobile Games
2023-07-06 11:52:55 -07:00
* [Yubioath ](https://developers.yubico.com/yubioath-flutter/ ), [AuthMe ](https://github.com/Levminer/authme ), [Protecc ](https://github.com/FireCubeStudios/Protecc ), [2FAuth ](https://github.com/Bubka/2FAuth ) or [Tauthy ](https://github.com/pwltr/tauthy ) - Two-Factor Authentication
2023-05-29 16:58:21 -07:00
* [2FA Directory ](https://2fa.directory/ ) - List of Sites with 2FA Support
2023-01-06 15:18:56 -08:00
* [Windows 10 Antispy Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_windows_10_antispy_tools )
2023-04-26 13:36:01 -07:00
* [Password Generators ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_password_generators ) - Generate Secure Passwords
2023-06-07 02:39:19 -07:00
* [PaP ](https://trypap.com/ ) or [PasswordMonster ](https://www.passwordmonster.com/ ) - Password Strength Check
2022-04-16 23:25:57 -07:00
* [Authenticator ](https://authenticator.cc/ ) - Generate Two-Factor QR Codes / [GitHub ](https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Authenticator )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Privacy / Safety Guides ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_privacy_guides ) - Internet Privacy / Safety Guides
* [Open Source Guides ](https://opensource.guide/ ) - Open Source Guide / [GitHub ](https://github.com/github/opensource.guide )
2023-06-07 02:39:19 -07:00
* [catgirl.cloud ](https://catgirl.cloud/ ) - Privacy-Respecting Services
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Privacy.Sexy ](https://privacy.sexy/ ) - Privacy Scripts
* [Privacy Settings ](https://github.com/the-weird-aquarian/privacy-settings ) - Privacy Setting Guides
2022-08-23 02:28:02 -07:00
* [Smart Sec Cam ](https://github.com/scottbarnesg/smart-sec-cam ) or [ZoneMinder ](https://zoneminder.com/ ) - Security Camera System
2022-05-10 00:54:56 -07:00
* [Vault ](https://www.vaultproject.io/ ) - Data Security Service / [GitHub ](https://github.com/hashicorp/vault )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Team Elite ](https://www.te-home.net/ ) or [Technet24 ](https://technet24.ir/ ) - Security Software / [Translator ](https://github.com/FilipePS/Traduzir-paginas-web )
2022-07-23 01:01:41 -07:00
* [awesome-anti-censorship ](https://github.com/danoctavian/awesome-anti-censorship ), [Your Freedom ](https://www.your-freedom.net/ ), [Geneva ](https://geneva.cs.umd.edu/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/kkevsterrr/geneva ), [Cloak ](https://github.com/cbeuw/Cloak ) or [FreeBrowser ](https://freebrowser.org/ ) / [Wiki ](https://github.com/greatfire/wiki ) - Anti-Censorship Tools
2023-04-25 14:43:19 -07:00
* [No Thought is a Crime ](https://ntc.party/ ) - Internet Censorship Discussion
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Element ](https://element.io/ ) / [Themes ](https://github.com/aaronraimist/element-themes ), [qTox ](https://qtox.github.io/ ), [Utopia ](https://u.is/en/ ), [linphone ](https://www.linphone.org/ ), [Jami ](https://jami.net/ ), [Tox ](https://tox.chat/ ), [Bitmask ](https://bitmask.net/ ) or [Wickr ](https://wickr.com/ ) - Encrypted Messaging / Video Calls
2021-11-28 05:09:15 -08:00
* [Encrypted XMPP Servers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_encrypted_xmpp_servers )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [SimpleDiscordCrypt ](https://gitlab.com/An0/SimpleDiscordCrypt ) - Discord Message Encryption
* [PGPgram ](https://github.com/tallero/PGPgram ) - GPG Encrypted Telegram Backups
* [Adamant ](https://adamant.im/ ) - Decentralized Messenger
* [Hexchat ](https://hexchat.github.io/ ) - Private IRC Client
2023-01-07 12:24:24 -08:00
* [ssh-chat ](https://github.com/shazow/ssh-chat ) or [Devzat ](https://github.com/quackduck/devzat ) - SSH Chat / [Info ](https://shazow.net/posts/ssh-how-does-it-even/ )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [simplewall ](https://www.henrypp.org/product/simplewall ) - Configure Windows Filtering Platform / [GitHub ](https://github.com/henrypp/simplewall )
2023-03-26 14:59:24 -07:00
* [Data Removal Guide ](https://inteltechniques.com/workbook.html ) - Remove Online Data
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Big Ass Data Broker Opt-Out List ](https://github.com/yaelwrites/Big-Ass-Data-Broker-Opt-Out-List ) - List of Data Broker Opt-Out Resources
* [Blur ](https://dnt.abine.com/ ) - Protect Passwords & Personal Information
* [Plain Text Offenders ](https://plaintextoffenders.com/ ) - Sites That Don't Securely Store Passwords
* [Gauth ](https://github.com/pcarrier/gauth ) - Google Authenticator for Laptops
2023-04-19 15:03:26 +05:30
* [F-Secure Identity Theft Checker ](https://www.f-secure.com/en/identity-theft-checker ) - Identity Theft Check
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Name & Identity Generators ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_name_.26amp.3B_identity_generators ) - Generate Fake Names, Identities & Address'
* [Random User Generator ](https://randomuser.me/ ) - Generate Fake User Details
* [FakePhoneNumber ](https://fakephonenumber.net/ ) - Generate Fake Phone Numbers
* [Tails ](https://tails.boum.org/ ) or [Qubes ](https://www.qubes-os.org/ ) - Privacy-Based Operating Systems
* [Track This ]( https://trackthis.link/ ) - Confuse Personal Advertising by opening 100 tabs
* [Awesome Cryptography ](https://github.com/sobolevn/awesome-cryptography ) - Cryptography Resources
* [Decrypt.Hashhackers ](https://decrypt.hashhackers.com/ ) - Encrypt / Decrypt GDrive
* [Filecrypt ](https://filecrypt.cc/ ) - Encrypt File Links
2022-07-23 01:01:41 -07:00
* [ProtectedZip ](https://protectedzip.com/ ) - Encrypt Zip Files
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [PDFEncrypt ](https://pdfencrypt.net/ ) - PDF File Encryption
* [GPGTools ](https://gpgtools.org/ ) - Encrypt & Sign Data / Communications
* [CiphersByRitter ](http://ciphersbyritter.com/ ) - Cipher / Encryption Articles
2022-07-28 00:57:13 -07:00
* [CacheMonkey ](https://www.cachemonkey.app/ ) - Browse / Clear Cached Images
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [HRef ](https://href.li/ ) - Hide HTTP Referer
2022-08-27 05:36:46 -07:00
* [PeerTube ](https://joinpeertube.org/ ), [2 ](https://search.joinpeertube.org/ ), [3 ](https://sepiasearch.org/ ) - Decentralized Video Hosting / [Instances ](https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances )
2023-04-19 15:03:26 +05:30
