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**[◄◄ Back to Wiki Index ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/tools-index )**
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# ► Dev Communities
* 🌐 ** [Programming-Telegram-Group ](https://github.com/hendisantika/List-All-Programming-Telegram-Group )** - Telegram Communities
* ⭐ ** [XDA ](https://xdaforums.com/ )** - App Development Forum
* [CyberArsenal ](https://cyberarsenal.org/ ) - Cybersecurity Forums
* [TheSecMaster ](https://twitter.com/TheSecMaster1 ) - Cybersecurity Twitter
* [CodeProject ](https://www.codeproject.com/ ), [Spiceworks Community ](https://community.spiceworks.com/ ), [DEV Community ](https://dev.to/ ) or [Blind ](https://www.teamblind.com/ ) - Developer Forums
* [Tech-Blogs ](https://tech-blogs.dev/ ) - Blogs for Developers
* [The Devs Network ](https://thedevs.network/ ) - Developer Chat
* [StackShare ](https://stackshare.io/ ) - Tech Stack Collaboration
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# ► Cheat Sheets
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Cheatsheets ](https://lecoupa.github.io/awesome-cheatsheets/ )**, [HowDoI ](https://github.com/gleitz/howdoi ), [OverApi ](https://overapi.com/ ) or [Cheat Sheets ](http://www.cheat-sheets.org/ ) - Programming Cheat Sheets
* ↪️ ** [CLI Cheat Sheets ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_cli_cheat_sheets )**
* ⭐ ** [QuickRef.me ](https://quickref.me/ )**, [Dark Hamster ](https://www.dark-hamster.com/ ) or [Devhints ](https://devhints.io/ ) - Developer Cheat Sheets
* ⭐ ** [30 Seconds of Code ](https://www.30secondsofcode.org/ )**, [FreeFrontend ](https://freefrontend.com/ ), [SnipIt ](https://snipit.io/ ) or [HTML-Dom ](https://phuoc.ng/collection/html-dom/ ) - Find Code Snippets
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* ⭐ ** [HTML Reference ](https://htmlreference.io/ )**, [HTML Cheat Sheet ](https://htmlcheatsheet.com/ ) or [HTML.com ](https://html.com/ ) - HTML Guides / Cheat Sheets
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* [KeyCheck ](https://keycheck.dev/ ) - Dev Tool Hotkeys
* [Algorithms-Cheatsheet-Resources ](https://github.com/starkblaze01/Algorithms-Cheatsheet-Resources ) - Code Algorithm Cheat Sheets
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* [Python Cheatsheet ](https://gto76.github.io/python-cheatsheet/ ) or [SpeedSheet ](https://speedsheet.io/ ) - Python Cheat Sheets
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* [cppreference ](https://en.cppreference.com/w/ ) - C++ Cheat Sheets
* [React Typescript Cheatsheet ](https://react-typescript-cheatsheet.netlify.app ) - React Typescript Cheat Sheets
* [SQL Cheat Sheet ](https://i.ibb.co/Ctr0Tn8/e289a15e2246.jpg ) - SQL Cheat Sheet
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* [CSS Cheat Sheet ](https://docs.emmet.io/cheat-sheet/ ), [SmolCSS ](https://smolcss.dev/ ) or [CSS Tricks ](https://css-tricks.com/snippets/ ) - CSS Cheat Sheets
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* [Easings ](https://easings.net/ ) - CSS Animation Cheat Sheet
* [BEM Cheat Sheet ](https://bem-cheat-sheet.9elements.com/ ) - BEM Cheat Sheet
* [Vim Cheatsheet ](https://i.ibb.co/FbdMMHN/460e75dd8543.png ) or [rTorr ](https://vim.rtorr.com/ ) - Vim Editor Cheat Sheets
* [VimTip ](https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Category:VimTip ) - Vim Editor Tips
* [Underdash ](https://surma.github.io/underdash/ ) - JS Snippets
* [GitHub Cheat Sheet ](https://github.com/tiimgreen/github-cheat-sheet ) - GitHub Cheat Sheet
* [SEO Cheat Sheet ](https://seo-cheat-sheet.9elements.com/ ) - SEO Cheat Sheet
# ► Courses / Tutorials
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Certificates ](https://panx.io/awesome-certificates/ )** - Dev Course Indexes
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Podcasts ](https://github.com/rShetty/awesome-podcasts )** - Podcasts for Software Engineers
* 🌐 ** [Awesome YouTubers ](https://github.com/JoseDeFreitas/awesome-youtubers )** - YouTube Dev Channels Indexes
* 🌐 ** [ProgrammingLearningResources ](https://rentry.co/ProgrammingLearningResources )** or [A-to-Z-Resources-for-Students ](https://github.com/dipakkr/A-to-Z-Resources-for-Students ) - Programming Learning Resources
* ↪️ ** [Programming Book Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/reading#wiki_.25B7_programming_books )** - Read / Download Programming Books
* ↪️ ** [Programming / Coding Tutorials ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_coding_tutorials )**
* ⭐ ** [freeCodeCamp ](https://www.freecodecamp.org/ )** - Programming / Courses / Interactive
* ⭐ ** [StackOverflow ](https://stackoverflow.com/ )** / [Frontend ](https://code.whatever.social/ ) or [DecodingDevOps ](https://www.decodingdevops.com/ ) - Developer Q& A
* [Audio Dev ](https://audiodev.blog/newbie-resources/ ) - Audio Programming Learning Resources
* [DZone ](https://dzone.com/ ) - Developer Tutorials
* [Dev.tube ](https://dev.tube/ ) - Developer Talks
* [Roadmap ](https://roadmap.sh/ ) - Developer Roadmaps / [GitHub ](https://github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap )
* [Programming Challenges ](https://i.ibb.co/J3ppPQ3/5bdea0d754ac.png ), [LightOJ ](https://lightoj.com/ ) or [Code Golf ](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/ ) - Programming Challenges
* [RoboMind ](https://www.robomind.net/ ) or [Checki0 ](https://checkio.org/ ) - Code Learning Games
* [mimo ](https://mimo.org/ ) - Coding Tutorial App
* [Curated Programming Resources ](https://github.com/Michael0x2a/curated-programming-resources ) - Programming Courses
* [Interactive Tutorials ](https://github.com/ronreiter/interactive-tutorials ) - Programming Courses
* [Learn to Program ](https://github.com/karlhorky/learn-to-program ) - Programming Courses
* [FreeCourses ](https://freecourses.github.io/ ) - Programming Courses
* [CloudSkillsBoost ](https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/paths ) - Programming Courses
* [EggHead ](https://egghead.io/ ) - Programming Courses
* [TechSchool ](https://techschool.dev/en ) - Programming Courses / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/C4abRX5skH )
* [Goldfish ](https://goldfish-app-5igcw.ondigitalocean.app/ ) - Programming Courses
* [Beej's Guides ](https://www.beej.us/guide/ ) or [LearnByExample ](https://learnbyexample.github.io/ ) - Programming Guides
* [HelloWorldCollection ](http://helloworldcollection.de/ ) - Hello World Programming Collection
* [CodeTriage ](https://www.codetriage.com/ ) - Learn Coding by Building Projects
* [Codecademy ](https://www.codecademy.com/ ) - Coding Lessons
* [CodinGame ](https://www.codingame.com/ ) - Games to Practice Coding / Programming
* [Advent of Code ](https://adventofcode.com/ ) - Programming Puzzles
* [Learn X in Y minutes ](https://learnxinyminutes.com/ ), [2 ](https://github.com/adambard/learnxinyminutes-docs ) - Programming Language Rundowns
* [Karel The Robot ](https://github.com/fredoverflow/karel ) - Basic Programming Teaching Environment
* [Project Based Learning ](https://github.com/practical-tutorials/project-based-learning ) - Collection of Project-Based Tutorials
* [Tech Dev Guide ](https://techdevguide.withgoogle.com/ ) -
* [Interview University ](https://github.com/jwasham/coding-interview-university ) - Software Engineer Study Guides
* [Software Engineering Interview Preparation ](https://github.com/orrsella/soft-eng-interview-prep ) - Software Engineer Interview Preparation
* [cs1000 ](https://cs1000.surge.sh/ ) - CS / Software Engineering
* [system-design-primer ](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer ) - Large Scale System Design Guides
* [LearnToCloud ](https://learntocloud.guide/ ) - Cloud Computing Guide
* [LearnYouHaskell ](http://learnyouahaskell.com/chapters ) - Haskell Guide
* [LearnGo ](https://github.com/inancgumus/learngo ) or [play-with-go ](https://play-with-go.dev/ ) - Learn Go Programming
* [Learn Perl ](https://www.learn-perl.org/ ) - Learn Perl
* [Rust Learning ](https://github.com/ctjhoa/rust-learning ) - Rust Learning Resources
* [explaine.rs ](https://jrvidal.github.io/explaine.rs/ ) - Rust Syntax Explanation
* [High Assurance Rust ](https://highassurance.rs/ ) - Software Development Guide
* [LearnOpenGL ](https://learnopengl.com/ ) - Learn OpenGL
* [Devops Exercises ](https://github.com/bregman-arie/devops-exercises ) - DevOps Exercises
* [90DaysOfDevOps ](https://github.com/MichaelCade/90DaysOfDevOps ) - Learn DevOps
* [Learn SQL ](https://sqlbolt.com/ ) - SQL Lessons
* [SQL PD ](https://sqlpd.com/ ) - SQL Learning Game
* [PostgreSQL Tutorial ](https://www.postgresqltutorial.com/ ) - PostgreSQL Tutorial
* [MySQL Tutorial ](https://www.mysqltutorial.org/ ) - MySQL Tutorial
* [Hasura ](https://hasura.io/learn/ ) - GraphQL Courses
* [systemd-by-example ](https://systemd-by-example.com/ ) - Systemd Learning
* [Slip ](https://www.slip.so/ ) - Build Programming Courses
## ▷ Web Development
* 🌐 ** [MDN ](https://developer.mozilla.org/ )** or [Web Dev Resources ](https://joshjoshuap-webdevresources.vercel.app/ ) - Web Dev Learning Resources
* 🌐 ** [Frontend Developers ](https://github.com/andrew--r/channels )** or [Web Dev / Programming YouTube Channels ](https://rentry.co/cozqr ) - Web Dev YouTube Channel Indexes
* ⭐ ** [Odin Project ](https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/the-odin-project/ )**, [2 ](https://www.theodinproject.com/ ) - Programming / Courses / Interactive / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/fbFCkYabZB )
* ⭐ ** [FullStackOpen ](https://fullstackopen.com/en/ )** - Full Stack Course
* ⭐ ** [LandChad ](https://landchad.net/ )** or [learn.sadgrl.online ](https://learn.sadgrl.online/ ) - Site Development Guides
* ⭐ ** [Learn to Code HTML & CSS ](https://learn.shayhowe.com/ )** - HTML/CSS Course
* ⭐ ** [JavaScript.info ](https://javascript.info/ )**, [Patterns.dev ](https://www.patterns.dev/ ) or [30 Days Of JavaScript ](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-JavaScript ) - Javascript Learning Sites
* ⭐ ** [mess with dns ](https://messwithdns.net/ )** - Experiment with DNS
* ⭐ ** [PHP: The Right Way ](https://phptherightway.com/ )**, [Learn PHP ](https://odan.github.io/learn-php/ ) or [PHP Tutorial ](https://www.phptutorial.net/ ) - Learn PHP
* ⭐ ** [Markdown Guide ](https://www.markdownguide.org/ )** - Guide for Markdown (.md)
* [Web Dev for Beginners ](https://microsoft.github.io/Web-Dev-For-Beginners/ ) - Web Dev Course
* [Aquent Gymnasium ](https://thegymnasium.com/ ) - Web Dev Tutorials
* [Dash ](https://dash.generalassemb.ly/ ) - Web Dev Courses
* [Web Skills ](https://andreasbm.github.io/web-skills/ ), [web.dev ](https://web.dev/learn ) or [Encodedna ](https://www.encodedna.com/ ) - Web Dev Guides
* [Codevolution ](https://www.youtube.com/@Codevolution ) - Web Dev Video Lessons
* [Local-First Web ](https://localfirstweb.dev/ ) - Local-First Web Development Guide / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/lfwdev )
* [SVG Tutorial ](https://svg-tutorial.com/ ) - Learn how to code SVG images
* [HTMLDog ](https://htmldog.com/ ) - HTML/CSS and JavaScript Tutorials
* [100DayCSS ](https://100dayscss.com/ ) , [CSS Challenges ](https://css-challenges.com/ ) or [PlayCSS ](https://playcss.app/ ) - CSS Challenges
* [Codepip ](https://codepip.com/games/ ), [Grid Garden ](https://cssgridgarden.com/ ), [CSS Battle ](https://cssbattle.dev/ ), [CSS Speedrun ](https://css-speedrun.netlify.app/ ), [CodingFantasy ](https://codingfantasy.com/ ) or [CSS Diner ](https://flukeout.github.io/ ) - CSS Learning Games
* [Guess CSS ](https://www.guess-css.app/ ) - CSS Guessing Game
* [Flexbox Froggy ](https://flexboxfroggy.com/ ), [FlexboxDefense ](http://www.flexboxdefense.com/ ) or [KnightsoftheFlexboxTable ](https://knightsoftheflexboxtable.com/ ) - CSS Flexbox Learning Games
* [DefensiveCSS ](https://defensivecss.dev/ ) - CSS Tips
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* [LearnCSSGrid ](https://learncssgrid.com/ ) or [GridByExample ](https://gridbyexample.com/ ) - CSS Grid Guides
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* [You Don't Need JavaScript ](https://github.com/you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-JavaScript ) - CSS Demos
* [css-animation ](https://css-animations.io/ ) - CSS Animation Tutorial
* [You Don't Know JS ](https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS ) or [EloquentJavascript ](https://eloquentjavascript.net/ ) - Javascript Learning Books
* [Javascript Questions ](https://github.com/lydiahallie/javascript-questions ) or [JavaScriptQuiz ](https://javascriptquiz.com/ ) - Javascript Questions for Practice
* [33 JS Concepts ](https://github.com/leonardomso/33-js-concepts ) - Useful JavaScript Concepts
* [You-Dont-Need-jQuery ](https://github.com/camsong/You-Dont-Need-jQuery ) - Javascript Query Style Events Guide
* [Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide ](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript ) - Javascript Style Guide
* [Javascript Today ](https://blog.javascripttoday.com/ ) - Javascript Blog
* [Untrusted ](https://alexnisnevich.github.io/untrusted/ ) - Javascript Learning Game
* [HEAD ](https://htmlhead.dev/ ) - HTML head Element Guide
* [DOM Events ](https://domevents.dev/ ) - Learn about DOM Events
* [backendlore ](https://github.com/fpereiro/backendlore ) - Backend Coding Guide
* [backend-challenges ](https://github.com/CollabCodeTech/backend-challenges ) - Backend Challenges for Practice
* [Tackling TS ](https://exploringjs.com/tackling-ts/toc.html ) or [TypeScript Deep Drive ](https://basarat.gitbook.io/typescript/getting-started ) - TypeScript Guides
* [TypeHero ](https://typehero.dev/ ) or [Type Challenges ](https://github.com/type-challenges/type-challenges ) - TypeScript Exercises / Challenges
* [Learn Next.js ](https://nextjs.org/learn ) / [Production-Grade Next.js ](https://frontendmasters.com/courses/production-next/ ) / [Learn by Examples ](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/tree/canary/examples ) - Next.js Learning Resources
* [Java Design Patterns ](https://java-design-patterns.com/ ) - Java Design Guide
* [Node.js Best Practices ](https://github.com/goldbergyoni/nodebestpractices ) - Node.js Style Guide
* [Full Stack Solana Development Guide ](https://dev.to/edge-and-node/the-complete-guide-to-full-stack-solana-development-with-react-anchor-rust-and-phantom-3291 ) - [Examples ](https://github.com/dabit3/complete-guide-to-full-stack-solana-development )
* [STPG ](https://stpg-tk.netlify.app/guides/ ) - Startpage Creation Guides / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/ExAGgVR )
* [Markdown Tutorial ](https://www.markdowntutorial.com/ ) - Interactive Markdown Tutorial
* [Web Design in 4 Minutes ](https://jgthms.com/web-design-in-4-minutes/ ) or [Strml ](https://www.strml.net/ ) - Interactive Web Design Tutorial
* [WebGL and GLSL Workshop ](https://mattdesl.github.io/workshop-webgl-glsl/ ) - Interactive WebGL / GLSL Tutorial
* [LearningSEO ](https://learningseo.io/ ) - SEO Guides
* [Discord.js Guide ](https://discordjs.guide/ ) or [An Idiot's Guide ](https://anidiots.guide/ ) - Discord.js Bot Guides
* Comic Lessons - [DNS ](https://howdns.works/ ) / [DNSSEC ](https://howdnssec.works/ ) / [HTTPS ](https://howhttps.works/ )
## ▷ Game Development
* [PICO-8 ](https://mboffin.itch.io/pico8-educational-toolset ) - Basic Game Development Concepts / [Web Version ](https://www.pico-8-edu.com/ )
* [SebastianLague ](https://www.youtube.com/c/SebastianLague/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=4 ) - Game Development Tutorials
* [Trig for Games ](https://demoman.net/?a=trig-for-games ) - Trigonometry Lessons for Games
* [ProFantasy ](https://rpgmaps.profantasy.com/ ) - Fantasy Map Making Tutorials
* [Game Math ](https://gamemath.com/book/intro.html ) - Mathematics Lessons for Game Devs
* [CHIP-8 Research ](https://chip-8.github.io/ ) - CHIP-8 Research
* [Graphics Workshop ](https://github.com/ekzhang/graphics-workshop ) - Learn Computer Graphics
## ▷ App Development
* 🌐 ** [Mobile Design Resources ](https://github.com/josephgoksu/mobile-design-resources )** - App Design Learning Resources
* ⭐ ** [Android Developer Roadmap ](https://github.com/skydoves/android-developer-roadmap )**
* [Official Android Courses ](https://developer.android.com/courses ) or [Windows App Development ](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/ ) - App Dev Courses
* [LearnCS ](https://www.learncs.online/lessons ) - Lean Java/Kotlin
* [Swift Playgrounds ](https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/swiftui ) - Learn Swift UI / [Samples ](https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/sample-apps )
* [SwiftDump ](https://github.com/neil-wu/SwiftDump ) - Retrieve Swift Object info from Mach-O file
* [Flutter Tips and Tricks ](https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks ) - Flutter Tips and Tricks
## ▷ Data Structures
* ⭐ ** [Leetcode ](https://leetcode.com/ )** - Coding Practice
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* ⭐ **Leetcode Tools** - [Solutions ](https://walkccc.me/LeetCode/ ), [2 ](https://leetcode.ca/ ) / [Company Questions ](https://github.com/MysteryVaibhav/leetcode_company_wise_questions ), [2 ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1icaNSRq6XcWO3EOycEP9F9P8SLerBanpY3Ni_ZzCfFA/ ), [3 ](https://seanprashad.com/leetcode-patterns/ ) / [Animations ](https://github.com/MisterBooo/LeetCodeAnimation ) / [Anki Cards ](https://github.com/fspv/leetcode-anki ) / [Videos ](https://github.com/fishercoder1534/Leetcode ) / [Resources ](https://github.com/ashishps1/awesome-leetcode-resources )
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* ⭐ ** [NeetCode ](https://neetcode.io/ )** - Coding Interview Practice
* [algorithms ](https://prashantbarahi.com.np/docs/algorithms/intro ) - Code Algorithms & Data Structures Tutorials
* [VisualGo ](https://visualgo.net/ ) - Data Structures & Algorithm Animations
* [The Algorithms - C++ ](https://thealgorithms.github.io/C-Plus-Plus ) - C++ Algorithms
* [algonds ](https://github.com/MaciejWas/algonds ) - Coding Practice
* [Codility ](https://app.codility.com/programmers/ ) - Coding Practice
