Updated 📂 Miscellaneous (markdown)

nbats 2024-07-14 02:38:49 -07:00
parent e48cde52ed
commit 622b5f538a

@ -1401,7 +1401,8 @@
* 🌐 **[Funny / Useless Sites](https://rentry.org/aksry2vc)** * 🌐 **[Funny / Useless Sites](https://rentry.org/aksry2vc)**
* 🌐 **[Websites From Hell](https://websitesfromhell.net/)** - Shitty Websites * 🌐 **[Websites From Hell](https://websitesfromhell.net/)** - Shitty Websites
* 🌐 **[404PageFound](https://www.404pagefound.com/)** - Old Websites * 🌐 **[404PageFound](https://www.404pagefound.com/)** - Old Websites
* ↪️ **[Random Sites](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_random_generators)** - Random Site Generators * ↪️ **[Random Generators](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/storage#wiki_random_generators)** - Random Site Generators
* ⭐ **[Vijay's Virtual Vibes](https://vijaysvibes.uk/)** - Find Random Sites / [iFrame Version](https://vijaysvibes.uk/iframe-version.html)
* ⭐ **[Project Random](https://0xbeef.co.uk/random)** or [The Red Button](https://clicktheredbutton.com/) - Random Video / Song Generators * ⭐ **[Project Random](https://0xbeef.co.uk/random)** or [The Red Button](https://clicktheredbutton.com/) - Random Video / Song Generators
* ⭐ **[Copypasta Text](https://copypastatext.com/)** or [CopyPastaDB](https://copypastadb.com/) - Copypasta Databases * ⭐ **[Copypasta Text](https://copypastatext.com/)** or [CopyPastaDB](https://copypastadb.com/) - Copypasta Databases
* ⭐ **[CreepyPasta](https://www.creepypasta.com/)** - Creepypasta Database * ⭐ **[CreepyPasta](https://www.creepypasta.com/)** - Creepypasta Database
@ -1410,7 +1411,18 @@
* ⭐ **[Drinking Game Zone](https://drinkinggamezone.com/)** - Drinking Games Encyclopedia * ⭐ **[Drinking Game Zone](https://drinkinggamezone.com/)** - Drinking Games Encyclopedia
* ⭐ **[PokeSmash](https://pokesmash.xyz/)** - Pokémon Smash or Pass * ⭐ **[PokeSmash](https://pokesmash.xyz/)** - Pokémon Smash or Pass
* ⭐ **[Library of Babel](https://libraryofbabel.info/)** - Every Book of Past, Present, and Future * ⭐ **[Library of Babel](https://libraryofbabel.info/)** - Every Book of Past, Present, and Future
* [Bouncing DVD Logo](https://www.bouncingdvdlogo.com/) - DVD Logo Screen * [The Red Button](https://clicktheredbutton.com/) - Find Random Sites
* [BoredButton](https://www.boredbutton.com/) - Find Random Sites
* [Sharkle!](https://sharkle.com/) - Find Random Sites
* [The Useless Web](https://theuselessweb.com/), [2](https://theuselessweb.site/) - Find Random Sites
* [JumpStick](https://jumpstick.app/) - Find Random Sites
* [OpenBulkURL](https://openbulkurl.com/random/) - Find Random Sites
* [The Forest](https://theforest.link/) - Find Random Sites
* [WhatsMYIP](http://random.whatsmyip.org/) - Find Random Sites
* [Random-Website](https://random-website.com/) - Find Random Sites
* [Wilderness Land](https://wilderness.land/) - Find Random Sites
* [CloudHiker](https://cloudhiker.net/) - Find Random Sites
* [Moonjump](https://moonjump.app/) - Find Random Sites
* [Things to Do](https://randomthingstodo.com/), [HobbyGenerator](https://hobbygenerator.com/) or [TheZen](https://thezen.zone/) - Activity Suggestions * [Things to Do](https://randomthingstodo.com/), [HobbyGenerator](https://hobbygenerator.com/) or [TheZen](https://thezen.zone/) - Activity Suggestions
* [BoozeTube](https://boozetube.netlify.app/) - Turn Videos in Drinking Games * [BoozeTube](https://boozetube.netlify.app/) - Turn Videos in Drinking Games
* [rrrather](https://rrrather.com/) - Would You Rather * [rrrather](https://rrrather.com/) - Would You Rather
@ -1439,13 +1451,7 @@
* [Satania](https://satania.moe/) - Satania Waifu / [GitHub](https://github.com/Pizzacus/satania.moe) * [Satania](https://satania.moe/) - Satania Waifu / [GitHub](https://github.com/Pizzacus/satania.moe)
* [Skynet](https://pierrepapierciseaux.net/.skynet/?lang=en) - View Websites like they're from the 90's * [Skynet](https://pierrepapierciseaux.net/.skynet/?lang=en) - View Websites like they're from the 90's