* [PrivNote ](https://privnote.com/ ), [SafeNote ](https://safenote.co/ ), [self-destruct-notes ](https://github.com/dustinmoris/self-destruct-notes ), [Burn.Link ](https://burn.link/ ), [ThisLinkWillSelfDestruct ](https://thislinkwillselfdestruct.com/ ), [s.cr ](https://s.cr/ ) or [OneTimeSecret ](https://onetimesecret.com/ ) - Send Self-Destructing Messages
2023-03-01 23:29:52 -08:00
* [xcodx.ru ](https://xcodx.ru/ ), [Duckist ](https://duckist.com/ ), [chausies encrypt ](https://chausies.xyz/encrypt ), [Steg Cloak ](https://stegcloak.surge.sh/ ) or [spam mimic ](https://www.spammimic.com/index.cgi ) - Send Encrypted Text
2023-02-26 20:54:10 -08:00
* [Paper Age ](https://github.com/matiaskorhonen/paper-age ) - Create Paper Backups of Secrets
2022-12-22 05:56:14 -08:00
* [Pasteburn ](https://github.com/pasteburn/pasteburn ) - Self-Hosted Encrypted Pastebin
2022-05-10 00:54:56 -07:00
* [How-to Buy Bitcoin Anonymously ](https://coinsutra.com/buy-bitcoin-with-prepaid-card/ )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [USBKill ](https://github.com/hephaest0s/usbkill ) - Anti-Forensic Kill-Switch
2023-04-19 15:03:26 +05:30
* [Free Hide Folder ](https://www.cleanersoft.com/hidefolder/free_hide_folder.htm ) or [Wise Folder Hider ](https://www.wisecleaner.com/wise-folder-hider.html ) - Hide Folders / Files
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [HiddenVM ](https://github.com/aforensics/HiddenVM ) - Run a Oracle VM on TailsOS
* [Spybot Anti-Beacon ](https://www.safer-networking.org/products/spybot-anti-beacon/ ) - Stop Telemetry Data Leaks
* [IKnowWhatYouDownload ](https://iknowwhatyoudownload.com/ ) - Track Torrent Download Leaks
* [Safing ](https://safing.io/ ) - Monitor Network / Block Trackers / [GitHub ](https://github.com/Safing/portmaster )
2023-05-02 10:18:11 +05:30
* [Undiscord ](https://github.com/victornpb/undiscord ), [discord-delete ](https://github.com/cedws/discord-delete ), or [QuickDeleteMessages ](https://u.nu/9i9jk ) - Delete Discord Messages / [Warning ](https://i.ibb.co/pdg4hRr/0b0d78219f05.png )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Blacklight ](https://themarkup.org/series/blacklight ) - Website Privacy Inspector
* [GreyNoise ](https://www.greynoise.io/ ) - Internet Noise Analysis
* [Terms of Service; Didn't Read ](https://tosdr.org/ ) - TLDR TOS
2022-07-20 20:19:31 -07:00
* [V2Ray ](https://v2ray.com/en/ ), [V2Fly ](https://www.v2fly.org/ ), [V2RayN ](https://github.com/freefq/free ) or [v2ray-core ](https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core ) - DIY Privacy Network
2023-04-25 14:43:19 -07:00
* V2Ray Tools - [GUI ](https://github.com/2dust/v2rayN ), [2 ](https://github.com/Qv2ray/Qv2ray ) / [GeoIP ](https://github.com/Loyalsoldier/geoip ) / [Free Server ](https://fanqiang.network/ ) / [Cloudflare Scan ](https://cloudflare-v2ray.vercel.app/ )/ [Tutorial ](https://github.com/freefq/tutorials )
2023-02-02 00:00:19 -08:00
* [Scout ](https://www.scout.tel/phone-number-lookup ) or [WhoCalld ](https://whocalld.com/ ) - Phone Number Lookup / Safety Check
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [FreeCarrierLookup ](https://www.freecarrierlookup.com/ ) - Get Telephone Carrier Data
2023-07-06 11:52:55 -07:00
* [/r/Privacy ](https://reddit.com/r/privacy ), [/r/TheHatedOne ](https://www.reddit.com/r/thehatedone ) or [/r/privatelife/ ](https://www.reddit.com/r/privatelife/ ) - Privacy Discussion, News & Tools
2022-12-14 02:35:59 -08:00
* [Unredacted Google Antitrust Filing ](https://twitter.com/fasterthanlime/status/1452053938195341314 )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Facebook Doc Stories ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QYqmJsifBjf_xA23Ea7AdeMFyjGWaF_dvhi5EZdNUf4/edit ) - Facebook Malpractices Index
* [Privacy.com ](https://privacy.com/ ) - Make Secure Payments / US only
* [OTPClient ](https://github.com/paolostivanin/OTPClient ) - One-Time Password Client
* [ctfs ](https://github.com/ctfs/ ) - Information Security Competition Writeups
* [Globaleaks ](https://www.globaleaks.org/ ) - Self-Hosted Whistleblowing Platform
* [DeepPrivacy ](https://github.com/hukkelas/ ) - A Generative Adversarial Network for Face Anonymization
* [image-scrubber ](https://github.com/everestpipkin/image-scrubber ) - Anonymize Protest Photos
* [Mobile Verification Toolkit ](https://github.com/mvt-project/mvt ) - Test for Potential Compromises on Android / iOS
* [Awesome Vehicle Security ](https://github.com/jaredthecoder/awesome-vehicle-security ) - Vehicle Security Resources Index
* [uBeacSec ](https://ubeacsec.org/ ) - Ultrasound Frequency Filter
2022-08-23 02:28:02 -07:00
* [Fingerprint Suite ](https://github.com/apify/fingerprint-suite ) - Browser Fingerprinting Tools / Scraping Anonymization
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [NoScriptFingerprint ](https://noscriptfingerprint.com/ ) - How JavaScript Fingerprinting Works
* [GoFOSS ](https://gofoss.net/ ) - Why You Should Use FOSS Alternatives
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2021-08-09 00:13:36 -07:00
## ▷ Privacy Extensions
2023-07-27 01:18:39 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [LibreDirect ](https://libredirect.github.io/ )** / [2 ](https://github.com/libredirect/libredirect ) or [Proxy Redirect ](https://openuserjs.org/scripts/sjehuda/Proxy_Redirect ) - Frontend Redirect
2023-04-19 15:03:26 +05:30
* ⭐ ** [ClearURLs ](https://github.com/ClearURLs/Addon/releases )** / [2 ](https://gitlab.com/ClearURLs/ClearUrls ), [Link Cleaner ](https://mybrowseraddon.com/link-cleaner.html ), [dont-track-me-google ](https://github.com/Rob--W/dont-track-me-google ) or [Link Sanitizer ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/374699-link-sanitizer ) - Remove Tracking Elements from URLs
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [LocalCDN ](https://www.localcdn.org/ )**, [WhatCampaign ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/whatcampaign/ ), [Decentraleyes ](https://decentraleyes.org/ ), [Ping Blocker ](https://github.com/dessant/ping-blocker ), [OptMeowt ](https://github.com/privacy-tech-lab/gpc-optmeowt ) or [TrackMeNot ](http://trackmenot.io/ ) - Tracking Protection
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [CRXcavator ](https://crxcavator.io/ ) - Check Browser Extension Security
* [File Guard ](https://mybrowseraddon.com/file-encryptor.html ) - File Encryption / Decryption
2022-09-30 20:10:28 -07:00
* [Site Bleacher ](https://github.com/wooque/site-bleacher ) - Auto Remove Cookies, Local Storages, etc.