* [ProjectLearn ](https://projectlearn.io/ ) - Coding Practice
* [LintCode ](https://www.lintcode.com/ ) or [CodeWars ](https://www.codewars.com/ ) - Coding Practice
* [Coding Questions ](https://platform.stratascratch.com/coding ) - Coding Interview Questions
* [DevPost ](https://devpost.com/ ), [HackTheEarth ](https://www.hackerearth.com/challenges/ ), [EMKC ](https://emkc.org/challenges ), [AtCoder ](https://atcoder.jp/ ) or [Toph.co ](https://toph.co/ ) - Hackathon / Challenge Communities
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* [Rosetta Code ](https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code ), [Kattis ](https://open.kattis.com/ ) or [Coding Problems ](https://github.com/MTrajK/coding-problems ) - Coding Problems / Solutions
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* [Exercism ](https://exercism.org/ ), [HackerRank ](https://www.hackerrank.com/ ) or [CS Circles ](https://cscircles.cemc.uwaterloo.ca/ ) - Programming Lessons
* [CSES Problemset ](https://cses.fi/problemset/ ) - Collection of Algorithmic Programming Problems
## ▷ Data Science
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* ⭐ ** [Open Source Society University (OSSU ](https://github.com/ossu/data-science )** - Data Science Roadmap
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* [Data Science Resources ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#data-science-resources ) - Data Science Learning Resources
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* [365Datascience ](https://365datascience.com/ ) - Data Science Courses
* [Quick-R ](https://www.statmethods.net/index.html ) - R Tutorials
* [Advanced R ](https://adv-r.hadley.nz/ ) - R Guide / [Solutions ](https://advanced-r-solutions.rbind.io/ )
* [R Packages ](https://r-pkgs.org/ ) - R Packages Guide
* [R for Data Science ](https://r4ds.had.co.nz/ ) - R Data Science Guide
* [ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis ](https://ggplot2-book.org/index.html ) - ggplot2 Guide
* [Data Science Ipython Notebooks ](https://github.com/donnemartin/data-science-ipython-notebooks ), [Scipy Lectures ](https://lectures.scientific-python.org/ ) or [Virgilio ](https://virgili0.github.io/Virgilio/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/virgili0/Virgilio ) - Learn DataScience
* [Data Engineering Zoomcamp ](https://github.com/DataTalksClub/data-engineering-zoomcamp ) - Data Engineering Course
* [Data Engineering Practice Problems ](https://github.com/danielbeach/data-engineering-practice ) - Data Engineering Practice
* [Learn to Make Netflix Clone ](https://github.com/kubowania/netflix-clone-graphql-datastax )
## ▷ Python
* 🌐 ** [Python Discord ](https://pythondiscord.com/resources/ )**, [Python Programming Hub ](https://github.com/Tanu-N-Prabhu/Python ) or [Python Reference ](https://github.com/rasbt/python_reference ) - Python Learning Resources
* ⭐ ** [Automate The Boring Stuff ](https://automatetheboringstuff.com/ )** - Python Automation Book
* [30 Days Of Python ](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-Python ) - Python Guide
* [Python AI ](https://community.uuki.live/course/tdb3Vsl1/python-course/aitutor ) - AI Python Tutor
* [CodingBat ](https://codingbat.com/ ) or [PyQuickie ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/pyquickie/okpdnfgpbpifbncoleieajiblmebbkci ) - Python / Java Practice
* [Python4Everyone ](https://py4e.com/ ), [A Byte of Python ](https://python.swaroopch.com/ ), [Hypermodern Python ](https://cjolowicz.github.io/posts/hypermodern-python-01-setup/ ), [DataCamp ](https://www.datacamp.com/ ), [Learn Python ](https://www.learnpython.org/ ), [Learn-Python ](https://github.com/trekhleb/learn-python ) or [Magical Universe ](https://github.com/zotroneneis/magical_universe ) - Learn Python
* [AmigosCode ](https://www.youtube.com/@amigoscode ) - Python/Kotlin/Java Tutorials
* [High Performance Python: The Code ](https://github.com/mynameisfiber/high_performance_python ) - Python Lessons
* [Real Python ](https://realpython.com/ ), [Reeborg ](https://reeborg.ca/docs/en/ ) or [AskPython ](https://www.askpython.com/ ) - Python Tutorials
* [FutureCoder ](https://futurecoder.io/ ), [CS50 ](https://cs50.harvard.edu/python/, [python-mastery](https://github.com/dabeaz-course/python-mastery ), [Python Full Course ](https://youtu.be/XKHEtdqhLK8 ) or [A Practical Introduction to Python ](https://www.brianheinold.net/python/python_book.html ) - Python Courses
* [Modern Python 3 Bootcamp Courses ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#modern-python-3-bootcamp-courses )
* [Tea Press ](https://greenteapress.com/wp ) - Python Learning Book
* [python3-in-one-pic ](https://github.com/coodict/python3-in-one-pic ) - Python Learning Picture
* [memlayout ](https://memlayout.com/ ) - Python Code Visualization
## ▷ C / C++
* [Learn C ](https://www.learn-c.org/ ) - C Tutorial
* [C++ Core Guidelines ](https://isocpp.github.io/CppCoreGuidelines/CppCoreGuidelines ) - C++ Best Practices Guidelines / [Github ](https://github.com/isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines )
* [Modern C++ Programming ](https://github.com/federico-busato/Modern-CPP-Programming ) - Modern C++ Course
* [Learn C++ ](https://www.learncpp.com/ ) - Learn C++
* [CppDeveloperRoadmap ](https://salmer.github.io/CppDeveloperRoadmap/ ) - Learn C++
* [StudyPlan ](https://www.studyplan.dev/ ) - Learn C++
* [HowIStart C++ ](https://howistart.org/posts/cpp/1/ ) - C++ Setup Guide
* [modern-cpp-tricks ](https://github.com/rachitiitr/modern-cpp-tricks ) - C++ Tips
* [Makefile Tutorial ](https://makefiletutorial.com/ ) - Makefile Tutorial
## ▷ Cybersecurity
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* 🌐 ** [Free Cyber Resources ](https://github.com/gerryguy311/Free_CyberSecurity_Professional_Development_Resources )**, [BlueTeam Tools ](https://github.com/A-poc/BlueTeam-Tools ) or [Applied Cybersecurity ](https://www.nist.gov/itl/applied-cybersecurity/nice/resources/online-learning-content ) - Cybersecurity Learning Resources
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* ↪️ ** [Pentesting Resources ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_pentesting_resources )**
* ⭐ ** [crackmes.one ](https://crackmes.one/ )** / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/2pPV3yq ), [Hackers101 ](https://www.hacker101.com/ ), [EchoCTF ](https://echoctf.red/ ), [SmashTheStack ](https://smashthestack.org/ ), [WebHacking ](https://webhacking.kr/ ) or [DefendTheWeb ](https://defendtheweb.net/ ) - Cybersecurity Challenges
* [Skills for All ](https://skillsforall.com/ ) or [90DaysOfCyberSecurity ](https://github.com/farhanashrafdev/90DaysOfCyberSecurity ) - Cybersecurity Courses
* [picoCTF ](https://picoctf.org/ ), [TryHackMe ](https://tryhackme.com/ ), [CTF Guide ](https://jaimelightfoot.com/blog/so-you-want-to-ctf-a-beginners-guide/ ), [CTFLearn ](https://ctflearn.com/ ), [Hack The Box ](https://www.hackthebox.com/ ) or [OpenSecurityTraining2 ](https://opensecuritytraining.info/ ) - Cybersecurity Lessons
* [Cyber Talent Kids ](https://cybertalentskids.com/ ) or [Teach Yourself Info Sec ](https://teachyourselfinfosec.com/ ) - Learn About Cybersecurity
* [pwn.college ](https://pwn.college/ ) - Cybersecurity Practice
* [OverTheWire ](https://overthewire.org/wargames/ ) - Cybersecurity Learning Game
* [Hacksplaining ](https://www.hacksplaining.com/ ) - Developer Security Lessons
* [MicroCorruption ](https://microcorruption.com/ ) - Learn Reverse Engineering / Cybersecurity
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* [OWASP Cheatsheet ](https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/ ) - Application Security Guide
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* [John Hammond ](https://www.youtube.com/@_JohnHammond ) or [LowLevelLearning ](https://www.youtube.com/@LowLevelLearning/ ) - Cybersecurity YouTube Tutorials
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* [sha256_project ](https://github.com/oconnor663/sha256_project ) or [cryptohack ](https://cryptohack.org/ ) - Cryptography Learning
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## ▷ Linux / CLI
* [OpenVim ](https://www.openvim.com/ ) - Interactive Vim Tutorial
* [Vim Adventures ](https://vim-adventures.com/ ) - Vim Learning Game
* [Vim University ](https://github.com/wincent/vim-university ) - Vim Tips
* [The Linux Kernel ](https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/ ) - Linux Kernel Development Guides / [Archives ](https://kernel.org/ )
* [Workbench ](https://apps.gnome.org/Workbench ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/workbenchdev/Workbench ) - Learn / Experiment with Gnome
## ▷ Git
* [GitHub Docs ](https://docs.github.com/en ) - GitHub Help Documentation
* [Git Tutorial ](https://4geeksacademy.github.io/git-interactive-tutorial/ ) - Interactive Git Tutorial
* [Oh My Git! ](https://ohmygit.org/ ), [2 ](https://ohshitgit.com/ ) - Git Learning Game
* [Git-it ](https://github.com/jlord/git-it-electron ) - Git Desktop Learning App
* [Git Coach ](https://github.com/vishal2376/git-coach ) - Git Android Learning App
* [Git Time ](https://git.bradwoods.io/ ) - Git Version Control System Learning Game
* [First Timers Only ](https://www.firsttimersonly.com/ ) or [First Contributions ](https://firstcontributions.github.io/ ) - Git Code Contribution Guides
* [Learn Git Branching ](https://learngitbranching.js.org/ ) - Interactive Git Branching Guide
## ▷ UI / UX
* [design.tips ](https://www.designer.tips/ ) or [Utopia ](https://utopia.fyi/ ) - Design Tips
* [HackDesign ](https://hackdesign.org/ ) or [Sky Design ](https://github.com/josephgoksu/sky-design ) - UI / Webdesign Courses
* [Learn UI Design ](https://learnui.design/ ) - UI Design Course
* [50 UI Tips ](https://fifty.user-interface.io/50_ui_tips.pdf ) - UI Design Book
* [Can't Unsee ](https://cantunsee.space/ ) - UI Design Test
* [UXTools ](https://uxtools.co/ ) or [UXMovement ](https://uxmovement.com/ ) - Learn UX Design
* [SitePoint ](https://www.sitepoint.com/ ) - UX Design Courses & Books
* [delightful humane design ](https://codeberg.org/teaserbot-labs/delightful-humane-design ) - Humane Design Resources
* [Laws of UX ](https://lawsofux.com/ ) - Maxims / Principles for UI Designers
* [Deceptive Patterns ](https://www.deceptive.design/ ) - Deceptive User Experience Examples
* [UI Coach ](https://uicoach.io/ ) - UI Design Challenge Generator
* [HTML Dog ](https://htmldog.com/ ) - Front End Tutorials & Examples
* [FrontEndMentor ](https://www.frontendmentor.io/ ), [Phuoc ](https://phuoc.ng/ ) or [Frontend Challenges ](https://github.com/felipefialho/frontend-challenges ) - Frontend Design Challenges
* [Frontend Learning Kit ](https://github.com/sadanandpai/frontend-learning-kit ) - Frontend Learning Index
* [Frontend Bootcamp ](https://microsoft.github.io/frontend-bootcamp/ ) - Frontend Workshop
* [Gaultier Blog ](https://gaultier.github.io/blog/x11_x64.html ) - Learn x86-64 Assembly
* [Design Pattern for Humans ](https://github.com/kamranahmedse/design-patterns-for-humans ) - Guide on Design Patterns
## ▷ Computer Science
* 🌐 ** [CompSciLib ](https://www.compscilib.com/ )** - Computer Science Tools
* ⭐ ** [TeachYourselfComputerScience ](https://teachyourselfcs.com/ )** - Computer Science Book Recommendations
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* ⭐ ** [Open Source Society University (OSSU) ](https://github.com/ossu/computer-science )** / [PT-BR ](https://github.com/ossu/computer-science-br ) / [CN ](https://github.com/ossu/computer-science-cn ) - Computer Science Roadmap
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* [Big-O Cheatsheet ](https://www.bigocheatsheet.com/ ) - Computer Science Complexities Cheatsheet
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* [CSDIY ](https://csdiy.wiki/en/ ), [awesome-low-level-design ](https://github.com/ashishps1/awesome-low-level-design ), [awesome-system-design-resources ](https://github.com/ashishps1/awesome-system-design-resources ) or [LearnAIFromScratch ](https://learnaifromscratch.github.io/ ) - Computer Science Learning Guides
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* [Code.org ](https://code.org/ ) - Computer Science Courses
* [cs-video-courses ](https://github.com/Developer-Y/cs-video-courses ) - Computer Science Courses
* [Open Source Society University ](https://github.com/ossu/computer-science ) - Computer Science Courses / [GitHub ](https://github.com/ossu ) / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/wuytwK5s9h )
* [Modern Computer Science Curriculum ](https://functionalcs.github.io/curriculum/ ) - Computer Science Courses
* [CS50 ](https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/ ) - Harvard Computer Science Course
* [CollegeComendium ](https://collegecompendium.org/ ) - Computer Science Courses
* [Computerphile ](https://www.youtube.com/@Computerphile/ ) or [CSDojo ](https://www.youtube.com/@CSDojo ) - Computer Science YouTube Channels
* [ApressOpen ](https://www.apress.com/us/apress-open/apressopen-titles ) - Computer Science Books
* [Papers We Love ](https://paperswelove.org/ ) - Computer Science Research Papers
* [NandGame ](https://nandgame.com/ ) - Computer Building Puzzle
* [From Nand To Tetris ](https://www.nand2tetris.org/course ) - Computer Building Lesson
* [Copetti ](https://www.copetti.org/ ) - In-depth Console Architecture Analysis / [GitHub ](https://github.com/flipacholas/Architecture-of-consoles )
* [Web Browser Engineering ](https://browser.engineering/ ) - Learn about Browser Engineering
* [CPU Land ](https://cpu.land/ ) - What Happens when you run Programs
* [Computer Science Lecture Links ](https://github.com/riti2409/Resources-for-preparation-Of-Placements )
# ► Developer Tools
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* 🌐 ** [Awesome Creative Coding ](https://github.com/terkelg/awesome-creative-coding )** - Creative Coding Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Python ](https://awesome-python.com/ )** - Pyapithon Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Javascript ](https://github.com/sorrycc/awesome-javascript )** - Javascript Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Go ](https://awesome-go.com/ )** or [Go Recipes ](https://github.com/nikolaydubina/go-recipes ) - Go Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Kotlin ](https://kotlin.link/ )** - Kotlin Resources / [GitHub ](https://github.com/KotlinBy/awesome-kotlin )
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Emacs ](https://github.com/emacs-tw/awesome-emacs )** or [Melpa ](https://melpa.org/ ) - Emacs Packages / [Tiling ](https://github.com/ch11ng/exwm )
* 🌐 ** [Awesome VSC Extensions ](https://hl2guide.github.io/Awesome-Visual-Studio-Code-Extensions/ )** - Visual Studio Code Extensions
* 🌐 ** [BenchmarksGame ](https://benchmarksgame-team.pages.debian.net/benchmarksgame/ )** or [Language Benchmarks ](https://programming-language-benchmarks.vercel.app/ ) - Language Comparisons
* 🌐 ** [Best-Websites ](https://github.com/sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit )**, [Tiny Tools ](https://tinytools.directory/ ), [CarlosAG ](https://www.carlosag.net/ ) or [Charm ](https://charm.sh/ ) - Programming Resources
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* 🌐 ** [Free For Dev ](https://free-for.dev/ )** or [Free For Life ](https://github.com/wdhdev/free-for-life/ ) - Developer Resourses
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Sys Admin ](https://github.com/awesome-foss/awesome-sysadmin )** - System Admin Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Microservices ](https://github.com/mfornos/awesome-microservices )** - Microservice Architecture Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Subreddits ](https://github.com/iCHAIT/awesome-subreddits )** - Programming Subreddits
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Bots ](https://doppler.com ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/DopplerHQ/awesome-bots )** - Developer Bot Index
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Design Patterns ](https://github.com/DovAmir/awesome-design-patterns )** - Design Pattern Resources
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* 🌐 ** [Awesome DataScience ](https://github.com/academic/awesome-datascience )** - Data Science Resources
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* ↪️ ** [Multi-Tool Dev Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_multi_dev_tool_sites )**
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* ↪️ ** [Developer News ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/misc#wiki_.25B7_tech_news )**
* ⭐ ** [JSON Hero ](https://jsonhero.io/ )**, [Jayson ](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/jayson/id1447750768 ) or [JSONView ](https://jsonview.com/ ) - JSON Viewers / Editors
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* [DevToys ](https://devtoys.app/ ) - Dev Multi-Tool App
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* [Student Developer Pack ](https://education.github.com/pack ) - Free Developer Tools for Students
* [Mage ](https://www.mage.ai/ ) - Data Science Pipelines
* [AppFlowy ](https://appflowy.io/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy ) - Project Workspace
* [DevDeals ](https://www.devdeals.org/ ) - Free Tools / Promotions for Developers
* [Codever ](https://www.codever.dev/ ) - Bookmarks Manager for Developers
* [Media Chrome ](https://www.media-chrome.org/ ) - Media Player Elements / [GitHub ](https://github.com/muxinc/media-chrome )
* [ZealDocs ](https://zealdocs.org/ ) - Offline Document Viewer
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* [choose-a-license ](https://writefreesoftware.org/learn/participate/choose-a-license/ ) or [ChooseALicense ](https://choosealicense.com/ ) - How to pick a license
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* [PrivacyPolicyTemplate ](https://www.privacypolicytemplate.net/ ), [PrivacyBoard ](https://www.privacyboard.co/ ) or [PrivacyLabel ](https://www.privacylabel.org/ ) - Generate Privacy Policies
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* [Eternal Terminal ](https://eternalterminal.dev/ ) - SSH Clients / Server
