import feedparser from mastodon import Mastodon import os import time # Replace these with your Mastodon application details and access token MASTODON_CLIENT_ID = os.environ['MASTODON_CLIENT_ID'] MASTODON_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ['MASTODON_CLIENT_SECRET'] MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN = os.environ['MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN'] MASTODON_INSTANCE_URL = os.environ['MASTODON_INSTANCE_URL'] TOOT_VISIBILITY = os.environ['TOOT_VISIBILITY'] # Toot visibility ('public', 'unlisted', 'private', or 'direct') # RSS feed URL RSS_FEED_URL = os.environ['RSS_FEED_URL'] TAG1 = os.environ['TAG1'] TAG2 = os.environ['TAG2'] TAG3 = os.environ['TAG3'] # File to store the processed entry URLs. Note that /state directory is for the docker setup PROCESSED_ENTRIES_FILE = '/state/processed_entries.txt' # Time delay between RSS checks (in seconds) CHECK_INTERVAL = os.environ['CHECK_INTERVAL'] # Check interval in seconds # Initialize Mastodon client mastodon = Mastodon( client_id=MASTODON_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=MASTODON_CLIENT_SECRET, access_token=MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN, api_base_url=MASTODON_INSTANCE_URL ) # Function to load processed entry URLs from a file def load_processed_entries(): try: with open(PROCESSED_ENTRIES_FILE, 'r') as file: return set( except FileNotFoundError: return set() # Function to save processed entry URLs to a file def save_processed_entries(processed_entries): with open(PROCESSED_ENTRIES_FILE, 'w') as file: file.write('\n'.join(processed_entries)) # Function to check and post new RSS items def check_and_post_new_items(): while True: print("Checking for new RSS items...") # Load processed entry URLs from the file processed_entries = load_processed_entries() # Parse the RSS feed feed = feedparser.parse(RSS_FEED_URL) for entry in feed.entries: entry_url = # Check if the entry is new (not in the processed_entries set) if entry_url not in processed_entries: print(f"Found a new RSS item: {entry.title}") # Create a Mastodon status status = f"\n{entry.title}\n\n{}\n\n{TAG1} {TAG2} {TAG3}" # Post the status to Mastodon mastodon.status_post(status, visibility=TOOT_VISIBILITY) # Add the entry URL to the processed_entries set processed_entries.add(entry_url) # Save the updated processed_entries set to the file save_processed_entries(processed_entries) print("Sleeping for", CHECK_INTERVAL, "seconds...") # Wait for the specified interval before checking again time.sleep(int(CHECK_INTERVAL)) if __name__ == "__main__": check_and_post_new_items()