2022-05-06 17:59:07 -07:00
* [Invidious Redirect ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/hooktube-redirect/?src=search ) - YouTube Frontend Redirect
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Anti-Grabify ](https://github.com/Konnor88/anti-grabify ) - Block IP Grabbers
2023-04-04 05:21:45 -07:00
* [CanvasBlocker ](https://pastebin.com/2RgYzu6u ) or [Canvas Defender ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/no-canvas-fingerprinting/ ) - Prevent Canvas Fingerprinting
2022-05-03 18:03:57 -07:00
* [Refer Deez Nuts ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/refer-deez-nuts/ ) - Hide Referral Code Clicks
2022-08-23 02:28:02 -07:00
* [GNU LibreJS ](https://www.gnu.org/software/librejs/ ) - Block Trivial Javascript
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [PortAuthority ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/port-authority/ ) - Block Javascript Port Scan on Sites
* [First Party Isolation ](https://github.com/mozfreddyb/webext-firstpartyisolation ) - Like blocking Third-party cookies, but more exhaustively
2023-04-04 05:21:45 -07:00
* [Location Guard ](https://pastebin.com/n20LcQSM ) - Hide Browsers Geolocation
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [SafeToOpen ](https://safetoopen.com/ ) - Protect Yourself From Phishing Attacks
* [Language Switch ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/languageswitch/ ) - Change Language Identifier
2022-08-06 23:55:52 -07:00
* [HTTP Tracker ](https://github.com/venukbh/http-tracker ) - Track Network on Browser
2022-11-26 08:59:45 -08:00
* [Twitter Direct ](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/404632 ) - Removes t.co Tracking from Twitter
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [chrome-utm-stripper ](https://github.com/jparise/chrome-utm-stripper ) - Remove Tracking Tokens
* [Re-Consent ](https://cliqz.com/en/magazine/re-consent ) - Opt Out of Data Collection
* [SocialSharePrivacy ](https://panzi.github.io/SocialSharePrivacy/ ) - Turn Off Social Sharing Buttons
* [Spoof Timezone ](https://add0n.com/spoof-timezone.html ) - Hide Real Timezone
* [Cloud Firewall ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/cloud-firewall/ ) - Browser Firewall
* [UglyEmail ](https://uglyemail.com/ ) or [PixelBlock ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pixelblock/jmpmfcjnflbcoidlgapblgpgbilinlem/ ) - Block Email Trackers
* [FlowCrypt ](https://flowcrypt.com/ ) - Gmail Encryption
* [Chameleon ](https://sereneblue.github.io/chameleon/ ), [UA Switcher & Manager ](https://add0n.com/useragent-switcher.html ) or [User-Agent Switcher ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/user-agent-switcher-for-c/djflhoibgkdhkhhcedjiklpkjnoahfmg ) - User-Agent Spoofer
2022-07-18 13:10:43 -07:00
* [Vytal ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/vytal/ncbknoohfjmcfneopnfkapmkblaenokb ) - Changes Geolocation to match VPN IP address
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Firefox Privacy Settings ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/privacy-settings/ ) or [SnowHaze ](https://github.com/snowhaze/firefox-extension ) - Firefox Privacy Settings Manager
2022-05-10 00:54:56 -07:00
* [VPNTabs ](https://github.com/Nickguitar/VPNTabs ) - Force Firefox Tabs through VPN or Tor
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Smart Referer ](https://gitlab.com/smart-referrer/smart-referer ) - Limit Referer Information Leaks
* [Privacy-Oriented Origin Policy ](https://claustromaniac.github.io/poop/ ) - Prevents Sending Origin Headers
2022-08-23 02:28:02 -07:00
* [GAOptOut ](https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout ) or [Trackless ](https://github.com/ascorbic/trackless ) - Google Analytics Opt Out
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Opt Out Tools ](https://add0n.com/opt-out.html ) - Prevents JavaScript from sending Google info
* [Luminous ](https://gbaptista.github.io/luminous/doc/en-US/ ) - JavaScript Events Blocker
* [Behave! ](https://github.com/mindedsecurity/behave ) - IP Protection
* [WebRTC Control ](https://mybrowseraddon.com/webrtc-control.html ) or [WebRTC ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/happy-bonobo-disable-webrtc/ ) - Enable / Disable WebRTC
* [WebRTC Network Limiter ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/webrtc-network-limiter/npeicpdbkakmehahjeeohfdhnlpdklia?hl=en ) - WebRTC Network Traffic Config
* [GPSDetect ](https://github.com/allanlw/gps-detect ) - Alerts user when JPEG contains EXIF GPS coordinates
* [Forget Me Not ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/forget_me_not/ ) - Only keeps website data for sites you choose
2023-04-04 05:21:45 -07:00
* [Secure Password Generator ](https://pastebin.com/XaRUFW4a ) or [Password Generator ](https://github.com/XFox111/PasswordGeneratorExtension ) - Password Generator
* [Private Bookmarks ](https://pastebin.com/H8vnQqiY ) - Password Protected Bookmarks
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Permission Inspector ](https://github.com/tsl143/addonManager ) - Extension Permissions Inspector
2022-11-04 19:25:54 -07:00
* [History-AutoDelete ](https://github.com/naresh97/History-AutoDelete-Rebooted ) - Browser History Manager
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [eCleaner ](https://add0n.com/ecleaner.html ) or [History & Cache Cleaner ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/history-cache-cleaner/oiecpgbfcchalgdchgoplichofjadhmk/related?hl=en ) - History & Cache Cleaner
* [CopyGuard ](https://github.com/roedesh/copyguard ) - Clipboard Hijacking Notifications
* [Nuke-Reddit-History ](https://github.com/sr33/ares ) - Reddit Auto Post Delete
* [WhatsApp Privacy Extension ](https://pfwa.lukaslen.com/ ) - Hide WhatsApp Messages Until Hovered Over / [GitHub ](https://github.com/LukasLen/Privacy-Extension-For-WhatsApp-Web )
* [AudioContext Fingerprint Test ](https://audiofingerprint.openwpm.com/ ) - AudioContext / Canvas API Fingerprinting Test
* [AudioContext Fingerprint Defender ](https://mybrowseraddon.com/audiocontext-defender.html ) - Stop AudioContext fingerprinting