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* [PuTTY ](https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ ) - SSH & Telnet Client / [Multi-Tab ](https://ttyplus.com/ ) / [Fork ](https://www.9bis.net/kitty/#!index.md ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/cyd01/KiTTY/ )
* [Penpot ](https://penpot.app/ ) - Cross Domain Design & Prototyping Platform
* [Webhook.site ](https://webhook.site/ ) - Webhook Tools
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* [ImHex ](https://imhex.werwolv.net ) - Hex Editor / [Web Version ](https://web.imhex.werwolv.net/ )
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* [mingrammer ](https://diagrams.mingrammer.com ) - Diagram as Code / Prototyping
* [Libraries.io ](https://libraries.io/ ) - Package, Framework & Tool Search
* [Deps.dev ](https://deps.dev/ ) - Open Source Package Search
* [Hajimari ](https://hajimari.io/ ) - Kubernetes Startpage / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/HWGZSWJsA8 )
* [Input Delay Test ](https://input-delay.glitch.me/ ) - Input Delay Experiment
* [discord-api-libs ](https://github.com/Apacheli/discord-api-libs ) - Community Libraries for Discord API
* [botwiki ](https://botwiki.org/ ) - Learn How to Make Bots
* [reddit-moderator-toolbox ](https://github.com/toolbox-team/reddit-moderator-toolbox ) - Toolbox for Reddit Extension Development
* [Wokwi ](https://wokwi.com/ ) - Arduino / ESP32 Board Simulator
* [devSwag ](https://devswag.io/ ) - Developer Giveaways
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* [Node-RED ](https://nodered.org/ ) - Low-Code Programming for Event-Driven Apps
* [Commands.dev ](https://www.commands.dev/ ) - Terminal Commands
* [AirBroke ](https://airbroke.icorete.ch/ ) or [Glitchtip ](https://glitchtip.com ) - Error Tracking Platforms
* [Algorithm Visualizer ](https://algorithm-visualizer.org/ ) or [Sorting Algorithms Visuallizer ](https://sadanandpai.github.io/algo-visualizers/#/sorting-visualizer/bubble ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/sadanandpai/sorting-visualizer ) - Visualize Code Algorithms
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* [Code2Flow ](https://app.code2flow.com/ ) or [Flowchart.js ](https://flowchart.js.org/ ) - Code to Flowchart Converter
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* [UMLet ](https://www.umlet.com/ ) or [JDL Studio ](https://start.jhipster.tech/jdl-studio/ ) - Create UML Diagrams
* [Wasmer ](https://wasmer.io/ ) - WebAssembly Apps / Libraries
* [Decompiler ](https://www.decompiler.com/ ) - Online Decompiler
* [tuc ](https://github.com/riquito/tuc ) - Improved Code Cut
* [Lepton ](https://hackjutsu.com/Lepton/ ) or [Snipp.in ](https://snipp.in/ ) - Code Snippet Managers
* [0xacab ](https://about.0xacab.org/ ) - Code Host
* [Mockaroo ](https://mockaroo.com/ ) - Generate Mock Data
* [Mockium ](https://softwium.com/mockium/ ) - Generate Test Data
* [OneLang IDE ](https://ide.onelang.io/ ) - Convert Code to Multiple Languages
* [Tasuku ](https://github.com/privatenumber/tasuku ) - Node.js Task Runner
* [Globster ](https://globster.xyz/ ) - Test Glob Patterns
* [OctoLinker ](https://octolinker.vercel.app/ ) - Turn Code Statements into Links / [GitHub ](https://github.com/OctoLinker/OctoLinker )
* [Shell Cloud ](https://shell.cloud.google.com/ ) - Google Cloud Shell Environment
* [BrickHub ](https://brickhub.dev/ ) - Share Code Brick Templates
* [nunu ](https://github.com/go-nunu/nunu ) - Build Go Programs
* [Python Patterns ](https://python-patterns.guide/ ) - Python Design Patterns
* [Clean Code Python ](https://github.com/zedr/clean-code-python ) - Clean Up Python Code
* [pipx ](https://pipx.pypa.io ) - Execute Python Binaries in Isolated Environments
* [PyPy ](https://www.pypy.org/ ) - Alternate Python Implementation
* [RustPython ](https://rustpython.github.io/ ) - Python Interpreter
* [Clean Code TypeScripts ](https://labs42io.github.io/clean-code-typescript ) - Clean Code for TypeScript
* [Ruff ](https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/ ) - Python Linter
* [Big List of Naughty Strings ](https://github.com/minimaxir/big-list-of-naughty-strings ) - Check for Edge Case Inputs
* [overmind ](https://github.com/DarthSim/overmind ) or [foreman ](https://github.com/ddollar/foreman ) - Process Managers
* [PKL ](https://pkl-lang.org/ ) - Generate Static Configurations
* [cpp.sh ](https://cpp.sh/ ) - Online C++ Compiler
* [CP-Algorithms ](https://cp-algorithms.com/ ) - C++ Algorithms
* [The Algorithms ](https://the-algorithms.com/ ) - Algorithms Index
* [sed.js ](https://sed.js.org/ ) - GNU sed Live Editor
* [asdf ](https://asdf-vm.com/ ) - Multi-Runtime Management CLI
* [The SHA-256 Project ](https://github.com/oconnor663/sha256_project ) - Develop SHA-256 from Scratch
* [Sourcegraph ](https://sourcegraph.com/search ) or [SeaGOAT ](https://github.com/kantord/SeaGOAT ) - Code Searching
* [searchcode ](https://searchcode.com/ ) or [PublicWWW ](https://publicwww.com/ ) - Source Code Search
* [Sourcecodester ](https://www.sourcecodester.com/ ), [Code Projects ](https://code-projects.org/ ), [Codastro ](https://codeastro.com/ ), [Kashipara ](https://www.kashipara.com/ ) or [ItSourceCode ](https://www.itsourcecode.com/ ) - Source Code Projects
* [ShortCode ](https://shortcode.dev/ ) or [CodeList ](https://codelist.cc/v3/ ) - Script / Code Indexes
* [Chalk ](https://chalk.ist/ ) or [Show Code ](https://showcode.app/ ) - Code Screenshots
* [AnimateCode ](https://www.animate-code.com/ ) - Create Code Animations
* [DelphiTools ](https://www.delphitools.info/ ) - Code Profiler / Delphi Tools
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* [JavaScripting ](https://www.javascripting.com/ ) - JavaScript Libraries
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* [LLRT ](https://github.com/awslabs/llrt ) - Lightweight JavaScript Runtime
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* [GraalVM ](https://www.graalvm.org/ ) - Advanced Multi-language JVM
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* [Adoptium ](https://adoptium.net/ ) - Download OpenJDK Binaries
* [Clean Code Javascript ](https://github.com/ryanmcdermott/clean-code-javascript ) - Clean Code for Javascript
* [Vanilla List ](https://vanillalist.top/ ) - Vanilla Javascript Repository
* [RunKit ](https://runkit.com/ ) - Browser Javascript Sandbox
* [Adrenaline ](https://useadrenaline.com/ ) or [Console Ninja ](https://console-ninja.com/ ) - Code Debugging
* [JBin ](https://jsbin.com/ ) or [Replay ](https://www.replay.io/ ) - Collaborative Code Debugging
* [GPU.js ](https://gpu.rocks/ ) - GPU Accelerated JavaScript
* [JS.ORG ](https://js.org/ ) - Free subdomain for JavaScript Developers
* [1loc ](https://phuoc.ng/collection/1-loc/ ) - JavaScript Code Snippets
* [Javascript Algorithms ](https://github.com/trekhleb/javascript-algorithms ) - Algorithms and Data Structures in Javascript
* [Gummy ](https://gummyjs.vercel.app/ ) - Easily Build JavaScript Programs
* [bytecode-viewer ](https://bytecodeviewer.com ), [jd-gui ](https://github.com/java-decompiler/jd-gui ), [Krakatau ](https://github.com/Storyyeller/Krakatau ), [Luyten ](https://github.com/deathmarine/Luyten ), [Vineflower ](https://github.com/Vineflower/vineflower ) or [Fernflower ](https://github.com/fesh0r/fernflower ) - Java Decompilers
* [JEnv For Windows ](https://github.com/FelixSelter/JEnv-for-Windows ) - Change Java Version
* [Obfuscator ](https://obfuscator.io/ ) or [js-confuser ](https://js-confuser.com/ ) - JavaScript Obfuscators
* [jsdfe ](https://avotoko.github.io/javascript-deobfuscator/ ) - JavaScript Deobfuscator
* [anime.js ](https://animejs.com/ ) - JavaScript Animation Library / [GitHub ](https://github.com/juliangarnier/anime/ )
* [randomcolor ](https://randomcolor.lllllllllllllllll.com/ ) - Random Javascript Color Generator
* [ASTExplorer ](https://astexplorer.net/ ) - AST Viewer
* [Microdiff ](https://github.com/AsyncBanana/microdiff ) - Object and Array Comparison Library
* [trzsz ](https://trzsz.github.io/js ) - Make trzsz Compatible with tmux in Terminal
* [Transluna ](https://transluna.net/ ) - JSON Translator
* [JMESPath ](https://jmespath.org/ ) - Query Language for JSON / [Tutorial ](https://jmespath.org/tutorial.html )
* [zio-json ](https://zio.dev/zio-json )- JSON Library
* [Mock Turtle ](https://mockturtle.net/ ) - Generate Mock JSON Data
* [JSON Bin ](https://jsonbin.io/ ) - JSON Host
* [Countries ](https://mledoze.github.io/countries/ ) - World Countries in JSON, CSV, XML & YAML
* [Asciidoctor ](https://asciidoctor.org/ ) - Convert AsciiDoc to HTML5, DocBook, PDF etc.
* [PlantText ](https://www.planttext.com/ ) - UML Editor
* [glogg ](https://glogg.bonnefon.org/ ) or [Log Parser Lizard ](https://lizard-labs.com/log_parser_lizard.aspx ) - Log Analyzation Utilities
* [Code::Stats ](https://codestats.net/ ) or [Wakatime ](https://wakatime.com/ ) - Programmer Stat Tracking
* [oq ](https://blacksmoke16.github.io/oq/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/Blacksmoke16/oq ) - Programming Language Processor
* [Tables Generator ](https://www.tablesgenerator.com/ ) - Generates Tables in Various Languages
* [WiredJS ](https://wiredjs.github.io/designer/ ) - Wireframe Designer
* [pueue ](https://github.com/Nukesor/pueue ) - Shell Command Manager
* [Emojicode ](https://www.emojicode.org/ ) - Emoji-Based Programming Language
* [Crystalline ](https://github.com/elbywan/crystalline ) - Crystal Language Server
* [icr ](https://github.com/crystal-community/icr ) - REPL for Crystal
* [QBasic ](https://www.qbasic.net/ ) - QBasic / QuickBASIC Programming Language Resources
* [Spatie ](https://spatie.be/open-source ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/spatie/fork ) or [3v4l ](https://3v4l.org ) - Run PHP Concurrently
* [Winddown ](https://github.com/schneefux/vscode-winddown ) or [Sandman ](https://alexanderepstein.github.io/Sandman/ ) - Coding Break Reminders
* [Monaspace ](https://monaspace.githubnext.com/ ), [ProgrammingFonts ](https://www.programmingfonts.org/ ) or [Dev Fonts ](https://devfonts.gafi.dev/ ) - Coding Fonts
## ▷ IDEs / Code Editors
* ↪️ ** [Text Editors / Notes ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/text-tools#wiki_.25BA_text_editors_.2F_notes )**
* ⭐ ** [Visual Studio Code ](https://code.visualstudio.com/ )**
* ⭐ ** [VSCodium ](https://vscodium.com/ )** - Code Editor / VScode Fork
* ⭐ ** [Neovim ](https://neovim.io/ )** - Code Editor
* ⭐ ** [Emacs ](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ )** - [Docs ](https://emacsdocs.org/ )
* ⭐ ** [WebDen ](https://webden.dev/ )**, [Sharplab ](https://sharplab.io/ ), [tech.io ](https://tech.io/ ), [CodingGround ](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/codingground.htm ) or [Online Tools ](https://onlinetool.io/ ) - Code Playgrounds
* [Selenium ](https://www.selenium.dev/ ), [PlayWright ](https://playwright.dev/ ) or [Huginn ](https://github.com/huginn/huginn ) - Browser Automation
* [Heynote ](https://heynote.com/ ) - Code Editor / Notepad
* [JetBrains ](https://education.github.com/pack ) - Code Editor
* [Bluefish ](https://bluefish.openoffice.nl/index.html ) - [Templates ](https://templates.openoffice.org/en )
* [CudaText ](https://cudatext.github.io/ ) - Code Editor
* [Lapce ](https://lapce.dev/ ) - Code Editor
* [SpaceVim ](https://spacevim.org/ ) - Code Editor
* [zed.dev ](https://zed.dev/ ) - Code Editor
* [Pulsar ](https://pulsar-edit.dev/ ) - Code Editor
* [Lite XL ](https://lite-xl.com/ ) - Code Editor
* [Kakoune ](https://kakoune.org/ ) - Code Editor
* [Brackets ](https://brackets.io/ ) - Code Editor
* [Quill ](https://quilljs.com/ ) - Code Editor
* [Micro ](https://micro-editor.github.io/index.html ) - Code Editor
* [WebStudio ](https://webstudio.is/ ) - Code Editor
* [Textadept ](https://orbitalquark.github.io/textadept/ ) - Code Editor
* [Spacemacs ](https://www.spacemacs.org/ ) - Code Editor
* [Sublime Text ](https://www.sublimetext.com/ ) - Code Editor
* [Avalonia UI ](https://avaloniaui.net/ ) - Code Editor
* [massCode ](https://masscode.io/ ) - Code Editor
* [Amp ](https://amp.rs ) - Code Editor
* [Graviton ](https://graviton.netlify.app/ ) - Code Editor
* [BBEdit ](https://www.barebones.com/ ) - Code Editor
* [ecode ](https://github.com/SpartanJ/ecode ) - Code Editor
* [Trinket ](https://trinket.io/ ) - Browser Code Editor
* [Competitive Editor ](https://cpeditor.org/ ) - Competitive Programming Editor
* [Acode ](https://acode.app ), [Sora ](https://github.com/Rosemoe/sora-editor ) or [Squircle-CE ](https://github.com/massivemadness/Squircle-CE ) - Android Code Editors
* [Apache NetBeans ](https://netbeans.apache.org/ ), [KDevelop ](https://www.kdevelop.org/ ), [Lazarus ](https://www.lazarus-ide.org/ ) or [OpenShift ](https://developers.redhat.com/products/openshift-dev-spaces/overview ) - Cross Platform IDEs
* [RoslynPad ](https://roslynpad.net/ ) - C# Editor
* [RoslynQuoter ](https://roslynquoter.azurewebsites.net/ ) - C# Syntax Tree API Viewer
* [Recaf ](https://www.coley.software/Recaf/ ) - Java Bytecode Editor
* [Rescript ](https://rescript-lang.org/ ) - Javascript Editor / Language
* [TidalCycles ](https://tidalcycles.org/ ) - Live Algorithmic Coding Environment / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/ugFq7KfGnB )
* [Thonny ](https://thonny.org/ ) - Python IDE
* [pipxu ](https://github.com/bulletmark/pipxu ) - Install / Run Python Apps in Isolated Environments
* [SciTE ](https://www.scintilla.org/SciTE.html ) - Source Code Editor for Win32 and X
* [OpenChakra ](https://openchakra.app/ ) or [Plate ](https://platejs.org/ ) - React Code Editors
* [Package Control ](https://packagecontrol.io/ ) - Sublime Text Package Manager
* [editorcornfig ](https://editorconfig.org/ ) - Maintain Code Styles Across Editors
* [ThemesElection ](https://themeselection.com/ ), [NordTheme ](https://www.nordtheme.com/ ) or [Dracula ](https://draculatheme.com/ ) - Code Editor Themes
## ▷ Cloud IDEs / Colab
* 🌐 ** [cloud ](https://gist.github.com/imba-tjd/d73258f0817255dbe77d64d40d985e76#file-cloud-md )** - Cloud Platform Index
* ↪️ ** [Code Collaboration Platforms ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/text-tools#wiki_.25B7_text_.2F_code_collaboration )**
* ⭐ ** [goormIDE ](https://ide.goorm.io/ )**, [Fleet ](https://www.jetbrains.com/fleet/ ), [CodeTasty ](https://codetasty.com/ ), [Replit ](https://replit.com/ ), [BoostNote ](https://boostnote.io/ ), [Aither ](https://github.com/enoki-inc/aither ), [Deta ](https://deta.space/ ), [TerraForm ](https://www.terraform.io/ ), [Atheos ](https://www.atheos.io/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/Atheos/Atheos ), [Datalore ](https://datalore.jetbrains.com/ ), [DeepNote ](https://deepnote.com/ ), [Cloud9 ](https://aws.amazon.com/cloud9/ ) or [Glitch ](https://glitch.com/ ) / [Replit Import ](https://replit.com/glitch ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/m3o/m3o ) - Cloud IDEs
* ⭐ ** [CodeSandbox ](https://codesandbox.io/ )**, [StackBlitz ](https://stackblitz.com/ ) or [GitPod ](https://www.gitpod.io/ ) - VSCode Cloud IDE
* ⭐ ** [judge0 ](https://ide.judge0.com/ )** - Online Code Editor / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/GRc3v6n )
* [JSFiddle ](https://jsfiddle.net/ ) - Online Code Editor
* [Collabedit ](https://collabedit.com/ ) - Online Code Editor
* [Portacode ](https://portacode.com/ ) - Online Code Editor
* [Ideone ](https://www.ideone.com/ ) - Online Code Editor
* [PlayCode ](https://playcode.io/ ) - Online Code Editor
* [ObjGen ](https://www.objgen.com/ ) - Online Code Editor
* [html-css-js ](https://html-css-js.com/ ) - Online Code Editor
* [Orbiton ](https://orbiton.zip/ ) - Lightweight IDE
* [Openshift ](https://workspaces.openshift.com/ ) - Cloud IDE / Eclipse Che
* [Arduino ](https://cloud.arduino.cc/ ) - Cloud IDE for Arduino
* [Blazepack ](https://github.com/ameerthehacker/blazepack ), [Flox ](https://flox.dev/ ) or [DevPod ](https://devpod.sh ) - Development Environments
* [bloop ](https://bloop.ai/ ) - IDE AI Suggestion Extension
* [glot.io ](https://glot.io/ ) - Pastebin with Runnable Snippets, API & Compiler
* [myCompiler ](https://www.mycompiler.io/ ), [Compiler Explorer ](https://compiler-explorer.com/ ), [GodBolt ](https://godbolt.org/ ) or [Wandbox ](https://wandbox.org/ ) - Compiler Explorers
* [DogBolt ](https://dogbolt.org/ ) or [Decompiler Explorer ](https://github.com/decompiler-explorer/decompiler-explorer ) - Decompiler Explorers
* [Notebooks.azure ](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/features/notebooks-at-microsoft/ ) - Access Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code
* [NBviewer ](https://nbviewer.org/ ) - Jupyter Notebook Sharing
* [Jupyter Server ](https://jupyter-server.readthedocs.io ) - Jupyter Services / APIs
* [Anywidget ](https://anywidget.dev ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/manzt/anywidget ) - Create Jupyter Widgets
* [CoCalc ](https://cocalc.com/ ) - Virtual online workspace
* [CodePen ](https://codepen.io/ ), [Web Maker ](https://webmaker.app/ ) or [Liveweave ](https://liveweave.com/ ) - Code Sandbox
* [Platform.uno ](https://platform.uno/ ) or [Enact ](https://enactjs.com/ ) - App Frameworks
* [tio.run ](https://tio.run/ ) - Programming Language Interpreters
* [Online Python Compiler ](https://www.onlinegdb.com/online_python_compiler ) - Online Python Editor & Tester
## ▷ **[Coding AIs](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/ai#wiki_.25B7_coding_ais)**
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## ▷ Software Dev Tools
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Software Quality ](https://github.com/ligurio/sqa-wiki/wiki )** - Software Quality Testing Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome DOS ](https://github.com/balintkissdev/awesome-dos )** - DOS App Development Resources
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* ⭐ ** [Every-programmer-should-know ](https://github.com/mtdvio/every-programmer-should-know )**, [raylib technologie ](https://raylibtech.itch.io/ ) or [bookmarks ](https://github.com/MorganGeek/bookmarks ) - Software Development Tools
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* ⭐ **Electron Tools** - [App Store ](https://www.electronjs.org/apps/ ) / [Debugger ](https://github.com/pd4d10/debugtron ) / [Mod Loader ](https://kernel.fish/ ) / [Builder ](https://www.electron.build/ )
