2023-11-26 02:10:05 -08:00
**[◄◄ Back to Wiki Index ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/tools-index )**
2023-11-26 01:58:04 -08:00
# ► Text Tools
* ⭐ ** [TextCleanr ](https://www.textcleanr.com/ )**, [TextFixer ](https://www.textfixer.com/ ), [OnlineTextTools ](https://onlinetexttools.com/ ), [SoftMyList ](https://sortmylist.com/ ) or [The Alphabetizer ](https://alphabetizer.flap.tv/ ) - Organize / Format Text
* [diffr ](https://loilo.github.io/diffr/ ), [TextCompare ](https://www.textcompare.org/ ), [Text-Compare ](https://text-compare.com/ ) or [DiffNow ](https://www.diffnow.com/ ) - Compare Text
* [Count Duplicates ](https://www.somacon.com/p568.php ) or [DuplicateWord ](https://duplicateword.com/ ) - Count / Remove Duplicates in a List
* [Count Wordsworth ](https://countwordsworth.com/ ) - Count Words in a List
* [Delim ](https://delim.co/ ) - Comma Separating Tool
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* [SpeechTexter ](https://www.speechtexter.com/ ), [SpeechNotes ](https://speechnotes.co/ ), [LilySpeech ](https://lilyspeech.com/ ), [VoiceToText ](https://voicetotext.org/ ), [TalkTyper ](https://talktyper.com/ ) or [VoiceNotebook ](https://voicenotebook.com/ ) - Speech to Text
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* [WindowTextExtractor ](https://github.com/AlexanderPro/WindowTextExtractor ) - Extract Text From Any Window
* [Content Parser ](https://content-parser.com/ ) - Extract Markdown, HTML and Text from Sites
* [Textify ](https://ramensoftware.com/textify ) - Copy Text from Any Dialog
* [Scanner ](https://simon-knuth.github.io/scanner/index ) or [NAPS2 ](https://www.naps2.com/ ) - Scanner Apps / [GitHub ](https://github.com/simon-knuth/scanner )
* [Text to Handwriting ](https://saurabhdaware.github.io/text-to-handwriting/ ) or [HandWrittner ](https://handwrittner.com/?lang=en ) - Text to Handwriting Converter
* [StegCloak ](https://stegcloak.surge.sh/ ) - Hide Messages in Text
* [telescopictext ](https://www.telescopictext.org/ ) - Write Text Within Text
* [quipqiup ](https://www.quipqiup.com/ ) or [dCode ](https://www.dcode.fr/en ) - Cryptogram Solvers
## ▷ Pastebins
* ⭐ ** [Pastebin Search ](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=0cd79b819f26af9d0 )**
* ⭐ ** [Rentry ](https://rentry.co/ )** / [CLI ](https://github.com/radude/rentry )
2024-01-07 02:40:43 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [Bundles ](https://sentrytwo.com/ )** / [Source ](https://codeberg.org/SentryTwo/bundles )
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* ⭐ ** [disroot ](https://bin.disroot.org/ )**, [privatebin ](https://privatebin.net/ ), [TextBin ](https://textbin.xyz/ ), [bin.idrix ](https://bin.idrix.fr/ ) or [RIN Privatebin ](https://privatebin.rinuploads.org/ )
* ⭐ ** [PrivateBin ](https://privatebin.info/directory/ )**
* ⭐ ** [katb ](https://katb.in/ )**
2023-12-21 23:14:24 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [WriteXO ](https://writexo.com/ )**
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* [Snips.sh ](https://snips.sh/ ) - Self-Hosted
* [paste ](https://paste.ee/ )
* [pst.moe ](https://pst.moe/ )
* [p.ip.fi ](https://p.ip.fi/ )
* [paste.mozilla ](https://paste.mozilla.org/ )
* [pastebin ](https://pastebin.com/ )
* [telegra.ph ](https://telegra.ph/ )
* [blackhost ](https://blackhost.xyz/?id=pst )
* [protectedtext ](https://www.protectedtext.com/ )
* [shortbin ](http://bin.shortbin.eu:8080/ )
* [throwbin ](https://throwbin.in/ )
* [dpaste ](https://dpaste.com/ ) / [2 ](https://dpaste.org/ )
* [copydock ](https://copydock.vercel.app/paste )
* [riseup pad ](https://pad.riseup.net/ )
* [zPaste ](https://zpaste.net/ )
* [bitbin ](https://bitbin.it/ )
* [pastes.io ](https://pastes.io/ )
* [txt ](https://txt.fyi/ )
* [peeplink ](https://peeplink.in/ )
* [paaster ](https://paaster.io/ )
* [pastery ](https://www.pastery.net/ )
* [pastebin.pl ](https://pastebin.pl/ )
* [hasbin ](https://hashb.in )
* [zerobin ](https://zerobin.net/ )
* [paste.debian ](https://paste.debian.net/ )
* [centos ](https://paste.centos.org/ )
* [blankslate ](https://blankslate.io/ )
* [microbin ](https://microbin.eu/ )
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* [MarkdownPastebin ](https://markdownpastebin.com/ ) - Markdown Pastebin
* [Mystb.in ](https://mystb.in/ ), [codeshare ](https://codeshare.io/ ), [paste.mod ](https://paste.mod.gg/ ) or [snippet.host ](https://snippet.host/ ) - Code Pastebins
