2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
**[◄◄ Back to Wiki Index](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/index)**
2021-08-13 02:27:51 -07:00
**[Table of Contents](https://i.imgur.com/3bP8X6d.png)** - *For mobile users*
2021-08-08 17:57:03 -07:00
# ► Download Directories
* **WARNING** - Some Open Directories grab IP addresses, so it's highly recommended to use a VPN or Tor when accessing them.
* **[The MegaDrive](https://discord.gg/h2P5zsNMxZ)** - *Discord Drive Sharing Community*
* **[Open Directories / Teamdrives](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_teamdrives_.2F_open_directories), [2](https://www.google.com/search?q=site:reddit.com/r/opendirectories+odshot+after:2018), [3](https://opndir.com/), [4](https://redd.it/lvdwlm), [5](https://github.com/strawhat-pirates/notes/blob/master/opendirectories.txt), [6](https://bin.disroot.org/?3082f04205be7af6#BE4AhsPwWYXdLUjmmDLRyQNjvG6vaHnQkQAkyCTCUq34)**
* **[Open Directory Search String Builders](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_open_directory_search_string_builder)**, [2](https://redd.it/933pzm), [3](https://redd.it/g4kfem), [4](https://redd.it/lj0a1e), [5](http://torrbot.com/)
* [ODCrawler](https://odcrawler.xyz/), [CatFiles](https://www.catfiles.net/) or [mmnt](https://www.mmnt.net/) - *Open Directory Search Engine*
* [No Bucks Given](https://discord.gg/By53hyhUFS) - *File Sharing Discord*
* [ODS](https://sites.google.com/view/l33tech/tools/ods) - *Open Directory CSE*
* [Napalm FTP](https://www.searchftps.net/), [Proisk](https://proisk.com/) or [Search-22](https://search-22.com/ftp-search-tools) - *FTP Search*
* [dedigger](https://www.dedigger.com/) - *GDrive File Search*
* [MegaDownload](http://megadownload.net/) - *Search Mega*
* [Megasearch](http://megasearch.co/) - *Search Mega / Use Adblocker*
* [/r/opendirectories](https://www.reddit.com/r/opendirectories/) - *Open Directories Subreddit / [Telegram](https://t.me/r_OpenDirectories) / /u/ODScanner*
* [Create Open Directory Search Engine](https://redd.it/d3w2fu)
* [Open Directory Downloader](https://github.com/KoalaBear84/OpenDirectoryDownloader) or [AutoIndex](http://autoindex.sourceforge.net/) - *Open Directory Indexer*
* [Directory Lister](https://directorylister.com/) - *Open Directory Explorer*
* [IRC / XDCC Tutorial](https://www.theloadguru.com/xdcc-irc-beginners-guide/), [2](https://github.com/mayfrost/guides/blob/master/IRC.md)
* [Awesome IRC](https://github.com/davisonio/awesome-irc) - *IRC Resource Index*
* [xdccget](https://github.com/Fantastic-Dave/xdccget) - *XDCC IRC Downloader*
* [Pastebin CSE](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=0cd79b819f26af9d0) - *Search Pastebin Directories*
# ► Download Sites
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* **WARNING** - We do *not* recommend downloading software or games from these. Use trusted sites like FitGirl or FileCR instead.