* ⭐ ** [new(releases) ](https://newreleases.io/ )** - Software Release Notifications
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* [Proton Native ](https://proton-native.js.org/ ), [Neutralinojs ](https://neutralino.js.org/ ), [Electron ](https://www.electronjs.org/ ), [Flet ](https://flet.dev/ ) or [Tauri ](https://tauri.app/ ) / [Resources ](https://github.com/tauri-apps/awesome-tauri ) - Desktop App Builders
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* [vfox ](https://vfox.lhan.me/ ) - SDK Version Manager
* [WinFsp ](https://winfsp.dev/ ) - Write File Systems (i.e. "Windows drives")
* [Budibase ](https://budibase.com/ ), [ToolJet ](https://tooljet.com/ ), [retool ](https://retool.com/ ) or [AppSmith ](https://github.com/appsmithorg/appsmith ) - Internal Tool Builders
* [Theos ](https://theos.dev/ ) - Program Build System / [GitHub ](https://github.com/theos/theos ) / [Jailed Tweaks ](https://github.com/kabiroberai/theos-jailed/wiki/Installation )
* [New Software ](https://github.com/ardalis/new-software-project-checklist ) - Project Decision Checklist
* [Radicle ](https://radicle.xyz/ ) - P2P Software Development
* [MSYS2 ](https://www.msys2.org/ ) - Windows Software Creator
* [Pakkly ](https://pakkly.com/ ) - Desktop App Deployment
* [Nomad ](https://www.nomadproject.io/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/hashicorp/nomad ), [Kamal ](https://kamal-deploy.org/ ) / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/YgHVT7GCXS ) or [Waypoint ](https://www.waypointproject.io ) - App Deployment Automation
* [Dotnet Content Creators ](https://www.wearedotnet.io/ ) - .NET Content Creators Index
* [Dotnet Releaser ](https://github.com/xoofx/dotnet-releaser ) - Automate Release of .NET Applications
* [dnSpy ](https://github.com/dnSpyEx/dnSpy ) - .NET Debugger
* [Crontab Guru ](https://crontab.guru/ ) - Crontab Editor / Job Scheduler
* [Cron AI ](https://cron-ai.vercel.app/ ) or [Cron Cat ](https://www.crontabcat.com/ ) - Convert Words to Cron Expressions
* [Crontab Generator ](https://crontab-generator.org/ ) - Generate Crontab Syntax
* [shadcn-ui ](https://ui.shadcn.com/ ) or [shadcn-svelte ](https://shadcn-svelte.com ) - Website Components
* [Fluent Svelte ](https://fluent-svelte.vercel.app/ ) - Microsoft's Fluent Design System in Svelte
* [Slint ](https://slint.dev ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/slint-ui/slint ), [Fyne ](https://fyne.io/ ) or [QT Designer ](https://build-system.fman.io/qt-designer-download ) - GUI Development Tools
* [Gooey ](https://github.com/chriskiehl/Gooey ) - Convert Python Command Line to GUI
* [mitmproxy ](https://mitmproxy.org ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy ) - HTTP Proxy
* [BugSnag ](https://www.bugsnag.com/ ) - Application Stability Monitor
* [Inno Setup ](https://jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php ) or [InstallForge ](https://www.installforge.net/ ) - Create Installation Programs
* [Sparkle ](https://sparkle-project.org ) - MacOS Update Framework
* [TextBase ](https://www.textbase.ai/ ) - AI Chatbot Framework
* [Dify ](https://dify.ai/ ) - Create AI Apps
* [Jina ](https://docs.jina.ai ) - Create AI Applications
* [Amplication ](https://amplication.com/ ) - Create Node.js Apps
* [Ink ](https://github.com/vadimdemedes/ink ) - Create Interactive CLI Apps
* [smenu ](https://github.com/p-gen/smenu ) - Create CLI Menus
* [Enquirer ](https://github.com/enquirer/enquirer ) or [Prompts ](https://github.com/terkelg/prompts ) - Create CLI Prompts
* [blessed-contrib ](https://github.com/yaronn/blessed-contrib ) - Create Terminal Applications
* [Etebase ](https://www.etebase.com/ ) - Encrypted App Backend
* [tl;drLegal ](https://www.tldrlegal.com/ ) - Software License Summaries
* [VirtualBuddy ](https://github.com/insidegui/VirtualBuddy ) - Virtualize macOS 12 and later on Apple Silicon
* [Pencil ](https://pencil.evolus.vn/ ) - Software Mockup Tool / [GitHub ](https://github.com/evolus/pencil )
## ▷ App Dev Tools
* 🌐 ** [AndroidRepo ](https://androidrepo.com/ )** - Android Development Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome iOS ](https://github.com/vsouza/awesome-ios )** - iOS Development Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Android UI ](https://github.com/wasabeef/awesome-android-ui )**, [UIGarage ](https://uigarage.net/ ), [UXArchive ](https://uxarchive.com/ ), [Mobbin ](https://mobbin.com/ ), [UISources ](https://www.uisources.com/ ) or [LovelyUI ](https://lovelyui.com/ ) - Mobile UI Resources
* 🌐 ** [Heroku-Alt ](https://rentry.co/Heroku-Alt )** or [heroku-free-alternatives ](https://github.com/anandrmedia/heroku-free-alternatives ) - Heroku Alternatives
* ↪️ ** [App Mockups ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_app_.2F_site_mockups )**
* ⭐ ** [Tizen ](https://www.tizen.org/ )** - Android TV App Creator
* [SupaBase ](https://supabase.com/ ), [Kodular ](https://www.kodular.io/ ), [Glide ](https://www.glideapps.com/ ), [AppCreator24 ](https://www.appcreator24.com/ ), [Dokku ](https://dokku.com/ ), [AndroidIDE ](https://androidide.com/ ), [Flutter ](https://flutter.dev/ ) / [Resources ](https://github.com/Solido/awesome-flutter ), [2 ](https://github.com/leanflutter/awesome-flutter-desktop ), [Plasmic ](https://www.plasmic.app/ ), [noodl ](https://www.noodl.net/ ) or [Android Studio ](https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html ) - App Creators / Builders
* [Android Libhunt ](https://android.libhunt.com/ ) - Android Packages
* [StreamLit ](https://streamlit.io/ ) - Data Science App Creator / [Templates ](https://extras.streamlit.app/ )
* [Xamarin ](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/apps/xamarin ) - App Development Platform / [GitHub ](https://github.com/xamarin )
* [Framer ](https://www.framer.com/ ) - Interactive Site / App Design Tool
* [MemberPrism ](http://r.ftqq.com/MemberPrism2/ ) - Member-Only App Builder
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* [butterfly ](https://github.com/GetStream/butterfly ) - App UI Builder
* [Layout Editor ](https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/index/apk/com.itsvks.layouteditor ) - App Layout Editor
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* [Flutter Login Page Design ](https://github.com/afgprogrammer/Flutter-Login-Page-Design ) or [LoginCritter ](https://github.com/cgoldsby/LoginCritter ) - Login Page Designs
* [App ideas ](https://github.com/florinpop17/app-ideas ) - Collection of App Ideas
* [Fastlane ](https://fastlane.tools/ ) - App Development Automation / [GitHub ](https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane )
* [Blisk ](https://blisk.io/ ) - Cross-Device Testing
* [Percy ](https://percy.io/ ) - Visual App Review Platform
* [Booster ](https://booster.johnsonlee.io/ ) - Mobile App Optimization
* [SpreadsheetView ](https://github.com/bannzai/SpreadsheetView ) - Spreadsheet UI for iOS Apps
* [Xcode ](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/ ) - Test and Build iOS / iPadOS Apps
* [Xcodes App ](https://github.com/XcodesOrg/XcodesApp ) - Xcode Manager
* [ControlRoom ](https://github.com/twostraws/ControlRoom ) - Xcode Simulator Controller
* [DevCleaner ](https://github.com/vashpan/xcode-dev-cleaner ) - Xcode Cache Cleaner
* [AndroidAssetStudio ](https://romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/ ) - Android App Assets
* [Contacts Android ](https://vestrel00.github.io/contacts-android/ ) - Android Contacts APIs
* [IconKitchen ](https://icon.kitchen/ ) or [AppIcon ](https://appicon.co/ ) - App Icon Generator
* [Android-Iconics ](https://github.com/mikepenz/Android-Iconics ) - Use Any Icon / Font as your Drawable App
* [iOS Icon Gallery ](https://www.iosicongallery.com/ ) - iOS Icon Examples
* [Plank ](https://launchpad.net/plank ) - Simple Dock / [GitHub ](https://github.com/ricotz/plank )
* [Compose Samples ](https://developer.android.com/develop/ui/compose ) - App Samples
* [TV Samples ](https://github.com/android/tv-samples ) - Android TV App Samples
* [PrivacyFlash-Pro ](https://github.com/privacy-tech-lab/privacyflash-pro ) - Generate iOS Privacy Policies
* [Appleshouter ](https://github.com/kosmigramma/appleshouter ) - iOS notifications for PWAs and Web apps
* [MDB GO ](https://mdbgo.com/ ) - Free App Hosting
* [namae ](https://namae.dev/ ) - App Name Availability Check
* [Lich ](https://github.com/line/lich ) - Android Development Libraries
* [Sketchbook Compose ](https://github.com/GetStream/sketchbook-compose ) - Jetpack Sketchbook
* [androidx ](https://github.com/androidx/androidx ) - Android Development Environment for Jetpack Extensions
* [XDGuru ](https://www.xdguru.com/ ) - Adobe XD Resources
* [Median ](https://median.co/ ) - Convert Websites to Mobile Apps
* [Media Kit ](https://github.com/media-kit/media-kit ) - Video / Audio Library for Flutter and Dart
* [Uiautomator2 ](https://github.com/openatx/uiautomator2 ), [ABD ](https://github.com/ashishb/adb-enhanced ) or [Appium ](https://appium.io/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/appium/appium ) - Automated App Testing
* [SigNoz ](https://signoz.io/ ) - Detect App Issues
* [jadx ](https://github.com/skylot/jadx ) - Dex to Java Decompiler
* [Privado ](https://docs.privado.ai ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/Privado-Inc/privado ) - Generate App Privacy Reports
* [PM2 ](https://pm2.keymetrics.io/ ) - Process Manager
* [Bulletproof React ](https://github.com/alan2207/bulletproof-react ) - React App Architecture
* [Aspect ](https://sample-code.aspect.app/ ) - Copy React Code from Any Site
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* [Refine ](https://refine.dev/ ) or [GitWit ](https://gitwit.dev/ ) - React App Builders
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* [Alright ](https://github.com/DoneDeal0/alright-react-app ) - Generate React Apps
* [Codux ](https://www.codux.com/ ) - Visual IDE for React
* [React Suite ](https://rsuitejs.com/ ) or [Mantine ](https://mantine.dev/ ) - Components and Templates
* [React95 ](https://react95.io/ ) - Windows 95 React Components
* [React SVG ](https://react-svgr.com/playground/ ) - Convert SVG to React Components
* [Zorm ](https://github.com/esamattis/react-zorm ) - Type-safe form for React
* [Million ](https://million.dev ) - React Replacement
* [novu ](https://novu.co/ ) - Real-Time React Notifications / [GitHub ](https://github.com/novuhq/novu )
* [React Use ](https://github.com/streamich/react-use ) or [UseHooks ](https://usehooks.com/ ) - React Hooks
* [React Query ](https://tanstack.com/query/v3/ ) - Fetch, Cache and Update React Data / [GitHub ](https://github.com/TanStack/query )
* [MMKV ](https://github.com/mrousavy/react-native-mmkv ) - React Key / Value Storage
* [Vision Camera ](https://www.react-native-vision-camera.com/ ) - React Camera Support / [GitHub ](https://github.com/mrousavy/react-native-vision-camera )
* [React PDF ](https://react-pdf.org/ ) - Create PDFs in React
* [react-spring ](https://www.react-spring.dev/ ) - React Spring Animations
* [useAnimations ](https://useanimations.com/index.html ) - Animated Icon Pack
* [Redex ](https://fbredex.com/ ) - Android Bytecode Optimizer
## ▷ Game Dev Tools
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Gamedev ](https://github.com/mbrukman/awesome-gamedev )**, [Game Dev Resources ](https://www.newgrounds.com/wiki/creator-resources/game-dev-resources ), [Magic Tools ](https://github.com/ellisonleao/magictools ), [LibGDX ](https://libgdx.com/ ) / [Resources ](https://github.com/rafaskb/awesome-libgdx ) or [VG resource ](https://www.vg-resource.com/ ) - Game Development Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome One Person Games ](https://github.com/Yonaba/awesome-one-person-games )** - Single Dev Game Examples
* ↪️ ** [Textures / Patterns ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_.25B7_textures_.2F_patterns )**
* ↪️ ** [Free Game Engines ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_game_engines )**
* ↪️ ** [3D Models / Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/img-tools#wiki_.25B7_3d_models )**
* ⭐ ** [SpriteFusion ](https://www.spritefusion.com/ )** - Tilemap Editor / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/8sCEAspmBV )
* [HiddenPalace ](https://hiddenpalace.org/ ) - Game Development Media Archive
* [Tommti Systems ](https://www.tommti-systems.de/go.html?http://www.tommti-systems.de/main-Dateien/files.html ) - 3D Benchmark Tools
* [XeSS ](https://github.com/intel/xess ) - Increase Framerate of Game
* [Serpent.ai ](http://serpent.ai/ ) - Game Agent Framework
* [Tracy Profiler ](https://github.com/wolfpld/tracy ) - Frame Profiler
* [PlanetSide ](https://planetside.co.uk/ ) - CG Environment Generator
* [Faux on 3D ](https://gizmo199.itch.io/fauxton3d ) - Sprite Stacking Framework
* [MapEditor ](https://www.mapeditor.org/ ) or [Tilesetter ](https://www.tilesetter.org/ ) - Level Editor
* [Designer Toolkit ](https://ldtk.io/ ) or [Ogmo Editor ](https://ogmo-editor-3.github.io/ ) - 2D Level Editor Level
* [SPARTAN Procedural ](https://pnjeffries.itch.io/spartan-procjam-edition ) - Procedural Tile Generator
* [Laigter ](https://azagaya.itch.io/laigter ) - 2D Texture Map
* [Doshaven Programming List ](https://www.doshaven.eu/programming-tools/ ) - DOS Game Creator Tools
* [QB64SourceCode ](https://www.qb64tutorial.com/ ) - QB64 Game Programming Tutorials
* [Fantasy Consoles / Computers ](https://github.com/paladin-t/fantasy ) - List of Fantasy Consoles and Computers
* [Kaboomjs ](https://kaboomjs.com/ ) - Quickly Make Games with Javascript
* [Phaser ](https://phaser.io/ ) - Mobile HTML5 Game Framework
* [PlayCanvas ](https://playcanvas.com/ ) - Build HTML5 Visualizations / Games
* [APlayer ](http://aplayer.js.org ) - HTML Audio Player
* [DPlayer ](https://dplayer.diygod.dev/ ) - HTML Video Player
* [xgplayer ](https://h5player.bytedance.com/en/ ) - HTML5 Video Player
* [inkle ](https://www.inklestudios.com/ink/ ) - Game Narrative Scripting Language
* [Mansion Generator ](https://watabou.itch.io/procgen-mansion ) - Procedural Mansions Generator
* [Fantasy Map Generator ](https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/ ), [Inkarnate ](https://inkarnate.com/ ), [HexHTML ](https://hextml.playest.net/ ), [Inkwellideas ](https://inkwellideas.com/free-tools/ ), [RPG Map Editor 2 ](https://deepnight.itch.io/tabletop-rpg-map-editor ) or [MapTool ](https://www.rptools.net/toolbox/maptool/ ) - Game Map Creators / Editors
* [Dungeon Scrawl ](https://probabletrain.itch.io/dungeon-scrawl ) / [Discord ](https://discord.com/invite/RxyZyXg ) / [/r/Dungeonscrawl ](https://www.reddit.com/r/dungeonscrawl/ ), [Dungeon Map Doodler ](https://dungeonmapdoodler.com/ ) or [donjon ](https://donjon.bin.sh/ ) or [One Page Dungeon ](https://watabou.itch.io/one-page-dungeon ) - Dungeon Map Creators / Editors
* [Medieval Fantasy City Generator ](https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator ) - Fantasy City Map Generator
* [Neighbourhood ](https://watabou.itch.io/neighbourhood ) - Neighborhood Map Generator
* [Loot ](https://www.lootproject.com/ ) - Randomized Adventure Game Gear
* [UE Viewer ](https://www.gildor.org/en/projects/umodel ) - Unreal Engine Model Viewer / [GitHub ](https://github.com/gildor2/UEViewer )
* [Bleeper ](https://pixwlk.itch.io/bleeper ) or [jfxr ](https://jfxr.frozenfractal.com/ ) - Game Sound Effects Creators
* [Engine Simulator ](https://www.engine-sim.parts/ ) - Engine Sound Simulator / [GitHub ](https://github.com/ange-yaghi/engine-sim )
* [The Sounds Resource ](https://www.sounds-resource.com/ ) - Game Sounds Examples
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* [EZ Conversion ](https://spacefoon.itch.io/ez-game-audio-format-conversion ) - Game Audio Converter
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* [Electronic Arts GitHub ](https://github.com/electronicarts ) - EA GitHub Repos
* [Game UI Database ](https://www.gameuidatabase.com/ ) or [HUDSxGUIS ](https://www.hudsandguis.com/ ) - Game HUDs / GUIs
* [Nuklear ](https://github.com/Immediate-Mode-UI/Nuklear ) - Game GUI Creator
* [CharPad ](https://subchristsoftware.itch.io/charpad-c64-free ) - Commodore 64 Graphics Editor
* [Xelu's Controller Prompts ](https://thoseawesomeguys.com/prompts/ ) - Free Game Prompts / [Video ](https://youtu.be/d6GtGbI-now )
* [Tuesday JS ](https://kirill-live.itch.io/tuesday-js ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/Kirilllive/tuesday-js ) or [RenPy ](https://www.renpy.org/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/renpy/renpy ) - Visual Novel Editor
* [Bookshelf ](https://github.com/Darkhax-Minecraft/Bookshelf ) - Minecraft Mod Code Support
* [VEEDI ](https://www.veedi.com/ ) - Create Game Walkthrough Videos
* [Post-Processing ](https://github.com/GarrettGunnell/Post-Processing ) - Post Processing Pipeline For Unity
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* [xNode ](https://github.com/Siccity/xNode ) -Unity Node Graph Editor
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* [CraftPix ](https://craftpix.net/freebies/ ), [Kenney ](https://www.kenney.nl/ ), [/r/GameAssets ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameassets/ ), [UnityAssets4Free ](https://unityassets4free.com/ ), [Open Game Art ](https://opengameart.org/ ), [UnityFreaks ](https://www.unityfreaks.com/ ), [GameDevUE ](https://t.me/GameDevUE ), [SreamGridDB ](https://www.steamgriddb.com/ ), [DevAssets ](https://devassets.com/ ), [Incern ](https://www.incern.org/ ) or [GameDevAssets ](https://www.gamedevmarket.net/category/3d/?type=free ) - Game Development Assets
* [AnyRPG ](https://www.anyrpg.org/ ) - RPG Editor
* [xonotic ](https://github.com/xonotic ), [Vanguard ](https://github.com/VanguardDev/Vanguard ) / [2 ](https://project-vanguard.netlify.app/index.html ) or [Warsow ](https://github.com/Warsow ) - FPS Game Assets
* [Pixel Art Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/img-tools#wiki_.25B7_pixel_art ) - Tools to Create Sprites & Pixel Art
* [Basic Computer Games ](https://github.com/coding-horror/basic-computer-games ) - Basic Computer Game Examples
## ▷ Database Tools
* 🌐 ** [DB Engines ](https://db-engines.com/en/ranking )** - Database Rankings