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## ▷ Translators
2023-11-27 14:25:42 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [DeepL ](https://www.deepl.com/translator )**
* [Crow Translate ](https://github.com/crow-translate/crow-translate ) or [Argos ](https://github.com/argosopentech/argos-translate ) - Translation Apps
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* [Translate Shell ](https://www.soimort.org/translate-shell/ ) - Translation CLI / [GitHub ](https://github.com/soimort/translate-shell )
* [OnlineDocTranslator ](https://www.onlinedoctranslator.com/en/ ) - Document Translator
* [LegaleseDecoder ](https://legalesedecoder.com/free-legal-document-to-plain-english-translator/ ) - Legal Document Translator
* [japReader ](https://github.com/marisukukise/japReader ) - Japanese Text Translator
* [LyricsTranslate ](https://lyricstranslate.com/ ) - Lyric Translator
* [LingoJam ](https://lingojam.com/ ) - Create Translator
* [Translator++ ](https://dreamsavior.net/translator-the-introduction/ ) - Automatic Translator / Editor
* [Translate Large PDFs ](https://rentry.co/97nqn ) - Large PDF Translation Guide
* [Poedit ](https://poedit.net/ ) - Translation Editor
* [OmegaT ](https://omegat.org/ ) - Translation Memory Tool
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* [Translate-Images ](https://translate-image.com/ ) - Translate Image Text
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* [FastHub ](https://fasthub.net/ ) - Text to Speech Translation Tool
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* [ASR Leaderboard ](https://huggingface.co/spaces/hf-audio/open_asr_leaderboard ) - Speech Recognition AI Leaderboard
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* [Useless-Translator ](https://vcjhwebdev.github.io/useless-translator/ ), [Morsecode World ](https://morsecode.world/ ) or [MorseDecoder ](https://morsedecoder.com/ ) - Morse Code / Binary Translators
* [The Pirate Translator ](https://pirate.monkeyness.com/translate ) - Translate Text to Pirate
* [Emojify ](https://madelinemiller.dev/apps/emojify/ ) - Emojify Text
* [typ3r ](https://typ3r.aavi.me/ ) - tRaNSlAtE tEXT lik3 THiS
* [Papago ](https://papago.naver.com/ )
* [Libretranslate ](https://libretranslate.com/ ) / [2 ](https://github.com/LibreTranslate/LibreTranslate )
* [Translate.com ](https://www.translate.com/ )
* [MyMemory ](https://mymemory.translated.net/ )
* [Nice Translator ](https://nicetranslator.com/ )
* [Yandex Translator ](https://translate.yandex.com/ )
* [Bing Translator ](https://www.bing.com/translator )
* [Reverso ](https://www.reverso.net/ )
* [GTranslate ](https://git.sr.ht/~yerinalexey/gtranslate )
* [babelfish ](https://www.babelfish.com/ )
* [translation2 ](https://translation2.paralink.com/ )
* [Apertium ](https://apertium.org/ )
* [collinsdictionary ](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/translator )
* [online-translator ](https://www.online-translator.com/translation )
* [translatedict ](https://www.translatedict.com/ )
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* [Systrane Translate ](https://www.systransoft.com/translate/ )
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* [Translator.eu ](https://www.translator.eu/ )
## ▷ Grammar Check
* ⭐ ** [Scribens ](https://www.scribens.com/ )**
2024-01-11 03:27:07 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [LanguageTool ](https://languagetool.org/ )**
2024-01-11 09:53:26 +00:00
* [Grammarly ](https://www.grammarly.com/grammar-check )
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* [ProWritingAid ](https://prowritingaid.com/grammar-checker )
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* [QuillBot ](https://quillbot.com/grammar-check )
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* [DeepL Write ](https://www.deepl.com/write )
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## ▷ Text Rephrasing
* ⭐ ** [QuillBot AI ](https://quillbot.com/ )** - Text Rephrasing
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* ⭐ **QuillBot Tools** - [Premium Unlock ](https://github.com/Raguggg/quillbot-premium-for-free ) / [Token ](https://pastebin.com/ezkjxWd1 ) / [Script ](https://pastebin.com/Wj3cuKvJ )
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* ⭐ ** [paraphrasetool ](https://paraphrasetool.com/ )** - Text Rephrasing