* [zero-width ](https://github.com/chpmrc/zero-width-chrome-extension ) - Replaces zero-width characters
* [Temporary Containers ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/temporary-containers/ ) - Disposable Containers
* [Redirect AMP to HTML ](https://www.daniel.priv.no/web-extensions/amp2html.html ) - Redirects AMP Pages to Regular Web Pages
* [HTTP Header Live ](https://github.com/Nitrama/HTTP-Header-Live ) - Display / Edit the HTTP Header
* [Open Two Factor Authenticator ](https://add0n.com/two-factor-authenticator.html ) - Two-Factor Authentication Addon
2023-05-27 08:47:39 -07:00
* [WAIncognito ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/waincognito/alhmbbnlcggfcjjfihglopfopcbigmil?hl=en ) - Disable WhatsApps Read Receipts & Presence Updates
2022-05-18 17:04:33 -07:00
* [IndicateTLS ](https://github.com/jannispinter/indicatetls ) - Display a Sites the TLS Protocol Version
* [Lightbeam ](https://github.com/princiya/lightbeam-we ) - Tracker Visualization
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2021-08-09 00:13:36 -07:00
## ▷ Browser Tools
2023-08-04 23:05:16 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Privacy Based Browsers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_privacy_based_browsers )** - Privacy Focused Browsers / Tweaks
2023-07-06 11:52:55 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Vytal.io ](https://vytal.io/ )**, [EverySiteKnows ](http://everysiteknows.ferrucc.io/ ), [FirstPartySimulator ](https://firstpartysimulator.org/ ), [PersonalData ](https://personaldata.info/ ) or [WEBKAY ](https://webkay.robinlinus.com/ ) - Browser Tracking Tests
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Encode / Decode URLs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_encode_.2F_decode_urls )** - URL Encoding / Decoding Tools
2023-06-09 22:07:41 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [CloakStream ](https://proxy-download.cdxfedcxadsdcsdxz.workers.dev/ )** - Encrypt Download URLs
2022-10-30 22:44:06 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [alternative-front-ends ](https://github.com/mendel5/alternative-front-ends )** / [2 ](https://rentry.co/8kqrrn ), [Farside ](https://farside.link/ ) or [alternative-frontends ](https://github.com/digitalblossom/alternative-frontends ) - Frontend Index
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [PrivacySpy ](https://privacyspy.org/ )** - Grades a Sites Privacy Policies
* ⭐ ** [ACCOUNTKILLER ](https://www.accountkiller.com/ )** or [JustDeleteMe ](https://justdeleteme.xyz/ ), [2 ](https://backgroundchecks.org/justdeleteme/ ) - Find / Terminate Old Accounts
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Awesome Web Security ](https://github.com/qazbnm456/awesome-web-security ) - Web Security Resource Index
* [How Secure is My Password ](https://www.security.org/how-secure-is-my-password/ ) - Password Strength Checker
2023-04-29 04:14:01 +05:30
* [h8Mail ](https://github.com/khast3x/h8mail ) or [FirefoxMonitor ](https://monitor.firefox.com/ ) - Data Breach Check
2023-08-12 12:36:04 +02:00
* [BreachDirectory ](https://breachdirectory.org ), [Snusbase ](https://snusbase.com/ ), [Leak Lookup ](http://leak-lookup.com/ ), [Trufflehog ](https://github.com/trufflesecurity/trufflehog ) or [leakpeek ](https://leakpeek.com/ ) - Data Breach Search Engine
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [DataBunker ](https://databunker.org/ ) - Data Leak Prevention
2023-04-19 15:03:26 +05:30
* [Creepjs ](https://abrahamjuliot.github.io/creepjs ) or [LocateJS ](https://locatejs.com/ ) - Check for Browser / Extension Leaks
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Canarytokens ](https://canarytokens.org/generate ) - Network Breach Check
* [JustGetMyData ](https://justgetmydata.com/ ) - Links to Obtain Your Data from Websites
* [Privacy Score ](https://privacyscore.org/ ) - Website Privacy Score Rankings
* [LMT Anti-Logger ](https://leminhthanh.me/antilogger/ ) - Anti-Loggers (e.g. Keyloggers)
2023-03-19 02:22:54 -07:00
* [QFX KeyScrambler ](https://github.com/nbats/FMHYedit/blob/main/base64.md#qfx-keyscrambler ) - Scramble Keyboard Inputs
2023-01-06 15:18:56 -08:00
* [logknife ](https://github.com/natesales/logknife ) - Remove Sensitive Data from Log Files
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [WhoTracksMe ](https://whotracks.me/ ) or [Trackography ](https://trackography.org/ ) - Site Tracking Info
* [YourAdChoices ](https://optout.aboutads.info/?c=2&lang=EN ) - Check Your Current IBA Status
2023-03-01 23:29:52 -08:00
* [I2P ](https://geti2p.net/en/ ) - Encrypted Private Network Layer / [Resource Index ](https://github.com/mikalv/awesome-i2p ) / [Guide ](https://rentry.co/CBGI2P )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [I2Pd Browser ](https://i2pd.website/ ) - I2P Browser / [GitHub ](https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd )
2023-07-06 11:52:55 -07:00
* [CookieStatus ](https://www.cookiestatus.com/ ) or [PrivacyTests ](https://privacytests.org/ ) - Browser Tracking Protection Comparisons
2023-07-23 07:29:58 -07:00
* [Device Info ](https://www.deviceinfo.me/ ), [Privacy Test ](https://privacy.net/analyzer/ ), [IPX ](https://ipx.ac/run ) or [Sploit ](https://sploit.io/test.php ) - Browser Data Leak Test
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [SSL Labs ](https://clienttest.ssllabs.com:8443/ssltest/viewMyClient.html ) - SSL/TLS Browser Capabilities Test
* [IP / DNS Leak Tests ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_ip_.2F_dns_leak_tests ) - Test for IP & DNS Leaks
* [DNSCookie ](http://dnscookie.com/ ) - Identify Related Network Flows
2023-03-21 07:11:43 -07:00
* [Microsoft Security Intelligence ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/support/report-unsafe-site-guest ) or [MalSite ](https://rentry.co/malsite ) - Report Unsafe Sites
2023-07-07 10:18:59 -07:00
* [Phish.Report ](https://phish.report/ ), [OpenPhish ](https://openphish.com/ ), [PhishStats ](https://phishstats.info/ ) or [PhishTank ](https://phishtank.org/ ) - Report Phishing Sites