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Opensource Data Engineering ](https://github.com/gunnarmorling/awesome-opensource-data-engineering )** - Data Engineering Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Big Data ](https://github.com/newTendermint/awesome-bigdata )** - Big Data Resources
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* [EdgeDB ](https://www.edgedb.com/ ) - SQL Alternative
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* [Grafana ](https://grafana.com/ ) - Dev Data Dashboard
* [DBeaver ](https://dbeaver.io/ ) - Universal Database Tool
* [Ingestr ](https://bruin-data.github.io/ingestr/ ) - Transfer Data between Databases
* [Text-to-SQL ](https://datalynx.ai/text-to-sql ) - AI Generated SQL Queries
* [HeidiSQL ](https://www.heidisql.com/ ) - SQL Manager
* [QueryStorm ](https://querystorm.com/ ) - SQL and .NET programming in Excel
* [SQLTranslate ](https://www.sqltranslate.app/ ) - SQL Translator
* [SQLizer ](https://sqlizer.io/ ) - Convert Files To SQL Databases
* [franchise ](https://franchise.cloud/ ) - SQL Notebook
* [NocoDB ](https://www.nocodb.com/ ) - Turn Database into Smart Spreadsheet / [GitHub ](https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb )
* Generate Fake Data - [Ruby ](https://github.com/faker-ruby/faker ) / [Swift ](https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery )
## ▷ Git Tools
* 🌐 ** [Console ](https://console.substack.com/ )** - Search Projects on OpenSourceHub.io
* 🌐 ** [Awesome README ](https://github.com/matiassingers/awesome-readme )** - GitHub Readme Resources
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* 🌐 ** [Forge Comparison ](https://git.sdf.org/humanacollaborator/humanacollabora/src/branch/master/forge_comparison.md )**, [Forgejo ](https://forgejo.org/compare/#only-develops-free-software ) or [Forgeperf.org ](https://forgeperf.org/ ) - Git Colab Tool Comparison
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* ↪️ ** [Git Project Indexes ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_git_projects )**
* ⭐ ** [Git-Fork ](https://git-fork.com/ )** or [GitQlient ](https://github.com/francescmm/GitQlient ) - Git Desktop Clients
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* ⭐ ** [Codeberg ](https://codeberg.org/ )**, [Drift ](https://drift.lol/ ), [Gitea ](https://about.gitea.com/ ), [GitLab ](https://about.gitlab.com/ ) or [sourcehut ](https://sourcehut.org/ ) - GitHub Alternatives
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* ⭐ ** [Git Cheatsheet ](https://www.ndpsoftware.com/git-cheatsheet.html#loc=index; )** or [Git Commands ](https://gabrieldejesus.github.io/git-commands/ ) / [2 ](https://github.com/gabrieldejesus/git-commands ) - Git Command Lists
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* [Git Guide ](https://fateen45.notion.site/Git-GitHub-61bc81766b2e4c7d9a346db3078ce833 ) or [Git Tips ](https://github.com/git-tips/tips ) - Git Guides / Tips
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* [Gittea.dev ](https://gittea.dev/ ), [FSFE ](https://git.fsfe.org/ ), [git.sr.ht ](https://git.sr.ht/ ), [GitGud ](https://gitgud.io/ ), [CDM Project ](https://cdm-project.com/ ) - Git Hosting
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* [Forgejo ](https://forgejo.org/ ) or [Gogs ](https://gogs.io/ ) - Self-Hosted Git Services / Forge
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* [posh-git ](https://github.com/dahlbyk/posh-git ) - Git Powershell Environment
* [up-for-grabs ](https://up-for-grabs.net/ ) - Curated List of Tasks for New Contributes
* [GitKraken ](https://www.gitkraken.com/ ), [RelaGit ](https://rela.dev/ ), [Sourcetree ](https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/ ), [lazygit ](https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit ) or [gitui ](https://github.com/Extrawurst/gitui ) - Git GUIs
* [Gut ](https://gut-cli.dev/ ), [Jujutsu ](https://github.com/martinvonz/jj ) or [gitu ](https://github.com/altsem/gitu ) - Git CLI / TUI
* [SparkleShare ](https://sparkleshare.org ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/hbons/SparkleShare ) - Git Collab Tool
* [GitBook ](https://www.gitbook.com/ ) - Document Collaboration
* [Git-notify ](https://github.com/jevakallio/git-notify ) - Embed Announcements into Git Commit Messages
* [Allstar ](https://github.com/ossf/allstar ) - Git Repository Security App
* [git-bug ](https://github.com/MichaelMure/git-bug ) - Git Embedded Bug Tracker
* [Mercurial ](https://www.mercurial-scm.org/ ), [Git Extensions ](https://gitextensions.github.io/ ) or [Thermal ](https://thermal.codecarrot.net/ ) - Git Project / Repo Managers
* [git-annex ](https://git-annex.branchable.com/ ) - Manage Large Git Files (without Git)
* [GitList ](https://gitlist.org/ ) - Elegant Git Repository Viewer / [GitHub ](https://github.com/klaussilveira/gitlist )
* [Gittyup ](https://murmele.github.io/Gittyup/ ) - Git Source Code History
* [Gource ](https://gource.io/ ) - Git Project Visulizer
* [git ](https://git-scm.com/ ), [SCM ](https://sapling-scm.com/ ) or [darcs ](https://darcs.net/ ) - Version Control Systems
* [multi-gitter ](https://github.com/lindell/multi-gitter ) - Bulk Repository Updater
* [Meld ](https://meldmerge.org/ ) - Git Visual Diff / Merge Tool
* [Ugit ](https://bhupesh.me/undo-your-last-git-mistake-with-ugit/ ) - Undo Git Commands
* [Onefetch ](https://onefetch.dev ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/o2sh/onefetch ) - Command-line Git information tool
* [Sourcegraph ](https://about.sourcegraph.com/ ) - Git Repository Sourcegraph Editor
* [Conventional Commits ](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/ ) - Commit Message Specification
* [AICommits ](https://github.com/Nutlope/aicommits ) - Auto Commit Messages
* [lastversion ](https://lastversion.getpagespeed.com ) or [ghrel ](https://github.com/jreisinger/ghrel ) - Download / View Latest Stable Repos
* [Git Cliff ](https://git-cliff.org ) - Changelog Generator
* [readme.so ](https://readme.so/ ) - Readme Markdown Editor
* [github-readme-terminal ](https://github.com/x0rzavi/github-readme-terminal ) - Terminal Style Readme
* [GIT Quick Stats ](https://git-quick-stats.sh/ ) - View Git Statistics / [GitHub ](https://github.com/arzzen/git-quick-stats )
* [Langits ](https://langits.davejudd.dev/ ) - See Most Used Programming Languages User
* [gitignore.io ](https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/ ) - Gitignore Templates / [GitHub ](https://github.com/github/gitignore )
## ▷ GitHub Tools
* 🌐 ** [GitHub Awesome ](https://app.polymersearch.com/discover/github-awesome )**, [OSS Insight ](https://ossinsight.io/ ), [grep.app ](https://grep.app/ ), [awesome-list ](https://github.com/topics/awesome-list ), or [Awesome GitHub ](https://github.com/fffaraz/awesome-github ) - GitHub Project Indexes
* 🌐 ** [Awesome First PR Opportunities ](https://github.com/MunGell/awesome-for-beginners )** - Beginner FOSS Project Index
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Actions ](https://github.com/sdras/awesome-actions )** - GitHub Action Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Browser Extensions ](https://stefanbuck.com/awesome-browser-extensions-for-github )** - GitHub Browser Extensions
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Badges ](https://dev.to/envoy_/150-badges-for-github-pnk )** - GitHub Badge Resources
* 🌐 ** [GitHub-Userscripts ](https://greasyfork.org/en/users/24847 )** - GitHub Userscripts
* ⭐ ** [GitHub Desktop ](https://desktop.github.com/ )** / [Linux ](https://github.com/shiftkey/desktop ) - GitHub Desktop Client
* ⭐ ** [GitHub.Dev ](https://github.dev/ )** - GitHub Web App
* [GitHubStatus ](https://www.githubstatus.com/ ) - GitHub Outage Status
* [Githut ](https://githut.info/ ) or [Languish ](https://tjpalmer.github.io/languish/ ) - GitHub Programming Language Stats
* [refined-github ](https://github.com/refined-github/refined-github ) or [Ungit ](https://github.com/FredrikNoren/ungit ) - Improved GitHub Interface
* [Imgbot ](https://imgbot.net/ ) - GitHub Image Compression
* [ActionServerless ](https://github.com/gitx-io/ActionServerless ) - Create Serverless Service
* [Rahularity ](https://gist.github.com/rahularity/86da20fe3858e6b311de068201d279e3 ) - Use Multiple Git Accounts at Once
* [dotfiles ](https://dotfiles.github.io/ ) - GitHub Dotfiles
* [Gidget ](https://github.com/GDGVIT/gidget ) - GitHub Notifications / Android
* [GitHub Web IDE ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/github-web-ide/adjiklnjodbiaioggfpbpkhbfcnhgkfe ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/zvizvi/GitHub-Web-IDE ) - Web IDE
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* [Octobox ](https://octobox.io/ ), [Gitify ](https://www.gitify.io/ ), [advanced-github-notifier ](https://github.com/freaktechnik/advanced-github-notifier ), [PR Monitor ](https://github.com/fwouts/prmonitor ), [Gitification ](https://github.com/Gitification-App/gitification ), [CatLight ](https://catlight.io/ ) or [Ghostly ](https://ghostlyapp.net/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/patriksvensson/ghostly ) - GitHub Notifications
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* [github1s ](https://github1s.com/ ) - GitHub Code Viewer / GUI: do `gitk` in Repo Folder
* [KeyManager ](https://github.com/Yash-Garg/KeyManager ) - GitHub SSH / GPG Key Manager
* [Serctl ](https://d.serctl.com/ ) - Backup GitHub Projects
* [Pew Pew ](https://adrianmato.com/pewpew ) - Cleanup Unused Repos
* [No Secrets ](https://sourcegraph-community.github.io/no-secrets/ ) - Cleanup Sensitive Files in Repos
* [DownGit ](https://downgit.evecalm.com/ ) or [Download Directory ](https://download-directory.github.io/ ) - Download GitHub Repository Sub-Folders / Files
* [Install from GitHub ](https://github.com/MaxGyver83/install-from-github ) or [Eget ](https://github.com/zyedidia/eget ) - Install Packages / Binaries Directly from GitHub
* [useful-forks ](https://useful-forks.github.io/ ) or [GitPop3 ](https://andremiras.github.io/gitpop3/ ) - GitHub Fork Search
* [Active-Forks ](https://techgaun.github.io/active-forks/index.html ) - Find Active GitHub Forks / [GitHub ](https://github.com/techgaun/active-forks )
* [Graphite ](https://graphite.dev/ ) or [Stacking ](https://stacking.dev/ ) - Improve Pull Request Workflow
* [PR Agent ](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent ) - Automated Pull Requests
* [SemanticDiff ](https://app.semanticdiff.com/ ) - Review Pull Requests using Language Aware Diff
* [StarGrab ](https://github.com/zekroTJA/stargrab ) - Mirror GitHub Repositories
* [OctoLinker ](https://octolinker.vercel.app/ ) - Make GitHub Code References Clickable
* [Octotree ](https://www.octotree.io/ ) - GitHub Repo File Tree View
* [Nightly.link ](https://nightly.link/ ) - GitHub Sharable Nightly Links
* [ActionFlow ](https://actionsflow.github.io/ ), [Bardeen ](https://www.bardeen.ai/ ) or [N8N ](https://n8n.io/ ) - Workflow Automation
* [shot-scraper-template ](https://github.com/simonw/shot-scraper-template ) - Take Automated Screenshots of Web Pages
* [Star History ](https://star-history.com/ ) - Repository Star History Graph
* [Gitstar Ranking ](https://gitstar-ranking.com/ ) - Git Repo Star Rankings
* [Whats New GitHub ](https://github.com/flawyte/whats-new-github ) or [GithubReleasesBot ](https://telegram.me/GithubReleasesBot ) - Repository Change Feeds
* [GitHub Markdown Preview ](https://aviaryan.github.io/javascripts/github.md/ ) - Preview Markdown
* [ReadmeGallery ](https://felixhayashi.github.io/ReadmeGalleryCreatorForGitHub/ ) - GitHub Readme Gallery Creator
* [GitHub Readme Stats ](https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats ) - Dynamically Generated GitHub Readme Stats
* [GitHub Contribution Graph ](https://github.com/ez4o/github-contribution-graph ) - Add GitHub ReadMe Contribution / Commit Graph
* [GitHub Readme Quotes ](https://github-readme-quotes-returns.vercel.app/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/shravan20/github-readme-quotes ) - GitHub Readme Quote Generator
* [Shields.io ](https://shields.io/ ) - Metadata badges for GitHub Readme
* [SkillIcons ](https://skillicons.dev/ ), [Badgers ](https://badgers.space/ ), [SpaceBadgers ](https://github.com/splittydev/spacebadgers ) or [SimpleBadges ](https://badges.pages.dev/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/developStorm/simple-badges ) - Skill Badges for GitHub Readme / Resumes
* [For the Badge ](https://forthebadge.com/ ) - Custom GitHub Badges
* [GitHub Spray ](https://annihil.github.io/github-spray-generator ) - Draw on GitHub Contribution Page
* [GitHub Snake ](https://dev.to/mishmanners/how-to-enable-github-actions-on-your-profile-readme-for-a-contribution-graph-4l66 ) - Enable Snake Game on GitHub Readme
* [GitHub Profile Readme Generator ](https://rahuldkjain.github.io/gh-profile-readme-generator/ ) or [GPRM ](https://gprm.itsvg.in/ ) - Generate Git Profile Readme
* [GitStalk ](https://gitstalk.netlify.app/ ) - GitHub Profile Info Search
* [ProfileMe.dev ](https://www.profileme.dev/ ) - Create Github Profile
* [Discord MD Badge ](https://github.com/gitlimes/discord-md-badge ) - Add Discord Badge to GitHub
* [github-vscode-icons ](https://github.com/dderevjanik/github-vscode-icons ) - VSCode Icons
* [github-material-icons-extension ](https://github.com/Claudiohbsantos/github-material-icons-extension ) - Material Icons
* [gist.io ](https://gist.io/ ) - Git Blog Platform
* [diohub ](https://github.com/NamanShergill/diohub ) or [OctoDroid ](https://github.com/slapperwan/gh4a ) - Android GitHub Clients
## ▷ Docker Tools
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Docker ](https://moistcatawumpus.github.io/awesome-docker/ )** - Docker Services Index
* ⭐ ** [Docker ](https://www.docker.com/ )** - Build, Manage and Run Apps in Containers
* ⭐ ** [portainer ](https://portainer.io/ )**, [sudobox ](https://sudobox.io/ ) / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/Ebh9rKQ5Ws ), [yacht ](https://yacht.sh/ ), [moncho ](https://moncho.github.io/dry/ ) or [podman ](https://podman.io/ ) - Container Managers
* ⭐ ** [Composerize ](https://www.composerize.com/ )**, [2 ](https://github.com/irbigdata/data-dockerfiles ) - Compose Docker Files
* ⭐ ** [Hub Docker ](https://hub.docker.com/ )**, [2 ](https://linuxserver.io/ ), [3 ](https://hotio.dev/ ) - Docker Images
* [Docker Desktop ](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/ ) - Docker Desktop App
* [LazyDocker ](https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazydocker ) - Docker TUI
* [Dockerized ](https://github.com/datastack-net/dockerized ) - Docker Command-Line
* [Docker Disk Space ](https://docker-disk.space/ ) - Disk Usage Manager
* [Dockle ](https://github.com/goodwithtech/dockle ) - Image Linter
* [Dive ](https://github.com/wagoodman/dive ) - Analyze Images
* [WatchTower ](https://containrrr.dev/watchtower/ ) - Container Automation
* [autoportforward ](https://github.com/ruoshan/autoportforward ) - Port Forwarding
* [Dozzle ](https://dozzle.dev/ ) - Log Viewer
* [Docker AutoHeal ](https://github.com/willfarrell/docker-autoheal ) - Container Monitor
* [Diun ](https://crazymax.dev/diun/ ) - Docker Notifications
* [Podman Compose ](https://github.com/containers/podman-compose ) / [Playground ](https://labs.play-with-docker.com/ ) - Podman Compose
* [Termible ](https://termible.io/ ) - Docker Powered Site Terminals
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## ▷ CLI Tools
* [OhMyPosh ](https://ohmyposh.dev/ ) - Terminal Theme Engine
* [HTTPie ](https://httpie.io/ ) - Command-Line HTTP Client
* [cURL ](https://curl.se/ ) - Transfer Data with URLs / [Converter ](https://curlconverter.com/ )
* [WNIX ](https://gitlab.com/gokhanettin/wnix ) - UNIX-like Windows Development Environment
* [ripgrep ](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep ) or [Sift ](https://sift-tool.org/ ) - grep Alternatives
* [Edbrowse ](https://edbrowse.org/ ) - Command Line Editor / Browser / Mail Client
* [Command Not Found ](https://command-not-found.com/ ) - Install Missing Commands
* [Atuin ](https://atuin.sh/ ) - Sync, search and backup shell history
* [Zoxide ](https://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide ) - Improved CD Command
* [YQ ](https://mikefarah.gitbook.io/yq/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/mikefarah/yq ) - Portable YAML Processor
* [yoctocolors ](https://github.com/sindresorhus/yoctocolors ) - Command Line Coloring Package
* [open ](https://github.com/sindresorhus/open ) - Open URLs, Files, Executables in CLI or Scripts
* [VisiData ](https://www.visidata.org/ ) - Spreadsheet CLI Editor
## ▷ Markup Tools
* 🌐 ** [Awesome CSS ](https://github.com/awesome-css-group/awesome-css )** - CSS Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome HTML5 ](https://diegocard.com/awesome-html5 )** - HTML5 Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome CSS Frameworks ](https://github.com/troxler/awesome-css-frameworks )**, [Tailwind ](https://tailwindcss.com/ ), [Terminal CSS ](https://terminalcss.xyz/ ) or [Bulma ](https://bulma.io/ ) - CSS Framework Resources
* 🌐 ** [classless-css ](https://github.com/dbohdan/classless-css )** - Classless CSS Frameworks
* 🌐 ** [Awesome TailwindCSS ](https://tailwindcss.com )** - Tailwind CSS Resources
* ⭐ ** [HedgeDoc ](https://hedgedoc.envs.net/ )**, [zettlr ](https://www.zettlr.com/ ), [Dillinger ](https://dillinger.io/ ), [Notable ](https://notable.app/ ), [vnote ](https://github.com/vnotex/vnote ), [MarkdownTools ](https://www.markdowntools.com/ ), [StackEdit ](https://stackedit.io/ ), [Markdownify ](https://markdownify.js.org/ ), [Apostrophe ](https://github.com/ApostropheEditor/Apostrophe ), [Glow ](https://github.com/charmbracelet/glow ), [MarkdownLivePreview ](https://markdownlivepreview.com/ ), [Proton ](https://steventhanna.github.io/proton/ ), [Vrite ](https://editor.vrite.io/ ), [Markflowy ](https://markflowy.vercel.app/ ), [Mindforger ](https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger ), [PanWriter ](https://panwriter.com/ ) or [Mark Text ](https://github.com/marktext/marktext ) - Markdown Editors
* ⭐ ** [GenerateData ](https://generatedata.com/ )** - Generate Test Data