* [Just Not Sorry ](https://justnotsorry.com/ ) - Undermining Word Detection
* [Rewrite Tool ](https://rewritetool.net/ ) - Text Rephrasing
* [Paraphraz ](https://paraphraz.it/ ) - Text Rephrasing
* [Rephrasely ](https://rephrasely.com/ ) - Text Rephrasing
* [Paraphraser ](https://www.paraphraser.io/ ) - Text Rephrasing
* [Paraphrase-Online ](https://paraphrase-online.com/ ) - Text Rephrasing
* [paraphrasingtool ](https://paraphrasingtool.ai/ ) - Text Rephrasing
* [henshu ](https://www.henshu.ai/ ) - Text Rephrasing
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* [Smry.ai ](https://www.smry.ai/ ) - Text Summary
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* [SMMRY ](https://smmry.com/ ) - Text Summary
* [summarize.site ](https://github.com/clmnin/summarize.site/ ) - Text Summary
* [kagi ](https://kagi.com/summarizer/index.html ) - Text Summary
* [MyReader ](https://www.myreader.io/ ) - Text Summary
* [Recast ](https://www.letsrecast.ai/ ) - Text Summary
## ▷ Emoji Indexes
* ⭐ ** [Emojipedia ](https://emojipedia.org/ )** or [EmojiBatch ](https://www.emojibatch.com/ )
* [Emoji Engine ](https://www.emojiengine.com/ ) - Multilingual Emoji Search
* [Geniemoji ](https://github.com/virejdasani/Geniemoji ), [winMoji ](https://www.winmoji.com/ ) - Emoji Managers
* [EmojiRequests ](https://emojirequest.com/ ) - Custom User-Made Emojis
* [Cult of the Party Parrot ](https://cultofthepartyparrot.com/ ) - Party Parrot Emojis
* [Pepe Server Archive ](https://github.com/Overimagine1/pepe-server-archive ) - Pepe Emojis
* [MySmiles ](http://mysmilies.com/ ) or [MazeGuy ](https://www.mazeguy.net/smilies.html ) - Oldschool Emojis
## ▷ Unicode Characters
* [WinCompose ](http://wincompose.info/ ) - Unicode Compose Key / [GitHub ](https://github.com/samhocevar/wincompose )
* [FastEmoji ](https://www.fastemoji.com/ ) or [textfac.es ](https://textfac.es/ ) - Unicode Emojis
* [BlankText ](https://blanktext.net/ ) - Copy / Paste Blank Spaces
* [CopyChar ](https://copychar.cc/ )
* [Unicode Table ](https://symbl.cc/ )
* [Copy Paste Dump ](https://c.r74n.com/ )
* [Unicode Explorer ](https://unicode-explorer.com/ )
* [CopyPasteCharacter ](https://copypastecharacter.com/ )
* [HotSymbol ](https://www.hotsymbol.com/ )
* [Snskey ](https://snskeyboard.com/ )
* [Unilist ](https://unilist.raphaelbastide.com/ )
* [Character Map ](https://github.com/character-map-uwp/Character-Map-UWP )
* [Alt Codes ](https://alt-codes.net/ )
* [Unifoundry ](https://unifoundry.com/ )
* [Cool Symbol ](https://coolsymbol.com/ )
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## ▷ Typing Lessons
2023-12-22 00:20:13 +05:30
* ⭐ ** [Monkey Type ](https://monkeytype.com/ )** - Customizable Typing Tests
* [keybr ](https://www.keybr.com/ ) - Typing Tests
* [Typing.com ](https://www.typing.com/ ) - Typing Tests
* [Typing Club ](https://www.typingclub.com/ ) - Typing Tests
* [typing.academy ](https://www.typing.academy/ ) - Typing Tests
* [TypeRacer ](https://play.typeracer.com/ ) - Typing Games
* [ZType ](https://zty.pe/ ) - Typing Games
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* [Brevity500 ](https://brevity500.com/ ) - Typing Games
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* [TypeRush ](https://www.typerush.com/ ) - Typing Games
* [Ttyper ](https://github.com/max-niederman/ttyper ) or [TermTyper ](https://github.com/kraanzu/termtyper ) - Terminal Typing Tests
* [TypeLit.io ](https://www.typelit.io/ ) - Book Typing Tests
* [Colemak Academy ](https://www.colemak.academy/ ) - Alt / Custom Keyboard Tests
* [klavaro ](https://klavaro.sourceforge.io/ ), [TypingStudy ](https://www.typingstudy.com/ ) or [TypeFast ](https://typefast.io/ ) - Multilingual Typing Tests
* [10fastfingers ](https://10fastfingers.com/ ) - Typing Competitions
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# ► Text Editors
* 🌐 ** [List of Text Editors ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_text_editors )** or [NoteApps ](https://noteapps.info/ ) - Text Editor / Notepad Indexes
* ⭐ ** [Notepad++ ](https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ )** / [Markdown ](https://nea.github.io/MarkdownViewerPlusPlus/ )
* ⭐ ** [Obsidian ](https://obsidian.md/ )**