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [How-To Turn off IPv6 ](https://www.itechguides.com/disable-ipv6-windows-10/ ) - Prevent IP Leaks
* [IPv6 Leak Test ](https://ip6.nl/ ), [Test-IPv6 ](https://test-ipv6.com/ ) or [IPv6 Test ](https://ipv6-test.com/ ) - IPv6 Leak Test
* [Voidsec ](https://ip.voidsec.com/ ) or [WebRTC Leak Test ](https://www.expressvpn.com/webrtc-leak-test ) - WebRTC Leak Test
* [webwormhole ](https://github.com/saljam/webwormhole ) - Peer Authenticated WebRTC
* [WhatsMyUA? ](https://www.whatsmyua.info/ ) or [WhatIsMyBrowser ](https://www.whatismybrowser.com/detect/what-is-my-user-agent ) - User-Agent Detection
* [Google Takeout ](https://takeout.google.com/ ) - Google Data Request
2022-12-14 02:35:59 -08:00
* [de-google ](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/wiki/de-google ), [De-google-ify ](https://degooglisons-internet.org/en/ ), [Degoogle ](https://github.com/tycrek/degoogle ), [Google Alt List ](https://www.techspot.com/news/80729-complete-list-alternatives-all-google-products.html ), [/r/DeGoogle ](https://www.reddit.com/r/degoogle ), [de-google ](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/wiki/de-google/ ) or [No More Google ](https://nomoregoogle.com/ ) - Google App Alternatives
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [no-google ](https://github.com/nickspaargaren/no-google ) - Block All Google Services
* [Nixory ](http://nixory.sourceforge.net/ ) - Antispyware Browser Tool
* [Alternative Internet ](https://redecentralize.github.io/alternative-internet/ ) - Decentralization Networks
* [Dark Launch Referer Test ](https://www.darklaunch.com/tools/test-referer ) - Check Link Referrer
* [Anonymizer ](https://www.lolinez.com/ ) - Anonymize Links
2022-08-04 01:06:18 -07:00
* [Link Cleaner ](https://linkcleaner.app/ ) - Remove Tracking Elements / Extra Garbage from URLs / [Script ](https://gist.github.com/htsign/455bd76d107be1f810c5caa4072c8275 )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [whoer ](https://whoer.net/ ), [encrypted-sni ](https://www.cloudflare.com/ssl/encrypted-sni/ ) or [f.vision ](http://www.f.vision/ ) - Check Network / Browser Security
* [browserrecon ](https://www.computec.ch/projekte/browserrecon/?s=scan ), [PixelScan ](https://pixelscan.net/ ), [Unique Machine ](https://uniquemachine.org/ ) or [AmIUnique ](https://amiunique.org/ ) / [Timeline ](https://amiunique.org/timeline ) - Browser Fingerprinting Test
* [fluxfonts ](https://github.com/da2x/fluxfonts ) - Hide Unique Font Fingerprint
2023-01-06 15:18:56 -08:00
* [Extension Fingerprints ](https://github.com/z0ccc/extension-fingerprints ) - Extension Fingerprinting Tests
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [dataskydd ](https://webbkoll.dataskydd.net/ ) or [Blacklight ](https://themarkup.org/blacklight ) - Check what data-protecting measures a site has taken
* [uBO-Scope ](https://github.com/gorhill/uBO-Scope ) - Measure 3rd Party Exposure
2022-10-30 14:54:46 -07:00
* [Wikiless ](https://wikiless.org/ ) - Wikipedia Frontend
2023-04-09 08:46:32 -07:00
* [Nitter ](https://nitter.net/ ) - Twitter Frontend / [Manage Feeds ](https://github.com/pluja/Feetter )
2022-03-17 17:20:15 -07:00
* [Reddit Frontends ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_reddit_frontends )
2022-10-30 14:54:46 -07:00
* [ProxiTok ](https://proxitok.pabloferreiro.es/ ) - TikTok Frontend / [GitHub ](https://github.com/pablouser1/ProxiTok )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Cusdis ](https://cusdis.com/ ) - Privacy-Focused Comment System / [GitHub ](https://github.com/djyde/cusdis )
* [Social Amnesia ](https://github.com/Nick-Gottschlich/Social-Amnesia ) - Reddit / Twitter Auto Post Delete
* [delete-likes-from-twitter ](https://gist.github.com/aymericbeaumet/d1d6799a1b765c3c8bc0b675b1a1547d ) - Delete Twitter Likes / Favorites
* [Unfavinator ](http://unfavinator.com/ ) - Delete Twitter Favorites
2023-01-16 17:54:13 -08:00
* [TweetDelete ](https://tweetdelete.net/ ), [Twitter Cleaner ](https://github.com/caarlos0/twitter-cleaner ) or [TweetEraser ](https://www.tweeteraser.com/ ) - Delete Twitter Posts in Bulk
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [GeoSocial Footprint ](http://geosocialfootprint.com/ ) or [tinfoleak ](https://tinfoleak.com/ ) - View Your Geosocial Footprint
* [PowerDeleteSuite ](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite ) - Reddit Auto Post Delete
* [Mine ](https://saymineapp.com/ ) - View / Manage Digital Footprint
2023-05-02 10:18:11 +05:30
* [Redact ](https://redact.dev/ ) - Delete Entire Online History / [Warning ](https://i.ibb.co/pdg4hRr/0b0d78219f05.png )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Freenet Project ](https://freenetproject.org/ ) - Browse / Publish Freenet Sites
* [pdf-redact-tools ](https://github.com/firstlookmedia/pdf-redact-tools ) - Remove Metadata from Documents / PDF Files
2022-06-04 19:29:10 -07:00
* [Mat2 ](https://0xacab.org/jvoisin/mat2 ) / [Desktop ](https://metadatacleaner.romainvigier.fr/ ), [2 ](https://0xacab.org/jvoisin/mat2-web ), [metadata-cleaner ](https://gitlab.com/rmnvgr/metadata-cleaner ) - Remove Metadata from Files
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [SecLists ](https://seclists.org/ ) - Security Mailing List Archive
* [Panopticlick ](https://coveryourtracks.eff.org/ ) - Test if your Browser Blocks Tracking
* [Am I FLoCed? ](https://amifloced.org/ ) or [FLoC Demo ](https://floc.glitch.me/ ) - Check if Chrome Ad-Targeting is Enabled
* [Yggdrasil ](https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ ), [2 ](https://github.com/yggdrasil-network ) - IPv6 Network / [yggdrasil-go ](https://github.com/yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go/ )
* [anoNet ](http://www.anonet.org/ ) - Anonymous IP Network
2021-10-06 19:10:07 -07:00
## ▷ Search Engines
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Search Engine Party ](https://searchengine.party/ )** - Privacy Search Engine Comparisons
2023-04-19 15:03:26 +05:30