* [markup.rocks ](https://markup.rocks/ ) - Online Markup Editor
* [HTML-Minifier ](https://kangax.github.io/html-minifier/ ) - HTML Minifier
* [CSSPeeper ](https://csspeeper.com/ ) - HTML / CSS Extractors
* [HTMLRev ](https://htmlrev.com/ ) - Free HTML Templates
* [Markup Validation Service ](https://validator.w3.org/ ) - Validate Your Markup Language Structure
* [typeset ](https://typeset.lllllllllllllllll.com/ ) - HTML Typography Pre-Processor
* [HTMLColorCodes ](https://htmlcolorcodes.com/ ) - HTML Color Codes
* [Checkbox Land ](https://www.bryanbraun.com/checkboxland/ ) - Render Anything as HTML Checkboxes
* [Capsaicin ](https://gpuopen.com/capsaicin/ ) - Direct3D12 Framework
* [pup ](https://github.com/ericchiang/pup ) - HTML Processing CLI
* [CSS Scan ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/css-scan/gieabiemggnpnminflinemaickipbebg?hl=en ) - CSS Editor
* [CSS Protips ](https://github.com/AllThingsSmitty/css-protips ), [Modern CSS ](https://moderncss.dev/ ) or [CSS Reference ](https://cssreference.io/ ) - CSS Guides
* [AutoPrefixer ](https://autoprefixer.github.io/ ) - CSS Prefixer
* [Pesticide for Chrome ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/pesticide-for-chrome-with/neonnmencpneifkhlmhmfhfiklgjmloi ) - CSS Element Outline Extension
* [Water.css ](https://watercss.kognise.dev/ ) - CSS Styles
* [Style Stage ](https://stylestage.dev/ ) - Modern CSS Styles
* [CSSLayout ](https://phuoc.ng/collection/css-layout/ ), [CSS Layout Generator ](https://layout.bradwoods.io/ ), [BoxBox ](https://seansleblanc.itch.io/boxboxhtml ) or [CSSGridGenerator ](https://cssgrid-generator.netlify.app/ ) - CSS Layout / Grid Generators
* [Box-Shadow ](https://box-shadow.art/ ) - CSS Box Shadow Generator
* [Shadow Palette Generator ](https://www.joshwcomeau.com/shadow-palette/ ) or [Neumorphism.io ](https://neumorphism.io/ ) - CSS Shadow Generators
* [css.glass ](https://css.glass/ ) - CSS Glass Effect Generator
* [ClassyFont ](https://www.classyfont.com/ ) - CSS Font Generator
* [Modern Fonts Stacks ](https://modernfontstacks.com/ ) - CSS Fonts
* [Leon's CSS ](https://leonarnott.neocities.org/ ) or [Wordart ](https://codepen.io/kathykato/details/omxPap ) - CSS Text Styles
* [Hover.CSS ](https://ianlunn.github.io/Hover/ ) - CSS Hover Effects
* [Clippy ](https://bennettfeely.com/clippy/ ) - CSS Clip Creator
* [Zerodivs ](https://zerodivs.com/ ) - CSS Illustration Creator
* [PixelArtCSS ](https://www.pixelartcss.com/ ) - Pixel Art to CSS
* [BestCSSButtonGenerator ](https://www.bestcssbuttongenerator.com/ ) - CSS Button Generators
* [Buttons.cool ](https://www.buttons.cool/ ) - Copy CSS Buttons
* [MagicPattern ](https://www.magicpattern.design/tools/css-backgrounds ), [css3patterns ](https://projects.verou.me/css3patterns/ ), [gradienta ](https://codioful.com/ ), [GradientMagic ](https://www.gradientmagic.com/ ), [heropatterns ](https://heropatterns.com/ ), [GradHunt ](https://gradihunt.com/ ) or [CSSGradient ](https://cssgradient.io/ ) - CSS Patterns / Gradients
* [CSS Doodle ](https://css-doodle.com/ ) - CSS Pattern Generator
* [CSS3 Transform ](https://css-transform.moro.es/ ) - 2D & 3D CSS Transform Functions Visualizer
* [Gradient.style ](https://gradient.style/ ) - CSS Gradient Generator
* [Gradient Animator ](https://www.gradient-animator.com/ ) - Animated CSS Gradient Generator
* [147colors ](https://147colors.com/ ) - CSS Color Pickers
* [FilterBlend ](https://ilyashubin.github.io/FilterBlend/ ) - CSS Blend Modes
* [Animista ](https://animista.net/ ) or [Woah.css ](https://www.joerezendes.com/projects/Woah.css/ ) - CSS Animations
* [transition.css ](https://www.transition.style/ ) - CSS Transitions
* [Glass UI ](https://ui.glass/generator/ ) - Glassmorphism CSS Generator
* [Tableconvert ](https://tableconvert.com/ ) - Markdown / Code Converter
* [Markdown Link Check ](https://github.com/gaurav-nelson/github-action-markdown-link-check ) - Check Markdown Files for Dead Links
* [DaisyUI ](https://daisyui.com/ ), [FloatUI ](https://github.com/MarsX-dev/floatui ), [Aceternity ](https://ui.aceternity.com/ ), [tailwindtoolbox ](https://tailwindtoolbox.com/ ) or [Tailspark ](https://tailspark.co/ ) - Component Libraries
* [Tailsc ](https://tailsc.com/ ) - Free Tailwind CSS Components for Website Block
* [TailBlocks ](https://tailblocks.cc/ ) - Ready-to-use Tailwind CSS Blocks
* [Table Magic ](https://stevecat.net/table-magic/ ) or [Markdown Convert ](https://markdown-convert.com/ ) - Table to Markdown Converters
* [Clipboard2Markdown ](https://euangoddard.github.io/clipboard2markdown/ ) - Text to Markdown Converter
* [Markdown To HTML ](https://markdowntohtml.com/ ) - Markdown to HTML Converter
* [AiToHTML ](http://ai2html.org/ ) - Illustrator to HTML Converter
* [gd2md-html ](https://github.com/evbacher/gd2md-html ) - Google Doc to Markdown / HTML Converter
* [Quartz ](https://quartz.jzhao.xyz/ ), [Perlite ](https://perlite.secure77.de/ ) or [FlowerShow ](https://flowershow.app/ ) - Publish Markdown
## ▷ API Tools
* 🌐 ** [Awesome APIs ](https://github.com/TonnyL/Awesome_APIs )**, [API List ](https://apilist.fun/ ), [Public APIs ](https://publicapis.dev/ ), [RapidAPI ](https://rapidapi.com/ ), [APIsList ](https://apislist.com/ ), [API House ](https://apihouse.vercel.app/ ), [APIs Guru ](https://apis.guru/ ), [Public API Lists ](https://github.com/public-api-lists/public-api-lists ), [APIVault ](https://apivault.dev/ ), [Any API ](https://any-api.com/ ) or [Public APIs ](http://public-apis.org ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/public-apis/public-apis ) - API Indexes
* 🌐 ** [Awesome API Security ](https://github.com/arainho/awesome-api-security )** or [APIKit ](https://github.com/API-Security/APIKit ) - API Security Resources
* 🌐 ** [List of Providers ](https://docs.consumet.org/list-of-providers )** - Piracy Site APIs
* 🌐 ** [Free AI Stuff ](https://github.com/zukixa/cool-ai-stuff )** or [API Together ](https://api.together.xyz/playground ) - AI APIs and Sites
* ⭐ ** [hoppscotch ](https://hoppscotch.io/ )**, [Firecamp ](https://firecamp.dev/ ), [Strapi ](https://strapi.io/ ), or [Postman ](https://www.postman.com/ ) - API Builders
* ⭐ ** [Shizuku ](https://shizuku.rikka.app/ )** - Connect Apps to APIs
* [Pipedream ](https://pipedream.com/ ) - Connect APIs / [Tutorial ](https://gist.github.com/ItsRauf/48f252c931ac394b1395312b61b8e35b )
* [FastAPI ](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/ ) - API Framework
* [tRPC ](https://trpc.io/ ) - Build Typesafe TypeScript APIs
* [Beeceptor ](https://beeceptor.com/ ) - Mock REST APIs
* [Insomnia ](https://insomnia.rest/ ) or [Insomnium ](https://github.com/ArchGPT/insomnium ) (Privacy focused fork) - API Clients
* [Bruno ](https://www.usebruno.com/ ) - API Testing Client
* [Siesta ](http://siestaframework.com ) - Write REST API Clients for iOS / macOS
* [WebAuthn ](https://webauthn.io/ ) - Data Security Authentication API
* [ReDoc ](https://redocly.github.io/redoc/ ) - Generate API Documentation
* [Mockable ](https://www.mockable.io/ ), [Mocky ](https://designer.mocky.io/ ) or [MockLab ](https://www.wiremock.io/ ) - Mock APIs
* [{JSON} Placeholder ](https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/ ) - Fake APIs
* [InstantAPIs ](https://github.com/csharpfritz/InstantAPIs ) - API Endpoint Generator
* [Stein ](https://steinhq.com/ ) - Turn Google Sheets into Database API
* [Lanyard ](https://github.com/Phineas/lanyard ) / [Discord ](https://discord.gg/lanyard ) - Export Discord Rich Presence to API Endpoint / Websocket
* [Telegram Bot API ](https://core.telegram.org/bots ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/tdlib/telegram-bot-api ) or [PHP Telegram Bot ](https://github.com/php-telegram-bot/core ) - Telegram Bot API
* [cf-workers-telegram-bot ](https://t.me/TuxRobot ) / [Github ](https://github.com/codebam/cf-workers-telegram-bot ) - Serverless Telegram Bot
* [Perspective API ](https://www.perspectiveapi.com/ ) - Toxicity Reduction API
* [Plaid ](https://plaid.com/ ) - Financial Account API / [GitHub ](https://github.com/plaid )
* [PDF Bot ](https://github.com/esbenp/pdf-bot ) - A Node queue API for generating PDFs
## ▷ Vim Tools
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Neovim ](https://github.com/rockerBOO/awesome-neovim )** or [NeoVimCraft ](https://neovimcraft.com/ ) - NeoVim Plugins Collections
* ⭐ ** [Vim Bootstrap ](https://vim-bootstrap.com/ )** - Bootstrap Config for Vim
* ⭐ ** [NvChad ](https://nvchad.com/ )**, [NeoVim Kickstart ](https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim ), [AstroNvim ](https://astronvim.com ), [LazyVim ](https://github.com/LazyVim/LazyVim ) or [LunarVim ](https://www.lunarvim.org/ ) - Neovim Configs
* [DotFyle ](https://dotfyle.com/ ) - Neovim Config Search
* [Vim Plug ](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug ), [vim-pathogen ](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2332 ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen ) or [Shougo ](https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim ) - Vim Plugin Managers
* [VimAwesome ](https://vimawesome.com/ ) - Vim Plugins
* [nerdtree ](https://github.com/preservim/nerdtree ) - Vim Tree Explorer
* [droidvim ](https://github.com/shiftrot/droidvim ) - Vim Android Frontend
* [VimColorSchemes ](https://vimcolorschemes.com/ ) - Vim Color Schemes
* [The Ultimate vimrc ](https://github.com/amix/vimrc ) - Vim Config
* [Vim Markdown ](https://github.com/preservim/vim-markdown ) or [Markdown Preview ](https://github.com/iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim ) - Markdown Plugin
* [Lazy.nvim ](https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim ) or [packer.nvim ](https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim ) - Neovim Plugin Managers
* [FireNVim ](https://github.com/glacambre/firenvim ) - Neovim in Browser
* [neovide ](https://neovide.dev ), [gnvim ](https://github.com/vhakulinen/gnvim ), [nvui ](https://github.com/rohit-px2/nvui ), [Neovim wiki##gui ](https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/Related-projects##gui ) - Neovim GUIs
* [instant.nvim ](https://github.com/jbyuki/instant.nvim ) - Collaborative Neovim Editing
* [chatgpt.nvim ](https://github.com/terror/chatgpt.nvim ) - ChatGPT in Neovim
## ▷ VSCode Tools
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Visual Studio Code Extensions ](https://hl2guide.github.io/Awesome-Visual-Studio-Code-Extensions/ )**, [2 ](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/ ) - VSCode Extensions
* [chatgpt-vscode ](https://github.com/mpociot/chatgpt-vscode ) - VSCode ChatGPT
* [Open VSX ](https://open-vsx.org/ ) - Open VSX Registry
* [snippet-generator ](https://snippet-generator.app/ ) - Snippet Generator
* [Discord Tools ](https://github.com/Darkempire78/Discord-Tools )
* [vscode-smart-clicks ](https://github.com/antfu/vscode-smart-clicks ) - Smart Clicks
* [code-server ](https://coder.com/ ) - Web Server
* [vscode.dev ](https://vscode.dev/ ), [2 ](https://cs50.dev/ ) - VSCode Browser Editor
* [VHEditor ](https://github.com/vhqtvn/VHEditor-Android ) - VSCode Android Editor
* [vscode-settings ](https://github.com/antfu/vscode-settings ) - VSCode Settings
* [insiders.vscode ](https://insiders.vscode.dev/ ) - Insider Build
* [logos-vscode ](https://github.com/tale/logos-vscode ) - Logo Extension
* [VSCodeThemes ](https://vscodethemes.com/ ) or [VSColors ](https://www.vscolors.com/ ) - VSCode Themes
* [oslo ](https://oslo-vsc.netlify.app/ ) - Theme Generator
## ▷ Machine Learning
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Machine Learning ](https://github.com/josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learning )**, [Caffee ](https://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/ ) / [Github ](https://github.com/BVLC/caffe ), [SuperAGI ](https://superagi.com/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/TransformerOptimus/SuperAGI ), [Rasa ](https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/ ) or [OpenNN ](https://www.opennn.net/ ) / [Github ](https://github.com/Artelnics/OpenNN ) - Machine Learning Frameworks
* 🌐 ** [Awesome List of Awesomes ](https://github.com/Nachimak28/awesome-list-of-awesomes )**, [Awesome ML ](https://github.com/underlines/awesome-marketing-datascience/ ), [Awesome LLM JSON ](https://github.com/imaurer/awesome-llm-json ), [CyberCowboy ](https://local-llm.cybercowboy.de ) or [ML_Resources ](https://github.com/tunguz/ML_Resources ) - Machine Learning Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Google Colab ](https://github.com/firmai/awesome-google-colab )** - Machine Learning Colabs
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Machine Learning Art ](https://github.com/vibertthio/awesome-machine-learning-art )** - Machine Learning Art Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Instruction Dataset ](https://github.com/yaodongC/awesome-instruction-dataset )** or [Dataset Card for Alpaca ](https://huggingface.co/datasets/tatsu-lab/alpaca ) - Language Model Training Datasets
* ⭐ ** [Hugging Face ](https://huggingface.co/ )** or [OpenML ](https://www.openml.org/ ) - Machine Learning Datasets
* ⭐ ** [Deep playground ](http://playground.tensorflow.org/ )** - Neural Networks Playground
* ⭐ ** [LLM Visualization ](https://bbycroft.net/llm )** - Learn how LLMs Work
* [Awesome Generative AI Guide ](https://github.com/aishwaryanr/awesome-generative-ai-guide ) - LLM Research Resources
* [Machine Learning Roadmap ](https://rentry.org/machine-learning-roadmap ), [SAAYN ](https://spreadsheets-are-all-you-need.ai/ ), [machine-learning-zoomcamp ](https://github.com/DataTalksClub/machine-learning-zoomcamp ) or [LLM Course ](https://github.com/mlabonne/llm-course ) - Learn Machine Learning
* [LLM Training ](https://rentry.org/llm-training ) - LLM Training Guide
* [TeachableMachine ](https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/ ) or [TensorFlow ](https://www.tensorflow.org/ ) - Create Machine Learning Models
* [OpenAIPlayground ](https://github.com/nat/openplayground ) - LLM Playground
* [sdk.vercel ](https://sdk.vercel.ai/ ) - LLM SDK
* [DVC ](https://dvc.org/ ) - Machine Learning Version Control
* [DeepSpeed ](https://www.deepspeed.ai/ ) - Deep Learning Optimization Library
* [FlowiseAI ](https://flowiseai.com/ ) - LLM Flow Visualization
* [Netron ](https://github.com/lutzroeder/netron ) - Visualizer for Neural Network, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning Models
* [Scikit Learn ](https://scikit-learn.org/ ) - Machine Learning Library for Python
* [PyTorch ](https://pytorch.org ) - Tensor library for deep learning using GPUs and CPUs
* [Kobra ](https://kobra.dev/ ) - Visual Programming Language for Machine Learning
* [DialoGPT ](https://github.com/microsoft/DialoGPT ) - Dialogue Machine Learning Model
* [MMDeploy ](https://mmdeploy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdeploy ) - Deep Learning Model Deployment Toolset
* [MLC LLM ](https://llm.mlc.ai/ ) - Native Language Model Deployment
* [Langchain ](https://python.langchain.com ) - Build Apps via LLM / [Extract ](https://github.com/langchain-ai/langchain-extract )
* [PlugBear ](https://plugbear.io/ ) - Connect LLMs to Apps
* [GPTCache ](https://gptcache.readthedocs.io ) - LLM Response Cache
* [OpenCog ](https://opencog.org/ ) or [AForge ](https://github.com/andrewkirillov/AForge.NET ) - Artificial Intelligence Frameworks
* [Nixified ](https://nixified.ai/ ) - Nix Flake for AI Projects
* [Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem ](https://github.com/abhishekkrthakur/approachingalmost/blob/master/AAAMLP.pdf ) - Machine Learning Problem-Solving Book
* [MetaAcademy ](https://metacademy.org/ ), [AI-For-Beginners ](https://github.com/microsoft/AI-For-Beginners ), [Beginner Guides ](https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/ ) or [HF Learn ](https://huggingface.co/learn ) - Machine Learning Guides
* [ML Course Notes ](https://github.com/dair-ai/ML-Course-Notes ) - Machine Learning Course Notes
* [100-Days-Of-ML-Code ](https://github.com/Avik-Jain/100-Days-Of-ML-Code ) or [Practical Deep Learning ](https://course.fast.ai/ ) - Machine Learning Coding Lessons
* [minitorch ](https://github.com/minitorch/minitorch ) - Machine Learning Engineering Course Code
* [ML-Youtube-Courses ](https://github.com/dair-ai/ML-YouTube-Courses ) - Machine Learning Courses on YouTube
* [Cyberbotics ](https://cyberbotics.com/ ) - Robot Simulator
# ► Web Dev Tools
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2024-05-25 06:29:08 -07:00
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Static Generators ](https://myles.github.io/awesome-static-generators/ )** - Static Site Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome PHP ](https://github.com/ziadoz/awesome-php )** - PHP Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Tunneling ](https://github.com/anderspitman/awesome-tunneling )** - Tunneling Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome list of secrets in environment variables ](https://github.com/Puliczek/awesome-list-of-secrets-in-environment-variables )** - Environment Variables Secrets
* ↪️ ** [Website Creators ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_website_creators )**
* ↪️ ** [Site Mockups ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_app_.2F_site_mockups )**
* ↪️ ** [Archive / Scrape / Crawl Webpages ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_web_archiving )**
* ⭐ ** [Ray.st ](https://ray.st/ )** or [Wappalyzer ](https://www.wappalyzer.com/ ) - Identify Technologies on Websites / [Addons ](https://www.wappalyzer.com/apps/ )
* ⭐ ** [EmulatorJS ](https://emulatorjs.org/ )** - Embed Emulators on Websites
* ⭐ ** [GoAccess ](https://goaccess.io/ )** - Web Log Analyzer / [GitHub ](https://github.com/allinurl/goaccess )
* [Website Planet Tools ](https://www.websiteplanet.com/webtools/ ), [Dan's Tools ](https://www.danstools.com/ ), [Webdesign Assistant ](https://webdesign-assistant.com/ ), [xWebTools ](https://www.xwebtools.com/ ), [Tiny Helpers ](https://tiny-helpers.dev/ ), [Browserling Tools ](https://www.browserling.com/tools/ ), [WebCode ](https://webcode.tools/ ), [ToolCool ](https://toolcool.org/ ) or [CSSAuthor ](https://cssauthor.com/ ) - Site Development Tools
* [Grav ](https://getgrav.org/ ) - Flat-File CMS