* ⭐ **Obsidian Tools** - [Resources ](https://github.com/kmaasrud/awesome-obsidian ) / [Share Notes ](https://noteshare.space/ ) / [Live Sync ](https://github.com/vrtmrz/obsidian-livesync ) / [Backup ](https://github.com/denolehov/obsidian-git )
* ⭐ ** [Notion ](https://www.notion.so/ )**
* ⭐ **Notion Tools** - [Themes ](https://notionthemes.yudax.me/ ) / [Templates ](https://notionpages.com/ ) / [Resources ](https://www.notioneverything.com/notion-world ), [2 ](https://chief-ease-8ab.notion.site/List-of-200-Notion-Resources-e1b46cd365094265bd47b8a2b25bb41e ) / [Guide ](https://easlo.notion.site/Notion-Beginner-to-Advanced-8a492960b049433289c4a8d362204d20 )
2024-01-10 05:50:01 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [Microsoft Office Piracy Guide ](https://redd.it/1814gmp )** or [office-guide ](https://rentry.co/office-guide ) - Microsoft Office Download Guides
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* ⭐ ** [Microsoft Office ](https://massgrave.dev/office_c2r_links.html )**, [Custom Office ](https://massgrave.dev/office_c2r_custom.html ), [LibreOffice ](https://www.libreoffice.org/ ) or [Calligra ](https://calligra.org/ ) - Office Suites
2024-01-10 05:50:01 -08:00
* ⭐ **Microsoft Office Tools** - [Activation ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/system-tools#wiki_.25B7_windows_activation ) / [Hot Keys ](https://i.ibb.co/0m9t95b/ebacd47bf83b.png ) / [File Search ](https://sourceforge.net/projects/office-search/ )
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* ⭐ ** [Kludd ](https://kludd.co/ )** - Collaborative Editor
* ⭐ ** [AnyType ](https://anytype.io/ )**
2024-01-12 15:32:49 +02:00
* [Calculist ](https://calculist.io/ ) - Note-Taking for Problem-Solving
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* [EncryptPad ](https://evpo.net/encryptpad/ ) - Encrypted Text Editor
* [Xournal++ ](https://xournalpp.github.io/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/xournalpp/xournalpp )
* [Notepads ](https://www.notepadsapp.com/ )
* [Xed ](https://github.com/linuxmint/xed )
* [Notes ](https://www.get-notes.com/ )
* [Left ](https://hundredrabbits.itch.io/left ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/hundredrabbits/Left )
* [BeefText ](https://beeftext.org/ )
* [Quill ](https://quilljs.com/ )
* [Helix ](https://helix-editor.com/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix )
* [Textreme ](https://ash-k.itch.io/textreme ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/cis-ash/TEXTREME )
* [Tiddly ](https://tiddlywiki.com/ ) / [Desktop ](https://github.com/tiddly-gittly/TidGi-Desktop )
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* [Joplin ](https://joplinapp.org/ ) / [Firefox ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/joplin-web-clipper/ ) / [Chrome ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/joplin-web-clipper/alofnhikmmkdbbbgpnglcpdollgjjfeken-GB )
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* [GoogleKeepClone ](https://github.com/anselm94/googlekeepclone )
* [TinyList ](https://tinylist.app/ )
* [Simplenote ](https://simplenote.com/ )
* [SilentNotes ](https://www.martinstoeckli.ch/silentnotes/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/martinstoeckli/SilentNotes )
* [QOwnNotes ](https://www.qownnotes.org/ )
* [Zim Wiki ](https://zim-wiki.org/ )
* [Laverna ](https://laverna.cc/ )
* [wikidPad ](https://wikidpad.sourceforge.net/ )
* [tomboy-ng ](https://github.com/tomboy-notes/tomboy-ng )
* [FromScratch ](https://fromscratch.rocks/ )
* [Notesnook ](https://notesnook.com/ )
* [tuxBoard ](https://gitlab.com/graele84/tuxboard )
* [AFFiNE ](https://affine.pro/ )
* [Butterfly ](https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly ) / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/97zFtYN )
* [UseMemos ](https://usememos.com/ )
* [benotes ](https://benotes.org/ )
* [Saber ](https://saber.adil.hanney.org/ )
* [Trilium ](https://github.com/zadam/trilium )
## ▷ Online Editors
2023-12-21 17:43:06 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [takenote ](https://takenote.dev/ )** - Local Saves
* ⭐ ** [Zen ](https://zen.unit.ms/ )** - Local Saves
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* [Text Mechanic ](https://textmechanic.com/ ) - Local Saves
* [Browserpad ](https://browserpad.org/ ) - Local Saves
* [Notepad ](https://notepad.js.org/ ) - Local Saves
* [onlinenotepad ](https://onlinenotepad.org/ ) - Local Saves
* [notepad-online.net ](https://notepad-online.net/ ) - Local Saves