* ⭐ ** [DuckDuckGo ](https://duckduckgo.com/ )** - [Shortcuts ](https://duckduckgo.com/bangs ) / [Search Scraper ](https://github.com/JohnScooby/DuckDuckGo-Scraper )
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [searx ](https://asciimoo.github.io/searx/ )** - [Instances ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_searx_instances ) / [Desktop ](https://notabug.org/CYBERDEViL/searx-qt )
2023-05-24 22:22:45 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Mojeek ](https://www.mojeek.com/ )**
2021-10-06 19:10:07 -07:00
* [Qwant ](https://www.qwant.com/ )
* [Swisscows ](https://swisscows.com/ )
* [Metager ](https://metager.org/ )
* [YaCy ](https://yacy.net/ )
2023-06-01 16:37:51 -07:00
* [Startpage ](https://www.startpage.com/ )
2021-10-06 19:10:07 -07:00
* [Brave Search ](https://search.brave.com/ )
2023-05-12 00:06:53 -07:00
* [Search Encrypt ](https://www.searchencrypt.com/ )
2021-10-06 19:10:07 -07:00
* [Kagi ](https://kagi.com/ )
* [ekoru ](https://ekoru.org/ )
2023-01-09 13:11:02 -08:00
* [Gibiru ](https://gibiru.com/ )
* [Whoogle ](https://github.com/benbusby/whoogle-search ) or [librengine ](https://github.com/liameno/librengine ) - Self-Hosted Encrypted Search Engines
2021-10-06 19:10:07 -07:00
## ▷ Email Services
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Encrypted Email Services ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_encrypted_email_services )**
* ⭐ ** [Temp Emails ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_temp_email_sites )** - Create Temporary Email Addresses
* ⭐ ** [Have I been Pwned? ](https://haveibeenpwned.com/ )** or [GhostProject ](https://ghostproject.fr/ ) - Monitor Email Breaches
2023-07-23 07:29:58 -07:00
* [EmailPrivacyTester ](https://www.emailprivacytester.com/ ) - Email Privacy Tests
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Email Forwarding Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_email_forwarding ) - Hide Real Email Address'
2022-07-23 01:01:41 -07:00
* [Duck Manager ](https://github.com/weebi/duck-manager ) or [ddgmail ](https://github.com/lem6ns/ddgmail ) - Manage @duck Aliases
2023-07-23 07:29:58 -07:00
* [Check-Mail ](https://check-mail.org/free-email-validation-api/ ) or [Validator ](https://www.mailcheck.ai/ ) - Check Email Validity
2023-07-05 03:25:51 -07:00
* [OpenPGP ](https://www.openpgp.org/ ) - Email Encryption / [Guide ](https://riseup.net/en/security/message-security/openpgp/best-practices )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [MetaClean for Gmail ](https://www.adarsus.com/en/remove-metadata-from-gmail-attachments/ ) - Remove Metadata from Emails
* [Anon Emails ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_send_anonymous_emails ) - Send Anonymous Emails
2023-07-23 07:29:58 -07:00
* [/r/emailprivacy ](https://reddit.com/r/emailprivacy ) - Discussion of Email Privacy / Security / Anonymity
* [Block Sender ](https://blocksender.io/ ) - Block Unwanted Emails
* [E4ward ](http://e4ward.com/ ) - Spam Email Filter
* [disposable-email-domains ](https://github.com/disposable-email-domains/disposable-email-domains ) - Disposable Email Blocklist
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [EmailRep ](http://emailrep.io/ ) - Email Reputation Check
2023-04-19 15:03:26 +05:30
* [torbirdy ](https://gitlab.torproject.org/legacy/trac/-/wikis/torbirdy ) - Connect to Mozilla Thunderbird via Tor
2021-10-06 19:10:07 -07:00
2021-10-20 03:22:57 -07:00
## ▷ [Linux Privacy](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/linux#wiki_.25BA_linux_adblock_.2F_privacy)
## ▷ [Mac Privacy](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/linux#wiki_.25BA_mac_adblock_.2F_privacy)
2023-07-13 12:44:08 -07:00
## ▷ [Android Privacy](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/android#wiki_.25B7_android_privacy)
2021-10-06 19:10:07 -07:00
2023-07-13 12:44:08 -07:00
## ▷ [iOS Privacy](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/android#wiki_.25B7_ios_privacy)
2021-10-06 19:10:07 -07:00
# ► VPN
2023-01-23 17:43:39 -08:00
* **Note** - For torrenting it's recommended to use a paid rather than free VPN. Free VPNs are only really useful for things like viewing sites blocked by your ISP / country.
2023-01-19 10:46:02 -08:00
2023-01-19 10:47:04 -08:00
2023-04-18 08:02:58 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [VPN Comparison Chart ](https://web.archive.org/web/20221029202548/https://privacymelon.com/stealth-vpn-guide/vpn-comparison-table/ )** / [2 ](https://techlore.tech/vpn ) / [3 ](https://redd.it/rikthc ) - VPN Comparisons
2023-03-29 04:57:35 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [VPS Comparison Chart ](https://lowendstock.com/ )** - VPS Comparisons
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [How-to Bind VPN to Client ](https://redd.it/ssy8vv )** - Bind VPN to Client to Avoid ISP Letters
2023-05-02 10:18:11 +05:30
* ⭐ ** [AirVPN ](https://airvpn.org/ )** - [Pricing ](https://i.ibb.co/8rVJ5JB/c4b813a6b6bc.png )
2023-06-30 22:09:36 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Perfect Privacy ](https://www.perfect-privacy.com/ )** - [Pricing ](https://i.ibb.co/PYNFn4K/0f638a6f3523.png ) / [No Logging ](https://www.perfect-privacy.com/en/warrant-canary )
2023-05-29 22:46:30 +00:00
* ⭐ ** [Windscribe ](https://windscribe.com )** - [Pricing ](https://ibb.co/tPZZDhC ) / Free Version Available / [Improved App ](https://github.com/Windscribe/Desktop-App )
* ⭐ ** [Proton ](https://protonvpn.com )** - [Pricing ](https://ibb.co/gg4VCDR ) / No Torrenting w/ Free Version
2023-05-02 10:18:11 +05:30
* ⭐ ** [CryptoStorm ](https://cryptostorm.is/ )** - [Pricing ](https://i.ibb.co/3m849CX/afe46b2ec3ec.png )
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Riseup ](https://riseup.net/en/vpn )** - Free VPN
* ⭐ ** [Softether ](https://www.softether.org/ )** - Free VPN / [VPN Gate ](https://www.vpngate.net/en/download.aspx ) / [Note ](https://pastebin.com/TrSw7EpF )
2023-02-11 02:40:34 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [WireGuard ](https://www.wireguard.com/ )** - VPN Tunnel / [Setup Guide ](https://github.com/amritb/poor-mans-vpn ) / [Tools ](https://guardline-vpn.github.io/wireguard-tools/ ) / [Manager ](https://github.com/perara/wg-manager ) / [WebUI ](https://hub.docker.com/r/weejewel/wg-easy )