* [Flux ](https://www.runonflux.io/ ) - Decentralized Cloud Infrastructure
* [URLPages ](http://jstrieb.github.io/urlpages ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/jstrieb/urlpages ) - Store Entire Pages in URLs
* [Shoelace ](https://shoelace.style/ ), [Fast ](https://www.fast.design/ ) or [Elix ](https://component.kitchen/elix ) - Web Component libraries
* [Package Web ](https://github.com/rsc/web ) - Basic Site Serving Framework
* [Web Developer ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/web-developer/bfbameneiokkgbdmiekhjnmfkcnldhhm ) - Web Developer Toolbar Extension
* [Aptabase ](https://aptabase.com/ ), [GoatCounter ](https://www.goatcounter.com/ ) or [Nibbler ](https://nibbler.insites.com/ ) - Site Analytics
* [google-indexing-script ](https://github.com/goenning/google-indexing-script ) - Google Indexing Script
* [ElasticSearch ](https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch ) - Search & Analytics Engine
* [SerPreview ](https://serpreviewtool.com/ ) - Site Search Results
* [Robots.txt Tester ](https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6062598 ) - Test Your robots.txt
* [Charles 3 ](https://www.charlesproxy.com/download/previous-release/ ) / [Activation ](https://rentry.co/FMHYBase64#charles-activate ) - Web Debugging Proxy App
* [CORS Proxy ](https://corsproxy.github.io/ ) - Free CORS Proxy
* [Tabler ](https://tabler.io/ ) - Site Admin Dashboard
* [Octopus ](https://octopus.do/sitemap ) - Site Planning Tool
* [Browser Default Styles ](https://browserdefaultstyles.com/ ) - Default Browser Style Search
* [Utom Design ](https://utom.design/measure ) - Sketch Measure
* [Typeculator ](https://typeculator.alexpaul.me/ ) - Type Scale Calculator
* [WireFlow ](https://wireflow.co/ ) - Flow Prototype Maker
* [Lenis ](https://lenis.studiofreight.com/ ) - Smooth Scroll Library
* [Open Source Guides ](https://opensource.guide/ ) - Open Source Software Tips / [GitHub ](https://github.com/github/opensource.guide )
* [SSLMate CAA ](https://sslmate.com/caa/ ) - CAA Record Helper
* [free-website-translation ](http://free-website-translation.com/ ), [transdict ](http://transdict.com/meta/website.html ) or [conveythis ](https://www.conveythis.com/ ) - Website Translators
* [Statically ](https://statically.io/ ) - Load Websites Faster
* [Qdrant ](https://qdrant.tech/ ) - Vector Database
* [Rest Test Test ](https://resttesttest.com/ ) - Test REST / CORS Services
* [WebUI ](https://webui.me/ ) - Embed WebUI Libraries in Project
* [Dagu ](https://dagu.readthedocs.io ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/dagu-dev/dagu ) - WebUI Job Manager
* [httpbin ](https://httpbin.org/ ) or [Requestbin ](https://pipedream.com/requestbin ) - HTTP Request & Response Service
* [Hydra ](https://github.com/ory/hydra ) - OAuth 2.0 Server / OpenID Connect Provider
* [Easegress ](https://github.com/megaease/easegress ) - Traffic Orchestration System
* [HITS ](https://hits.seeyoufarm.com/ ) - Website Traffic Badges
* [Partytown ](https://partytown.builder.io ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/BuilderIO/partytown ) - Relocate Scripts to Web Worker
* [Tempesta FW ](https://tempesta-tech.com/ ) - DDoS / Web Attack Protection
* [Shisho ](https://shisho.dev/ ) - Infrastructure Code Security Patcher
* [DNSDumpster ](https://dnsdumpster.com/ ), [DNS Watch ](https://dnswatch.info ) or [WhatsMyDNS ](https://whatsmydns.net/ ) - DNS Lookup / Security
* [Plow ](https://github.com/six-ddc/plow ) - HTTP Benchmarking
* [IPv6 Leak Test ](https://ip6.nl/ ), [Test-IPv6 ](https://test-ipv6.com/ ) or [IPv6 Test ](https://ipv6-test.com/ ) - IPV6 Test
* [How To Turn off IPv6 ](https://www.itechguides.com/disable-ipv6-windows-10/ ) - Prevent IPv6 Leaks
* [Flounder ](https://flounder.online/ ) - Gemini Website Builder
* [Transform ](https://transform.tools/ ) - Polyglot Web Converter
* [Framer ](https://www.framer.com/ ) - Interactive Site / App Design Tool
* [ProjectVisBug ](https://visbug.web.app ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/ProjectVisBug ) - Webpage Editor
* [Brython ](https://brython.info/ ) - Python 3 Web Scripting Language
* [BuiltWith ](https://builtwith.com/ ) - Find Out What Sites are Built With
* [Bug ](https://auz.github.io/Bug/ ) - Add Crawling Bugs to Website
* [OneLinePlayer ](https://onelineplayer.com/ ) - Vimeo / Dropbox Video Player
* [SCM Music Player ](https://www.scmplayer.net/ ), [WebAMP ](https://webamp.org/ ), [cassette-yt ](https://saint-images.github.io/player.html ) or [webdeckplayer ](https://webdeckplayer.neocities.org/ ) - Site Audio / Music Players
* [Stream Defence ](https://www.streamdefence.com/ ) - Website Video Backup System
* [MapBox ](https://www.mapbox.com/ ) or [leafletjs ](https://leafletjs.com/ ) - Live Maps, Location Search & More
* [LDRS ](https://uiball.com/ldrs/ ) - Loading Animations
* [Medusa ](https://medusajs.com ) - Digital Commerce Development Tool
* [Can I Use? ](https://caniuse.com/ ) - Browser Support Tables
* [Appwrite ](https://appwrite.io/ ) or [Shuttle ](https://www.shuttle.rs/ ) - Open-Source Backend Platforms
* [squid ](http://www.squid-cache.org/ ) - Caching Proxy / [MSI Installer ](https://squid.diladele.com/ )
* [Check for Cloudflare ](https://checkforcloudflare.selesti.com/ ) - Check Sites for Cloudflare
* [CFScanner ](https://github.com/MortezaBashsiz/CFScanner/ ), [scanner ](https://ircfspace.github.io/scanner/ ) or [cf-ip-scanner-py ](https://github.com/vfarid/cf-ip-scanner-py ) - Cloudflare IP Scanners
* [cloudflare-ip-tester-app ](https://github.com/xianshenglu/cloudflare-ip-tester-app/ ) - Cloudflare IP Tester
* [console.watch ](https://console.watch/ ) - Remote Console Polyfill for Cloudflare Workers
* [Cloudflared ](https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared ) - Cloudflare Tunnel Client
* [LightTPD ](https://www.lighttpd.net/ ) or [Caddy ](https://caddyserver.com/ ) - Web Server
* [Bash-web-server ](https://github.com/dzove855/Bash-web-server ) - Bash Web Server
* [Oracle ](https://www.oracle.com/cloud/free/ ) - Free Server Tools
* [http-server ](https://github.com/http-party/http-server ) - No Config HTTP Server
* [Apache ](https://httpd.apache.org/ ) - HTTP Server
* [h5ai ](https://larsjung.de/h5ai/ ) - HTTP Web Server Index / [GitHub ](https://github.com/lrsjng/h5ai )
* [webri.ng ](https://webri.ng/ ) - Webring Host / [GitHub ](https://github.com/webri-ng/webri.ng )
* [onionring.js ](https://garlic.garden/onionring/ ) - Webring Script
* [Webring List ](https://brisray.com/web/webring-list.htm ) - Webring Directory
* [SyAgent ](https://syagent.com/ ), [TA Vivo ](https://github.com/ta-vivo/ta-vivo ) or [HertzBeat ](https://hertzbeat.com/ ) - Server Monitors
* [BawkBox ](https://bawkbox.com/ ) - Website Widgets
* [SDWebImage ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage ) - Asynchronous Image Downloader
* [ApexCharts ](https://apexcharts.com/ ) - Add Charts to Site
* [LibreCaptcha ](https://github.com/librecaptcha/lc-core ) or [mCaptcha ](https://mcaptcha.org/ ) - Captcha Systems
* [Democaptcha ](https://democaptcha.com/demo-form-eng/hcaptcha.html ) or [ReCAPTCHA Demo ](https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo ) / [GitHub ](https://patrickhlauke.github.io/recaptcha/ ) - Captcha Demo's
* [SuperTokens ](https://supertokens.com/ ) or [Lucia ](https://lucia-auth.com/ ) - User Authentication
* [The SSO Wall of Shame ](https://sso.tax/ ) - Vendors without Built-in SSO
* [Remarkbox ](https://www.remarkbox.com/ ) or [HTML Comment Box ](https://www.htmlcommentbox.com/ ) - Site Comment Systems
* [CBox ](https://www.cbox.ws/ ), [Typebot ](https://typebot.io/ ) or [Tawk ](https://www.tawk.to/ ) - Embedded Chat App
* [Pay 2 Email ](https://pay2.email/ ) - Simple Website Contact Form
* [Seventy Seven ](https://www.seventy-seven.dev/ ) - Customer Support Tool
* [Twitcker ](https://twitcker.com/ ) - Add Twitter Feed Ticker to Site
* [Curator ](https://curator.io/ ) - Embed Social Media Feeds
* [MinIO ](https://min.io/ ) or [Filebase ](https://filebase.com/ ) - Cloud Native Object Storage
* [Traefik ](https://traefik.io/ ) - Cloud Native Stack
* [Amazon S3 ](https://aws.amazon.com/s3 ) - Cloud Object Storage Amazon Simple Service Storage / [Desktop ](https://s3browser.com/ )
* [howtheyaws ](https://github.com/upgundecha/howtheyaws ) - List of How Organizations Use AWS
* [QuickEmailVerification ](https://quickemailverification.com/ ), [Email Marker ](https://www.emailmarker.com/ ) or [ZeroBounce ](https://www.zerobounce.net/ ) - Email Verification Service
* [Improvemx ](https://improvmx.com/ ) - Domain Email Forwarding
* [Postal ](https://docs.postalserver.io/ ) - Mail Delivery Platform
* [Microlink SDK ](https://microlink.io/sdk ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/microlinkhq/sdk ), [React Tiny Link ](https://winhtaikaung.github.io/react-tiny-link/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/winhtaikaung/react-tiny-link ) or [Link Preview JS ](https://github.com/OP-Engineering/link-preview-js ) - Create Link Previews
* [V2Ray ](https://www.v2fly.org/ ) - Proxy Software
* [mitmproxy ](https://mitmproxy.org/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy ) - Analyze and modify HTTPS traffic
* [Traefik ](https://traefik.io/traefik/ ), [frp ](https://github.com/fatedier/frp ) or [reverse-proxy ](https://github.com/microsoft/reverse-proxy ) - Reverse Proxies
* [Certbot ](https://certbot.eff.org/ ) - Enable HTTPS Automatically
* [XAMPP ](https://www.apachefriends.org/ ) - PHP Development Environment
* [PHP Beautifier ](https://phpbeautifier.com/ ) - PHP Formatter
* [Clean Code PHP ](https://github.com/piotrplenik/clean-code-php ) - Clean Code for PHP
* [Valinor ](https://valinor.cuyz.io ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/CuyZ/Valinor ) - PHP Object Mapper
* [WhatPWACanDo ](https://whatpwacando.today/ ) - PWA Examples
* [Bubble ](https://bubble.io/ ), [opensilver ](https://opensilver.net/ ), [Anvil ](https://anvil.works/ ), [Symfony ](https://symfony.com/ ) / [CLI ](https://github.com/symfony-cli/symfony-cli ), [Create-react-app ](https://create-react-app.dev ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app ), [Lowdefy ](https://lowdefy.com/ ) or [Sktch.io ](https://sktch.io/ ) - Web App Creators
* [Blazor ](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/apps/aspnet/web-apps/blazor ) or [FastUI ](https://github.com/pydantic/FastUI ) - Web App UI Creators
* [Laravel ](https://laravel.com/ ) or [Lona ](https://lona-web.org/1.x/ ) - Web App Framework
* [PWABuilder ](https://www.pwabuilder.com/ ) - Turn Site into Progressive Web App
* [Chaos Frontend Toolkit ](https://chaos-frontend-toolkit.web.app/ ) - Break Your Web Apps to Improve Them
* [ZAP ](https://www.zaproxy.org/ ) - Web App Security Testing
* [PWA Screenshot Generator ](https://progressier.com/pwa-screenshots-generator ) - Generate PWA Screenshots
* [Form To Chatbot ](https://formtochatbot.com/ ) - Convert Google Form to Chatbot
* [Stackbit ](https://www.stackbit.com/ ) - JamStack Tools
* [the New Dynamic ](https://www.tnd.dev/ ) - JamStack Directory
* [NuxtJS ](https://nuxt.com/ ) - Vue Framework / [Dev Tools ](https://github.com/nuxt/devtools )
* [Arco Design ](https://arco.design/vue/en-US/docs/start ) or [Naive-UI ](https://www.naiveui.com/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/tusen-ai/naive-ui ) - Vue 3 UI Components Library
* [Vuejs Dev Tools ](https://vuejs.org/ ) - Add Vue 3 Debugging to Browser
* [Vue vben admin ](https://github.com/vbenjs/vue-vben-admin ) - Vue Admin
* [Shiki ](https://shiki.style/ ) or [Sight ](https://github.com/tsenart/sight ) - Syntax Highlighters
* [mnm ](https://mnmnotmail.org/ ) - Member Messaging Tools
* [Website Grader ](https://website.grader.com/ ) - Website Grading Tool
* [ngrok ](https://ngrok.com/ ) - Introspectable Tunnels to Localhost Tools
* [NConfig ](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tools/nginx ) - [NGINX ](https://nginx.org/ ) Server Config
* [tengine ](https://tengine.taobao.org ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/alibaba/tengine ) - NGINX with Extra Features
* [Nginx-Admins-Handbook ](https://github.com/trimstray/nginx-admins-handbook ) - Improve NGINX Performance
* [Visual CSS Editor ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/visual-css-editor/cibffnhhlfippmhdmdkcfecncoaegdkh ) - WordPress Site Designer
* [Mantiq ](https://wpmantiq.com/ ) - WordPress Visual Backend
* [WPSQLite ](https://github.com/hasinhayder/wpsqlite ) or [LocalWP ](https://localwp.com ) - WordPress Site Deployment Tools
* [Nulled Scripts ](https://www.null-scripts.net/ ), [NullJungle ](https://nulljungle.com/ ) or [Null PHP Script ](https://nullphpscript.com/ ) - Nulled Scripts
* [faustjs ](https://faustjs.org ) - WordPress Framework
* [Timber ](https://upstatement.com/timber/ ) - WordPress Theme Creator / [GitHub ](https://github.com/timber/timber )
* [KokoAnalytics ](https://www.kokoanalytics.com/ ) - WordPress Analytics
* [UUID Tools ](https://www.uuidtools.com/ ) - UUID Generator
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## ▷ Color Schemes
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2024-05-25 06:29:08 -07:00
* 🌐 ** [Colorful ](https://github.com/Siddharth11/Colorful )** - Color Scheme Resources
* ↪️ ** [Color Palette Generators ](https://www.reddit.com//r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/img-tools#wiki_.25B7_palette_generators )**
* ↪️ ** [Color Pickers ](https://www.reddit.com//r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/img-tools#wiki_.25B7_color_pickers )**
* ⭐ ** [ColorHexa ](https://www.colorhexa.com/ )** - Color Hex Encyclopedia
* ⭐ ** [Realtime Colors ](https://realtimecolors.com/ )** - Preview Color Palettes
* ⭐ ** [SpyColor ](https://www.spycolor.com/ )** or [Colouris ](https://colouris.surge.sh/ ) - Color Model Conversions
* ⭐ ** [Color & Contrast ](https://colorandcontrast.com/ )** - Color / Contrast Guide
* [ColorsAndFonts ](https://www.colorsandfonts.com/ ) - Quickly Copy Colors & Typography Combinations
* [Paletton ](https://paletton.com/ ) - Color Scheme Designer
* [Palettte ](https://palettte.app/ ) - Color Palette Editor
* [PaletteGenerator ](https://palettegenerator.com/ ) or [Alwane ](https://alwane.io/ ) - Color Palette Extractor
* [Colorable ](https://colorable.jxnblk.com/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/jxnblk/colorable ), [color.review ](https://color.review/ ), [accessible-color-matrix ](https://toolness.github.io/accessible-color-matrix/ ) or [Accessible Brand Colors ](https://abc.useallfive.com/ ) - Accessible Color Pallette Builders
* [Color Oracle ](https://colororacle.org/ ), [WhoCanUse ](https://www.whocanuse.com/ ) or [Toptal ](https://www.toptal.com/designers/colorfilter ) - Color Blindness Simulator / Tests
* [Simpler Color ](https://github.com/arnelenero/simpler-color ) - Create Web Color System
* [Stylify Me ](http://stylifyme.com/ ) - Extract Webpage Colors
* [ColorZilla ](https://www.colorzilla.com/ ) - Color Picker, Gradient Generator & more
* [uiGradients ](https://uigradients.com/ ) - Hex Gradients
* [ShaderToy ](https://www.shadertoy.com/browse ) - User-Made Shaders
* [MakeTintAndShade ](https://maketintsandshades.com/ ) - Tint and Shade Generator
* [Alphredo ](https://alphredo.app/ ) - Create Translucent Colors
* [Contrast Checker ](https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/ ) or [Colour Contrast ](https://colourcontrast.cc/ ) - Background / Text Contrast Checkers
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## ▷ Frontend Tools
2024-05-12 22:53:05 +00:00
2024-05-25 06:29:08 -07:00
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Web Animation ](https://awesome-web-animation.netlify.app/ )** - Web Animation Resources
* ↪️ ** [Icon Download Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/img-tools#wiki_.25B7_icons_.2F_svgs )**
* ↪️ ** [Design Resources ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/img-tools#wiki_.25BA_design_resources )** or [Open Source Design ](https://opensourcedesign.net/ )
* ↪️ ** [Website Templates ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_website_templates )**
* ↪️ ** [Wordpress Themes ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_wordpress_themes )**
* ⭐ ** [Design Checklist ](https://www.checklist.design/ )** or [Front-End Checklist ](https://frontendchecklist.io/ ) - Front-End Development Checklist
* [Aspect ](https://aspect.app/ ) or [OpenUI ](https://github.com/wandb/openui ) - Make UI with AI
* [Contentdrips ](https://contentdrips.com/ ) or [CreatorKit ](https://creatorkit.com/ ) - Brand Design Tools
* [SuperNova ](https://www.supernova.io/ ) - Design System Manager
* [Interplay ](https://interplayapp.com/ ) - Product Design Tool
* [CollectUI ](https://collectui.com/ ), [Hoverstat ](https://www.hoverstat.es/ ), [httpster ](https://httpster.net/ ), [Wave Guide ](https://www.waveguide.io/ ), [ReallyGoodUX ](https://goodux.appcues.com/ ) or [Pageflows ](https://pageflows.com/ ) - UI Design Ideas
* [StoryBook ](https://storybook.js.org/ ) or [Mockend ](https://mockend.com/ ) - UI Development Tools
* [Tkinter Designer ](https://github.com/ParthJadhav/Tkinter-Designer ) - Create Python GUI
* [UI Design Daily ](https://www.uidesigndaily.com/ ) or [UIVerse ](https://uiverse.io/ ) - Free UI Design Resources
* [Open UI ](https://open-ui.org/ ) - Open Standard UI
* [CodeMyUI ](https://codemyui.com/ ) or [Semantic UI ](https://semantic-ui.com/ ) - User Interface Code Snippets
* [Icon Shelf ](https://icon-shelf.github.io/ ) - Icon Manager
* [Favicon Maker ](https://formito.com/tools/favicon ) or [Favicon Generator ](https://www.favicon-generator.org/ ) - Create Favicons
* [Icon Horse ](https://icon.horse/ ) or [Favicone ](https://favicone.com/ ) - Download a Sites Favicon / [Note ](https://pastebin.com/Awnn50HX )
* [Meta-Mapper ](https://meta-mapper.com/ ) - Website Metadata Thumbnails
* [SREWorks ](https://github.com/alibaba/SREWorks ) - Operation & Maintenance Platform
* [the component gallery ](https://component.gallery/ ) - Design Components Gallery
* [Scrollbar.app ](https://scrollbar.app/ ) - Design Custom Scrollbars
* [LogoTaco ](https://www.logotaco.com/ ) - Project Logos