* [notepad-online.com ](https://notepad-online.com/ ) - Local Saves
* [JustNotePad ](https://justnotepad.com/ ) - Local Saves
* [Shrib ](https://shrib.com/ ) - Local / Cloud Saves
* [MemOnNotepad ](https://www.memonotepad.com/ ) - Local / Cloud Saves
* [Write Box ](https://write-box.appspot.com/ ) - Local / Cloud Saves
* [NimbleText ](https://nimbletext.com/Live ) - Cloud Saves
* [ZippyJot ](https://www.zippyjot.com/ ) - Cloud Saves
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* [TextSlave ](https://www.textslave.com/ )
* [GhostText ](https://ghosttext.fregante.com/ )
* [AnyTextEditor ](https://anytexteditor.com/ )
* [KiloDoc ](https://www.kilodoc.com/ ), [Edit-Document ](https://edit-document.com/ ) or [GroupDocs ](https://products.groupdocs.app/viewer/total ) - Online Document Editors
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## ▷ Text / Code Collaboration
2023-12-22 00:20:13 +05:30
* ⭐ ** [Google Colaboratory ](https://colab.research.google.com/ )**
* ⭐ ** [Google Docs ](https://www.google.com/docs/about/ )**
* ⭐ ** [CryptPad ](https://cryptpad.fr/ )**
* [Mattermost ](https://mattermost.com/ )
* [HackMD ](https://hackmd.io/ )
* [Taskade ](https://www.taskade.com/ )
* [Socket ](https://socket.io/ )
* [Whimsical ](https://whimsical.com/ )
* [Firepad ](https://firepad.io/ )
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* [Etherpad ](https://etherpad.org/ )
* [SharePad ](https://sharepad.io/ )
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* [FidusWriter ](https://www.fiduswriter.org/ )
* [overleaf ](https://www.overleaf.com/ )
* [RustPad ](https://github.com/ekzhang/rustpad )
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## ▷ Spreadsheet Editors
2024-01-12 15:32:49 +02:00
* [TinySheet ](https://tinysheet.com/ ), [Tree Sheets ](https://strlen.com/treesheets/ ), [Gnumeric ](http://www.gnumeric.org/ ), [Quadratic ](https://www.quadratichq.com/ ) or [EtherCalc ](https://ethercalc.net/ ) - Spreadsheet Editors
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* [Baserow ](https://gitlab.com/baserow/baserow ), [Framacalc ](https://framacalc.org/ ), [NocoDB ](https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb ) or [AirTable ](https://airtable.com/ ) - Collaborative Spreadsheets
* [Jamovi ](https://www.jamovi.org/ ) - Statistical Spreadsheets
* [Diagram.codes ](https://www.diagram.codes/ ) - Convert Text to Diagrams
* [Excel Macro Mastery ](https://excelmacromastery.com/vba-articles/ ) - Excel VBA Guides
* [Vertex42 ](https://www.vertex42.com/ ) - Excel Templates
* [Plain Text Table ](https://plaintexttools.github.io/plain-text-table/ ) - Text Tables
* [EditCSVOnline ](https://www.editcsvonline.com/ ) - Online CSV Editor
* [SubjectiveSort ](https://wiesenthal.github.io/SubjectiveSort/ ) - Create Ranked List from CSV
* [VisiData ](https://github.com/saulpw/visidata ) - Spreadsheet CLI Editor
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* [Structifi ](https://structifi.com/ ) - Convert Files to Structured Data
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* [TadViewer ](https://www.tadviewer.com/ ) - View and Analyze Tabular Data
## ▷ Writing Tools
* ↪️ ** [AI Text Generators ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/ai#wiki_.25BA_text_generators )**
* ⭐ ** [Writer ](https://www.gibney.org/writer )**, [FocusWriter ](https://gottcode.org/focuswriter/ ), [Writemonkey ](https://writemonkey.com/ ) or [WriteNext ](https://www.writenext.io/ ) - Distraction-Free Writing
* ⭐ ** [Manuskript ](https://www.theologeek.ch/manuskript/ )** - Writing Organizer / Planner
* ⭐ ** [NovelWriter ](https://novelwriter.io/ )** or [Bibisco ](https://bibisco.com/ ) - Novel Editors
* ⭐ ** [Linked ](https://uselinked.com/ )**, [journaltxt ](https://journaltxt.github.io/ ), [Gekri ](https://gekri.com/ ), [Microsoft Journal ](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/garage/profiles/journal/ ), [Gemlog ](https://gemlog.blue/ ) or [jrnl.sh ](https://jrnl.sh/ ) - Journal Apps / [Songs ](https://deardiary.ai/ )
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* ⭐ ** [ChaoticShiny ](http://chaoticshiny.com/ )**, [Seventh Sanctum ](https://www.seventhsanctum.com/ ), [Notebook.ai ](https://www.notebook.ai/ ) or [WorldAnvil ](https://www.worldanvil.com/ ) - Fantasy Writing Generators