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* **[DownloadHa](https://www.downloadha.com)** - *Video / Software / Games / Android / Use [Translator](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/traduzir-paginas-web/)*
* **[SoftArchive](https://sanet.st)** or [Sanet.lc](https://sanet.lc/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Android / Books / Comics / Newspapers / Magazines*
* **[DirtyWarez](https://forum.dirtywarez.com/)** - *Forum / Video / Audio / Games / Software / Books / Comics*
* **[patoghu](https://patoghu.com/)** - *Video / Audio / Software / Android / Games / Use [Translator](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/traduzir-paginas-web/)*
* **[Bitdownload](http://bitdownload.ir/)** - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Android / Courses / [Drives](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_bitdownload_drives) / Use [Translator](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/traduzir-paginas-web/)*
* **[The-Eye](https://the-eye.eu/)** - *Audio / Roms / Books / Comics / Magazines / Software / [Search](https://eyedex.org/) / [Discord](https://discord.gg/the-eye)*
* [DDLValley](https://www.ddlvalley.me/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Roms / Software / Android / Books / Comics / Magazines*
* [WarezForums](https://warezforums.com/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Roms / Software / Books / Comics / Android / [Account Application](https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFRH5fns4IiE-T2TcA)*
* [Releaselog](http://www.rlslog.net/) - *Video / Games / Roms / Software / Books / Comics / Magazines / Android*
* [FilmSofts](https://www.filmsofts.com/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Roms / Software / Books / Comics / NSFW*
* [Warez-Serbia](https://www.warez-serbia.com/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Android / Books / Magazines / NSFW*
* [DownArchive](http://downarchive.org/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Roms / Android / Books / Magazines*
* [SceneP2P](https://www.scenep2p.com) - *Video / Audio / Games / Roms / Software / Android / Books / Magazines*
* [PuZo](https://www.puzo.org/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Android / Games / Books / NSFW*
* [Adit-HD](https://www.adit-hd.com/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Books*
* [Novanon](https://novanon.net/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Magazines / Comics / Android / Books / Courses*
* [psychodownloads](http://psychodownloads.com/forum.php) - *Video / Audio / Software / Android / Games / Roms / Books / Magazines / NSFW*
* [Merlin Warez](https://merlinwz.com/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Books / Audiobooks / Comics / Magazines*
* [Warez Heaven](https://www.warezheaven.com/index.php) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Roms / Books / NSFW*
* [MegaDDL](http://megaddl.net/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books*
* [wJungle](https://wjungle.net/) - *Video / Audio / Books / Games / Android / NSFW*
* [Sbenny's Forum](https://forum.sbenny.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Roms / Books / Android / [Discord](https://discord.gg/kf9FKQx)*
* [Amader Forum](http://amaderforum.us/) - *Video / Games / Software / Android / Books / NSFW*
* [RapidHeaven](https://rapidheaven.com/) - *Videos / Audio / Software / Games / Roms*
* [TehParadox](https://www.tehparadox.net/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Magazines / Roms / Android*
* [Akiba-Online](https://www.akiba-online.com/) - *Japanese Media / Video / Audio / Games / Comics / NSFW*
* [CyberPhoenix](http://www.cyberphoenix.org/forum/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Roms / Books / Magazines / Comics*
* [dreamteamdownloads1](https://www.dreamteamdownloads1.com/index.php) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Roms / Books / Magazines*
* [AllYouLike](https://allyoulike.org/) - *Video / Audio Books / Magazines / Games / Roms / Software / Android / Comics / NSFW*
* [downTURK](https://www.downturk.net/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Books / Magazines / Android*
* [ReleaseHive](https://www.releasehive.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / NSFW*