* [Emanote ](https://emanote.srid.ca/ ) - Create Sites from Plain-Text Notes / [GitHub ](https://github.com/srid/emanote )
* [Plunker ](https://plnkr.co/ ) or [Bloo ](https://bloouikit.com/ ) - Prototype / Test Websites Idea
* [WebDesignMuseum ](https://www.webdesignmuseum.org/ ) - Website Designs Over Time
* [Bootstrap ](https://getbootstrap.com/ ) - Mobile Site Creator / [Icons ](https://icons.getbootstrap.com/ ) / [Snippets ](https://bootsnipp.com/ ) / [UI Components ](https://mdbootstrap.com/ ) / [Templates ](https://bootswatch.com/ ), [2 ](https://bootstraptaste.com/ )
* [PsdRepo ](https://psdrepo.com/ ) - Templates, Mockups, Logos, Videos
* [Daft Page ](https://daftpage.com/ ) - Landing Page Creator
* [LandingPage ](https://landingpage.fyi/index.html ) - Landing Page Tool Index
* [SaaS Pages ](https://saaspages.xyz/ ), [SaaS Landing Page ](https://saaslandingpage.com/ ) or [lapa ](https://www.lapa.ninja/ ) - Landing Page Templates / Ideas
* [Zeplin ](https://zeplin.io/ ) - Design Templates / Editor
* [Codebases ](https://github.com/reacttips-dev/codebases ) - ReactJS Project Source Codes
* [vite ](https://vitejs.dev/ ) or [layoutit ](https://layoutit.com/ ) - Frontend Development Tools
* [Frontend Development ](https://github.com/dypsilon/frontend-dev-bookmarks ) - Frontend Development Resources
* [BoxCoding ](https://www.avabucks.it/ ) - Frontend CSS Components
* [Hydrogen ](https://github.com/Shopify/hydrogen ) - Online Store Templates
* [MicroCopy ](https://www.microcopy.me ) - Copy Common Website Text
* [RoughAnnotations ](https://roughnotation.com/ ) - Webpage Annotations / Animations
* [SVGX ](https://svgx.app/ ) - SVG Assets Manager
* [SVG2JSX ](https://svg2jsx.com/ ) - SVG to JSX Converter
* [Pattern Monster ](https://pattern.monster/ ) - SVG Pattern Generator
* [Broider ](https://maxbittker.github.io/broider/ ) - Create Border Designs
* [ShapeDivider ](https://www.shapedivider.app/ ) - Make SVG Shape Divider
* [SVG Path ](https://svg-path-visualizer.netlify.app/ ) - SVG Path Visualizer
* [svg-path-editor ](https://yqnn.github.io/svg-path-editor/ ) - SVG Path Editor
* [Get Waves ](https://getwaves.io/ ), [Wavelry ](https://wavelry.vercel.app/ ), [SVGWave ](https://svgwave.in/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/anup-a/svgwave ) or [SVG Wave ](https://www.softr.io/tools/svg-wave-generator ) - SVG Wave Generators
* [Blobmaker ](https://www.blobmaker.app/ ) - SVG Blob Generator
* [Lorem.space ](https://lorem.space/ ), [Placeholdifier ](https://github.com/pomber/placeholdifier ), [PlaceHolder ](https://placeholder.pics/ ), [PicSum ](https://picsum.photos/ ) or [FakeIMG ](https://fakeimg.pl/ ) - Site Placeholder Images
* [MinimalAvatars ](https://minimalavatars.com/ ) - Minimal Site Avatars
* [Visiwig ](https://www.visiwig.com/ ) - Copy / Paste Site Graphics
* [WebDesigner ](https://webdesigner.withgoogle.com/ ), [T3 ](https://github.com/tooll3/t3 ), [Theatre.js ](https://www.theatrejs.com/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/theatre-js/theatre ), [GSAP ](https://gsap.com/ ), [Stylie ](https://jeremyckahn.github.io/stylie/ ), [RenderForest ](https://www.renderforest.com ), [Mantra ](https://jeremyckahn.github.io/mantra/ ) or [Animate.css ](https://animate.style/ ) - Create Interactive Motion Graphics
* [useAnimations ](https://useanimations.com/index.html ) or [LordIcon ](https://lordicon.com/ ) - Animated Icons
* [Cursor Effects ](https://tholman.com/cursor-effects/ ) - 90's Style Cursors
* [NakerApp ](https://app.naker.io/back/ ) - Interactive Background Maker
* [Error404 ](https://error404.fun/ ) - Free 404 Pages
* [HTTP Cats ](https://http.cat/ ) - Put Cat Pictures in Your Status Codes
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## ▷ Hosting Tools
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2024-05-25 06:29:08 -07:00
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Cloudflare ](https://github.com/irazasyed/awesome-cloudflare )** - Cloudflare Resources
* 🌐 ** [VPS Comparison Chart ](https://lowendstock.com/deals/ )** or [Bitcoin VPS ](https://bitcoin-vps.com/ ) - VPS Comparisons
* ↪️ ** [Free Webhosting Sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_free_webhosting_sites )**
* ↪️ ** [Free DNS Servers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_free_dns_servers )**
* ↪️ ** [Domain Info Tools ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_domain_info_tools )**
* ↪️ ** [Domain Availability ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_domain_availability )**
* ⭐ ** [Offshore.CAT ](https://offshore.cat/ )** - DMCA Ignoring Hosting List
* ⭐ ** [Check-Host ](https://check-host.net/ )**, [StatPing ](https://github.com/statping/statping ), [Uptime ](https://betterstack.com/uptime ), [Uptime Kuma ](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma ), [Highlight ](https://www.highlight.io/ ), [AreWeDown? ](https://github.com/shukriadams/arewedown ), [UptimeRobot ](https://uptimerobot.com/ ) or [24x7 ](https://www.site24x7.com/tools.html ) - Site Uptime Monitors
* [GoodBadISPs ](https://gitlab.torproject.org/legacy/trac/-/wikis/doc/GoodBadISPs ) - Best ISPs for Tor Hosting
* [Server Hunter ](https://www.serverhunter.com/ ) - Search / Compare Servers
* [Sentora ](https://sentora.org/ ) or [Moonlight ](https://github.com/Moonlight-Panel/Moonlight ) - Web Hosting Panels
* [SegFault ](https://shell.segfault.net/ ) - Disposable Root Servers
* [GetDeploying ](https://getdeploying.com/ ) - Compare Cloud Providers
* [DNSPerf ](https://www.dnsperf.com/dns-providers-list/ ) - DNS Provider Rankings
* [GRC DNSBench ](https://www.grc.com/dns/benchmark.htm ) - DNS Benchmark
* [DNS over HTTPS ](https://github.com/curl/curl/wiki/DNS-over-HTTPS ) - HTTPS DoH Queries
* [DNS Propagation ](https://dnspropagation.net/ ) - DNS Checker
* [Meta Tag Gen ](https://lewdev.github.io/apps/meta-tag-gen/ ), [OpenGraph ](https://www.opengraph.xyz/ ) or [MetaTags ](https://metatags.io/ ) - Meta Tag Generators
* [DNForum ](https://www.dnforum.com/ ) - Domain Name Forum
* [WorthBuck ](https://worthbuck.com/ ) or [SitePriace ](https://www.siteprice.org/ ) - Domain Price Estimations
* [HaveIBeenSquatted ](https://haveibeensquatted.com ) - Typosquatting Discovery Tool
* [iana ](https://www.iana.org/ ), [arin ](https://www.arin.net/ ), [lacnic ](https://www.lacnic.net/ ), [afrinic ](https://www.afrinic.net/ ) or [apnic ](https://www.apnic.net/ ) - Internet Registry Sites
* [takingnames ](https://takingnames.io/blog/instant-subdomains ), [GetFreeDomain ](https://www.getfreedomain.name/ ) or [EU.org ](https://nic.eu.org/ ) / [2 ](https://nic.ua/en/domains/.pp.ua ) - Free Subdomains
* [Homepage ](https://github.com/benphelps/homepage ), [Flame ](https://github.com/pawelmalak/flame ), [Homer ](https://github.com/bastienwirtz/homer ) or [Dashy ](https://dashy.to/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/lissy93/dashy ) - Home Server Startpages
* [TheDev ](https://thedev.id/ ) - Free Developer Subdomains
* [redirect.name ](https://redirect.name/ ) - URL Forwarding
* [PingDom ](https://tools.pingdom.com ) - Ping Website
* [Kener ](https://kener.ing/ ) - Self-Hosted Status Page
* [Oracle VPS ](https://rentry.co/oraclevps ) - VPS
* [Hitch ](https://hitch-tls.org/ ) - SSL / TLS Proxy
* [acme.sh ](https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh ) - Auto Issues / Certificate Renewal
* [Let's Encrypt ](https://letsencrypt.org/ ) - Free TLS Certificates
* [SSL for Free ](https://www.sslforfree.com/ ) or [ZeroSSL ](https://zerossl.com/ ) - Free SSL Certificates
* [CertAlert ](https://certalert.net/ ) - Alerts you when a TLS/SSL Certificate Expires
* [mkcert ](https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert ) - Locally Trusted Development Certificates
* [SSL Config Generator ](https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/ ) - Generate SSL Configurations
* [Sandstorm ](https://sandstorm.org/ ), [Cosmos ](https://cosmos-cloud.io/ ) or [CloudRon ](https://www.cloudron.io/ ) - Web App Hosts
* [vichan ](https://vichan.info ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/vichan-devel/vichan ) or [overscript ](https://overscript.net/ ) - Imageboard Hosting
* [ProBoards ](https://www.proboards.com/ ) - Forum & Imageboard Hosting
* [MyBB ](https://www.mybb.com/ ), [FreeFlarum ](https://freeflarum.com/ ) or [PHPBB ](https://www.phpbb.com/ ) - Forum Hosting
* [Media Wiki ](https://www.mediawiki.org/ ), [xWiki ](https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ ), [DokuWiki ](https://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki ), [Miraheze ](https://miraheze.org/ ), [wikmd ](https://linbreux.github.io/wikmd/ ) or [Fandom ](https://www.fandom.com/ ) - Host Free Wiki
* [HumHub ](https://www.humhub.com ) or [scuttlebutt ](https://scuttlebutt.nz/ ) - Self-Hosted Social Network
* [UNIT3D Community Edition ](https://github.com/HDInnovations/UNIT3D-Community-Edition ) - Private Tracker Hosting
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## ▷ Regex Tools
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2024-05-25 06:29:08 -07:00
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Regex ](https://github.com/aloisdg/awesome-regex )** - Regex Resources
* ⭐ ** [Regex Vis ](https://regex-vis.com/ )**, [Regulex ](https://jex.im/regulex/ ), [Regexper ](https://regexper.com/ ) - Regex Visualizer
* ⭐ ** [RegexLearn ](https://regexlearn.com/ )**, [refrf.dev ](https://refrf.dev/ ) or [learn-regex ](https://github.com/ziishaned/learn-regex ) - Learn Regex
* ⭐ ** [RegExr ](https://regexr.com/ )**, [Rubular ](https://rubular.com/ ) or [Regex101 ](https://regex101.com/ ) - Regex Editors
* ⭐ ** [grex ](https://pemistahl.github.io/grex-js/ )** or [Regex Generator ](https://regex-generator.olafneumann.org/ ) - Regex Generators
* [RegexOne ](https://regexone.com/ ) - Regex Practice
* [iHateRegex ](https://ihateregex.io/ ) - Regex Patterns
* [Melody ](https://yoav-lavi.github.io/melody/book/ ) - Compile to Regex / [GitHub ](https://github.com/yoav-lavi/melody )
* [PyRegex ](http://www.pyregex.com/ ) - Python Regex Playground
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## ▷ Benchmark Tools
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2024-05-25 06:29:08 -07:00
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Accessibility ](https://github.com/brunopulis/awesome-a11y )** - Accessibility Tools Index
* ⭐ ** [LightTest ](https://lightest.app/ )**, [Yellow Lab Tools ](https://yellowlab.tools/ ), [PageSpeed ](https://pagespeed.web.dev/ ), [SpeedVitals ](https://speedvitals.com/ ), [PageSpeed Compare ](https://pagespeed.compare/ ), [GTmetrix ](https://gtmetrix.com/ ) or [Websu ](https://websu.io/ ) - Test Webpage Speed
* ⭐ ** [Geekflare Tools ](https://domsignal.com/toolbox )** or [Frontend Dogma ](https://frontenddogma.com/tools/check/ ) - Site Benchmarking Tools
* [LambDatest ](https://www.lambdatest.com/ ) - Cross Browser Testing Cloud
* [Accessibility Guide ](https://accessibility.18f.gov/checklist/ ), [Pa11y ](https://pa11y.org/ ), [Wave ](https://wave.webaim.org/ ), [MagentaA11y ](https://www.magentaa11y.com/ ), [Andi ](https://www.ssa.gov/accessibility/andi/help/install.html ) or [A11ygator ](https://a11ygator.chialab.io/ ) - Accessibility Evaluation Tools
* [Accessibility Insights ](https://accessibilityinsights.io/ ) - Fix Accessibility Issues
* [Accessibility Cheatsheet ](https://moritzgiessmann.de/accessibility-cheatsheet/ ) or [A11Project ](https://www.a11yproject.com/checklist ) - Site Accessibility Guidelines
* [Web Vitals Leaderboard ](https://vitals-leaderboard.pazguille.me/ ), [CodSpeed ](https://codspeed.io/ ) or [Lighthouse Metrics ](https://lighthouse-metrics.com/ ) - Website Performance Tests
* [Prometheus ](https://prometheus.io/ ) - Site Metrics / [Setup ](https://thanos.io/ )
* [Carbon Calculator ](https://www.websitecarbon.com/ ) - Estimate Sites Carbon Footprint
* [Site Inspector ](https://www.getsiteinspector.com/ ) - Check Site for Spelling / Grammatical Errors
* [UX Check ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ux-check/giekhiebdpmljgchjojblnekkcgpdobp ) - Site Heuristic Evaluation
* [Testmail ](https://testmail.app/ ) - Site Signup Test
* [Responsive Viewer ](https://responsiveviewer.org/ ) - Test Site on Multiple Screen Types / [Chrome ](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/responsive-viewer/inmopeiepgfljkpkidclfgbgbmfcennb )
* [Responsively ](https://responsively.app/ ), [ResponsiveTestTool ](https://responsivetesttool.com/ ), [Responsivize ](https://virejdasani.github.io/Responsivize/ ) or [Am I Responsive ](https://ui.dev/amiresponsive ) - Website Responsiveness Tests
* [LightHouse ](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse ) - Web App Performance Test
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# ► Cybersecurity Tools
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Cyber Security ](https://github.com/fabionoth/awesome-cyber-security )**, [Awesome Security ](https://github.com/sbilly/awesome-security ), [Rawsec's CyberSecurity Inventory ](https://inventory.raw.pm/ ), [Cybersecurity-Resources ](https://github.com/Nickyie/Cybersecurity-Resources ), [Infosec Resources ](https://github.com/stong/infosec-resources ) or [Anon Security ](https://t.me/anon_server ) - Cybersecurity Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome CI/CD Security ](https://github.com/myugan/awesome-cicd-security )** - CI/CD Security Resources
* 🌐 ** [Awesome Cryptography ](https://github.com/sobolevn/awesome-cryptography )** - Cryptography Resources
* [Open Source Security Software ](https://open-source-security-software.net/ ) - Cybersecurity Software
* [Advisory Database ](https://github.com/github/advisory-database ), [ThreatFox ](https://threatfox.abuse.ch/ ) or [Att&ck ](https://attack.mitre.org/ ) - Cybersecurity Defense Databases
* [SSuite ](https://spidersuite.github.io/SSuite/ ) - Web Security App
* [osquery ](https://osquery.io ) or [Nmap ](https://nmap.org/ ) - Security Monitors
* [Canarytokens ](https://canarytokens.org/generate ) - Network Breach Check
* [Nuclei ](https://docs.projectdiscovery.io/tools/nuclei ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei ) or [NVD ](https://nvd.nist.gov/ ) - Vulnerability Tracking / Scanning
* [Zeek ](https://zeek.org/ ), [Nmap ](https://nmap.org/ ) / [Results ](https://nmap.org/ndiff/ ), [Kismet ](https://www.kismetwireless.net/ ), [ntop ](https://www.ntop.org/ ) or [Sniffnet ](https://www.sniffnet.net/ ) - Network Monitors
* [Crowdsec ](https://crowdsec.net/ ) - Crowd-Sourced Intrusion Detection / Prevention / [GitHub ](https://github.com/crowdsecurity/crowdsec )
* [X-Force Exchange ](https://exchange.xforce.ibmcloud.com/ ) - Security Threat Intelligence Platform
* [ThreatMap ](https://threatmap.checkpoint.com/ ) or [CyberMap ](https://cybermap.kaspersky.com/ ) - Live Malware Distribution Maps
* [VirusShare ](https://virusshare.com/ ), [PulseDive ](https://pulsedive.com/ ) or [Malpedia ](https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/ ) - Malware Search
* [The Void ](https://www.thevoid.community/ ) - Software Incident Reports
* [Fail2Ban ](https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban ) - Protect Servers from Brute Force Attacks
* [OpenSCA-CLI ](https://github.com/XmirrorSecurity/OpenSCA-cli ) - Composition Analysis for Third Party Components
* [Unblob ](https://unblob.org/ ) - Extraction Suite
* [Security Onion Solutions ](https://securityonionsolutions.com/ ), [Wazuh ](https://wazuh.com/ ) or [Snyk ](https://snyk.io/ ) / [GitHub ](https://github.com/snyk/cli ) - Site Security Monitor
* [Greenbone ](https://github.com/greenbone ) - Vulnerability Management
* [Evervault ](https://evervault.com/ ) - Security / Compliance Infrastructure
* [HTTPToolkit ](https://httptoolkit.com/ ) - Debug, Test & Build with HTTP(S)
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* [IP Intelligence ](https://getipintel.net/ ), [AbuseIPDB ](https://www.abuseipdb.com/ ) or [Proxy Check ](https://proxycheck.io/ ) - Proxy / VPN / Bad IP Detection
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* [DarkVisitors ](https://darkvisitors.com/ ) - Autonomous Chatbots / Data Scraper List
* [Al-Khaser ](https://github.com/LordNoteworthy/al-khaser ) - Anti-Malware Stress Test
* [HTTPLeaks ](https://github.com/cure53/HTTPLeaks ) - HTTP Sites Leak Information
* [Cryptography ](https://pub.dev/packages/cryptography ) - Dart and Flutter Cryptography Library
* [CVE Details ](https://www.cvedetails.com/ ) - CVE Details
* [YASNAC ](https://github.com/RikkaW/YASNAC ) - SafetyNet Attestation Checker
* [AllSafe ](https://github.com/t0thkr1s/allsafe ) - Intentionally Vulnerable Android App
* [ClassyShark ](https://github.com/google/android-classyshark ) - Android/Java Bytecode Viewer
## ▷ Reverse Engineering
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* 🌐 ** [CTF Sites ](https://ctfsites.github.io/ )** - CTF Challenge Site Index
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* 🌐 ** [Reverse Engineering Resources ](https://github.com/wtsxDev/reverse-engineering )** - Reverse Engineering Resources
* ↪️ ** [Pentesting Resources ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_pentesting_resources )**
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* ⭐ ** [GHIDRA ](https://ghidra-sre.org/ )** - Reverse Engineering
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* ⭐ ** [x64dbg ](https://x64dbg.com/ )** - Debugger for Reverse Engineering
* ⭐ ** [RevShells ](https://www.revshells.com/ )** - Reverse Shell Generator
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* [Radare ](https://rada.re/r/ ) - Reverse Engineering
* [Rizin ](https://rizin.re/ ) - Reverse Engineering
* [Frida ](https://frida.re/ ) - Reverse Engineering
* [Cutter ](https://cutter.re/ ) - Reverse Engineering
* [Reverse Engineer's Toolkit ](https://github.com/mentebinaria/retoolkit ) - Reverse Engineering
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* [Flare VM ](https://github.com/mandiant/flare-vm ) - Reverse Engineering Environment Setup Script
* [MSTG ](https://mas.owasp.org/ ) or [DVIA-v2 ](https://github.com/prateek147/DVIA-v2 ) - App Security Testing / Reverse Engineering
* [challenges.re ](https://challenges.re/ ) - Reverse Engineer Code