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* [LanguageIsAVirus ](https://www.languageisavirus.com/ ) - Writing Prompts
* [Twinery ](https://twinery.org/ ) - Interactive Non-Linear Story Creator
2023-12-02 14:50:15 -08:00
* [Infinite Story ](https://infinite-story.com/ ) or [WriteAlong ](https://www.writealong.io/ ) - Collaborative Story Writing
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* [Blackout Poetry ](https://blackoutpoetry.glitch.me/ ) - Blackout Poetry Creator
* [Idyll ](https://idyll-lang.org/editor ) - Create Interactive Essays / [GitHub ](https://github.com/idyll-lang/idyll )
* [Papyrus Author ](https://www.papyrusauthor.com/ ) - Creative Writing Suite
* [STARC ](https://starc.app/ ) - Screen Writing Tool
* [Glossary Generator ](https://www.jamesmurdo.com/glossary_generator.html ) - Generate Glossaries
* [Fantasy Name Generators ](https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/ ) - Fantasy Name Generators
* [PolyGlot ](https://draquet.github.io/PolyGlot/ ) or [VulgarLang ](https://www.vulgarlang.com/ ) - Spoken Language Construction Tools
* [How to annotate literally everything ](https://beepb00p.xyz/annotating.html ) - Annotation Tools / Resources
* [Label Buddy ](https://github.com/jeromedockes/labelbuddy ) - Annotation Tool
## ▷ To Do Lists
2023-12-19 19:16:30 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [Goblin.tools ](https://goblin.tools/ )** - Automatic Task Breakdown and more
2023-11-26 01:58:04 -08:00
* [Columns ](https://columns.app/ ) or [ChecklistGenerator ](https://checklistgenerator.co/ ) - Checklists
* [Wonder ](https://wonder-bot.com/ ) - Remember Things Easily
* [YearCompass ](https://yearcompass.com/ ) - New Years Resolution Booklet
* [Fokus ](https://fokus-website.netlify.app/ )
* [OpenToDoList ](https://gitlab.com/rpdev/opentodolist )
* [Microsoft To Do ](https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/microsoft-to-do-lists-tasks-reminders/9NBLGGH5R558 )
* [ToDo R ](https://todo-r.com/ )
* [ToDoZero ](https://todozero.com/ )
* [DoNotes ](https://donotes.co.uk/ )
* [Planner ](https://useplanner.com/ )
* [Super Productivity ](https://super-productivity.com/ )
* [Tasks ](https://github.com/BaldissaraMatheus/Tasks.md )
* [Taskwarrior ](https://taskwarrior.org/ )
* [TickTick ](https://www.ticktick.com/ )
* [Vikunja ](https://vikunja.io/ )
## ▷ ASCII Art
* ⭐ ** [TAAG ](https://patorjk.com/software/taag/ )**
* [Text Smileys ](https://lenny-face-generator.textsmilies.com/ )
* [ASCII Today ](https://ascii.today/ )
* [REXPaint ](https://www.gridsagegames.com/rexpaint/ )
* [PabloDraw ](https://picoe.ca/products/pablodraw/ )
* [ASCII Paint ](https://ascii.alienmelon.com/ )
* [DeepAA ](https://github.com/OsciiArt/DeepAA )
* [Kakikun ](https://github.com/file-acomplaint/kakikun )
* [Playscii ](https://jp.itch.io/playscii )
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* [Kammerl ](https://www.kammerl.de/ascii/AsciiSignature.php ) - ASCII Text Generator
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* [ascii-art-generator ](https://www.ascii-art-generator.org/ ), [ascii-generator ](https://ascii-generator.site/ ), [asciiart ](https://asciiart.club/ ), [ascii-image-converter ](https://github.com/TheZoraiz/ascii-image-converter ) or [ASCII-art-creator ](https://github.com/CherryPill/ASCII-art-creator ) - Image to ASCII Art
* [Love ASCII ](http://loveascii.com/ ), [16colors ](https://16colo.rs/ ), [ascii.co ](https://ascii.co.uk/art ) or [RoySAC ](http://www.roysac.com/sitemap.html ) - Copy ASCII Art
* [ASCII Flow ](https://asciiflow.com/ ) or [Tree ](https://tree.nathanfriend.io/ ) - Create ASCII Diagrams
* [Video Ascii Art ](http://www.kickjs.org/example/video_ascii_art/Video_Ascii_Art.html ) - Video to Ascii Art
* [Image to Braille ](https://505e06b2.github.io/Image-to-Braille/ ) - Convert Images to Braille
* [SVGBob Editor ](https://ivanceras.github.io/svgbob-editor/ ) - Convert ASCII Diagrams to SVG Images
# ► Font Tools
* ⭐ ** [Fontogen ](https://github.com/SerCeMan/fontogen )** - Custom AI Font Generator
* ⭐ ** [TypeTrials ](https://typetrials.com/ )** - Variable Font Playground
* ⭐ ** [Nerd Fonts ](https://www.nerdfonts.com/ )** - Iconic Font Aggregator
* ⭐ ** [Make WordArt ](https://www.makewordart.com/ )**, [FlameText ](https://www10.flamingtext.com/ ), [MakeText ](https://maketext.io/ ), [TextGiraffe ](https://www.textgiraffe.com/ ), [Text Pro ](https://textpro.me/ ) or [CoolText ](https://cooltext.com/ ) - WordArt Generators