2023-08-09 15:20:55 +02:00
* ⭐ ** [Warp ]( )**, [2 ]( ) - Traffic Encryption VPN
2023-08-05 00:26:19 -07:00
* ⭐ **Warp Tools** - [Unlimited Data ](https://github.com/nxvvvv/warp-plus ) / [Script ](https://github.com/fscarmen/warp ) / [Warp Warning ](https://rentry.co/warpwarning )
2023-05-29 22:46:30 +00:00
* [VPNSecure ](https://www.vpnsecure.me/ ) - [Pricing ](https://ibb.co/c2BdyG1 )
2023-05-30 00:20:41 -07:00
* [Mullvad ](https://mullvad.net/ ) - [Pricing ](https://i.ibb.co/sHB33GJ/daf48a5ee585.png ) / [NetNS ](https://github.com/chutz/mullvad-netns ) / [No-Logging ](https://mullvad.net/en/blog/2023/4/20/mullvad-vpn-was-subject-to-a-search-warrant-customer-data-not-compromised/ ) / [Port Warning ](https://mullvad.net/en/blog/2023/5/29/removing-the-support-for-forwarded-ports/ )
2023-06-30 22:09:36 -07:00
* [IVPN ](https://www.ivpn.net/ ) - [Pricing ](https://i.ibb.co/6sQKrQL/e06bea93c5ba.png ) / [Free Trial ](https://redd.it/nzjmqa ) / [No Logging ](https://www.ivpn.net/knowledgebase/privacy/how-do-we-react-when-requested-by-an-authority-for-information-relating-to-a-customer/ ) / [Port Warning ](https://www.ivpn.net/blog/gradual-removal-of-port-forwarding/ )
* [OVPN ](https://www.ovpn.com/ ) - [Pricing ](https://ibb.co/BNmCJdS ) / [No Logging ](https://www.ovpn.com/en/blog/ovpn-wins-court-order )
2023-05-29 22:46:30 +00:00
* [Tailscale ](https://tailscale.com/ ) - [Pricing ](https://ibb.co/VDz3kxp ) / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/n3vtSwc )
* [TorGuard ](https://torguard.net/ ) - [Pricing ](https://ibb.co/fHyN9F1 )
* [PandaVPN ](https://pandavpnpro.com/ ) - [Pricing ](https://ibb.co/PCPsv2t )
* [Hidemy.name ](https://hidemy.name/en/ ) - [Pricing ](https://ibb.co/1mxrGTV )
2023-05-02 10:18:11 +05:30
* [TitaniumNetwork VPN ](https://tnvpn.com/ ) - [Pricing ](https://i.ibb.co/r6CjtrB/282248084c76.png )
2023-05-29 22:46:30 +00:00
* [Malwarebytes VPN ](https://malwarebytes.com/vpn ) - [Pricing ](https://ibb.co/dPpYfT9 )
* [Adguard VPN ](https://adguard-vpn.com/en/welcome.html ) - VPN Extension / 3GB Free / [Pricing ](https://ibb.co/rt0DS0N )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [StrongSwan ](https://www.strongswan.org/ ) - IPsec VPN
* [WireHole ](https://github.com/IAmStoxe/wirehole ) - Wireguard VPN w/ Adblocking Capabilities
2022-05-12 16:20:16 -07:00
* [Syntropy ](https://www.syntropystack.com/vpn ), [Self Hosted VPN ](https://github.com/rajannpatel/Pi-Hole-on-Google-Compute-Engine-Free-Tier-with-Full-Tunnel-and-Split-Tunnel-Wireguard-VPN-Configs ), [VpnHood ](https://github.com/vpnhood/VpnHood ), [n2n ](https://github.com/ntop/n2n ), [ipsec-vpn ](https://github.com/hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn ) or [Outline ](https://getoutline.org/ ) - Self-Hosted VPN
2022-05-24 18:12:05 -07:00
* [PrivadoVPN ](https://privadovpn.com/ ) - Free VPN / Unlimited Accounts via [Temp Mail ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_temp_email_sites )
2023-04-19 15:03:26 +05:30
* [Kaspersky ](https://www.kaspersky.com/vpn-secure-connection ) - Free VPN / 200 MB per day / No Account Required
2022-07-23 01:01:41 -07:00
* [OpenConnect ](https://www.infradead.org/openconnect/ ) - SSL VPN / [GUI ](https://openconnect.github.io/openconnect-gui/ )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Free VPN Online ](http://freevpnonline.com/ ) - Free VPN
2022-10-30 22:44:06 -07:00
* [VpnHood ](https://github.com/vpnhood/VpnHood ) - Free VPN
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [HideMe ](https://hide.me/ ) - Free VPN
* [Calyx VPN ](https://calyx.net/ ) - Free VPN
* [Leap VPN ](https://leap.se/ ) - Free VPN
* [Clash ](https://github.com/Fndroid/clash_for_windows_pkg ) - Free VPN / [Profiles ](https://rentry.co/2q3rn )
2023-04-19 15:03:26 +05:30
* [Portals ](https://www.portalsvpn.com/ ) - dVPN
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [TunnelBear ](https://www.tunnelbear.com/ ) - Free VPN / 500mb
* [VPNBook ](https://www.vpnbook.com/ ) - Free VPN Accounts
* [VPNGate ](https://www.vpngate.net/en/ ) - Free VPN Relay Servers
2022-07-04 21:10:34 -07:00
* [OpenVPN ](https://openvpn.net/ ) or [TincVPN ](http://www.tinc-vpn.org/ ) - VPN Tunnels
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Free VPN Configs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_free_vpn_configs ) - Free VPN Tunnel Configs
* [Gluetun ](https://github.com/qdm12/gluetun ) - Tunnel your Docker containers through a VPN
* [PiVPN ](https://pivpn.io/ ) - Raspberry Pi VPN / [GitHub ](https://github.com/pivpn/pivpn )
* [Enterprise ](https://pritunl.com/ ) - VPN Server
* [Algo VPN ](https://github.com/trailofbits/algo ) - Cloud VPN
2023-04-19 15:03:26 +05:30
* [Amnezia ](https://github.com/amnezia-vpn/amnezia-client ) - Self-hosted VPN
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Self-hosted VPN Guide ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/selfhost-vpn ) - Self-hosted VPN guide by /u/Kaxry
* [VPNHotspot ](https://github.com/Mygod/VPNHotspot ) - Share VPN Connection over Hotspot
2022-04-19 09:34:43 -07:00
* [raspberrypiwireguard ](https://github.com/adrianmihalko/raspberrypiwireguard ) - Install WireGuard on Raspberry Pi
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Killswitch ](https://github.com/nologs-vpn/killswitch ) or [KillSwitch ](https://github.com/nerfirelia123/KillSwitch ) - Custom VPN Killswitch
* [/r/VPN ](https://reddit.com/r/VPN ) - VPN Help and Discussion
2022-02-03 04:48:08 -08:00
* [Opera "VPN" is a Proxy, Not VPN ](https://gist.github.com/spaze/558b7c4cd81afa7c857381254ae7bd10 )
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2021-08-09 00:13:36 -07:00
# ► Proxy
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2021-08-09 00:13:36 -07:00
## ▷ Proxy Apps
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Psiphon ](https://psiphon.ca/ )** - [Bypass Blocks ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/953145730736996382/953730963735707719/Screenshot_20220316220604.png )