* [rlsbb](http://rlsbb.ru/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Books / Magazines / [Track Shows](https://openuserjs.org/scripts/drdre1/ReleaseBB_rlsbb_TV_Show_Tracker)*
* [0dayhome](https://0dayhome.net/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Books / Magazines*
* [DownDuck](http://www.downduck.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Magazines*
* [0DayDDL](https://0dayddl.com/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Books / Magazines*
* [MaxRelease](http://max-rls.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Magazines*
* [Volno](https://volno.org) - *Audio / Books / Software / Games / Android / NSFW*
* [worldsrc](https://www.worldsrc.net/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Android*
* [Team OS](https://www.teamos-hkrg.com/) - *Software / Games / Books / Android*
* [WarezBook](https://www.warezbook.org/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books*
* [Warez-World](https://warez-world.org/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Android / Books / Magazines / NSFW*
* [FreshWAP](https://www.freshwap.us/), [2](https://freshwap.cc/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Android / Books / Magazines*
* [nulled](https://nulled.org/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Magazines*
* [ReleaseHive](https://releasehive.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / NSFW*
* [rls2day](https://rls2day.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Magazines*
* [WawaCity](https://www.wawacity.video/) - *Video / Audio / Books / Magazines / Software / Android / Use AdBlocker*
* [WarezBlogs](https://www.warezblogs.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Magazines*
* [TwoDDL](https://2ddl.ms/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Comics / Magazines*
* [MFTWBB](https://mftwbb.org/) - *Video / Software / Games / Books / Android*
* [SCENE.RLS](http://scene-rls.net/releases/index.php) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Books / Magazines*
* [DLWarez](http://dlwarez.xyz/) or [WarezLover](https://warezlover.xyz/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Android / Roms / Books / Magazines*
* [heroturko.net](https://www.heroturko.net/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Magazines / Android*
* [DownTut](http://downtut.org/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Android / Books / Magazines*
* [IRfree](http://irfree.org/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / NSFW*
* [PirateHub](https://piratedhub.com/) - *Software / Android / Books / Games / Courses*
* [4Shared](https://www.4shared.com/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software / Android*
* [2013Zone](http://www.2013zone.com/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software*
* [TwistyDownload](http://www.twistysdownload.com) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software*
* [ddlspot](https://www.ddlspot.com/) - *Video / Audio / Games / Software*
* [Archive](https://archive.org/) - *Video / Audio / Magazines / Newspapers / Roms*
* [Download.ir](https://download.ir/) - *Software / Video / Android / Games / Roms*
* [yasdl](https://www.yasdl.com/) - *Software / Games / Audio / Video*
* [TFPDL](https://www.tfp.is/) - *Video / Software / Games / Magazines / NSFW*
* [Rarlinks](http://rarlinks.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Magazines / Leech required*
* [TorrentaBC](https://www.torrentabc.com/) or [AZTutorial](https://www.aztutorial.download/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Magazines / Leech Required*
* [BadshahUploads](https://badshahuploads.xyz/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Leech Required*
* [DownFree4u](https://www.downfree4u.com/), [rapiddowntorrent](https://www.rapiddowntorrent.com/), [ZipFileTorrent](https://www.zipfiletorrent.com/) or [viewdowntorrent](https://www.viewdowntorrent.com/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books / Leech Required*
* [Redox](http://www.redox.com.ua/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Books / Magazines / Leech Requored*
* [de.ddl](https://en.ddl.me//) - *Video / Games / Books*
* [The Ambassador](https://ambassadorddl.site/) - *Video / Games / Books*