* [CameronsWorld](https://www.cameronsworld.net/) - 90's Themed Website * [CameronsWorld](https://www.cameronsworld.net/) - 90's Themed Website
* [World's Highest Website](https://worlds-highest-website.com/) - World's Longest Website
* [Classic GTA Sites](https://classicgtasites.com/) - Original GTA Site * [Classic GTA Sites](https://classicgtasites.com/) - Original GTA Site
* [Space Jam 1996](https://www.spacejam.com/1996/) - Original Space Jam Site
* [Mario Mayhem](https://www.mariomayhem.com/) - Mario Fansite
* [ILoveJarJarBinks](https://ilovejarjarbinks.tripod.com/) - Jar Jar Binks Fansite
* [User Inyerface](https://userinyerface.com/) - Worlds Most Annoying Website
* [TheMostAmazingWebsiteOnTheInternet](http://www.themostamazingwebsiteontheinternet.com/) - The Internets Best Website
* [Objection!](https://objection.lol/) - Ace Attorney Objecting on Your Behalf * [Objection!](https://objection.lol/) - Ace Attorney Objecting on Your Behalf
* [The Death Generator](https://deathgenerator.com/) - Video Game Text Generator * [The Death Generator](https://deathgenerator.com/) - Video Game Text Generator
* [IASIP App](https://iasip.app/) - It's Always Sunny Title Generator * [IASIP App](https://iasip.app/) - It's Always Sunny Title Generator
@ -1465,28 +1471,3 @@
* [Hair on Screen](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/hair-on-screen/egkikapjpndmjflbjjoondbihalgdjco) - Fake Hair on Screen Prank * [Hair on Screen](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/hair-on-screen/egkikapjpndmjflbjjoondbihalgdjco) - Fake Hair on Screen Prank
* [Hacktyper](https://hackertyper.net/), [Hoacks](https://hoacks.com/) or [Geektyper](https://geektyper.com/) - Fake Hacking Screen * [Hacktyper](https://hackertyper.net/), [Hoacks](https://hoacks.com/) or [Geektyper](https://geektyper.com/) - Fake Hacking Screen
* [VeryLegit](https://verylegit.link/) or [Urlify](http://urlify.io/) - Make links look shady * [VeryLegit](https://verylegit.link/) or [Urlify](http://urlify.io/) - Make links look shady
* [Busy Simulator](https://busysimulator.com/) - Pretend You're Busy
* [PointerPointer](https://pointerpointer.com/) - Get Your Pointer Pointed At
* [Splits](https://mana.works/splits) - Split or Fall
* [Moments of Happiness](https://moments.epic.net/) - Animated WebGL Animals
* [Pablo The Flamingo](https://pablotheflamingo.com/) - Party with Pablo
* [The Pug in the Rug](https://puginarug.com/) - Watch the Pug be in the Rug
* [MTA](http://mta.me/) - Create Sounds via NY Subway Movement
* [Robotics.ovh](https://robotics.ovh/) - Robotics Dance
* [StaggeringBeauty](http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/) - Party Worm (Warning: Contains Flashing Images)
* [Slap Kirk](https://www.slapkirk.com/) - Slap Captain Kirk
* [Slap Chris](https://slapchris.com/) - Slap Chris Rock
* [Eel Slap](https://www.eelslap.com/) - Slap Guy with Eel
* [Slide Ventura](https://slideventura.com/) - Ace Ventura Sliding Door Simulator
* [CAT BOUNCE!](https://cat-bounce.com/) - Bounce Cats
* [Long Doge Challenge](https://longdogechallenge.com/) - Worlds Longest Doge
* [Endless Horse](http://endless.horse/) - Worlds Longest Horse
* [Money printer go BRRR](https://brrr.money/) - Print it, baby!
* [You wouldn't steal a website](https://youwouldntsteala.website/) - Steal a Website
* [Shell Color Scripts](https://gitlab.com/dwt1/shell-color-scripts) - Terminal Color Scripts
* [Bad Licenses](https://github.com/ErikMcClure/bad-licenses) - Funny Open Source Licenses Index
* [Vim Cubed](https://github.com/oakes/vim_cubed) - Generate Cube Vim Text Editor
* [Typewaiter](https://oisinmoran.com/typewaiter) - Endlessly Moving Typewriter
* [Fontbutts](https://fontbutts.netlify.app/) - Create Butts with Different Fonts
* [Do not open the door](http://mexicans.eu/) - Don't you dare...
* [Dial-Up Sound](https://www.dialupsound.com/) - Dial-Up Sounds