2023-04-19 15:03:26 +05:30
* ⭐ ** [Lantern ](https://lantern.io/ )**
2023-07-25 17:04:39 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [GoodbyeDPI ](https://github.com/ValdikSS/GoodbyeDPI/ )** / [GUI ](https://github.com/mguludag/GUI-for-GoodbyeDPI ), [Green Tunnel ](https://github.com/SadeghHayeri/GreenTunnel ) or [NETBRIGHT ](https://github.com/yebekhe/NETBRIGHT ) - Local Proxies
2023-01-29 01:57:11 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [Bypass ISP Blocks ](https://rentry.co/bypass-some-isp-blocks-with-just-firefox )** - Bypass ISP censorship with Firefox
2021-08-09 00:13:36 -07:00
* [Acrylic ](http://mayakron.altervista.org/ )
2023-01-01 11:43:30 -08:00
* [Tsunami ](https://github.com/FogNetwork/Tsunami )
2023-04-19 15:03:26 +05:30
* [Shadowsocks ](https://shadowsocks.org/ ) - [Free Servers ](https://github.com/ruanfei/cross ), [2 ](https://github.com/learnhard-cn/free_proxy_ss ) / [Client ](https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-windows )
2022-01-25 10:07:32 -08:00
* [FilterBypass ](https://www.filterbypass.me/ )
2023-03-19 02:22:54 -07:00
* [Proxifier ](https://www.proxifier.com/ ) - [Keys ](https://github.com/nbats/FMHYedit/blob/main/base64.md#proxifier-keys )
2022-03-18 12:30:59 -07:00
* [Hola Proxy ](https://github.com/Snawoot/hola-proxy )
2023-02-24 23:01:10 -08:00
* [Ultraviolet ](https://github.com/titaniumnetwork-dev/Ultraviolet )
2023-04-19 15:03:26 +05:30
* [Hysteria ](https://github.com/apernet/hysteria )
2023-01-07 12:24:24 -08:00
* [SimpleDnsCrypt ](https://github.com/instantsc/SimpleDnsCrypt )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Xray ](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core ) - [Telegram ](https://t.me/projectXray )
* [Privoxy ](http://www.privoxy.org/ ) - [Docker Build ](https://github.com/binhex/arch-privoxyvpn )
2023-08-04 23:05:16 -07:00
* [GFW-knocker ](https://github.com/GFW-knocker/gfw_resist_tls_proxy ) - TLS Proxy / [Test ](https://www.howsmyssl.com/ )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [mitmproxy ](https://mitmproxy.org/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy ) - HTTPS Proxy
2022-08-06 23:55:52 -07:00
* [SwitchyOmega ](https://github.com/FelisCatus/SwitchyOmega ) or [NginxProxyManager ](https://github.com/NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager ) - Proxy Manager
2023-03-20 06:43:47 -07:00
* [FoxyProxy ](https://getfoxyproxy.org/ ), [anonymoX ](https://anonymox.net/en ), [Ambrose ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ambrose.overwall&gl=US ) or [Snowflake ](https://snowflake.torproject.org/ ) - Proxy Browser Extensions
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Fri-Gate ](https://fri-gate.org/ ) - Advanced Proxy Settings Addon
* [Proxy Privacy Ruler ](https://github.com/JustOff/proxy-privacy-ruler ) - Limit Proxy Usage by Private Windows
2022-07-31 02:15:37 -07:00
* [1337x Proxy ](https://redd.it/tz7nyx ) - 1337x Proxy Guide / [Example ](https://pastebin.com/3n5K0QrP )
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
2021-08-09 00:13:36 -07:00
## ▷ Proxy Sites
2022-10-20 16:52:48 -07:00
* ⭐ ** [Proxy Lists ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_proxy_lists )** - Lists of Proxies
* ⭐ ** [Piracy Site Proxies ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_piracy_site_proxies )**
* ⭐ ** [HolyUnblocker ](https://www.holyubofficial.net/ )**
2021-08-09 00:13:36 -07:00
* [ProxySite ](https://www.proxysite.com/ )
2021-09-29 21:15:46 -07:00
* [GenMirror ](https://www.genmirror.com/ )
2021-08-09 00:13:36 -07:00
* [Hide.me ](https://hide.me/en/proxy )
* [KProxy ](https://www.kproxy.com/ )
* [Free Proxy ](https://freeproxy.win/ )
2021-09-16 20:22:12 -07:00
* [Blockaway ](https://www.blockaway.net/ )
2021-08-09 00:13:36 -07:00
* [VPN Book ](https://www.vpnbook.com/webproxy )
* [Hidester ](https://hidester.com/proxy/ )
2021-10-16 04:38:04 -07:00
* [CroxyProxy ](https://www.croxyproxy.com/ )
2021-10-24 22:49:01 -07:00
* [ProxyPx ](https://www.proxypx.com/ )
2021-10-22 02:19:55 -07:00
* [ProxySite ](https://www.proxysite.cc/ )
2021-12-20 04:26:43 -08:00
* [Sudoproxy ](https://www.sudoproxy.net/ )
2021-11-14 10:55:38 -08:00
* [ProxyOf2 ](https://proxyof2.com/ )
2021-10-08 01:25:41 -07:00
* [Proxy-URLs ](https://www.proxy-urls.com/ )
2022-10-06 19:40:39 -07:00
* [HideIP ](https://m.hideip.co/ )
2021-08-09 00:13:36 -07:00
* [Sitenable ](http://sitenable.in/ )
2022-07-26 01:21:45 -07:00
* [UnblockSites ](https://unblocksites.online/ )
2021-08-09 00:13:36 -07:00
* [4EverProxy ](https://www.4everproxy.com/ )
2023-05-10 07:53:32 -07:00
* [Proxyium ](https://proxyium.com/ )
2021-09-30 20:56:35 -07:00
* [Proxy Site ](https://proxysite.cloud/ )
2023-01-29 01:57:11 -08:00
* [TorProxy ](https://torproxy.org/ )
2022-08-10 04:09:50 -07:00
* [AtozProxy ](https://www.atozproxy.com/ )
2023-01-18 19:10:49 -08:00
* [Cloudflare Workers Proxy ](https://rentry.org/champagne_guides/#how-to-proxy-any-website-using-cloudflare-workers ) - How-to Use Cloudflare Workers as a Proxy
2022-08-05 10:49:45 +03:00
* [Google Translate ](https://translate.google.com/ ) - [How to use ](https://redd.it/fawkjy )
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [Proxy Scrape ](https://github.com/JaredLGillespie/proxyscrape ) - Python Library for Retrieving Free Proxies
2023-04-08 05:20:27 -07:00
* [Proxy-Checker ](https://proxy-checker.net/ ), [Proxy Checker Genius ](https://www.proxychecker.ge/ ), [proxy-scraper ](https://github.com/iw4p/proxy-scraper ), [ProxyScraper_v1 ](https://github.com/WTSTiNy/DeCryPt_ProxyScraper_v1 ), [What is my Proxy ](http://www.whatismyproxy.com/ ), [proxy-scraper-checker ](https://github.com/monosans/proxy-scraper-checker ), [Socker ](https://github.com/TheSpeedX/socker ) or [Unfx Proxy Checker ](https://github.com/openproxyspace/unfx-proxy-checker ) - Proxy Scrapers / Checkers
2022-04-13 00:37:36 -07:00
* [CheckSocks5 ](https://checksocks5.com/ ) - Socks5 Proxy Checker
* [Proxynova ](https://www.proxynova.com/proxy-server-list/country-ir/ ) - Iranian Proxies