* [WarzesLover](https://www.warezlover.org/) - *Video / Audio / NSFW*
* [Light Downloads](https://www.lightdl.xyz/) - *Video / Software / Games*
* [sarzamindownload](https://www.sarzamindownload.com/) - *Software / Games / Android*
* [FrostClick](https://www.frostclick.com/wp/) - *Video / Audio / Software / Games / Books*
* [Uloz](https://ulozto.net/) - *Video / Audio*
* [ShareMania](http://sharemania.us/) - *Video / Audio*
* [Heidoc](https://www.heidoc.net/joomla/) - *Software / Books / Android*
* Alexa Rankings - [Sites](https://dirtywarez.org/cat/blog) / [Forums](https://dirtywarez.org/cat/forum)
## ▷ Search Sites
* **[Download Sites Search](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:1ugcdt3vo7z)** + [Download Sites 2](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006516753008110874046:reodoskmj7h)
* **[ZippyShareSearch](https://zippysharesearch.com/)** - *Search Zippyshare*
* [FilePursuit](https://filepursuit.com) + *[Discord](https://discord.gg/xRfFd8h)*
* [scnlog](https://scnlog.me/)
* [filesearch.link](http://filesearch.link/)
* [Linktury](https://www.linktury.com/)
* [Hitfilesearch](https://www.hitfilesearch.com/) - *Search HitFile*
* [WarezOmen](https://warezomen.com/) - *Indexer / Search Engine*
* [SunXDCC](http://sunxdcc.com/), [ixIRC](https://ixirc.com/) or [XDCC.EU](https://www.xdcc.eu/) - *XDCC / Search Engine*
## ▷ [Video Sites](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/video#wiki_.25BA_download_sites)
## ▷ [Anime Sites](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/video#wiki_.25B7_anime_downloading)
## ▷ [Educational Sites](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/video#wiki_.25B7_educational_downloading)
## ▷ [Game Sites](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/games#wiki_.25BA_download_games)
## ▷ [Audio Sites](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/audio#wiki_.25BA_audio_downloading)
# ► Software Sites
* **[/r/SoftwarePirates Megathread](https://rentry.org/SoftwarePirates-Megathread)** - *Software Piracy Megathread*
* **[Mobilism](https://forum.mobilism.org/)** - *Software / Books / [Mobile App](https://forum.mobilism.org/app/)*
* **[soft98](https://soft98.ir/)** - *Use [translator](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/traduzir-paginas-web/)*
* **[FileCR](https://filecr.com/en/)** - *Software / Books*
* **[nsane.down](https://www.nsaneforums.com/)**
* **[LRepacks](https://lrepacks.net/)** - *Use [translator](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/traduzir-paginas-web/)*
* **[AppNee](https://appnee.com/)**
* **[YasDL](https://yasdl.com/)** - *Use [translator](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/traduzir-paginas-web/)*
* [ShareAppCrack](https://shareappscrack.com/) - *Software / Courses*
* [downloadly](https://downloadly.ir/) - *Software / Courses*
* [PiratePC](https://piratepc.me/) - *[Discord](https://discord.gg/QhaKfHwWmV)*
* [Softotornix](https://softotornix.com/)
* [AIOWares](https://www.aiowares.com/)
* [Mr. SzzS](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcf3dtQFVb5zfy0jGYNpA0w)
* [Softlay](https://softlay.net/)
* [CRACKurl](https://cracksurl.com/)
* [TeamOS](https://www.teamos-hkrg.com/)
* [msdn.hackerc](https://msdn.hackerc.at/)
* [4Download](https://www.4download.net/)
* [Softwares 2 U](https://www.softwares2u.com/)
* [Cracksoftwaress](https://cracksoftwaress.com/)
* [onHax](https://onhax.io/)
* [MAZTERIZE](https://www.mazterize.com/)
* [PCSoftFull](https://pcsoftsfull.com/)
* [SoftnCracks](https://softncracks.com/)
* [KickassCracks](https://kickasscracks.com/)
* [SoftHouse](http://softhouse.cc/)
* [VectorItalia](https://www.vectoritalia.com/)
* [MySoftwareFree](https://mysoftwarefree.com/)
* [Mutaz.net](https://www.mutaz.net/) - *PC / Mac / Android*
* [AIOsetup](https://t.me/aiosetup) - *Software / Telegram*
* [raymondfreesoftware](https://sites.google.com/site/raymondfreesoftware/) *Software / [Telegram](https://t.me/raymondfreesoftware_cracks), [2](https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFK2jwM5j_z7cYxa7g)*
* [ALTERNATIVES](https://github.com/mayfrost/guides/blob/master/ALTERNATIVES.md) - *Lightweight Software Index*
* [Rarewares](https://www.rarewares.org/) - *Rare Software*