* ⭐ ** [WhatTheFont ](https://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/ )**, [Identifont ](http://www.identifont.com/ ), [WhatFont ](https://www.chengyinliu.com/whatfont.html ), [Fonty.io ](https://fonty.io/ ) or [What Font Is ](https://www.whatfontis.com/ ) - Font Identification Tools
* ⭐ ** [FontDrop ](https://fontdrop.info/ )** - Analyze Font Files
* [Fork-Awesome ](https://forkaweso.me/Fork-Awesome/ ) - Font Toolkit
* [Typewolf ](https://www.typewolf.com/ ) or [Typ.io ](https://typ.io/ ) - Trending Website Fonts
* [DS Fusion ](https://ds-fusion.github.io/ ) - AI Typography Generator
* [Formito ](https://formito.com/tools/logo ) - Typography Logo Maker
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* [TypeTerms ](https://www.supremo.co.uk/typeterms/ ) - Typography Cheat Sheet
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* [Polona Typo ](https://typo.polona.pl/en/ ) - Create Text out of Book, Poster and Map Letters
* [enFont ](https://enfont.javierarce.com/ ), [Calligraphr ](https://www.calligraphr.com/en/ ) or [Fontstruct ](https://fontstruct.com/ ) - Custom Font Creators
* [Phase ](https://www.eliashanzer.com/phase/ ) - Variable Fonts Generator
* [V-Fonts ](https://v-fonts.com/ ) - Variable Fonts Tester
* [Fontjoy ](https://experiments.withgoogle.com/fontjoy ) - Generate Font Combinations
* [FontSprite ](https://adamstrange.itch.io/fontsprite ) - FonstSprite Editor
* [Textcraft ](https://textcraft.net/ ) or [TextDrom ](https://en.textdrom.com/ ) - Styled Font Generator
* [Cava's Pixel Resources ](https://caveras.net/ ) - Pixel Fonts
* [Oldschool PC Fonts ](https://int10h.org/oldschool-pc-fonts/ ) - Oldschool PC Fonts
* [Textanim ](https://textanim.com/ ) or [Space Type Generator ](https://spacetypegenerator.com/ ) - Animated Text Generator
* [3DText2GIF ](https://3dtext2gif.com/ ) or [TextsStudio ](https://textstudio.co/ ) - Animated 3D Text Generator
* [Batname ](https://batname.vercel.app/ ) - Batman (2022) Font Generator
* [Codeface ](https://github.com/chrissimpkins/codeface ) - Fonts for Coding
* [FiraCode ](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode ), [Cascadia Code ](https://github.com/microsoft/cascadia-code ) or [Maple Font ](https://github.com/subframe7536/Maple-font ) - Monospace Fonts
* [NFG's Arcade Font Maker ](https://nfggames.com/games/fontmaker/ ) or [Arcade Font Writer ](https://arcade.photonstorm.com/ ) - Arcade Font Engine
* [Glitch ](https://glitchtextgenerator.com/ ) - Glitch Text Generator
* [Text Color Fader ](https://patorjk.com/text-color-fader/ ) - Rainbow Text Generator
* [JoyPixels ](https://www.joypixels.com/ ) - Emoji Font Generator
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* [MacType ](https://www.mactype.net/ ) - Use Mac fonts on Windows
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* [Picas ](https://picas.vercel.app/ ) - Google Font Logo Generator
* [Bitfontmaker2 ](https://pentacom.jp/pentacom/bitfontmaker2/ ) - BitFont Creator
* [FontJoy ](https://fontjoy.com/ ) - Font Pairings Generator
* [Typerip ](https://badnoise.net/TypeRip/ ) - Adobe Font Ripper / [GitHub ](https://github.com/CodeZombie/TypeRip )
* [FontEdit ](https://github.com/ayoy/fontedit ), [glif ](https://github.com/MFEK/glif ), [Glyphr Studio ](https://www.glyphrstudio.com/ ), [Bird Font ](https://birdfont.org/ ) or [Font Forge ](https://fontforge.org/en-US/ ) - Font Editors
* [Transfonter ](https://transfonter.org/ ) - Font Converter
* [FontBase ](https://fontba.se/ ) or [Xiles ](https://www.xiles.app/ ) - Font Manager
* [Font List ](https://wavian.com/font-list.html ) or [So You Need A Typeface ](https://ianli.github.io/so-you-need-a-typeface/ ) - Examples of Font Styles
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* [TypeDesignResources ](https://typedesignresources.com/ ) - Typeface Resources
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## ▷ Download Fonts
* ⭐ ** [Font Download Guide ](https://redd.it/8tqfg6 )**
2024-01-13 01:45:12 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [Font Drives ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#font-collections )**
2024-01-05 08:47:16 -08:00
* ⭐ ** [FontSource ](https://fontsource.org/ )**
2023-11-26 01:58:04 -08:00