* [RADIXX11](https://radixx11rce2.blogspot.com/), [Izofile](https://izofile.com/), [Soft2Ev](https://www.soft2ev.com/), [CrackedFine](https://crackedfine.com/), [Keygen Fortress](https://t.me/keygen_fortress), [SmartSerials](https://smartserials.com/), [SerialReactor](https://serialreactor.com/) or [Serials](https://www.serials.ws/) - *Software Keys / Patches*
* [Software Heritage](https://www.softwareheritage.org/) - *Software Source Code Archive*
* [balenaHub](https://hub.balena.io/) - *Raspberry Pi Software*
* [GenP](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenP) - *Adobe Software Patcher / [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/X9ZuegSM4N)*
## ▷ Freeware Sites
* **[Major Geeks](https://www.majorgeeks.com/content/page/top_freeware_picks.html)** - *Software*
* **[Awesome Selfhosted](https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted)** - *Selfhosted Software Index*
* **[AlternativeTo](https://alternativeto.net/)**, [Slant](https://www.slant.co/) or [SaaSHub](https://www.saashub.com/) - *Find Alternatives to Software / Apps*
* [FOSS Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Free_and_open-source_software/Categories) - *Open Source Wiki*
* [OldVersion](http://www.oldversion.com/) - *Old Versions of Software*
* [OlderGeeks](https://oldergeeks.com/) - *Free Software Index / Forum*
* [Free Software Directory](https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Main_Page) - *Free Software Index / Wiki*
* [SourceForge](https://sourceforge.net/) - *Open Source*
* [Fossies](https://fossies.org/all.html) - *Open Source*
* [FossHub](https://www.fosshub.com/) - *Open Source*
* [Open Source Libs](https://opensourcelibs.com/) - *Open Source*
* [Simple Tools](https://simpletools.info/doku.php) - *Open Source*
* [FreshCode](https://freshcode.club/) - *Open Source*
* [Softpedia](https://www.softpedia.com/) - *Software*
* [Enderman's Website](https://malwat.ch/software) - *Software*
* [Software Informer](https://software.informer.com/) - *Software*
* [FreewareWeb](http://www.freewareweb.com/) - *Software*
* [Freeware Directory](http://www.freewaredirectory.net/) - *Software*
* [FreewareStop](https://www.freewarestop.com/) - *Software*
* [LO4D](https://www.lo4d.com/) - *Software*
* [ListOfFreeWare](https://listoffreeware.com/) - *Software*
* [Downloadastro](https://en.downloadastro.com/) - *Software*
* [SnapFiles](https://www.snapfiles.com/freeware/) - *Software*
* [Soft112](https://www.soft112.com/) - *Software*
* [IcecreamApps](https://icecreamapps.com/) - *Software*
* [Nirsoft](https://www.nirsoft.net/) - *Windows Software*
* [Awesome Windows](https://github.com/Awesome-Windows/Awesome) - *Windows Software Index*
* [Windows-Utilities](https://orga.cat/windows-utilities) - *Windows Software*
* [RaymondFreeSoftware](https://t.me/raymondfreesoftware) - *telegram*
* [Suckless](https://suckless.org/) - *Simple Software Archive*
* [MSDN](https://the-eye.eu/public/MSDN/) - *Microsoft Developer Network Software*
* [Giveaway Radar](https://giveawayradar.weebly.com/) - *Software Giveaways*
* [Tick Coupon](https://giveaway.tickcoupon.com/windows-giveaway/) - *Software Giveaways*
* [Techno360](https://www.techno360.in/category/free-stuff/) - *Software Giveaways*
* [Net-Load](https://net-load.com/) - *Software Giveaways*
* [WinWorldPC](https://winworldpc.com/) - *Abandonware / Operating Systems*
* [VETUSWARE](https://vetusware.com/) - *Abandonware / Operating Systems / Games*
* [The Vintage Software Collection](https://archive.org/details/vintagesoftware) - *Vintage Software*
* [Portapps](https://portapps.io/), [FC Portables](https://www.fcportables.com/), [Portable Freeware](https://www.portablefreeware.com/), [TheHouseOfPortable](https://thehouseofportable.com/), [freeportablesoftwares](https://sites.google.com/site/freeportablesoftwares/) or [PortableApps](https://portableapps.com/) - *Portable Apps for USB / SD / External Storage*
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## ▷ Linux Software
* [Awesome Linux](https://github.com/inputsh/awesome-linux), [2](https://luong-komorebi.github.io/Awesome-Linux-Software/)
* [ArchLinux](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/List_of_applications)
* [App Outlet](https://app-outlet.github.io/)
* [SnapCraft](https://snapcraft.io/store)
* [WSL-Programs](https://github.com/ethanhs/WSL-Programs) - *Windows Subsystem for Linux Programs*
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* [KDE's Applications](https://apps.kde.org/education) - *Linux Apps*
## ▷ Mac Software
* [Macintosh Garden](http://macintoshgarden.org/)
* [nMac](https://nmac.to/)
* [MacDrop](https://macdrop.net/)
* [MacBed](https://www.macbed.com/)
* [AppDB](https://appdb.to/)
* [NXMac](https://nxmac.com/)
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* [Awesome macOS](https://github.com/iCHAIT/awesome-macOS)
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## ▷ GFX Design Software
* Note - Some of these also host editing courses
* [All-free-download](https://all-free-download.com/)
* [Download Pirate](https://www.downloadpirate.com/)
* [G4D](https://gift4designer.net/)
* [GFXDomain](https://gfxdomain.co/)
* [DesireFX](https://www.desirefx.me/)
* [GFXMountain](http://gfxmountain.com/)
* [GFXhome](http://gfxhome.ws/index.php)
* [GFXDrug](https://gfxdrug.com/)
* [Grafixfather](https://www.grafixfather.com/)
* [PSDKeys](https://psdkeys.com/)
* [GFxtra](https://www.gfxtra31.com/)
* [Allday](https://allday1.com/)
* [GFX-Hub](https://gfx-hub.net/)
* [PixelBrush](https://pixelbrush.ru/)
* [Download Pirate](https://www.downloadpirate.com/)
* [GoDownloads](https://godownloads.net/)
* [GFXDownload](http://gfxdownload.com/)
## ▷ Audio Software
* [AudioZ](https://audioz.download/)
* [GoAudio](https://goaudio.info/)
* [VSTHouse](http://vsthouse.ru/)
* [Magesy](https://magesy.blog/)
* [Music-Create](https://music-create.org/)
* [Audio.Tools](https://audio.tools/)
* [AudioLove](https://audiolove.club/)
* [adaz3d](https://www.adaz3d.com/) - *Leech Required*
# ► File Sharing Apps
* [Soulseek](http://www.soulseekqt.net/news/) - *File Sharing App*
* [Shareaza](http://shareaza.sourceforge.net/) - *File Sharing App*
* [MLDonkey](http://mldonkey.sourceforge.net/Main_Page) - *File Sharing App*
* [Fopnu](https://fopnu.com/) - *File Sharing App*
* [MuWire](https://muwire.com/index-nojs.html) - *File Sharing App*
* [WireShare](https://sourceforge.net/projects/wireshare/) - *File Sharing App / LimeWire Fork*
* [Telegram Download Channels](https://piracy.now.sh/telegram/) - *Download files from telegram*
* [TGMoviesBot](https://t.me/TGMoviesBot) - *Telegram File Search Bot*
* [Direct Links](https://t.me/direct_llinks) - *Telegram / Video / Software / Games*
* [VK Files Bot](https://t.me/VKFiles_Bot) - *VK File DL Telegram Bot*
# ► Usenet
* **[Usenet Guide / Automation Setup](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TwUrRj982WlWUhrxvMadq6gdH0mPW0CGtHsTOFWprCo/mobilebasic)**
* **[Usenet Tools & Services Index](https://curlie.org/en/Computers/Usenet)**
## ▷ Indexers
* [Indexer List](https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/wiki/indexers#wiki_free_membership_sites)
* [nzbplanet](https://nzbplanet.net/)
* [orionoid](https://orionoid.com/)
* [binsearch](http://binsearch.info/)
* [abnzb](https://www.abnzb.com/)
* [nzb.su](https://www.nzb.su/)
* [NZB Index](https://www.nzbindex.com/)
* [Newznab](https://www.newznab.com/)
* [GingaDaddy](https://www.gingadaddy.com/)
* [NZBFinder](https://nzbfinder.ws/)
* [NZBKing](http://nzbking.com/)
* [althub](https://althub.co.za) - *Unlimited free trials*
* [nZEDb](https://github.com/nZEDb/nZEDb) - *Self-Hosted*
* [Spotweb](https://github.com/spotweb/spotweb) - *Spotnet Client*
* /r/usenet
* /r/UsenetInvites
## ▷ Providers
* [usenetmax](https://www.usenetmax.com/)
* [xsusenet](https://xsusenet.com/)
* [usenet.farm](https://usenet.farm/#trial)
* [usenetbucket](https://usenetbucket.com/)
* [Free Trials](https://www.ngprovider.com/free-usenet-trials.php)
## ▷ Downloaders
* **[sabnzbd](https://sabnzbd.org/)**
* [nzbget](https://nzbget.net/)
# ► File Leeches
* **[Free Premium Leech Wiki](https://filehostlist.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page)**
* [@Transload (telegram)](https://t.me/transload)
* [@deltaleechbot (teelgram)](https://t.me/deltaleechbot)
* [Multi-OCH Helper](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/13884-multi-och-helper) - *Send Premium Files to Leeches*
2021-08-08 17:59:29 -07:00
# ► [File Tools](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/tools-misc#wiki_.25B7_file_tools)