* [Coollabs ](https://fonts.coollabs.io/ ) - Google Font Alternative / [GitHub ](https://github.com/coollabsio/fonts )
* [Google Fonts ](https://fonts.google.com/ )
* [GooFonts ](https://goofonts.com/ )
* [DaFont ](https://www.dafont.com/ )
* [Dafont Free ](https://www.dafontfree.net/ )
* [graphicex ](https://graphicex.com/font/ )
* [FontSpace ](https://www.fontspace.com/ )
* [Font Store ](https://t.me/fontsstore )
* [NetFontes ](https://www.netfontes.com.br/ )
* [Windows Fonts ](https://wfonts.com/ )
* [FONToMASS ](https://m.vk.com/topic-178186634_39300099?offset=0 )
* [Font Squirrel ](https://www.fontsquirrel.com/ )
* [Free Fonts Family ](https://freefontsfamily.com/ )
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* [FontSpark ](https://fontspark.com/ )
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* [Velvetyne ](https://velvetyne.fr/ )
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* [FontPair ](https://www.fontpair.co/fonts )
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* [FontsHub ](https://fontshub.pro/ )
* [CandyFonts ](https://candyfonts.com/ )
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* [uncut.wtf ](https://uncut.wtf/ )
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* [Lost Type Co-op ](https://losttype.com/browse/ )
* [Nerd Fonts ](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts )
* [d_fonts ](https://t.me/d_fonts )
* [iFonts ](https://ifonts.xyz/ )
* [Cufon Fonts ](https://www.cufonfonts.com/ )
* [Fontsly ](https://fontsly.com/ )
* [fonteseletras ](https://www.fonteseletras.com/ )
* [BoldFonts ](https://boldfonts.com/ )
* [CoFonts ](https://cofonts.com/ )
* [FontsFree ](https://fontsfree.net )
* [FontReach ](https://www.fontreach.com/ )
* [DownloadFonts ](https://www.downloadfonts.io/ )
* [UrbanFonts ](https://www.urbanfonts.com/ )
* [AbstractFonts ](https://www.abstractfonts.com/ )
* [FontGet ](https://www.fontget.com/ )
* [FontSupply ](https://www.fontsupply.com/ )
* [BlogFonts ](https://blogfonts.com/ )
* [1.5_million_fonts ](https://archive.org/details/1.5_million_font_files_collection )
* [Martian Mono ](https://github.com/evilmartians/mono )
* [Dribbble ](https://dribbble.com/search/free%20font )
* [Fonts2u ](https://fonts2u.com/ )
* [GlukFonts ](https://www.glukfonts.pl/fonts.php )
* [Iconian ](https://www.iconian.com/ )
* [Beautiful Web Type ](https://beautifulwebtype.com/ )
* [HighFonts ](https://highfonts.com/category/free/ )
* [FontsGeek ](https://fontsgeek.com/ )
* [FreeFontsDownload ](https://freefontsdownload.net/ )
* [FontPark ](https://fontpark.com/ )
* [FFonts ](https://www.ffonts.net/ )
* [Fontke ](https://eng.fontke.com/font/ )
* [FontRepo ](https://www.fontrepo.com/ )
* [Fontlot ](https://fontlot.com/ )
* [FreeBestFonts ](https://www.freebestfonts.com/ )
* [Fonts4Free ](https://www.fonts4free.net/ )
* [paid fonts for free ](https://t.me/squaxfonts )
* [Mr.E-Fonts ](https://archive.org/details/Mr.E-Fonts )
* [TypeType ](https://typetype.org/freefonts/ )
* [SimplyTheBest ](https://simplythebest.net/fonts/ )
* [BeFonts ](https://befonts.com/ )
* [Awwwards ](https://www.awwwards.com/awwwards/collections/free-fonts/ )
* [MaisFontes ](https://en.maisfontes.com/ )
* [World of Fonts ](https://w.itch.io/world-of-fonts )
* [BestFonts ](https://bestfonts.pro/ )
* [psd_fonts ](https://vk.com/psd_fonts )
* [1001 Fonts ](https://www.1001fonts.com/ )
* [1001 Free Fonts ](https://www.1001freefonts.com/ )
## ▷ Unicode Fonts
2023-12-31 21:12:50 -08:00
* [WhatIsIt ](https://babelstone.co.uk/Unicode/whatisit.html ) - Unicode Identification
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* [coolfont ](https://coolfont.org/ )
* [Font Meme ](https://fontmeme.com/ )
* [Font Generator Online ](https://www.fontgeneratoronline.com/ )
* [Getfancy ](https://getfancy.io/ )
* [Font Generator ](https://www.toulr.com/ )
* [DiscordFonts ](https://lingojam.com/DiscordFonts )
* [MessLetters ](https://www.messletters.com/ )
* [Fancy Text ](https://fancy-text.net/ )
* [YayText ](https://yaytext.com/ )
* [Font-Generator ](https://www.font-generator.com/ )
* [lingojam ](https://lingojam.com/WeirdTextGenerator )
* [fSymbols ](https://fsymbols.com/generators/ )
* [fontchangerguru ](https://fontchangerguru.com/ )
* [fontgenerator ](https://fontgenerator.in/ )
* [tell.wtf ](https://tell.wtf/ )
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* [fancytextdecorator ](https://fancytextdecorator.com/ )